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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: July 20, 2022, 09:19:15 am »
I'm not sure why Ballroom would really need that change, but admittedly I have been out of the loop for a while. Ballroom doesn't emulate another card, it actually gains it and can only play it if that succeeds. I suppose one could rule out Command cards just to be sure, though: "Gain a non-Command Action from the Supply and play it."

I know it's been several months, but in case you hadn't figured it out, the Ballroom issue is a potential loop with Captain, cost reduction, and the -2 cost token. With the -2 cost token on Captain, and just a single cost-reducer, Captain costs and Ballroom costs . This allows Captain to play a Ballroom from the supply, which then gains and plays Captain, which plays a Ballroom from the supply, which gains and plays a Captain, which plays a Ballroom... up until the Captain pile empties.

As for giving Ballroom the Command type itself, that would prevent using Overlord with Ballroom to straight up gain s instead of just playing them (and Captain doing the same with some cost reduction)

Right, so the clean way would to give it the Command type and also not play cards it gains if they have the Command type, like Captain does? I can fix that.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: July 20, 2022, 09:17:27 am »
Border Guard:
If there is a Witch but no card that discards anything, Faithful Hound is strictly worse than Moat, so I don't think it means much if a card is strictly worse than another if its Reaction can't trigger.

Difference is, Moat and Faithful Hound still have the same on-play effects.
You said Border Patrol is strictly worse than Dungeon without its Reaction.

There is two ways to understand this:

The literal interpretation where you just pretend that the Reaction wasn't on the card, as you are doing for Faithful Hound and Moat. That interpretation is talking about a hypothetical which isn't the case, as the card DOES have the Reaction. It's factually true, but inconsequential.

Or you talk about the Reaction not triggering, in which case my point still stands. Faithful Hound and Moat have different triggers, a game may feature only one, in which case one card is strictly better than the other, or feature both to varying degrees, where neither is strictly better, or may feature none, where they are identical. A game may not feature Boarder Patrol's trigger, making it strictly worse than Dungeon, or may feature it, making neither strictly better.

Is your point that if there can be games where Border Patrol is strictly worse than Dungeon, there should be games where they are strictly the same? Or that there must be games where Border Patrol is striclty better? Why?

I'm not even saying that Border Patrol couldn't use a buff, you may very well be right about that.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: June 19, 2022, 04:09:22 pm »
I was afraid that I missed too many changes Donald made by now. For a lot of these cards, when I made them, stuff was different, for instance the fact cards couldn't cost less than 0$ still had to be specified, as had the pile non-Supply cards would come from.

To be entirely honest, I am not sure I care enough to give all of my cards the reprint treatment. Probably I shouldn't have bothered.

I'll still say something about the "update agnostic" points you made:

Border Guard:
If there is a Witch but no card that discards anything, Faithful Hound is strictly worse than Moat, so I don't think it means much if a card is strictly worse than another if its Reaction can't trigger. Also, the Reaction may be worse in games with several players, but in a 1v1 it's identical to Moat's. Apart from that, there's plenty of scenarios where non-Durations are better than Durations, so I'll leave it at that.

I think I had such a wording, and I recall people complaining that it seemed as if you would gain multiple cards costing 1$ or 0$. But I suppose if Donald does it, so may I.

Yeah, this may be too strong. I considered pricing this at 8$, which would drive home the point that you strip yourself of buying a Province when getting it, while still shortening the game as if you did. Because that was the idea: You might have been able to get a Province, so if you get one of these, you not only skip that, you actually get to use the card less long. Anyhow, I have to playtest this more.

Thanks for alerting me of Tracker and Improve. It's a constant struggle... I think I lost about 10 card names over the years...

Also thank you for the notes on the Edicts, especially Isolation. I think it used to work on Curses only, so I forgot to restrict it when I made that change. The idea is of course to allow its use for Victory cards you buy.
Anyhow, the Edict idea doesn't feel as fresh now as it used to, which is kind of why I didn't make art for it again.

Regarding Spells, yes, preparing the same several times is possible.

Ah yeah, Dominion discards several cards so you only see the top one. I forgot that. Thanks for pointing it out.

Edit: Oh, and thanks for pointing out the "gain a card you bought" thing. I never knew. Seems like a change that will make quite a few interactions more clear.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: June 19, 2022, 01:38:01 pm »
To tell the truth, I've mostly been active as a custom creator for another game over the last years (Disney Villainous), and it has severely impacted my grasp of Dominion lingo (e.g. "putting them in your hand"... Or is it "into your hand"?). So I'm glad if I got half of them still right.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: June 19, 2022, 01:18:40 pm »
Eh, I think I get what you mean for Baroness, the instructions should be in another order, with the "per 2 it costs" at the end. Still, your suggestion is better.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: June 19, 2022, 01:08:10 pm »
Welp, you are right on Lumberman. I was sloppy when recreating the image.

For Baroness, gaining a Silver and putting it into your hand is repeated, so I don't see how that's grammatically incorrect. But I see how it could be misunderstood.

Anyhow, glad to see the forums are still the same as when I left.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: June 19, 2022, 10:16:55 am »
Decided to re-add the images for my cards. There might also be one or two newcomers here.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: April 16, 2022, 05:08:05 pm »
Playing Allies and enjoying it quite a bit so far. It's funny that Dock is an official card now.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: January 18, 2022, 07:59:44 am »
Hi there, sorry for reacting so much later than you wrote, I am not online here a lot anymore. These translations looks really amazing! 素敵ですよ。

I'm not sure why Ballroom would really need that change, but admittedly I have been out of the loop for a while. Ballroom doesn't emulate another card, it actually gains it and can only play it if that succeeds. I suppose one could rule out Command cards just to be sure, though: "Gain a non-Command Action from the Supply and play it."

I'm not sure how I feel about your change to Student - it's a very different card as you describe it. But of course, feel free to do whatever you like.

If you are interested, I made a few more card since. Just let me know.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 14: 'Tis the Season
« on: September 06, 2021, 01:23:18 pm »
The reason why I asked for your typical player count was because games with more players tend to have scarcer engine parts and you are more likely to get hit by attacks, which would lead me to say that the average is more around 15 to 16 turns. While this may not seem like much of a difference, it shifts the beginning of Winter into the endgame (instead of its end), meaning that when you buy cards that are best later, you also make the estimation of whether the game will live long enough to use them to full effect (i.e. you can make a card cheap in Spring but great in Winter). This also gets lost here.

Either way, I apologize for complaining so much, I just didn't want to leave the impression 5 turn Seasons had been made on a whim. I think this is where the Seasons mechanic works the best and offers the most design space.

That said, thank you for using our mechanic in this contest :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 14: 'Tis the Season
« on: September 06, 2021, 12:47:57 pm »
I will say that thematic games are something I very much enjoy, but Dominion never was such a game, at least not for me. It's nice if it works out, but as far as I'm concerned one shouldn't aim to let that get in design's way.

Mechanically, shorter Seasons mean you are more likely to see Seasons return, meaning that e.g. Winter cards become both opening and endgame cards. I consider it very hard to design cards with this split-up design space. There's a reason your contest winner is a circulating effect that just uses the Seasons as a way to delay itself, and could almost shift every ability one Season back or forth without losing how it works in essence.

I will admit that having the first two turns be Winter does improve the system, but it still means that you can't do opening on-gain abilities that aren't also endgame abilities, and vice versa. I suppose you can mostly emulate the original system other than that, but as I said, I don't see why one would want to lose on-gains. Rewarding players for opening with certain cards was a big thing in original Seasons.

And regarding 14 turns as the typical game length, should I presume you mostly play 1v1?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 14: 'Tis the Season
« on: September 06, 2021, 12:01:22 pm »
The Season mat has 20 spaces, 5 per Season, to reflect the typical phases of a game of Dominion:
  • Spring is the opening
  • Summer is buildup
  • Fall is closing
  • Winter (if it happens) is prolongued endgame.

While three of these can shift, Spring is certainly the one that pushes 5 turns as the standard the most, as this is the lowest number which guarantees that you will see every single one of your opening buys in Spring. Giving Spring only 3 or 4 turns means that you might see some of them randomly miss the Season. This also means that only on-buy and on-gain abilities can care for Spring - at least if you want something that is more than just random happenings.

It's also very relevant for the other Seasons, though. The way we (Co0kieL0rd and I) designed Seasons, one could make an attack that distributes Curses only in Fall, which still works but is too late to hurt players during buildup. We made a Village that you buy during Spring to trash a card, even though nobody needs several Villages early. We made a victory card that rewards you for buying it early, too, and a pile that disappears at the beginning of Fall, a card that you need to open with and play during Spring to max out what it can do, an attack that makes you discard in the middle of the game and topdeck during Spring and Winter, and so on, and so on.

Reducing the turn count ruins this model imo.

NoMoreFun's Wrangler would likely be my pick for winner considering this.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: May 15, 2020, 10:44:51 am »
So glad I found you after you or Rio took down your cards from the Steam Workshop.
I understand wanting to make sure you get the artist's permission or custom art to replace ones with which you can't get permission can be a pain.
I'd like to use them in my games while quarantine is in effect for me, so i'd be fine getting the art for most of them since you seem not interested in dominion at the moment.

And maybe a few rewording for some cards for my own personal use?
I'm FailureFactory on Steam. Befriend me there and I can share the cards for personal use. I'm hardly online here anymore.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: January 02, 2020, 10:03:13 am »
Added the card in text form to the OP.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: January 01, 2020, 01:04:03 am »
I'm very sorry for this inconvenience.

I have had some discussions with a friend recently involving European copyright, art and similar topics, and it came to my attention that technically, by using the pictures of an artist without their permission, regardless of whether I was crediting them, I did a potentially punishable offense.

Because of this, because I work in an environment where I want to be on good terms with the artist community, and because I want artists to get their fair share, I decided that I couldn't just keep on using their art like that. Whoever has followed me on BGG might know that I did some other custom stuff there, too. Over there, I have been starting to co-op with artists to get my foreign art replaced with original art.

For Dominion, this entire process seems unfeasible. There are just so many cards, and I honestly am not as interested in the game anymore. Yesterday I played the first game in years. Approaching tens, perhaps over 100 artists about each work I currently use, picking replacements etc just seemed too much regarding it's not something I love anymore. So I decided to delete my imgur images without replacement, trusting that my cards were documented well enough by other users of the community to retrieve them, if there should be interest.

I still have all most of the files as they were posted here and am quite willing to send anybody interested a link where they can be downloaded for personal use. Also, If anybody likes to, feel free to do new art for them.

I hope this answers some questions I may have caused. Also, I hope you all had an excellent transition into the new year.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: May 02, 2019, 10:53:44 am »
Adventure Seeker
$5 Action - Fame
+$1 per feat you achieved

I feel like this should have +1 buy on it.

Yeah, probably. It had for the longest time. In fact, it has in my thread. When I came up with Impostor, I moved the buy from here to there to help that one out a bit. But I admit, it's not the greatest reason to make a card weaker. On the other hand, it can generate up to +$5 on every board, which isn't exactly bad, is it? Here's an alt version I considered posting before sticking with the vanillaish one:

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Remodel variants from a meme
« on: May 02, 2019, 08:55:25 am »
Rebuild $5 Action
+1 Action
+3 VP
Trash a Province from the supply.

You should add this to the "old versions".

I think it's a joke, and a pretty good one at that.

Rules Questions / Re: Potion/Debt and cost-reduction
« on: May 02, 2019, 08:41:26 am »
I asked this a while ago and the answer was basically that I was poking at the rules for poking at the rules' sake.

Mmmm... sake. Kanpai.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: May 02, 2019, 07:25:17 am »
Fame Cards

When one or more Fame cards are in the kingdom, each player gets their own Fame mat. Fame mats track a number of "Feats" you can achieve during the game, and Fame cards become better the more of those you achieved. Whenever you achive a Feat, e.g. gain a Gold, you cover up the Feat on the board with a coin token. However, to achieve a Feat, not only must you fulfill the Feat's condition, but at the time you do, the Feat must be either one from the bottom row, or reachable by an arrow coming from an already achieved Feat (sort of like a skill tree).

Still not entirely sure about that "draw your deck" Feat, suggestions are welcome.

Here are some Fame cards:

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: May 02, 2019, 06:39:13 am »
Thanks! The cards have been really fun to play with so far, fitting seamlessly into kingdoms with published cards.

Glad to hear! Don't hesitate to leave any feedback, positive or negative :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: May 01, 2019, 06:32:18 am »
Hi Udzu,

glad to hear that you like the cards :)
I hope they will entertain you well.

About your questions:
  • There are 10 Zombies and they do not have their own pile. They only come with Necromancer.
  • There are 6 Loyal Subjects and they are pile-less like Shelters or Heirlooms.
  • Assemble is supposed to let you choose the order, but I see the wording is unclear about this.
  • I'm afraid there is no real "history" of cards, unless you count my posts in this thread whenever I announed a change. Even then, I might occasionally have changed a minor detail without posting about it specifically. Sorry.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: April 20, 2019, 08:51:01 am »
Alright, I'm going to submit my old stuff from now on. Having something in store and having to think of another idea when I already got something has turned from a challenge to an annoying limitation.

Not that this is my best card ever, but whatever.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: April 18, 2019, 12:46:21 pm »
Carve - $4

Trash this or a card from your hand. Gain a card costing exactly $1 more than it.


When you trash this, +1 Action.


"It's better than Feast!" - not quite, shut up. "It's worse than Remake!" - not quite either, and don't we want most cards in between those two?

While this clearly does stuff that Remake can't do, it's hard to see how this isn't strictly better than Feast. The only thing you can do with Feast that you can't do with this is to trash it to gain a card costing less than , and it's a super-rare edge case that you would do that.

How about if it didn't allow gaining Victory cards?

Btw I'm out for this round, I couldn't think of something clever. Kudos to everyone who could.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: April 14, 2019, 12:08:58 pm »
It would be written as a "choose one" if you were choosing between: trash the War Flag; or discard a Treasure for the Attack.
Arguable. Not only do you give two choices which card to use, you also do something else with each, which sets them apart further. Given this, using a grammar structure that by default points to the last noun is all but clear.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: April 13, 2019, 09:17:20 am »
War Flag
Types: Treasure, Attack
Cost: $6
$3. When you play this, trash this or discard a Treasure and each other player discards a card for each coin in its cost, and then draws until they have 3 cards in hand.
In games using this, when you buy a card costing $5 or more, trash a card you have in play.

As worded, it's unclear that the attack is supposed to be triggered by trashing War Flag. A wording that would make it clear would have to be something like this:

When you play this, trash this or discard a Treasure, then each other player discards a card for each coin in trashed or discarded card's cost and draws to 3 cards in hand.

Personally I see it fitting the brief, but, eh, if a judge thinks that it doesn't fit the guidelines, chances are you are better off submitting something else than arguing about it.

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