First impressions, haven’t played any preview cards yet:
Berserker looks so cool. Another straight
gainer Attack like Vampire, yay! The main reason I love Mercenary and Catapult is that they are so unique as the only straight
trasher Attacks. And the Knights, of course (Anna and Natalie). (Donald, pleeease don’t remove Mercenary, like you hinted in your past “what-if” Dark Ages 2E musings.)
Haha I just imagined these two in the same kingdom—Skirmisher + Berserker, lulz. I think they might actually be the same dude, when he’s both on and off duty, or perhaps before and after unemployment
Oh! Maybe that’s why they can’t trigger each other’s attack
Yep, that’s now my head-canon.
Cauldron looks solid. Nice to pick up for just the convenient +Buy, at a minimum. And the Curse is a cool extra while engine building. Also, it has good synergy with terminal gainers/remodelers.
Trail- first thought was “why does this cost 4?”, but I have to assume it was tested at cheaper prices and had some cwazy explosions at 2 and even 3 coin. Someone was saying it’s superior to Fortress. I recently played a Broker+Fortress engine (with Upgrade and some help from Fishing Village). It was nice to keep trashing (TfB) the same Fortress (and play them when you draw multiples) to both build and draw the deck. If I had Trail instead, I think the main difference is I would need a couple more copies of Trail for the consistency and I wouldn’t be able to spam the Upgrades as much, on the other hand I could easily skip the Fishing Villages. If it was an Apprentice engine instead, Fortress is probably favored over Trail.
Thematically, it feels like Trail and Tide Pools would be good names for Victory cards. Hey, did you hear about Farmland and Trail? So I decided to grow crops on the old road behind my property, and wouldn’t you know it—as soon as we started tilling the soil, my remaining servants decided to blaze a new path across the other side of my land and inexplicably found gold in the stream running nearby! What a whacky time that was.
I’m glad the other cards (Develop, Margrave, Fool’s Gold) that people were predicting for removal didn’t get cut. You guys had me scared, although I don’t get Fool’s Gold very often. IGG is fun, but I won’t miss it too much—been there, done that. I always thought Nomad Camp could just be $3, although I guess that can give some swingy/imbalanced openings. Nomads feels very solid at its price point though. Someone was saying Witch’s Hut looks worse than Embassy? You nuts, mayn. Embassy was fine, but WH looks far more desirable to me. The main thing I like, at first sight, is they’re both soft-terminal (meaning cards that can deal with “over-terminaling”), but with WH you are
much happier with collisions.