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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #150 on: October 21, 2020, 08:30:15 am »

A card that interacts with Prosperity's litany of expensive cards, and with expensive card in other sets.


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #151 on: October 21, 2020, 11:28:09 am »

"Heir" is a Good idea for an village.  :)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2020, 11:32:39 am by Vengil »


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #152 on: October 21, 2020, 11:43:16 am »

Bellows - Treasure - $4
+1 Card
Trash a card from your hand. Discard one or more cards to gain a Treasure costing exactly $1 more per card discarded.

This design came when I was trying to fix Mine. It's another treasure remodeler! This one is a little bit more flexible, it allows you to turn any card into a treasure -- however you have to pay by discarding cards. It has the discard "one or more" such that it is weaker than Junk Dealer. (however, even without a minimum discard clause, it is worse at Junk Dealing because drawing a card is a lot weaker in your Buy phase than in your Action phase). A card like this should cost 2,4, or 5 so it fits in one of the gaps so you can gain it in between coppers, silvers, and golds.

I realized this fit will in Prosperity. It's a treasure that helps you gain more treasurers. When you're done with your loan you could turn it into a Talisman. When you're on to victory cards, you could trash your Quarry into a gold.

This card also let's you trash curses and coppers from your hand without gaining anything, since there aren't any treasures that cost 1 (without cost reduction).

Open to feedback. The one question is whether this should be "costs exactly" or "costs at least." At least means it doesn't need to have any minimum discard because it no longer can thin your deck. I do like that this card can non-terminally thin your deck though, something that Mine could use.


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #153 on: October 21, 2020, 11:45:46 am »

A card that interacts with Prosperity's litany of expensive cards, and with expensive card in other sets.

I like this a lot.

I also think it needs to draw only one card rather than all the ones that are expensive, otherwise the "hit" state is incredibly good.

I recommend that this discard the rest of the cards rather than put back in any order. This simplifies it a bit, and speeds it up. It also weakens it in the "miss" state, which I think is good since the "hit" state is VERY good (even if you take my suggestion, fetching one expensive card from top three is really good) It also means that a hand full of Heirs isn't useless with three cheap cards on top, and it behaves more like the occasional village.

« Last Edit: October 21, 2020, 11:48:15 am by anordinaryman »


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #154 on: October 21, 2020, 12:03:39 pm »

Discarding them strengthens the miss state since the cards of cost <5$ are weaker than average. But I think generally these types of cards topdeck as a way to nerf them, and specifically make them less mass-able.

The most relevant comparison here is Seer, which makes me think this is ok as-is.


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #155 on: October 21, 2020, 12:14:32 pm »

$4 - Treasure
You may discard a Victory card for +$2 and +1VP


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #156 on: October 21, 2020, 12:19:47 pm »

Discarding them strengthens the miss state since the cards of cost <5$ are weaker than average. But I think generally these types of cards topdeck as a way to nerf them, and specifically make them less mass-able.

The most relevant comparison here is Seer, which makes me think this is ok as-is.

have it discard actions + treasures, topdeck the rest. make that nerf explicit.


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #157 on: October 22, 2020, 01:03:27 am »

Heirloom Jewelry
$6 - Treasure
You may discard 2 cards for +$2.
This turn when you play a Gold, +1 Card.
For each 2 Golds you play, you next Heirloom Jewelry makes $4.


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #158 on: October 26, 2020, 08:55:02 am »

Deadline for submission is tomorrow 27. Oct. at 9 am Forum time.



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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #159 on: October 27, 2020, 11:13:02 am »

Assessment Round 5 - Cards for the Prosperity expansion

A note to my assessment first: I have mocked up all cards that didn't have an image and then evaluated them twice on two separated days and afterwards averaged the outcomes. For each criterion as listed 7 days ago, a score from 1-5 was given. Then I picked the top 5 cards and evaluated them again side by side. With this approach I noticed that Treasures scored a bit lower for the “Fun” aspect; I guess this is almost by nature, as it is more difficult to design an exciting only-Treasure card (a Hybrid wouldn’t fit well to Prosperity) than a powerful Action card. On the other hand, it is easier to design a Treasure that looks “Prosperity-like”.

Now to the individual cards:

Minister by majiponi

cost $5 - Treasure
+2 Buys
You may put your deck
into your discard pile.
When you buy this, play it.

Minister is a Treasure that immediately reminded me of the Chancellor/Woodcutter variants submitted by LastFootnote and silverspawn for the first round of this contests, i.e. Fan-made cards for the Base set, and more so even because of its name. Looking a bit closer, it is comparable in function and strength with Spices from Renaissance. The interesting part is the on-buy effect, which is quite unique (some Night cards allow this indirectly), but aside of Mint, the an on-buy effect looks rather like a Hinterlands mechanic. In the case of Minister, this mechanic pushes the current Buy phase with 2 extra buys and $2. This is helpful for getting lots of cheap cards when needed, e.g. Peddlers and later in the game it threatens a sudden ending by 3-piling. It looks versatile and balanced.

Shipping Lane by spineflu

Shipping Lane
• $3 • Action
+1 Buy
You may gain a Copper to your hand.
If you do, cards cost $1 less per Coin
token on the Trade Route mat.
Setup: Add a Coin token to each
Victory Supply pile; move that token
to the Trade Route mat when a card
is gained from the pile.

Shipping Lane extends the Trade Route mechanic, i.e. the first gain of a Victory card from any such pile in a Kingdom increases the strength of the card for all players. While Trade Route allows some trashing, Shipping Lane junks the player for the desired effect. Despite Kingdoms with attractive Victory cards, this may happen relatively late in the game. Then suddenly it can become interesting, although I expect it to be slow in most cases. Without efficient trashing available, I would prefer Trade Route because of its trashing ability, whereas with strong trashing, Shipping Lane could be the better choice. The card looks innovative as it uses a unique mechanic in a different way without complicating it. It can be fun to have it in certain Kingdoms, and to have an impact late in the game.

Royal Escort by silverspawn

Royal Escort
$7 – Action
+4 Cards
You may discard a Province, for +2 VP.

Royal Escort is an expensive card that provides VPs, two of the criteria for a typical Prosperity card. In addition, it fills a gap by providing strong draw, and thus looks like an innovative addition to Prosperity. To come to full power is not easy to achieve, when compared to other expensive Prosperity cards, such as Goons and King’s Court. This however makes sense since the benefit can be immense. While I would prefer those official cards for a first purchase of a high-cost card, I would certainly buy Royal Escort, and if it is just for its drawing capacity. Some people criticized that infinite loops are possible as there is no mechanic towards ending the game (e.g. +Buy, trashing, gaining). However, this is theoretically also possible with Monument (though at least it encourages buying cards by giving +$2), a much cheaper card which needs much less support. Overall, an innovative Prosperity-like card that is likely useful and fun to play with.

Quicksilver by NoMoreFun

Treasure - $6
Worth $1
At the start of clean up, exchange
a treasure you would discard from
play for a treasure costing up to
$6 more than it.

The first thing I thought was “nice name, but whoa what is that?”. Quicksilver is an expensive Treasure that cares for Treasures and in that sense has the features of a typical Prosperity card. It offers a competitive Big Money strategy. Players going this route, want to hit $6 as fast as possible to buy their first Quicksilver, e.g. by opening with Silver and/or a strong terminal draw if possible. Once in deck, Quicksilver looks like a Money-Rat to me. It transforms Copper to more Quicksilver, Silver and Quicksilver to Platinum (if available). It can even exchange itself (not only other copies) for Platinum. I think it is very strong and players favoring Big-Money games would certainly like it. However, in my opinion it would be better balanced if it has some restrictions, e.g. exchanging Treasures from hand.

Royal Foundries by Xen3k

Royal Foundries
 $7 – Action
+1 Action
Discard a card. Gain a card to your
hand costing less than it. If you
would gain a card costing more
than this, instead trash this to gain
that card to your hand.

Royal Foundries is an expensive Action card that functions as a Gainer in an innovative way and thus looks like a Prosperity card. One problem is that there are already two Prosperity cards with exactly the same cost, i.e. Expand and Forge, which have a similar function. I think Royal Foundries is quite tricky to play. It’s best use is probably to get an early Province (or Peddler), maybe Gold before that, and then gain all the nice Engine pieces, including more Royal Foundries. King’s Courting it could get wild, but that is the problem with King’s Court and not Royal Foundries. The fact that it is non-terminal even does not interfere with building and running a powerful engine and thus Royal Foundries is helpful at all stages of the game. Even when going for Provinces, it can be used for a self-sacrifice to get a final edge. The card looks interesting and fun to play with. Is it balanced? No idea, but for play testing, I would certainly start exactly with this version.

Racecourse by Aquila

Action, $6 cost
+3 Cards
You may trash a card from your hand.
If you do, remove the token from its
pile (if it's there) for +1VP per $1 the
trashed card costs.
Setup: put a coin token on each supply pile.

Racecourse is an expensive Smithy combined with a trashing ability that can provide VP tokens if the trashed card is the first of the respective Supply pile. This uses an innovative variant of the Trade Route mechanic; the instructions are clear by the way. Racecourse lives up for its name as it sets up a race for players to trash the first copy of a card from any Supply pile. One problem with this are Estates, which are the preferred target that give a considerable VP swing. It also looks like this could end up in a trash-orgy, as for example trashing a Peddler first, or just a Province, would give a whopping 8 VP that do not even clog the deck. Racecourse will likely often split a game in two parts. First, players try to gain as many different cards of value as possible and to trash them before their opponents do. Once that dust has settled, in the second step, players will build a regular engine with the help of the cards that survived the first phase. This could be fun for a few games, but could be too centralising in the long run. Giving +1 VP for 2$ of the cost (like Bishop does) could be a less radical option to consider; or even just +1 VP no matter what the card costs. Another, independent possibility is to exclude the basic Victory piles.

Heir by D782802859

$3 -  Action
+2 Actions
Reveal the top three cards
of your deck. Add the cards
that cost $5 or more to your
hand and put the rest back
in any order.

Heir is a cheap Action card that looks for expensive cards in the deck. It adds a nice and unused aspect to the themes of Prosperity. It functionally resembles a reverse Seer of Renaissance; easy to get, but more difficult to power it up. With strong trashing and/or deck inspection it could easily become a centre piece of engines. Looks like a fun card, helpful in a lot of Kingdoms and a great potential to shine. It is even helpful late in the game to fish all the expensive Victory cards before a Smithy or a second Heir draws some useful cards. Given its low cost I wonder whether just +1 Action would be better for balancing.

Bellows by anordinaryman

Treasure - $4
+1 Card
Trash a card from your hand.
Discard one or more cards to
gain a Treasure costing exactly
$1 more per card discarded.

Bellows is another Treasure with a Mine-type ability where trashing and Treasure gaining are separated. In this way, it thematically fits to Prosperity. My first impression was that this is a variant of Jack of all Trades of Hinterlands, with all the different abilities it has. It is a Copper that draws a card, which is helpful whatever that card is (allowing either playing, discarding for $, or trashing it). The mandatory trashing is interesting. Early on it is a welcome ability, but later on it can limit the usefulness of Bellows, especially since it interferes with getting the benefit from discarding. On the other hand, if a player does not want to use Bellows for a Big Money deck, they can use it for some trashing and can quite easily avoid gaining more Treasures by just discarding the required minimum of one card. A Big Money player on the other hand has to discard quite a lot for gaining valuable Treasures. I am not sure whether that was the intention, but I think it is a bit too weak for a competitive Big Money strategy.  Gaining the Treasure to hand could be an attractive alternative, maybe for a cost of $5.

Patrimony by grep

$4 - Treasure
You may discard a Victory card
for +$2 and +1VP

Patrimony is a cheap Treasure that relies on Victory cards for its effect, i.e. to turn itself into a VP producing Gold. VP gaining looks a bit suspicious at first glance, though not spending the $3 would look quite crazy. Functionally, Patrimony is similar to Shepherd/Pasture from Nocturne, with the notable difference that Patrimony can permanently score VPs throughout the game. Since most games start with Estates, this will, almost risk-free, lead to a push towards high payload accompanied with VP scoring. It is certainly interesting and relatively unique and fits to Prosperity, but it appears to be too easy to make it more powerful than even Plunder, a $5 cost bottom card of a split pile from Empires.

Heirloom Jewelry by LibraryAdventurer

Heirloom Jewelry
$6 - Treasure
You may discard 2 cards for +$2.
This turn when you play a Gold,
+1 Card.

Heirloom Jewelry is an expensive Treasure that specifically interacts with another Treasure and thus thematically fits to Prosperity. Interestingly, to achieve the full benefit, it requires Gold, which has exactly the same cost and thus compete which Heirloom Jewelry. On the other hand, it should be fairly easy to get at least $3 out of Heirloom Jewelry, e.g. by discarding a Copper and an Estate. Without fast trashing, I would prefer this over Gold, but so would I for most cards costing $6 or and even $5. For a maximum effect, a player needs several Golds and Heirloom Jewelries, and even then, slimming the deck to play them more often interferes with the discarding part, which is not a bad thing balance-wise. In this respect, the +1 Card is also interesting, since it can provide fodder for the next Heirloom Jewelry or, if a Treasure was drawn, can be played immediately, at the risk of dead drawing a key Action card. In summary, it looks like an interesting concept that provides two possibilities to upgrade the card to a Gold+ without getting too crazy.


As I have mentioned at the beginning, I evaluated the cards 2-3 times. I always ended up with Royal Escort and Heir as the top 2 cards. Royal Escort scored a bit higher for “Prosperity like” as it is an expensive card that provides a new and innovative way for VP scoring, though Heir scored high for this criterion too. Heir scored better for “Balance”, not necessarily because I know that it is better balanced, but because Royal Escort has the potential problem of infinite VP scoring. For Heir it is difficult to figure out without play testing whether it is overpowered as is, but if there is a problem it could be easily nerfed. Both cards scored about equally well for the “Fun to play” part and both would be a welcome addition to Prosperity and exciting to have in other Kingdoms as well. Finally, both cards have an “innovative concept”, with a tiny edge towards Royal Escort. Among the other cards, there were three that followed the leading pack relatively close. I will name one of them, a Treasure.

My final decision:

3rd: Heirloom Jewelry by LibraryAdventurer

2nd: Heir by D782802859

Royal Escort by silverspawn

Congratulations to silverspawn and the runner-ups and thank you all for participating and submitting interesting cards for this contest.



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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #160 on: October 27, 2020, 12:48:20 pm »

Thanks :-)

Alright, if we go in roughly chronological order, the next set is

Contest Round 6 – Cornucopia

It's not entirely clear what themes Cornucopia has. The obvious one is rewarding you for variety (Menagerie, Harvest, Horn of Plenty, Faregrounds), but there are also suspiciously many cards that discard (Hamlet, Fortune Teller, Farming Village, Horse Traders, Young Witch, Harvest, Hunting Party), and Hunting Party punishes variety for some reason. Then there's prizes. There is also some engine-friendliness going on.

I'm going to say discard is too boring, the anti-variety effect was probably an accident, and gaining prizes is not enough. Thus, to be eligible, your card has to

- reward variety (or punish lack of variety for your opponent if you find a way to do that); or
- be a cheap (4$ or less) pro-engine card; or
- be a Prize card rather than a Kingdom Card; or
- do more than one of the above

Among the official Kingdom Cards, the ones that would not qualify are Hunting Party, Tournament, Jester, and Fortune Teller. The others would be fine. And to be clear, you can do something that gains prizes, but it has to also do one of the above to qualify.

If you design a Prize card, you automatically qualify, but I strongly recommend thinking about how it would play out rather than just making a mechanic that sounds good. For example, you could argue that many boards are such that getting the first Prize is an auto-win (like if you can't trash); maybe that's not ideal. Does your Prize change that? I do think the existing set of Prizes could have been designed better.

Eligibility is binary, so you don't get extra points for being super-duper on theme. Among the card that qualify, I'll judge solely based on how fun to play with I think they are.

Deadline is Election day (Novermber 3d), with a 24 hour notice. Let's make dominion great again!


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #161 on: October 27, 2020, 08:57:45 pm »

Waitress - $4
Reveal any number of differently named cards from your hand and discard them. +2 Cards per card discarded.
When you discard this other than during Clean-up, you may reveal it to play it.

A terminal Shephard variant. The reaction can be triggered by playing a second Waitress, so it will always be relevant. However, I am not completely certain how playing a Waitress in response to discarding it to a Waitress will resolve. Feedback is more than welcome.

Edit: Changed the draw portion and bumped the price up. Now more of a terminal draw card than before.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2020, 11:24:17 pm by Xen3k »


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #162 on: October 29, 2020, 06:45:07 pm »

Mushroom Picker - Action, $5 cost.
+3 Cards
Reveal your hand; count the differently named cards in it. If there are 4 or more, you may trash a card from your hand. If there are 6 or more, you may gain a Gold.
I thought terminal draw, trashing and $5 costs were a bit lacking in Cornucopia. Revealing hand to count the different cards is the only real way to get draw to care about variety sensibly (the contest qualifying factor), the downside being it might be slow to resolve.


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #163 on: November 01, 2020, 04:32:18 am »

Something pretty basic, Harvest but with cards.



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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #164 on: November 01, 2020, 07:58:11 am »

Something pretty basic, Harvest but with cards.

clarifying question: i reveal estate, estate, copper, silver; do i discard one estate or two?


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #165 on: November 01, 2020, 08:11:43 am »

Only 1 Estate.


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #166 on: November 01, 2020, 02:02:10 pm »

Crops: 10 unique cards in the same pile, like Knights or Castles.

All 10 cards are $3 Action/Reactions with this text: 

Code: [Select]
+2 Cards
+1 Action
Discard 2 cards.
When you discard this other than during Clean-up, you may trash it for [...]

The [...] bit differs for each 10 cards. They are:

Tomato Crop: +3 Cards
Eggplant Crop: +$2, +2 Buys
Pumpkin Crop: +3 Actions
Turnip Crop: Gain a Gold.
Onion Crop: Gain a Duchy.
Lettuce Crop: Draw until you have 7 cards in hand.
Apple Crop: Trash two cards from your hand.
Corn Crop: Gain a card costing $4 or less.
Beans Crop: Gain two Silvers to your hand.
Squash Crop: +1 Card, +1 Action, +$1

The idea is that by discarding these crops, you're harvesting them. And they all have unique names, which synergizes with cornucopia stuff.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2020, 02:03:24 pm by pubby »


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #167 on: November 01, 2020, 02:17:17 pm »

Is the order randomized or are the always in the order you've written down here?


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #168 on: November 01, 2020, 04:14:02 pm »

My submission:

$3 – Action

Play any number of Action cards
from your hand that you don’t have
a copy of in play.

   At the start of Clean-up, if at least 3   
cards played with this are in play,
you may trash this to gain any Prize
or a card costing up to $6.

Some rule clarifications:

The cards to be played by a Samhain do not have to be in hand at the time when Samhain was played, i.e. they can be drawn during the process, e.g. by a Smithy, which was played by a Samhain.

If a card leaves play after being played (e.g. Horse), another copy can be played. As those cards are not in play anymore, they do not count for the “3 cards in play” clause for gaining a Prize or something else.

If a card is played by Samhain that allows playing a card itself, the latter card is not counted as being played by Samhain and thus does not have the “no copy in play” restriction. Example: Samhain plays Vassal, which plays Village (after being discarded from the top of the deck). Village was not played by Samhain. Afterwards Samhain can play more cards if available and if no copies of them are in play.



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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #169 on: November 03, 2020, 09:49:23 am »

Trapper • $3 • Action
+1 Action
Reveal your hand. Reveal the top card of your deck; if you do not have a copy of it in your hand, +1 Card; otherwise, discard it.


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #170 on: November 03, 2020, 10:21:50 am »

I'm actually going to extend the deadline for two days. I'm not in a mental state to be judge, and if others feel at all similarly, they won't be in a mental state to be creative. So it's roughly 48 more hours, but I'll post a proper warning tomorrow.

Also @pubby,

Is the order randomized or are the always in the order you've written down here?


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #171 on: November 03, 2020, 10:47:06 am »

The order is randomized


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #172 on: November 04, 2020, 12:28:12 pm »

Okay, submissions close in 24 hours.


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #173 on: November 05, 2020, 01:00:47 pm »

Submissions closed.


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Re: Set Expansion Contest
« Reply #174 on: November 06, 2020, 11:21:58 am »

Judging, #6: Cornucopia

Waitress by Xen3k                     


I have two issues with this. One is that it seems unreasonably strong. Remember how Menagerie is worth buying even if you can't discard anything, just because the chance of no duplicates in a 4 card hand is decent. This can commonly draw 8 cards (net +4 cards) the first time, and it'll draw 16 and more fairly often.

The other is the reaction. I'm not sure why it's there, but it plays out weirdly. You can play a Waitress using another waitress, which is a little confusing. It's usually not good because you'd rather draw first and have a larger hand, but it can be if you are short on actions. (Say you only have 2 Actions, not sure if you draw a Village, you can play W1, discard W2, use it to discard some more duplicates.)

It also has an odd interaction with  discard effects. Say you play Militia, I discard Card+Waitress, I play Waitress, discard 3 cards, draw 6. Do I discard back down to 3? I think the answer is yes, but I think it's a bad thing that this comes up. Also, if the answer is yes, that means you can then discard the next Waitress on that discard.

It's arguable, but I don't think all of that complexity is good.
Mushroom Picker by Aquila                                         
Mushroom Picker - Action - $5
+3 Cards
Reveal your hand; count the differently
named cards in it. If there are 4 or more,
you may trash a card from your hand. If
there are 6 or more, you may gain a Gold.
Like Waitress, I think this is busted. I wrote in my Spice Merchant article that almost every card that trashes without handsize reduction is among the strongest cards in the game. This card does that. Having 4 differently named cards in hand after drawing is pretty easy.

I predict that this would be the go-to thing on every board with a village, preferable over almost any other drawer. I also don't see having six cards be difficult, so it takes care of your payload automatically, and in a pretty strong way. I would also skip Forager and other weak trashers. Just getting a lot of those will thin the deck fine.

I think this might work better if the numbers were tweaked. 4 and 6 is too easy. Note that the wording allows you to get both effects when you have 6 or more.

In terms of the concept, rewarding you for variety after drawing might be a good idea.

Field by segura                             

Nice art. Feels in line with official cards.

Most terminal draw is auto-buy whenever it's the only way to build an engine, so it's more relevant to ask how it plays if you buy it than whether you do buy it. It wouldn't be terribly different from Smithy or Envoy, but it does make you want to buy different villages if possible, which is neat.

Powerlevel is pretty high, probably better than Smithy and Envoy, but it's within reason.

I like it. I don't think it has any big problems.

Crops by pubby

[] - Action - Reaction - 3$
+2 Cards
+1 Action
Discard 2 cards.
When you discard this other
than during Clean-up, you
may trash it for [...]

The [...] bit differs for each
 10 cards. They are:

Tomato Crop: +3 Cards
Eggplant Crop: +$2, +2 Buys
Pumpkin Crop: +3 Actions
Turnip Crop: Gain a Gold.
Onion Crop: Gain a Duchy.
Lettuce Crop: Draw until
you have 7 cards in hand.
Apple Crop: Trash two cards
from your hand.
Corn Crop: Gain a card
costing $4 or less.
Beans Crop: Gain two
Silvers to your hand.
Squash Crop: +1 Card,
+1 Action, +$1

The floor here is a Dungeon without the duration effect, which is not great but occasionally strong enough to be bought by itself. The reactions are all over the place. Gaining a duchy is useless if you have it early. Getting +3 Actions is also not going to be good most of the time. Gaining two silvers right to your hand can be great if it's very early.

It's quite swingy, but feels in line with Knights or Boons. The overall powerlevel seems about medium, definitely not busted. One thing to keep in mind is that these trigger without requiring you to spend an action or play a card from your hand (you have to play another card to discard them, but not for the effect of the trashed crop). So +3 cards corresponds to a real 3 card advantage, which is like playing triple horse.

I like Boons, and I could see these being fun in a similar way. I will say that Corn Crop seems like it misses the power level a bit (seems worse than all the others). There's no situation in which buying a 3$ that then becomes a 4$ is great. I think it should just gain the card to your hand.

It also has the problem of drawing in response to Discard. I play Militia, you discard Tomato Crop, you draw 3 cards; I believe you still discard back down to 3. This is probably something Donald X avoided on purpose. But it's not as much of an issue here, with just two of the cards drawing.

Samhain by gambit05

I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get a Prize card this time. Instead, we have a novel way to gain prizes. Here, the condition is 'draw this with 3 unique action cards (that you haven't played before)', rather than 'draw this with a province'.

This is a tricky one to figure out. You now have to invest in engine-y stuff rather than victory cards to gain prizes. This probably changes the powerlevel of prizes. For example, the main reason why Followers is so strong is that it's often correct to keep buying green cards and not optimize your deck in Trounament games, and then, every Followers is a 2 point swing. Play three of them, and your opponent is an entire province down. That's pretty brutal. But in a proper engine, if you can just get rid of the Estate/Curse Followers is less strong (though still pretty strong). With this card, it might not be rare to see Princess picked first.

It's also an interesting effect in itself. It's always effectively +x actions, but x can be quite high. I tend to like games where making +Actions is difficult but doable.

One downside is that it'll be a dead card whenever the board doesn't allow for a good engine. On such boards, the direct effect is weak and the gaining effect too hard to get. But that's okay, not every card needs to be playable on every board.

I like this a lot. I think it may fix some of the issues with prizes, and enable some fairly unique decks.

However, I think your Rule Clarification contradicts the card as-is. 'Play any number of Action cards from your hand' strongly reads to me as 'choose any number of action cards from your hand, then decide an order, then play them in that order', not 'do this as many times as you want: play an action card that you don't have a copy of in play' (which I believe is what your rule clarification says).

The latter version is also much stronger, which I don't think is good.

Either way, wouldn't it be more elegant to say 'If you played at least three card this way, trash this to gain a Prize or a card costing up to 6$' instead of the second paragraph? I'm not sure why the delayed gain is necessary. It does make it so you can't play the Prize in the same turn, but is that important? The card looks like it has too much text right now (also why is there space at the top of the text field?)

Trapper by spineflu

On first glance, the floor is a Copper, the Ceiling is a Peddler. On second glance, the floor is a bit better since you can often play good cards from your hand first, if you want to play them, so the card discarded is probably below average.

I think it's an okay/good design. Powerlevel should be perfectly fine, on the weak side but totally playable. Don't see any big problems.

So... I do think gambit05 had the best idea, but I also think the intended version is not as good and it's sub-optimally worded. Therefore my verdict is,

Winner: Field by segura
Runner-up: Samhain by gambit05.
2nd Runner-up: Crops by pubby
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