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Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« on: August 12, 2012, 09:17:50 am »

This is my first attempt at creating a fan expansion. There are 24 cards. I did my best to try to include various card types with a good deal of interactions. Criticisms are welcome as I'm no WanderingWinder, just an avid fan trying to come up with some fun new options.

So here we go (beginning in alphabetical order).


This was my attempt at creating a bizarre Masquerade. Wait, shouldn't this be an Attack? Well if you could simply Moat it, it wouldn't be Anarchy would it?


A weak terminal silver that has no place in a strong deck. Perhaps your opponents will have pity on you and pass their unwanted Coppers.

Boom Town

One of the two villages included in the set. It starts off being a bit overpriced not unlike City. However accumulate enough of them and you’ll soon find they are more powerful than you might expect.


The second of my two villages.  I tried to maintain a strong tie to thematics when creating this set. If your “Village” manages to find its own Duchy and hence proclaim its right to self-government it will be rewarded with untold Treasure.


Face it there’s no way around it. Either he sells you something you don’t want or he cons you out of something you already have.  BTW I hate the art.


My set's Workshop, but unlike the original this one actually gets stronger with your deck.


Want another Gold, but can’t afford it? Counterfeit it. Or better yet trash it and gain a copy of your opponent’s Gold.

Dark Arts

I wanted to include a $7 attack in my set, but what would one look like? Well, this one not only chews up your opponents deck and spits out curses, buy if you fully embrace the Dark Arts it gives you Victory points!


Sometimes it’s easier to start over than fix up the junk you already have.


I’ve always thought it would be interesting to have a card that your opponent chose the outcome for you. I mean if he knew your hand he could pick the worse one, but without that information it puts him in a real pickle. Ironically I couldn’t settle on an image for this card.


It’s kind of a little Possession mixed with Golem.


A thematic inspired card that rewards you whenever you or an opponent greens; albeit in different ways. 


Sure you’d rather have Harem, but sometimes one is good enough.


A Thief inspired card that eventually evolved to become more Cutpurse/Highway like.


A Durationed Throne Room. Plus I quite enjoy the pun.


My take on a useful Scout. How useful is he? Well if he manages to find a couple Victory cards he turns himself into a Trusty Steed.


I always felt that Dominion needed a few $1 cards to shake things up on occasion. Apparently Donald agreed with me. And yes I created all the cards in this set before the Dark Ages previews. Hence no Ruins, Shelters, or Looters… yet.


This card does what every good Philanthropist does. Hands out cash, while maintaining its own well-funded Trust. Any help with the art on this one would be appreciated. Actually feel free to submit replacement art for any other the posted cards. I’m not above replacing them if better art is submitted. This is especially true if the original artist is unknown.


Ever bought something you later regretted? Get a Refund, but don’t expect it to be worth what you originally paid for it.


Nothing quite like dumpster diving. Who knows maybe you’ll find something useful; But then again, Trash is trash for a reason.


Overpaid for your Duchy? Not anymore. Although small, this treasure can be set aside for use on a future turn.  Just be in a hurry, as it may take quite some time to save up for that Provence you always wanted.

Royal Demesne

I keep waiting for Donald to make this one and he never did. So here it is.


It’s best to keep your Smith well paid. That way he doesn’t seek outside employment.

Utopian Revolution

Give all you have to the cause and rejoice in equality, or nearly so. Funny how those that start revolutions always tend to benefit more than the populace they claim to selflessly serve.

Once again if you notice any errors, inconsistencies, flaws, or anything else for that matter, feel free to comment, scold, or suggest anything your heart desires. The worst thing I can do is say no. You can download the entire set here:
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 09:35:30 am by Auto-Destruct Sequence »

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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2012, 09:18:26 am »

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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2012, 10:23:17 am »

Suggestion: Reduce the politics/Mastermindery, increase the play time by having each player pick their card in sequence instead of selectively dealing Curses to one player.

I rather like the concept and execution. It is rather weak.

Boom Town
This is from the Village contest. It is too weak nearly all of the time.

I can't tell if this is too strong by itself, or requires some kind of alt-VP rush to work. It is quite potent. If you have $5 and these in deck, do you get the $5 attack or a duchy?

Edit: Sorry, this costs $7? Nevermind, it is weak and likely needs to cost $6.

It seems initially easy to avoid the attack (in 2 player). That seems fine, since in multiples it is Ambassador with coining instead of trashing.

A good late game card that reads "Gain a Duchy or Gold" if you have a Province. Bad opener, but that seems fine.

I love this card to death. I have been trying to make a version of this myself.

Dark Arts
I think that any Dark Arts strategy will give far fewer Curses to opponents since they can trash the ones in their hand. It might give them an opening to pick up Dark Arts late themselves. I do not worry too much about "reachability or availability" of it not being 5 cost since the attack is not strong.

Seems quite strong. Maybe strong enough to double open.

The 2 VP seems the weakest out of these choices for most of the game. Your deck will be "stunted" in terms of card output and the VP advantage is pretty quickly overcome. Maybe a Expand or a Remodel-into-hand option?

I will talk about the rest later. Good set.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 08:48:39 pm by One Armed Man »

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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2012, 12:07:41 pm »

Thanks for your comments. Its really appreciated. And by no means is this set finalized so suggestions are quite welcome.

Suggestion: Reduce the politics/Mastermindery, increase the play time by having each player pick their card in sequence instead of selectively dealing Curses to one player.
This card was purely thematically derived. I came up with the name first then created the card. Having players select cards would ruin the anarchyism that inspired this card in the first place.

Boom Town
This is from the Village contest. It is too weak nearly all of the time.
It was my entry. I quite like the concept and card overall and would rather change the cost than the contents itself. However I kinda feel this card at $2 would be too strong. I think this is the kind of card you rush if it can be gained easily but avoided in the absence of such. Suggestions?

The 2 VP seems the weakest out of these choices for most of the game. Your deck will be "stunted" in terms of card output and the VP advantage is pretty quickly overcome. Maybe a Expand or a Remodel-into-hand option?
I love alternate victory strategies. What if it was +3 VP?


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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2012, 12:10:47 pm »

So many interesting cards!  As is the way of things the comments you're going to get from me are mostly criticisms because saying "yes, I like this" 20 times gets boring. :)

Borough looks very weak.  You have to get $7 for a village, then buy a Duchy, then connect them, and are rewarded with more Duchies in your deck.

Demolish is crazy strong.  A cantrip compulsory trasher would be great, and this is cheaper and more flexible.

Each option on Dilemma is worth more than $4, and I'm not sure the lack of choice makes up for that.  (PPE: OneArmedMan may be right that this will usually be +2VP, which is OK at $4.)

The attack on Highwayman is strong.  Games with this and no +$ in the Kingdom might not be much fun.

Keep crops up every now and again as a fan card; it was also one of Donald's original ideas for Seaside.

Quote from: Donald X. Vaccarino
- There was a now-and-later Throne Room variant. Play an Action, play it again next turn. It was both confusing and weak. What if you use it on a duration card? How long does it stay on the table? It could have said "non-duration," but that's pretty sad in a set with 8 duration cards. And did I mention it was weak? It left before development started.

Refund is stronger than Steward early, but less strong late.

Reserve doesn't work the way you intend it to at the moment: Treasures generate money when they're played in the same way that Action cards do.

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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2012, 12:24:18 pm »

Keep crops up every now and again as a fan card; it was also one of Donald's original ideas for Seaside.

Quote from: Donald X. Vaccarino
- There was a now-and-later Throne Room variant. Play an Action, play it again next turn. It was both confusing and weak. What if you use it on a duration card? How long does it stay on the table? It could have said "non-duration," but that's pretty sad in a set with 8 duration cards. And did I mention it was weak? It left before development
I was unaware of this. Thanks for bringing the duration issue up.

Reserve doesn't work the way you intend it to at the moment: Treasures generate money when they're played in the same way that Action cards do.
Good catch. Some rewording will surely be done to correct the intent.


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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2012, 01:13:23 pm »

Anarchy - if you don't want it to be an attack, it needs to be more symmetrical.  Just shuffle and randomly deal out all of the cards, instead of you picking one first.  Don't know if that makes it too weak, but it needs to say that to not be an attack.

Beggar - well, it is weak.  I think it might be too weak, as right now your opponents are getting the bishop opponent benefit, which is IMO almost as strong as the +$2.  I'd like it more with "if you put no cards in your hand, +1 buy".  So it's like a weaker woodcutter.

Boom Town - I like that the first play doesn't give a card.  But I think that it is too weak in multiplayer games without KC / TR.  As in, it will be hard to get more than 3 copies, because you have to go for it if one player does to deny, but then nobody gets anything.  I'd like it more as starting as +2 Actions, +1 $.  And then just card for 2, buy for 3, and VP for 4.

Borough - Why does this cost $7?  I like the concept, but this should definitely only cost $6 and maybe even $5, because it's not like opening with it is a problem.

Charlatan - I like the spin on Ambassador here.  Although... it might play more like Cutpurse, as I imagine most times people will just discard.  But that gets nasty in 4 player.  Especially because unlike Ambassador it doesn't deck thin.  So it probably would lead to a lack of progress in the game.  So on second thought, I don't like it.

Construction - Strong, but I think it's ok.

Counterfeit - I think the reaction part is too weak, but I like the action.  Maybe put the card on the deck or in hand.

Dark Arts - I really like this card.  5 VP for $7 is already a fine deal, and it can be used as an in game curser (albeit weak) makes it good.

Demolish - Price it at $4 and I like it.  I mean... it seems as strong as Upgrade, so maybe $5 would be ok.  Because this is a non terminal trasher that doesn't reduce hand size.  How many of those are in the game right now?

Dilemma - I'd like it better as:
+1 Action
The player to your left chooses one for you to receive:
+$2, +1 Buy; or +2 Cards; or +2 VP
Having it so you don't know if it's non terminal or not is weird for playing.  There is a reason tournament always gives an action.  There is a reason governor always gives an action.

Enchantment - Probably alright, but maybe weak.  As for the cost of 1P, you probably could have just bought the card, unless you get real lucky.

Fief - The reaction part is very weak.  I mean, unless you have terminal collision, the +$2 is almost always worth more than +1 VP.  Maybe set aside like HT.

Harlot - I like the card a lot, but it might be too weak.  When in the game would you buy it over silver?  It's kind of the problem Harem has... but more magnified.

Highwayman - Donald has said he tried Cutpurse that way, but any treasure was too brutal, especially in multiplayer.

Keep - Another original DXV idea that didn't work out, but I still like the idea of it.

Outrider - Maybe too weak.  I mean like scout it really needs to draw a VP card... and many fools people already think scout is the worst card in the game.

Pauper - This card is pure beauty.  I like it.

Philanthropist - I have no idea if this is at all balanced, but I do like the idea.

Refund - is a super card.  I mean, early you can normally trash estate + copper and still buy a silver.  And with curses... it's a super card.

Refuse - I don't like this card.  Often cards that are in the trash are curses, and if it hits them, then its a very overpriced chapel.  Plus for it to be good, there needs to BE trash, so there probably is another trasher out.  Which means the original action isn't all that good.

Reserve - I like the concept, not sure if it is worded correctly.

Royal Demense - I like it.  It's similar in strength to fairgrounds, as in basic games it will be worth 4 VP, but with the right set up it can be an alternative to provinces.

Silversmith - Might be too weak.  But then again, now that I think about it, it probably is comparable to smithy / envoy.

Utopian Revolution - I think this is too weak.  I mean... the next turn benefit is small compared to the penalty of discarding your hand.  And the attack isn't even as strong as a curser IMO.
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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2012, 01:29:18 pm »


U wot mate. Well, for those who already think Dominion makes a great party game, I guess this is right up their alley...


This probably helps opponents more than you on average. It would be neat if there were some way to keep track of the passed cards, allow you to play them, and then force them all to be trashed (played or not) at the end of your turn.

Boom Town

I like the ordering of the bonuses. Maybe toss in a +Buy with the VP, since you've already gotten 2 coins from them?


Clearly meant for a Duchy rush. I like the theming. I can see how it kinda needs to be expensive but I don't know that people would often pay $7 for it. OTOH I'm guessing it's amazing in combination with IGG, even at this price.


I think I'd usually rather have Militia, but this attack concept is really interesting. I would have at least approved this if it were in the contest, and maybe even given it 2 or 3 points.


I like it.


This seems like it could lead to a prisoner's dilemma situation where basically everyone buys a bunch of $5 Silvers, and then nobody wants to buy Gold or Platinum for fear of giving someone else several of the same at once. But maybe that isn't really a concern. I kinda like the idea, but honestly I don't think I'd look forward to seeing it in the Kingdom.

Dark Arts

Oooo. I like that it so elegantly protects against multiplayer attack stacking (opponents will just replace one curse with another). I think the VP bonus is too much; in games where more than one person buys Dark Arts, I would expect it to trigger fairly consistently, and +5VP for $7 would be fair even without the attack.


My gut feeling is that I'd generally rather have Lookout, and Lookout is not a strong card.

No idea why the others think this is strong. A compulsory trasher of this sort would be horrible, since the target is the (usually unknown) top card of your deck.


My gut feeling is that this generally becomes a $4 vanilla Village because the other options are too good. At least, it's a "safe option"; if you always pick the +2 Actions, +1 Card option, and lose anyway, then you would have done at least as badly against someone buying plain Villages. Okay, I misread that. Umm... idk.


It... doesn't seem to accomplish much, except to discourage the opponent from building an engine.


It is a neat concept. I think it is a bit too strong. Maybe change "reveal and discard" to "reveal and set aside" (putting it back in hand at the start of your turn), and bump it to $4.


I chuckled. I guess it is balanced.


This becomes ridiculous in an engine that can stack it, because you drain all the treasure out of opponent's hands while effectively playing Bridges (the lack of direct +$ hardly matters at that point). The cost reduction can't be KC/TRd, though.


I think duration TRs have already been determined to be problematic. (Also, you misspelled "beginning" on the card.)


This is more than just a Trusty Steed if it activates twice, as you draw 4 cards in total. Granted, at least 2 of them are green, but sometimes TS draws greens too. This is just super-swingy, and probably too good on average. Even if you draw only one victory card, you're getting +1 Action, +3 Cards and one of them is green (which might as well be discarded); that's already better than Stables where you have to discard a Copper and lose a coin.

The wording is also awkward. I'd do it like:

Reveal the top two cards of your deck. For each revealed Victory card, +1 Card, +1 Action. Put the revealed cards into your hand.


Sure, why not.


I think I'd prefer to put +1 Buy up front, and remove that from the benefits.


So I can open, say, Lab/Refund, then on the first reshuffle I trash a Copper and an Estate and get +$2 for them. I wonder how this compares to Chapel.


"If you did" should be "If you do" in standard wording. I don't really know how to evaluate this one.



Royal Demesne

How often will another alt-VP card be out alongside this? In a plain Province game, it becomes 4VP for $6 *if* you keep a starting Estate and buy a Duchy. I guess that will break ties every now and then. But it just doesn't seem that interesting to me.


I was expecting "Silvers produce an extra $2 this turn." ;) "If you don't" could be "Otherwise". I think this becomes better than Smithy fairly quickly.

Utopian Revolution

I think I'd usually rather just have Mountebank.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 01:33:46 pm by zahlman »


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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2012, 01:31:19 pm »

On a quick skim, I like it, but Utopian Revloution is pretty weak.  Compare to Mountebank- you can't get out of it with a discard, sure, but you're not getting a VP advantage out of it, (or heck, you're LOSING VP if game ends before your next turn) and the cards going into the opponents' hands instead of the discard is nice for trashing or discarding or other shenanigans.  $1 next turn is also lots weaker than $2 this turn.  I could maybe see a board where I'd take it over Mountebank, but when you factor in "discard your hand," I have a very hard time justifying a $5 price point.  I like the concept, but I think it is way overpriced as is.  I'd take out the hand discard, improve the benefit to the player, (Maybe gain Duchy and Silver instead of the duration?) or drop the price.
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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2012, 03:38:01 pm »

Pic idea for philanthropist: Tony Stark

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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2012, 03:39:56 pm »

Thank you all for the comments. It may take some time to evaluate each of the comments. Already you have given me a lot to consider. Thanks.


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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2012, 03:47:47 pm »

Your Counterfieters is very similiar to the Jewels card
in my expasion  :o

Really like the cards though. Great job!

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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2012, 04:02:26 pm »

Your Counterfieters is very similiar to the Jewels card
in my expasion  :o

Really like the cards though. Great job!

I don't pretend to be a creative genius. I'm sure many of the cards are similar to ones that have been proposed at some time or another. That being said, I did not consult any other fan expansions when creating these cards.

Thanks for the kind words.


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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2012, 07:52:41 pm »

Harlot is WAY too weak, IMO. Although, it's be better than Estate at 2, so..... Make it worth 2vp?

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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2012, 09:02:01 pm »

Harlot could cost 4 and be worth 2VP. It keeps the VP value, just is worth less coin (than Harem).

I still think that Anarchy could be represented by a stack of cards and everyone takes what they can. It is how General Store from the card game Bang! works and that is likely the most popular card in that game.

Outrider: you can do outrider the same way I did my Whitesmith, except replace Silver with Victory cards.
5 cost. Reveal your hand. +1 action for each Victory card in your hand. Draw 2 cards.

Your Refund card uses the same art as the Profiteer from the "Strife" fan expansion.

Edit 2:
Did your Anarchy card always say "randomly"? I looked at it initially and thought the played could give all cards as they wished. Ignore my previous remark about politics.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 10:09:59 pm by One Armed Man »


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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2012, 10:27:45 pm »

Kudos on finding cool art to go with your cool cards! They look really good.

For what it's worth, here's what I thought of the individual cards:

Anarchy -- I think this is neat. It reminds me of a lot of the card interactions that happen in Fluxx (which is definitely more of a party game). It seems to reduce the incentive to clear out junk in your deck through trashing. Thus, the must trash is a nice touch.

Anarchy - if you don't want it to be an attack, it needs to be more symmetrical.  Just shuffle and randomly deal out all of the cards, instead of you picking one first.  Don't know if that makes it too weak, but it needs to say that to not be an attack.

I agree it should randomly distribute all the cards collected in order to not be an attack. I think it has more flavor that way, anyway. You do still get to draw 3 cards first which means even though the card collection and redistribution is symmetric, you are likely to benefit much more. If you make that change, would it make more sense at $4?

Beggar -- I don't like the ability, personally. I would just rather play with a straight up terminal silver priced at $2.

Boom Town -- I agree with One Armed Man and Powerman that it's probably too weak. Even with the nice name and picture, I still don't really like the concept of the card.

Burough -- I don't get why the ability is helpful or interesting on a Village. The Duchy and Gold clogs engines. Doesn't seem worth $7.

Charlatan -- I would pay at most $3 for it.

Construction -- Nice

Counterfeit -- I really like the top ability. I dislike the reaction (below the line ability). I guess the reaction is like unlimited Smugglers for Treasure cross Fool's Gold's reaction, but it rubs me the wrong way. I buy a Platinum, my opponents each reveal and trash a Counterfeit and they each gain a Platinum, too? No, thanks.

Dark Arts -- I like the idea, but I don't know that the wording solves all the problems that could creep up.

Oooo. I like that it so elegantly protects against multiplayer attack stacking (opponents will just replace one curse with another). I think the VP bonus is too much; in games where more than one person buys Dark Arts, I would expect it to trigger fairly consistently, and +5VP for $7 would be fair even without the attack.

If there are no Curses to gain, each other player just trashes a card. Play some Council Rooms to get your opponents above 5 cards in hand and Dark Arts could make them trash multiple good cards late game. OUCH! This has the potential to be much nastier than Masquerade. I don't like that about it.

I don't think there is a problem with the 5 VP bonus. In games with other attacks, the curse pile is sure to run out quickly, but then it's difficult to get up to $7 or more to buy big Victory points. In games where this is the only curser, it's much more of a challenge to run out the curse pile late before the game ends -- and you don't want to be paying $7 for a weak attack at the end of the game! I like that tradeoff. I would be curious to see how it plays out.

Demolish -- I like it. You don't gain anything, so I am not sure why this would be too strong. Looks like what a $3 Upgrade should look like, I think (less choice, no gain).

Dilemma -- I really like the idea of an opponent choosing something for you. I think a couple of those style cards were submitted to rinkworks's contest. I don't know that this one gets it right, either.

Each option on Dilemma is worth more than $4, and I'm not sure the lack of choice makes up for that.

I agree with this.

Dilemma - I'd like it better as:
+1 Action
The player to your left chooses one for you to receive:
+$2, +1 Buy; or +2 Cards; or +2 VP
Having it so you don't know if it's non terminal or not is weird for playing.  There is a reason tournament always gives an action.  There is a reason governor always gives an action.

I think instead of giving the +1 Action, every option should be terminal.

-- There was something like this submitted to rinkworks's challenge: Lemon, right? I think I may have been the only one to vote for it. I would like this version better if it didn't have the Potion cost.

Fief -- I don't like that this attacks.

Harlot -- This is hard to price. I would almost always take Great Hall over this since GH doesn't take up space and I usually want to trash Coppers and Estates, right? This card is an Estate and Copper in one, so it takes up, what, half a space? But Estate alone is at $2, so this card has to be $3.... That's probably why Donald hasn't printed this card.

Highwayman -- This is kind of cool. Brutal, but cool.

Keep -- I love the idea.

Keep crops up every now and again as a fan card; it was also one of Donald's original ideas for Seaside.

Quote from: Donald X. Vaccarino
- There was a now-and-later Throne Room variant. Play an Action, play it again next turn. It was both confusing and weak. What if you use it on a duration card? How long does it stay on the table? It could have said "non-duration," but that's pretty sad in a set with 8 duration cards. And did I mention it was weak? It left before development started.

Too bad!!! Maybe if it also gave +$1, like Lighthouse?

Outrider -- Maybe only give +1 Action per Victory card, not +1 card +1 Action? I like the idea.

Pauper -- Cute! I think it may be my favorite.

Philanthropist -- Might play too slowly waiting for each person to make their decision in order in multiplayer games. Order matters since the benefit to you increases depending on the number of people taking the option. I don't know that I like that.

Refund -- I like this a lot.

Refuse -- shuffling the Trash? No thanks.

Reserve -- Now this is a sweet card idea! As mentioned, not worded quite right, though. Probably should cost more than $1. I would upgrade all my Coppers into this without thinking twice. Maybe it would work better as a Treasure-Reaction: "When this card is discarded from your hand, you may reveal it and set it aside. At the start of your next Buy phase, return it to your hand." [Edit: discard -> discarded] This way if you don't want to use the $1, you keep Reserve in your hand, then during Clean-Up it gets discarded and you can set it aside. Also buffs the card a bit since it can be set aside as a reaction to discard attacks, too, so it would certainly have to cost more than $1.

Royal Demesne -- I'd rather just play with Fairgrounds.

Silversmith -- I agree with zahlman, it might be better than Smithy.

Utopian Revolution --

I think I'd usually rather just have Mountebank.

I concur.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 09:29:57 am by Polk5440 »

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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2012, 10:48:40 pm »

Keep v1.1

Solved the issue with using Keep on a duration card to keep track of durations better.

Highwayman v1.1

Updated to prevent stacking of Treasure reducing effect with multiple plays.

Other considerations:
Lower Boom Town cost to $2
Lower Borough to $6
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 11:07:38 pm by Auto-Destruct Sequence »


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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2012, 11:13:36 pm »

Dilemma -- I really like the idea of an opponent choosing something for you. I think a couple of those style cards were submitted to rinkworks's contest. I don't know that this one gets it right, either.

Each option on Dilemma is worth more than $4, and I'm not sure the lack of choice makes up for that.

I agree with this.

Dilemma - I'd like it better as:
+1 Action
The player to your left chooses one for you to receive:
+$2, +1 Buy; or +2 Cards; or +2 VP
Having it so you don't know if it's non terminal or not is weird for playing.  There is a reason tournament always gives an action.  There is a reason governor always gives an action.

I think instead of giving the +1 Action, every option should be terminal.

How about:

Dilemma - Action - $5
+1 Buy
The opponent to your left chooses for you: +4 cards, or +$3, or 3VP.

Harlot -- This is hard to price. I would almost always take Great Hall over this since GH doesn't take up space and I usually want to trash Coppers and Estates, right? This card is an Estate and Copper in one, so it takes up, what, half a space? But Estate alone is at $2, so this card has to be $3.... That's probably why Donald hasn't printed this card.

I like the suggestion of 2VP, +$1 for $4. But I think I prefer 1VP, +$2. :) My thinking is that that's in between a vanilla terminal Silver and a Harem, and thus an in-between cost makes sense.

Reserve I would upgrade all my Coppers into this without thinking twice.

Even with Apothecary on board? ;)

Maybe it would work better as a Treasure-Reaction: "When this card is discard from your hand, you may reveal it and set it aside. At the start of your next Buy phase, return it to your hand." This way if you don't want to use the $1, you keep Reserve in your hand, then during Clean-Up it gets discarded and you can set it aside. Also buffs the card a bit since it can be set aside as a reaction to discard attacks, too, so it would certainly have to cost more than $1.

I like this as a $2, yeah.


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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2012, 11:23:19 pm »

I'm pretty sure Harlot as suggested here was also playtested by DXV and found to be too weak. (You don't want coppers, you don't want estates; so you don't want a card that's both of these.) I can't find it in the Secret History of Intrigue, though, which is where I thought I read that.

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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2012, 11:30:12 pm »

I think this still doesn't stop 4 cost +$1, 2 VP from being workable.

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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2012, 06:19:37 am »

Your Refund card uses the same art as the Profiteer from the "Strife" fan expansion.

Edit 2:
Did your Anarchy card always say "randomly"? I looked at it initially and thought the played could give all cards as they wished. Ignore my previous remark about politics.

Refund-I actually had my art before Strife showed up last week but hadn't released my set yet. A bit unfortunate actually. Eventually the art on that card will be replaced for that reason.

Anarchy-the card has not changed since I posted it. If I ever change a card it will say the card name then v1.1 etc.

What do u guys think about this text for reserve? Does this clear up so it plays as intended?
Reserve - When you play this you may set it aside from your hand. If you do, then at the start of your next turn, return this to your hand.

From powerman:
Boom Town - I like that the first play doesn't give a card.  But I think that it is too weak in multiplayer games without KC / TR.  As in, it will be hard to get more than 3 copies, because you have to go for it if one player does to deny, but then nobody gets anything.  I'd like it more as starting as +2 Actions, +1 $.  And then just card for 2, buy for 3, and VP for 4.
This in itself is not a bad idea. My one concern is giving out the +VP too soon. I would hate this card to become buy the most of these and win. We already have two cards like that. Provence and Colony.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 10:53:28 pm by Auto-Destruct Sequence »

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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2012, 10:53:00 pm »

Harlot v1.1

Per suggestion of others. I upped Harlot's victory points. Cost was also bumped up to $4.

Utopian Revolution v1.1

Strengthened the card so that it is more on par with Mountebank.  Bonus comes on the turn you play it and to make up for discarding your hand, you gain a Duchy (maybe).
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 11:02:08 pm by Auto-Destruct Sequence »


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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2012, 11:16:31 pm »

The cost bump for harlot was unnecessary. Think of Tunnel, which can get a whole ton of golds. This isn't as powerful, IMO.


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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2012, 10:51:40 am »

I suspect the reason Tunnel costs $3 instead of $4 is to make it worthwhile on boards where you can't make use of its discarding ability.  Even so, this is one of the more confusing pricings for me.  And since I don't understand it, I'm nervous about a fan card blindly following suit, as we may not understand exactly what it is that makes Tunnel different.  Why?  Because for some reason Island costs $4, and you certainly can't gain a "whole ton of Golds" with Island.  It seems like a lot weaker of a bonus effect to me, but it still costs more.

That said, I doubt 2 VP victory cards at $3 will suddenly break the game.  At worst, they'll be popular cards in games where they appear.  And for what it's worth, Harlot does seem quite a bit weaker than Island.


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Re: Unnamed Dominion Expansion with card images.
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2012, 12:13:05 pm »

I have guesses as to why Tunnel is the way it is, reprinted here for your convenience:

You generally buy Tunnel for one of two things. First, you can buy it in the endgame when you have $3 or $4. At that point, it might as well just be a Victory card worth 2 VP. Even if you happen to use the reaction portion before the game ends, you probably won't be cycling back around to the Gold. Will I pay $3 just for a vanilla Victory card worth 2VP? Of course. It beats buying an Estate.

Second, you can buy it at the start of the game and try to use its reaction as much as possible. That's a fairly big risk. You're buying a card that's going to hurt your economy if you can't get it to fire, when you could have bought a Silver. You get 2 VP to compensate, but you don't see that benefit for a long time and it's rather paltry compared to your potential loss of momentum. So, would I pay $3 for a pure Reaction card that gained me Gold on discard? Given the right helper cards, I definitely would.

It seems like a card that combines these two $3 effects should be worth more than $3. But the fact that you use one portion of the card during the beginning and mid-game and the other only at the end means that the total can cost less than the sum of its parts.

I'm not convinced that Harlot works even at $3. The fact is that I won't buy a Treasure that produces $1 in the early or mid-game, and the strategy of when to buy it in the endgame is as uninteresting as Tunnel on a board with nothing to activate its Reaction.
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