Are there any cards in my set so far that appear to be "optimal" in what they do and how it is expressed through the card text? Cards that probably don't need change at all? I currently consider maybe 5 or 6 cards "finished" but I'd like to hear unbiased opinions on that.
Realm Tax looks good. I like the card and its wording. I would have the cost be "?*" instead of "0*", but that's it.
Bivouac's wording is fine. I would still take out the part that allows you to topdeck it.
Money Launderer's wording is fine. I would either remove the "Copper costs $1 more this turn" or make it a "while in play" under a dividing line.
Poacher could maybe say, "For each Poacher discarded". Forest Hut's wording is fine, but neither Poacher nor Forest Hut thrill me.
Salesman's wording is fine and the on-play effect seems solid. The setup seems an unnecessary complication, but I get how it's supposed to work with the cost reduction.
Builder and Battlement are fine wording-wise. Battlement seems like it's going to run out piles way too fast. Also the on-trash bit is maybe a little confusing in a "I'm not sure I'm reading this right" kind of way, even though it's straightforward.
Draft horses should probably say "reveal up to 3 Action cards from your discard pile
and hand". Anyway, it's a bit too similar to Scavenger in my mind.
Suburbia's wording is fine. Again, I've tried the bottom part on some cards and found it to be not much fun, but maybe you'll have better luck with it.
Blackmail's wording is fine, but I don't find it to be sufficiently different from Ambassador.
I think Bog Village is too much rigmarole. I like that trashing from the Supply is one option and the other one potentially gets you money, but it's too much confusing work to get that money.
I think Market Town's reaction is too similar to Horse Traders. Yes it works differently, but you're still reacting to draw cards. The top is unexciting, but hey it's the top of a Reaction. It doesn't have to be exciting. Obviously I would prefer that it didn't have 3 vanilla bonuses side by side, but how bad is that really?
It's hard to say how balanced Reconvert is, but it could probably be cheaper.
As for Royalty, I think putting an arbitrary number of cards back on your deck is a recipe for AP. Also holy crap you're gaining a lot of cards in a game with 4 or 5 players. Jester is like this too, but usually Jester isn't gaining you a card per other player.
As I've said elsewhere, I'm not super-stoked about Victory cards like Shire that usually cap out at 3 VP. The reaction is potentially game-slowing since each other player has to pause whenever they gain a card in the cost range. Though maybe the cost range itself mostly solves that problem. Tough to say.
Slurry Pit is too much like Masquerade to really interest me.
Beachcomb seems situationally quite strong. Maybe it makes me too sad when my discard pile is empty, dunno. The reaction seems like a fairly classic thing, though again situational.
Benefit seems neat. I'd take out the Estate gaining. Other than that it seems quite interesting.
Building Crane is cool. Not sure it's balanced, but probably worth testing as-is. I strongly advise changing the wording to, "+3 Cards. +1 Action. Return this to the Supply. Building Cranes cost $1 less this turn (but not less than $0)." The other interactions with Ambassador and the cards in this set don't seem worth it. But even if you do keep it, you should say "Building Cranes" or "copies of Building Cranes" instead of "this".
Holy cow you have a lot of cards. I didn't realize before starting this. OK, moving on.
Demagogue seems often helpful to other players if only one is played.
Juggler seems a bit messy and a bit similar to Mountebank. I guess I'd have to play it to see if I liked it.
Tough to say whether Mediator provides much that Tribute doesn't. Although it does reward you for Victory hybrid cards rather than penalizing them, so it's got that going for it. You should say "Put one of them into your hand" rather than "Draw one of them". Envoy says to "draw" cards that are revealed, but that's an error.
Reparations seems pleasantly simple. Not sure if it's fun to play, but it's worth a shot.
Sentinel seems worth trying.
Bastion seems good.
It's hard to judge Mandate on its own, and I'm not fond of Courier. Too similar to Band of Misfits, and "an Action card other than Mandate from the Supply costing up to $4 that you choose" is a mouthful.
I've already talked about Siege and Deposit today.
Almost all of your cards are worded excellently. I would use "he" and "his" rather than "they" and "their" just to be consistent with the published cards, but I can understand why you'd want to keep it gender neutral. I don't think it's going to cause confusion here.