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Messages - Asper

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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 31, 2019, 10:37:24 am »

An attempt at an easier-to-use but harder-to-buy Prince. It will usually take longer to build up to a point where it's affordable and you can only buy it once, but you don't have to fiddle around with it in your deck and there's no $4 or less restriction. I changed the original Prince text so that it wouldn't be as wordy, but I think it still works. It specifies non-Duration, and if the card leaves the play area then it just loses track of it.

Losing track doesn't mean the card can't be played anymore, but as that only plays a role for one-shots and the Project can only be triggered once per game, I suppose it's half so bad.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 29, 2019, 07:18:15 pm »
Darn. The two ideas I had for this round ended up as a simple trash-for-benefit Event and a Project with an ongoing condition, respectively. I don't want to submit my old stuff, so apparently I'll sit back and watch. It's a cool challenge.

Why not just go for one? I'm sure people would like to see what you came up with  :).

Ah sorry, my bad, the problem is that they mutated to not fit the brief anymore. One cares about a card in your hand, but now it's only because it remodels it, and for the Project I shifted the special cost to be applied each time the ability is used. I had an Event version of it that fits, but it messes up the opening. If I think of a fix that works with the contest, I'll post it. Thanks :)

Oh I can't read misunderstood what you said, sorry!
No worries, I wasn't very clear. For reference, here's the Project I ended up with.

Originally I wanted it to be an Event that costed 5$ and allowed you to spend an Action to gain a 5$ card onto your deck, but that messed openings up.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: March 29, 2019, 06:59:31 pm »
Bureaucracy is now an Event. I don't want it to be too cheap, because if the penalty of having to topdeck Provinces is never chosen, putting the token there at setup is meaningless.

Not a very insightful post, but I think this is really cool!

Nice! Glad you like it  :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: March 29, 2019, 02:07:02 pm »
Hey aster I have an idea for your convert card, make it gain a card costing up to 3$ more than the trashed card instead. And then it would be more like the night version of mine. And it might still work for 5$ costing card cause after all it doesn’t give you extra treasure the turn you play it like mine would. And you could make only work with treasures only. You convert an action into a treasure, you could convert a treasure into a better treasure. But you couldn’t convert a treasure into a victory. If you do something like that you could probably get away with keeping it at 5$
I could, but it would be another card, and I am kind of happy with Convert. For this alternative version I think Coppers, and later Silvers, would still be the prime target, as it gets you the most out of the 3$ extra and doesn't decrease your Action card density. In a kingdom with just base treasures, compared to Mine, it doesn't cost an Action and can even be played after spending your last one, but falls +1$ short. That seems still similar. And if I stick with some version of Thimblerig, I already got a Mine variant anyhow. But thanks for the suggestion :)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Asper's Cards
« on: March 29, 2019, 12:43:48 pm »
Institute now costs 8 debt.

Bureaucracy is now an Event. I don't want it to be too cheap, because if the penalty of having to topdeck Provinces is never chosen, putting the token there at setup is meaningless.

Card from that weekly design contest thread. It's designed as a replacement for Fool, but of course the art is still kinda ugly.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 29, 2019, 05:55:09 am »
Darn. The two ideas I had for this round ended up as a simple trash-for-benefit Event and a Project with an ongoing condition, respectively. I don't want to submit my old stuff, so apparently I'll sit back and watch. It's a cool challenge.

Why not just go for one? I'm sure people would like to see what you came up with  :).

Ah sorry, my bad, the problem is that they mutated to not fit the brief anymore. One cares about a card in your hand, but now it's only because it remodels it, and for the Project I shifted the special cost to be applied each time the ability is used. I had an Event version of it that fits, but it messes up the opening. If I think of a fix that works with the contest, I'll post it. Thanks :)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 28, 2019, 01:45:12 pm »
Darn. The two ideas I had for this round ended up as a simple trash-for-benefit Event and a Project with an ongoing condition, respectively. I don't want to submit my old stuff, so apparently I'll sit back and watch. It's a cool challenge.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Roles
« on: March 28, 2019, 05:22:05 am »
Of course nothing wrong with even playing field. But once in a while it’s nice to change things up.

So if you guys want. Post your own role.

I personally was thinking of creating a Star Trek version of dominion. Especially since the dominion tried to take over the alpha quadrant.

With some of the starfleet crew as roles. Oh and quark!

Gold pressed Latium as an additional treasure, moons as a new victory point card. The Vorta, Klingons, the founders, the jemhedar, the different ranks of the federation, the Vulcans, the andorians, the ferengi, the cardasians, the bajorans, ect. As the action cards.

I’m just kidding of course lol. There’s a Star Trek Catan but not a Star Trek dominion. Lol

You might be interested to hear that the author of Dominion was approached about the idea to make a licensed version of his game, and said no. The license he mentioned was not Star Trek, but Star Wars, but from what I read I assumed it was the general idea of licensed Dominion that didn't convince him.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 26, 2019, 04:42:07 am »
Here comes the next round:

Challenge #24: Create an Event or Project with a special cost.

Special cost here includes Potions and Debt, but also special conditions like Grand Market or variable cost like Peddler. If you have another idea to implement special cost, feel free to try it, I am going to be generous with this condition.

Do things like Quest count?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 25, 2019, 05:08:50 pm »

Originally I was thinking that the player to your left would get to choose, but that gives him a lot of power over the 3rd or 4th player in a multiplayer game. It might still work out that way, but I decided to go with the simpler option. I have no idea about balance.

It looks too strong. The attack option itself is about on par with Witch, which is very strong, and the other option is nothing to sneeze at, either. Note how many other 5$ gainers cost 6$ themselves or have a downside.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 22, 2019, 11:09:09 am »

My attempt at a dual type Curse-ish card. You can buy it and then trash it later, but the Curse-gaining makes it more of a pain to do so. Overall, you'll have to decide if the extra +Action is worth it. The type is "Dark" instead of Curse to avoid any confusion.

I agree with what the others said. Given that you never get rid of the negative VP this is worth, I think it should just say "When you gain this, each other player gets +1VP" and avoid the type weirdness completely. Obviously it won't fit the brief anymore, but it will be a better card.

Well you can get rid of the -, you just have to "trash it twice". I think in terms of mechanics and theme, it's much better to not give a token to other players. In terms of balance, this card does suffer from the same issue as any VP-as-a-penalty card.. which is that sometimes 1 means nothing at all to the final score, and sometimes it means everything.

The new type seems fine; as long as it were with a broader set where the new type had actual meaning.

I agree that giving other players VP tokens doesn't fit the "Dark" theme. But it doesn't have to. I think that a theme decision mustn't dictate mechanics decisions. Theme can spawn mechanic ideas, but if fixing the mechanic doesn't fit the theme anymore, you should change the theme, not go with the inferior mechanic for thematic reasons. Which is to say, I absolutely think VP tokens for other players are the better mechanic - unless you want to introduce several cards that use this type of penalty, where introducing a new non-Curse type is justifiable.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 21, 2019, 12:11:57 pm »

My attempt at a dual type Curse-ish card. You can buy it and then trash it later, but the Curse-gaining makes it more of a pain to do so. Overall, you'll have to decide if the extra +Action is worth it. The type is "Dark" instead of Curse to avoid any confusion.

I agree with what the others said. Given that you never get rid of the negative VP this is worth, I think it should just say "When you gain this, each other player gets +1VP" and avoid the type weirdness completely. Obviously it won't fit the brief anymore, but it will be a better card.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 20, 2019, 12:29:10 pm »
Totem, Treasure - Attack, 5$
Worth 2$
+1 Buy
When you play this, each other may reveal a card you do not have a copy of in play from their hand. Those who don't gain a Curse.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: March 17, 2019, 10:10:36 am »
Yes, German job titles are weird and they became even more weird, because of the third gender introduced this year (2019).
That third option stuff is a legal thing, not a grammatical one. It's first and foremost goal is to make life easier for people who cannot accurately be assigned to one sex, for instance because they have two sets of genomes in their body, or for other medical reasons. Those absolutely don't come up often, but it means those people don't get in trouble with official documents and what not, and it's not like the country breaks by looking out for its minorities. It has nothing to do with how you are supposed to talk.

In fact, German nouns always have a grammatical sex, which doesn't necessarily imply gender (a "male person" is still grammatically female, for instance) so the idea that a legal gender introduced the need for a new occupation expression is malformed.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: March 15, 2019, 06:45:22 pm »
So, I heard, a promo card based on a church in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany is coming soon. Is there already a planned release date?

For the "Stralsunder" part Altenburger dropped out of their ASS?

Oh man, I really hope it's only going to reference the church by art. Naming a card after one particular building seems really out of place.

There are games where you will have a better time making up rules as you see fit. Dominion isn't one of them. The designer spent immense amounts of time tweaking every single card, believe me, he knows what he's doing. For Quarry for instance, it's significantly cheaper than Gold and even better than it if you have extra buys, but only for Action cards. If you want to buy Province, Colony or Platin, Quarry is just an expensive Copper. It's not miraculously giving you points in itself.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: March 13, 2019, 02:01:20 pm »
First "time", not "card".

I think you all are assuming your personal dislike for Hexes is universally understood across most of Dominion. I like them, and many others do too. I have friends that hate most attacks but love Hexes.
You will also find lots of people who name Alchemy as their favourite expansion. It's up to you to ask yourself whether that devalidates the general reception of Alchemy being one of the worst. I for one can't remember seeing similar threads about Adventures, Guilds or Renaissance gain this kind of traction.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 11, 2019, 01:55:58 pm »
I never mentioned it, but Leon is not my real name.
No worries, it's just an internet name, your majesty.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 11, 2019, 04:10:33 am »

Updated submission with the trashing idea. I decided that, eh, the name and picture still fit.
Suggestion: You may trash a Copper from your hand, for +2 Cards. If you don't, ...

With your latest wording, you can choose to trash but claim to have no Copper in hand even if you do. Also I suppose that cards from the trash should technically be gained?

Cobbler is not good as is. That doesn't mean you'll never use it, but it's slow and heavily reliant on being able to gain cards with +Actions. An extra +Action is more than a slight boost in power, but it needs at least a slight boost. Adding an extra +Action doesn't seem to make it a power card.

Do you have an alternate suggestions for where Lucky Coin should go?
I disagree with your evaluation of Cobbler. If you gave it an extra Action it would be a village Workshop instead of a delayed cantrip Workshop; that would obviously be far too crazy.
Sculptor is also fine. Unlike Cobbler the gaining is not delayed but if you gain non-Treasures the card is terminal. I'd even argue that Cobbler is slightly better as being able to gain the very engine piece you need at the start of your turn increases consistency (Duration draw already increases consistency quite so Duration hand-gain is pretty sweet) whereas Sculptor is more risky, i.e. if you did not play a village before Sculptor the card becomes a plain Workshop (if you want it to use for engine build-up).

Nobody likes Hexes.
I do as the fun of not knowing what will hit you outweighs the downside of extra randomness to me.
Somebody getting a Cultist on T3 that lands on Cargo Ship is to me a worse "swinginess offense" than Alice being hit by Delusion vs Bob being hit by Famine.
That's a two-card cross-expansion interaction. Obviously Dominion has luck, as after all, it's a shuffle game. No denying that. But having a random deck of effects isn't even trying (edit: to hide the randomness. I wouldn't want to imply that Hexes and Boons didn't have a lot of effort going into them. I'm sure they had. But they sure are in-your-face randomness, with no control beyond tracking the used ones.). Personally, I'm also genuinely offended that Locusts just eats Curses without a replacement - as if randomly hitting Locusts wasn't swingy enough. It's like when Jester didn't have the special case for Victory cards. It just spells out "whatever" in bold letters.

What also annoys me, if you were to try to make the best of Boons or Hexes, you would have to look through the discarded cards each time you want to e.g. gain a Cursed Village or play Leprechaun, or play a Sacred Grove and hope it might be nonterminal, to evaluate your chances to hit the right one. That's just painfully annoying and pointless most of the time.

If you want to make drastic changes to nocturne, why don’t you just create your own expansion. An expansion with night cards, and maybe (a few new heirlooms) with more than 7 heirlooms in the game end up in the same game, they could always just pick which heirlooms each player wants to start with or just make sure that the max would always be 7. Of course you don’t have to add heirlooms.

Then you could still make your own cards that give out only one particular hex. It’s because of nocturne that I came up with snowline and wildlands expansions. And then when I got nocturne I only made slight changes to some of the cards. Cause I for one quite like the random effects that the hexes and boons cause. Using locusts and misery are definitely my favorites to give out to the other players. All the cards that give out boons and hexes still give em out.

The only card I don’t like playing with is necromancer, it takes forever to decide which action to play, especially if there are other actions in the trash, also it’s near impossible to explain to a new player to dominion. And takes almost as long with players who are only new to nocturne.

Didn't you rank Nocturne as your least favourite expansion a while ago...?

Most players on this forum are very competitive, so naturally they aren't going to like random effects like boons and hexes. More casual players like myself, however, enjoy the excitement and surprising moments that they add. Fool is one of my favourite cards in Nocturne. I'd be sad to see it go. I even get a bit excited when I play Leprechaun (okay, maybe that's a bit weird). What I don't like in Nocturne is cards like Cemetery (going through an overly complex process in order to gain some other complex card).

Hexes and Boons have their share of fans. Remember, not everyone is a hardcore strategist.
The question remains whether it's a good design to have the most casual stuff in the most complex expansion.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Nocturne without Hexes or duds
« on: March 08, 2019, 12:54:36 pm »
I like the idea to get rid of Hexes. They suck. Honestly, so do Boons. Random effects are pretty much design rock bottom as far as I'm concerned. At least Boons almost always do something, but then you have Blessed Village's weird timing issues and how it introduces "taking" a Boon to dodge that... No thanks.

Lucky coin is cute and deserves a better card to go with it. I will not comment on Werewolf because I am biased here, but all of my will to admit that I am biased doesn't make me willing to believe that the official Necromancer was good. It's just another one of those cards in Nocturne that's ruined by making a fine idea put out far more cards than necessary.

I don't know enough about Nocturne's card powers to tell you which need boosts and which need nerfs.

Anyhow, I'm not sure what I think about pairing Vampire with Fear. Bat trashes, and I'm not sure how well that goes with that attack. You know, you get rid of your Coppers, just to have discard your precious Actions more often. I dunno... It kind of feels more appropriate for one of the Gold gainers, like Skulk or Leprechaun.

Your changes to Tormentor seem fine.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: March 08, 2019, 12:25:43 pm »

There's one Casino mat, shared by all the players.

I like it (and I'm not a fan of Gathering cards usually), but I think it could just use the trash.

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