Hello, and welcome back to Dominion Picture Trivia, for the fifth and final installment. I hope you have had a restful two years.
As some of you may remember, in this game, the names of exactly two Dominion cards, events, or landmarks are entered into Google Image Search, and an image is chosen from among the front page (ish) results. You then work backwards from the images to figure out what the original pairs of cards were.
In this round, each pair includes the name of exactly one card, event, or landmark from the newest expansion, Empires. No name is used twice.
Additionally, each image has been made beautiful by having a filter applied to it on
PRISMA, an amazing app which takes ordinary photographs and turns them into Dominion card art.
Can you work backwards from the images to figure out all twelve pairs of names? There's maybe some tough ones in there.
EDIT: As they are solved, a list of solvers.
Replace Crown -- LibraryAdventurer2.
Charm City -- dghunter793.
Settlers Port -- Skumpy4.
Warrior Wall -- Skumpy5.
Giant Capital -- dghunter796.
Oracle Arena -- Polk54407.
Wedding Procession -- dghunter798.
Curse Tomb -- dghunter799.
Gladiator Ball -- xyz123, LibraryAdventurer10.
Engineer Forge -- Skumpy, LibraryAdventurer11.
Sauna Rocks -- dghunter7912.
Donate Library -- Skumpyhttp://i.imgur.com/AqBisYz.jpg