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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #50 on: January 10, 2013, 09:23:23 am »

And then I just spent quite some time flipping this coin and recording the results, until I happened to run across a streak while having gathered enough data to do a statistical meaningful test and be able to state with > 99.999% certainty that the odds are 50/50.

Sounds like simple hypothesis against simple alternative, in which case I would like to see your alternative. Probably not anywhere within the interval [.499; .501].

Depends on the kingdom. (f.DS, find an edge case for anything.)

If I had to do the actual work, it'd probably be as low as .49<x<.51, because I'm lazy. If I can use lab staff, but have to pay for it out of the project budget, probably, .4975<x<.5025.
But in my thought experiment, where I don't actually have to do any work, I selected .4999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999<x<.5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001

Selection was determined by how long I pressed and held the 9. I might have taken a bit longer if I got into it.

Now let this go. The point stands: even if there is a bias either way, let's say something as ridiculous as 70% heads - 30% tails. Given that I had ten consecutive heads, the next throw will have the same probability either way as any other random throw; for this particular coin from RidiculousCoins inc. that would be 70% chance of heads.
Or we get one from That'llBeGoodEnoughCoins inc., which give 49.9 heads-50.1 tails. In that case, the odds after ten consecutive heads are 49.9%, just like any random flip.

The actual numbers are irrelevant. I'll let go now, will you?


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2013, 09:58:08 am »

Not really a paradox, more of a statistical issue, but an issue that comes up frequently in policy, and also explains why shoes that are ugly are probably very comfortable, and why shoes that are nice-looking are probably very uncomfortable:


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #52 on: January 10, 2013, 10:13:31 am »

Is 10 flips enough?  Well, 2^10 is only 1024, and I doubt that there is a double-headed quarter for every ~1000 quarters, so probably you witnessed the rare event of flipping a 10 heads in a row rather than the even more rare event of finding a double-sided quarter as the first one you pull from your pocket.

Unless the person flipping the coin had less than honorable intentions.

I have read (but cannot find a source now) that it's very hard, if not impossible, to manufacture a coin, that, while looking innocent (and not obviously manipulated), and tossed properly, yields a biased result.

That means, if you toss the coin ten times before my eyes, my prior would be a lot more concentrated around .5 than if you said to me "I have tossed a coin ten times".

But he has to let you check the coin. And if you don't contract to do so before flipping, you may be out of luck regardless of how easy it is to check. Or if he does let you check, he may be really good at slight of hand.

Ten thousand people enter a coin-flipping contest.

Back in high school in my stats class the teacher asked each person in the class (of 20, not 10,000) to flip a penny 10 times and record the sequences of heads and tails. He told us that "all the same rarely happens" and the exercise was meant to get a sense of the distribution. We then wrote the sequences on the board. More than half the class recorded all heads or all tails. The teacher was unable to monitor that everyone was flipping "fairly" or recording "honestly" and many people intentionally attempted to thwart the exercise. At least that was his conclusion. But maybe the sample was too small and it was bad luck.

Improbable things do happen, but often something violating the assumptions is happening instead. I think that was the point WW was trying to make.

... Most difficult part is explaining any counterintuitive results to management....
Actually, this is only true if you assume that the coin MUST be a 'fair' coin. However, ten consecutive heads is some evidence that the coin isn't fair. How much - I don't know. What's the prior given the situation that the coin is actually fair vs a trick coin or something? If you flip the thing a million times and it comes up heads every single one, then sure, if you know it is a fair coin, it's still 50-50, but I would start to suspect, and I think quite rightly, that it's somehow rigged.

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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #53 on: January 10, 2013, 10:30:44 am »

No, it's definitely some evidence. It's not a certainty or anything, it's just SOME evidence. I stand by everything I said before, and repeat my question: what's your prior? This post seems to imply that your prior is that all coin-flips must be exactly 50-50... this is pretty short-sighted.
Dude what? I don't know what "what's your prior" means but it sure seems moot. I could have said "there are thirteen people left" or whatever to make the scenario seem more random; it seemed pointless. Why you would think that I would think that coins are perfect 50-50 machines is a mystery. I guess you just didn't like that I tied my entertaining scenario, which I was considering posting anyway, into your statement, and so you thought, let's call him something?

Maybe you just have a short-sighted way of using the word "evidence." We have motive here - who doesn't want to win a coin-flipping contest? We have suspects. We have no evidence. Nothing noteworthy has happened. It only looks noteworthy when you take it out of context. To get evidence, we would need to try more flips, or study tapes of the people flipping, or analyze the coins, etc., none of which have happened yet. We do not have that evidence.

I have people flipping different coins, because that's my fun scenario for showcasing the point I actually wanted to make, which was nothing to do with this; and so, you can attack that, try to say that there is some small amount of evidence of foul play simply because there was no guarantee that even a single coin would flip ten heads, no matter how likely it was that several coins would. Okay so. I can counter your initial assertion trivially by flipping a single coin enough times. Ten heads in a row is no evidence of bias inside the context of zillions of flips that did not show bias, which could well be the scenario Synthesizer was describing ("You are flipping a coin [zillions of times]..."). At a certain point it would be suspicious if it *didn't* get ten heads in a row sometimes. I don't know how you rig a coin like that, but you know, we could be living in a simulation or something.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #54 on: January 10, 2013, 10:32:48 am »

In the Monty Hall problem, if a random stranger walked on the set and was asked to pick a door (without having picked a previous door), he would always have a 50/50 chance. Probabilities can thus be different for different people, based on the information they possess. And if they make choices based on their own probabilities, they will have an expected value in accordance with their percentage.

That's assuming the stranger doesn't know which door the contestant picked and which door is the one that the contestant can switch to, right?  If the stranger knew this, he would pick the one the contestant did not for that same 67% chance, right?


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #55 on: January 10, 2013, 10:34:32 am »

The flipping coins example was done on TV by Derren Brown, but with Race Horses that he used to fool people into thinking he had a perfect system of picking winners.

But he started off with enough of a sample size and told them to be £10 each down on each race.

After a number of races he of course had one guy who had won every race and believed in the system he told him to put everything he could on the winner of the next race....
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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #56 on: January 10, 2013, 10:35:26 am »

Most difficult part is explaining any counterintuitive results to management...

I can empathize.

I've had to explain why the average phone call length for a quarter is not necessarily 41 seconds when the months of that quarter had average phone call lengths of 34, 37, and 52 seconds. I stay on guard in case someone tries to accuse me of cooking the books.

Or at the very least, I insist on including the label of "Average of monthly averages," especially if we don't have individual data.

But that gets away from probability.
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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #57 on: January 10, 2013, 10:42:59 am »

Not really a paradox, more of a statistical issue, but an issue that comes up frequently in policy, and also explains why shoes that are ugly are probably very comfortable, and why shoes that are nice-looking are probably very uncomfortable:
Similarly Dominion is not known for its theme.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #58 on: January 10, 2013, 10:43:57 am »

There's a real-world-application of the monty hall paradox that shows up in bridge strategy called the principle of restricted choice. I imagine it applies in Dominion sometimes, although information is much less important in Dominion than bridge.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #59 on: January 10, 2013, 02:03:57 pm »

Actually, this is only true if you assume that the coin MUST be a 'fair' coin.
As specified in the premise.
The point is, after a certain point, I don't trust the premise - obviously if you magically know that it's always 50-50, then it's 50-50, but this isn't something that trips people up. And you simply can't magically know that a coin is certainly 50-50. You really can't know that.[/quote]

However, ten consecutive heads is some evidence that the coin isn't fair.
Sometimes there is no way to say something without being a condescending jerk, so here it goes (I have no friendlier way to phrase (PREVIEWED IN: from the post you made while I was typing this, seems to suggest you already got this. But, for those who didn't:)):
Ten consecutive heads in any realistic situation is some evidence that the coin MIGHT not be fair. The MIGHT is extremely important. There is a probability of ~0.1% of this happening. Compare this with lottery odds (link is an example that took me a few seconds to find) , they are much lower than this - yet every now and then someone somewhere wins a lottery. That's because A LOT of people partake in these lotteries...

The 0.1% chance of it happening, means a 99.9% chance of it failing, for each try. If I can have 3000 tries, that means odds of failing every single time are .999^3000 = .05 => 5%; i.e. with 3000 tries available, throwing 10 heads in a row doesn't seem so unlikely anymore!

I have been to casinos. I enjoy watching people spending boatloads of money on roulette even if I don't. And I actually did see a streak of >10 consecutive red results with my own eyes. Casinos feel a bias directly in their bottom line - they make sure it is negligible. But given the sheer number of roulette plays in the world, SOMEONE is bound to witness one SOMEWHERE SOMETIME.

Sure. I don't feel like you're being at all condescending here. And people do need to realize, when doing statistics, that just because something is improbable given certain assumptions doesn't NECESSARILY mean those things are wrong. Things that only happen 5% of the time, actually do happen 5% of the time.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #60 on: January 10, 2013, 02:06:18 pm »

Oh, and about being short sighted, and the premise, I failed to mention something that was obvious:
Of course I ordered a special calibrated coin from UnBiasedModelCoinCorp inc. :)

And then I just spent quite some time flipping this coin and recording the results, until I happened to run across a streak while having gathered enough data to do a statistical meaningful test and be able to state with > 99.999% certainty that the odds are 50/50.

That's the beauty of thought experiments and model calculations, you can just skip all the hard work. That's why we employ lab staff :)

On a more serious note, I do expect that randomly selected, not clearly defective coins (bent, double headed, whatnot) will be properly described by 50-50 heads/tails. Note that I also negliged the slight possibility of "neither" (i.e., it falls on its edge and just stands there).
Actual research indicates that this is not the case.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #61 on: January 10, 2013, 02:45:07 pm »

No, it's definitely some evidence. It's not a certainty or anything, it's just SOME evidence. I stand by everything I said before, and repeat my question: what's your prior? This post seems to imply that your prior is that all coin-flips must be exactly 50-50... this is pretty short-sighted.
Dude what? I don't know what "what's your prior" means but it sure seems moot. I could have said "there are thirteen people left" or whatever to make the scenario seem more random; it seemed pointless. Why you would think that I would think that coins are perfect 50-50 machines is a mystery. I guess you just didn't like that I tied my entertaining scenario, which I was considering posting anyway, into your statement, and so you thought, let's call him something?

Maybe you just have a short-sighted way of using the word "evidence." We have motive here - who doesn't want to win a coin-flipping contest? We have suspects. We have no evidence. Nothing noteworthy has happened. It only looks noteworthy when you take it out of context. To get evidence, we would need to try more flips, or study tapes of the people flipping, or analyze the coins, etc., none of which have happened yet. We do not have that evidence.

I have people flipping different coins, because that's my fun scenario for showcasing the point I actually wanted to make, which was nothing to do with this; and so, you can attack that, try to say that there is some small amount of evidence of foul play simply because there was no guarantee that even a single coin would flip ten heads, no matter how likely it was that several coins would. Okay so. I can counter your initial assertion trivially by flipping a single coin enough times. Ten heads in a row is no evidence of bias inside the context of zillions of flips that did not show bias, which could well be the scenario Synthesizer was describing ("You are flipping a coin [zillions of times]..."). At a certain point it would be suspicious if it *didn't* get ten heads in a row sometimes. I don't know how you rig a coin like that, but you know, we could be living in a simulation or something.

You start your post with "I can arrange for it not to be!"
This is wrong, which is fine - man, people are wrong all the time. The tone created therein of "Gee-bet-you-hadn't-thought-of-THAT, I am much cleverer than you are, here's a nice example to show it" is somewhat irksome, but again, not THAT bad. Combining them is not so hot.
But let's dig into the particulars of the situation.
Yes, long series flips of the same side on a coin that has a mythical "truly 50%" head-tail rate on any given Bernoulli trial do in fact happen with a particular probability - namely, (.5)^N, or if it could be either side and you aren't specifying that they need to all actually be heads, then there are two ways of doing this, and it turns into (.5)^(N-1), where N in either case is the number of consecutive flips. Yes, this can indeed happen.
My claim is that 10 flips (even one flip for that matter) constitutes some evidence that it isn't fair. By fair here, I mean the mythical 50-50 coin. I am not claiming that this is enough evidence to make me think that an unfair coin is most probable, or even very likely at all. All I am saying is that after witnessing 10 consecutive heads flips, you should now think it more likely that the coin isn't 'fair' than before you witnessed the 10 consecutive head flips. I am not saying how much more likely. Just more likely. This is what I mean by evidence. The only ways to escape this are to reject probability axioms or to set yourself as absolutely undeniably certain on a fair coin before you start things. My short-sighted comment pertains to the latter stance (and if you note, it's a claim about the position, not the person who holds it), since the former stance seems incompatible to me with holding that there is a probability of the coin, much less that it's 50%.
Again, whether or not it is 'noteworthy' is a matter of opinion, but I clearly think it is worth making a note of - this is why I did.

Your counters fail to grasp the basic point I am trying to make - in fact, they are an illustration of the particular fallacy which I'm trying to point out. That improbable things sometimes will happen DOES NOT imply that more information shouldn't revise initial estimates. This is what the "What's your prior" comment is getting at. I am asking you, before flipping the coin a single time, what did you believe the distribution of 'true percentage' of time that the coin was flipped would come up heads was? Now, it seems that your entire distribution of probabilities is 50%, which is, I am arguing, not a good choice. Because there is some probability of a trick coin, or just a slightly imbalanced one, or trick throws, or who knows what. It might be a REALLY REALLY small chance, but you ought not to say that it's just zero. How big this non-zero chance is is going to determine how many heads in a row you will take as sufficient evidence that it's not 50-50. So if you think there's a one-in-a-million chance that it's double-headed, you have pretty good evidence after about 20 flips of all heads that this is starting to look better than a 50-50 guess.

In your actual scenario, things are much more stilted. First of all, studies have shown a long-term average of like 51% that the coin will come up the same way it started with. This is somewhat dependent on the coin, but it's much more dependent on the flip. Some people flip in a way that comes up the same quite a lot (conversely some people have it switch a lot). Further, in a contest like this, I expect to see a much much higher percentage of double-headed coins than I would just randomly picking a coin up off the street - people do weird things in contests. Beyond this, people are more likely to TRY to do a trick toss or have a rigged coin or something in a contest, because yeah, we do want to win. So, after 10 throws, I am not going to guess that it's double-headed. But I will update my original estimate (which probably would have been 51-52%) up a ways, probably ending up somewhere in the 55-60% range. My guess would be that they are significantly more likely than a 'fair coin' to flip heads next, probably because they have a flip that tends to rotate the coin an even number of times. Now, if I actually had more specific information on this stuff, then I could do better than that. But if you actually run this contest with enough people (the more the better), I would guess that the long-term average of these 'survivors' will be statistically significantly higher than 50% heads. And this is based on the evidence of their first 10 flips.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #62 on: January 10, 2013, 02:56:21 pm »

Edit: Meant HME, whoops: Ha, that's a pretty funny error  :P


After briefly skimming that article, I am still inclined to agree with myself.
I would direct you to the first example in the variants section: How does Mr. Smith saying that that boy was his son give any less information than me stating that I am the son of my parents?

I think that the sibling/me ordering might not be legal.

You might be right though; I don't really know.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 04:41:42 pm by heron »


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #63 on: January 10, 2013, 04:02:00 pm »

Jerk of all Trades: Ha, that's a pretty funny error  :P


After briefly skimming that article, I am still inclined to agree with myself.
I would direct you to the first example in the variants section: How does Mr. Smith saying that that boy was his son give any less information than me stating that I am the son of my parents?

I think that the sibling/me ordering might not be legal.

You might be right though; I don't really know.

For the first variant, it does say this:

The intuitive answer is 1/2 and, when making the most natural assumptions, this is correct.

They then provide a less natural way to argue the 1/3 answer for BB.  But then it argues against that immediately afterwards:

Bar-Hillel & Falk say that the natural assumption is that Mr Smith selected the child companion at random but, if so, the three combinations of BB, BG and GB are no longer equiprobable. For this to be the case each combination would need to be equally likely to produce a boy companion but it can be seen that in the BB combination a boy companion is guaranteed whereas in the other two combinations this is not the case. When the correct calculations are made, if the walking companion was chosen at random then the probability that the other child is also a boy is 1/2.

Likewise, my initial assumption is that you are just as likely to be male as female, leading to the 1/2 result.

But I think the best way to look at it is to start with all the possibilities and then eliminate.  I did that above.  You responded to it, but HME provided an eloquent rebuttal:

Now, I state that I am a boy. This means that there is at least one boy. However, since you don't know which column is me, you can't rule out either BG or GB.

Which leaves a 66.666666666666666667% probability that I am a boy.

Basically, there is a difference between

A. I am a boy and I have a sibling.
B. I have a sibling and one of us is a boy.

In A, we rule out any scenario where you are a girl:


In B, we only rule out the scenario where you are both girls:


It's only in B that we have the 1/3 chance of BB.

Or going back to the original question (of the probability that your sibling is a girl), there is a difference between the probability that your sibling is a girl given that you are a boy vs. the probability that ONE of you is a girl given that the OTHER one is a boy.



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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #64 on: January 10, 2013, 04:43:55 pm »

I meant to say something about HME's response, but I wrote JerkoaT instead of HME. Whoops.

I think I'll just agree to disagree with this.

On the other hand, I have one other solution: 100%. My sibling is a girl.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #65 on: January 10, 2013, 05:07:02 pm »

I meant to say something about HME's response, but I wrote JerkoaT instead of HME. Whoops.

I think I'll just agree to disagree with this.

On the other hand, I have one other solution: 100%. My sibling is a girl.

Well, can you lay out the math to get to your answer?  Or point out which part of my math you disagree with?

Can't argue with the 100%, of course. :)


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #66 on: January 10, 2013, 06:19:39 pm »

I agree with WW that even for the winners of the big contest, it can still be considered evidence. It suggests that those particular coins are less likely to be weighted towards tails, and are more likely to be weighted towards heads than the other coins. Of course, all coins could be perfectly weighted, but if you were looking for pro-head coins, you'd be looking at the winners of the competition first.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #67 on: January 10, 2013, 06:42:52 pm »

Not really a mathematical argument, but say Mr. Smith flipped two coins.
Possible results include:
One day he showed you that one of the coins was heads.
Obviously this rules out TT. However there is no reason to rule out either TH or HT is there?
If I flip 1000 pairs of coins in an ideal way for this example, then toss out all the TT pairs, I will have 250 HH pairs, 250 HT pairs, and 250 TH pairs.
I could show you a coin that was flipped heads from any of those pairs.

Going back to siblings:
Suppose I collect 1000 pairs of siblings.
And lets say I have 250 BB, 250 BG, 250 GB, and 250 GG.
I'll ignore all of the GG pairs.
Then, I instruct a boy from each pair to walk to your house to tell you that he is a boy with one sibling.
At first, you will say, "There is a 50% chance your sibling is a girl."  (Later you'll call the police probably)
However, it is clearly the case that there is a 2/3 chance that the stalker-boy's sibling is a girl, as I have 500 pairs with a boy and a girl, but only 250 pairs of two boys.

I think this argument is about as clear as I can get on my opinion.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #68 on: January 10, 2013, 07:30:48 pm »

Not really a mathematical argument, but say Mr. Smith flipped two coins.
Possible results include:
One day he showed you that one of the coins was heads.
Obviously this rules out TT. However there is no reason to rule out either TH or HT is there?
If I flip 1000 pairs of coins in an ideal way for this example, then toss out all the TT pairs, I will have 250 HH pairs, 250 HT pairs, and 250 TH pairs.
I could show you a coin that was flipped heads from any of those pairs.

Suppose I collect 1000 pairs of siblings.
And lets say I have 250 BB, 250 BG, 250 GB, and 250 GG.
I'll ignore all of the GG pairs.
Then, I instruct a boy from each pair to walk to your house to tell you that he is a boy with one sibling.
At first, you will say, "There is a 50% chance your sibling is a girl."  (Later you'll call the police probably)
However, it is clearly the case that there is a 2/3 chance that the stalker-boy's sibling is a girl, as I have 500 pairs with a boy and a girl, but only 250 pairs of two boys.

I think this argument is about as clear as I can get on my opinion.

This does not match your situation because, here, the initial population of pairs has already eliminated all GG pairs and you only ever send boys to my door (that sounds a little improper, but we continue).  As some guy in a house, when a child comes to my door, the natural assumption is that there is a 50% chance that that child will be a girl.  You are modifying it so that it is 100% chance a boy at the door.

With the question of you and your sibling, I start off not knowing whether you are male or female, and the natural assumption that it is 50% chance for either one.

Do you see the difference?

This paradox is super subtle and confusing, but it really does depend on very precise wording.

Maybe someone else in the forums can do a better job explaining it.   :-\


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #69 on: January 10, 2013, 07:46:15 pm »

Hmm, you have a point, but I still like my 2/3. I think I'll continue to argue it forever.
A good way for someone to try to explain it to me is to give an example similar to my argument with the 1000 sibling pairs.

Anyway, back to trying to convince you that I'm right:
Oh wait shoot I'm not right. I used different reasoning than you though.
I forgot that the BB family counts double, since I could be either of the two boys.
If in my 1000 pair example, to make it work, I would have to send 500 girls and 500 boys, with 250 boys from BB, 125 from BG, and 125 from GB. (and the opposite for girls)
Then, I would hide in front of your house and slaughter all of the girls that approach (there goes my government grant)
But then, it would end up being 50/50 whether the sibling is a boy or a girl.

Thanks for the help in understanding this!


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #70 on: January 10, 2013, 07:48:40 pm »

Not really a mathematical argument, but say Mr. Smith flipped two coins.
Possible results include:
One day he showed you that one of the coins was heads.
Obviously this rules out TT. However there is no reason to rule out either TH or HT is there?

The reason other people have ruled out TH or HT is that they are ordering their columns as
column 1: coin that Mr. Smith showed me
column 2: coin that Mr. Smith did not show me

You seem to be ordering them in some other way. Let's use chronological. Your possiblities are:
HT & Mr. Smith showed first coin flipped
TH & Mr. Smith showed 2nd coin flipped

Hence Mr. Smith's method of choosing which coin to show you matters to the probability. Provided this method is independent of the result of the flips, we will get 1/2.

With no knowledge about how he is choosing it, we should use this method as it is in a sort of centre of possible methods. Sure, he might be showing you a head when there is at least one head, but he could also be showing you a tails whenever there is at least one tails.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #71 on: January 10, 2013, 07:52:52 pm »

I think the confusion for me arose because it depends on if Mr. Smith examines all of the possible coins and shows a heads to you, or if he examines all of the pairs and shows a heads from one to you.
The sibling question is one of examining all of the possible humans.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #72 on: January 11, 2013, 02:29:46 am »


Theory has already said it to the Monty Hall, and it applies here to: "You have to formulate precisely here".

ALL of you would get curious if someone cames to you, saying "I can flip this coin to heads 10 times in a row" and does it on first try.  I would if they do it 5 times.  Would I or you definitely believe the only explanation is that the coin is rigged or there are some magic powers involved? No, but we all give some likelihood higher than 0 to at least one of this cases after this happened.  At least we get curious to see more, and we wouldn't if we would think everything is defintely "normal".

NONE would (hopefully) get any curious at all if out of a sample of 10^whatever (whatever>2) you see one 10 heads in a row.

I don't get surprised if I got told that someone wins in the lottery, but I DO get surprised if someone tells me they will win the lottery tomorrow and then do it.


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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #73 on: January 11, 2013, 03:37:29 am »

I think the confusion for me arose because it depends on if Mr. Smith examines all of the possible coins and shows a heads to you, or if he examines all of the pairs and shows a heads from one to you.
The sibling question is one of examining all of the possible humans.

In all honesty, I'm still having difficulty pinpointing the exact quirk of wording that makes it 50% or not.  I'm just aware that the subtlety exists. Difficult!

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Re: Probability paradoxes
« Reply #74 on: January 11, 2013, 04:06:59 am »

You start your post with "I can arrange for it not to be!"
This is wrong, which is fine - man, people are wrong all the time. The tone created therein of "Gee-bet-you-hadn't-thought-of-THAT, I am much cleverer than you are, here's a nice example to show it" is somewhat irksome, but again, not THAT bad. Combining them is not so hot.
I arrange for ten heads flips in a row to not be evidence of an overly rigged coin by flipping the coin a zillion times and then looking for a set of ten flips. Those ten flips are not some tiny amount of evidence of a rigged coin. This has nothing to do with what I wanted to say, and is addressing your initial post in a way I wasn't at all trying to address it. For all I know you were only considering sets of 10 flips in isolation, which obviously I had to change blatantly in order to get to my exciting point.

That post wasn't really addressed to you at all, it just seemed like it was because I quoted you in order to be saying something apropos of something else. I was not saying, let me correct you WanderingWinder, I was saying, apropos of that here is a cool thing. I did not make up this scenario, I think I read it in a William Poundstone book. I am so clever I read a book once.

My claim is that 10 flips (even one flip for that matter) constitutes some evidence that it isn't fair. By fair here, I mean the mythical 50-50 coin.
If you only flip the coin 10 times ever, then of course those 10 flips are evidence of blah blah blah. They are our best guide so far to what to expect from this coin in the future. If the coin had three sides, rock/paper/scissors, and it came up rock ten times and I was trying to beat it, I would for sure try paper. If we flip a coin zillions of times then 10 heads somewhere in there is not evidence of a rigged coin, it is normal. If a computer program for playing rock/paper/scissors doesn't once in a while out of a zillion iterations pick rock ten times in a row, that's something I can exploit to beat it.

Your counters fail to grasp the basic point I am trying to make - in fact, they are an illustration of the particular fallacy which I'm trying to point out. That improbable things sometimes will happen DOES NOT imply that more information shouldn't revise initial estimates.
I meanwhile am talking about how in a broader context unusual things are expected to happen, and there is a trick of perspective where you only see the unusual thing and think it's more special than it is, when in fact singling out the unusual thing accounts for everything.

Let's say everyone in the contest uses the same coin. We run one contest, then another. For the second contest we add 10,000 more people. The expected number of streaks of 10 heads goes up. Does the chance that the coin was rigged go up?

Further, in a contest like this, I expect to see a much much higher percentage of double-headed coins than I would just randomly picking a coin up off the street - people do weird things in contests. Beyond this, people are more likely to TRY to do a trick toss or have a rigged coin or something in a contest, because yeah, we do want to win.
Holding a contest makes some people cheat, but that has no relevance to anything I was interested in saying.
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