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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #100 on: July 06, 2014, 09:56:23 pm »

I don't want to defend ErinF but banning someone and then talking about them like this is highly unprofessional, especially so when you quote things from a private message sent to you in your capacity as a mod. Please think twice before doing something like this again (not the ban, what happened after).
Why's that, though? I think it's reasonable to explain why someone has been banned, especially when the reason is private messages.
Bomb, Cannon, and many of the Gunpowder cards can strongly effect gameplay, particularly in a destructive way

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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #101 on: July 06, 2014, 09:58:13 pm »

I don't want to defend ErinF but banning someone and then talking about them like this is highly unprofessional, especially so when you quote things from a private message sent to you in your capacity as a mod. Please think twice before doing something like this again (not the ban, what happened after).
well, any pm you send will be kept private, because you aren't throwing wild accusations around and insult a bunch of people who have been on their best behavior towards you. I can't really bring myself to be upset about this. set in stone norms aren't necessary when you can trust in individual judgement, so as long as theory doesn't do it with anyone else, I don't see a problem.

Also, he didn't even quote any pms, he just paraphrased.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #102 on: July 06, 2014, 10:07:28 pm »

I don't want to defend ErinF but banning someone and then talking about them like this is highly unprofessional, especially so when you quote things from a private message sent to you in your capacity as a mod. Please think twice before doing something like this again (not the ban, what happened after).

I guess it's unprofessional. I think if he needed to ban me for some reason he may not show PMs. But I don't have a history of doing this, and my guess is I'd be reasonable. Theory linked to another site this guy has done the same thing publicly. And it was pretty rude toward me, I somehow feel better knowing what he actually thought of me.

EDIT: I trust Theory that any PM with actual information will remain private. But that message (which we don't know was a quote or not) was showing us really why he was banned. No one was banned on the Squire thread, and that conversation got heated. But my assumption is that jomini is a reasonable guy, and so am I. So it ended and no one was banned. This thread derailed, but when we tried to stay reasonable, ErrinF got angry, and seemed to think I'm making up stories about him and accused me of trying to portray him negatively. He thought our conversation during our goko games was somehow out of bounds for me to repeat. Unprofessional, perhaps. But rules don't need to be set in stone, just followed when they actually help a situation. That's a terrible argument, but I'm justifying seeing the PM and it was great. Every single post theory made here cracked me up so much.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 10:14:16 pm by KingZog3 »


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #103 on: July 06, 2014, 10:09:28 pm »

This thread has most definitely delivered.
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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #104 on: July 06, 2014, 10:14:59 pm »

This thread has most definitely delivered.

With the force of a Bomb!


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #105 on: July 06, 2014, 10:24:36 pm »

The most impressive thing was how recognizable ErrinF's tone was on that other website.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #106 on: July 06, 2014, 10:32:29 pm »

I actually +1'd some of his comments before, to try and make him feel welcome. I remember feeling good when people +1'd my stuff. But I went and took those away now. Or maybe we should all +1 Dominion:Gunpowder. For all the laughs.

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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #107 on: July 07, 2014, 02:12:46 am »

I felt a sense of impending doom watching this thread from about page 2. I don't really do the fan-card thing myself, but I know some of you guys on here have made some pretty legit stuff in that regard.

It's pretty laughable (especially from my perspective of being a very amateur player) him (she, it?) writing off the world's top players' advice.

Dah. I don't even know entirely why I posted this. Just, I've been watching this thread from the start--and it was pretty interesting to see it develop.

On somewhat of a side note (and not being a suck up, just some legitimate thought), I feel like theory is one of the best forum mods I've ever seen. You really feel like he's a real person who is exceedingly reasonable--and has a great relationship with the community. I've given up on so many other websites because the mods are just so hyper-active and enforcing very silly rules and then changing their minds--which just ends up discrediting them. Oh well, I really can't say enough good things about this forum.

This community is like my kin a Mafia crime family to me.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #108 on: July 07, 2014, 02:32:54 am »

Nah, just let it all out.  For once tell someone what you really think of their expansion.  No more couching your criticism in "you know it looks great but you aren't so experienced so let's talk about some things you can work on".  Maybe we can bait ErrinF into becoming as famous here as he was on the Daily Kos:

Or alternatively, anytime you want to say something mean about someone else's expansion, just come here and talk about how horrible Bomb is again.

Does this mean it was hopeless from the start?  That's depressing.  I really did try to be helpful.

I'm also kind of curious which posts he reported.  It all seemed entirely civil to me until it exploded... like a bomb...


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #109 on: July 07, 2014, 04:37:25 am »

Is it bad that whenever I see the word "gunpowder," I automatically think about covering my castles?


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #110 on: July 07, 2014, 07:24:40 am »

Nah, just let it all out.  For once tell someone what you really think of their expansion.  No more couching your criticism in "you know it looks great but you aren't so experienced so let's talk about some things you can work on".  Maybe we can bait ErrinF into becoming as famous here as he was on the Daily Kos:

Or alternatively, anytime you want to say something mean about someone else's expansion, just come here and talk about how horrible Bomb is again.

Does this mean it was hopeless from the start?  That's depressing.  I really did try to be helpful.

I'm also kind of curious which posts he reported.  It all seemed entirely civil to me until it exploded... like a bomb...

100% the one where I talked about my games with him. He seemed to think I was lying and trying to ruin his expansion.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #111 on: July 07, 2014, 09:28:15 am »

well this was a fun thread to read and all that drama and stuff xD

that aside I found a solution to the fundamental problem with gp!

Remember when he reduced the price from 3$ to 2$ to make them more easy to get?
Well obv this nonsense because you still waste a whole buy (without +buy) a whole turn --->waaay to slow.

To change this add: buying gp doesnt cost buys; or if you buy gp get 1+buy.

So with gp at 2$ you can really rush some 3gp purchases in one turn! Or you can spend your surplus money on
gp, like steward +gp...

Now there is this small problem "only ten gps max." make them like spoil for more value!

This would make things way more explosive (hehe gp being explosive...)

obv all this cards need some tweaking! I mean the alchemist cards are all really really powerful, and some are kinda
I mean look at scrying pool games!?

bomb: as someone mentioned bomb all the cards! could be a cool 1shot midgame on engine boards!
 still worse then chapel (lol thats a good thing)!

army: still too weak! at that cost 6+gp it should be on pairs with KC or possession!
my approach: like thieve but for vp cards.

well the other cards are all too boring or confusing, so you have to completely rework them!

cannon: opp reveals from deck till a action card shows up -> trash it! If it is a fortress it wont come back XD
nah... im currently bad in smiting new cards! 

« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 09:30:17 am by Jasoba »


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #112 on: July 07, 2014, 09:42:06 am »

I don't want to defend ErinF but banning someone and then talking about them like this is highly unprofessional, especially so when you quote things from a private message sent to you in your capacity as a mod. Please think twice before doing something like this again (not the ban, what happened after).


I left most of his message unquoted.  (It was a very long private message.)  I strongly prefer not to air dirty laundry, but that's a preference grounded in mutual respect and civility.  In my view, he crossed that line and then some, and so I felt no compunction about explaining exactly the reason why he was banned.  Ordinarily people get banned for making a particular post, and I can label that post as "User was banned for this post", but where your banworthy conduct is across PMs, there's no particular post to label that way.

So I guess the better way of putting it is: I won't publish PMs you send me, unless they are the type of message that will get you banned AND you show a total disregard for the standards of civility that govern the site.  If he had posted it on the forum, he would certainly get banned, and so sending it to me via PM doesn't shield him.

EDIT: I spoke to Captain_Frisk about it and showed him the full PM.  His words: "I would probably make it clear in thread that the quoted PM was an inoffensive section of a much larger extended sequence of diatribes, and quoted as evidence that he was bored with the site"


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #113 on: July 07, 2014, 09:45:23 am »

I felt a sense of impending doom watching this thread from about page 2. I don't really do the fan-card thing myself, but I know some of you guys on here have made some pretty legit stuff in that regard.

It's pretty laughable (especially from my perspective of being a very amateur player) him (she, it?) writing off the world's top players' advice.

Dah. I don't even know entirely why I posted this. Just, I've been watching this thread from the start--and it was pretty interesting to see it develop.

On somewhat of a side note (and not being a suck up, just some legitimate thought), I feel like theory is one of the best forum mods I've ever seen. You really feel like he's a real person who is exceedingly reasonable--and has a great relationship with the community. I've given up on so many other websites because the mods are just so hyper-active and enforcing very silly rules and then changing their minds--which just ends up discrediting them. Oh well, I really can't say enough good things about this forum.

This community is like my kin a Mafia crime family to me.

I think a lot of this has to do with the community as a whole.  First, there's a complete lack of silly rules because we just generally don't need them.  Which means that there's very little to enforce... because most of us are self policing.  And since political discussion is pretty well sequestered, actual inflammatory trolling is kept to a minimum.  Theory and Renaud can pretty much sit back and... not do much at all.

The banhammer has only shown up three or four times, and it's always someone completely new who doesn't take the time to... understand the community, I guess?... before posting and being a jerk to highly respected people.  And not respect in the silly post sense, actual respect, even when we disagree on things.
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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #114 on: July 07, 2014, 09:50:45 am »

Incidentally, the only other deranged PM on this level was also sent by someone who did not respond well to criticism of his fan card.  I'll post this since it happened about a year and a half ago and the guy has made no effort to return.  He told me:

PS. By any chance do you happen to live around San Francisco, California at S. Van Ness Avenue and Cesar Chavez street? That's nice.  Oh, and don't worry, it's not like you banned a psychopath; I'm a perfectly normal human being who can handle an unjustified ban perfectly normally.

I think it would have been rather more threatening if he had been within two time zones of my actual address.  Also, imagine being the guy that lives there, and getting a raging Dominion psychopath at your door.  You would be so confused.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #115 on: July 07, 2014, 09:59:21 am »



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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #117 on: July 07, 2014, 05:31:19 pm »

Shouldn't this be in the "Really Bad Card Ideas" thread?
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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #118 on: July 07, 2014, 05:34:53 pm »

I was originally going to post something similar to Adam but I like this answer:

So I guess the better way of putting it is: I won't publish PMs you send me, unless they are the type of message that will get you banned AND you show a total disregard for the standards of civility that govern the site.  If he had posted it on the forum, he would certainly get banned, and so sending it to me via PM doesn't shield him.

That said, KingZog3 is a douchebag and he should be publicly flogged.
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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #119 on: July 07, 2014, 05:42:58 pm »

Shouldn't this be in the "Really Bad Card Ideas" thread?

1 hour before your post:
Check out my F.DS extension for Chrome! Card links; Dominion icons, and maybe more!

Thread for Firefox version:


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #120 on: July 07, 2014, 05:44:23 pm »

army: still too weak! at that cost 6+gp it should be on pairs with KC or possession!
my approach: like thieve but for vp cards.

Army didn't have a GP cost.  It was $6 only.  Some people commented that it was too weak, though I personally think it's quite strong.  It can always be a Lab with flexible filtering, which in itself is worth $6, but it adds additional options that make it very flexible.

It was pretty much the only card in the set that didn't have major flaws so I didn't really say much against Army, though I think there are some potential problems with it as well.  First, it is probably fairly slow to resolve.  You've got to look at a card, decide if you want to keep it, then choose a bonus if you didn't.  Often you will draw a new card, in which case you have to evaluate how that fits in with your current hand.  Then you have to look at another card, decide if you want that now, and if not you have to pick another bonus again.  Spy is already considered slow to resolve with more than one opponent, and Army has a similar number of decisions to make.  It could also be tough to track -- it's kind of like Pawn but with other events interrupting the choices (the filtering part of the action, which happens twice) so it may be tougher to remember whether you happened to choose a bonus other than +cards.

Those are nitpicks though and would have needed real play testing to see if they were actual problems.  There were bigger issues at hand.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #121 on: July 07, 2014, 05:59:02 pm »

Wins: M39, M41, M48, M96, M97, M102, M105
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MVPs: M97
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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #122 on: July 07, 2014, 08:51:44 pm »

I was originally going to post something similar to Adam but I like this answer:

So I guess the better way of putting it is: I won't publish PMs you send me, unless they are the type of message that will get you banned AND you show a total disregard for the standards of civility that govern the site.  If he had posted it on the forum, he would certainly get banned, and so sending it to me via PM doesn't shield him.

That said, KingZog3 is a douchebag and he should be publicly flogged.

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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #123 on: July 07, 2014, 09:08:40 pm »

well army isn't awful, but that's about it. it's a lab variant that's more flexible. It's basically a pawn with an action tagged on and without the restriction that the choices must be different, except it can also discard cards, but I don't really get why the discard card thing is there. Does it somehow make sense that you can only choose if you discard the card?

about the powerlevel debate; i thought it was very strong for $6. Even just this version
+1 Action
Do this Twice: Look at the top card of your deck; you may discard it. Either way, +1 Card.

seems pretty good for 6$, and Army can also do other stuff.

but whatever. I find it boring. the only reason it stands out is that the other cards are all terrible.


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Re: Dominion: Gunpowder
« Reply #124 on: July 07, 2014, 10:44:08 pm »

well army isn't awful, but that's about it. it's a lab variant that's more flexible. It's basically a pawn with an action tagged on and without the restriction that the choices must be different, except it can also discard cards, but I don't really get why the discard card thing is there. Does it somehow make sense that you can only choose if you discard the card?

about the powerlevel debate; i thought it was very strong for $6. Even just this version
+1 Action
Do this Twice: Look at the top card of your deck; you may discard it. Either way, +1 Card.

seems pretty good for 6$, and Army can also do other stuff.

but whatever. I find it boring. the only reason it stands out is that the other cards are all terrible.

The discard thing is basically Oracle-style filtering.  Yes, this is why I thought it was strong for $6.  Most of the other comments said it was still on the weak side, which surprised me.
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