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Why can't you use other treasures to activate the combo? In fact, you could use this combo to play the same treasures over and over again, HOP or otherwise. Might be able to net you a province or colony or two to sweeten the deal.

Necropolis -- whenever you need actions, e.g. Goons.

Overgrown Estate -- SR.  Also, weird situations where you need to draw 2 more cards and you have Watchtower and a gainer.  Ironworks would work especially well for that, as gaining OE lets you draw a card, then trashing it with Watchtower lets you draw another.

Hovel (and the others as well) -- Gardens; Fairgrounds; extra Goons buys if, say, the Copper are all gone somehow; extra buys when you have Trader in hand; in situations where you want to end the game quickly on piles.

That's all I could think of. Well done.

Dominion Articles / Re: Watchtower (v2)
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:55:33 pm »
This will most definitely need updating when Dark Ages comes out. Instantly being able to get on trash effects is powerful.

I think that lots of people have had the same idea. Basically to make a weaker version of Harem. On the other side of Harem, how about

Your Mother
$9 Victory - Treasure
Worth $3


Boo, no Treasure - Action?  I had a plan.

Treasure - Action would be a nightmare to balance. If you play it for the Action, you can't play it as a Treasure, but if you want the Treasure, you can't use the Action. (Unless, of course, you make some strange rule allowing it to be played twice on a turn, but that totally changes the rules.) So, the Action and the Treasure portions have to be fairly balanced in value.

I like that idea - making the tough decision of when to play the card. If you want to work with the idea of choice you could make a Treasure/Reaction.

Assume there are 10 in the supply (8/12 for overgrown estate)

Beginner: Necropolis
Advanced: Overgrown Estate
Expert: Hovel

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: The New Golden Deck
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:25:32 pm »
Having this topic brought up, I just realized that with the introduction of Graverobber, there is a potential for games to go on indefinitely (or one person resigns). This Golden Deck trashes and re-gains a $6 on the same turn so there could be no end for the game, especially if it's a mirror match with no cursing attacks and none of the supplies run out. Will it be a stalemate? Is there a way to get out of this stalemate? Whoever gets sick of the game first? Am I totally misinterpreting this?

It's also possible to buy out the copper and curse piles and have all players chapel away their entire deck so it's impossible to buy anything for the rest of the game. Would this be the only possible condition where all players lose?

This is an argument for including the ruins pile in every game.

Objective: Create a non-terminal drawing card.  This is a card that may be used to increase your hand-size from what it was before it was played from your hand, while also offering exactly +1 Action.  The card must never add more than +1 Action, but there is no maximum to how many cards it can add to your hand.  The card need not always increase your hand-size, but this should be a primary function of the card.

I am assuming so, but when you specify that the card may be used to "increase your hand-size from what it was before...," you explicitly mean by drawing from the deck, right?  That is, since the contest is "non-terminal draw," it needs to draw, as opposed to, say, gain to hand (i.e., a double-Explorer with +1 action would not count, even though it gives exactly one action and two cards (Silvers or Golds) in hand).

I ask because you never actually use the word "draw" in your objective.

That's a good point.  Gaining to hand indeed shouldn't count.  I did use the word "drawing" in the first sentence of the objective, but I didn't want to get too specific and shut out ideas I think should count.  I'd give examples, but I don't want to inadvertently suggest ideas.

Rule Bender
Cost: 2
+1 Action
Gain 2 coppers, put them on top of your deck
+2 cards

Cultist doesn't count, right (It can be non terminal, but it can never give you +1 action)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: August 12, 2012, 04:42:13 pm »
Ghost Cellar
+1 Action
Put any number of cards from your hand on top of your deck
For each card you do, +1 card

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: August 12, 2012, 04:39:06 pm »
Jack of One Trade
+2 action
-$1 for each treasure in your hand (to a minimum of zero)
When you gain a victory card, you may trash this card from your hand
When you trash this, +1 card, discard a card

Jack of Seven Trades
Draw until you have 6 cards in hand
Do this 3 times
Trash two cards from your hand. Either gain a card costing the sum of the 2 cards, or $3 more than the cheaper card.
+$1 for each treasure trashed this way

Master of Eight Trades
Worth 6VP
+1 card
+1 action

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but Mint/Squire seems like a good opening. You can get your mint economy going quite quickly with the silver gain, and unless your shuffle luck and you can usually get another squire (or even another silver) with the $1. In games with shelters the necropolis will help accelerate this process.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: August 12, 2012, 12:27:28 pm »
Crats of Walled Traders:
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash 2 cards from your hand. Gain a silver and a Crats of All Traders, putting them on top of your deck.
When you're attacked, you may gain a silver and set it aside with this card. Restore them to your hand at the beginning of your next turn.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: August 12, 2012, 12:21:36 pm »
Jack of all Durations:
Discard down to 3 cards in hand
At the start of your next turn: +1 card, +$1, +1 action, +1 buy

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: August 12, 2012, 11:56:17 am »
React of All Trades:

When you gain a card, you may reveal this. If you do, instead, gain a copper, putting it in top of your deck

When you're attacked, you may reveal this. If you do, +1 card, put a card from your hand on top of your deck. You may set aside this and another card from your hand. Restore them to your hand at the start of your next turn.

When you gain a victory card, you may trash this card.
When you trash this, gain 2 silvers

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: August 12, 2012, 11:50:09 am »
Jack of All Treasures
Cost: $5
Worth $3
+1 buy
When you play this, you may discard or trash a treasure from your hand, If you don't, trash this card.
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a treasure. Put it on top of your deck, and discard the other revealed cards
While this is in play, when you buy:
An action: Reduce its cost by $2
A treasure: Put it on top of your deck
A victory card: Gain a silver
When you gain this, put it on top of your deck. Each player gains a copper, putting it in their hand.

Caspian: I like the concept, but I wish the alternate cost wasn't there, and it's not particularly strong. Probably needs other potion cost cards to work

Michigan: Hmm. With a +buy, it's a "silver" that lets you gain another "silver". Can't imagine using it otherwise, even if there's lots of other potion cards on the board, because a 2nd potion doesn't come in handy all that often, but +buy isn't that uncommon. I'd like to see how this one simulates.

Huron: The duke secret histories issue is a big one. I don't think a potion cost does much to change that, and if it's the only potion card, buying the potion is a red flag to your opponent to end the game quickly before you can amass any of them. The. Overall, probably too weak most of the time.

Superior: Very situational. In games with scrying pool it's going to be a must buy, but many games have neither attacks nor potion cost cards, and I don't like seeing cards that are ever truly dead weight on the board.

Victoria: Seems a bit too strong. Open potion/silver, buy potions whenever you get the chance (mostly early game), get all 8 Victorias (which should be quite easy as you can trash your starting estates) and you'll be very hard to beat, and not feel like you've really done anything that game (unless you're contested). If you get all 8, and 4 potions (which is very feasible), that's as good as getting all 8 provinces.

Tanganyika: Very scary in some games, especially with trashers. The potential is staggering; top deck 2 King's courts, and 2 bridges, or 2 possessions, or Goons, Masquerade. It's more situational than treasure map though, which is already too situational and luck based for my liking.

Baikal: A very cheap peddler that always gives you enough to buy another one, and rewards you VP for doing so? With a thin enough deck you won't need to buy anything else.

Erie: Similar to Superior; not worth it in games without many other potion cost cards. I do like a treasure with +buy, but I don't think the potion awkwardness would ever really be worth it.

Winnipeg: Very good early game trasher that can be used to make up for shortfalls late game. You'd probably set aside your potion as well, which is a handy thing to have since I can't imagine wanting more than 1 of these (which would usually be a death sentence for potion cards).

Ontario: I'm having trouble thinking of which phase of the game I'd buy this card, but that's not a mark against it

Ladoga: "An opponent" doesn't really work in dominion; go with "player to your left". I suppose the worst it could be is if you're forced to gain Duchess, and that would still be a non terminal silver (and you gain a somewhat unwanted card)

Onega: Works well as an alt VP card, but it may be too weak. Making sure you have enough economy to buy potions is key; the actual greening phase wouldn't be particularly hard once you've got enough potions to make sure the card works, but you could very easily find yourself way behind.

Nicaragua: I can see situations where this would work, but it seems mostly like a trap.  Probably the best you could do with a "gain a province" action card though. From the other winning cards, Gatherer would combo very well with this.

Athabasca: I like this idea. Once you get a lot of these it will be very powerful, but without +buy you won't get much of an opportunity to do much else with your deck. The same could be said about alchemist though. I'd like to playtest this one.

Reindeer: So a terminal cellar that gives +2 cards after the fact. As a drawer, this will probably end up being about as strong as Smithy most of the time, since you'd usually have at least one dead card, and I would be even more hesitant to risk coppers given the added possibility of drawing dead actions. The attack portion is very nice, although keeping the potions for the attack hurts the sifting ability. Probably undercosted, although I really like the idea, and think it's worth a shot.

Titicaca: Does the cost go down twice if you have 2 titicacas in play? I assume it does, which makes it very strong. I like how it's self nomboing, but it would be frightening, especially in Colony games, if you've got a good engine (especially with +buy).

Manitoba: Seems like fun, although it will probably be seen more as just a cantrip trasher with an occasionally nifty bonus than part of a strategy (although upgrade is played fairly similarly IIRC). I'd like it better at 3P so you can gain a silver in hand when its outlived its usefulness, but maybe not being able to do that is the point. I also don't see the point of the +1 buy.

Albert: A potion cost card that would work very well in a big money deck? That's an impressive design, and I like it's simplicity. I don't like BM strategies much myself, but I'd like to see how this card simulates (it would be very easy to program). It may be too strong.

Khanka: Another Lab/Alchemist variant that seems better than both in many situations. It could result in an absurd amount of shuffling in IRL games.  Also the potion search makes it almost too easy to buy many of these (even though it's a bit of a trap); and this could be scary with other potion cost cards. I do like how the +buy contrasts the potion discard, as it encourages purchasing another potion (although maybe not).

Urmia: Too expensive. It's just a cantrip with mild variances that you have no control over (and that you at many times won't want to play). It's barely ever a lab; I'd see the potion bonus as simply replacing a dead card, and I wouldn't often want to buy it over silver. This would be a nice $2 card (even with the potion bonus).

I'll do more after I have a good morning's sleep.


Totally agree, but where PV is different is that sometimes it's less than a vanilla Village.

*Insert pedantic post about wanting to draw curses and estates to trash them, possession and AP here*

Mini-Set Design Contest / Re: So Stressful!
« on: August 10, 2012, 02:37:15 am »
What's disheartening is coming up with a new and exciting card idea or mechanic, then seeing other entries with a similar idea, or worse, similar cards appearing in dark ages.

Mind you, with the latter you can gloat about your excellent foresight

I don't think comparing PP cost cards to treasure map is entirely fair, because:
*You don't need an action to play it, so it's easier to set up.
*The potions stay behind after you get the benefit (for better or for worse), and the benefit can be gotten multiple times without needing to buy new potions
*There may very well be another potion card in the kingdom, which will be a good "consolation prize" while trying to get the PP card (and will need to be considered in the design, especially since those cards tend not to hurt your deck).

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: What card design rules are left?
« on: August 08, 2012, 12:40:07 pm »
Crossroads is only non terminal the first time you play it, and madman has a penalty

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: What card design rules are left?
« on: August 08, 2012, 12:34:43 pm »
There aren't any unconditionally non-terminal cards that have the potential to draw more than 2 cards without penalty...


And apothecary

Rabble and Fortune Teller skip over ruins, making them marginally less effective in the role they're supposed to fill

Farming Village and Golem will pick them up, making them marginally less effective in the role they're supposed to fill

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Puzzle: The Four Mysterious Ruins
« on: August 08, 2012, 12:08:40 pm »
*"Trash a curse" (Ruined Chapel)

Or maybe- Ruined Chapel: "Trash one curse or Ruins card."

That will be very, very useful in almost every game with a looter.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Puzzle: The Four Mysterious Ruins
« on: August 08, 2012, 12:02:58 pm »
On second thoughts
+1 Buy is something that is sometimes useful, but usually not, and the card's as good as dead most of the time
This makes me think that the other ruins will be things like:
*"Draw until you have 4 cards in hand" (Ruined Library)
*"Trash a curse" (Ruined Chapel)
*"Gain a copper - put it on top of your deck" (Ruined Mine)
*"+2 actions, discard 2 cards" (Ruined Village)

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