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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: A mad Traveller chain
« on: May 25, 2015, 02:11:20 pm »
Thanks for your comments! Still awaiting more. ;)

By the time you get Flying Machine, if you're playing an engine deck, you should be drawing or near to drawing your deck already. It might not be that strong for the amount of investment required.
I don't think you need a classical engine for Flying Machine.

Draft might be too strong. Comparisons are Remodel (gets a better card, but only one of them) and Trader (also can transform an Estate into 2 Silvers, but is less flexible). Both of these cost $4. And the card is absolutely nuts with $7 costs on the board. If it turns out to be too strong, I suggest putting "two differently named cards" in there. That at least gets rid of the double Province problem.
Maybe it just "non-victory cards"?

Construction is basically a nonterminal Moneylender? Thus already better than a $4 cost, but that's okay. By the time you get this, it's probably rather bad. Well, if you're going moneyless, it's strong, but not in a broken way. This is probably okay.
Construction wants to ensure that you don't simply play BM into Flying machine with some Buys on hand. Maybe it should even be a bit harsher, like "reveal your hand, trash all Treasures from your hand" instead of only one.

Test Flight I don't get. It's strictly worse than Lab, and you have to wait that long to get it? I think each stage in the Traveller chain should at least have some scenario where you'd rather keep the card, but I don't see myself ever keeping Test Flight.

Test Flight itself is just the steppingstone to Flying Machine. But maaybe you could even want this as a Lab when you want a permanent Engine going, with bad draw on the board?
Maybe make it a better Lab and a bit harder to success by revealing more cards?

TEST FLIGHT (Action - Traveller) - $5*
+1 Action
Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. If you reveal a Victory, put them back in any order and put this on top. Otherwise, put the revealed cards into your hand.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Flying Machine.
(This is not in the supply.)

But one problem I see is that Flying Machine is probably best on decks that lack trashing or drawing - and two of the cards in the chain provide trashing. So this may end up a self-counter in a way. I think you might want some other effects there, preferably some that go well with big hands, because I think Flying Machine could use a little self-combo. Maybe keep Draft because it's fun, but I would switch construction by something else.
Well, Draft provides Trashing but increases the number of your cards (2 for 1). And as I said, Construction is the anti-BM-thing. If you have other ideas for punishing BM, feel free to share. I guess it could be something like Poor House?
Invention itself is the ultimate card for Flying Machine, as it gives you additional Actions and Buys without drawing.

Variants and Fan Cards / A mad Traveller chain
« on: May 24, 2015, 09:14:25 am »
Hi, I really like how thematic the Traveller mechanic is. Very tempting to create own ideas. Here is now a technological implementation of the concept, culminating in a crazy one-shot:

INVENTION (Action - Traveller) - $2
+2 Actions
+1 Buy

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Draft.

DRAFT (Action - Traveller) - $3*
Trash a card from your hand.
Gain 2 cards each costing up to $1 more than it.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Construction.
(This is not in the supply.)

CONSTRUCTION (Action - Traveller) - $4*
+1 Action
Trash a Treasure from your hand (or reveal a hand without Treasures).

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Test Flight.
(This is not in the supply.)

TEST FLIGHT (Action - Traveller) - $5*
+1 Card
+1 Action
Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a Victory, put it back and put this on top. Otherwise, put the revealed card into your hand.

When you discard this from play, you may exchange it for a Flying Machine.
(This is not in the supply.)

FLYING MACHINE (Action - Traveller) - $6*
+1 Action
Trash this. Draw your deck and discard pile.
(This is not in the supply.)

I have trouble finding good free images for the cards, so here are just the ideas.
What do you think? Any image suggestions?

Variants and Fan Cards / Tokens!
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:35:05 pm »
Hello! I was wondering what else we could do with all those tokens that go on supply piles, so I'd like to start a thread about it.
Let's start with a variation of my Exploration ship from here:

Exploration ship (Action) $2
+1 Action

When you discard this from play, you may return it to the supply.
If you do, put your +1 Card, +1 Action, +$1 or +1 Buy token on the Exploration ship pile.

Other ideas are welcome, maybe I will add some as well.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Ideas Inspired by Adventures
« on: May 05, 2015, 04:59:05 pm »
That's an interesting trigger. Maybe it should trigger at a certain point of time rather than all the time when you have 4 cards. My suggestion is somthing like, "When your handsize becomes less than 5, you may play this from your hand."
Also I'd avoid a card that counters its own Attack. It would be very confusing to play Horse Archer, then have an opponent reveal a Horse Archer, which lets you reveal your other Horse Archer due to being Horse Arched in your own turn etc. I would just cancel it. The effect is neat enough with cards that reduce handsize.

If you want the on-call effect as early as possible, it should just be a Duration.

You could do things with a special condition. Like:

Silversmith (Action - Reserve) $3
Put this on your Tavern mat.
Now and when you call this, discard a card from your hand. If it is a Silver, +3 cards.

You may call this at the start of your turn.

Or draw-to-6, this way I can recylce an idea from here...

Town Gate (Action - Reserve) $4
Put this on your Tavern mat.
Now and when you call this, draw until you have 6 cards in your hand. (You can call this after resolving an Action.)
While this is on your Tavern mat, when another player plays an Attack card, you may trash a card from your hand.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Name a card that fits its name
« on: April 26, 2015, 09:20:19 am »

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Features Thread
« on: April 07, 2015, 08:46:43 am »
A bigger, alternative interface for desktop screens.
It would be very nice if you could avoid the 2nd supply page (like by having a third row of cards).

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: April 03, 2015, 03:44:33 pm »
So there is a -1 Card token?
Sure there will be an Attack like army then.
Army (Action-Attack) $4
Each other player turns the top card of his deck face-up. When he would draw the face-up card, he turns it face down instead.
(Something like that could work with tokens as well.)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: April 03, 2015, 09:10:35 am »
Expedition (Event) $3
During this cleanup phase, draw 2 additional cards.
Well, thats funny...

"Start of your turn"
How does Guide interact with Durations and Prince?
Do I resolve Guide before or after Tactician draw for example? (After would be a poor choice - swapping 10 for 5, but cleaning up the first five and then drawing another five for Tactician would be nice.)

You choose!

Can you use Guide's mulligan ability in the exact turn you played via Prince?
(Okay, if you want something more realistic: via a Princed Throne Room/ Herald)

Coin of the Realm sounds very interesting.
In "Village language", it is basically "+$1 +3 Actions", so it's somehow comparable to Fishing Village.

The downside is that it is pretty bad the turn you draw it and it might miss a shuffle, but the big advantage is that you can trigger the double-Village effect whenever you want.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Preview: Storyteller
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:43:49 pm »
Oh, I looove all these previews!!!

You can compare this to Stables.
$X ---(x1)--> +3 Cards
$X ---(x3)--> +X+1 Cards
Plus the money from Action cards (which can be both good or bad...)

With this, Magpie, and Hero, maybe there is a Treasure theme?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:44:13 pm »
Nowhere does it say that there are 8 Reserve cards?
That was just a guess. 8 sounds like a good amount of Reserve cards.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:22:31 pm »
More speculation fodder!
Previews start Monday! As a special treat for the weekend, here are some teasers - bits of information about the expansion that don't actually tell you any cards. I will not be further explaining this stuff! Well not until after the set is out, and by then it shouldn't need much explanation.

Some things you will find in Dominion: Adventures:

- 22 dividing lines
- 8 big arrows
- 7 cards with 3 types
- 3 treasures, including an attack and a village
- 2 12-card piles, including a victory card worth 0 VP the turn you buy it
- +$3, +$4, and +$5
- a card that gives the 2nd player an advantage
- a card you can play when it isn't your turn
- a card that draws you 5 cards when Throned
- word counts: Supply: 15; Game: 4; Turn: 31; Token: 16.

I guess the big arrows are for the 8 Reserve cards. Maybe the Reserve effect is written inside an arrow? Maybe the player tokens are arrows? Or it's a joke and they are only in the art?...

7 Cards with 3 types. I expect "Action-Reaction-Reserve" (which would handle the card you can play when it isn't your turn) and "Action-Attack-Reserve".
I do not expect "Action-Duration-Attack".

The Treasure Village is this one for sure!
Falcon (Treasure) $3
Worth $1
+1 Action
When you play this, return to your Action phase.

Treasure Attack is very hard to imagine. It can't be too harsh because it's non-terminal. Maybe something about new mechanics.

The varying VP pile could be scaling by tokens or maybe a Reserve card?

Faraway Lands (Victory - Reserve) $4
Worth 3 VP if this is not on your Reserve mat.

When you gain this, put it on your Reserve mat.
(Arrow) At the start of your turn, you may discard 2 cards. If you do, discard this.

A card that gives the 2nd player an advantage - Smugglers style?

Draw 5 cards when throned:
River (Action) $3
+2 Cards
Return this to your hand.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: I did some Maths!
« on: March 24, 2015, 12:14:55 pm »
The topic that firefrog raises is quite interesting imo.
I wouldn't calculate my exact money power, but I think it is important to have a feeling about it. I also have thought about the money strength of a deck quite similarly.
For example, it is helpful to know how much +$ you can expect to get from a Smithy.
It should be good in gameplay to think like "every card that I add to my deck makes my average money approach that value".

I don't understand the Action part of your formula.
How can you define the variable A by using itself in that term?

To be able to make more situational conclusions, you may add a formula for average deviation.
Like, in a deck with many Silvers, you'll have a smaller deviation than in a deck with Golds and Curses.
Also there could be another formula that counts your Actions as Curses (for terminal draw).

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Diplomat - $5 duration card
« on: March 18, 2015, 09:10:11 am »
I guess the wording should be:

At the start of the next player's turn,
pass this card to him, leaving it in play,
and +1 card +1 action for him.

It's hard to make a good wording. You could go with "move this to his play area" which is odd, or "he gains this, leaving it in play". I think passing seems like the right term for what you do here.
(Edit: Just what Captain Stupendous said...)

On the card itself:
The idea sounds interesting. But you have to change the effects so that it is not a card you will play in every situation. Otherwise it sounds like noone buys this because it'd be "common property".
Maybe you can give the left player a penalty (or at least, a condition) if he wants this card to go into his deck?
Then the Duration type wouldn't even be necessary:
Diplomat (Action) $5

+3 Cards
+1 Action
The player to your left may trash a Treasure from his hand.
If he does, pass this to him.
This way it goes into his hand, so th Diplomat would travel a lot faster then...

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: March 15, 2015, 08:55:19 pm »
You make good points. So rather this:

Offering (Action) $0*
+1 Action
For you and player blue: +1 card.
Return this to the Offering pile.
(This is not in the supply.)
(Goes into the OP.)
(Edit: Otoh it needs a different name then...)

On the starting copper idea, it should have no on-play effects for the other player. Profits only with special kingdom cards or events.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:31:09 pm »
Hey, maybe this would be nice: Replace starting Coppers with one "colored" Copper for each other player!

Contract (Treasure) $0

Worth $1
Player Blue draws a card.

There could be a bunch of kingdom cards reffering to them: An Attack that looks for your color in their hand or Durations/ Reactions that add bonuses for your Contracts.

But maybe this doesn't work because it sounds very political. Frequently, you have one or two Coppers more than you need. Then you can decide who you like less...

If we go back to the basic idea, I'd do that now:

Courier (Action - Attack) $4

+2 Cards
Each other player gains an Offering in your color from the Offering pile.
Offering (Action) $0*
+1 Action
For you and player blue: +2 cards.
Return this to the Offering pile.
(This is not in the supply.)

So it is not really an Attack if they accept your Offering.
Note that your Offering equals one Lab for them and 2 Labs for you!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: March 15, 2015, 08:28:20 am »
Offering could have a different backside, in player color. When somebody starts his turn with it, the colored player draws a card.

I like the idea to give out player colored cards that give that player an advantage. No, more, i think it's brilliant.

A different backside sounds good as well. For fairness, maybe it should trigger when such a card is drawn from the deck, i.e. also during their turn. That disencourages players to go for engines, though.

It doesn't matter what Offering does. The other players can always choose not to play it, ever. In that case, Offering is basically Confusion. So Courier is, at best, a Witch that hands out confusions instead of curses. But it's even worse than that, because Offering gives a choice to the other players, while Confusion doesn't, it's just dead in your hand.

Unless the other players were somehow forced to play Offering, it doesn't matter what Offering does, Courier will still be "nearly" strictly worse than Witch. That's why I argue for making Offering more attractive for the other players, and drop Courier's cost to 4$.

The problem of how this scales with the number of players still remains, though. I kind of understand why you want to keep the number of Offerings low, but I am not sure it's enough.

Now I understand. Sure my first attempt to Courier fits better into the $4 class.

With 6 player colors, you need quite a bunch Offering cards. 5 per color is the absolute minimum, so you can hand out at least one to each other player. These are 30 cards, and 30 cards equals almost 3 kingdom card slots! That's how Donald calculates. The maximum would be 8 per color, so 48 cards total.

What is the scaling problem? In 2p, you can play more "successful" Couriers. So you can hurt the other player more. In 6p, only the first Courier is totally "successful" but the other players will get more Offering cards from each other anyway. With more players, you'd benefit from Offerings slightly more frequently. The only real problem might be that, in multiplayer, the left neighbor will get most of your Offerings because they weren't all returned yet. But that's not huge, the same is true for Ambassador -> Ruins.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: March 14, 2015, 12:52:06 pm »
I wanted to make Offerings feel like a deal, so that the player who plays it also gets a benefit for letting the Attacker draw. Turning a dead card into a Silver sounded good to me. Maybe it should be a one time thing though.
What about just:

Offering (Action) $0*
For you and Player Blue, +2 Cards.
Return this to the Offering pile.
(This is not in the supply.)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: March 14, 2015, 07:14:52 am »
Any thoughts on this?

As there are 50 cards left to use in the set (minus Victory extra copies, minus Wagoner), there should be some more extra stuff. If we've got player colors, something like that comes into my mind:

Courier (Action - Attack) $5

+2 Cards
Each other player gains an Offering in your color from the Offering pile.
Offering (Action) $0*
Gain a Silver.
Player Blue draws 2 cards.
Return this to the Offering pile.
(This is not in the supply.)

There would be 5 Offerings in 6 colors, i.e. 30 Offerings. So yet enough space for 16 Wagoners and 2 VP cards!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fortressinator
« on: March 13, 2015, 11:10:58 am »
From the Dark Ages Secret History:
Market Square: Once Intrigue had the top half. By the time I was working on Intrigue for publication, it didn't seem worth a slot. I brought it back here because I needed a simple top for the reaction. Before that I tried the reaction paired with Fool's Gold's top.

Originally the reaction was, you could trash this to gain a Gold when one of your cards was trashed. Time has shown that gaining a Gold is not as awesome as it looks (btw spoilers), and I eventually got around to testing the stronger version that made it into the set.

The reaction also dates back to Intrigue. I had a reaction that let you gain a copy of a card of yours that was trashed. To be good enough it had to give you Gold instead.

I still think that there might be some space for such a card though.
Maybe as a Duration (or as a Reserve, when they are finally out)?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: March 09, 2015, 03:04:17 pm »
So if they're not cards, then how is the information presented? I know they may not be cards like the Kingdom, but I imagine the rules for each Event will appear on some kind of reference card.
Events are things you can buy that are not cards.

I'm still quite confident in what I guessed.

"Play with 2 random Event cards if one randomly drawn card of the kingdom is from Adventures.
Events can be bought like the other cards, but instead of gaining them, you immediately play them (they are not considered "in play" though). Events can never be gained."

So basically an Event would be a one-time Action that you buy and do it immediately. Like "trash cards you have in play", or "draw more cards this Cleanup", or "put a token of your color on a pile".

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Adventures^^
« on: March 08, 2015, 06:39:04 pm »
As there are 50 cards left to use in the set (minus Victory extra copies, minus Wagoner), there should be some more extra stuff. If we've got player colors, something like that comes into my mind:

Courier (Action - Attack) $5

+2 Cards
Each other player gains an Offering in your color from the Offering pile.
Offering (Action) $0*
Gain a Silver.
Player Blue draws 2 cards.
Return this to the Offering pile.
(This is not in the supply.)

There would be 5 Offerings in 6 colors, i.e. 30 Offerings. So yet enough space for 16 Wagoners and 2 VP cards!
Alternately, those extra cards could be used to go onto the Reserve tableau forever for permanent effects...

I've got 17 Events currently. Any other ideas?

Market Day (Event) $1
The first time you play this in your turn, +2 Buys.
Manipulation (Event - Attack) $1
Each other player reveals the top card of his deck and discards it if it costs $2 or more and is not a Victory card.
Wagoner (Event) $2
Gain a Wagoner from the Wagoner pile. Play it.
Survey (Event) $2
Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and discard any number of them. Put the rest back in any order.
Ball (Event) $2
Look through your discard pile. Put a card from it on top of your deck.
Round Table (Event) $2
+1 Buy. Put your deck into your discard pile.
Offering (Event - Attack) $3
Each other player gains an Offering in your color from the Offering pile.
Carriage (Event) $3
Place one of your +1 Action tokens on an Action pile in the supply.
Invention (Event) $3
Place one of your +1 Card tokens on an Action pile in the supply.
Treaty (Event) $3
Place one of your +$1 +1 Buy tokens on an Action pile in the supply.
Accolade (Event) $3
Place one of your Gain a Duchy tokens on an Action pile in the supply.
Scholar (Event) $3
Place one of your Gain a copy of this tokens on an Action pile in the supply.
Remodeling (Event) $3
Trash a card from your hand. Gain a card costing up to $2 more than it.
Holy Mass (Event) $4
Trash any number of cards you have in play.
Expedition (Event) $4
During this cleanup phase, draw 2 additional cards.
Reserve (Event) $4
When you discard an Action card from play during this Cleanup phase, put it on your Reserve tableau.

When an Action card is on your Reserve tableau that is not a Reserve card, you may play it during your Action phase (for free).
Damnation (Event - Attack) $5
Each other player gains a Curse card.

I'm most interested in finding out about Events. Iirc, Events was a theme originally considered for Intrigue before deciding that was mainly a way to add variety and Dominion had plenty. So there must be something more to these Events to make them worth doing. Also, I feel like I might be able to imagine how Reserve cards might work (something like when you gain it, set it aside on your Reserves mats, then various triggers to when you play them?) because they're cards, but I have no idea how Events will even work. Something other than cards (and tokens that just count things) that does something? Now that sounds new and intriguing.
You can find my guesses on cards and mechanics here.

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