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Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 25, 2019, 06:58:42 am »
Ok, i can’t quote the qt but there is a short piece i’ve read differently. I apparently may decline, but i have no idea what happens in this case. Assume death

From my standpoint lynching me is terrible, but from yours you are losing one town who may as well become the liability. So go ahead

have everyone misread this?
I didn't understand what this post of yours meant until now.

In any case it doesn't help us all that much since you only mentioned it after the discrepancy had been pointed out

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 25, 2019, 05:57:42 am »
alright then

I am Queter, a Radch-Aligned Shy Bugged Compulsive Visitor. I have to visit someone every night. If I don't get targeted by anyone and my Visit will be successful, I will become Self-Aligned with powers and win condition yet unknown. Bugged part of my role is that if investigated I will return Human or AI result with 50% probability for each. N1 I targeted Haddock and nothing happened.

LL, can you help me understand this better? You visited Haddock, but your visit was not successful since you did not become Self-aligned? (Is targeted the same as visited?)

Well, I targeted Haddock. I have no idea if I was visiting him in the end (I might've been roleblocked or I might've been visited). Or maybe Haddovck commuted or was rolestopped. I have no idea, but I did not have a choice to change alignment, basically I didn't get any response

Nothing I did would have caused you to be blocked or stopped or anything.

LL's claim doesn't make sense. The mechanism for her alignment claim, as I understand it, is that her alignment would change if her visit is blocked or if no-one targets her. That contradicts the setup:

Noone's alignment can change without their consent.

This is a good point, especially if she has to visit someone.

Yeah, seconded. I'd just started worrying about the forced alignment change aspect too.
Read again, folks:

LL's alignment would change if she successfully visited. 
So her alignment would have changed if her role worked as she intended.  That is, LL's role is essentially an option to change alignment (unless blocked or something).   So yeah, given that it is LL's choice to attempt to change alignment, the claim definitely fits within the "consent" aspect.

Then again if we don't know the wincon of self-aligned!LL, lynching LL may well be as a good a choice as any: either LL is lying scum or LL is a semi-towny with an option to change alignment to something unknown at some point in the future, an ability which she has already demonstrated a desire to use.

Right, I misread that part, but you missed where she claims to be a compulsive vistor, so to visit or not can't be the choice part of the alignment change. For her to stay town her visit must be blocked or someone must target her.

I am still inclined to lynch LL unless someone claims they targeted her last night.
You're right, I did miss the compulsive part.  That does look extremely bad.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 25, 2019, 05:48:13 am »
LL's claim doesn't make sense. The mechanism for her alignment claim, as I understand it, is that her alignment would change if her visit is blocked or if no-one targets her. That contradicts the setup:

Noone's alignment can change without their consent.

This is a good point, especially if she has to visit someone.

Yeah, seconded. I'd just started worrying about the forced alignment change aspect too.
Read again, folks:

LL's alignment would change if she successfully visited. 
So her alignment would have changed if her role worked as she intended.  That is, LL's role is essentially an option to change alignment (unless blocked or something).   So yeah, given that it is LL's choice to attempt to change alignment, the claim definitely fits within the "consent" aspect.

Then again if we don't know the wincon of self-aligned!LL, lynching LL may well be as a good a choice as any: either LL is lying scum or LL is a semi-towny with an option to change alignment to something unknown at some point in the future, an ability which she has already demonstrated a desire to use.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 24, 2019, 07:11:02 am »

I guess in light of the above, vote: lalight

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 24, 2019, 07:10:26 am »
Anyways vote: LL starting a wagon on someone while openly stating you have no intention of lynching them is scummy. Probably not understanding why pro-town things are pro-town is also not indicative of a town mindset.
To be fair to LL, the wagon already existed.  I do agree that her recent behaviour is fairly scummy, though.

Other news: I'm happy to continue the robz wagon as a proderator, but am conflicted now. The timing of the recent robz votes has a whiff of scum-pushing easy wagon.

TBH, I was tempted to throw a vote on the pile, since I have to get a vote down somewhere, and I'm still torn about where else to put it. Also, I think accepting unapologetic extended lurker play is bad for mafia on this site overall. Robz has made his public identity known on this site before, so I've read some of his real-life work. The fact I saw him mentioned by name in an article shared by a UK-based friend of a completely different political flavour in the past day or two makes me suspect that Robz may well be busy right now!

Anyway, I think we have sufficiently more information now than D1 that policy-lynching isn't really the best option. Can we go back to your hunch about Joth and Mail-mi? If you're suspicious that their behaviour means that one or other could be scum, would you put ~40% or so on each of them being some kind of scum? Is there anyone in the game you think is more than 40% likely to be scum? If not, why not scumhunt along those lines instead of pushing a lurker lynch?

PPE 9 (work keeps getting in the way...!)
Weird that you would say you were thinking of throwing a vote on the pile and then scold me for having a vote there.
The bolded part is a fairly bad misrepresentation, I think I've made it clear that I was leaving my vote there as a motivational tool and in the absence of something better.

Also, no I wouldn't agree that there's a 40% chance of either being scum.  Maybe 25-30?  The fight makes them both look bad, but it doesn't make them look "80%-chance of at least one being scum" bad.

If it helps, here are my reads:

Slight-to-Moderate scum:
Swan, joth, Lalight, in approximately ascending order of scumminess.

Slight scum:
Space, Robz

Very slight scum:

Anyone not mentioned elsewhere on this list

Slight town:
Glooble, ash

Moderate town:

Strong town:
hyper, unless and until end of day proves otherwise.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 24, 2019, 05:06:57 am »

yeah, because being a dayvig is not the same as being IC. All things considered it's much more suspicious that joth asked for justifying his reasons to vote for ash

I also didn't think ash was IC (obviously I was on her wagon.) But I was mostly pointing out that you jumped in to answer joth's question minutes after he posted it. It seems, as I mentioned earlier, opportunistic. I'll buy the excuse that you were in a much more tense other game as a reason for not jumping in more. But it seems like you did jump in very quickly when you had a chance to persuade someone to be on ash's wagon.

That being said, Jonah's hedging in that exchange also comes off kinda scummy. Like he's trying to give himself deniability in the event ash turns up town.

So you're saying every other wagon was on my scum partner, so ash was my only way to derail everything? No. I just thought ash is scum. And mostly think so now. Maybe third-party, but i don't think ash is town.
Nyeh. Thing is, ash's behaviour and apparent role doesn't seem to me to be consistent with the Aanander faction, whatever's going on with them. If he's nontown and non scum (and assuming there's a scum faction other than Aanander, which I admit is a  big assumption), then you're essentially suggesting he's 4th party?
Just not seeing it, especially in light of a positive cop result.
vote: 2.71828.....

1-shot cop is also something I would expect useful for the guys who can't recruit scum.

oh, and we don't have any reason to believe it's 1-shot. Survivor-cult-cop is so beautifully elegant

We should talk about the fact that LaLight voted for the claimed cop and her justification is that e's claimed power makes her likely to be part of the recruiter faction (which is explicitly not scum). LaLight, why are you voting for someone you don't think is scum?

let's talk about this.

The third party who is explicitly not scum? This doesn't work. they have their own win condition. And YOU (unless you're with them) do not know it.
Agree with this. We don't actually have any solid information on the Aanander win con.

Well, actually:  hyper, is it possible you've been deceived, or is the information you've been given mod-confirmed?

Other news: I'm happy to continue the robz wagon as a proderator, but am conflicted now. The timing of the recent robz votes has a whiff of scum-pushing easy wagon.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 24, 2019, 04:53:16 am »
"done town things"*.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 24, 2019, 04:52:03 am »
I do tend to agree that the mail-mi vs joth thing looks bad for one of them, I just come down on the side of joth coming out looking worse.

I've been re-reading you. This was from post #612, and it feels like quite a retrograde step in your reasoning... what was going on with that?

Back at post #512 you'd said joth was talking you around, after your compliment on his mail-mi case at #507. You had voted for joth at #453, but then unvoted (and switched to Robz) at #568, which was all before this post saying that joth is the more suspicious one of a pair where things look really bad for one of them. Do things look even worse than that for Robz, being a nullish lurker?

Also, you used a smiley at #570, so you pretty much scum ;-)

I'm undecided, basically. I think their fight makes one of them look bad and joth comes out looking worse. But joth has down town things lately so I'm reserving judgement. But yeah if you made me pick one of them to vote for it would absolutely be joth.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 23, 2019, 02:32:09 pm »
What makes you so certain joth is town?

Maybe it's because she keeps buddying me!

Well, mostly it's because she's been under a lot of pressure and I think she's handled it pretty well overall. She's not playing afraid of people scumreading her, which I like. I also think the cases she's built have been reasonable, and seemed to reflect town thinking.

I'm not so certain of this that I think joth is above scrutiny; certainly if mail-mi flipped town that would cause me to reevaluate my read on joth.
She was definitely playing afraid earlier. All through d1 and into early d2.  Less so now maybe.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 23, 2019, 09:46:10 am »
I'm not really a fan of most people not voting (including me), so I did a quick reread to try and fix that. I came to the conclusion that I should vote: mail-me.

I think her case against joth (521-522) is kind of scummy and OMGUS. A lot of it is just fluff I think rather than actual reasons why joth is scum. I also don't like her vote placement D1, she spends most of her time voting for me and joth, who I think were the two players who would most likely look like mislynches to scum.

Also her reaction to ash's shot was very null, and it seemed like she didn't really consider what it meant regarding ash's alignment until she was challenged on it.

It's not an amazing case by any means. But I couldn't find a better one either.
What makes you so certain joth is town?

I do tend to agree that the mail-mi vs joth thing looks bad for one of them, I just come down on the side of joth coming out looking worse.

Swan is looking scummier atm, but i remember finding swan scummy in previous games too.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 22, 2019, 06:55:52 pm »
Surely it's enough to leave ash alone for now, especially in light of some way more interesting stuff going on.

Hey, c'mon, I did say that the string of stuff I posted was the notes I'd taken during my re-read. I was just about lurking along with a little of the earlier day, but had too much going on at work to be able to keep up, let along engage and post. Just because I'm a bit late to the party doesn't mean I can't give my take on things, especially given that I'm also responding to more recent stuff, so it's not that I'm trying to change the subject away from the "way more interesting things" or anything like that.
Totally fine, that's cool.  Just, y'know, opinionating on your opinions. :)

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 22, 2019, 06:32:23 pm »
Ok in light of this new information, e, can you confirm that ash is Radch-aligned, or did your investigative result say something along the lines of "not an enemy of the radch"? Could ash be the recruiter or some other third faction?
unvote  I like this post, I'm not sure it's something scum thinks about. 

Think I like vote:Robz, at least until she comes and does something.  She's not VLA right?

Catch-up thought #1: Why weren't any of the people posting today before Joth did asking about why he's hated? I had originally asked myself "why is nobody talking about this", and then it seemed a bit odd that Joth himself had to end up being the one to bring it up.
This is a really bizarre thing to get hung up on.  Why would we spend time speculating on that?  It's an RMM, these things are basically never understandable.

Ash being town seems kind of plausible, though I still don't like yesterday's choice of shot when one of the main people pushing that wagon -- me -- was specifically pushing it with the agenda that all other things being equal, mcmc was the least bad of the set, and we had to lynch someone. That is a world away from "town needs to lynch this person because they're scummy", which is how Ash is presenting his action.

@e, how confident are you that you can't have been redirected, and that your result can't come from a godfather or some mechanism similar to that?
Also somewhat bizarre?  We can probably largely agree that ash's play was not quite the right one, especially in retrospect, but that doesn't mean she's scum; town make mistakes, even ash.   How can you be so confident ash is scum that you are starting to question e's result?  I mean, sure we should take e's result with a pinch of salt, but, eh.   Surely it's enough to leave ash alone for now, especially in light of some way more interesting stuff going on.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 22, 2019, 06:09:44 pm »
Ash being town seems kind of plausible, though I still don't like yesterday's choice of shot when one of the main people pushing that wagon -- me -- was specifically pushing it with the agenda that all other things being equal, mcmc was the least bad of the set, and we had to lynch someone. That is a world away from "town needs to lynch this person because they're scummy", which is how Ash is presenting his action.

@e, how confident are you that you can't have been redirected, and that your result can't come from a godfather or some mechanism similar to that?

We also need to consider the possibility that ash and e are both part of this third faction. It would explain a lot.

I thought about this too, but I don't think it makes sense. Well, I'm still not sure if it's pro-town to talk about this, but if I've figured something out this easily it's probably not super difficult for scum to do the same, so I guess I'll go ahead.

I think the leader is someone who had a strong town read on me yesterday. I assume that they can't recruit scum, since that would break the game. Trying to recruit scum almost certainly leads to to either a failure or the death of the leader, and therefore there's a strong incentive to recruit your strongest town reads. The other option would be that the scum would just die, but that seems way too strong. I don't think ash can be the leader, and I don't think E had a strong town read on me (unless she was pushing my wagon for most of yesterday insincerely).

This leads me to conclude that joth is the leader. She expressed a strong town read on me yesterday, and it would explain her behaviour, which I would categorize as being pro-town but also anxious about her survival.

joth, if I'm right, I think you should claim now. You're in a pretty bad position (sorry) so probably your best hope at this point is going to be to rely on town protection.
This is one of the most fascinatingly bold predictions I've ever seen apropos of nothing in a mafia game.  I freaking love it and very much want it to be true.

OK normal service resumes, I'm gonna reread a bit.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 22, 2019, 10:55:00 am »
This is a reminder to myself to reread Swan at some point.  The posts quoted in the above do look scummy but it's hard to tell out of context and I wasn't grabbed by anything in my initial catchup read.

joth is slowly talking me round, I like the second most recent (longer) post especially.  I am conscious that it is very easy to look towny by reflecting the views of others, but nonetheless this is better.  I will consider moving.  But right now I'm trying to write a paper, so will be able to focus better later on.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 22, 2019, 10:54:07 am »
This is a reminder to myself to reread Swan at some point.  The posts quoted in the above do look scummy but it's hard to tell out of context and I wasn't grabbed by anything in my initial catchup read.

joth is slowly talking me round, I like the most recent post especially.  I am conscious that it is very easy to look towny by reflecting the views of others, but nonetheless this is better.  I will consider moving.  But right now I'm trying to write a paper, so will be able to focus better later on.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 22, 2019, 09:07:52 am »
That's actually not a bad mail-mi case.  I will consider.

Awaclus is being Awaclus, how much have you played with him before?  Nothing he's done so far is out of his nullzone.

As for Robz:

a) I don't like your linking Robz and mail-mi here, it's dangerously early to be suggesting partnerships.
b) I can't remember anything about Robz this game really, which suggests she's been actilurking.  So yes I could get behind that.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 22, 2019, 08:16:33 am »
I'm still seeing scum!jotheonah here and it's not because she's annoying and/or flippant.  I haven't seen flippant at all really.

It's because she's OMGUSsy, hedgey, over defensive and twitchy. 

I mean, obviously I'm very happy to consider other lynches, but I'm happy where my vote is for now.  Noone else has really given me strong scumvibes.

I believe e's claim re ash being town.

I want to discuss this post:
A couple things.

1) we kind of breezed past ash’s flavor claim, but isn’t Hetnys a bad guy? Hetnys is Breq’s subordinate and goes turncoat to work for Aanander.

2) I don’t think we’re dealing with a double vote. I think we’re dealing with ash being hated (or one of each). So ash has at least three powers: daykill, lynchproof, and hated. You know who. Gets big piles of powers? A serial killer.

3) I don’t want to force anyone to claim, but my power could help explain the lack of a nightkill iff LaLight is bulletproof or was targeted with protection.

4) FYI my hatedness today is not part of my role. So it has been inflicted on me. Not super-surprising since apparently I have “today’s mislynch” written all over me.
1) fine, I don't remember the flavour.  WIFOMing flavour seems a bad idea though.

2) Strongly disagree.  Note in particular this post of e's:
There is also the chance that the vig shot is a trade off for being hated.
Which I agree entirely with.  You can't count hated as an "additional power", it would be totally normal to put a negative ability in to counterbalance a strong role.  It doesn't necessarily imply SK.  Indeed quite the opposite, it's hard enough to win as an SK, let alone a doubly-hated SK...

3) no comment.

4) Maybe I missed something from D1 but you made this comment when you had maybe 2 people who had mentioned you as a possible lynch, maybe 2 votes.  This kind of defensiveness just make you look scummier.


Good morning, folks!

Hi your giant post you quoted me and said that in regard to plan discussions that I had completely missed the point. So, uhm, yeah....that is accurate. I’m newish to the game (this is my 5th game) and something’s that are obvious to others take me awhile to work out. I think I miss the point of posts quite a bit at first, but improve with time....or at least that is my hope.

I am still confused about how Asher got lynched with only 5 votes so far from the deadline. Is there a power that can end the day, and then it’s the plurality vote? Is that more likely than two people having an extra vote? And did Asher’s shot give her immunity?

You may have missed it, but I claimed the 5 vote lynch part.  I two took less votes to lynch than normal.
Sorry ash but do you mind quoting where you originally claimed this?  I don't want to trawl the thread for it and I imagine you have a rough idea when you made that claim.

Good morning, folks!

Hi your giant post you quoted me and said that in regard to plan discussions that I had completely missed the point. So, uhm, yeah....that is accurate. I’m newish to the game (this is my 5th game) and something’s that are obvious to others take me awhile to work out. I think I miss the point of posts quite a bit at first, but improve with time....or at least that is my hope.
Okidoke, sorry I didn't know that.  I'm also new to this particular game so wasn't aware that you're a new player.  In light of that I'm much more willing to interpret the original misunderstanding as honest-mistake rather than scummy-feigned-ignorance.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 22, 2019, 06:00:22 am »
The lack of a night kill makes ash look worse to me. Not getting a night kill the night they used it would be a way to balance giving scum a day shot.

Can we talk about the fact that five people had 7 votes? Ash, we’re you also secretly hated Day 1? If someone on the ash wagon has a secret double or triple vote I guess that would explain it as well.
I think trying to WIFOM the setup is a bad idea.  That's re ash's power and the NK.

The 5 people having 7 votes thing is worth discussing, I think it makes people on the wagon scummier.

The lack of a night kill makes ash look worse to me. Not getting a night kill the night they used it would be a way to balance giving scum a day shot.

Can we talk about the fact that five people had 7 votes? Ash, we’re you also secretly hated Day 1? If someone on the ash wagon has a secret double or triple vote I guess that would explain it as well.

We had a plurality lynch, we didn't have 7 votes

We were 2 days before deadline.  It wasn't a plurality lynch.

I think ash's use of power is null-to-very-slightly-town.   As in, the behaviour itself was moderately-strongly-towny, but because it's ash and ash is capable of all sorts of things as scum, it's only ever-so-slightly-towny.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 22, 2019, 05:52:32 am »
Then I had one more thought which I kept note of to be posted once I could post:

"OK so I wasn't able to compile jotheonah quotes while the thread was locked. But please everyone read through jotheonah and then come back and recognise that she's been scummayyyyy.

She has been very twitchy and defensive, hugely OMGUSsy, and not particularly contributive. Also has some reads that I think are really ugly, throwing shade at towny folks for not-good reasons."

vote: jotheonah

And now to today's business.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 2)
« on: January 22, 2019, 05:50:11 am »
Here's a post I attempted to make while I was reading up the other day.  By the time I pressed post the thread was locked - I didn't know cos I was only halfway through the reread:

"OK so I'm wAY not caught up yet. And am also fairly drunk. However.

Immediate thoughts so far.

Nope I'm just trying to create conversation. I know why I'm voting for him (the main reason is wagon placement as explained) but I'm wondering why e is voting for him

A better way to create conversation would be to explain why you aren't scum.
Jesus christ
vote: awaclus

I am afraid of people voting for me for very pro-town reasons which will become clear if the wagon on me reaches that point.

There's some lexical ambiguity here. Are you saying you are afraid for reasons which will become clear or people are voting for you for reasons that will become clear?

It’s also a very nothing statement, especially in RMM. I mean, voting for a town PR is bad, so we can all say the same thing. Seems like an empty chaff discharge to me.
Strongly disagree. I read this as a clear indication that her role is something to do with stuff-happening-linked-to-how-many-votes-she-has. Which is loosely a very soft claim. Which we might decide is a bad play. But is definitely a vaguely towny thing to do.

Also, for the record, hating on ashersky plans is just a hipster contrarianism thing to do. As Awaclus points out subconsciously, the efficacy of ashersky plans notwithstanding, the airing of, discussion of, and sometimes demolishing of ashersky plans is always pro-town. And generally they are pro-town regardless of my own alignment.

If you want to complain about ashersky plans, the correct way is to say it has zero bearing on my alignment so I deserve no town points for them. Unfortunately, I often do get scum points if I don’t have one, so partly this is all your fault.

Separate to this, using waiting for the plan as an excuse to not otherwise engage is not an acceptable action.

One could argue if your plans are generally Pro-Town regardless of alignment, then it is skummy to make town wait to hear said plan.

Just saying - you know a plan is going to have an effect on the skum hunting (inevitable and NAI)... but withholding it after stating it exists doesn't really make sense. It is still going to have the unwanted effect of dialing back skum hunting, while simultaneously lessening the amount of time we all have to discuss the plan prior to the day ending.

In the few games I have played with you, I def give you the credit for being a crafty minx and all, but this doesn't really make a ton of sense.
And then back that up with the girl (doing Gooble's thing) bringing it up in the first place, followed by being the one accusing people of stalling... kind of reeks of skum sauce.

Vote: Ashes
Reading this I felt that you were conflating the discussion of ash's claim that she has a plan with discussion of the actual plan itself. Whether or not it exists. And it felt intentional. And either dumb or scummy. But I can't articulate what I mean very well right now. Hopefully it's clear.

Swan: I think “not wanting to lynch x” and “not wanting to lynch x D1” are very different prospects. I don’t think the occasional day 1 pass compromises the integrity of the game. It’s similar (in terms of the affect on the game) to holding off on a d1 lynch of a very scummy player who claimed a PR. You can always lynch them the next day.

Anyway, vote: ashersky. Swan’s making sense here and ash’s response really rubbed me the wrong way.

PS: i’ll hammer Glooble if it comes to it, fwiw.
This is hedgey af.

I hate the wagon on Glooble, shame on all of you. For one thing, I just don't like to lynch new and returning players Day 1 unless there's a good reason (sends the wrong message!). But anyway it makes perfect sense for Glooble, who doesn't know ash plans are a typical thing, to really focus on this, as any alignment.

Alright, that’s fair.

vote: mcmc because one post in 3+ days seems out of character

Were all the votes on Glooble just because of his attitude to Ash's plan, though? Yours wasn't very well-explained, and just singled him out as the most productive place your vote could be, which isn't very enlightening for the rest of us. hyper's vote is the one that appeared to be explicitly because Glooble was promoting stalling while waiting for Ash. LL's was totally unexplained. So I'm not sure quite what your "that's fair" comment is agreeing with in Robz's statement.

I also don't feel the hyper wagon, because I approve of setup-reading, and think it's something an analytical player is quite likely to do. Am I right in remembering that hyper leans that sort of way?

I think a pressure vote on mcmc isn't a terrible thing right now. Vote: mcmc

Sorry, Space, I was in a hurry and not terribly inspired, but didn't want to keep not having a vote anywhere.  You are correct that it was not very helpful.

I voted for Glooble because in the Mail-mi, Hyper, Joth, Glooble conversations he was coming off to me as the most defensive. The plan or not thing wasn't terribly interesting, although I agree with DatSwan that announcing a plan but not presenting one is a rather distracting move and in light of how much time we spent talking about it for naught, that seems right. So, Asher isn't looking so good in my book even if she always does this. (As you correctly point out, I don't have a lot of experience with her)

As for why I changed my vote from Robz's comment, I had sympathy for the we shouldn't recruit players to return and then lynch them for their trouble right out of the gate. Although in fairness, the vote was more for seeing how he responds to pressure than it was about a lynch. (The answer to that is that I find him defensive, but not flailing.)

I am still of the opinion that Mcmc is skeevy for just not playing at all. And if she's not scum, I am quite certain that at the very least, she will not be missed.

Oh yeah....the 4 am (3 am for me) Saturday deadline. I am most definitely not around at that time. So, perhaps we think of Friday as the deadline for practical purposes. Or, I will at least.

DatSwan, how has Australia been? When will you get on the monster flight home and be out of commission for many hours?
This is the last post I've got to so far and I haven't yet processed it.  There's a lot going on there. Fairly certain I'll have things to say about this post in particular tomorrow."

Since that post I did some catching up overnight and had the following more thoughts:
I hate the wagon on Glooble, shame on all of you. For one thing, I just don't like to lynch new and returning players Day 1 unless there's a good reason (sends the wrong message!). But anyway it makes perfect sense for Glooble, who doesn't know ash plans are a typical thing, to really focus on this, as any alignment.

Alright, that’s fair.

vote: mcmc because one post in 3+ days seems out of character

Were all the votes on Glooble just because of his attitude to Ash's plan, though? Yours wasn't very well-explained, and just singled him out as the most productive place your vote could be, which isn't very enlightening for the rest of us. hyper's vote is the one that appeared to be explicitly because Glooble was promoting stalling while waiting for Ash. LL's was totally unexplained. So I'm not sure quite what your "that's fair" comment is agreeing with in Robz's statement.

I also don't feel the hyper wagon, because I approve of setup-reading, and think it's something an analytical player is quite likely to do. Am I right in remembering that hyper leans that sort of way?

I think a pressure vote on mcmc isn't a terrible thing right now. Vote: mcmc

Sorry, Space, I was in a hurry and not terribly inspired, but didn't want to keep not having a vote anywhere. You are correct that it was not very helpful.

I voted for Glooble because in the Mail-mi, Hyper, Joth, Glooble conversations he was coming off to me as the most defensive. The plan or not thing wasn't terribly interesting, although I agree with DatSwan that announcing a plan but not presenting one is a rather distracting move and in light of how much time we spent talking about it for naught, that seems right. So, Asher isn't looking so good in my book even if she always does this. (As you correctly point out, I don't have a lot of experience with her)

As for why I changed my vote from Robz's comment, I had sympathy for the we shouldn't recruit players to return and then lynch them for their trouble right out of the gate. Although in fairness, the vote was more for seeing how he responds to pressure than it was about a lynch. (The answer to that is that I find him defensive, but not flailing.)

I am still of the opinion that Mcmc is skeevy for just not playing at all. And if she's not scum, I am quite certain that at the very least, she will not be missed.

Oh yeah....the 4 am (3 am for me) Saturday deadline. I am most definitely not around at that time. So, perhaps we think of Friday as the deadline for practical purposes. Or, I will at least.

DatSwan, how has Australia been? When will you get on the monster flight home and be out of commission for many hours?
This is the last post I've got to so far and I haven't yet processed it. There's a lot going on there. Fairly certain I'll have things to say about this post in particular tomorrow.

Yeah I disagree with a lot of stuff in this post. I haven't had defensive vibes off Glooble at all, and this feels like throwing shade for no good reason.
I also completely disagree with the comment about ash's plan. The claim being made is that ash announcing a plan induces discussion, which is generally protown. Whether or not you agree with that thesis, WestCoastDidds is completely missing the point here.

Quote from mail-mi:
"1. SpaceAnemone - is doing regular SpaceAnemone things, from what I remember. Slight town read.
2. jotheonah - Still seems a little too flippant. Scum read
3. LaLight - Um... don't remember anything in particular right now, null read
4. DatSwan - same as above, though I suppose if everyone decided to sheep Awaclus I could join
5. mail-mi - is me
6. Awaclus - is Awaclus. As always, slight scum read
7. 2.71828..... - seems to be good. Wouldn't prefer to lynch today
8. WestCoastDidds - seems townie to me, wouldn't prefer to lynch
9. Robz888 - is in robz's d1 laze. Eh, null read
10. hypercube - preferred lynch
11. mcmcsalot - lurking, but I agree with e's and ash's posts though. Less sure about lynching him
12. ashersky - null read
13. Galzria - Lurking, but is a vet. Would also lynch him, probably over mcmc
14. Glooble - want to give him a d1 pass, but if everyone wants to lynch him I will"

This is a good readslist, except the read on Glooble seems super hedgey. And I'm townreading Glooble.
ohterwise I largely agree.

Ah except on hypercube. hypercube reads towny to me. Also I feel like the case on jotheonah is stronger than just "too flippant". More on that later.

"Quote from: mcmcsalot on January 17, 2019, 10:22:09 pm
whats the swan case? he feels less swany this game but not sure what that means alignment wise

What isn't the swan case?"

Guh vote: Awaclus

"I’m going to go ahead and say it: I strongly dislike the cube wagon. Everything about it feels scummy and bad. I’m going to move my vote to vote: mcmc. Not because of lurking, because of the posting she’s done since she stopped lurking.

I think describing the hypercube wagon as stalled while hypercube was the leading wagon, after saying she just caught up, is a scumslip. Someone who just caught up wouldn’t make that mistake. Someone who was reading along and not posting and decided to make an appearance when the heat started getting on them might.

I know that when I’m scum it’s hard to get myself to actually reread since I’m not actually looking for information.

Even if the mistake isn’t a scum slip, “sorry I’ve been lurking, I’m going to reread and conclude that the best lynch happens to also be the person with the most votes on her already” doesn’t look great on its own."
This is one of the towniest posts jotheonah has made, though I disagree with the central point re mcmc. "Just caught up" might well mean "I am making this post as I am partway through catching up.". That's how I catch up, anyway. Often make posts while halfway through a read-up.

Oh and then mcmc dies, jeez fine. Well I was right about jotheonah being wrong, at least.

And then end of day. OK..."

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM51: Imperial Radch Mafia (Day 1)
« on: January 19, 2019, 03:27:30 pm »
Hey guys!
Heck i have much much to catch up with.
I will read up as best as I can in the next 24 hrs. This evening I'm hosting a dinner party so am effectively afk for tonight.

Thoughts to come as soon as I possibly can. Good to be playing again though.

Hearthstone / Re: Semi-interesting Hearthstone moments
« on: July 26, 2018, 05:54:37 am »
My opponent had a 1/1 and an 9/9 on board. In order to stay alive, the correct play for me was to Mind Control the 1/1. Any guesses as to what the minions were? No taunt involved.
The super poisonous guy from Dungeon Run?

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM49: Samurai Jack Mafia (Day three!)
« on: July 21, 2018, 03:16:54 pm »
That said, though, I'm willing to lynch gkrieg; there's not much else to say there.
It's possible we're all just being expertly be played, but I'm not going to go against my gut on that possibility.

intent to hammer gkrieg
I'll hammer in a couple of hours unless someone gives me a compelling reasom not to.

If there's nothing left to say, then we should just lynch, not sit for 24+ hours without posting  .
Right but noone knows whether there's nothing left to say until we've waited to see if anyone has anything to say.


Hell I dunno if this is right but if it's the best we got and Lalight isn't viable.

vote: gkrieg

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM49: Samurai Jack Mafia (Day three!)
« on: July 21, 2018, 12:54:13 pm »
That said, though, I'm willing to lynch gkrieg; there's not much else to say there.
It's possible we're all just being expertly be played, but I'm not going to go against my gut on that possibility.

intent to hammer gkrieg
I'll hammer in a couple of hours unless someone gives me a compelling reasom not to.

Mafia Game Threads / Re: RMM49: Samurai Jack Mafia (Day three!)
« on: July 21, 2018, 12:52:10 pm »
Did I really go 24 hrs without posting? Sheesh. I have nothing to say, we should lynch gkrieg. Please stop prodding people willy nilly.
I'm with Robz on this one.
I contributed what I wanted to contribute a day ago, and was waiting on people to respond.

You can't just ignore what people have contributed for 2r hours then prod them because you want them to contribute differently.

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