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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #75 on: July 06, 2014, 03:55:29 pm »

Great moderators do not air private messages. Great moderators dont lecture about taking criticism, then NOT take criticism themselves. Great moderators dont ban people just because they were confronted bluntly.
In theory, sure, but in reality, they're just theory.

I don't normally read threads in this subforum, mainly because I've never made fan cards myself... this doesn't normally happen, right?


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #76 on: July 06, 2014, 03:58:43 pm »

whatever, silverspawn. i've been plenty nice to the domidiots like you here. You are the examples of selfabsorbed egos you speak of, not me. but ok... anything i say, i;m the bad guy. Thats how you've been treating me form the getgo, so all good. I cant win with losers like you. I get it. I've gotten from the getgo, but handle it nicely. I was merely blunt with theory in private, and feel the way I do about Zog because he lied about me. I can very well be wrong about my other observations about Zog, but I definitely feel he abused my trust and lied about me.

This is an example of a website being full of a bunch of antisocial jerks. Keep trying to make this about me.

Thoroughly unprofessional to ban me but keep this forum up just to gossip and snipe about me.

Thoroughly unprofessional for theory to have such an emotional reaction to my blunt assessment of his poor moderation. Even more professional to ban me but then talk smack about me. That's pretty low, theory. If you are going to turn this topic into attacks on me, at least have the balls to allow me to be around to defend myself. And if I am so deranged and bad as you claim, then you ban me and move on without making such a public spectacle out of it. But you had to make such a public spectacle out of it because your feelings were hurt and you couldn't take the criticism.

Listen, all I did was come back here to delete this topic myself and move on, only to find theory had banned me yet kept the topic up to complain about me. I could care less about the domidiots here. If you want to leave this up as an example of how badly you treat people who submit variants, and as an example of how hostile some of the crowd here is to new people, go for it. But I would prefer if theory would be professional once and delete this entirely, forget this episode ever happened, and we move on. I'll just have to hope theory is mature and adult enough to do just that, but I won't hold my breath. He'll probably just let this remain up because he ain't all that smart or professional.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 04:04:48 pm by ErrinFU »
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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #77 on: July 06, 2014, 04:03:13 pm »

Correct. This does not normally happen, and theory unfairly banned me without even discussing with me, then kept this topic up to talk trash about it. I am not a troll, but if I was, he'd be feeding me big time. Truth is, theory cannot handle trolls the like of KingZog3, who disrupted this topic with a one-sided, sleective story making me out to be some Dominion noob when I am not.

Somebody higher up here needs to review this and talk to theory about banning people out of emotion or keeping a forum up just to have it be an off topic ad hominem bitchfest of the various unhappy people that hang out here a lot.

I have a history at other game-related websites of not causing any trouble whatsoever. The troublemaking was not ata ll caused on my end, and I tried to handle it privately. It is theory who made a public spectacle out of all of this.

Ridiculous I even had to log in as this bogus account, or that I can't delete the Dominion Gunpowder topic here at DSF that I posted originally. But that's what happens when unprofessional moderators like theory act out of emotion instead of sensibility. Who put him in a position of authority here? Cause he doesnt seem to know how to handle it.
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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #78 on: July 06, 2014, 04:06:46 pm »

Thoroughly unprofessional to ban me but keep this forum up just to gossip and snipe about me.
Yeah, theory should just close down f.ds because you're banned now.

Besides, it was clearly a good idea to not let you stay around to defend yourself, since now that you're here, you aren't defending yourself, you're attacking theory and KingZog for no reason at all.

Plus, you can't delete your own topics anyway, it doesn't matter that the account you used for posting this thread is banned.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 04:09:54 pm by Awaclus »
Bomb, Cannon, and many of the Gunpowder cards can strongly effect gameplay, particularly in a destructive way

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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #79 on: July 06, 2014, 04:08:15 pm »

I think he means this thread, and really, I don't see why this thread shouldn't just be deleted.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #80 on: July 06, 2014, 04:08:56 pm »

When I saw him post, I was like, damn, I forgot to IP ban him!  But now I'm sort of happy I forgot to do that at first.

Also, seriously, who put me in a position of authority here?  Probably someone totally unprofessional ...


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #81 on: July 06, 2014, 04:15:41 pm »

Plus it seems like it'd be such a pity to delete the first Google search result for "Dominion: Gunpowder".  Imagine what would be lost to citizens of the future if we prevented them from reading the Secret History of Dominion: Gunpowder. 


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #82 on: July 06, 2014, 04:18:33 pm »

i'm going to try to be reasonable one last time. not because i believe in the good in people, but just for the chance.

read the thread again, with an open mind. I've been telling you with my very first post that your expansion is crap, it had one card which wasn't completely awful, and that card is army. the only reason I didn't tell it to you like that was because I've been told that I can be too harsh before. But I didn't screw around, I wrote this:

Yea, dunno, making good cards is extremely difficult at this point. [...] I can almost guarantee you that no card from this set except for Army is playable as it is, unless I misread them... you said it's something you did for fun though, and that's completely fine.

Maybe the way I phrased it gave you wrong ideas about the cards just needing a little bit of tweaking. But I do think I was pretty direct.

But you didn't get it. You just kept making posts like this:

That's what I was thinking for most of the cards in this expansion. I'm really happy with how it all turned out.

And then people told you again that your cards didn't work, upon which you reacted with minor chances that didn't improve the expansion in any meaningful way, and we kept telling you that they were bad, and then you made some more changes and said that you're really thankful for all the feedback and  that you're really happy with how the expansion looks, then we told you it's bad, then you said the expansion is finished now. just ???

I'm being completely honest now. Everyone knew that your expansion was bad, from the first time we read your OP. It was just a matter of how we tell it to you. Man, LastFootnote is working on his expansion for over two years now, he has spend a ridiculous amount of time testing it and it's still not finished. Hours and hours of playtesting went into every single card. And then you come here, expecting your expansion to be playable after some completely intuitive changes and zero testing whatsoever. I hate to say it to you, but the world doesn't work like that. Santa Claus doesn't exist either. And we aren't guessing, we know what we're talking about. I can't proof this to you, but man look at how many games we've played. Do you seriously think we're bad at the game, all of us? Do you really, really think that if a guy who is ranked #100 in the world needs years to make a good expansion, you can do it in less than a weak? Just no. This forum isn't the problem. You are the problem. I can't say it much clearer.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 04:20:04 pm by silverspawn »


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #83 on: July 06, 2014, 04:25:42 pm »

Some people cannot take criticism well.
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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #84 on: July 06, 2014, 04:29:57 pm »

meh now that he's ip banned I'll never know how he reacted :c

but it's very unlikely that I came through to him anyway


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #85 on: July 06, 2014, 04:34:15 pm »

meh now that he's ip banned I'll never know how he reacted :c

but it's very unlikely that I came through to him anyway
You erased any lingering thread of sympathy I might have had had for him at least (although that thread of sympathy probably never actually existed).


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #86 on: July 06, 2014, 04:36:07 pm »

Nah, just let it all out.  For once tell someone what you really think of their expansion.  No more couching your criticism in "you know it looks great but you aren't so experienced so let's talk about some things you can work on".  Maybe we can bait ErrinF into becoming as famous here as he was on the Daily Kos:

Or alternatively, anytime you want to say something mean about someone else's expansion, just come here and talk about how horrible Bomb is again.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #87 on: July 06, 2014, 04:41:38 pm »

Maybe we can bait ErrinF into becoming as famous here as he was on the Daily Kos:
is this really the same ErrinF? Wow.

Or alternatively, anytime you want to say something mean about someone else's expansion, just come here and talk about how horrible Bomb is again.

Yes. Bomb sucks.
I currently imagine mail-mi wearing a dark trenchcoat and a bowler hat, hunched over a bit, toothpick in his mouth, holding a gun in his pocket.  One bead of sweat trickling down his nose.

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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #88 on: July 06, 2014, 04:46:33 pm »

wait, it's a she?  :o

Quote from: Update 8Aug2006
ErrinF tried to post a pathetic followup diary today right in the middle of the Lieberman/Lamont race. No art, no timing, and apparently no brain. I won't link the the web site where he (it is a he, not a she) is spouting off because it's just too lame.

aww, that's too bad
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 04:52:00 pm by silverspawn »


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #89 on: July 06, 2014, 04:50:59 pm »

wait, it's a she?  :o

No, keep reading. That was corrected. Also, he registered as male on this forum.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #90 on: July 06, 2014, 05:27:24 pm »

Nah, just let it all out.  For once tell someone what you really think of their expansion.  No more couching your criticism in "you know it looks great but you aren't so experienced so let's talk about some things you can work on".  Maybe we can bait ErrinF into becoming as famous here as he was on the Daily Kos:

Or alternatively, anytime you want to say something mean about someone else's expansion, just come here and talk about how horrible Bomb is again.

@your post before. Yeah I missed the sarcasm :P In this case I'll pu tmy comment back. It was "Right, I'll just say it outright. These cards suck. I'll go back to being polite now." I never would post that directly to a person. I thought he was banned, and he seemed to think I hate him. I honestly don't know why. He played like I did a year ago, and I just posted what he talked about. I even said I didn't have a chance to ask him.

Yeah, when people critic my artwork IRL, I hate it when they tell me it's great and they like it, maybe this could be a little better. I want to know if it doesn't work, if it really needs changing. Of course be an ass about it, but let me know if I do something wrong.

And I bet he comes back from a different IP. Man, Bomb sucks.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #91 on: July 06, 2014, 05:40:22 pm »

Yeah, when people critic my artwork IRL, I hate it when they tell me it's great and they like it, maybe this could be a little better. I want to know if it doesn't work, if it really needs changing. Of course be an ass about it, but let me know if I do something wrong.
that's really a non trivial problem though. you can never do it just right, you will always either be too harsh for some people's tastes, or not direct enough for some, or both.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #92 on: July 06, 2014, 06:38:55 pm »

I just bluntly state the facts. Pretending that the faults aren't there doesn't make them disappear in reality, and everyone will be happier if the artist fixes them, including (perhaps especially) the artist. This also means that an artist who is familiar with me knows that if I'm praising his work, I really mean it, too, which is something that I would like to know on a much more regular basis myself.
Bomb, Cannon, and many of the Gunpowder cards can strongly effect gameplay, particularly in a destructive way

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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #93 on: July 06, 2014, 06:58:29 pm »

So, anybody got card ideas on the back burner?
LF: any updates for the Enterprise thread?
I'm not sure how happy I'd be if the other threads all ground to a halt, just because there exists a crazy person on the internet. If he's really been acting like this for an entire decade over several websites, we could be talking about him for days.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #94 on: July 06, 2014, 07:05:30 pm »

So, anybody got card ideas on the back burner?

i got these:
Action - 5$
Reveal your hand. +1 Card per differently priced card in it that's worth between 2$ and 6$

Action - 5$
Reveal your hand. +1$ per non-Treasure card in it.

Action - 4$
+1 buy
Each other player may trash 2 cards from his hand and gain a card costing less than both of them combined or a curse.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #95 on: July 06, 2014, 07:34:44 pm »

Yeah, when people critic my artwork IRL, I hate it when they tell me it's great and they like it, maybe this could be a little better. I want to know if it doesn't work, if it really needs changing. Of course be an ass about it, but let me know if I do something wrong.
that's really a non trivial problem though. you can never do it just right, you will always either be too harsh for some people's tastes, or not direct enough for some, or both.

This is true, but there are way too many people who don't understand what critiquing is. I've taken classes where everyone just says they like things, but no one improves. Sure some people won't be as harsh, or some too harsh, but really it's just about having an opinions and reason as to why you like or dislike things. People often try to critique but can't actually say why they like something. Again, this could be hard with artwork, but you have to at least try. That's what I think anyway.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #96 on: July 06, 2014, 07:36:45 pm »

So, anybody got card ideas on the back burner?

i got these:
Action - 5$
Reveal your hand. +1 Card per differently priced card in it that's worth between 2$ and 6$

Action - 5$
Reveal your hand. +1$ per non-Treasure card in it.

Action - 4$
+1 buy
Each other player may trash 2 cards from his hand and gain a card costing less than both of them combined or a curse.

Double post.

Wow, I don't even know how strong will be. I have a feeling the second one won't be that great. Terminal $ isn't great to start with. Second of all often I'll be playing my actions, and may not have an action to spare to play it mid turn. It would be good end game where you're greening and have lots VP cards in hand, but it still needs a strong engine to be good, and it picks up late.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #97 on: July 06, 2014, 09:15:33 pm »

Just played a game with Bomb, using Transmute as a proxy, of course, as per the official rules.  While my stupid opponent went for things like Chapel and Sea Hag, which of course just eventually became completely dead junk cards in his own hand, I was running a nice thin deck thanks to being able to trash the Gunpowders and Bombs with each use. Since Gunpowder only costs $2 now, I was able to buy one on every turn! So after turn 20 or so, I had completely rid myself of all my starting cards, without having to get stuck with a stupid Chapel in my deck! Meanwhile my opponent was just clogging up his deck even more by buying Provinces. But of course that just eventually clogged up his engine, what with the extra Chapel and Sea Hag lying around. So I was able to fire off my mega-turn, and buy BOTH of the remaining Provinces, along with BOTH of the 2 remaining Duchies!
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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #98 on: July 06, 2014, 09:52:03 pm »

I don't want to defend ErinF but banning someone and then talking about them like this is highly unprofessional, especially so when you quote things from a private message sent to you in your capacity as a mod. Please think twice before doing something like this again (not the ban, what happened after).


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #99 on: July 06, 2014, 09:54:34 pm »

I'll agree that I'm not so comfortable with quoting a private message, even from someone who may just be a troll. I'd feel a lot better if I knew that any private message sent would remain private.
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