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Messages - Simon Jester

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Rules Questions / Turn after Donate?
« on: February 05, 2022, 10:29:01 am »
Had a game with Donate, Hunting Grounds and IGG. After the IGG+curse piles were depleted my opponent used Donate to trash 3 HG:s to deplete the estate piles for the win - but instead I got another turn and won with 2 provinces over 8 estates. Why did that happened? 3 piles were out (curses, IGG and estates) after my opoonent finished his Donate "phase". Correct or bug?

Dominion League / Re: Season 37 - Signups
« on: November 21, 2019, 04:38:08 pm »
"New" player (last season played #30)

dom username: hockeysemlan
discord: @SimonG#3630

First game with captain: it's hella good when death cart is around..

Dominion General Discussion / Re: My new Dominion YouTubing Series
« on: December 18, 2018, 06:41:32 am »
(Will edit out after game) Is anyone on that wants to play a game of intrigue for my third episode?

Thanks for the feedback!
I completely agree that laughing at my foe is a risk. However, when I see overconfident YouTubers fail, I find it hilarious. Regardless, I will cut back on it. Speed is difficult to cut back on in such a fast paced game as Dominion, but i'll do my darndest to slow down. Any tips on how to get all my points across while staying within the time of the game? I also find kingdom analysis hard to do while still showing my foe that i'm not afk. If I sit there for 5 minutes at the start reasoning, my foe may resign or try to have me kicked. And many people don't have chat activated, so saying "i'm thinking" wouldn't even change anything. Thus, I do all my thinking on the fly. Any tips on ways to analyze the kingdom quickly? Thanks again for the feedback.

I see, but I felt that you were a bit rushed as in overexcited/stressed over being recording. Might be projecting since I have done some podcasting myself and I know how easy it is to get a bit overwhelmed by being in front of a mic to the point that one sounds just plain weird. The point being merely that you really have much time to say whatever you want, even though it might not seem so. (As an exercise, try to speak spontanously for a minute straight about a random topic, it's way longer than you might think.) Just be relaxed, and it'll be fine and a bit more enjoyable to listen to.

Can you have chat deactivatated? In any case, start the game and even play your first hand of treasures, then if you stop it should be clear for the opponent that you are thinking. You don't need 5 minutes, just go through the kingdom, spot the engine pieces, attacks and so on, see if there is any rush/slog strategies viable and then you're good to go. No biggie really, you will get naturally better with more experience, but I think it's good to keep it in mind.

Sending PM when I could be available :) 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: My new Dominion YouTubing Series
« on: December 18, 2018, 04:43:43 am »
Episode 2 is live! Here it is!

This one took alot out of me. Most of today, in fact. I hope you guys find the cuts funny.

Coolcool! First off, nice work once again, it's easy to watch this even though it shows somewhat that you just began (as it should).

One thing: Please don't laugh at your opponents even if they are playing badly. There can be multiple reasons why they choose a subpar strategy (experimenting, playing unfocused or whatever) and it just makes you look tacky. You may explain why you think it's bad, but if you tease them and then they manage to beat you, you just come off as pathetic. Don't risk that.

Then I want to say that don't mix high energy with just being too speedy. Here you often speak way too fast and your voice is weird in a way it wasn't in the first vid. Try to remember to be cool when recording, I know that it's easy to be hyped and I don't ask you to be boring or try to be anyone other than yourself, just try to remember that you have an audience and try to have your voice and mind grounded somewhat. You have time, no stress, no need to jump over every second word to get your point across. If you are more patient you can also analyse the kingdom better and don't miss any combos again. I you don't have any standard way to analyse the kingdom, uhm, get one. No, but we can help you out I'm sure, but it's a bit cringy to see you just flailing out in the kingdom with barely a plan. Fun the couple first few times, but not in the long run.

Anyhow, nice overall, just trying to give some constructive criticism. Keep it up, if you will :)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: My new Dominion YouTubing Series
« on: December 18, 2018, 03:47:51 am »
Gold, when not gained, is a shiny curse and something you want to avoid buying when building any form of engine.

This is hyperbole and should not be taken literally.

Why would it be hyperbole? If your goal is to build an engine every stop card is an obstacle you need to come around in some way. Of course you need some economy but if you are dependent on Gold to get that maybe that is a sign that engine is not the right call after all. On this board there was plenty of options that was better than Gold for the deck OP tried to build. Early Golds, as with Skulk or Wedding, is another story but buying Gold on an early is so rarely the right call for the engine that I wouldn't say my statement is hyperbole at all. Rather I'm wrong, but how in that case?

You made a very strong statement, such that a single counterexample can rebut it; but, I'll provide several.
  • You're trying to buy a key $7 card to kickstart your engine.  Silvers are less reliable to hit $7 early and can get in the way. Sometimes you can get an early Gold. Inheritance, Forge, and Expand (as only Estate trashing) are all potential motivations to want an early Gold.  Check out this game Dan Brooks played where an early Gold was a key part of the build to get an early Forge.
  • Spiking $8 in the middle game.  Gold is also better at spiking $8, which is occasionally valuable to do before you get full control of your deck.  Pathfinding and Province (in a Tournament game) provide motivation for Gold in the middle turns.
  • +buy on demand.  Travelling Fair, Villa, and Forum ameliorate having too much economy on a single turn.  Sometimes (rarely) it's correct to pick up Gold on an early $6 to use it later to get multiple engine components more efficiently.
  • Before heavy trashing.  This is most common (and still uncommon) with Donate, where you might have an opportunity to pick up a Gold on turn 3 before Donating.
  • Card defense.  Gold is especially valuable against certain cards from the opponent, notably Swindler and Chariot Race.  It can pay off to buy an earlyish Gold in games where these cards are dominant.
  • Gold has special significance.  Sometimes (not always) games with Encampment sufficiently reward an early Gold.  This is really easy to see with Encampment + Gear.

Nah, counterexamples don't stop rules of thumb from being legitimate. A key in Dominion is to spot kingdoms where these rules breaks down and where you shouldn't follow them, but without them it's hard to know what to do at all when trying to improve from one level to the next. All of these rules comes with an implicit "unless you have a reason to differ", I guess "avoid" isn't mild enough for that be heard for you there, but I didn't say "never buy Gold", that would be exaggerated, but that you regularly want to avoid it is still true.

Feedback / Re: Why do people put moat in spoiler brackets?
« on: December 17, 2018, 04:13:46 pm »
Why o people put Moat in a spoiler?

It's an inside joke. Comes from the Puzzle-section where it's proper to set your solutions in spoilers. For some reason Moat was a popular joke-answer (I think I know why but since I wasn't around then I don't want to guess, I could be wrong) and then it spread.. At least it's not a scout or Mine/Mint-joke..

Dominion General Discussion / Re: My new Dominion YouTubing Series
« on: December 17, 2018, 11:41:04 am »
Thank you all so much for the advice! Would it be OK if I mentioned you guys in my next video, and amend my gold statement?
Imho, if noob dominion players see this channel for the first time, they might be bamboozled if episode 2 starts them off with night cards, potion cards, villa, black market, and coin tokens. I love the new expansions, I just want to have a solid "base" for newbies to watch. Thoughts?

Do expansion per expansion maybe? Those kingdoms are pretty fun and if it's hard to get people to join your custom board I would happily help if needed.

No problem with mentioning the forums, I don't think :)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: My new Dominion YouTubing Series
« on: December 17, 2018, 10:58:17 am »
Gold, when not gained, is a shiny curse and something you want to avoid buying when building any form of engine.

This is hyperbole and should not be taken literally.

Why would it be hyperbole? If your goal is to build an engine every stop card is an obstacle you need to come around in some way. Of course you need some economy but if you are dependent on Gold to get that maybe that is a sign that engine is not the right call after all. On this board there was plenty of options that was better than Gold for the deck OP tried to build. Early Golds, as with Skulk or Wedding, is another story but buying Gold on an early is so rarely the right call for the engine that I wouldn't say my statement is hyperbole at all. Rather I'm wrong, but how in that case?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: My new Dominion YouTubing Series
« on: December 17, 2018, 10:06:26 am »
Hello! I am attempting to start a Dominion YouTubing series, where I play dominion games and commentate on them. I am good at dominion in my opinion (I only lost because I hadn't played base in so long I forgot about gardens), and would absolutely love any tips or feedback I can get.

The next video will be up tonight. Thanks for the feedback, if you give any!

Hilarious video in so many ways! :D

I like your production "attempt" and your high energy, it reminds me of Adam Hortons videos, which in my opinion is still the best ones out there. Also props for daring to start with a game you misplayed quite severly, as a learning experience that is probably better than the ones where you just cruise to victory since you were able to explain midgame what you missed and why it crushed you in the end.

Another thing that was hilarious, but on another level, was when you hit early on and declared it a jackpot because Gold is such an awesome card. No, it's not. Gold, when not gained, is a shiny curse and something you want to avoid buying when building any form of engine. It was that buy more than anything else that doomed you from what I can see. Workshop/Gardens is really strong in itself on a baseboard, but against weaker players a good engine should be able to outpace it. An engine cluttered with treasures is not a good engine however.

I think it will be fun to follow your journey to be an actual good player if you are able to keep it up! Nice vid!


Edit: And, slighly more serious: Keep. I think I prefer Keep-games to "normal" Dominion. It's the best thing ever.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion expansion advice needed!
« on: December 12, 2018, 10:37:49 am »
Alternative viewpoint: if you like full-random, don't do Alchemy last.  Potions are a worse investment the fewer cards in your kingdom they buy, so if you want to see kingdoms where Alchemy cards get played, get it while you've got a smaller pool of other cards to dilute them down.  The later you leave it, the less you'll enjoy Alchemy.

Nah, funny enough few of the potion cost cards combo together. Two potion cards is enough, more than that and they start to block each other..

Just try the full potion board and see how sad University becomes..

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Is this a good card?
« on: December 12, 2018, 08:35:49 am »
Still does too little too be worth 5, would buy Sa Hag over this even if I could afford this one. If you want the card too cost potion you need to up the strength a whole lot.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion expansion advice needed!
« on: December 10, 2018, 08:31:38 pm »
But.. but.. it was YOUR thread even..?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion expansion advice needed!
« on: December 10, 2018, 07:58:49 pm »
I don't want to be rude but next-expansion questions is literally the most common question both here and on reddit. Is it not possible to check any of those threads before asking in new thread? We had one just the other day.

Anyhow, let's do this again: Intrigue is excellent, Hinterlands maybe a little bland and BM-ish for my taste but still good, Alchemy is interesting but many of the cards play poorly IRL and most people would advice you to wait with it until last wit that one.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: December 10, 2018, 07:24:17 pm »
Just a thought from the sideline: Even if Scholar is simple, it really "only" is a Library variant, isn't it? It works different enough to exist and I like it a lot, but the game wouldn't have lost much in terms of.. variety if it didn't came about. Simple new things may indeed be out and done, everything vanilla-ish has to be a variant of something we already have, it seems to me. 

Dominion FAQ / Re: What's the best card?
« on: December 10, 2018, 03:57:07 pm »
But probably the event Donate comes closest to be the most powerful thing in Dominion. King's Court for the most powerful Kingdom card.

I would also hold Donate up as probably the quintessential "must buy" card.  I have never won a game where I skipped it and the opponent didn't.  I have never lost a game where the opponent skipped it and I didn't.

Actually I have done it plenty (as in, more than once). As long as there is a rather weak board and good kingdom trashers Donate loses too much momentum to be worth it imo. However that is indeed rare and I played those games at a time where I was scared to death of Donate and tried to avoid it if ever possible. Would probably play those kingdom differently now when I know it better.

Dominion FAQ / Re: What's the best card?
« on: December 10, 2018, 02:16:45 pm »
Is there any kingdom card that would help any strategy? Or would that be overpowered?



Jester doesn't help e.g. Hermit/Market Square in any way.

In case of woosh: Check our profile pictures (and my name).

Rules Questions / Re: Reserve cards + Necromancer
« on: December 09, 2018, 02:33:18 pm »
Quote from: Necromancer
Play a face up, non-Duration Action card from the trash, leaving it there and turning it face down for the turn.

*facepalm* thanks.

Dominion FAQ / Re: What's the best card?
« on: December 09, 2018, 02:31:40 pm »
Is there any kingdom card that would help any strategy? Or would that be overpowered?



Dominion General Discussion / Re: Why is Possession hated so much?
« on: December 09, 2018, 02:30:48 pm »
Possession creates a form of anti-Dominion, as other has pointed out, it's pretty fun the first few times but it's just get old in a way other types of games doesn't and even if I never hated Possession I don't miss it the slightest not being available on DO.

Possession and KC is a crime however. The fact that I never experienced it is perhaps why I don't hate the card.

Rules Questions / Reserve cards + Necromancer
« on: December 09, 2018, 10:26:50 am »
Wouldn't thy go to the Tavern mat even if they are played from the trash? Didn't happen online - hence the question.

Dominion FAQ / Re: What's the best card?
« on: December 08, 2018, 06:08:08 pm »
There is no kingdom card that helps every possible strategy, but there are kingdom cards that help certain strategies so much that their presence in the kingdom almost automatically dictates that you have to play that strategy if possible (e.g. Bridge Troll, Goons, King's Court) and kingdom cards that are extremely useful in a wide variety of strategies (e.g. Masquerade).

Wait Bridge Troll is great now? Do you mean just Bridge?

Wait, Bridge Troll is not considered awesomesauce by everyone?

Dominion FAQ / Re: What's the best card?
« on: December 08, 2018, 11:05:04 am »
Welcome to the forums :)

There has been tons of discussion what the best card is and why. Most notably via Qvist ranking list. (

The list separate the card based on their cost, but as a general rule you can check the five and 6+-cost cards for the most powerful one. Chapel and Ambassador can probably be in the discussion as well. However there is no card that is good in every strategy. Not even the sublime trashers since they really counter gardens-strategies and others that don't care if their decks getting huge. Likewise with a general powerhouse as King's Court (KC)- if you want many Treasures in your deck you might want to skip it altogether (Happens perhaps 10-7% of the games it's in). So no, there is no card that is helpful in every strategy, no card is unbeatable.

But probably the event Donate comes closest to be the most powerful thing in Dominion. King's Court for the most powerful Kingdom card.     

Dominion Articles / Re: Deck Archetypes
« on: December 07, 2018, 12:08:04 pm »
Isotropic bot?

Oh. You mean Shuffle IT.

Please don't do those mistakes.

It hurts. *Nostalgia flood*

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