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Messages - serakfalcon

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For what it's worth, I'm often playing on unreliable wifi, at home, my ISP is fast but not entirely stable so every now and then it craps out, and my mouse has a few extra buttons on the side, which trigger the "forward" and "back" actions in the browser, so basically if I hit one of them by accident I lose the page. One of the above things happens at least once a day (also, the way the site is configured, if your internet drops during your opponents' turn it looks like they are thinking, so it's not so obvious that it's your problem not theirs).

 I'm quite happy I can rejoin games. 5 minutes to wait for someone who doesn't have the courtesy to resign is annoying, but it's not the end of the world for me at least.

Dominion FAQ / Wall and Reserve Cards
« on: January 10, 2017, 09:47:44 am »
Are Reserve Cards in your deck?
So for example, with Distant Lands, should it be counted against the total cards in your deck for the purposes of scoring Wall? Or does it not count since it's on the mat and not 'in your deck'?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Bot "Pro" Games Effect Leaderboard
« on: September 24, 2014, 05:28:31 am »

My dominion skills do not translate to grammar skills.

You mean they do not effect them?

Did you do that on porpoise?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Who is Maiden Abigail?
« on: August 30, 2014, 11:46:53 am »
Adventure games count towards Pro ranking right now, they don't even change the Adventure ranking.

So, if I were to grind the adventures over and over, I could overtake Stef on the leader board.  ::)
Oops with my code that's not going to be hard either

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Update 8 August 2014
« on: August 29, 2014, 03:50:00 am »
I'm still waiting for a way to get enough VP tokens to buy Prince.

Never gonna happen.

I bought my cards late and I saved 100 shields specifically for prince. But it costs 200  :'(

Goko Dominion Online / Accidental Single Player
« on: August 22, 2014, 11:32:35 am »
So, this happened:

I still have no idea how, but somehow when I went to start a game I got to play all by myself. I'm not sure how that's possible?

On another note I had a dream that Online Dominion was super fast and awesome and I was disappointed when I woke up.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Who is Maiden Abigail?
« on: August 18, 2014, 11:15:39 am »
I am Spartacus.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Best Expansion for 4-Player Tournament
« on: August 05, 2014, 03:17:53 am »
Personally I find Prosperity to be more interesting, (or even Prosperity/Intrigue) though if you can take two sets you can probably make a modified storage solution that could fit all of them in.

On another note, to make the logistics easier, you could make the kingdoms random but select them in advance so that the cards don't overlap too much, and have the 5 rounds rotate through the kingdoms, which would reduce the cards needed (if you're doing a round-robin type thing)

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Win-Loose ratio against players
« on: July 30, 2014, 04:32:40 am »
Sorry, but that is the win/lose ratio. We're looking for the win/loose ratio, like how many times you've won vs. how many times you've forgotten to wear a belt.
D'oh I loosed today

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Montreal Meet up! Well, sort of.
« on: July 15, 2014, 05:38:08 am »
Ah, this is too bad, I'll miss it by about 2 months

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Adventure Bots play Pro now?
« on: July 10, 2014, 10:29:42 pm »
When I saw that I just assumed someone (Alienbaba maybe?) figured out how to exploit the bug I posted about earlier. It was a matter of time, really.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Sets Amazon Sales Rank
« on: July 09, 2014, 12:42:05 am »
I bought all my sets in local stores, my brother bought the big box from amazon and all the small ones from local stores to save shipping, could there be a similar effect going on?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cache
« on: July 08, 2014, 11:37:08 pm »
For me, the issue is none of these cards happen in a vacuum. In a slog game (say, margrave and no villages) You're only going to be able to sustain 2 terminals early, and 3-4 terminals late in the game. Of course you pick up margrave or smithy or whatever hand size increaser at first, but cache becomes useful if you couldn't hit 6 and you don't care about the extra copper so much since it's a slog game. I love cache with trader or watchtower, it works well enough with horn of plenty and fairgrounds while still providing buying power, it can be a great buy with gardens.

I feel that a lot of analyses miss two things, first that a card isn't useless even if you can't build a whole strategy around it, but some cards in dominion are just generally helpful: at the right time in the game, a smart buy will make the difference between winning and losing, but because the effects of other cards are stronger the subtle effects get ignored. In the case of cache, if your deck can consistently hit 5 but not 6 and you already have enough terminals in a slog game, you could consider cache. I'd consider it to be about even with silver, except that it increases the variance of your deck, which can be a good thing.

Which brings me to my second point: Averages are nice but you can't spend too much time looking at averages, because in Dominion a single lucky turn can make or break the game. So, while you can't rely on a lucky turn to happen, you can build your deck to increase the chances, or at least make it possible. I think it's a mistake to assume that when someone 'gets lucky' and pulls off an amazing turn, that skill had nothing to do with it- they had to build their deck in such a way to allow that turn to happen, gambling that the game would last long enough for them to get lucky eventually. Cache is a card that can help with that- sure the coppers aren't great, but if you couldn't hit 6 that +$3 may come in handy when you need it. If you didn't buy the card you wouldn't have the opportunity. Granted I rarely buy cache but I don't buy explorer much either, but both cards have won games for me, and I've lost games to cache strategies, I definitely think there is strategic space for it.

on another note, it's not correct to assume that if cache, or any other card was not in dominion, that the replacement for it would have been any better. Both better and worse (and better but more evil (rebuild)) cards have made it into dominion, odds are cache would be replaced by a card with a similar level of strength.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Saying gg and leaving
« on: July 03, 2014, 11:35:23 pm »
I glhf and gg because it feels to me like bowing before and after a martial arts competition. Honorubu opponentu-san, i sarute you!

or you could skip them altogether.. waiting for the bots to timeout seems to result in the same thing over a longer period of time....

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Failed to connect to server.
« on: May 30, 2014, 10:53:14 pm »
yes, they altered their scripts to load information from a different source, which trips up browser xss safeguards. I feel like I should be surprised that no one at MF/Goko/Agility tested this before deploying it, but I'm really not.

If you allow the cross-site resource to load, it gives you the down for maintenance message. So they are still working on it, I guess their changes just have the unfortunate side-effect of causing the down for maintenance message to not load.

And they're back!

Dominion League / Re: Game reports & discussion
« on: May 30, 2014, 03:29:59 am »
Would you keep or trash the starting Estates? Jack wants to trash them, and Crossroads wants to keep them. I guess you want to trash them, but then what's the point of opening Crossroads. Isn't it mostly just a dead card (You should draw it without Jack more than you draw it with both Jacks before you start greening)?
Even with crossroads, I'd rather have a silver and a copper (or 2 silvers) in my hand, and no draw, than 2 estates plus crossroads, which gets me 2 random cards, and if 1 is Jack it can't be used to draw. So basically, without jack in hand, the fact that you got 2 cards when you had those estates in hand with crossroads masks the fact that, were those estates not in your deck, you would have got those 2 cards anyway. However, you won't always draw the estates and the crossroads together, so those estates will get in the way of other hands. If you get lucky, and jack and crossroads are together in the same hand, you get extra draw and will be able to play an extra action (potentially two jacks in one turn! more silver, just what a BM deck needs!). Also, it's going to be rare that you draw crossroads dead with Jack, due to Jack's self-spying ability.
In the midgame, crossroads isn't that helpful it's true, but it's a relatively low cost considering it may help you keep your deck going once you start greening, and without great sources of buys it won't be worth it to pick it up in the late game.

That aside, the real reason I'd open jack/crossroads would be for turns 3/4/5, to maximize the chance of my jack colliding with estates so it can trash them. (Proof left as an exercise)

One thing you should be wary of, is any game that goes on past 18-20 turns (when there are no junkers or powerful attacks) could probably have been beaten by a simpler BM strategy. Especially with Jack being a decent counter to Militia-type attacks, it's something to consider.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: DIY Dominion Storage
« on: May 29, 2014, 10:03:55 am »

Not as fancy as some others
But more noble!

Dominion League / Re: Game reports & discussion
« on: May 28, 2014, 10:18:23 pm »
Note: I wrote this before reading TheMirrorMans comments.

Code: [Select]
Poor House, Crossroads, University, Trade Route, Bridge, JackOfAllTrades, Quarry, Venture, Goons, Expand
I still don't know what is best here. What I did was pretty awful, trying to build a engine with Jack, Trade Route, Expand, Goons and Crossroads. He decides to go crazy on Ventures and wins. I think there should be a better strategy (Jack+money maybe).. A deserved, uncontested win for Simon though.

There's Goons and Bridge, but the only village (except for the single Crossroads) is University that forces you to gain a terminal every time you play it, so that's not that good.
I did want to go double JoaT with Ventures, but with 5 I prefered Venture, and I didn't get 4 before it was too late for JoaT.
I get a Trade Route to trash coppers, so my Ventures can hit something better, and I prefered trashing Coppers over Estates.
I got a Crossroads late when I started to have a lot of green.
I think hugovj went for too many terminals.

You're never forced to gain anything with University. It's only your own greed that gets you.
Goons and bridge are amazing power cards, but they require a source of draw. Both rely on last-minute greening (or in goons case, not greening at all) so you can't rely on crossroads for cards. You're only source of draw is Jack, which can be ok considering all the terminals, but you have to gain a silver to do it. That being said, I still think there's a case for goons, you just have to realize you won't be getting a goons engine going and should plan to never play more than 2 a turn, and usually will only play 1. (so, you could get it, but don't get a lot).

tbh Simon, I would have opened Jack even with 5/2, Crossroads/Jack and maybe even DoubleJack would have sped up your Ventures by several turns.

Try search reports. Here Sir Vander gave winner five gold.

I did that too!

But yeah, I think the militia effect is overrated. Anna can be amazing if there's no trashing, even if you only use her once or twice it still helps trim your deck a little bit. Typically if you're going full knights anyway, you don't really care about losing knights so long as you end up with 1 or 2 more than your opponent. I can't remember if I put Bailey first, but I probably did. I agree that the top 3 are the top 3, just the order might be a little different.
For me, they all have their strengths but I don't buy them because of their strengths, I buy them if I want to go knights and know I can totally destroy my opponents deck if they don't counter.  (I might avoid opening knights if Josephine or Molly is on top, but other than that..)

I just changed my username (hugovj->Hugovj), but the leaderboard shows both. I don't know how that can be fixed? (Can it?) Weirdly, in the lobby I see my level as 14, while on the leaderboard it says -7 (for the Hugovj with capital letter).

This ugly problem arose from Goko's decision to not put unique player-identifying information in their logs.  There are ways for us to deal with it, as briefly discussed here, but honestly I don't think anyone's likely to bother.

I'm working on it! Eventually!

Dominion League / Re: Game reports & discussion
« on: May 27, 2014, 10:40:02 am »
Game 1

Code: [Select]
Poor House, Hamlet, Alchemist, Philosopher's Stone, Armory, Harvest, Highway, Laboratory, Vault...

For some reason both of you ignored Armory, which isn't as great as Ironworks with Highway, but still pretty good.
That's a good point. I was worried about being able to cycle through my deck early on, I knew my engine would be unstable so I was afraid of having an extra terminal. Later in the game it would have been pretty great, but I forgot about it by then :P

Dominion League / Re: Game reports & discussion
« on: May 27, 2014, 06:37:46 am »
Game 1

Code: [Select]
Poor House, Hamlet, Alchemist, Philosopher's Stone, Armory, Harvest, Highway, Laboratory, Vault
Pretty standard game. I figure I'd like to use highway to bring down the price, and hamlet to load up on buys, and otherwise try to avoid buying treasure. Of course, relying on cantrips requires some source of +cards so I try alchemist. Since I start 5/2 I open with lab, and pick a few more up here and there. Aidan also goes hamlet/highway and due to relying more on silvers and not buying lab, he wins the highway split. However, he doesn't get his draw going until late in the game. We both start greening, and between his win of the highway split and more silvers, I start to get a little nervous. However, I manage to get a good turn in with enough buys to pull off a tight 3-pile win.

Game 2

Code: [Select]
Chapel, Moat, Oracle, Scheme, Warehouse, Conspirator, Spy, Baker, Laboratory, Peddler, Copper
If only there were buys!
So, we both get the same sort of idea, which is to get a cantrip engine thing going on. I plan things out a little better and rely on conspirators more than Aidan, and start to stock up coin tokens. By turn 10 it's basically guaranteed that we both will hit provinces every turn until the piles run out. I could have started greening turn 9, but I get slightly worried that I might choke so I wait until turn 10. So, naturally it ends in a draw.

Game 3

Code: [Select]
Vineyard, Stonemason, Hermit, Menagerie, Oasis, Monument, Governor, Haggler, Mystic, Stables
Governor is the only way to multi-province in this game, and stonemason allows for some double-gains of nice cards where possible. To avoid giving your opponent +1 card from governor (and wasting a governor use on it's weakest ability) menagerie and stables can come in handy. I open monument/hermit to get a few VP tokens stored up and to trash, as well, I figure hermit's gain for menagerie or oasis will come in handy, not to mention a possible madman turn down the road. Unfortunately, the opportunity to get madman comes a little earlier than I would have liked, but it works out anyway.
 Aidan gets 5/2 so he goes directly for governor and picks up a stonemason, ostensibly to trash coppers. We both start loading up on menageries, and governors, I pick up some oasis's, to hopefully get more draw out of my menageries (by being able to discard duplicates) Turn 9 I make a horrible mistake, while trying to pick up a stonemason to get a Governor and Stables, I hit the wrong button by accident and get 3 stonemasons instead. However, I notice my engine is coming together better than Aidan's so I'm not too worried. Turn 12 I realize that my horrible mistake may pay off anyways, when I cause a 3-pile while slightly ahead.

Game 4

Code: [Select]
Chancellor, Forager, Fortress, Nomad Camp, Remodel, Tournament, Cache, Cartographer, Mint, Rogue
I am really bad at tournament. I can never quite figure out how to get it working right. To boot, I get a 5/2 start. I decide to be clever and go rogue, hoping to catch forager or tournament from Aidan. However, Forager/Tournament is much better. My strategy  backfires when Mint ends up in the trash, and then I'm stuck with dead cards. I figured I could go with a less efficient deck, hoping that boosting buying power will get me to 8 faster (since trimming costs you a few turns). I know I have limited time to hit my first province, since Aidan's tight deck will connect province every turn if he can just get up to 8. Unfortunately, I'm just short 2-3 turns in a row, and after that it's all over. The game goes on for another 9 turns, but it's just a formality, Aidan creams me.

Game 5

Code: [Select]
Lighthouse, Pearl Diver, Smugglers, Woodcutter, Caravan, Remake, Spice Merchant, Count, Soothsayer, Trading Post
This is a big of a funky one. I hoped to get count, and move into a caravan engine. Maybe pick up Soothsayer for gold (if it gives curses to the other guy, bonus) and see where things go. Aidan gets a 2/5 so I decide to be clever and pick up smugglers/caravan (on the hope that I can steal Count turn 3). Alas, it was not to be. I get Remake to at least get some trashing going since count after t4 won't be a great buy on this board. We start greening, Aidan starts taking a lead, so I get a little desperate and use remake to get myself 2 duchies from caravans. Aidan hits 7 a few turns in a row, preventing him from finishing me off, and I get lucky eventually. I can't really say I played better this game, it kind of came down to luck more or less.

Game 6

Code: [Select]
Chancellor, Develop, Watchtower, Spice Merchant, Taxman, Harvest, Knights, Merchant Ship, Torturer, Possession
I love possession. I don't always win with it, but if it looks like it could work I might as well try. In general, the key to a good possession deck is to be easily able to hit 6, (so it won't be too much work to hit 6p) but very difficult to hit 8. Specifically though, it may be okay to have a nice deck if you know they won't possess you too much, for a subjective level of too much.

I am not sure if Aidan will also go with Possession, but since there are no villages, I figure I can make my deck nice as he won't play it more often than I will. I'm not worried about Torturer or Knights, as the lack of villages makes them weaker, and I certainly don't want to hurt Aidan's deck! I will need it! We both open Spice Merchant/Watchtower, but I start going for treasure immediately after, to be sure I can hit 6p easily. I go $2+buy from Spice Merchant twice to get buying power, and pick up potion. As a slight hedge for a tight game, I buy an estate to trash hovel. Aidan gets another Spice Merchant, probably wanting to trash down more. Turn 9 Aidan makes a head-scratching decision to buy Merchant Ship, but hey, I don't mind using up his duration cards for him. (In the end, it turns out to be a neutral decision on his part, it ends up being a dead card when I possess him as often as I get to benefit from him).
He doesn't go for possession in the end, perhaps hoping he could do fine without it.
Turn 13 I get a chance to buy a province with Aidan's deck, and also trigger a reshuffle causing many of his nice cards to get missed. It was a lucky time to possess him, and it probably clinched the game for me. After that, me taking about 2 turns to his 1 turn, plus his merchant ship, won the game for me.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: May 27, 2014, 01:54:02 am »
I actually played two Scout games recently one with GH and Harem and another one with GH and Nobles, and Scout was lame both times.

I played a game yesterday with great hall, nobles, harem, scrying pool and scout. I was severely tempted to buy scout, but I resisted the temptation.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: New basic stats page
« on: May 21, 2014, 02:09:00 am »
If you're willing to fix the database structure to store the kingdoms more sensibly, I'd be delighted:  I'd prefer if you work with your own local version of the database, but I can also give you write access to mine if you need it.
I don't need write access to yours but do need read permission for the tables (for example, advbot). Will that require a new user or can you give the permission to forum?

I agree with amalloy that it shouldn't be necessary, but I just granted select privileges on advbot to the forum user anyway.  Let me know if there's any other access you need.  I'd just open up the whole thing, but there are few tables (e.g. blacklist) that I'd rather not make public.

The tables I could use are supply and cardname (which actually should be merged with card_url, maybe just call it cards?)
I know amalloy is working on those now, but it will be useful for later, as I'd like to remove logfile as a pk from everywhere.

This is getting a bit off-topic for this thread. Shall we take the db management stuff elsewhere? I don't really know what subforum is right.

I'll make an issue in Github

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