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Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: "Features" threads
« on: May 31, 2016, 09:49:00 am »
If the "Play All Treasures" Button does not actually play all your treasures, I think it should say so on the button very clearly. Maybe some type of color change or something. This was quite annoying:

Alternatively there could actually be a "Play All Treasures Button" with a cautious Treasures button in the normal place, but this one somewhere else. Sometimes I just want to play all my treasures including all alternate treasures.

Another solution I see for this would be to require the player to click on a Begin Buying button before starting to buy anything. This would also prevent stuff like that example you noted in the other thread about Swindling the opponent's Estate, as well as cases of buying Borrow before playing your treasures.

I think the simpler solution is to have the '+' button on swindler be a different color than the '+' button when you gain cards yourself. In fact you could have a different color for gaining, buying, and sending cards to your opponent. (not sure how many other mechanics I'm missing that are unique here, so there may not be enough colors for all of them).

Dominion League / Re: Season 15 - Game Reports & Discussion
« on: May 31, 2016, 07:42:35 am »
So this happened:

Let me be clear up front. I didn't even ask for my opponent to give me the win or anything like that. I don't think that it was BAD of him to take the win. I think it would have been super nice of him to resign and give me the win, but that's extra nice and not expected (I think).

Wondering what other league members' opinions are on this or league moderators. I guess it will boil down to "let the players sort it out" but I am just wondering how you guys may have sorted this out if you were on either end of this situation.

In your shoes: I would have accepted the loss without complaining (at least not out loud ;))

In his shoes: I would have given you the win.

He is in no way supposed to give you a win. You simply lost the game you were playing (Dominion on a computer). I know some people (and I am among them) like pretending we are playing some pure form of theoretical Dominion where the interface is just an earthly burden, but this is just in my head. In reality, there are several ways you can win/lose. Playing a better strategy is one of them, actually clicking on the cards you want to click on is another.

And just some nitpicking: what you are describing here is not a misclick. A misclick is a situation where you try to click on X but end up clicking on Y.

Cool, good to hear these thoughts. They all make sense (even correcting my use of misclick) and are basically what I did (unless you count this post as "complaining" but I am really just curious of other opinions and don't fault my opponent at all). Is there a better word for this? Other example that comes up a lot is when you play Swindler on an opponent's estate and then it auto-swindles them an estate because there aren't any other 2 costs but the blue + still shows up on the estate because of the 2 coins from Swindler so you click on that ending your turn and buying an estate when you mean to give it to him. I was trying to click on estate so it isn't a "misclick" but I just was wrong about the current state of the game (not in my swindler phase but in my buy phase).

Dominion League / Re: Season 15 - Game Reports & Discussion
« on: May 31, 2016, 07:07:30 am »
So this happened:

Let me be clear up front. I didn't even ask for my opponent to give me the win or anything like that. I don't think that it was BAD of him to take the win. I think it would have been super nice of him to resign and give me the win, but that's extra nice and not expected (I think).

Wondering what other league members' opinions are on this or league moderators. I guess it will boil down to "let the players sort it out" but I am just wondering how you guys may have sorted this out if you were on either end of this situation.

Man, if there's a misclick early on or in the midgame, you just have to play it out, because it is unclear who will win and who would have won. But grabbing the win from someone who clearly had it in his final turn just because you can is a dick move, especially in a league game.

I don't know. On one hand, yeah I had the win and it was just a misclick. But I did make "a mistake". I considered asking him to resign, but I thought that would have been too contentious. I don't really think he is a dick for taking the win. Would have been REALLY spirited for him to give me the win, but kind of normal for him to keep the win off my mistake. Not really a dick move I think.

Man, at least Develop your Catacombs into a BV and gain a Woodcutter of the BV gain!

In that case you would have had the $6 to buy the last 2 Woodcutters.

Totally didn't see that. But once I figure out a forced win that is for sure I don't usually go around trying to make it a better forced win. If I needed to catch up on points or something then I may have looked for something like that.

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: "Features" threads
« on: May 31, 2016, 05:36:31 am »
If the "Play All Treasures" Button does not actually play all your treasures, I think it should say so on the button very clearly. Maybe some type of color change or something. This was quite annoying:

Alternatively there could actually be a "Play All Treasures Button" with a cautious Treasures button in the normal place, but this one somewhere else. Sometimes I just want to play all my treasures including all alternate treasures.

I was playing a league Match where I am currently leading the division and I could easily see one game making a difference in whether I promote or not. So basically, the stakes are high here and that makes it even worse.


Code: [Select]
Native Village, Scrying Pool, Develop, Oracle, Woodcutter, Trader, Catacombs, Mine, Border Village, Grand Market
I open develop potion and go for a scrying pool engine. I need to get Border Villages and Grand Markets but have trouble hitting 5 or 6 for a while. My opponent fairs slightly better in a similar strategy and is about to kick off a massive turn. Scrying Pools and Native Villages run out and I see an opportunity. There are only 4 woodcutters left in the supply and I have 2 estates left to my opponent's 0 and I have enough actions with Develop, Catacombs, 2 woodcutters, a silver and 4 coppers in hand with a couple coins from other cards. I see that if I develop my Catacombs I can gain a woodcutter and I can play the other 2 woodcutters to get 3 buys. I also will have a bit more than 9 coins so bam! I can get a 3 pile ending. I recalculate a few times to make sure and then go for it.

I play the develop, gain the woodcutter. Then I play the woodcutters and "Play All Treasures" and start buying the woodcutters, but there is one woodcutter left on my last buy and somehow I only have 2 coins. What has happened? I double and triple counted how could this be?

Well when I "played all treasures" it only played my silver and not my coppers because Grand Market was on the board and the coppers would block it. Of course, once I start buying I can't play my treasures anymore. I let my opponent know what happens, he sympathizes but just says that misclicks are part of the game sometimes.  So I grab an estate with my two coins and he kicks off and easily gets more points and buys the last woodcutter to finish the game.

This was a pretty crushing misclick and I just wanted to share it. Man that was tough. I mean, I know mislicks midgame can also mean the game but this one really stopped me from winning in a league match when I had it in hand. Was just too focussed on making sure I counted correctly and forgot all about grand markets and the fact that "Play All Treasures" doesn't actually mean "Play All Treasures"


Dominion League / Re: Season 15 - Results
« on: May 29, 2016, 05:08:15 pm »
Ravi Vasudevan 3 - Micha1980 3

Dominion League / Re: Season 15 - Results
« on: May 29, 2016, 04:34:05 am »
Ravi 5 - Nara 1

Dominion League / Re: Season 14 - Results
« on: April 21, 2016, 04:17:51 pm »

Ravi Vasudevan - Micha1980: 5-1

Dominion League / Re: Season 14 - Results
« on: April 20, 2016, 04:19:55 pm »
Ravi Vasudevan - LibraryAdventurer: 5-1

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Creating Dominion
« on: April 13, 2016, 11:52:23 am »
This is great. I would highly recommend a free online mode for base-set only people. I think you won't be able to hook many new people in with paying $3/month.

My brother likes Dominion IRL and hates playing online, but since we live so far away we sometimes play online and when we both go visit my dad or something we will play online against each other so we don't have to lug a million cards on a flight. He would definitely not want to pay anything for an online implementation so I would hope there would still be a way for me to play against him if I have an online subscription.

I'm definitely all in as a customer though. Love how responsive SCSN was simply with the patch doing it as a hobby. This is great news.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Waiting for Adventures On-line
« on: April 07, 2016, 12:51:49 pm »
Any news?

Jeff has been steadily addressing the bugs I've sent in.  At this point, it seems like everything is more or less implemented correctly.  I'm not sure what's holding them up from releasing right now.

As far as I am aware, Inheritance is still a mess. You can't call inherited reserves, for example.

Does BoM have the same issue with reserves? Seems like if they have sorted BoM then Inheritance shouldn't be terribly difficult but I'm sure there are some other complexities I am not considering.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Adam and Wero play Adventures
« on: March 28, 2016, 05:14:04 pm »
I think this is the first time there is video of this. It is only the developer build, so not open to the public yet. Hopefully soon, it looks so fun.

Dominion FAQ / Re: how to get card images in my post?
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:39:52 am »
ah, so once I hit the "post" button it generates the code, but it doesn't do it on preview. maybe it would be cool to do it on preview as well. Don't know how easy that is to change.

I'm guessing not.  When you write "card/card" or whatever, the extension converts that to the relevant image link *after* you've posted.

It does it after I've clicked post but before the post actually goes up. I can literally see the text change in the editing window before the post goes up. This could happen when hitting the preview button is clicked, or there could be another button (compile, convert, something like that) that does this as well. Then you can see if you misspelled a card or something before clicking post.

Game Reports / Really fun Adventures Board
« on: March 23, 2016, 09:08:55 am »
Played this IRL and it was super fun.

Treasure Trove and King's Courted, Pathfound Magpies were really strong. Many other cards were very important though. Ended up quite ahead on a less experienced opponent, but I think on an equally leveled match the endgame would be really complicated here. Travelling Fair as the only +buy was interesting.

Can't wait for adventures to get online so I can have more games like this.

Dominion FAQ / Re: how to get card images in my post?
« on: March 23, 2016, 08:59:46 am »
ah, so once I hit the "post" button it generates the code, but it doesn't do it on preview. maybe it would be cool to do it on preview as well. Don't know how easy that is to change.

Dominion FAQ / Re: how to get card images in my post?
« on: March 23, 2016, 08:58:17 am »
Posting this test because the preview doesn't seem to work

Dominion League / Re: Season 13 - Results
« on: March 23, 2016, 03:28:23 am »
Ravi Vasudevan - SenseiCAY: 3-3

Dominion League / Re: Season 13 - Results
« on: March 20, 2016, 02:28:51 pm »
Ravi Vasudevan - tadpole: 3-3

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Adventures Events: Quest
« on: March 11, 2016, 09:32:54 am »
Get two Ambassadors. Ambassador everything. On collision use the other Ambassador to get a gold with this.

Dominion League / Re: Season 13 - Results
« on: March 10, 2016, 05:30:53 pm »
Ravi Vasudevan - adventures_of_goat:5-1

Dominion League / Re: Season 13 - Results
« on: March 05, 2016, 11:47:15 am »
Ravi Vasudevan - TadyBoy: 2-4

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Adam's and WW's podcast
« on: February 25, 2016, 06:25:58 am »
It's also available on iTunes and RSS for those who like to get podcasts from places that aren't youtube.

Dominion League / Re: Season 13 - Results
« on: February 17, 2016, 04:20:38 pm »
Ravi Vasudevan - Hugovj: 3-3

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