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Author Topic: M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (g@me over)  (Read 226976 times)

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M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (g@me over)
« on: December 15, 2016, 07:04:03 pm »

welcome to M91: trouble in the Scouncil!

this game will use asher9++, a setup for 12 players. it was designed by ashersky as a semi-open setup that is v. cool and fun and stuff

mod: schadd; comod: LaLight

spectator tags: Axxle, J Reggie, e, Dylan32

1. The_Wine_Merchant    survived; godfather           
2. ashersky (née IDontPlayThisGame) endgamed; rb
3. Robz888 lynched d1; vt     
4. Jakethebaseballgod22 lynched d2; vt
5. Calamitas killed n1; vt                     
6. Awaclus endgamed; vt 
7. McEFHW lynched d4; vt       
8. Joseph2302 killed n3; ub                         
9. mcmcsalot survived; mafia rb       
10. faust killed n2; vt
11. Roadrunner7671 lynched d3, 1-shot SM                           
12. gkrieg13   endgamed; vt     

         mafia      wins!

game state tracker:
day 1 -- end
day 2 -- end
day 3 -- end
day 4 -- end

The Rules:

The Golden Rule:
This is a game. Everyone who signs up to play must be considerate of each other, never get personal, and focus on having fun. Once the game starts, having signed up is a commitment: inactivity is just as inconsiderate as rude comments.

The Standard Rules:
1. No communication between players outside of the game thread or shared QTs at any time. This includes passing references, jokes, or cases in other games or threads, whether in context or not.
2. If the game thread is locked, do not post. If you are unsure if something is locked, ask the mod by PM.
3. Direct or verbatim quoting of mod-provided information is strictly forbidden. Paraphrasing is okay.
4. Actions with instructions that do not specify a game state will be resolved in the order they are received.
5. All night actions must be submitted within 24 hours of day ending.
6. Players must post once every 24 hours.
7. Do not edit or delete posts, ever. If you need to clarify or correct something, post again.
8. Invisible text, font size less than 10, and spoiler tags are not allowed.
9. Cryptography is not allowed.
10. The time between a lynch being reached and a flip being provided is called twilight. All players may continue posting during this time, including the lynched player.
11. Dead players may not post in thread or QT, except their Role QT. A lynched player is not "dead" until a flip has been provided.
12. Personal multimedia, such as video or audio recordings, are not allowed in the game thread.

The Voting Rules:
1. Votes should be in this format: Vote: Playername. Unambigiuous nicknames are acceptable, or any string that uniquely identifies a user. Note that the point of voting is, in fact, unambiguity, and attempting to make it unclear to other players (or, of course, mods) which user you are voting for is very ill-advised.
2. Unvotes should be in this format:
unvote or Unvote: Playername.
3. Unvotes are not required if changing your vote from one player to another.
4. You may vote: no lynch.
5. Lynches occur when a simple majority (rounded up) of living players is reached. Once reached, a lynch cannot be undone.
6. If a majority lynch is not reached by the Day's deadline, no lynch occurs.

The Rest:
1. Bold, aquamarine text is reserved for the mod. Players may not use it.
2. If you have an issue or problem with the game, please PM the Mod. Do not post complaints in the game thread.
3. Mods make mistakes - please point them out gently. If they can be corrected, they will. If irreversible, they will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. If a mod error disadvantages one faction greatly, the game may be called off.
5. Ask all questions and make all requests directly to the Mod via PM. Questions deemed as "universal" (defined as questions for which the answers should be available to all players) will be requested to be re-posted in the Game Thread and answered there.
6. One prod will be issued after 48 hours without posting in the game thread. Players are subject to replacement or modkill after one prod.
7. All rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, as determined by the mod.

8. Each player will receive their own QT, regardless of role. Don't quote from it.
9. If the game goes on for 3 days and 3 nights without a lynch or nightkill, town wins.


1. Days will last seven IRL days.
2. Nights will last two IRL days.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 08:55:24 am by schadd »
I thought you thought it was a slip because I said 'Jake's partners' instead of 'Roadrunner7671.'


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Asher9++ is a semi-open setup for 12 players. Setup generation is a randomized process that is open and explained below.

All games include a Universal Back-Up and a Godfather. The remaining 10 roles are determined by rolling six random numbers from 1-100. Each roll is separate. The following number ranges are assigned letters as shown:

1-50: T (Townie. This directly influences scum power roles.) (50/100)
51-60: E (“Either” Cop or Doctor) (10/100)
61-65: C (Cop) (5/100)
66-70: D (Doctor) (5/100)
71-80: V (Vigilante) (10/100)
81-90: M (Mason) (10/100)
91-100: B (Blocker) (10/100)

After the letters have been assigned, the mod refers to the list below to determine which power roles are included.

E Roles*
E = 1-Shot Doctor OR 1-Shot Cop
EE = 1-Shot Doctor OR 1-Shot Cop x2
EEE = Doctor OR Cop; 1-Shot Doctor OR 1-Shot Cop
EEEE = Doctor OR Cop; 1-Shot Doctor OR 1-Shot Cop x2
EEEEE = Doctor OR Cop x2; 1 -Shot Doctor OR 1-Shot Cop
EEEEEE = Doctor OR Cop x2; 1-Shot Doctor OR 1-Shot Cop x2

C Roles
C = 1-Shot Cop
CC = Cop
CCC = Cop; 1-Shot Cop
CCCC = Cop; 1-Shot Cop x2
CCCCC = Cop x2; 1-Shot Cop
CCCCCC = Cop x2; 1-Shot Cop x2

D Roles

D = Doctor
DD = Doctor; 1-Shot Doctor
DDD = Doctor; 1-Shot Doctor x2
DDDD = Doctor x2; 1-Shot Doctor
DDDDD = Doctor x2; 1-Shot Doctor x2
DDDDDD = Doctor x3

Vigilante Roles
V = 1-Shot Vigilante
VV = Vigilante
VVV = Vigilante; 1-Shot Vigilante
VVVV = Vigilante; 1-Shot Vigilante x2
VVVVV = Vigilante x2; 1-Shot Vigilante
VVVVVV = Vigilante x2; 1-Shot Vigilante x2

Mason Roles
M** = 1 Mason
MM = Innocent Child (Confirmed at start of Day 1)
MMM = 2 Masons
MMMM = 2 Masons; Innocent Child
MMMMM = 3 Masons
MMMMMM = 2 Masons; 2 Masons (i.e. two separate pairings)

Blocker Roles
B = Roleblocker
BB = Roleblocker; 1-Shot Roleblocker
BBB = Roleblocker; 1-Shot Roleblocker x2
BBBB = Roleblocker x2; 1-Shot Roleblocker
BBBBB = Roleblocker x2; 1-Shot Roleblocker x2
BBBBBB = Roleblocker x3

Scum Roles (In addition to the Godfather)
TTTTTT*** = Goon x2
TTTTT*** = Goon x2
TTTT = 1-Shot Strongman; Roleblocker
TTT = 1-Shot Strongman; Roleblocker
TT = Strongman; Roleblocker
T = Strongman; Roleblocker
0 Ts = Strongman; Roleblocker; 1-Shot Bulletproof****

After power roles are determined from the table above, Vanilla Townies are added to arrive at 12 players.

* "Or" roles are determined randomly
** Single M rolls result in the Universal Backup converting to a Mason
*** 5 or 6 T rolls result in a scum team of Goon - Goon - Godfather. During N0, the team may elect to have one of the two Goons be 1-Shot Bulletproof. This is optional and not required.
**** If there are zero Ts, one member of the mafia team is randomly 1-Shot Bulletproof.


--If a 1-Shot PR is the first PR to die, the UB will inherit that role, even if the shot was used up. The UB will not receive a new shot.
--If the Universal Backup converts to a Mason due to a single M roll, that player will not be informed of the conversion.
--Mafia Strongman modifier defeats one doctor protection or roleblocker. If two or more doctors successfully protect the target, the kill will fail. If a doctor protects the target and the Strongman is blocked, the kill will fail.  If two roleblockers target the Strongman, the kill will fail.
--The Bulletproof modifier will be revealed upon death, if selected or assigned.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2016, 07:08:03 pm by schadd »
I thought you thought it was a slip because I said 'Jake's partners' instead of 'Roadrunner7671.'


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each player has a distinct flavor that doesn't have anything at all to do with the game. everyone is the head of a distinct department in the scouncil; some of them sound kinda menacing, but know that it is always the one that you least suspect. or, sometimes the one that you most suspect. or, uh, somewhere in the middle.
  this is all to say, i came up with all of the departments and then randomized which ones get which roles.

  here is the PM received by vanilla townies, with a (fake) department that i came up with just now:

you are the head of the department of fart lasers—these critical tools of military and girl-removal have been at the forefront of aegence's technological concerns for decades.
  you are a vanilla townie! you don’t have any special powers, but hopefully you are good at voting.

  you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.

...and the rest
1-shot doc

  you are the (flavor)
  you are a 1-shot doctor! once, at night, you may target a player; that player is protected from being killed. you are doing snad’s work.
  you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.
  you are the (flavor)
  you are a doctor! each night, you may target a player; that player is protected from being killed. you are doing snad’s work.
  you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.
1-shot cop
  you are the (flavor)
  you are a 1-shot cop! once, at night, you may target a player; you will learn, come morning, whether that player is, in fact, mafia-aligned.
  you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.

  you are the (flavor)
  you are a cop! each night, you may target a player; you will learn, come morning, whether that player is, in fact, mafia-aligned.
  you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.
1-shot vig

  you are the (flavor)
  you are a 1-shot vigilante! once, at night, you may target a player other than yourself; this player will die a gruesome death. well, about as gruesome as most deaths in Competitive Discussion.
  you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.

  you are the (flavor)
  you are a vigilante! each night, you may target a player other than yourself; this player will die a gruesome death. well, about as gruesome as most deaths in Competitive Discussion.
  you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.

  you are the (flavor)
  you are a mason! you have an ally in this fight, with whom you may speak, privately, at [qt].
  you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.
you are the (flavor)
 you are an innocent child! at the beginning of the game, i will tell everyone that you are town. i mean, it's not like i even need to—just look at you! so innocent!
 you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.
1-shot rb

  you are the (flavor) 
  you are a town 1-shot roleblocker! once, at night, you may target one player; whatever night action that player takes is blocked.
  you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.

  you are the (flavor) 
  you are a town roleblocker! each night, you may target one player; whatever night action that player takes is blocked.
  you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.

  you are the (flavor) 
  you are a town universal backup! the first time a town power role dies, you will inherit it. this includes 1-shots that already shot. haha.
  you win when all mafia players are dead, and at least one town player is left alive.

  you are the (flavor)
  you are a mafia goon! at night, you may talk with your scumfriends, in [qt].
  you win when all town players are dead, or when nothing can prevent them all from dying, and also at least one mafia remains alive as well.
scum rb

  you are the (flavor)
  you are the mafia roleblocker! each night, you may target one player; whatever night action that player takes is blocked.
  at night, you may talk with your scumfriends, in [qt].
  you win when all town players are dead, or when nothing can prevent them all from dying, and also at least one mafia remains alive as well.
1-shot sm

  you are the (flavor)
  you are the 1-shot strongman. once, at night, you may decide to use your strongman power; if you do, and you perform the factional kill, you will break through one protective ability (i.e. doctor or roleblocker.)
  at night, you may talk with your scumfriends, in [qt].
  you win when all town players are dead, or when nothing can prevent them all from dying, and also at least one mafia remains alive as well.
  you are the (flavor)
  you are the strongman. at night, if you perform the factional kill, you will break through one protective ability (i.e. doctor or roleblocker.)
  at night, you may talk with your scumfriends, in [qt].

  you win when all town players are dead, or when nothing can prevent them all from dying, and also at least one mafia remains alive as well.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2016, 08:09:26 pm by schadd »
I thought you thought it was a slip because I said 'Jake's partners' instead of 'Roadrunner7671.'


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Is this game open for players that have not played before? If so, I would like to play.
Wins: M91, M96, NM10, M98, M102, M105
Losses: M100, M103, M104, M109, M112

MVPs: M91, M96
Win percentage: 54.5 (6/11)


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Is this game open for players that have not played before? If so, I would like to play.
it very much is.
I thought you thought it was a slip because I said 'Jake's partners' instead of 'Roadrunner7671.'


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Is this game open for players that have not played before? If so, I would like to play.
Yes! This game definitely is super newbie friendly! Join!

Oh God someone delete this before Roadrunner sees it.


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I would definitely play a BM modded by schadd.
pacovf has a neopets account.  It has 999 hours logged.  All his neopets are named "Jessica".  I guess that must be his ex.


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I would definitely play a BM modded by schadd.
i would as well, because of how BMs tend to work. alas
I thought you thought it was a slip because I said 'Jake's partners' instead of 'Roadrunner7671.'


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Baseball For Life
Mafia Record Overall (6-14) 30%

Town Wins (4-11) 26.7% M88L, M89L, NM9L, M91L, M95L, M97L,NM10W, RMM41L, M100L, M103L, M105W, M107W, RMM45W, M109L, RMM46L

Scum Wins (2-3) 40% M87L, M94W, ZM23L, M99L, ZM24W

MVP's: None


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Re: M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (open for signups) (and stuff)
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2016, 08:00:52 pm »

/in if this doesn't start before the 20th
Oh, i just don't like mafia games.

Town (5/9): M85, RMM35, M87, NM9, M90RMM38, M92, M91, M102,
Scum (3/3): M84, M88, M100

MVPs (1): M84


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Re: M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (open for signups) (and stuff)
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2016, 01:46:46 am »

/tag for the flavor
We might be from all over the world, but "we all talk this one language  : +1 card + 1 action +1 buy , gain , discard, trash... " - RTT


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Re: M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (open for signups) (and stuff)
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2016, 02:26:55 am »

Bomb, Cannon, and many of the Gunpowder cards can strongly effect gameplay, particularly in a destructive way

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Re: M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (open for signups) (and stuff)
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2016, 04:30:30 am »

Mafia Stats: (correct as of 2017)
Town: 22 games, 8 wins
Scum: 5 games, 3 wins


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Re: M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (open for signups) (and stuff)
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2016, 09:17:25 am »


Wow, its good to be back!
This is exactly the kind of deep analysis I come to f.ds for. 

Forum Mafia Record
Town 1/2 50%
Scum 0/0


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Re: M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (open for signups) (and stuff)
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2016, 09:25:09 am »

f.ds Mafia Board Moderator

2013, 2014, 2015 Mafia Mod of the Year
2015 f.ds Representative, World Forum Mafia Championships
2013, 2014 Mafia Player of the Year (Tie)

11x MVP: M30, M83, ZM16, M25, M38, M61, M76, RMM5, RMM41, RMM46, M51


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Re: M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (open for signups) (and stuff)
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2016, 10:08:40 am »


Wow, its good to be back!
He's back!!
Baseball For Life
Mafia Record Overall (6-14) 30%

Town Wins (4-11) 26.7% M88L, M89L, NM9L, M91L, M95L, M97L,NM10W, RMM41L, M100L, M103L, M105W, M107W, RMM45W, M109L, RMM46L

Scum Wins (2-3) 40% M87L, M94W, ZM23L, M99L, ZM24W

MVP's: None


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Re: M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (open for signups) (and stuff)
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2016, 11:30:11 am »


J Reggie

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Re: M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (open for signups) (and stuff)
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2016, 12:06:19 pm »



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Re: M91: trouble in the Scouncil (schadnd mafia) (open for signups) (and stuff)
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2016, 12:09:26 pm »



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I thought you thought it was a slip because I said 'Jake's partners' instead of 'Roadrunner7671.'


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This is exactly the kind of deep analysis I come to f.ds for. 

Forum Mafia Record
Town 1/2 50%
Scum 0/0


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This is exactly the kind of deep analysis I come to f.ds for. 

Forum Mafia Record
Town 1/2 50%
Scum 0/0


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Wins: 15, 10
Losses: 11, 5, 1
Draws: 1
MVPs: 4
Mod/Co-mod: 18

I always have a limited access to forum on weekends.


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This is exactly the kind of deep analysis I come to f.ds for. 

Forum Mafia Record
Town 1/2 50%
Scum 0/0
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