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My Submission:

Carnival of Time • $5 • Action - Night
+1 Action
Reveal the top 5 cards of
your deck. If you revealed at
least 5 card types (Action,
Attack, etc.), +1VP. Put one
of the revealed cards into
your hand. Discard the rest.

I love this! An idea, +1 action in night phase is awkward. So how about getting rid of that and instead saying “you may play an action card from your hand”
Most action cards will be useless in your night phase, but I think it adds a fun possibility and makes it a little more elegant (in my opinion) by removing the +Action.


Hedge Trimmer | Action | $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
Gain a Curse
If there are two empty supply piles, trash this.
When you gain or trash this, you may trash your hand

Had this crazy idea — will make a mock-up later.

It’s a cantrip vp-er, balanced at self-junking with net-confusions. If you trash your curses you can get a fair amount of VP out of these. The auto-trashing is to prevent deadlocks. Your opponent can lower one pile, let you lower the curses, then you are limited* (*except all the workarounds) to getting 10vp + 1 for each copy you buy. And that’s with you getting every curse.

It comes with a way of dealing with those curses — you get to trash your hand on gain! In games where it is the only trasher, you might not even play them, just use them for their on gain trashing.

I wanted to price at $3, since it’s a super powerful opener — chapel is $2 which means a 2/5 player has a huge advantage. I decided to make this $3 to make it biased towards the 3/4 player more often. But I’m open to feedback on pricing and everything else.


$5 - Action
+1 Buy
Reveal and discard top four cards of your deck.
+1 Action per Action card revealed.
+$1 per Treasure card revealed.
+1 Card per Victory card revealed.

Fixed version of a notoriously weak card from the first edition.
Added image, renamed.

I think it’s still weak, the main thing is that tribute needed cards with multiple types to be truly effective. In the context of intrigue, it was bolstered since there are many x-victory cards. Designed as an independent card, there’s nothing to improve it.

I recommend you give this card two types, so in games with Castrums , you’re guaranteed to have access to a card that makes it worth it. One quick fix would be making it an action-treasure. Another fix would be replacing the +Buy to make it an action - victory worth 1 vp. The vp version feels a little stronger and might benefit from the original 2 card reveal text, potentially.


Advisor City | Action | $4
+2 Cards

Reveal your hand. The player to your left chooses two Action cards in your hand. Play those cards in any order.

FAQ: Opponent chooses as many as they can, so if you only have one Action card in hand, they have to name that, and if you have 0 Action cards in hand, well this is just a bad moat.

I like the idea of this but I need some feedback on power level. The idea is that your opponents could make this terminal by having you play terminal actions and then end your action phase prematurely. Or force you to play trashers in the middle-end game when you don't have cards you want to trash.

I don't know if those drawbacks are enough to price it at $4. I considered giving it a "gain a copper" when you gain it. I also considered it at a $5 and gaining a silver when you gain it. So, here is the simplest version and looking for power-level feedback.

Iron Harvest
Action - $5
+1 Buy
Reveal and discard top four cards of your deck.
+1 Action per Action card revealed.
+$1 per Treasure card revealed.
+1 Card per Victory card revealed.

An attempt to fix a notoriously weak card from first edition

Grep, the opening post says Augie279 "won't accept entries not made in the form of an image. " so your entry isn't going to be accepted as is, I believe.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 13, 2024, 03:26:28 pm »
valb_7k has only 5 posts in this forum, so it is possible that they are not very active here. I've sent them a DM alerting them of winning the contest. If they do not respond in the next 48 hours, I think it is only fair that we proceed down to Augie279.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 10, 2024, 09:09:10 pm »
Since the Shelters are not viable.

Filtering • $5 • Event
Move your Filter token to an Action Supply pile. (When you play a card from that pile, you first get +1 Card and discard a card.)
This is a new token that does less than +1 Card, but more than others.
Oops forgot to judge mine.  :-\

My apologies. I missed this because you edited a post rather than make a new post. I tried to prevent this from happening by putting this contest guidelines:

Contest Guidelines
    • Make a new post if you update your entry, please do not edit posts. I include this because I might miss your update!

How can I make that guideline clearer in the future? I didn't purposefully miss yours, but it's a lot easier to miss posts when they are edits made, because it depends when I look at that post whether I see the edits or not.  I'm also assuming you didn't purposefully miss this part of the guidelines, so I'm open to feedback about how to be clearer there.

For a quick judging -- this card seems balanced but a little less exciting than other entries. Tokens are often about feeling like you're super-powering up a card. The filter token is not a very strong super power, so it doesn't feel as fun as the others. It's still strong, just not as fun as other tokens, in my opinion only.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 10, 2024, 04:59:06 pm »
Congrats to valb for the win! Sucks to get runner-up a second time in a row, but hey what can you do. At least I have a cool idea for when I do eventually win one of these again. Thanks for the judgment!

Imo, runner-up is the best position. You get the glory of knowing that with a coin-flip you would have won, but also you don't have to do judging next week. Congrats on that.


I considered making future greatness cost 10.

Maybe i should have it cost 8 but you trash that card you have in play.
Wish i had thought of that, its a cool design space

Based on the sample Kingdoms I looked at, I think 10 isn't a good cost for it. I think 8 would work better. Or 7 with a drawback.

Good judging!

I'm not sure you fully understand the drawback of Old Teacher. It's Pathfinding, but you get a copper with Buy in your deck for the trouble. If you gain it again, it only gets worse. You can say the junk isn't as big a deal as the gap between $6 and $8, but the "cost" is there.

Literati has some potential memory issues, but they aren't as common as you are thinking. It puts the card (that will be discarded later) on top of your deck immediately. This will sometimes cause memory issues when topdecking cards with $ or Actions, and very rarely cause ghost effects with Taskmaster or Cargo Ship (like Improve can), but I personally don't think those issues will come up often enough to present a significant problem. "Would discard from play" is used as an identifier to prevent topdecking Durations and thrones playing Durations.

I also added a link to the image inside the tool in my submission. I don't usually post images here so sorry that it didn't work.

Copper with a +Buy is a super valuable card in decks that can draw themselves, and decks with path-finding are going to be able to draw themselves. So the drawback is present, but it isn't huge. Even Three ruined Markets are great cards in decks that have pathfinding and lost arts and training. I've designed many cards who have a drawback of being a dead card (I even designed a type called Companion which are not playable and only do things when you gain/trash them), so I definitely considered that part of the design.

You're right about literati. I over-stated those memory issues in my initial judging, and I should have re-written it a little more softly. Thank you.

Great judging!

A few comments on mine though: Surveil is absolutely not strictly better than Pathfinding. The simplest case is that your opponent is playing pure Big Money, while you have some Action cards. In this case Surveil is useless for you, way worse than Pathfinding. And there's some counterplay: you can get only a few copies of each card, as you would for Warlord, and then Surveil doesn't do that much. You can also use it to remove other players' Spy tokens, which you didn't even consider.

In  the scenario you mentioned, Surveil is still lacking in design, since it's a useless event. Its either too strong, or too weak, no in-between. You're right that I neglected the remove tokens part. I did consider that but forgot when writing it up. In brief my thoughts were that it was political -- three opponents, one of them has their spy token, do I buy it -- which makes it fail the criteria I set out for how likely this card fits in existing Dominion paradigms. It also makes it too strong because we have to keep buying it to remove other spy tokens or place our own, putting us in an un-fun (for me) stalemate.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 10, 2024, 12:24:15 pm »
Contest Judging

I tried hard in my judgement to think of ways for the cards to improve. I appreciate everyone's submissions. There were some really great ones! My overall note is that some card-shaped-things could have benefited from additional costs (costs besides $, like Lost City helping other opponents). Also, quite a few designs didn't incorporate the strength of Pathfinding.

Legacy by 4est

I like the concept of this, though I think it's a little strong as is. We can interpret this as an event that gives +VP. Let's compare it to "Salt the Earth" which costs $4 and a Buy and nets you 1vp. This card costs $5 and a Buy and nets you at least 1vp, and in many situations in will functionally give you at least 4vp. But wait, this event doesn't really cost a buy, not in the same way that Salt the Earth does, because you gain a $4 with it. So, using salt the earth for comparison, it seems too strong, even when costing $1 more. I do like $5 cost events that gain you $4s like Summon and Demand. Power level wise compared to those events, it feels in better company, though compare a Horse to +4vp... anyway those $5 events make you question in the early game, oh should I buy this instead of a $5? And that's an interesting question and it's good design. But Legacy does nothing for you in the early game, so you don't have that painful (and interesting) decision. You just buy this later when you have enough $ that the choice between that event and a new $5 isn't agonizing. There's one more angle to look at how this isn't balanced -- Duchy. The first buy of this event is almost always strictly better than Duchy. Which I find kind not very good. In fact, that shows how the buying decision here isn't so in-depth. You can just wait until you would buy a duchy, then buy this instead. Or you see that the pile is getting low and you realize, hey 4-5vp plus another one of these cards that I already have a lot of (and therefore probably want more of) is totally worth $5.

I do like the complexity of this card making it better to spam a certain card, that is interesting for sure. Although most often you'll just put it on a card you wanted to spam already (Village) or an allies split-pile for more VP.

So, how could we make this better, at least in my opinion of "better"? I think there's a couple design areas to explore -- pressures to make you buy this early, or make a later buy more complicated? For example adding "if you have no copies in play" all the sudden makes this a lot more challenging to buy late. Another thing to do would be to let opponent to your left choose where you put the VP token on (that version of the event should be cheaper and maybe grant a +Buy)

Overall, it's an interesting card, and I hope you iterate on the design.

Fletcher by Augie279

Action - $5
Gain a card costing up to $4. If any Tokens are on its pile, +1 Action. Otherwise, move your Trashing token to its pile. (When you gain a card from its pile, you may trash a card from your hand.)


I'm glad to see more uses of the Trashing token which only had one before. This card is definitely weakened by gaining happening first, so you'll have to gain a second copy to trash. But I think that's an interesting "weakening" of design. I also find the "if any tokens are on it" a really brilliant mechanic and making your gainer suddenly non-terminal is nice. I think this card is a bit weak for a $5 cost $4 gainer (see Carpenter, Hill fort, Quartermaster, Falconer, Sculptor,...); however the brilliant design here is you don't really need to buy a lot of these. You get one when to move the valuable trashing token. The second one is a lot weaker, and that's fine. In fact, it promotes deck diversity, which I like a lot. In many games you will still want to get a second Fletcher


Scaffolding by czzzz

Scaffolding $3 - Action
+1 Action
Name a card.
Reveal the top card of your deck and put it into your hand.
If it matches, put your +1 Card and +1 Action tokens on its pile.
At the start of your Buy phase, remove the tokens from its pile.


Okay, so this is a cantrip, that if it hits, works like a lost city+. You ideally want your tokens on something you have a lot of, and the "if it matches" guarantees that probablistically, when you hit, it's something you have a lot of. I also like that once the card is on something you want, you just keep naming that card with future Scaffoldings. I think this is a little on the powerful side, especially if we compare it to wishing well. If wishing well hits, it's a lab, but you need every wishing well to hit to be a lab. If a single scaffolding hits, it's a lost city, and subsequent scaffoldings essentially become a lost city given you have enough copies of that first card you hit. The one way it's worse than wishing well is with copper -- since you can't get your bonuses out of Copper. I think that lends to more frustrating moments than Wishing Well, which I don't like. I think the "At the start of your Buy phase, remove the tokens from its pile." is a brilliant bit of design which makes this card not absurdly broken. I think I'd prefer to go a little more different than wishing well, perhaps making it a +2 Cards instead of +1 Card +1 Action.

One big criticism is "remove the tokens from its pile" is not clear. Does this remove ALL players's tokens from the pile? Does this remove debt tokens (for instance, Tax)? Trade route tokens? It probably should be "At the start of your Buy phase, remove your +1 Card and +1 Action tokens from its pile."

Future Greatness by fika monster

Future Greatness | Event | $7
Move your Future token to an non-Duration Action Supply pile. (Cards from this pile are during your turns also Duration cards first saying "Now and at the start of your next turn")


This is wildly powerful. Think about putting your future token on Smithy, it becomes crazy strong. And there's lots of very strong cards to put this on. This reminds me of Kings Court, which is also explosivey strong, and costs $7. However Kings Court has two major drawbacks -- you have to draw your Kings Court with the card you want to triple, and it takes two buys of King Courts at a minimum to really build up the engine. Future Greatness, requires no lining up of cards -- it immediately activates and upon one buy. I like the idea a lot but it seems super strong. For this to be a good design, it has to be an interesting decision when to buy it, and what card to place it on. But I feel that in most Kingdoms it will be, buy as soon as possible, and then it's fairly simple to choose which card it's on. I'll generate a few Kingdoms to test this theory out.

First Kingdom: Ranger, Merchant Camp, Market, Moneylender, Mystic, Advisor, Jack of All Trades, Oasis, Bridge, Wharf. With wharf, merchant camp as village, and advisor you got plenty of draw. So it's an easy decision to put this on payload and letting your Bridges play more easily seems like the clear answer. I did have some debate of putting it on Market as well to give more villages. So there is an interesting decision here a bit.
Second Kingdom: Coin of the Realm, Magpie, Catacombs, Wandering Minstrel, Stockpile, Captain, Stash, Bank, Hoard, Monument.  Ultimately this needs to land on Catacombs; however, there's some debate whether it's worth it on an early $7 to put it on Magpie to win that split, especially with no trashing, you need the Magpies. So it's a bit interesting then, but that's assuming you spike an early $7, which you can go for with Stockpiles
Third Kingdom: Storyteller, Remake, Poor House, Spice Merchant, Mining Village, Animal Fair, Goatherd, Hunting Lodge, Shaman, Royal Seal.  Storyteller Poor house combo giving you $ and draw, with some fun trashing shenanigans of Goatherd/Shaman/Spice Merchant/Remake. Interesting board. I think there's a lot of directions to put your Future tokens on, Hunting Lodge or Storyteller for more stability, Animal Fair for more consistent $. Hm

Okay, after looking at some sample Kingdoms, I've been convinced that there are more interesting decisions than I thought. It still seems a little disproportionately strong, but could be fun to play with, like Kings Court.


Demolition by grep

$4 - Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
Look at the top card of your deck, you may trash or discard it.
When you gain this, move your Invincible token to any Supply pile (when you trash a card from this pile not in play, put in into your hand).


First, I wanted to analyze this card without the Invincible token mechanic. It's a non-terminal trasher that doesn't decrease hand-size. This already makes it super strong. Because it doesn't force you to trash cards, there's many reasons where I take this over Junk Dealer. Of course there's the down-side of not being to trash from hand. And at $4, this card could likely make me skip Sentry entirely. But there's a frustration where I only get to trash from the top of my deck. Then add in the fact that this could become a Lab for your good Invincible cards, and I just see this as too strong. I love the concept though, Invincible is really cool. Some ways to make it more interesting would be weakening it. Either making it fully terminal (reveal the top 2 cards from your deck, trash any number and put the rest in your hand is one such idea), or removing the +1 card. I also like the idea of adopting a Sentry-like multi top-of-deck trasher, to make it less frustrating when you keep revealing your good, but not Invincible cards, meanwhile my opponent landed on their only curse. You could also try adding compulsory trashing to it -- I had no problems with lookout, it's one of my favorites, but some people are adverse to it.

Overall, I think it's super interesting design, I just think making it a base cantrip leads to a less interesting card. I hope you iterate on the design because the Invincible token is great, and your thought around "not in play" shows you have thought deeply about the mechanic.


Mutate by grrgrrgrr

Mutate (Event, $5)
Move your Amplify token to an Action Supply pile. (During your turns, all numbers in the instructions of cards from that pile, except 0 and 1, are increased by 1)


Wow, this is another really exciting one. And the "except 0 and 1" is a super brilliant design, such that cantrips don't become super labs. Wonderful design. I feel like it's balanced and fun, but I'm going to have to investigate some Kingdoms to see.

Kingdom 1: Port, Village, Catacombs, Masterpiece, Pawn, Supplies, Cemetery, Pendant, Monument, Watchtower. First off, it's striking how many cards that you cannot Amplify. Port and Village get an extra action which could be helpful in a low village deck, but that won't apply. So, we are left with Catacombs, Monument, and Watch towere. Pay $5 and a buy to turn Monument into terminal gold? I like it! Make your Catacombs draw even bigger --very appealing. Or turn Watchtower into a cheaper library. All of these are nice, and I think the cost of $5 is worth it, it's just a matter of when and which card.
Kingdom 2: Coin of the Realm, Sycophant, Feodum, Overlord, Paddock, Wayfarer, Monastery, Jeweled Egg, Captain, Armory. From this Kingdom we see some cards could potentially get worse, like Sycophant, although it's probably better in most scenarios. It also boosts the Favors you get on gain. Armory all the sudden becomes a $5 gainer... and Captain gets to play $5s. In this board with Paddock as the only $5 it doesn't seem that much stronger, although when you move your token to Paddock, it's now almost +$3 +3 cards, super strong. This Kingdom shows that you could move your mutate multiple times in a game, which I Like. You can always mutate Wayfarer to for council-room like draw.
Kingdom 3: Artificer, Ranger, Contract, Market, Mystic, Encampment/Plunder, Farmer's Market, Embassy, Sack of Loot, Warehouse. Ranger could make the draw even bigger, Mystic could give $3, Embassy becomes a wonky + 6cards discard 4, warehouse sifts even more, although the big prize here is Encampment/Plunder. Obviously you need it on Encampment/Plunder (which also improves the Plunders to be golds). This makes winning and keeping the Encampment split even more important, and it also makes it a lot easier to keep your Encampments. It seems fun too. But strong.

Side note, I do not think you need the "Action" restriction. Putting it on VP cards doesn't do anything anyway (it only boosts the VP on "your turn"). It would be nice to work on Night cards. Changing Silvers to Golds is pretty nice, so you could make it cost $6 or $7 instead, which might be a better price anyway.

After looking at the Kingdoms, I like this card a lot. It is fairly strong. Of course, taking a whole buy and $5 is a steep cost, but it could benefit from being even steeper, like $6, probably.


Raiders' Den by HorazVitae

Raiders' Den
+2 Actions
The next Horse or Spoils you play this turn isn't returned to its pile.
Overpay: Per $4 overpaid, move your Horse or Spoils token to a Kingdom Supply pile you have no tokens on. (When you play a card from that pile, gain a Horse/Spoils.)
$2+ Cost Action


I find the overpay inelegant because all the current overpays work with a 1:1 ratio of $ overpaid and benefit given. This one is a step-wise benefit, only rewarding pays of $6 or $10. I'd say just cost this a flat $6 [* see note below], and "when you gain this, move your Horse or Spoils token." It means it limits the possibility of how many of these you buy in your deck, but then you remember in a deck with lots of Horses and Spoils, the card text essentially reads "+2 Actions, gain a Horse and a Spoils" which is weaker than bandit camp, but still viable. Perhaps the best cost would be $4 with a text "when you gain this, you may discard two treasures to move your Horse or ..." Anyway, I'm spit-balling with cost but there's a lot of the design that's interesting. Also, these don't stack, so (barring return to action phase shenanigans, or playing action cards in your buy phase) only your first Spoils stays. I would recommend rephrasing it in a few ways either making it a duration and saying "The next time you play a Horse or Spoils, you may discard this from play to not return the card to its pile" or "The next time you would return a card to its pile, discard it instead" or even "One time this turn, when you play a Horse or Supplies you may keep them in play rather than return them to its pile" some of those are not elegant, but I think most people will be annoyed that multiple Raiders' Dens work on Horses with correct play-order, but they don't work on Spoils. Another option would be removing the Spoils token entirely from this.

Then again we have to look at the Horse token. Pathfinding costs $8. Horses are "roughly" equivalent to +1 Card. If you just buy a Raider's Den as pathfinding, at $6, that's kind of broken. Of course, it is slightly weaker than pathfinding, since the initial draw is delayed 1 turn, but $6 is such an achievable $ to get a pseudo-pathfinding that this feels not well priced.

I do think there are clever parts of this design, like "Kingdom Supply pile" meaning you can't just slap this on Coppers. And I like the overall concept. The execution needs some work, in my opinion.

[* note below]: when I was talking about changing the cost, I did so assuming that the original cost is about correct. However, I think the original cost is too low due to the pathfinding comparisons.

Old Teacher by J410
Old Teacher - Action

When you gain this, you may
move a token from its pile to
an Action Supply pile you
have no tokens on.

Setup: Put your +1 Card,
+1 Action, + and +1 Buy
tokens on Old Teacher.


Here's another one that fails the Pathfinding comparison. Pathfinding costs $8, this allows you to buy it for $6. So, this design doesn't work, although it's quite a simple design and I like that a lot.

I think there's a couple of ways to fix this. One of them could be to get rid of the +1 Card token on Old Teacher. After all, Lost Arts costs $6 already. Although this would still be stronger than Lost Arts in many situations -- let's say you buy Lost Arts once for $6 vs you buy Old Teacher once for $6. With Old teacher, you get the token, and you get a card that gives +1 Buy +1$. Since, in games with Lost Arts, you're likely to draw your deck (non-terminal smithy, cheap labs+, etc), you actually want that +Buy +$. So even if you remove the +1 Card token, it feels better than Lost Arts (with the exception of not being able to stack tokens on one pile, which is already pretty rare). Maybe on play this discards a card? You could theoretically cost it $7, but that makes Sea way and Training uses of this card sad. Probably the better way to fix this is to give some sort of drawback on-gain like Lost City's "When you gain this, you may move a token from its pile to an Action Supply pile you have no tokens on. If you do, each other player draws a card." Another idea would be to make the moving tokens more difficult for example "When you gain this, if you have no duplicate action cards in play..." and costing it lower. The last idea I have to fix this would be to delay the token, like Teacher delays the token a whole turn. However, I could not think of an elegant way to do this. You may have to combine several of these ideas or come up with new ones.

Overall, I like the idea behind this design, but it needs work to be balanced. I hope you iterate on it in the future because it's a cool design space!

Enlightenment by JW
$12 - Event
Move your +1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Buy, and + tokens to four different Action Supply piles.


Here's a mammoth Event that sits in the company of huge events like Prosper, Populate, Invasion, and Alliance. Those cards give you one big boost, that feels very fun the moment you do it. Enlightenment instead waits until your next turn and then your engine is just done. Which I find not very fulfilling. Like with Populate, you're probably terminal overrun and have to deal with Action cards you didn't actually want in your deck, but it's such a good deal you have to go for it. Enlightenment, has no draw-back at all. You'll pretty much always have 4 cards to place your tokens on, and, like I said, your engine is done at that point.

I would prefer there to be more work for this to trigger rather than just the cost. If you're just using $, then cost for such an event would have to be so high (in this case $12), and the effect is so crazy strong, that if one player hits the cost and the next player just can't afford it, well, it's potentially over. And at a high price point that becomes a likely scenario, both players trying to spike it, one player gets close on one turn and then takes a few turns to get close again, and the other player gets lucky. I think you'd gotta either make it more difficult to trigger. Something like "If you have no Action cards in play" and price it lower forces people to go Big Money strategy and then have to pivot to Action cards only after they get the event. Kind of interesting. Or you could make it curse or attack the player who buys it. In either case, trying to do something to get it to a less swingy cost of $8-$10.

Discipline by Melon


Here's a great example of additional cost I've been incorporating into my feedback of other designs. What irony, once you Pathfind a card, you really want multiple copies of it, but in order to get this cheaper pathfinding, you have to trash one of your precious copies, and not play it that turn. This is simple and balanced, and most importantly, makes me consider whether to get this earlier, or save for pathfinding. Good work.


Shares by NoMoreFun
Action - $2
+1 Action
Choose one: Place your Shares token on an Action supply pile, or take back your Shares token for +2 Cards and +2 Actions
In games using this, when any player gains a card, +1 Card if your Shares token is on it


A little awkward phrasing with the "in games using this"  compared to the other tokens. Try this "Choose one: Place your Shares token on an Action supply pile (When another player gains a card from that pile, +1 Card), or take back your Shares token for +2 Cards and +2 Actions." You might even consider "When another player gains a card from that pile, you draw a Card" for complete clarity.

Let's look at this compared to some similar cards. First of all, Native Village. If you simply alternate Native Villages, you net +3 actions +0 cards. If you alternate shares, you net +3 actions, +0 cards. Of course Native Village probably fares better here, allowing you to delay the draw for when you need it, and it's always a village. Shares has the benefit of doing something when you aren't drawing with it though, being the Shares token. Compared to Invest -- this sticks in your deck, triggers less often, and gets 1 less card, and the initial token placement is delayed until you play rather than gain. It feels like a sadder Invest for sure -- appropriately it's priced lower, but at $2 vs $4 they are both non $5s, so. However, I do like that it's just +1 Card. Because at that point it becomes harder for your opponents to stop gaining it because like, well maybe it's worth it to get it still.

I think this is an interesting card and design. On paper, this is a card I would like a lot, incorporating themes from other cards and combining them in a novel way. I'm not sure why this is just failing to excite me. Maybe I'll re-read this judgement later and disagree with my own opinion? It's well-designed for sure.

Scrounger by segura

Judgement: I think there's a few wording issues. For the scrounger token, I'd suggest "When another player plays a card from that pile, choose one: +1 Coffers or +1 Villager." Right now it is not clear who chooses whether you get Coffers or Villagers.

I agree that this might be too strong, especially because it does not scale at all in multiplayer. I think Dominion designs should work for 2-4 Players, and the scaling for this is way off. Even without the flexibility of choice, this even can kind of ruin the game, either giving you tremendous amounts of Coffers or tremendous amounts of Villagers. It has to cost high to work, and since it costs high, by the time you afford it, your opponents have already bought cards so you know where to put the token. So there's less strategy in predicting where to place the token.

All that being said, I admire the elegance of using delayed $ and actions (Coffers/Villagers) to trigger on opponent turns.

Queen by spheremonk
Code: [Select]

Judgement: I like the simplicity of this; however, it gets strong really quickly. Too quickly. The second buy could turn them into 2 Lab+$, which I would take over 2 Grand Markets almost any day. And Grand Market is a good comparision, which costs $6 and has an additional cost (can't have coppers in play) to buy. So perhaps you need to do something like that to this card. Segura compared it to a lost city that activates too quickly -- I agree with a lot of that, with the caveat that $6 is a lot harder to get to than $5. I'm someone who piles out cities often. But this card is good so much earlier that it more than makes up for it's increased cost, in an unbalanced way. You could also consider giving it opponents a benefit when you gain it, ala Lost City.

I think you could also fix the design entirely by removing the +1 Action (not the token). On play it would just give +1 Card. That means your first purchase of a $6 would turn it into a cantrip. Then second purchase is a Lab, probably. Then finally, on the third purchase you get the super lab stuff, and it becomes worth the cost. I would still likely cost this at $6

Literati by StrangerSon712

Literati $3 Action
Take your -1 Card token.
When you gain this, put a card you would discard from play this turn onto your deck.


Cheap terminal gold!? Interesting! Horse Traders is a nice comparison. That gives you a +Buy to make use of your money, and discards now, when you have good cards to discard, and Literati gives you the much worse -1 card token, although the drawback does not stack and you can play multiple each turn. So overall it feels similar enough to Horse Traders that I prefer a $4 for this, but because of the similarities of $3 and $4, this is probably fine.

I'm confused about the "when you gain this." I guess one idea is, hey if you're drawing less next turn, you want to be dang certain that cards you want get drawn. Okay, I'm less confused now. But I don't love it because you gained the card, it went to your discard, and you have to remember at the end of your turn to do something. Compare that to scheme which literally sits around telling you to scheme a card.

By the way, you attempted to include a card image, I saw this in your post:
Code: [Select]
[img width=350][/img]but the image did not render. Even when I get rid of the query parameters it says "This content is no longer available."


Surveil by Tiago

Judgement: Many of my comments on Scrounger apply to this. It's not balanced. Absent of militia attacks (which happens often. I just randomized 10 Kingdoms and only got 2 with "discard down to" attacks), it is strictly better than Pathfinding, since you get the draw before your turn starts, and because it scales tremendously in multiplayer. And you've costed this a lot less than Pathfinding

Infestation by valb_7k

Move your Pest token to an Action Supply pile costing up to $4.
(When you play a card from that pile, you first gain a copy of it.)


This is interesting and requires me to look at some Kingdoms to understand the power of it. Also, why is this limited to Action Supply pile? I feel like having it gain Silvers as an option would be interesting, and some Kingdom treasures would be nice for this.

Kingdom 1: Odysseys, Library, Poacher, Throne Room, Squire, Develop, Trail, Witch's Hut, Pilgrim, Swashbuckler. Poacher is spammable but you don't want to overload or you'll kill your deck, unless you've built your draw engine with Library + Squire. So while normally Poachers wouldn't be a great pest, it works awesome in this Kingdom. Trail is also a decent pest candidate, with combos of Poacher and Develop. Then there's the Odyssey's whose randomizer says $3. Although it seems great to have a Distant Shore pest, based on wording you would only gain it if you played a Distant Shore, while Distant Shore was the top card. And because it's hard to gain cards with it, I imagine that Allies split piles are not great candidates for pest-ing, even the spammable Townsfolk. Lastly, throne room will always be a good candidate for being a Pest. Overall, I find infestation not over-powered, and interesting here. I like that you would probably buy it more than once in a game, once a pile runs out, it could be worth it for another pile. After paying $5 for two $4s is a great deal, even if the gains are delayed.
Kingdom 2: Coin of the Realm, Scrying Pool, Guildmaster, Merchant Camp, Bandit, Graverobber, Sage, Spice Merchant, Cyrpt, Walled Village. Merchant Camp, Sage, Spice Merchant, and Walled Village are the only targets here. But you probably don't want to overload on Spice Merchants, and the two Villages can already top-deck themselves lowering the amount you want. I actually could see you Walled Village just to make the Scrying Pool stronger.
Kingdom 3: Lost City, Relic, Royal Carriage, Swamp Hag, Tunnel, Hunting Lodge, Leprechaun, Tormentor, Crucible, Taskmaster. Taskmaster is the only candidate here -- is it worth $5? Well, once you get enough Taskmasters in play they stay in play forever -- assuming you have +Buys. No +Buys in this Kingdom means we won't go for it.

I thought that this would an event that seemed balanced and interesting. You likely go for it, but when and what card are interesting decisions.


Happy Village by Zoyarox

Happy Village
$5 Action

+3 Actions
Move your +1 Card token to an Action supply pile other than the one it was on.

Judgement: I find this interesting. +1 Card +3 Actions is akin to two Villages in one hand. There's games where you would pay $5 for just a village anyway. But if you play this card correctly, you get a lot more than +1 Card out of it. Although it's interesting and strategic about what card to place and when.


Let's look at the 5 Finalists

Fletcher, Future Greatness, Mutate, Discipline, Infestation

I feel that Future Greatness and Mutate, while very interesting and well-designed cards, are slightly less-balanced than the others in the top 5. Of course, it would require extensive play testing to be sure. But for now eliminating those.

Of the remaining 3--  Fletcher, Discipline, Infestation

I worry that Infestation could lead to quicker games, though I love it a lot.
Fletcher is a tad little weak, but so simple and clear.
Discipline is a great design, but seems like a sort of improving pathfinding, though it treads similar territory.

I had a lot of difficulty ordering these top 3, but at some point I'm going to have to choose a winner. I think all the Finalists (and semifinalists) should be deeply proud of their design

Third Place: Discipline by Melon
Second Place: Fletcher by Augie279

First Place: Infestation by valb_7k

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 08, 2024, 07:05:12 pm »
Contest Closed
 Judgement in next few days.

Regarding the effort into cards making you less likely to win, I agree with silverspawn’s points, with the addition that often but not always more effort leads to more complicated cards. I think the simple cards that I have submitted that did well took a great deal of effort to be simple. I also think we remember losses more when we invest a lot of time, so it’s possible that win % is uniform across effort levels, but memory of losses is not.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 06, 2024, 06:34:48 pm »
48 hours left to submit

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 03, 2024, 08:11:58 pm »

Lodge • $1 • Action - Shelter
If you have no Villagers, +2 Villagers.
Take your -1 Card token.
Cairn • $1 • Night - Shelter
Trash a card you would discard from play this turn.
Take your -$1 token.
Hostel • $1 • Treasure - Shelter
Flip-over your H-token (it starts face-up). When it is face-up, +$1; otherwise +1 Buy.
Here is a trio of Shelters all using a different token.

These are interesting designs for sure, but I have no idea how to judge these.

Are they meant to replace Dark Ages shelters? 3 for 3? How does that replacing happen?  Is it randomly choose 3 shelters of the now 6 available?

Even if you detail the rules for including these, it will be difficult for a card that is not in the supply AND is not a sideways card to win the contest, simply from a practicality point — it would take too much playtesting to judge the balance since it’s less about comparing other cards/events/projects/etc to buy, and more about — everyone gets these cards, how does it change the game? It’s the same reason I warned against submitting ways and traits.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 01, 2024, 11:35:40 am »
Action - $2
Choose one: Place one of your Shares tokens on an Action supply pile, or take back one of your Shares tokens for +2 Cards and +2 Actions
In games using this, when any player gains a card, +1 Card per shares token you have on it.

This does not qualify, you made a “stackable” token.

Kindly review the opening post

"Stackable" Tokens (like Coffers, Villagers, Debt, VP) where you can acquire more than one per player, do not count for this

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: April 29, 2024, 11:39:35 pm »
Are Coffers, Villagers, VP, or Debt tokens allowed? What about made-up tokens similar to these?

No, those are not the kind of tokens that go on a card pile, and not the kind I mean. I’ll edit the opening post to clarify, thanks for the question.
Well, those kind of tokens could be used, as long as there is a card-pile token involved. Like an event that says “Move your +1 debt token to a Supply pile. (When you gain a card from that pile you take 1 Debt)” would be allowed.

Weekly Design Contest #215: Tokens
:)     218 not 215     :)

Damnit, haha. Copy and paste got me, thank you for the correction.

Weekly Design Contest / Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: April 29, 2024, 08:16:18 pm »
Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens

I think the Tokens in Adventures are pretty cool! 

Design a card or card-shaped thing that uses a Token, like the Adventure Tokens, or a new Token of your creation

If you design a new token, for simplicity, let's make each Token separate for each player. You can proxy a group token by something like "Move everyone's -$2 cost Token to the Estate Pile." You do not have to design a new token, there will be no points intrinsically for using the existing Tokens or designing a new one.

Contest Guidelines
  • Your Design has to use a Supply-pile based Token in it. Like the kind of Tokens in Adventures. The tokens can be used in a card (like Teacher) or a card-shaped thing (like Plan).
  • You can make your own kind of Supply-pile based Token, or you can use the Tokens present in Adventures.
  • "Stackable" Tokens (like Coffers, Villagers, Debt, VP) where you can acquire more than one per player, do not count for this. However you can use a "stackable" Token in your design as long as you also have a Supply-pile based Token. For example a card saying "+1 Coffers, move your +1 Buy token to the Province pile (When you play a card from that pile, you first get +1 Buy)" would be a valid submission.
  • You may use a mix of mechanics and themes from various expansions
  • Please include your card-text as text, and with a mock-up. You don't need to add card art, but I want to see the text fit on a card. I recommend using this mock-up tool.
  • Make a new post if you update your entry, please do not edit posts. I include this because I might miss your update!
  • I would prefer you to not use Ways or Traits, since those are harder to reason about the power-level of them without extensive playtesting
  • I would also prefer the number of card-shaped things I have to read to be 1-3. A single card, or an Event, etc is great. An Empires-style Split pile or Dark Ages style (like Urchin/Merchenary) is fine. An Allies-style Split pile, a Traveller pile, or a Knights/Castles pile is all too much to read for me.

Judgment Details:
  • The contest will close roughly one week from today. 
  • I will judge the entries based on balance, how well it fits in existing Dominion design-practices (for example, attacks are not political), how fun I think the card is, and simplicity where possible.

  • Name by author. Brief Description

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 29, 2024, 08:06:20 pm »
Thanks for the win and the judging!

For what it's worth, I appreciated your succinct notes. It felt like for a while there was an arms-race of which judge could provide the most intensive, detailed feedback, (I am guilty for competing in that as well) and I welcome brevity as a welcome breath of fresh air.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 25, 2024, 01:11:56 pm »
I think that a wording like with Merchant would be more compact "The first time you play a Silver this turn, +1 Card, then you may put a card from your hand onto your deck." and it would also have the effect that the card works more naturally with Throne Rooms (it becomes throneable) and Ways (the Way ignores the Silver effect as there is no below-line stuff anymore).

That functionally changes it such that with three Hot Springs and 1 silver, you get to draw 3 cards when you play a silver. The current wording requires 1 hot spring and 3 silvers to draw 3 which is better balanced since silver is a stop card. Also, your suggested wording would render the “play a treasure” less useful since only your first silver play does anything.

I appreciate the simpler wording, but I think it would make the card not designed as well. Thanks for your thoughts.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 25, 2024, 11:46:11 am »
Updated entry

Hot Springs | Action | $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may play a Treasure from your Hand.
In games using this, if you have a Hot Springs in play when you play a Silver, +1 Card and then you may top-deck a card from hand.

Updated the wording to prevent stacking. I also made it slightly stronger in that the very first Hot Springs can trigger the Silver bonus. It just seemed too awkward to say "more than one" as in "In games using this, if you have more than one Hot Springs in play..." Also the "lab" potential isn't crazy strong, given you always need Silvers to pair with it, and the more Silvers you get, the more they can cloud up your deck.

So here is my design. It's not supposed to be a dominating strategy, but it should almost always be nice to pick up, and gives you a lot more reason to buy Silver, which is nice. It has fun niche strategies like trying to make it a draw engine, or using it for draw-to-x, slightly improving some treasures by playing them in your Action phase, or using it to set up future turns with the top-decking.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 23, 2024, 02:49:27 pm »
Ok that makes sense. But now I have a wording complaint -- I get that the text below triggers at the point when you play it, so at the time when you play the first it is in effect and then doesn't stop working if you play a second one. So it does what you intend (except that the effect is throneable). But it's quite confusing because you look at it and think, well if I have two in play the drawing part no longer works.

I think you can achieve the same much more elegantly with a horizontal line and "When you play a Silver while having at least one Hot Springs in play, +1 Card"

I believe that your wording still stacks, since bottom lines do stack with multiple cards. (For example, talismans, goons all both fire). However, you've inspired me to use "in games using this" to simplify it.

How about "In games using this, if you have at least 2 Hot Springs in play when you play a Silver, +1 Card and then you may top-deck a card from hand." That seems totally unambiguous.

I could change "at least 2 Hot Springs" to "a Hot Spring" which then strengthens the card to be able to lab with just one. I'm wondering if that's more powerful than I want. Thoughts?

There's a third option of making it a reaction "when you play a Silver you play this from your hand, if you do +1 Card and then you may top-deck a card from hand." but I like that the least.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 23, 2024, 11:31:48 am »
Open to feedback.

I think this is just busted -- I don't see why you would ever not decide to build a hot springs/silver engine. Yes it's awkward that you need to alternate them and/or have more hot springs up front, and yes it starts a little slow since the first Silver is just +1 Card, but the upside is so massive. You get to use a card that you buy anyway as your engine piece, can skip other terminal draw entirely, and it becomes stronger than other draw pretty quickly. Not that hard to go hs/hs/silver/hs/silver/silver/silver and net +14 cards and +8$

You're absolutely right, I didn't mean for the Hot Springs draw to stack!! The intended functionality is that each silver only draws you 1 card no matter how many extra HS you have in play. I now edited the original post to only trigger drawing on the first hs.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 22, 2024, 06:20:42 pm »
UPDATE These two versions are out of date. New version here

Hot Springs | Action | $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may play a Treasure from your Hand.
If this is your only hot springs in play, this turn, when you play a Silver, +1 Card and then you may top-deck a card from hand.

The name is because of its similarities to Sauna which is the same except change "Avanto" to "Treasure" and "you may trash a card from your hand" to "+1 Card and then you may top-deck a card from hand" and with the extra clause "If this is your only hot springs in play,"

Note that "playing a treasure from hand" happens BEFORE the "this turn" clause, so you need 2 Hot Springs in play to get the pseudo-lab affect, and that's only if you have Silver in hand with the second play.

Otherwise, it boosts silver slightly, though drawing cards during your Buy phase is awkward, you also have the power to top-deck to help your next turns.

Overall, this is not a very strong card. It's not meant to be. It's a card that doesn't hurt to pick up (since it's a cantrip) and enables some fun strategy with top-decking and has the promise of a cheap lab (though it's difficult to make work and requires a lot of deck-control... a fun challenge). It also lets you play treasures in your action phase which can sometimes be useful (Coin of the Realm, Supplies, Bauble, Quary, Collection, Crystal Ball,Cauldron, Scepter, Sunken Treasure, Figurine, Orb, Sextant, Spell Scroll, and Staff are treasures that are slightly stronger if you can play them in Action Phase). As a final trick, it allows treasures to be incorporated into draw-to-x engines. So overall it has a place in many decks, though none of those roles are super strong.

Open to feedback.



Hot Springs | Action | $3
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may play a Treasure from your Hand.
This turn, when you play a Silver, +1 Card and then you may top-deck a card from hand.

Thank you to silverspawn for pointing out the original version stacked the draw, such that with two hot springs, every silver draws 2 cards! Totally busted. I had to add the wordier "If this is your only hot springs in play" to deal with this.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 14, 2024, 12:59:15 pm »
This is the updated version of my submission

Junk Dog | Action - Reaction - Looter
+2 Cards
You may gain and play a Ruins.
When anyone trashes a card costing $0, you may play this from your hand.

Using silverspawn's suggested wording "gain and play" and also giving it the looter type since it needs to have the Ruins in the Supply.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 11, 2024, 12:07:35 pm »

Hunting Dog
$4 Action - Reaction
Reveal the top two cards of your deck and put any number of them into your hand.
When something causes you to reveal this (using the word “reveal”), you may play it.

Priced at $4 as it synergizing with itself and there are a good amount of instances that cause one to reveal their hand and thus, by accident, this too.

I believe you need to say what happens to the cards you don’t put into your hand. “And discard the rest” is simplest and I like the synergy of this card triggering both “reveal” and “discard” reactions. I believe that works better than “put the rest back in any order” for this particular card.

I also think this is a little on the strong side, though I don’t know how to change it, so it might just be strong. I’m basing this on how easy/often I get cultist chains running— at $4 it’s a lot easier to do so. It might just be good being a stronger $4

You are correct, it's definitely a stronger $4!

I'd be worried for it to be too strong, if it allows to discard by choice too. Happy to get more opinions on this!

In regards to it as-is needing to specify what happens to them: Generally no (e.g. see Piazza and Wishing Well), but as this reveals 2 cards, I believe it should indeed, given all other cards revealing more than one and giving you a choice do tell you what to do with the rest.

I will adjust this in the next version; as I said I'd appreciate further feedback regarding the option to discard the ones not put into hand.

Both the cards you refer to only reveal one card, thus they don’t have to specify “put the rest back in any order.” The only order for 1 card is the same as it was before.

 Cards that can reveal multiple have to specify — is it the same order they were originally in (no dominion card does that) or is it any order you choose?

In general, putting the cards back is a stronger option with drawing because, unless you have a draw-to-x engine (which is an anti synergy with this card anyway), drawing is equivalent to discarding; however, putting back on top allows you to save cards for future turn, or prevent terminal drawing dead. The additional flexibility would make this stronger overall.

So, for your card, in most cases “discard the rest”
 is actually weaker than “put back in any order.”

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 10, 2024, 07:05:16 pm »
This is a slightly old version. New version here is almost functionally identical, but better phrased and has the looter type on the card

Junk dog | Action - Reaction | $3
+2 Cards
You may play a Ruins from the Supply.
When anyone trashes a card costing $0, you may play this from your hand.

Note, you do NOT leave the ruins in the Supply. So this is essentially an optional gain and play a Ruins. So if ruined library is showing up top, you can make this a smithy, at the cost of self-junk.

But if you trash that junk later, you get to play this non-terminally. So that's fun.  Also if anyone else trashes a $0 instead and you have this in hand, you get to play it non-terminally.

Thematically the Junk Dog will bring you junk, and will excitedly eat it from the trash (come out to play non-terminally).

Thanks to segura for feedback on an earlier version of this card.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #216: Blue Dogs
« on: April 10, 2024, 02:05:54 pm »
Sled Dog
- Action Reaction
+3 Cards
At the start of your turn, you may discard a Treasure to play this from your hand.

Wow this is great! It fits into existing Dominion paradigms and with other cards, and yet is refreshing and surprising and super simple. Really nice design.  If I was judging this would be a finalist for sure already.

Hunting Dog
$4 Action - Reaction
Reveal the top two cards of your deck and put any number of them into your hand.
When something causes you to reveal this (using the word “reveal”), you may play it.

Priced at $4 as it synergizing with itself and there are a good amount of instances that cause one to reveal their hand and thus, by accident, this too.

I believe you need to say what happens to the cards you don’t put into your hand. “And discard the rest” is simplest and I like the synergy of this card triggering both “reveal” and “discard” reactions. I believe that works better than “put the rest back in any order” for this particular card.

I also think this is a little on the strong side, though I don’t know how to change it, so it might just be strong. I’m basing this on how easy/often I get cultist chains running— at $4 it’s a lot easier to do so. It might just be good being a stronger $4


Royal Advisor | Action - Duration - Command | $4
Play a non-Command non-Duration Action card from the Supply twice, leaving it there. Each player, at the start of their next turn, may play a copy of it from the Supply, leaving it there.

Now you pick the card once, and then each player gets to play it at the start of their turn. Which is powerful, but then YOU get to play it at the start of your turn as well.

Now you might end up using to play terminal draw. Even though your opponents get that awesome free-draw at the start of their turns, you also get that benefit on your next turn. And Royal Advisor sits out reminding everyone they get that free-play.

Modified it due to JW:

Royal Advisor | Action - Command | $4
You may play a non-Command Action card from the Supply twice, leaving it there. Each other player may play a copy of it from the Supply, leaving it there.

After some play testing, it turns out the old version of Royal Advisor was often very weak. There were limited cards in Kingdoms worth throne-rooming if you give your opponents the benefit to play that card, even at start of next turn. And those cards might not even collide with your Royal Advisor, so you would rather just buy those cards instead. I first added +1 Card to it, which worked a bit -- but then I realized, playing from the supply is it's own kind of +1 Card, and solves other problems.

Unfortunately, this version is way too strong with cards that give +3 Coins, and even the existence of +2 Coins makes it too powerful as well.

I thought that +2$ without nice side-benefits could be rare. Well, I just generated 5 Kingdoms to see if you were right, and 3/5 had solid +2 coin options.

I think you're right that this is now too strong. I could move it to "cards that cost less than this" which moves the random too strong to 2/5 Kingdoms, but that's still too much... Unfortunately, I have to make it more complicated to fix it. So I fixed it above.

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