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Messages - gambit05

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Are States and Artifacts part of non-supply piles?  If, for instance, someone takes “Lost in the Woods”, does that power up Carts?

No. They are not part of a pile.

Nice to see that you are all using one of my mechanics. Have fun.


Laborer - $5

Gain a card costing less than this.
This costs $1 more per copy of it you have in play.

Great idea, but isn't it a bit too weak when compared to Inventor?
Well, Laborer is at worst a $5 gainer, so its baseline is much stronger than Inventor. (note that once you played one, it is already in play and thus costs $6 when the gaining ability activates)

I see. I misinterpreted the wording and thought that "per copy of it" means that the first Laborer doesn't count. Would "per Laborer you have in play" be clearer?


Laborer - $5

Gain a card costing less than this.
This costs $1 more per copy of it you have in play.

Great idea, but isn't it a bit too weak when compared to Inventor?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fika monsters Crappy Card Ideas
« on: June 11, 2021, 03:37:18 am »
This looks quite good. The attack part is interesting. Other players have to decide whether they block it with a Moat (if available of course) before the player plays the Treasure. So, they don't know beforehand whether they miss to gain a Gold.

It is difficult to say whether it is balanced as is, but I would start testing it with exactly this version.

Wording: "...from your hand..."

Name: What about Prospector?

Rating: Interesting.

Submissions Closed

Judgement hopefully will be up by some time over the weekend.

Which weekend?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Mechanics Week #11: Acting Sideways
« on: June 04, 2021, 08:42:01 am »
Very nice assessment!

Acts look like an interesting mechanic. I almost submitted something for this contest round, but then I saw grrgrrgrr's Recruit, which is almost identical to the idea that came to my mind.

I have experimented quite a lot with Debt and thus I like the idea of Xen3k's Payoff. I had a Kingdom card with similar features. After some testing, the first option I removed was the trashing option, which turned out to be too much. I thought that the ultimate "Debt for abilities" card is something like Payoff. It is indeed interesting early in a game, but can be a bit annoying later on. Doing this as an Act (or Event) could solve that problem.

Somehow I missed emtzalex's entry, Export. I agree this looks very interesting. Timinou's Courier is interesting as well, and deserves to be a runner up.

Finally, I am glad to see that fika monster simplified their Game of Thrones. This looks much better.

Congratulation to emtzalex for the win and Timinou and mathdude for being runner-ups.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fan Mechanics Week #11: Acting Sideways
« on: June 03, 2021, 11:42:13 am »
Late entry

fika monsters motto: when in doubt, put Throne Room on it!

This is great for the opening.  You get to thin and you're guaranteed to be able to hit $5 before the first shuffle.  I would think that playing this on Coppers early in the game would be the optimal thing to do, rather than on your Actions (unless it's something like Doctor).

Looks fun, but it's probably quite game-warping.

Rules question - if you play this on a Horse, you play it twice and the Horse gets returned to its pile; but do you then still Exile it?  Procession doesn't trash Horses, so I'm assuming the same would happen here, but I wasn't sure.

I agree with Timinou. It looks fun, but also a bit too strong. I haven't read the instructions for Acts carefully, but my understanding is that they are supposed to be weak, something like the power level of Ways. How about removing the Treasure part? In addition, a clause like "...if it is still in play, Exile it." would help simplifying it rule-wise and would also prevent any abuse of cards that leave play.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Some Fan Card Games I've Played
« on: June 03, 2021, 03:57:36 am »

Anyway, shouldn't Jubilee have the wording "...return this to the Supply..."?
Jubilee is a Kingdom card like Encampment and Experiment, which have this wording, whereas the non-Supply card Horse uses "...return this to its pile." Not really important, but I thought it doesn't hurt to mention it.

That's a good question and I'm not sure I know the current correct answer. Still, I like "to its pile", since it's unambiguous and also covers some hypothetical scenario where Kingdom cards are added as non-Supply piles. I don't currently have any card that does that, but I think I've tested such a card and I'm sure other fan cards do that sort of thing.

I like Tulip Trader and Cart. The draw on Cart is very cool. I don't know if I'd say "per empty pile" instead of "per empty Supply pile" just because it's a distinction that a lot of people might miss and I'm not sure how much extra gameplay it really gets you.

I've experimented quite a bit with Supply and non-Supply cards that are one-shots and I've even designed a few extra Kingdom card piles a la the Bane card of Young Witch. However, I never thought about or came across a Kingdom card that is not part of the Supply. Interesting idea, though maybe a bit confusing. In this case, I would use the wording "to its pile".

Nice that you like my cards. I don't want to spam your thread too much with them, so I just want to briefly mention a few things: One of the important features of Cart is that its pile has a limited number of copies (see my previous post). If a non-Supply pile is empty, it is most likely the Cart pile itself; so players are aware of this when they return their Cart. In addition, players usually don't miss things when it is for their own benefit, at least in my experience.

This is my submition for the contest: [...]

How about naming this Event Indulgence? You could then use this art:

I think giving +1 Buy isn't worth it since the player had to spent $1 four times before, which means that this Event is mostly used with a spare buy and thus additional buys don't seem to be particularly attractive here. Maybe 2 Villagers?
Thank you verry much for your help!
I usualy don't like this type of art but it's far much better that nothing and it fit well with the size of the event.
For the effect, i think the fairest version: with just +2 villager for $1, you usulaly need a +buy  card on the kingdom and, in this case, the card is too much +Buy dependant in my opinion. turning your reamaning coin into villagers seem a much interesting rewerd in that case and still leave you with your original buy.

If there is no card with +Buy available in the Kingdom, you have to use 3 turns to just buy Indulgence to activate it and you cannot buy anything else. Who would do that?

Maybe put the +1 Buy at the beginning and restrict it to "Once per turn" to avoid any misuse. Some spelling (last line): on your Tavern mat.

This is my submition for the contest:

Like save, it's a 1-cost event
Like miser, it's a card that use the Copper onto your tavern mat
(yes, I've put two condition on this)

I'm sorry about the absence of art, I know it's something common here but if someone have a potential illustration or an other name for the card in order to fix it, I take it. (so please don't hesitate to submit something if you have an idea)
I've past the last two day of my creation time to try to find some solution and at this point I won't take the risk to miss the contest..

How about naming this Event Indulgence? You could then use this art:

I think giving +1 Buy isn't worth it since the player had to spent $1 four times before, which means that this Event is mostly used with a spare buy and thus additional buys don't seem to be particularly attractive here. Maybe 2 Villagers?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Some Fan Card Games I've Played
« on: May 29, 2021, 09:48:23 am »

Jubilee: I have a somehow similar card, Tulip Trader. It is exchanged for the non-Supply card Cart, which is a one-shot doing basically the same as Tulip Trader as long as there are no piles empty (note: any piles, not only Supply piles). The Cart pile contains a limited number of copies; currently 6 copies for 2 players +2 copies for each additional player.


Anyway, shouldn't Jubilee have the wording "...return this to the Supply..."?
Jubilee is a Kingdom card like Encampment and Experiment, which have this wording, whereas the non-Supply card Horse uses "...return this to its pile." Not really important, but I thought it doesn't hurt to mention it.

Interesting decision and interesting change. It seems that this is also (more?) related to Snowy Village, i.e. +4 Actions with a drawback.

I would change the wording to "Draw 1 card less at the end of this turn". See The River's Gift and Way of the Squirrel.
That doesn't really work. The new hand of 5 cards isn't drawn "at the end of this turn", it's drawn during the cleanup phase, so if Coffee House said "at the end of this turn", it wouldn't affect the draw for the next hand.

River's Gift and Way of the Squirrel both resolve after you've already drawn the 5 cards for your next hand.

I thought the last phase of a turn is "at the end of the turn", which is identical with "end of Clean-up" and that "during Clean-up" is not the best way to determine the exact time. Well, I stand corrected.

My submission:

Edit 2:

uses Outposts unique "draw less next turn" effect.

Edit 2 context: After discussion on discord, I decided to buff it and and make it a 4$: You should still mostly want one or two, but now this card should be a serious caffeine boost into action hungry engines, in exchange for 1 less card next turn.

Apologies for spamming/ half submitting several cards: My idea was that people would vote out their favorite.

Interesting decision and interesting change. It seems that this is also (more?) related to Snowy Village, i.e. +4 Actions with a drawback.

Edit: According to faust (see below), the following doesn't seem to work in the intended way: I would change the wording to "Draw 1 card less at the end of this turn". See The River's Gift and Way of the Squirrel.

(hopefully I did this right and the image shows up)

Teleport $5

+1 Action. Each player with any cards in hand passes one to the next such player to their left, at once. Then you may trash a card from your hand. If you do, you may gain a card costing up to $2 more than it.

(Uses the "passing cards" mechanic of Masquerade)

Welcome to the Forums!

You have to use the image address. To see how it works, have a look at my reply (clicking "quote"). Also note that I reduced the size of your image.

two card ideas: Not sure what to go with right now. Would appreciate feedback/thoughts.


Unique's: Costs 8 like prince, draws 5 cards like RBS, Can be gained via a victory card gain like duchess
A massive drawer, but while RBS discards coppers and punishes a poorly thinned deck, this one topdecks any revealed Victory cards and topdecks them. One one hand, this is bad and you would like this to not happen. on another, you might want to go for its "gain a province" effect that happens as a "consultation prize" if you happen to kill your next turn with 5 revealed victory cards or more.

Flippant City

Uniques: only card to care about even or Odd number of cards in play (like Idol)
This happened to become quite similar to Dilemma, an earlier WDC card I made. THis one is instead based on timing then on if you have a surplus of actions: Drawing one Flippant city is pointless in itself, but if you manage to get several of them, you can get a massive turn.

Coffee House

'Uniques: UUUUUHHH... Its the only card that makes you draw fewer cards next turn like outpost? Please tell me if this is Illegall for this weeks WDC
Oh hey, a city for 3$! nice! Wait... you draw one less card next turn? that sucks! I guess its like coffee... Energy now, but a crash later!

On most boards you would at most want two or 3 of these: Attack heavy boards like militia or discard cards like it this would be appealing. Obvious synergies with draw to X, Guide, Outpost, And mission.

Instead of giving feedback, I have two questions:

1) Don't you think it is a bit of an overkill to present 3 different cards in a single contest?

It gets a bit frustrating to comment on your cards since you often change them faster than one can think about them. Please don't misunderstand me here. The least thing I want is to discourage you from designing and presenting your cards, but less is sometimes more.

2) With question 1 in mind, I would like to ask you: Which of these is your favourite card and why?


Gourmet - Treasure - $7*
+3 Coffers
+1 buy
You can't buy this if you have Coffers.

Uses Grand Market's you can't buy if you have...

Do I understand it correctly that you can use Coffers for buying Gourmet?

Ok. Fair points. Completely mis-remembered Pageant. Thanks for the feedback.

I still think basic idea of an event that converts unspent coin to coffers is a valid one, but obviously the exchange rate needs to be moved towards making coffers more expensive I will have another think.

What about something like: "When you buy a card this turn costing $4 or more, you may overpay for it..."


My Submission:

Golden Fleece
$6 – Action – Treasure - Night

If it’s your…
Action phase, +$3;
Buy phase, +1 Buy and +$2;
Night phase, +2 Coffers.

Related to Crown (only official Action - Treasure card) and Werewolf (only official Action - Night card).


Here's my submission for this week. Hidden Village is a Shanty Town variant, but the Lost City part only activates if you have the same number of Hidden Villages in hand as your opponent, using a unique card back to check (so no one reveals their hand). This obviously draws inspiration from Stash, the only official card with a different card back (I used the Stash back here, however the actual version of Hidden Village should have a different back to distinguish from Stash). Stash is a funny card where the unique back mechanic is super wacky and different, yet it's attached to a boring, expensive Silver which, aside from the occasional gimmicks, is usually weak and not much fun to play with. Hidden Village is my attempt to mitigate these issues and make a unique backed card that's more useful and interesting. By being an inexpensive village, these will always get picked up, and the card back mechanic is used more explicitly for player interaction. You still get many of the gimmicks (e.g. Mystic), though without the clunky shuffling thing Stash does (i.e. you shuffle these normally).

My biggest question here is cost. It's currently $3 to mirror Shanty Town, however I feel like this could be slightly easier on average to trigger than Shanty Town, so perhaps it should be $4 instead? I'd love feedback!

I like the idea, but isn't there a problem with shuffling? A player could always shuffle until a Hidden Village is on top, if they want one. This is especially critical when shuffling occurs during a turn, e.g. the left player has no such card in hand, let's get one, draw it, play it, +2 Cards, for example after playing Village, Smithy and an empty deck.

Market Town (Action, $5*)

+2 Cards
+2 Actions
You can’t buy this if you have any Market Towns in play.

A Lost City variant that uses the Grand Market buy restriction, a mechanic which I think is underused.

It should be fairly easy to grab at least 2 of them relatively early, probably too easy. Anyway, I would change "buy" to "gain".


Unique like Jester, in that it can junk your opponents with varying cards depending on what they already have in their deck and discard to it. (At least it was the only officical card that can do it. If I am wrong, please tell me.)

I hope this makes for interesting decisions, especially for your opponent(s).

PS: If you play with more than 2 players and think it matters, the order is as follows: The players discard in play order starting with the player to your left, and then you choose whether they gain copies or not.

I am not sure whether the decisions of the opponents will be interesting. Early on I guess, opponents discard Estates or Coppers instead of their precious Action cards. Late in a game they discard Duchies and Provinces. In between depends largely on the trashing abilities provided by the Kingdom. Without trashing, I would try to green early to have something to discard. With good trashing, I would likely precede as usual and discard junk.

What would this make more interesting is when the opponents can draw a card after they discard one. This would encourage them to discard a mediocre card by having the prospective to draw a better one. Victory card with a high VP value would be still an issue I guess, but that could be addressed as well (e.g. they gain a Curse akin to Jester). The - discard then draw a card - mechanic could also mean that a restriction of 5 or more cards in hand is not necessary. One has to evaluate whether it would be too harsh when a second Raven is played or with other hand-size attacks like Militia on board.

I am not exactly sure what makes this card unique with Jester, i.e. Swindler works in a similar way.

I think this is too crazy. I presented Scriptorium in the last round of this contest and although it got a honorable mention, both LastFootnote (the current judge) and 4est (judge of that contest) suggested a simpler version, and at least in the case of 4est, it was because to avoid crazy situations (LastFootnote didn't specify his reason). My wild guess is that Scriptorium causes such crazy situations in less than 10% of the cases. Your Preacher is basically prone to such situations almost every time, or alternatively, causes the game to stall. This could be maybe rescued in some way, but the combination with optional trashing seems to be way too much.

Difference being, it only ever works on one card. No matter how many Preachers you have played in one turn. They'll all Preach for one card. In most case, actually, this is fine and easily resolvable. However, there is the King's Court case and well. If King's Court's got some form of "counter", uh, it won't make me sympathetic for it.  :D

Okay, but why do you combine this with a double-optional trashing?


Started pretty simple, then realized it needed some fluff. "Non-Duration", "On their turn", etc.

Still. Go on. Play your Militia. Do it. I'm eagerly waiting  :) . Something as naïve as playing a Village is helpful. Gives you a hand of 6 cards. Then trashing a card from your hand on your next turn becomes even more appealing. Imagine your opponent playing a King's Court first on their turn, lol. Their turn? Your turn now.

I think this is too crazy. I presented Scriptorium in the last round of this contest and although it got a honorable mention, both LastFootnote (the current judge) and 4est (judge of that contest) suggested a simpler version, and at least in the case of 4est, it was because to avoid crazy situations (LastFootnote didn't specify his reason). My wild guess is that Scriptorium causes such crazy situations in less than 10% of the cases. Your Preacher is basically prone to such situations almost every time, or alternatively, causes the game to stall. This could be maybe rescued in some way, but the combination with optional trashing seems to be way too much.


My Submission:

$4 – Action - Duration

     Either now or at the start     
 of your next turn: Look
 through your discard pile.
 You may play an Action
 card from it.

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” - Proverb

It's a verry cool reference ^^
Since it's a sort of super-cantrip, maybe it should cost $3 no?
$4 seem a litle bit expensive for this effect, especialy if you compare it to Throne Room (witch also "copy" an action card).

I agree that this is a $3. Sure, later in the game it is better than Sage but unlike Sage, you cannot open with this to sift and cycle.

I've spent (and still do) way more time on thinking about the cost of the card than about its ability. What "scared" me was the ability to relatively often play a powerful terminal drawer at the start of the next turn, like Smithy or Witch (which could have been gained just in the current turn). Aside of games where the whole deck is drawn, Overlook should be quite reliable to pick a good card from the discard. It has of course the drawback of being a Duration if the ability is used for the next turn. On the other hand, I don't see a big difference of (strong) $3 and (weak) $4 cost cards and I guess that Overlook would be frequently bought at $4 anyway.

Are you still convinced that $3 is the better cost?
I don’t think that this scenario is very scary. Cargo Ship does the same with 2 Coins instead of an implicit Action.

Also, there is frequently no discard pile (or if there is one, there is often more junk in it due to junking and sifting). When I first saw Settlers I thought that this absolutely has to be a $3. Then I played some games and realized how often there is no discard pile when you play Settlers.
Then there is Harbinger, definitely an overpriced card that also looked decent the first time you saw it and sucked when you first used it (in Kingdoms without Vassal).

Sure, you neatly hedged against that risk via making it a Duration but Durations have their own weaknesses.

At the end of the day, the delta between $3 and $4 is fairly irrelevant. You buy that Mining Village for $4 even if you never blow it up. But a cantrip that digs for an Action in the discard pile seems to me to be a clear $3. It is nice but doesn’t do any essential work like splitting, drawing or sifting. Sure, it increases consistency to some degree but Scheme is probably easier to use in this respect.

Thank you for the thorough analysis of Overlook. I am really impressed and I'll change its cost to $3.

If that was the case I'd need to allow victory cards, I think.  It feels really weak if you have to choose between gaining horses or playing your expensive card.

It wouldn't be terrible, IMO.  As-is, Farrier could be pretty weak early in the game if you only have Coppers and Estates in hand.  You would open up the possibility of it gaining a bunch of Horses with Provinces or Colonies, but is it that much worse than being able to reveal a Gold or a Platinum?

I like your idea of discarding cards for gaining Horses and including Victory cards sounds like a bad idea to me, which makes it less interesting. As far as I see it, the main targets would be Silvers and Horses, and occasionally higher cost Action cards when there is no +Action left. Your suggestions would keep most craziness at bay. It somehow reminds me of Scrap. I like it.

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