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Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 15, 2024, 04:26:15 pm »
Updated my entry (again ::)) Thanks for all the immediate feedback, though I should really post dubious cards in the variants discord first.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 14, 2024, 10:51:15 am »
-Jar of Dirt-
This seems like it enables a really strong monolithic strategy, like a Jack of all Trades on steroids. Indeed it is better than Jack in basically every way, and costs less.
You're probably right. I had a similar card tested irl but considered it too weak, but in its current form it is indeed too monolithic. Entry withdrawn.

New entry:
+1 Buy

Discard a card per 2 cards
you have in your hand.
Remember the robber of Catan and how much discarding half of your cards usually hurts? Now you can do that too in Dominion, but at least you caused it yourself.
Old version: +5 Cards instead of +$4

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #224
« on: July 11, 2024, 09:29:24 am »
Submission withdrawn, new submission in new post.

Jar of Dirt - Action
Gain an Estate and a Silver.
Draw until you have 6 cards
in hand. Trash up to 2 cards
from your hand.
When you gain this,
gain a Silver.
Turn half of your deck into Silver. Jar of Dirt provides some economy, draw and trashing, and yet you'll feel terrible playing this. At least the Estates should eventually run out.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #222: Take Five
« on: June 27, 2024, 10:43:33 am »
Slot Machine - - Action

+1 Action

If your deck is empty,
+5 Cards. Otherwise,
+1 Card.
A strong engine component if you can control your deck size. Usually it will be very difficult to get the +5 Cards, but adding more copies should help (unless you are already drawing your deck).

I agree Midnight Village is the best-designed card in here, justifying both the Night and Activation types. Congrats emtzalex. My only worry is that it might be too strong at $4, as cards with similar effects (Golem and Lost City) are too strong to cost $5 (but lack the duration penalty).

No, because Province costs Debt not Coins in tinkerer games.

well, yes, that's why it's possible. The fact that Provinces now cost <8> is what allows you to buy a Province on Turn 4, provided you can pay off the debt from Turn 3 by that point
Tinkerer gains cards that cost coins, not debt, so it can't gain any victory cards with its on-play ability.

Mold - Action - Activation -
Exile a card from your hand.
Exile a non-Victory card
from the supply costing up to
more than it.
When you trigger this,
discard a card you have in
Exile, then +2 Cards.
A Displace/Remodel variant that takes 2 actions but also has some more tricks up its sleeve. The discarding on trigger is mandatory, but can be a different card than one you just Exiled. Gold-to-Province displacing would be even stronger here (it discards the gold all by itself, and the Prov would be exiled immediately), so I fixed that by simply stating non-Victory cards (also saves a line).

Coin Press - Action
+2 Actions
+1 Buy

Choose one: This turn,
Treasures cost less;
or when you gain a
Treasure this turn, +1 VP.
An engine piece that wants you to add stop cards to your deck, or maybe you wanted Gold anyway. Without kingdom treasures, getting 5 of these in play gets you 6 free Golds and 12 VP, or 6 Copper with 30 VP, your choice. How many Treasures can your deck really handle?

Edit: I now realize this kind of VP-generation was not the intent of this contest. While I could change the card to fit the rules better (gain a card and give VP based on gains), it would make it less elegant so I'll leave it as-is, at the risk of a lower judgement.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 01, 2024, 03:41:49 am »
Old Teacher - Action

When you gain this, you may
move a token from its pile to
an Action Supply pile you
have no tokens on.

Setup: Put your +1 Card,
+1 Action, + and +1 Buy
tokens on Old Teacher.
This could have been a card without any types, but the Action type makes sure you can play it to get the bonuses of the tokens that are still on its pile. After moving all four tokens, you'll have 4 expensive action cards in your deck that do nothing when played. The Old Teacher can teach you many things, but tends to forget the things he said.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #217: Silver
« on: April 25, 2024, 03:33:56 am »
Twin Village - Action

+2 Actions
You may discard two cards or a Silver for +2 Cards.

When you gain this, gain a Twin Village (that doesn't come with another).
A card I once designed to have (or reference) as many 2's on a card as possible. Like Port, it's a stack of 12 cards. It's great if a sifting village is what you need, but it's handsize-negative unless you have Silver to discard.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 86: Quests
« on: April 02, 2024, 05:46:20 am »
At Clean-up, trash a card you would discard for a Treasure costing up to $3 more.
This is not defined in Dominion terms. If it's supposed to gain a card, use the word 'gain'.
Does it count discarding both from hand and from play? Also, it should be at the start of Clean-up to prevent issues with moving cards at unexpected times (see wording of Improve) (same for Abdication from czzzz).
A possible correct wording would be:
At the start of Clean-up, trash a card from your hand or a card you would discard from play this turn to gain a Treasure costing up to $3 more.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Cornucopia & Guilds 2E
« on: March 27, 2024, 04:02:56 am »
From Discord, ~13 hours ago:
Quote from: Donald X.
Some people have physical C&G2E now. I don't know when exactly anyone first got it.

Ancient Gear

Reveal your hand.
If the revealed cards all have different names, +2 Coffers.
Either way, +2 Cards.

During your turns, this costs less if you haven't had any Coffers at any point this turn.

- Action
Cheap terminal draw you can easily load up on. That is, until you understand its value. The cost of this card triples if you started your turn with Coffers or gained them before checking this card's cost, usually by playing Ancient Gear itself, but other cards providing Coffers count too.
Originally cost , but I think is more fun with TfB tricks. Better make sure you have all copies you need before gathering Coffers. Actually getting those Coffers might still be a challenge though.

Uses motifs/mechanics from Cornucopia (cares about variety), Guilds (Coffers) and Menagerie (changing cost).

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: March 20, 2024, 03:58:17 pm »
Hasty Inventor - - Action
Gain a card costing up to .
When you gain this, cards cost less for the rest of this turn.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Horizontal Card backs
« on: March 18, 2024, 12:34:48 pm »
Those cards just have regular backs in my box of Dominion.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #213: GREEN
« on: March 15, 2024, 01:00:53 pm »
Depository - Victory -
Worth 1 per 4 Treasures you have (round down).
When you gain or trash this, +2 Buys.
Like Cache, it comes with 2 Coppers, but this time it's optional and you can add some to buy better stuff instead.
Good source of points in slogs or plunder-heavy games, and a potential source of buys otherwise.

An idea from some other game. Ideally this should be a main mechanic from an expansion so that multiple cards (that are extra likely to come up together) make use of it and indirectly interact with in other.

Reputation mat
It has 5 spaces, each with a number of VP depicted on them (in the following order: -3, -1, 0, 1, 3). Cards can have the instruction to gain or lose one (or more) reputation. When such cards exist in the kingdom, each player takes a reputation mat and puts a reputation marker (use a coin token) at 0VP.
  • At the end of the game, each reputation marker is worth the VP amount depicted on the space it occupies for its owner.
  • When you gain a reputation, move your marker one space to the right. If you can't, +1 Card.
  • When you lose a reputation, move your marker one space to the left. If you can't, gain a curse.

I'm fine with cards handing out additional reputation markers. The rules are written in such a way that it works out.
The might be other configurations of the reputation track that turn out to fit more card designs, but I wanted to keep the number of spaces low.

Judge - Action -

Reveal the top card of your deck and put it into your hand. If it's an:
Action card: +2 Actions
Treasure card: +
Victory card: +2 Cards
Judge is either a village, smithy or pawn-like with fixed choice. It does what you need most when you play it, but it can be unreliable when bought for a specific purpose.

Shaman + Cabin Boy is already great. Trash CB to gain a duration and immediately gain it back, while also avoiding the shaman attack. It's even more fun with an on-gain Trait on CB, in my last game, Pious. Play a Cabin Boy to next-turn trash two cards from your hand and gain an extra Cabin Boy. Good cantrip trashing and decent economy once you're done.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 81: Season 8 Finale
« on: January 10, 2024, 04:06:39 am »

Fjord - $6
Action - Victory - Remain
+1 Remain per Action overplayed.
Worth 3 VP
Combines remain and overplay mechanics. An expensive Duchy you can play as terminal Silver. Every extra action spent keeps it out of your deck for an extra turn (similar to Distant Lands, but only temporary). (exact VP and price can be tweaked, 3VP seemed like a good middle ground between making it worthwhile (for your actions) and affordable)

Trickster + Orb lets you play your trickster every turn (until you shuffle) without costing any draw or actions (beyond the first play). (encountered in a slog game, dished out 4 curses in a row)

$6 Souvenir
When you play a copper, if you have an even number of coppers in play, +$1.
Great for copper strategists. Simple, and probably of decent value for money decks or engines without trashing. In those cases, it's like mixing a gold into your deck without adding an extra card (with the risk of it being worth less or someone taking it away), so the price seems about right. 7/10
Harvest Tools • $4+ • Souvenir
At the start of your turn, you may discard two cards for +1VP and +1 Card.
After your Buy phase you may trash a card from your Hand and this costs $1 less, but not less than $2.
This either has a mediocre ability, or a strong trashing option that will likely make it go around the table for a some turns. I would recommend giving this card a clearer focus by removing either the sifting, trashing or VP-generation. Even though I have concerns that it might stall games too much, I really like the way it can reduce its own cost. That is probably a direction more souvenirs should go in. 9/10

Winner: Harvest Tools by BryGuy
Runner-up: Tablets by Will(ow|iam)

I thought I had started it in the weekend, but a was a few days earlier. Anyways, here is your 24 hour warning. I still hope for a few more entries, no matter the quality.

For this week we have a new card type: Souvenir
Souvenirs function mostly like a project/artifact hybrid. When you buy it, put your cube on it and add a coin token to the card. When another player buys the Souvenir, your cube is gone, but they will have to pay an extra $1 per coin token on it (the card could also, like artifacts, physically move from player to player, but I don't like moving cards with tokens on them). Since the coin tokens stay on the card, it will get more expensive with every purchase.

FAQ: Can I pay more to add more tokens? No (unless instructed otherwise), but you can buy the souvenir while you already have it to add a coin token.

So your task for this week is to Design a Souvenir card.
Combining it with other (fan) mechanics is all fine.

Judging criteria:
 - How fun do is it to play with? Am I excited to see it on the table?
 - Simplicity: Don't make an unnecessarily convoluted card. This sometimes means less words, but more words is fine if I can easily remember it.
 - Balance: Less of an issue since the card goes up in cost, but the initial cost should make sense. What impact does it have on the opening? (a $4-cost souvenir might be bought by the first playing hitting $4 and then not be taken through the entire opening phase)
 - Does it use the mechanic in an interesting way? I like to be surprised by your ingenuity.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Card Mechanics Week 75: Obstacles
« on: October 24, 2023, 07:36:29 am »
Thanks for the win!
I'll try to get a new contest up soon, give me a day or two to find something new and fun.

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