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CPiGuy's Cards
« on: September 14, 2017, 12:51:48 pm »

Hi all. I've been designing some cards, and I thought I would share them and hopefully get some feedback. Card images with pretty art can be found here. (All the cards are independent of each other, except that Orphan/Orphanage and Purchase/Territory are split piles, each with the less expensive card on top.)

Card texts:

Accountant; $7 Reaction
When you would discard or trash cards due to the effects of a card other than an Accountant, you may reveal this card, and instead get +1 Card per card you would have discarded or trashed.
When you would draw cards due to the effects of a card other than an Accountant, you may reveal this card, and instead trash a card from your hand for every card you would have drawn.

Alley; $2 Action
+1 Action
This turn, cards cost $1 less, but not less than $0.

Battle; $3 Event
Each player (including you) trashes a card from their hand or discards 3 cards (their choice). Draw an extra card for your next turn.

Blockade; $3 Action
Put this on top of any Supply pile.
Choose one: gain a Gold, or gain a Blockade from the Blockade pile, or +2 Cards.

Charlatan; <5> Action - Attack
Choose one:
Return <1>, and if you do, each other player takes <1>;
or take <1> and take a Coin token from each other player with one;
or take <1> and take 1VP from each other player with any.
Choose one: take a Coin token, or +1VP.
When you gain this, each player takes a Coin token and gets +1VP.

Circle the Wagons; $5 Event
Choose one: trash an Attack from the Supply, or trash an Action card from your hand or from play and gain a Victory card costing up to $2 more. If you did either, choose one: gain a Reaction card, or trash a Victory card from your hand and gain an Action card costing up to $3 more.

Credit; $4 Treasure
When you play this, all cards cost $2 less (but not less than $0) and <2> more.

Cursed Altar; $3P Action
You may trash a card from your hand. If you do, gain a Curse and a card costing up to $5 more than the trashed card.

Custom House; $3 Action - Attack - Duration
You can't buy Victory cards this turn.
Until the start of your next turn, other players can't play more than 4 Treasures, or more than 1 non-Copper Treasure, per turn.
At the start of your next turn, +$1.

Cyclone; $5 Action - Attack
Trash a card from your hand. Each other player may trash a more expensive card. If they don't, they gain a Curse, and discard a card for every $2 the trashed card cost.

Dead City; $3 Action
+2 Cards
+1 Action
You may discard a Curse for +1 Action. If you don't, gain a Curse.

Demolition; $4 Action
You may trash a card costing $6 or more. If you do, +8VP.

Deserted Village; $2 Action
+2 Cards
You may discard any number of cards, for +1 Action each.

Drought; $4 Action - Attack
Choose one: trash a card from your hand, or discard two cards. If you do, each other player chooses one: trash a card from their hand, or discard two cards, or gain a Curse to their hand, or gain two Coppers to their hand.

Duel; $1 Event
Each player sets aside a card from their hand. Then, all players reveal those cards. If any player revealed an Attack or Curse, all other players gain a Curse. However, if any player revealed a Victory card, they get +1VP and don't gain any Curses. If you reveal an Attack or Curse, you additionally get +1VP. Then, players return their revealed cards to their hands. If you didn't gain a Curse, +1 Buy.

Dysentery, $0 Event
Each player gains a Curse, putting it on top of their deck.

Emigration, $3 Action
Trash four or five cards from your hand. Gain five or six cards with a total cost up to double the total cost of the trashed cards.

Exchequer, $4 Treasure
When you play this, put the contents of your Exchequer mat in your hand. Then, you may put any number of Treasure cards from your hand into your Exchequer mat. This card is worth $1 if there are cards on your Exchequer mat, and $0 otherwise.
Rules clarification: everyone can see what's on everyone's Exchequer mat at all times.

Express, $2 Event
Pay any amount of $. If you do, gain a card to your hand costing the amount you paid. If it's an Action, return to your Action phase and play it; if it's a Treasure, play it. (If it's both, choose one.)

Flagellant, $6* Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may gain a Copper. If you do: +1 Card, +1 Action, and you may trash a card from your hand that is not a Copper or Curse.
You may gain a Curse. If you do: +1 Card, +$1.
If you gained a Copper this turn, the price of this card is decreased by $1. If you gained a Curse this turn, the price of this card is decreased by $2.

Flea Market, $6 Action
+1 Buy
If you have now played a Flea Market an odd number of times this turn, +1 Card.
Choose one: +2 Actions, or return this to your hand.
I'm thinking of making the middle clause something like "Turn over your Flea Market token (it starts every turn face down). If it's face up, +1 Card.

Ford, $2 Event
Trash exactly 5 cards from your hand. If you do, +5VP.

Fortified Moat, $5 Action - Reaction
+1 Card
+1 Action
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand, to be unaffected by it.
When another player buys a Treasure or Victory card costing $5 or less, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, gain a copy of that card.

Frontier, $5 Victory
Worth 2VP for every remaining copy in the Supply of the Victory card costing the most $.

Herb Garden, PP Victory
Worth 1VP for every Potion in your deck.

Homestead, $4 Treasure
When you play this, reveal your hand. This card is worth $2 for every Victory card revealed.

Land Grant, $3 Reaction - Reserve
When another player buys a Treasure, you may put this on your Tavern mat, to gain a Treasure costing less than the one they bought.
When you buy a Victory card, you may call this, to gain a cheaper Victory card.

Liege, $5 Action
You may gain both a Duchy and an Estate. Play a Victory card from your hand as if it were an Action card from the Supply costing less than it that you choose. It gains the abilities and types of that card until it leaves play.

Magistrate, $4 Action - Attack
+1 Card
Each player (including you) reveals their hand. For each player (including you) choose one: they discard a card with the highest cost, or they gain a copy of the card with the lowest cost. Then, every player (including you) gets +1 Card.

Mendicant, $3 Action
Gain a Copper, a Silver, and a Gold to your hand.
Trash three cards from your hand.

Military Village, $5 Action - Attack - Looter
+1 Card
+2 Actions
Each other player discards a card.
At the end of your turn, if any other player has fewer than four cards, they may draw up to three or four cards in hand (they choose). For every two cards they draw (round up), they gain a Ruins.

Mountain Road, $5 Action
While this is in play, Treasures cost $2 less, but not less than $0.
While this is in play, when you buy a Treasure with nonzero cost, +1 Buy.

Native Guide, $4 Action
You may discard your hand.
Reveal the top 6 cards of your deck. Discard any number of them, and put the rest of them back on top in any order. Draw up to 4 cards in hand.

Orphan [top half of split-pile], $1 Action

Orphanage [bottom half of split-pile], $2 Action
+1 Card
You may choose one: play an Action costing $2 or less from your hand, or play an Action costing $1 or less from your hand twice.

Posse, $5 Action - Attack - Reserve
+5 Cards
Discard 4 cards.
Discard any number of cards. Each other player discards that many cards.
Put this on your Tavern mat.
When anyone plays an Attack, you may call this, to gain a Gold, putting it on top of your deck.

Prairie Schooner, $5 Action - Duration
Look at the top four cards of your deck. Discard one, set one aside, and put the other two in your hand.
At the start of your next turn, put the set-aside card in your hand and +2 Cards.

Public Assembly, $3 Action
If this is not the first Action you've played this turn, +5 Cards;
otherwise, +2 Cards.
You can't play any more Actions this turn.

Purchase [top half of split-pile], $3 Victory - Treasure

Territory [bottom half of split-pile], $6 Victory
Additionally worth 1VP for every Purchase you have.

Rebellious Province, $5 Victory
In games using this, when you discard your hand during Clean-up, reveal it, and put all of the Rebellious Provinces in it on top of your deck.

Royal Marriage, $0 Action
+1 Card
Discard a card.
Once per turn: When you buy this, +$3 and +1 Buy.

Salt Pan, $3 Action - Reserve - Victory
+1 Card
+1 Action
Put this on your Tavern mat.
At the start of your turn, you may call this, to trash a card from the Supply.

Shopkeeper, $4 Action
Gain a Treasure.

Siege Tower, $4 Action - Attack
Each other player reveals their hand. For each opponent, choose one: +$1, or they name a card, and then you name a non-Victory card, and then they trash a card from their hand that you choose that is not the card they named, gain a card costing up to $1 more than the trashed card that is not the card you named, and draw a card.

Sinecure, $3 Action - Victory
+1 Action

Standard Bearer, $4 Action
You may play an Attack from your hand twice, but it does not affect other players.
You may discard an Action. If you do, +1VP.
While this is in play, when you gain a Victory card, +2VP.

Survey, $5 Event
Reveal the top 8 cards of your deck. You may trash one of them. You may set one aside and put it into your hand at end of turn (after drawing). You may put up to two of them on top of your deck. If you revealed three differently-named Victory cards, +2VP. Discard the remaining revealed cards.

Tax Collector, $5 Action - Attack
Each other player reveals his hand and takes <2> per non-Copper Treasure revealed.

Wassail, $1 Event
+1 Buy
Pay up to $3. For each $ you paid, take a Coin token.

Wise Woman, $4 Action
Trash a card from your hand. If it...
is a Victory card, +1 Action
costs $0, +3 Cards
is a Curse, discard a Treasure from your hand, or reveal a hand with no Treasures.

Waterfall, $8 Action
+1 Card
+1 Action
You can't gain this if you have any Waterfalls in play.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 05:29:09 pm by CPiGuy »


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2017, 01:19:02 pm »

I think you'll get a lot more feedback if you post the text of the cards here instead of just a link to a Google Drive folder. Pretty images are nice to look at, but posting the card text allows people to respond to each card wit the text in their response, which makes it a lot easier for you and others to read through responses.
Check out my F.DS extension for Chrome! Card links; Dominion icons, and maybe more!

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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2017, 01:37:44 pm »

But some notes anyway...

Alley is more or less the same as Copper... so I wouldn't buy it even if it cost . Unless I already had a great engine with lots of +buy. Maybe if the card itself gave +buy it could be ok.

I think I like Battle a lot.

Blockade - I'm assuming that "Gain a Blockade" should allow you to gain any Blockade that's on top of a pile? I dunno if there's clear rules for that in Dominion. The card seems probably weak; though maybe a delayed Gold for is ok.

Charlatan - giving debt is a dangerous thing; because if you find a way to stack it; you can lock people out of the game. The - token already serves as a way of giving out debt but in a way that's self-limited.

Credit - This is basically already what Capital does.

Cursed Alter - Maybe pretty good? I like that it both gives you a Curse and a way to turn that curse into a . I think I like this card.

Custom House suffers from the problem of creating possibly contradicting rules. What if an opponent plays Venture, and that Venture finds a Venture? As far as I know, it's never been ruled that in Dominion, an effect that says "you can't" overrides an effect that says "do it". But also, the attack just seems way too harsh. It basically locks people out of the game.

Cyclone can lock people out of the game by having non-limited discarding.

Dead City might be crazy powerful in a game with other Cursing available. Curses quickly go away, then you just have a cheap Lost City.

Demolition is probably way too powerful. Trashing Provinces with it is an automatic decision, and trashing Golds is almost always the right choice too.

Deserted Village seems too strong if there's no trashing, and you'll usually have an Estate to discard.

Duel just seems like way too much text and if statements that I didn't even want to read the whole thing. Of course, Possession has this problem too.

Dysentery is interesting in that in the early days of Dominion, a lot of people mistakenly thought that if you bought a curse, it went to your opponent. I'm worried that on a lot of boards, the right move is just to buy this every tun until Curses are gone.

Express gives every action card Villa's ability... maybe too strong.

Flea Market gives infinite money and buys with Champion or a +1 action token.

Herb Garden seems interesting.. but no idea how it will play out. Potions are almost dead cards, so it's like buying a bunch of Estates sort of. Maybe similar to Silk Road.

I'll try to look at the rest later.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 03:13:08 pm by GendoIkari »
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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2017, 01:39:09 pm »

I just have to say, these are some of the most original and cool cards I've seen posted for a long time!

Edit: I'm definitely gonna try to redo some of these so I can possibly print them. I love them!
« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 01:46:20 pm by ThetaSigma12 »
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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2017, 02:44:57 pm »

Blockade - I'm assuming that "Gain a Blockade" should allow you to gain any Blockade that's on top of a pile? I dunno if there's clear rules for that in Dominion. The card seems probably weak; though maybe a delayed Gold for is ok.

Actually, the intent was "gain a blockade from the blockade pile". I've changed the wording to make this explicit.

I'll respond to your other comments and add text in the post later -- thanks!


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2017, 05:11:10 pm »

(I have bolded my favourites)

Accountant is interesting but seems too wordy to work. Maybe simplifying to one part, and then dropping the cost, could make it worth it.
Alley is Copper. And the art has a streetlight.
Battle is where I start gushing. It is interesting, unique, and seems about balanced. If anything, I'd change the name to be reminiscent of Expedition. Tidal Wave?
Blockade is well designed. Punishing, but still good.
Charlatan looks really cool. I think it will have problems in the end but looks nice.
Circle the Wagons (?) is trying to do too much. You avoided it needing Attacks/Reactions, but it's basically a mash-up of tfbs.
Credit is a silver+ for which is generally frowned upon. However, since it's worse in many cases, I think it would work. It probably shouldn't cost ever though.
Cursed Altar is just another Tfb. If you really want it, fine, but meh.
Custom House (shouldn't that be customs house?) is too degenerative. No VP cards for you, and really stalls your opponents. That is unless they are using actions for economy. Then it does nothing. Personally, I'd drop the attack and focus on the delayed bonus.
Cyclone seems weak, so adding a vanilla bonus to make it less attack-focused would be great. The discarding can create pins though, so dropping that for +whatever seems fine.
Dead City has been tried in various forms at one time or another. Speaking from actual gaming experience, it's probably too good.
Demolition, wow this is funky. My gut tells me +8 is too much. With a solid Gold gainer like Bandit and some village support, this could get out of hand fast. The concept seems cool, but I don't think there's a way you can balance this.
Deserted Village is something we don't get often, a unique village. Bravo. IDK about balance though.
Drought is a classic example of trying to do too much. Obvious flaws are trashing all of your opponent's hand, and minor benefit with major attack. It's also wordy.
Duel is wordy. The general concept is neat but should be shortened. Also, Co0kiel0rd has a term for this called "Flashing" a card, which means simultaneous reveal. It's not used a lot, but it could help you cut down on words. Also, in games without attacks, it hardly will mean much.
Dysentery is nice. There won't always be an even distribution of Curses though. "Once per turn:" might be needed just to reign things in.
Emigration is... I really don't know. I've never seen anything like this before. It will get out of hand really easily. Heck, Emigration and any could have you gaining over half the in the supply by turn 3. Definitely, reign this one in.
Exchequer is very much like Co0kiel0rd's deposit. Check it out. I think I like that version better.
Express would be best as overpay. And the "if it's both" isn't needed I think.
Flagellant isn't worth the bother IMO. It's overcomplicated AND deals with hard to balance things like cost reduction and self-junking.
Flea Market is neat.
Ford is also neat. Maybe should give less though.
Fortified Moat is boring. Moat + Cantrip + another reaction necessitating a double bar line.
Frontier is nice. Cool card.
Herb Garden is very interesting. Reminds me of Duke. In games with other cards I think it could really be worth it.
Homestead should maybe give less , or have a maximum of . Personally, I would put it at and say "You may reveal 2 Victory cards from your hand for +. If you didn't, + and +1 Buy" But that might be too far from your original.
Land Grant seems fine. Reminds me of my Escort.
Liege is really cool. I might make it a Copper/Curse instead of Estate to prevent easy pile draining and . Just "Gain an Estate and Duchy" could be great for . Also, it prevents absurd combos with inheritance, so yay.
Magistrate almost falls into some traps, but it's not technically terminal +1 Card and it can't discard opponent's hands. I think it would work.
Mendicant is nice. It does seem really good early game though. It probably needs to cost or more.
Millitary Village is wordy and punishing. You could simplify it, but I don't think it is worth it.
Mountain Road is too weak. For less, it could work, but it really reminds me of Mountain PassBrick Road, a mini-set design card. I think I like that one better.
Native Guide is nice. I would suggest only 5 cards, or maybe even 4.
Orphan/Orphanage, this is a great split pile. I don't think it's perfect, but there's some great synergy.
Posse seems too out of control with Labs, you can draw a lot, discard 5, and stall. Of course, since it goes on your Tavern mat, it could work. I'd still have a minimum of 2 cards left in your opponent's hand just to be sure. Also, the sifting is nuts.
Prarie Schooner seems good.
Public Assembly might be able to cost .
Purchase/Territory, Purchase is on the weaker side. I'd go for an Action-Victory instead of a half-Harem. Heck, why not just replace this with Sinecure and then add some small benefit? I think Kru5h's Beaches/Rare Coin is a better split pile though.
Rebellious Province could get unfun with Swindler. I'd be tempted to have them shuffled into your deck instead of put on top, and then lower the accordingly.
Royal Marriage is nice. You just need to say "discard a card" though.
Salt Pan has too many issues.
Shopkeeper, is there any good reason why this doesn't just say "Gain a Gold"? It could get out of hand otherwise.
Siege Tower is a classic example of too much text. Simplify. In general, many of your attacks seem wordy and too punitive. Donald has said how attacks should have boni, not just attacks like Saboteur.
Standard Bearer would only work if it was an attack and had self-synergy. Right now it's either weak or broken.
Survey is just an assembly of sifting. If you had all things be like the second, so "If you revealed 3 different treasures, X, 3 different actions, Y, 3 different victory cards, Z" it seems cool.
Tax Collector hands out way too much .
Wassail won't work. Buying Coin tokens breaks the game.
Waterfall is neat.
Wise Woman is just a wordier and different Sacrifice.
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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2017, 05:37:31 pm »

There are quite a few nice ideas here, but your attacks stack too harshly. This goes for Battle, Charlatan, Cyclone and Dysentry.

Some are also really wordy, like Circle the Wagons, Drought, Duel and Exchequer. Accountant is also wordy, but simple to understand, so I don't have a problem there.

For Cursed Altar, I don't really get why it costs a Potion.

Express might instead say "otherwise, if it's a Treasure". The Treasure option has the disadvantage that if you buy this with your only buy, you can't buy anything else from that money. Not that it's a drama, just to mention. The Action variant reminds me of Summon, by the way.

Credit is redundant to Captial. As you'd have to pay off the debt either way before you buy the next card, only the last one you gain benefits from the transformation into debt. This is the same as the card simply giving 4$ and letting you gain <2> on discard. The only exceptions are gainers (which can't conveniently gain the card any more), cards that would have costed less than 0$ after the reduction, and Crown.

Alley could be nice as one of two cards in a split pile, where the other is a gainer or +Buy card. As is, it's a bit lonely.


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2017, 05:52:12 pm »

Also, please don't think that I think your cards were bad only because I mostly talk about negative stuff. It's what I do. You could give me a magic flying carpet and I'd complain that it's an unsafe, easily flammable vehicle. That doesn't mean you'll get back your carpet.

Flea Market: I like the odd-numbered bonus, but GendoIkari mentioned the +1 Action token already.

Ford is fine.

Fortified Moat can be revealed multiple times. Also, if you own a Fortified Moat and gain a Treasure card, you can reveal it to a Fortified Moat revealed by your opponent. Which is fine, I guess. Just to mention it.

Herb Garden is too expensive. Getting two Potions to align is much harder than it could be worth.

I'm fine with Homestead.

Rebellious Province can become an awful buy if you don't have cards that help you discard other cards. Assume that your Vault gets trashed by a Knight or somebody Masquerades you this in a game without them. Or Swindler, as TetaSigma12 mentioned.


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2017, 05:56:05 pm »

But some notes anyway...

I'm not going to bother quoting everything for the sake of keeping the page short, so I'll just respond by card:

Alley - this is probably better than $2 in a kingdom with another half-decent +buy card. You're correct that it's bad without +buy, but so is Highway (which is definitely not worth getting at $5 without +buy). I don't think it's inherently terrible for a $2 card to depend on the presence on the board of a common vanilla bonus.

Blockade - already addressed the gaining thing. This card is kind of a more temporary, stronger Embargo -- it prevents people entirely from buying a card, but all they have to do to get there is buy the Blockade on top of the pile (or gain it through some other means -- it would be treated like any other mixed pile so you could gain it with a Workshop). So, I see that ability as being pretty similar to Embargo in the long run. OOTH, I think the on-play bonuses are better than Embargo's.

Charlatan -- You can hand out <1> per 2 plays of this card. Even if you find a way to play it ten times per turn, you're still only handing out 5 debt to everyone else, and if you have an engine that can do that and nobody contested the Charlatans, you should win no matter what. (besides, if they have charlatans of their own, they can get rid of that debt during their turn).

Credit -- I agree that this is a similar mechanic to Capital, but this gives you actual money to spend rather than being a net zero, so I think it would play differently.

Custom House -- I think my ruling is that the Venture would fail to play the Treasure because of the Custom House restriction. (Also, this attack doesn't seem too evil, because you can still produce $6, and you would never want to play it in the greening phase of the game, so it would be rare that a Custom House play would lock someone out of Provinces. Yeah, it's harsh, but it's not gamebreakingly so in my opinion.)

Cyclone -- I initially didn't see that this was the case, because it's not worth it to trash a Province with this, but then I remembered that this could stack. So, maybe something like "discards a card per $2 it cost, then draws up to 3 cards in hand"?

Dead City -- this is only a Lost City with curses in hand. Otherwise it's a Lab. Perhaps I should make the second card rather than the second action dependent on discarding curses so that if there are no Curses left in the pile, it's a vanilla Village, which is balanced at 3?

Demolition -- yeah, this is true. Would making it +5VP be more reasonable, since that's less than the value of a Province, so there's some debate over whether to use a terminal action to de-junk yourself and -1VP? If that would be too weak, maybe something like "If it's a Victory card, +1VP for each $ it cost. Otherwise, +8VP"?

Deserted Village -- if you have only one junk card to discard, this is a cantrip that sifts 1, which is probably worth $2. If you have two junk cards to discard, it's a Native Village with sifting instead of the set-aside thing. I don't think this is too strong for $2, but would be open to making it just +1 Card.

Duel -- I am aware that this is very wordy, and would rather that have not been the case. This is definitely not one of the better cards I made, but it's a fun idea.

Dysentery -- why would you necessarily want to buy a Dysentery every turn, especially if you didn't have +Buy?

Express -- I originally had this at 1 before realizing that it was stupid and needed to be more expensive, but I think that 3 would be too much. I mean, Villa only costs 4 despite having the "play this when you gain it" ability and

Flea Market -- ooh, good point. Maybe "You may get +2 Actions. If you didn't get any Actions from playing this card, put it in your hand."

Herb Gardens -- I guess the strategy here would be to open Potion/Silver and then rush?


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2017, 06:01:03 pm »

Deserted Village is definitely too strong for , I don't know what I was thinking. It's strictly better than Fugitive: You can discard 0 or 2+ cards.
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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2017, 06:26:11 pm »

[lots of feedback]

Same as above, not going to quote everything. (You responded to every card, so I'll only answer if there's some meaningful reason to. If I don't respond to criticism, it's probably because I agree with it.)

Alley -- is Copper unless you have +buy, which is a thing that is frequently present. I agree that it's a terrible buy otherwise, but, like, so is highway. is it that bad of a thing that a $2 card isn't good without a vanilla bonus elsewhere? good catch on the art.

Circle the Wagons -- yeah, I agree this is wordy, and am still trying to think of a simpler way to do it that avoids needing attacks and reactions while not just becoming tfb. (also, assuming your ? was about the name, a number of these cards have an American Old West flavor theme, including this one.)

Credit -- I thought about the "silver+ for 4", but decided that getting to take debt on your last buy wasn't actually a good enough benefit to justify making it 5. IMO this card is strictly better than Silver, though, in the absence of, like, Black Market/Storyteller and cards that care about absolute rather than relative cost (because something like Border Village still works fine here, and if you play five of these you can gain a City Quarter with your Border Village).

Custom House -- the "no VP" clause was to make this less degenerative, so you won't play it in the late game, because if you don't play it then maybe you and your opponent both get a Province, but if you do, you get nothing and they get a Duchy.

Cyclone -- maybe if you drew the cards rather than them discarding? Maybe if they discarded and then drew up to 3, and you got $1 for every two cards your opponents drew in this manner or something?

Dead City -- noted. If I made it discarding a curse for the second card, rather than the second action, do you think that would work better?

Demolition -- i'm thinking either just make it 5VP or something like "if it's a Victory card, +1VP for each $ it cost; otherwise +8VP". Maybe the former would work better with your Gold example?

Deserted Village -- after seeing your second comment about this, I think I'll make it +1 Card.

Drought -- this actually stacks super poorly, because they gain a Curse, then trash it, and repeat.

Duel -- that is a good suggestion that I will probably use to rewrite the card at some point.

Dysentery -- curses are handed out in turn order, so if it's uneven, you will be the one to suffer. I don't really see loads of reasons to buy this unless you have some way of getting yours off the top of your deck through some other means or something, so I don't think it will be terrible. (Also, flavor-wise, games in which players buy lots of Dysentery will be miserable. This is appropriate, since dysentery is miserable.)

Emigration -- maybe restrict the gained cards to at most one Victory card?

Exchequer -- I like having it be a Treasure, and I think my card is probably significantly more powerful than theirs. I think I like mine better because of the Treasure aspect, but the "play twice" is cool.

Express -- I don't want to have you gain another Action after doing this -- the playing it on your turn is reward enough, and it doesn't need to take up a Kingdom card slot. (This was actually originally an overpay card.) Also, you do need the "if it's both" -- Crown exists.

Homestead -- the situations in which this card becomes worth more than $4 are either in otherwise terrible hands or draw-your-deck engines. If the latter, then kudos to you for putting together a draw-your-deck engine with several Victory cards. If the former, it's not going to be common. Having said that, I would consider making this 2 for the first 2 victory cards, and 1 for each further. That might help mitigate the stupid edge cases a bit.

Liege -- Curse would have the same pile issue, so Duchy and Copper is probably a good bet -- I think you're right about "Gain a Duchy and an Estate" being a good $5 card anyway.

Mountain Road -- "get lots of Silver" seems pretty strong, as does "get lots of Gold" if you play 2.

Posse -- would you suggest cutting down on the sifting? Is this card too strong for $5 with it?

Rebellious Province -- you make a good point with Swindler. I should add a "you can't gain this if it's not your turn" clause.

Salt Pan -- what issues does this have, besides the ability to end the game at will with enough of them, because that is something that you can do with several official cards? Would "that is not a Province or Colony" eliminate most of those issues?

Shopkeeper -- alt-Treasure mostly, or Feoda, or similar. I might say "costing less than 7" so you can't use this for free Plats.

Standard Bearer -- I think that this card would not be terrible without the "play an Attack twice" clause. Also, there are *actual official cards* which are made significantly worse or better by the presence of a small subset of cards -- think Tunnel with cards that allow you to discard. So, I don't have a problem with this aspect. Maybe if it let you look through your discard for one, so you didn't have to worry about colliding? Or would that be too strong?

Survey -- Ooooooh I really like that idea. Maybe with an "if none of those things happened, [sifting]".

Tax Collector -- does it really? Most treasure cards not named Copper produce at least $2. Still, do you think the card would be too weak if it only gave out <1>?

Wassail -- I assume this is because of megaturn potential?


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2017, 06:34:36 pm »

Also, please don't think that I think your cards were bad only because I mostly talk about negative stuff. It's what I do. You could give me a magic flying carpet and I'd complain that it's an unsafe, easily flammable vehicle. That doesn't mean you'll get back your carpet.


Re: attacks stacking harshly, Dysentery isn't really an attack since it affects you just as harshly. I understand your point about the others though (especially Cyclone, which I proposed a couple solutions to above). Battle is an Event, so I think it's hard to stack since it requires +buy, doesn't get cost-reduced, and means you can't buy cards that turn.

Duel is definitely unavoidably wordy. Circle the Wagons is avoidably wordy, and I'd like to change it somehow. I think Exchequer is simple enough that the wording doesn't matter, and Drought is just two lists of choices -- it's not a complex interaction.

Cursed Altar -- mostly for flavor tbh. Would be fine with making it $5 or even $6. (Maybe $5+1D?)

Express -- if the Express is your only buy, why are you Expressing a Treasure, rather than just buying that same Treasure, or a better card? The only reason you would do this is if it had some on-play effect, in which case who cares if it doesn't get you money that turn, you're not buying it for money that turn.

Alley -- good idea; I'll think on it.

Rebellious Province -- if your Vault (or, like, any other discarder) gets trashed, you can probably buy another one. $5 isn't hard to hit. If you get masqueraded one, you can almost certainly buy a Masquerade if you don't already have one, and it's guaranteed to collide eventually (not to mention that past a certain point, literally every play of your opponent's masquerade will let you pass it back). Ditto for Ambassador. The only way I see this being really disgusting is Swindler, so I'll probably add a "you can't gain this if it's not your turn" clause.

« Last Edit: September 14, 2017, 06:35:55 pm by CPiGuy »


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2017, 07:04:45 pm »

The only way I see this being really disgusting is Swindler, so I'll probably add a "you can't gain this if it's not your turn" clause.

Most of the answers you gave were rather convincing, but maybe you can get around the "you can't gain this" more elegantly somehow... Not that I have any better idea, but that seems just so clunky.


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2017, 07:26:14 pm »

What if you just had the option of trashing a Rebellious Province instead of topdecking it? That way you can always get out of a pin.
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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2017, 09:14:22 pm »

About Accountant, drawing instead of trashing is probably only good against trashing attacks, drawing instead of discarding is potentially broken (Warehouse nets 6 cards) and trashing instead of drawing is useful if there aren't any other trashers.

Alley seems weak, you need to buy 2 cards to make a Silver out of this, but it is the cheapest cost reducer to pimp Workshop variants.

Battle is a bit Masquerade-ish in terms of being useful when the opponents have no junk in hand.

Blockade seems great, especially with non-mirror play in alt-VP games.

Charlatan is probably most interesting in multiplayer as you can sometimes steal 2 tokens which is why you probably not want to take a token which the other players do not have (to not make yourself vulnerable to a 'steal 2 tokens attack).

Custom House is too narrow: either it does nothing if engine pieces provide payload or it ruins everything.

Compared to other trasher-junkers like Ambassador or Replace I don't like Cyclone.

The idea of Demolition, coins into VP, only works in a flexible form like Bishop. With fixed values it is hard to avoid the case where it is often too good or too weak.

Deserted Village looks like a 5.

I don't get Drought, it seems incredibly weak.

Dysentery is far too good. You can easily imagine situations in which only Dysentery will be bought until the Curses are out.

While Forge can be used to get rid of your junk and play tricks to get 1 Province per turn Emigration can only do the latter and potentially several Provinces. Trashing 4 Gold would yield 6 Provinces. That's certified crazy.

Villa converts 3 coins into 2 Actions and a Buy with the downside of a degenerate Village in your deck that yearns terminal draw cards in order to not be half-junk. Express converts 2 Coins into 1 Action and a hand-gain. Doesn't seem overpowered to me.

Frontier is great, especially in multiplayer where three-pile-endigns are more common.

Homestead is probably too good.

I like Liege and read it as Duchy gainer that (ideally, when you have Duchy in hand) is also a Band of Misfits yet self-junks you with Estates.

Magistrate is also nice. I particularly like that, Soothsayer-style, the Copper/Curse junking is alleviated by drawing a card.

Mendicant would be crazy at any price. Early on it trashes and provides brilliant economy (5 or 6!) and if you have only one junk card in hand and gotta trash the gained Copper and Silver it would still be "gain a Gold to hand" which would probably be balanced at 5.

I like the attack part of Military Village but it doesn't work on a non-terminal card for the standard reasons.

Orphanage can be 3 things: it can just draw a card, it can be a kind of a cantrip (with the forced play of Herald, Vassal, Golem, etc.) or it can be a double Peddler (where the Action is used to play a terminal Silver). This is hard to analyze. Not sure whether this is worth as payload compared to similar cards like Vassal or Conspirator. There will probably a switching point from "Orphans are too risky" to "now I have enough buys and can get them all plus some Orphanages" which will not make the card fun.
You could prevent this risk/rush issue via make it a dual pile, i.e. both parts are always available.

Posse can easily lead to pins, especially in multiplayer and in combo with other discard attacks.

Prairie Schooner draws 5 cards spread over two turns which is too good.

Public Assembly is not a good idea as it is only good in a weird deck that features enough cantrips or villages to pair them with Public Assembly but not too much to draw them dead after Public Assembly. It simply doesn't work.

Purchase/Territory wants to be on a 4/4 resepctively 6/6 pile such that the cards can be evenly split.

Royal Marriage is worse than Ruined Library so you could just make it a plain dead card. I'd make it +1 Action, +1 Card, discard a card such that it will get played at least sometimes and nerf the bonus down to +2.

Salt Pan is not good. You buy some, set them aside, call them, trash some Provinces, repeat the whole process (or another player does the same), buy a Duchy or something in between and the game will end quickly with a score like 8 - 7.

For my taste Shoekeeper is too vanilla. But it is balanced (except for Platinum and Gladiator games).

I don't get Standard Bearer. Narrow worse Throne Room plus discard for VP plus double Groundkeeper thrown into one card seems incoherent.

Tax Collector is far too nasty especially in multiplayer and Kingdoms that rely on Treasure for payload. Even a hand of 5 Gold would cancel only cancel 15 out of 20 debt if both opponents attacked you.

Wassail is OK but there are better ideas for gaining Coin tokens.

Unlike the other "rule breaks" here (all the discard pins) Waterfall could actually work as you cannot build a golden deck out of only Waterfalls. Cool idea.


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2017, 09:58:44 pm »

Demolition with 5vp seems good to me. Interesting decisions on Provinces; and although it seems strong for Gold; it's pretty similar to using Remodel on Gold.
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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2017, 10:42:49 pm »

The only way I see this being really disgusting is Swindler, so I'll probably add a "you can't gain this if it's not your turn" clause.

Most of the answers you gave were rather convincing, but maybe you can get around the "you can't gain this" more elegantly somehow... Not that I have any better idea, but that seems just so clunky.

Uh, I don't know, maybe some stipulation that like "if you gain this during another player's turn, you may trash it". Or...

What if you just had the option of trashing a Rebellious Province instead of topdecking it? That way you can always get out of a pin.

That is a good idea.

[lots of cool feedback]

as with others, if i don't respond to your feedback i probably agree with it

Accountant -- yes, drawing instead of discarding is extremely powerful. That's why this card costs $7. I think it's not more game-breaking than, say, KC or Expand.

Alley -- yup, it's weak, that's why it costs $2. it's nice with villages and gainers (or nonterminal gainers), and it's pretty great with +buy (or, even better, villages with +buy).

Custom House -- seeing as you can field $6 while you're being Custom Housed, without any alt-treasure or Action money, I don't think it "ruins everything". It certainly isn't always going to be a strong attack, but that's why it costs $3.

Deserted Village -- yep, it needs to be +1 Card.

Drought -- is an okay trasher with some bonus ("trash one card" is not a great card, but seeing as you can incur some negative benefit towards your opponent in doing so, it makes it better.)

Dysentery -- you're like the fourth person out of four to claim that the optimal strategy with Dysentery on the board is to buy Dysentery. Am I missing something obvious? Do you not realize that Dysentery gives a Curse to the person who buys it as well (and in fact gives them that curse first)? Seriously, I thought of this as a flavorful event that you wouldn't usually want to buy but would be situationally useful (say, if your opponent has a Swindler and you do not).

Emigration -- yeah, you can do that, but you'd need to draw it with four golds first, which is probably harder to do than KC-KC-Bridge-Bridge-Bridge, since it requires four 6-cost cards.

Homestead -- would making it $2 for the first two and $1 for further be better, or still too good?

Liege -- this is more like Overlord, since you can play Duchies as $5 cards, but yes. (also, I'm probably going to change the estates to coppers, since there aren't many $2 actions, and +4VP and 2 junk cards is already pretty good for $5)

Mendicant -- yeah I'm starting to think that this is too strong. Perhaps if you gain the cards not to your hand, and then trash from one to three cards? Then it irrevocably junks you without really strengthening the trashing.

Orphan(age) -- I think picking up an Orphan with an extra buy will usually be the right decision, unless there are lots of good terminals and no splitters. Also, Orphanage is quite powerful with cost reduction. Just something to consider. (also, an Orphan and an Orphanage give +1 Card +$4, which is a pretty good payoff for two cards with a combined cost of $3.)

Posse -- I had not considered the multiplayer aspect of things. Perhaps "discard any number of cards, every other player discards until they have the same handsize as you" is better, since it makes you pin yourself to pin your opponents?

Prairie Schooner -- Wharf draws 4 cards and gives 2 buys over two turns. Wharf costs 5. I think Prairie Schooner and Wharf are of very comparable power. Therefore, I think Prairie Schooner is also worth 5. If one more card is really that much more powerful than 2 buys, then maybe this should be 6, but I don't think so.

Public Assembly -- I think that +5 cards is a good enough bonus that you don't care if you draw one out of five, or even two out of five cards dead. If your deck is 40% Actions, then Public Assembly is like a Smithy-Library hybrid. I think it is reasonably priced at 3, and I think there are definitely situations in which buying more than one is a correct decision.

Purchase/Territory -- yep, I didn't mention this, but as a Victory split pile this would be 4/4 or 6/6 depending on # of players.

Royal Marriage -- this was deliberately made terminal after originally being what you proposed, because of the fact that "nonterminal action that lets you choose the best 4-card hand out of 5 cards" is probably less or similarly harmful than "draw one fewer card next turn", so it'd be hard to justify giving $3 or even $2 for it when Borrow only gives $1.

Salt Pan -- so the vibe I'm getting is that this should say "a card that is not a Province or Colony". With that caveat, is this a good card?

Shopkeeper -- I wanted some simple cards to balance out the complicated ones. I do think that maybe this should say "costing up to $7".

Standard Bearer -- alright, so the flavor behind this card is that standard bearers make your army more triumphant, so your victories are more glorious, etc. do you think it's a bad card, or do you just think it's a non-intuitive combination?

Tax Collector -- yeah, this should probably be <1>.

Demolition with 5vp seems good to me. Interesting decisions on Provinces; and although it seems strong for Gold; it's pretty similar to using Remodel on Gold.

I do think I'm going to bump this down to 5. 8 is too much. Maybe "+8 if it costs $9 or more" so that trashing Platina and Colonies is something you at least consider.



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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2017, 08:56:59 am »

Some comments mainly on potential mechanical flaws:

Battle might need a once per turn clause, for being a possible source of pin in the late game.

Blockade I don't think will be interesting. From my experience, all I think it will do is dictate correct play throughout the game. A player buying Blockades will very likely put them on the strongest cards to stop the opponent (and himself). So it detracts from a kingdom rather than adds to it, and it takes a lot of the strategic elements of Dominion away in analysing a kingdom and making the best buys each turn. That Embargo lets other players gain the card from the attacked pile is crucial to its design.

Charlatan can be an infinite source of VP that, unlike Monument, discourages buying. VP tokens and debt do not go together on an Action (Mountain Pass works because it's a one-off).

I'm not sure I like how Custom House can almost infinitely prevent anyone buying provinces in games with no source of virtual coins (the amount on here is too small, and if it were higher it could become an automatic buy) if there is at least one constantly in play. This is more likely with more players.

Ford I'm guessing wants to set 5 cards from your current hand aside before the whole lot is trashed at once? Someone could attempt to trash 5 cards otherwise and fail, particularly with Rats and Cultist drawing extra potential cards to trash. Or someone could just trash one Fortress 5 times.

Fortified Moat can be revealed infinite times over one gain from an opponent, to potentially gain the rest of the pile. To get both Reaction effects to work together you'd need to make it some kind of Action Reaction Duration.

Good to see you're nerfing Mendicant. For power level, look at Trading Post.

It's possible to cheat with Rebellious Province and not reveal it when discarded, and not every player wants to have to keep track of opponents' RPs for the sake of obeying the rules. It'll have to make owners reveal their hand every turn regardless, probably not pleasant play.

Salt Pan as you suggest, not allowing Provinces or Colonies, would probably be fair. Considering it would be a 'strictly better Great Hall', maybe it costs $4. You could simply put a cost cap on the card to trash, but that doesn't avoid Bridges.

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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2017, 11:41:28 am »

Some comments mainly on potential mechanical flaws:

Battle -- sure, that's reasonable.

Blockade -- I think that's not necessarily true -- after all, you can avoid a blockade with $3 and an extra buy (or basically any gainer). I think the most interesting thing about Blockade is its potential to stop strategies that rely on gaining, not buying, a certain card (for example, blockading the Silvers stops your opponent's Trader play, and blockading the Curses stops their Sea Hags from having any effect.)

Charlatan -- is there any reason why VP tokens and debt don't go together, other than "it hasn't been done"? Genuinely asking -- I hadn't seen this before, and am wondering if there's some specific interaction. Also, I think 1VP is enough stronger than 1 coin token that perhaps it should be "Take a coin token, or take 1VP and <1>". Although that wouldn't stop the "discourages buying" element, the fact that this can get you a significant number of coin tokens would seem to encourage buying enough to counteract that.

Custom House -- yeah, this can prevent buying provinces, but I think that playing this during the greening phase is not usually a good play, since you're trading "me and my opponent both get Provinces" for "I get nothing and you get a Duchy". The "you can't buy Victory cards this turn" was inserted to stop that -- do you think people would still play it in the endgame?

Ford -- oh my god, I spent a lot of time thinking of a way to phrase this card in such a way that it doesn't permit you to trash fewer than 5 cards. this is perfect. thanks!

Fortified Moat -- I added the treasure-gaining reaction as a way to buff the card, since "cantrip Moat" doesn't seem very good. I think that perhaps a "Once per turn" clause there would be helpful.

Rebellious Province -- it does say on the card to make people reveal their hand every turn.

Salt Pan -- Wasn't Great Hall weak for 3? This seems like not enough more of a benefit to justify costing 4, since "trash a card from the supply" is not something you always want to do.


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2017, 03:08:38 pm »

Deserted Village with +1 card is similar to but weaker than Hamlet.
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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2017, 03:24:42 pm »

I think removing the ability to trash Provinces from Salt Pan kind of robs it of its greatest aspect. Maybe instead make it cost 5$ and give 2VP so it's not as trivial to get many of them? Perhaps even also remove the +1 Card.


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2017, 09:14:20 am »

Blockade -- I think that's not necessarily true -- after all, you can avoid a blockade with $3 and an extra buy (or basically any gainer). I think the most interesting thing about Blockade is its potential to stop strategies that rely on gaining, not buying, a certain card (for example, blockading the Silvers stops your opponent's Trader play, and blockading the Curses stops their Sea Hags from having any effect.)
Not every game has +buys or gainers. You could put Blockade on Gold because the opponent is going for Treasure Maps, but in the process prevent anyone getting Gold until someone uses a precious buy, a whole turn, on removing the Blockade.
So, if it's stopping gainers you're after, you can qualify what a Blockade on another pile means: 'put this on any Supply pile; all cards under a Blockade cannot be gained except through buying'.

Charlatan -- is there any reason why VP tokens and debt don't go together, other than "it hasn't been done"? Genuinely asking -- I hadn't seen this before, and am wondering if there's some specific interaction. Also, I think 1VP is enough stronger than 1 coin token that perhaps it should be "Take a coin token, or take 1VP and <1>". Although that wouldn't stop the "discourages buying" element, the fact that this can get you a significant number of coin tokens would seem to encourage buying enough to counteract that.
Hmm, I thought I read it on the Empires secret history, but there's nothing there. I think there was a lot of discussion on someone's fan card, which had something like 'take X debt for X VP'. The consensus was it's too strong. It may have been a when-gain effect, which limited how much you could get from it. This isn't true for Charlatan, though. You gain debt, but it's not a big deal as your entire deck is built to get the VP as its payload anyway. The debt even lessens the option to buy VP or other payload some other way.
Taking VP tokens from each other player has issues with varying numbers of players; with 2, you take 1 for a 2-point swing in your favour, with 4 you take up to 3 for a 4 point swing. Plus the one you can gain anyway. 5 VP advantage for 1 debt. I think the power of this would reduce games to pure Charlatan wars.
And I just wonder when someone would choose to take coin tokens over VP.

Custom House -- yeah, this can prevent buying provinces, but I think that playing this during the greening phase is not usually a good play, since you're trading "me and my opponent both get Provinces" for "I get nothing and you get a Duchy". The "you can't buy Victory cards this turn" was inserted to stop that -- do you think people would still play it in the endgame?
There's the slim possibility of a Mission or Outpost turn playing a Custom House whilst your 'natural' turn nets a Province. But that's rare enough. I just think the mere presence of Custom House in some kingdoms could automatically reduce games to Slogs that have to end on 3 piles. Not everyone's idea of fun.

Rebellious Province -- it does say on the card to make people reveal their hand every turn.
So it does. So it makes everyone's decks almost completely transparent, and nobody can keep things hidden in their discard pile. That may or may not be a bad thing.
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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2017, 12:44:47 pm »

I have made changes to some cards. New content is in bold, deletions are struck through.

Battle; $3 Event
Once per turn: Each player (including you) trashes a card from their hand or discards 3 cards (their choice).
Draw an extra card for your next turn.

Dead City; $3 Action
+2 Cards +1 Card
+1 Action +2 Actions
You may discard a Curse for +1 Action +1 Card. If you don't, gain a Curse.

Demolition; $4 Action
You may trash a card costing $6 or more. If you do, +8VP +5VP.

Deserted Village; $2 Action
+2 Cards +1 Card
You may discard any number of cards, for +1 Action each.

Flea Market, $6 Action
+1 Buy
If you have now played a Flea Market an odd number of times this turn, +1 Card. Turn over your Flea Market token (it starts every turn face down). If it's face up, +1 Card.
If you did not get any Actions from playing this card, choose one: +2 Actions, or return this to your hand.

Ford, $2 Event
Set aside five cards from your hand. If you set aside five cards, trash them in any order and +5VP. Otherwise, return them to your hand.

Fortified Moat, $5 Action - Reaction
+1 Card
+1 Action
When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand, to be unaffected by it.
When another player buys a Treasure or Victory card costing $5 or less, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, gain a copy of that card.
When you gain a card, you may reveal this from your hand, to trash that card.

Homestead, $4 Treasure
When you play this, reveal your hand. This card is worth $2 for every Victory card revealed each of the first 2 Victory cards revealed, and $1 for each further Victory card.

Liege, $5 Action
You may gain both a Duchy and an Estate a Copper. Play a Victory card from your hand as if it were an Action card from the Supply costing less than it that you choose. It gains the abilities and types of that card until it leaves play.

Mendicant, $3 Action
Gain a Copper, a Silver, and a Gold to your hand.
Trash one to three cards from your hand.

Posse, $5 Action - Attack - Reserve
+5 +4 Cards
Discard 4 3 cards.
Discard any number of cards. Each other player discards that many cards. until they have the same number of cards in their hand as you.
Put this on your Tavern mat.
When anyone plays an Attack, you may call this, to gain a Gold, putting it on top of your deck.

Rebellious Province, $5 Victory
In games using this, when you discard your hand during Clean-up, reveal it, and for each Rebellious Province in it, either put all of the Rebellious Provinces in it on top of your deck or trash it (your choice).



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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2017, 05:21:42 am »

Battle; $3 Event
Once per turn: Each player (including you) trashes a card from their hand or discards 3 cards (their choice).
Draw an extra card for your next turn.
4th player is killed, isn't she? Her first $5 will disappear.


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Re: CPiGuy's Cards
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2017, 08:39:55 am »

You could give Rebellious Presence another back side and have it say "When you discard or shuffle this, trash it or put it onto your deck, your choice." instead of introducing that reveal rule.

...except this has problems with the new shuffle rules if you shuffle with cards still in your deck. Thanks Obama.
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