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Author Topic: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐  (Read 7593 times)

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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2021, 10:18:15 pm »


During you turns, playing an Action card does not cost an Action. Playing a Treasure card during your Buy phase costs an Action.

This would have a funny interaction with Capitalism


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2021, 07:53:29 pm »



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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2021, 12:03:12 am »

24 hour warning on leg one. Get those entries in & make your revisions.


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2021, 02:39:43 pm »


During you turns, playing an Action card does not cost an Action. Playing a Treasure card during your Buy phase costs an Action.

I might be missing something, but it feels like this needs a modification... I suggest one of the following:
1. make it an artifact (so it's fought over - it seems like a desirable effect, generally), or
2. add a trigger for returning it on the state itself, rather than relying on the card design to do that (maybe at the start of clean-up?  maybe when you play your 3rd treasure in a turn?)


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #29 on: December 23, 2021, 02:48:53 pm »

Quote from: Toolbelt
When a card instructs you to gain a card up to a certain cost, you may gain a card costing 1 more than that cost. (This does not affect "gain a card costing X more than ..." instructions)

Obviously the card using this artifact will need to be a gainer.  It will pair well with other gainers, but should be designed to stand-alone when needed.


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2021, 07:49:41 pm »

I want in!

Here's a State I had entered at some point, and it was handed out by an event (called "Cheat") that read:
Once per turn: +1 Buy. If you're not yet Caught in the Act, take it and +$2.

Then Menagerie came out, and there was the very similar Desperation, so Caught in the Act needs a new trigger. i.e. perfect for this contest!
Feel free to join us at scolapasta's cards for discussion on any of my custom cards.


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2021, 09:58:49 am »

sorry for the delay - on to leg 2!
ON YOUR POST FOR YOUR CARD if you could include the state/artifact either via repost/quote or rehosting (if you make any changes to it), that'd be super helpful

state/artifact assignments are as follows:

scolapasta - Generous

Erick648 - Forbidden

VioletCLM - Confused

faust - Toolbelt

mathdude - Prepared

mxdata - Amulet of Protection

Mahowrath - Expansionist

emtzalex - Hidden Pocket

LibraryAdventurer - Shortsighted

venusambassador - Blinded

Timinou - Sunken Treasure

spineflu - Cure

Augie279 - Concussed

Xen3k - Caught In The Act
« Last Edit: December 24, 2021, 10:59:10 am by spineflu »


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #32 on: December 24, 2021, 10:41:14 am »

Here's my Arsenic and Old Lace inspired entry

Pensioner - $4 - Action - Attack
You may trash an Estate from your hand to gain a card costing up to $4.

You may trash a Copper from your hand to gain a Silver.

If you did both, take the Cure. Otherwise, each other player gains a Curse.
Cure - Artifact
At the start of your turn, you may trash a Curse from your hand to gain a Copper and an Estate to your hand.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2021, 10:42:57 am by spineflu »


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2021, 03:54:50 pm »

Fixer - $5
Choose up to four things: +1 Card; +1 Action; +1 Buy; +$1. The choices may be the same.
If you choose four things or something more than once, take Caught in the Act.

Caught in the Act
While you are Caught in the Act, ignore all +Actions and +Buys. During Clean-up, you may return this by drawing two fewer cards for your next hand.

A super Pawn. If you choose too many options, you get caught in the act. I was thinking of pricing it at $3 but changed it to $4 and allowed players to choose the same options over again. Changed price to $3. It is a very strong penalty to take Caught in the Act. Not sure if this change makes it appealing. Feedback appreciated.

Edit: Changed the design to cost $5, but be worth it. It can be a Peddler without getting caught, but if you don't mind the penalty, you can do some crazy things. The +$4 may be a really strong option, so I am not sure if
 that is too good. Feedback is appreciated.

Old Version
« Last Edit: December 24, 2021, 09:12:19 pm by Xen3k »


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #34 on: December 25, 2021, 07:51:38 pm »

A $4 Market. Don't want a sacrifice to your next hand's size? Better hope you have Actions to spare!


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #35 on: December 26, 2021, 05:04:36 pm »

Clever Planner
$4 - Action - Duration
At the start of your next turn. Draw up to six cards in hand.
When you gain this, all players take Shortsighted.

When drawing your hand, draw one less card. After you finish playing your first card in a turn, +1 Card.
When you have 8 or more cards in your hand, return this.

I know the state is probably supposed to be a drawback, but all I could think of is ways to take advantage of it. I tried to think of an attack that gives it out, but didn't think of anything that didn't look boring. At least this has kind of an on-gain attack.
Just had to add a return condition to the state.


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #36 on: December 26, 2021, 08:30:59 pm »

I decided to follow a fairy tale theme to keep with Nocturne.  The little men will improve your stuff, but if you get too greedy, they'll send you away.  They'll also help out everyone else, except the "bad kids" who've already offended them. ​ They're not the same as the Cobbler's elves, but instead come from the "good person is good to a stranger and gets rewarded, bad person hears and tries to imitate it but is bad and gets punished" line of tales.

This was an interesting State to make a card for.  I had three objectives:
  • Make the card affect other people, either as an attack or as a benefit.
  • Make the decision whether to take Forbidden an interesting one.
  • Make the card not be a Confusion if you take Forbidden, since that's too boring, especially if you don't have trashing.
I tried to make sure the card was not only balanced relative to its cost and but also as to the decision whether to take Forbidden.  Do you keep upgrading you trash, or sacrifice your future benefits for a big card?  You can gain Potion-cost cards (or Debt-cost cards), which I thought was thematic, but doing so will get you Forbidden unless you trashed a similarly-costed card.  I had to really fine-tune the wording to make sure it worked this way (if you trash a Copper for a University, the gained card costs $2+P more than the trashed card, which is not less than $5).  If you avoid getting Forbidden, Strange Little Men is kind of like a cheaper and more flexible delayed Mine that gives your opponents Silver, which I thought was balanced at $4---Caravan vs. Laboratory implies that the cost difference is appropriate for the delay (treating the flexibility, nonterminality, and VP as balanced by the Silver-giving), and it keeps you from opening with two, which might be too dominant otherwise.  Finally, while a Victory card worth negative VP is a bit odd, I thought it was worth it to add a bit more weight to the "non-Forbidden" side of the decision and keep it relevant (albeit as a pseudo-Curse) if you take Forbidden.  This would likely take a good amount of playtesting to get right, but I'm happy with the concept.

As a bonus, here are some Outtakes I went through on the way here:

Helper Elves was the first card I tried, and is obviously a prototype of Strange Little Men.  I thought the Alms-ish nature of counting your buys against you was nice for flavor, but when I thought about how it would work in practice, it didn't work out.  The self-trashing reaction was so it wouldn't stick around as a Confusion, but it was too boring to be a good reaction, so I switched it to the VP bonus/penalty.

Chieftain's Hall was my next attempt.  I wanted to do something interesting with the set-aside action, but also have the attack still work if you couldn't set anything aside so the card wouldn't be useless with Forbidden.  I thought of several options (e.g., making copies of the set-aside action cheaper, requiring other players to buy that action to avoid a penalty, etc.), but it ultimately proved too complicated to make work.  Originally, you got Forbidden by buying/revealing a Province:  The chieftain's authority fades once the crown (you) formalizes its own authority.  This kind of flips the flavor of Forbidden as a state, since it's the chieftain's laws that are forbidden instead of you.  I later thought making Curse get you Forbidden helped players who were being hit hard by the attack, similar to Mountebank, instead of helping players who were already doing well.

Finally, I thought:  Forbidden can stop its accompanying card from pinning you, so it could let a card do things that would otherwise create a pin.  Unfortunately, I didn't have any scrapped cards on hand that could have been good but for pin potential.  Ascetic Order was my attempt to make such a card, but making a potential pin card just because you can didn't seem like a good idea.  So I returned to Helper Elves and fixed it up.
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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2021, 01:27:52 am »

I went ahead an made a mock-up for the Artifact

Action - Attack - Doom - Fate
Turn your Journey token over (it starts face-up). Then, if it's face-down, receive the next Boon. If it's face-up, each other player receives the next Hex.
+1 Action
When you play this, if you have an odd number of Trolls in play, receive the next Boon. If an even number, each other player receives the next Hex.
When you discard this from play, take the Amulet of Protection

Amulet of Protection
You are unaffected by hexes

So, this was an interesting challenge. It was clear that the Artifact had to be attached to a card that gave out Hexes - otherwise the Artifact would have zero effect in most kingdoms. Furthermore, there had to be some way of taking the artifact attached to the card

My first thought was that you'd take the Artifact when you played it, after the attack, but then that would somewhat weaken its usefulness - it would only protect you from a single attack. If your opponent was able to play two of the associated attack, you would've lost the Artifact between the first and second play. I also briefly considered making it on-gain like Flag, but I didn't think that would work well. So then I thought of the "when you discard this from play" part. I briefly considered a Duration version, where it would give out a hex on the turn you play it, then at the start of your next turn, you'd take the Artifact and receive a Boon, but that made it too complicated (and gave it five types - Action - Attack - Doom - Fate - Duration - a bit much), plus, getting a Boon and giving a Hex with the same play made it too strong. Then I played with the idea of it working similar to Idol, caring about how many were in play. But since this is terminal, in kingdoms with no villages, you'd never be able to get a second one in play. So then finally I thought about reusing the Journey token. It could also have come with its own token (maybe just called "Troll token"), but I like the idea of reusing the Journey token rather than creating a new one

The name is reminiscent of Giant, which also has an attack function only on every other play. But unlike Giant, it gives a greater benefit to the player on the plays without the attack effect

EDIT: Changed this to a non-terminal Action and replaced the use of the journey token with my original Idol-style version. A non-terminal hexer for $5 I realized was too weak. By comparison, Vampire is a Night card, thus inherently non-terminal, and gains you a card up to $5 (albeit only on every other play). Werewolf can be played as a Smithy, and Tormenter gives you +$2 and can be played as an Imp-gainer instead of an attack
« Last Edit: December 27, 2021, 05:39:33 pm by mxdata »


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #38 on: December 27, 2021, 01:15:48 pm »

My gift was LibraryAdventurer's Artifact, Hidden Pocket:

Hidden Pocket
Whenever you shuffle, you may choose up to 4 cards to leave in your discard pile.

A very solid artifact which effectively Exiles 4 cards, allowing you to shift which 4 each time you shuffle (it doesn't work exactly that way b/c of cards that interact with the discard, but it's close in most games). This is obviously great down the stretch when you start to green, but it is even better in a game with lots of junk. So I made a junker to go with it.

Quote from: Industrious Witch
Cost: $5
Choose up to two different things: +1 Action; +$2; return a Curse from your hand to the Supply; each other player gains a Curse; each other player gains a Copper. If you chose none, you may return this to the Supply to take Hidden Pockets.


Industrious Witch is a mix-and-match Curser, offering five options and allowing players to pick up to 2. Alternatively, a player can forgo all of those options and trade their IW to take Hidden Pockets.

Thanks to Shard of Honor for his Extended Version of the Dominion Card Image Generator, which I use to mock up my fan cards, and to Violet CLM, who made the original.

Violet CLM

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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #39 on: December 28, 2021, 10:59:10 pm »

I had Confused, by faust:

Bewilderbeest, Action, $4:
+3 Actions
Discard a card, then draw a card.
You may reveal three Action cards from your hand that all have the same name, to take Confused.

Many discarded drafts treated Confused like a project, giving it to you unconditionally, but that was uninteresting. Other drafts included various things that would cause you to return Confused, either voluntarily or otherwise, peaking in a Duration that stayed out until you returned both it and Confused, at which point I decided that if such conditions didn't appear on Confused itself, they probably shouldn't appear anywhere at all. Instead I decided to impose a different barrier besides price: assembling a deck with a focus on one action card, in preparation for being able to use Confused to play that action card a lot. The other problem with many of the pseudo-project drafts was they made the kingdom card near-useless after taking the state, and gave no incentive for buying more than one copy of the card: giving the player +3 Actions solves this problem by being moderately useful either with or without the state. The discard/draw part is less essential but helps keep the card interesting even if you're not interested in taking the state at all. One draft trashed the three identical cards instead of simply revealing them, but that didn't seem very fun, plus it could trash itself, which had the risk of leaving the player with no +Action cards to use on their Treasures, so I made up a complicated way to let the player buy another one for free, and, idk, it was getting too far away from the point.


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #40 on: December 29, 2021, 08:34:24 pm »

My present, was Expansionist, by emtzalex:

Pioneers, Action, $3:
+1 Card
+1 Action
Play any number of Treasures from your hand

Choose one: Buy a card from the Supply, or take Expansionist.

Blarket-esque mid-turn buyer; playing treasures and buying cards mid-turn gives non-terminal access to the usual blarket gain-and-play/dtx shenanigans, while expansionist lets you squeeze more value out of your vp buys once you're entering the greening phase.

Expansionist was a challenge to incorporate; multiple plays of an Action taking Expansionist would still only be able to take Expansionist into the buy phase once, but the effect isn't groundbreaking enough to make Expansionist a challenge to acquire like Treasure Chest.
After playing around with some other ideas, mid-turn buys felt like the natural mechanic to mitigate these issues - you can take expansionist, buy a victory card, and repeat. Usually I would avoid this mechanic, as it's easy to end up just making a "less fun black market", but I think here the emphasis on taking victory cards saves the day. The bonus for taking victory cards mid-turn is a nice way to keep the mid-turn gain-and-plays relevant even in the late game, and creates a minigame with when you play these during your turn, along with adding synergies with desirable Action-Victory cards.


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #41 on: December 30, 2021, 04:07:20 pm »

scolapasta, faust, mathdude, venus ambassador, Timinou,
please either touch base here or via DM for an extension, or get your cards in.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2021, 10:21:35 pm by spineflu »


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #42 on: December 30, 2021, 07:06:05 pm »

My Smithy-variant, Architect, goes with mxdata's state, Prepared.

Action, $4
+3 cards
Each other player draws a card. Each other player with at least 5 cards in hand discards 2 cards and takes Prepared.
At the start of your Clean-Up phase, return this. Then, +1 Card at the end of your turn per 3 differently-named cards in play (rounded down).

It's similar to a Smithy, but a single use lets others keep their best 4 of 6 cards and likely get a bonus for their next turn (assuming you don't hit them with handsize reduction again next turn).  In a multiplayer game, or even with 2-player plus village support, it will let others keep their best 3 or 4 cards and still have Prepared to set up their following turn (or counteract future handsize attacks).

If there are other good draw cards in a kingdom, this may not be too desirable (depending on their relative power compared to Architect).  But draw is almost always helpful, so you probably will get a few anyway.  But how many can you justify using?  How much sifting do you want to let your opponents do?  At least they can only get a single version of Prepared!
« Last Edit: December 31, 2021, 02:19:30 pm by mathdude »


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #43 on: December 30, 2021, 08:23:41 pm »

To go with spineflu’s Sunken Treasure:

EDIT: Modified card and added a mock-up

Quote from: New version
Pirate’s Cove
Action - $5
+1 Card
+1 Action
Exile a Silver from the Supply. You may trash a card from your hand to gain a card costing up to $1 more that does not share the same type. If you gained a Treasure, take Sunken Treasure.

Quote from: Original version
Pirate’s Cove
Action - $5
+1 Card
+1 Action
Exile a card from your hand or a Silver from the Supply. You may trash a card from your Exile mat to gain a card costing up to $1 more that does not share the same type. If you gained a Treasure, take Sunken Treasure.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2022, 02:39:00 pm by Timinou »


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #44 on: December 31, 2021, 10:56:14 am »

To go with Timinou’s Blinded:

Action - Attack - $5
+2 Cards
You may Exile a card from your hand. Each other player discards a card that you choose from their Exile mat, or takes Blinded if they can’t.


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #45 on: December 31, 2021, 05:57:47 pm »

Sorry this is a littler late (I did DM spineflu), but here's mine:

FAQ: Generous can only be taken once per player; if you already have it, you don't do anything.

With a name like Generous, it didn't seem to make sense as an attack. So here's a cheap Gold gainer, with the side effect that your opponent will have an opportunity to trash them. When you want that to stop you can return it by gaining Coppers instead.

Some possible tweaks could be to it gain 3 coppers, or to have some of the gaining be to hand.
Feel free to join us at scolapasta's cards for discussion on any of my custom cards.


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #46 on: January 02, 2022, 09:17:20 pm »

okie dokie artichokie, we're gonna close it out since i haven't heard from faust yet. DMing yall your judging assignments - Reminder you DO NOT NEED TO provide actual feedback, just which pair gets gold, which gets silver, which gets copper. You can - I'll put it in the finale post, along with a link to the spreadsheet - but you don't have to.

Points will be awarded according to the first post in the thread, with one exception for mathdude whose artifact was not used, he'll be getting some consolation points (as though he'd ranked silver for each of his 3 judges).

Here is the card / state|artifact compendium, all in one place:

scolapasta's Philanthropist + Erick648's Generous

venus ambassador's Wraith + Timinou's Blinded

Timinou's Pirate's Cove + spineflu's Sunken Treasure

mathdude's Architect + mxdata's Prepared

Mahowrath's Pioneers + emtzalex's Expansionist

VioletCLM's Bewilderbeest + faust's Confused

emtzalex's Industrious Witch + LibraryAdventurer's Hidden Pocket

mxdata's Troll + Mahowrath's amulet of protection

Erick648's Strange Little Men + VioletCLM's Forbidden

LibraryAdventurer's Clever Planner + venus ambassador's Shortsighted

Augie279's Construction Site + Xen3k's Concussed

Xen3k's Fixer + scolapasta's Caught In The Act

spineflu's Pensioner + Augie279's Cure

« Last Edit: January 02, 2022, 09:53:15 pm by spineflu »


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #47 on: January 02, 2022, 09:43:08 pm »

I added a return condition to Shortsighted to go with my card which should affect judging. Could you edit this post to mention the return condition?

"When you have 8 or more cards in your hand, return this."
« Last Edit: January 02, 2022, 09:44:22 pm by LibraryAdventurer »


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #48 on: January 02, 2022, 09:53:25 pm »

I added a return condition to Shortsighted to go with my card which should affect judging. Could you edit this post to mention the return condition?

"When you have 8 or more cards in your hand, return this."
yes, updated.


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Re: ⭐Holiday Fan Card Contest: Round Robin⭐
« Reply #49 on: January 03, 2022, 12:54:25 am »

Aww, I was really hoping to see what someone would come up with for my Toolbelt. Anyone want to make a card for it just for fun?
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