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Author Topic: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux (GAME OVER, Maquis win!)  (Read 406066 times)

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RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux (GAME OVER, Maquis win!)
« on: January 24, 2019, 06:05:41 pm »

...when I think back to the most entertaining games over the long haul, some of them were a bit wild. I mean, for me personally, some highlights were: Joetheonah's Deep Space Nine (Mafia 19, I think?)...

Welcome to RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux

Mod: jotheonah

Since there are currently no active sign-up threads other than poor stalled out Cryptography mafia, I decided to go ahead and post this. It will not start before RMM51 concludes.

This is an open game for 18 players. It will be a tweaked and rebalanced version of Mafia XIX, which you can read here. Note this was previously run as a closed setup, but this time it will be open (Plz don't break the game). Some more information will be provided in the next post.

1. Jimmmmm Kira Nerys, 1-shot Vigilante
2. UmbrageOfSnow ADK Miles O'Brien, Mirror Universe Cop
3. LaLight EFHW Worf, Maquis Cop
4. DatSwan Julian Bashir, Even-Night Changeling Cop and 1-shot Doctor
5. mcmcsalot Benjamin Sisko, Roleblocker
6. Glooble Odo, Flavor/Role Cop
7. WestCoastDidds, Dax, 1-shot Deathproof
8. SpaceAnemone, Kai Winn, Double Voter
9. Shraeye, Bariel Antos, Universal Backup
10. MiX, Morn, Loved Serial Killer
11. faust Quark, Neighbor
12. ashersky, Garak, Busdriver/Lightning Rod
13. 2.71828..... General Martok, Bomb
14. Robz888 Jake Sisko, Innocent Child
15. Awaclus Rom, Neighbor
16. Uncleeurope Gul Dukat, Godfather
17. raerae Kasidy Yates, 1-shot Commuter
18. chickenwarlord Nog, Neighbor

Day starts:

Day 1 start
Day 2 start
Day 3 start
Day 4 start
Day 5 start
Day 6 start

Spectators tagged:


General rules

Changes to the usual rule sets are marked in navy.

The Golden Rule:

Please remember that this is a game and your main objective is to have fun!  Be considerate of each other, don’t get personal, and enjoy the game. Please read The Civility Pledge before signing up for any mafia game on this site.  If you have not /pledged there, you cannot play. Excessive personal attacks or uncivil behavior may be dealt with by modifiers or modkills.

1. General Gameplay and Etiquette:

1. You may not quote information (either real or fabricated) from any game-related source other than the thread you are posting in. This means no quotes from PMs and no quotes from QTs in the main thread or in another QT. Paraphrasing is acceptable. If you are unsure whether a post is legal, please ask the moderator before posting.
2. There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings and the QTs specifically designed for this purpose.
3. As a general rule you should aim for one post every 12 hours, minimum, to keep the game moving.

2. Voting, Deadlines, and Player Death:

1. Day phases will last 7 days, Night lasts at least 48 hours. Night action deadline is 36 hours after night start.
2. A simple majority (rounded up) of all living members must agree on one person for a lynch to occur prior to deadline.
3. Once you have reached a simple majority no further unvoting will change someone’s fate. Further votes will also be ignored.
4. Once a player is lynched, the game enters twilight until the mod locks the thread; all players including the one who was lynched may continue to post during twilight.
5. If the deadline is hit without a player reaching the majority of votes, the vote is treated as a No Lynch
6. Please submit votes as: Vote: PlayerName.  Votes in another format may or may not be counted. This is up to the mod's discretion. Obvious abbreviations or nicknames will be counted so long as they are unambiguous.
7. Please submit vote revocations Unvote. Unvotes are not necessary before changing votes.
8. You may Vote: No Lynch - a simple majority of these vote types are required to send the game to Night phase without a lynch.
10. Any time you are dead (either via lynch or night kill) you may no longer post in the game or in shared Quicktopics. This means that you do not even get a “Bah” post. The dead in this game are silent.
11. If the thread is locked, you may not post.  Threads can be locked for various reasons, but no matter what the reason, you may not post.  The mod may forget to lock the thread, but if they say it is locked, it is still locked.

3. Miscellaneous/Mechanics:

1. Bold, navy blue text is reserved for the mod.  No invisible/small text is allowed, nor is cryptography.
2. If you have an issue/problem with the game, please discuss this in your role QT.  Do not post issues/complaints in the game thread.
3. The Mods may make mistakes - please point out any mistakes gently.  Mistakes will be corrected where possible, but sometimes mistakes are made that cannot be reversed.  These will stand as final to be commiserated over after the game.
4. Please bold all requests to the Mods so that they don’t get missed.
5. Prods of missing players may be issued after 24 hours of no activity.  A prodded player has 24 hours to respond or risks replacement.  A player who has been prodded 2 times is subject to replacement under without further notice. Players with announced VLA are exempt from this rule the first time it happens.
6. If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 48-hour period please post a notice to that effect in the thread.  Treat this game as a commitment.  Be considerate – don’t leave us hanging. Players who fail to post for 48 hours without an announcement risk being subject to replacement and/or being modkilled without further notice.
7. Please do not discuss ongoing games, it can unintentionally affect the other game. Do not discuss this game in any thread that is not directly related to it.
8. Rule violations will be dealt with according to their severity, which may include modkill(s) if needed.
9. Players who discover they are too busy to play in a game or want to leave the game for civility issues are not allowed to officially /out in the thread.  A request to /out must only be done via a post in the role QT. Please do not use this as a manipulation technique.  (Note players may continue to threaten to /out or imply that they might as long as it does not include an official request). Requests to /out are final once submitted. There will be no /outing and then /inning back into the game so make sure that when you /out you have thought it through and really want to do it. Players that can't be replaced will simply be mod-killed. Whether your request to /out will lead to replacement or a modkill is up to the mod's discretion.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2019, 10:58:03 am by jotheonah »
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2019, 06:06:03 pm »


As mentioned above, this will be a tweaked re-run of my Deep Space Nine mafia game with an open rather than closed setup. I only ran the original game as closed out of an abundance of caution.

The inspiration for this game was that I was trying to think of a way to have heavily-flavored games without having flavor connected in any way to alignment (although there are ultimately some exceptions).

It might turn out to be a hard sell to get 18 people to sign up for multiball. If that's the case, I might rejigger the setup to be played with fewer folks.

You're on Deep Space Nine, just before the start of the Dominion War. At a busy port on the wild frontier of space, it's hard to keep track of all the comings and goings. Despite Odo's best efforts, a string of sabotages on the station have made it clear that someone on board is not what they seem to be.

It's possible that some crewmembers have secretly defected and joined the Maquis, a terrorist group within the Federation. It's also possible that a few crewmembers have been replaced by their mirror universe duplicates - you'd never know the difference if they shaved their goatee. And of course, there's the constant threat of changeling infiltration, though they wouldn't bother with a team. No if there's a changeling aboard he's a solitary serial killer.

Well, this won't do at all. Captain Sisko will take some crewmembers and trusted civilians off their regular duties and assign them to investigate for the various threats.

Non-flavored information:

- The setup will either have two scum teams (Mirror Universe and Maquis) or one scum team and one serial killer (Changeling Infiltrator). You won't know which. Scum teams will consist of three players.
- Either way, there will be three alignment cops: a Maquis cop, a Mirror Universe cop, and a changeling cop. These three will be guaranteed NOT the alignment they investigate for - but not guaranteed town.
- Everyone else will have a small role - generally either an X-shot version of a power role or a role of marginal or even negative utility.
- These roles, and characters, will be assigned 100 percent independent of alignment, with the exception of the cops, who cannot be the alignment they investigate. Knowing someone's role or character will not tell you if they're scum.
- There will be only one version of each character in game. So if there's a Mirror Universe Bashir, there won't also be a Changeling Bashir or a Bashir Prime.
- The game is designed to be reasonably balanced in most configuration. But some possible rolls of the dice (e.g. all 3 Ferengi on one scum team) might need to be redone

Quick primer on Deep Space Nine:

It's the third Star Trek series, and the only one to be set on a space station rather than a ship. As such, it has a much richer tapestry of ongoing plotlines than other Star Treks, starting with the discovery of the galaxy's first stable wormhole (which is also home to non-linear time aliens who some characters worship as Gods) to a full on war with aliens from the other side of the wormhole that lasts the last 3 seasons of the show.

The Maquis are dissatisfied members of the Federation (the intergalactic alliance Earth is part of in the 24th century). When Starfleet officers defect to the Maquis on the show, they tend to do it secretly at first, using their rank and position to steal something to help the resistance. So a nice mafia flavor hook.

The Mirror Universe is a ridiculous Star Trek concept - an alternate reality where good people are evil and evil people are good. It started out in the original series, but DS9 did about one mirror universe episode per season.

Changelings are the big bosses of the Dominion, the bad guys in the war. Odo, the station's security chief, is a changeling, but he was raised in the alpha quadrant and he's loyal to the good guys. They can shape shift into animals, other people, inanimate objects, you name it. In the show, the Dominion replaces people with changeling operatives in order to destabilize the alpha quadrant and get them to weaken each other before launching an all out attack.

Knowing more about the show than that will help you make guesses about people's roles if you know their character. But even all that is more than you need to know for a mafia game.

The roles:

The IC (trigger variety):
Jake Sisko

The Cops:
Odo -- flavor/role cop, investigates to Bashir as Changeling even if not SK
Dr. Julian Bashir -- even night changeling cop and 1-shot doctor
Chief Miles O'Brien -- mirror universe cop
Lt. Cmdr. Worf -- maquis cop

The Ferengi:
(Ferengi are a neighborhood. They will be mod-confirmed to not include a specific NON-TOWNalignment. That can be the alignment that isn't in the game.)

Captain Benjamin Sisko -- roleblocker
Major Kira Nerys -- 1-shot vigilante (if town)/1-shot bulletproof (if scum)
Lt. Jadzia Dax / Lt. Ezri Dax -- 1-shot deathproof
Elim Garak, a simple tailor -- 1-shot bus driver OR 1-shot lightning rod (his choice)
Vedek Antos Bariel -- Universal Backup
Captain Kasidy Yates -- 1-shot commuter
General Martok - bomb
Gul Dukat - hated (stops working when it would take 1 or less vote to lynch) godfather
Morn - loved (stops working when he can’t be lynched without self-voting)
Kai Winn - 1-shot double voter (can't be concealed)

In addition to these roles, the SK will gain the bulletproof and strongman modifiers

Town is known as Station-aligned in this game. The town win condition is as follows:
You win when all threats to the Station have been eliminated, and there is at least one Station-aligned player left alive, or nothing can stop this from happening.

Setup clarifications:

Jake Sisko, the IC, is the only character whose alignment is not independent of his role. He is always town. His IC trigger ability can be triggered any time, night or day, and cannot be blocked.

The Ferengi are informed of an alignment that no one in their neighborhood has and that the UB doesn't have, so that if the UB becomes a Ferengi their information is still good.

The Changeling's bulletproof protects against all nightkills, including Martok's bomb. The Changeling's strongman gets through Bashir's doctor shot and scum!Kira's bulletproof. Kasidy can still survive by commuting and Garak can still redirect the shot with either of his abilities.

If Martok is doctored, all (non-bulletproof) players who targeted him with a nightkill still die. It's the act of targeting him, not the act of killing him, that triggers his ability.

Bariel, the UB, triggers when the first other player dies, unless that player is Dax or Jake, in which case it triggers on the second player dying (even if that player is Dax again). If two players die at once when Bariel would be triggered, he acquires one of their roles at random. Which one will not be publicly announced. Bariel's alignment does not change when he inherits a role. If he inherits the changeling role, he inherits only their base role, not their bulletproof or strongman modifiers. He does not inherit a scum player's nightkill. He does not inherit Odo's Miller ability.

Bariel can inherit a cop ability for his own faction. While the original cops are guaranteed to not be the alignment they investigate, this does not hold for the UB.

Bariel does get a new shot of a 1-shot power that has already been used.

If Bariel inherits Kira's power, he will get the version that's already in the game, regardless of his alignment.

Neither the Ferengi nor the scum teams have daychat.

Bashir may not doctor and cop on the same night. When Bashir uses his doctor ability, it will prevent one nightkill. If two or more nightkills are directed at the target, they will still die.

Kai Winn can use her double vote one day per game and must use it publicly by typing "doublevote: Name". Once she does, she can use the commands "undoublevote" and "doublevote: different name" to move it around. It persists for the rest of the game day, but expires after that, whether or not she ended the day with it on a player.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 09:02:03 am by jotheonah »
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2019, 12:26:14 am »



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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2019, 12:32:59 am »

I remember the first run of this game going back when I played my first game.  It almost makes me want to play, but I have too much stuff going on.
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2019, 12:41:19 am »

Odo -- flavor/role cop, falsely investigates as Changeling

Does this mean "Investigates as Changeling, falsely or otherwise"?

If he is, say, Maquis, will he return a negative result to the Maquis Cop?


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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2019, 01:31:04 am »

A wise man can hear profit /in the wind.


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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2019, 02:11:39 am »

Oh i remember read/ing this!
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2019, 08:29:10 am »

Odo -- flavor/role cop, falsely investigates as Changeling

Does this mean "Investigates as Changeling, falsely or otherwise"?

If he is, say, Maquis, will he return a negative result to the Maquis Cop?

Good question. The flavor is that different cops use different kinds of tests. Odo only gets a false positive on a blood test.

So he only investigates as Changeling when investigates by Bashir. O’Brien or Worf will get “not MU” or “not Maquis” (unless Odo is one of those things)

This is different than Gul Dukat, who will give a negative result to all cops regardless of his alignment.
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2019, 09:06:36 am »

So he only investigates as Changeling when investigates by Bashir. O’Brien or Worf will get “not MU” or “not Maquis” (unless Odo is one of those things)

I may be being a tad pedantic, but I'm questioning the "falsely". He might happen to be a Changeling, in which case Bashir will correctly investigate him as Changeling. Correct?


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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2019, 09:53:56 am »

So he only investigates as Changeling when investigates by Bashir. O’Brien or Worf will get “not MU” or “not Maquis” (unless Odo is one of those things)

I may be being a tad pedantic, but I'm questioning the "falsely". He might happen to be a Changeling, in which case Bashir will correctly investigate him as Changeling. Correct?

I'll edit the verbiage.
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2019, 02:26:00 am »


Deep Space 9! Love the flavor

I am going to


... but it is contingent upon the part about not starting it prior to the end of RMM51

Looks super fun!
Jesus how did i fuck that up
real good. That’s how
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2019, 10:11:38 am »

I had another thought about the setup. I’m going to pick the scum configuration with 2 coin flips rather than randomly choosing two of three teams. I think it’s better that it’s 50/50 SK+scum or scumx2 rather than 33/66 so town doesn’t get a “default assumption”.
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2019, 12:54:17 pm »

Wins: M19, M21, M23, M24, M26, M39, M91, M94, M102, M104, M107, M114, M115
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2019, 04:17:15 pm »

/in Unless you’d rather I co-mod with you.

I think town!Glooble pointing to something as a scum tell and then shortly thereafter doing that thing is a lot more likely than scum!Glooble doing that.

He/ Him

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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2019, 06:32:59 pm »

/in Unless you’d rather I co-mod with you.

I think I need all the players I can get.
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #15 on: January 27, 2019, 04:13:33 pm »

classic Diddsian meddling
I never got to read what Didds said, but whatever she's saying, she's right.


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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #16 on: January 27, 2019, 04:16:25 pm »

/tag, may be able to help comod, definitely cannot play.
I currently imagine mail-mi wearing a dark trenchcoat and a bowler hat, hunched over a bit, toothpick in his mouth, holding a gun in his pocket.  One bead of sweat trickling down his nose.

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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2019, 05:53:21 pm »


Loved DS9, so I really want to play. Maaaay have to duck out to avoid too many simultaneous commitments down the line.
Congratulations! Your SpaceAnemone evolved into UniverseAnemone!
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2019, 06:37:35 pm »

/in. Missed the first one by a bit.  Gotta do this


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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2019, 11:10:14 am »


Thanks for reminding me to watch DS9. I only watched the first few episodes and couldn't get into it, but I hear it's awesome
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The SK in this setup seems super weak. Only 1-shot BP AND a guaranteed Cop against them? In a game of 18 players?
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2019, 04:16:18 am »

(Ferengi are a neighborhood. They will be mod-confirmed to not include a specific alignment. That can be the alignment that isn't in the game.)
Can you clarify how that works? The alignment not included will be posted in the QT? Is the alignment excluded chosen before picking the Ferengi or the other way around? And how will the excluded alignment be determined exactly?
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Re: RMM52: Deep Space Nine Mafia Redux
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2019, 08:14:35 am »

(Ferengi are a neighborhood. They will be mod-confirmed to not include a specific alignment. That can be the alignment that isn't in the game.)
Can you clarify how that works? The alignment not included will be posted in the QT? Is the alignment excluded chosen before picking the Ferengi or the other way around? And how will the excluded alignment be determined exactly?

Other way around. The Ferengi are chosen. Out of all the possible alignments not represented among them, including the one not in the game, one is chosen and they're all told about it.

The SK in this setup seems super weak. Only 1-shot BP AND a guaranteed Cop against them? In a game of 18 players?

I'm open to suggestions for buffing, but there aren't too many good ones. Strongman and Ninja do almost nothing in this setup.  I guess I could give them Loved or a 1-shot extra vote.
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Keep in mind, Sk also has a dedicated miller which mitigates the effectiveness of the dedicated cop a bit. But actually thinking about it, maybe full bulletproof is the solution. It’s also somewhat flavorful, since changeligs are quite hard to kill.
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Keep in mind, Sk also has a dedicated miller which mitigates the effectiveness of the dedicated cop a bit. But actually thinking about it, maybe full bulletproof is the solution. It’s also somewhat flavorful, since changeligs are quite hard to kill.
It doesn't mitigate it quite as much when you consider that the SK cannot actually claim that role without being counterclaimed. I'd really want to give them something to avoid being exposed, because that is really really unfun. Maybe X-shot Commuter or something along those lines. Though in that case "No result" may still out them. Having an SK Cop just seems like a pretty bad idea, I'm not sure it can work.
You say the ocean's rising, like I give a shit
You say the whole world's ending, honey it already did
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