Can anyone tell anything about the flavor please?
It’s been a little while since I’ve read the books. The Radch is an empire The is expanding, taking over humanity using living ships to annex planets. The ships can also control some number of human bodies, called Ancillaries (you don’t want to know where they get the bodies.) There are aliens, but they are inscrutable and difficult to communicate with. One alien race, the Presger, is only stopped from completely annihilating humanity by a treaty, and if any individual human violates the treaty it would be very, very bad. There’s also the Rrr and the Geck but no one knows much about them.
The Radch is ruled by Aanander Mianani (or something) and her many clones. Her mind is spread across lots of clone bodies all over the empire. Spoilers for book one Her mind seems to have split and now some of her are working against the others, threatening a civil war within the Radch
All of this is correct, also, the lead character is Breq (the Fleet Captain), she is the AI of a ship contained in a human body. She once had lots of bodies, but now has just one, but she still has the awareness that she her mind used to be in many bodies. Her second in command is Seivarden, a human.
AIs are all over the place...Ships are AIs, and the space stations have an AI, too. Some beings have accesses where they can communicate directly with the Ship or Station on a private channel and they have access to the information they get forommcareras, connected soldiers, and other ship/station data. AIs try to keep the peace, and they have been programmed with emotions so that they can actively look out for the well being of their humans.
In the books, there are two factions Radchaii factions at odds with another. One side is trying to shift from conquering new worlds and enslaving the humans that live there and is pushing for expansion and continued use of ancillaries. Most of the folx (humans and AIs) in Apotheok quadrant are of the former, but the latter are more dangerous.