Did anyone try building fan cards from Goko templates? I have all the Goko graphics and want to use them to make Polish versions of sets that were not translated (as the Polish publisher after a few years' silence has announced recently that they abandon Dominion series completely). I have:
- png files with card templates (with card art window transparent),
- jpg files with card art, size fitting the templates,
- GIMP (2.82).
I tried to piece this together and encountered various problems - the background (template) insisted to be background and didn't want to move over the art, when copied to another layer it lost transparency, jpg pasted into png was losing colours. Did anyone try doing cards this way with success and knows how to overcome the obstacles?
BTW, if anyone would like to get those files, I put them all into a zip archive and uploaded here:
http://www48.zippyshare.com/v/94152568/file.html Contents:
- art of all 205 kingdom cards (incl Knights randomizer), all ruins, shelters and knights, madman and mercenary,
- icons of 9 expansions and 5 promos,
- card templates for all card types existing (including Victory-Potion for Vineyard, but without Action-Potion for Transmute)
- Trash card art, card back both for a regular card and for Stash (no randomizer back)
- coin, potion and VP shield images in different sizes.