The Seaside 2E rulebook seems to confirm Farmland, Crossroads, Stables, Cartographer. So if 9 will be removed, I'm going to guess they're from among:
The bottom 7 ranked cards (by the Thunderminion list above)
Oracle (very slow to play with)
Embassy (dominant and monolithic in multiplayer)
Ill Gotten Gains (DXV could probably make a better version today)
Margrave (I guess if we're killing powerful attacks?)
Personally, I don't hate any of these cards, but some of them I'd love to see better versions of them. I like the ideas of IGG, Silk Road, Trader, Duchess, Mandarin, Cache, but they don't see much play. It was pointed out on Discord that a new victory card seems unlikely because that would kick the update pack from 99 to 101 cards. If so, that's a bit disappointing to me.