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Messages - Nflickner

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: February 26, 2024, 12:32:16 am »
My guess is this is probably already answered somewhere, but I couldn't find it.  How likely are we going to see more 2nd editions past the Cornucopia/Guilds one?

Donald can't answer that because the 2e can only release once the 1e sets are out of stock, and if people know there's a 2e coming then they won't buy the 1e.
  That makes perfect sense. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: February 24, 2024, 06:13:07 pm »
My guess is this is probably already answered somewhere, but I couldn't find it.  How likely are we going to see more 2nd editions past the Cornucopia/Guilds one?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: February 23, 2024, 06:46:30 pm »
Thanks for all the fun over the years--Dominion is the best designed game I've ever played.  The simplicity of the base design that invites such complexity and iterations is incredible.  I love the way you balance the cards and I'm very grateful.  Also, thank you for making new sets for the love of it--I can tell it's not primarily for the money.  Especially because you guys sell the update packs separately, etc.  Anyways, just wanted to tell you thanks.  And I love the new update pack cards that just came out!
Blessings to you and your family

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Allies is online
« on: March 09, 2022, 11:48:08 am »
I've been trying to play it on and it is not allowing me to play certain matches because I don't own certain cards.  I don't have the subscription currently, but I used to be able to play new cards with people who did.  Was that changed?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion: Allies
« on: September 20, 2021, 01:48:44 pm »
Very exciting to discover a new extension to Dominion as a newcomer to the game (discovered it nine months ago) !
Can't wait to see previews of the cards we will be getting in this one !

Welcome to the club!  If you are thinking about buying expansions, don't feel like you need to buy the earlier ones first.  Some of the best expansions have been the latest.  In fact, my brother and I think that the Menagerie is the best expansion of all! 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: June 08, 2021, 08:29:56 pm »
Maybe you won't answer this question, but I'll give it a shot.  Will there be landscape cards in the next expansion? :)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: November 22, 2019, 12:16:22 am »
I'm a big fan of Dominion, and have been amazed that the latest expansions have been some of my favorites (Renaissance, Adventures, and Empires are all in my top five fav expansions).  I think the main reason is that they all include "sideways" cards--events, landmarks, and projects.  These cards dramatically increase variety in the game because so many of them can be included in each box.  Any possibility we will see more new types of sideways cards in future expansions, or have all the good ideas been taken already?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Holunder's cards
« on: November 09, 2018, 12:05:31 am »
Great cards :)  Do you have any plans to make your Conjuration states into Artifacts?  Just curious. 

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: November 08, 2018, 11:52:22 pm »
Hey Asper, thanks so much :)  I appreciate the template when you have the time.  I use Gimp as well.  I actually am using both currently--I make the main template in the image creator and then I add the picture to the background with Gimp. 

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: November 07, 2018, 07:24:18 pm »
Hey Asper, I just recently started to get back on the forums a little :)  Glad to see you're still producing great cards.  I have a question for you.  I want to make some Edicts (hopefully you don't mind), and I'm wondering if you use the Dominion Card Image Generator at all?  Do you know what custom colors inputs for red, green, and blue I should input in order to get the right edict color scheme?  Thank you so much for your help :)  I'll be sure to post whatever I come up with at some point. 

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 31, 2018, 11:18:49 pm »
Ok, there is a link to my card below--I couldn't figure out how to add the image correctly.  If anyone wants to fiddle with it and post it, please feel free, I was really struggling with it.

Nflickner, here's a possible new version. Without cropping, the art gets cut off. I also tweaked the wording (I didn't change your design; it should function the same), but it might feel less Orleans-y as I haven't played the game. Hope it helps!

Thank you crlundy!  That was very helpful.  I just adjusted a couple things in the wording, but i think your wording is quite good!  Very thankful for your help :) 

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 31, 2018, 08:26:41 pm »
Ok, there is a link to my card below--I couldn't figure out how to add the image correctly.  If anyone wants to fiddle with it and post it, please feel free, I was really struggling with it. 
Update is below.
It's inspired by Orleans, which is a game that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Dominion, because it has taken the deck building dynamic and turned it into bag building, along with a lot of other elements.  This card will also come with a Boatman track, that will have six slots:  a beginning slot to place the players' boatman tokens and 5 other slots starting with a bonus of 1 victory token, progressively adding one more each time and ending in a bonus of 5 victory tokens.

This was the art I was trying to add to it, although it is not the best art it was hard to find good art for this card:

Update:  With great help from crlundy, I've adjusted it so that it doesn't need a separate track, just a boatman mat. Below is the link to the improved version.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 27, 2017, 03:58:33 pm »
love the edicts, want mooooooaoaar!!!!!

Okay, you asked for it:

You did ask for this one, didn't you? I think somebody did. Glad to deliver. Also, I'm uploading the template right now.

I don't think this one can work. Imagine a game with Mountebank and no trashers. Yikes. Maybe change it to 5 empty piles instead?

I agree.  I think 5 empty piles is better. 

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 27, 2017, 12:17:14 pm »
Two things--love the edicts, want mooooooaoaar!!!!!  Like blessing as edict. 
Also, I like looking at OP.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 26, 2017, 09:32:31 pm »
I prefer the new colour scheme, but redoing all the cards seems annoying. Why did you also make the text box lighter?

It just seems lighter because the old one is darker. It's not actually lighter than the standard color, methinks.
I know it could be an optical illusion, but on close inspection, I'm pretty sure the new text box doesn't have the same level of pink tint that the old one did.  I'm not sure which version I like better.  I'm kind of partial to the old one because I've already printed out some of the old cards :)  But the new one is nice.  I think I would like the new one the best if it had a pinker tint to the text box. 

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 26, 2017, 12:43:00 am »
Just playtested the Treasure version of Investment. Nope. Just nope. I don't even think it would have mattered whether it was an Action, as I just played it, paid of part of the tokens, repeated that and bought Provinces. It was awful. I played absolutely horrible, made several dumb decisions and still won. So, guess what goes to outtakes...

What if it was 2 coin tokens and 2 debt instead?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 24, 2017, 05:37:26 pm »
I like Exile as an edict, it's a nice change to things value. Although I'd rather it was non-optional, so that it could be sometimes good and sometimes bad depending on trashing levels.
I completely agree with everything here.  :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 24, 2017, 12:23:06 pm »

Not to be nittpicky, but I just noticed you're using the same art for your Borderlands Landmark as well as your Exile edict.  I think the art is beautiful though.
The artist made 3 desert outposts, you could use one of the other 2.

Borderlands is dead, though.

Somehow I missed your murdering of it.  Why don't you like it?  It seems like a fine card. 

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 24, 2017, 12:54:40 am »

Not to be nittpicky, but I just noticed you're using the same art for your Borderlands Landmark as well as your Exile edict.  I think the art is beautiful though. 

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 24, 2017, 12:39:07 am »
Fixed Imperialism (above). Also, here's a little something that seemed better as an Event than as an Edict:

I love Black market variants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Probably cause I love black market :) 

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 23, 2017, 05:08:19 pm »
Can you please correct the spelling on the Imperialism card from Platins to Platinums?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 23, 2017, 02:46:38 pm »
Ok, what about one that's a little crazier:  Pick a random kingdom supply pile not in the set of kingdoms.  Replace one of each players' starting estates (or ruins) with one copy of this card. 

If that's a little too crazy, maybe limit the card to costing only two coin, or three coins at most. 
Maybe it could be called Preparation.  Not sure of a good theme. 

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 23, 2017, 02:11:31 pm »
Very good, I like the new ones :)  And thanks :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 23, 2017, 11:51:16 am »
I would like to see the edicts delve into even more rule changing territory.  Like using 12 kingdoms instead of 10.  things that change at the beginning of the game.  maybe another one could be use Platinums, but not colonies.  Didn't think through these, just wondering. 

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: February 22, 2017, 11:24:45 pm »
I really like the edicts as well :)  I want more!  I like Equality and Appeasement the best I think, but they are all good. 

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