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Other Games / Winter Kingdom
« on: March 26, 2020, 06:01:41 am »
I am very surprised to discover Winter Kingdom, a Kingdom Builder spin-off on Kickstarter here.

Although I prefer Dominion, other Donald X games like Kingdom Builder or Temporum are pretty decent as well. I will definitely observe that project.

I am proud to announce my first board game Maji, an abstract strategy game for 2 players.

The drought period is approaching and the water sources are rare. Find waterholes and collect adobe bricks to build a new well for the village community, before your opponent does. But keep an eye on the wild buffaloes, which are known to destroy human structures with their mighty horns.

The current prototype is shown below:

Maji is published by Spieltrieb and will be released on October 24 this year. Check out booth 2C-148 at the Internationale Spieltage SPIEL 2019 in Essen, Germany!


ASS Altenburger has just revealed the new promo Schwerin Cathedral on their Facebook page, as a hommage for the winning state of the German Dominion contest season 2018, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It's a cost $3 Duration card. It will be first available at the Internationale Spieletage 2019 in Essen.

Variants and Fan Cards / Character cards
« on: February 25, 2018, 07:41:33 am »
Inspired by the game Citadels I have an idea to add Character cards to Dominion. In each round a selection of character cards is drawn and each player chooses one in a drafting (similar to 7 Wonders) and sets it face down. After all cards are distributed, the cards are called in ascending priority and the player who has that Character card, does their turn. Calling a Character means, that it is turned face up and the effect starts. In 2P games, 5 Character cards are drawn and each player gains two characters. Otherwise, one Character card more than players is drawn and each player gains one Character.

The character cards give an additional benefit and determine the turn order and character selection order of the next round. A round means that every player had their turn (inclusively additional turns by cards like Outpost, Possession and Mission). The character with lowest priority begins the round. In the first round, the character cards are distributed by random. After each round the characters are shuffled and the drafting starts with the player who had the lowest priority card in the last round.

Here are some example cards (untested yet):

Priority: 1
No additional effect

Priority: 2
Attack cards do not affect you.
Clarification: This does not protect against Attack cards of the Character with the number 1, because the Queen is still face down during that player's turn.

Priority: 3
Name a Character. When this Character is called during this round, it has no ability. Whenever you gain a Curse, you may trash it.

Priority: 4
When the Character with the number 1 is in play, gain a Gold.

Priority: 5
Each player gains a Copper for each uncalled Character card they have.

Cloth Merchant
Priority: 6
+1 Buy

Priority: 7
+1 Card

Priority: 8
+1 Action

Salt Merchant
Priority: 9
+1 Buy

Priority: 10
You may trash a card from your hand.

Priority: 11
+1 Buy
Action and Treasure cards cost 1 less during your turn, but never less than $1.

Priority: 12
When you play an Action card for the first time during your turn, you may discard 1 card. If you do, replay the Action card.

Priority: 13
Whenever you gain a card, you may put it on top of your deck or exchange it for a Silver.

Priority: 14
Whenever you gain a Treasure card, gain a copy of that card.

Priority: 15
At the start of your turn, pick a Character which has already been called and copy its abilities.

Priority: 16
+1 VP

What do you think about this idea?

Variants and Fan Cards / Variant: Anti trash-loop rule
« on: January 26, 2018, 07:06:27 pm »
We all know, that cards like Lurker, Graverobber and Rogue allow endless loops in tandem with Bonfire/Donate and King’s Court. The following idea is a way to make those loops impossible:

Instead of directly moving trashed cards to the trash pile, they are set aside and first moved to the trash at end of turn, after resolving all extra turns of Possession, Outpost and Mission. What do you think about this?

Puzzles and Challenges / Stalemate
« on: January 09, 2018, 04:46:26 pm »
Can you find a two player situation where no player can buy, play or call any card without losing the game? Hint: Wall and Embargo are important cards here.

This is similar to the card mentioned in the thread „Night village: Candle“, but has another flavor.

I recently had the idea of a card which allows you playing an Action in the Night phase to allow nasty things like playing a Library after a Monastery, a Vassal after a Night Watchman or a Workshop after a Devil’s Workshop.

Sleepy Village
Types: Action/Reserve
Cost: 4

+1 Card
+1 Action

Put this on your Tavern Mat.

In your Night phase, you may call this to play an Action card from your hand.

What do you think about this?

Variants and Fan Cards / New types of action
« on: November 24, 2017, 04:15:11 pm »
Yesterday night I had an idea for two new types of (Action) cards.

Action – Instant cards can even be played when you have no remaining actions. But they still consume an action, if you do have actions left!

In contrast to this, there is another a special type of cards, of which you can only play one per turn: Supporter. If you are forced to play a Supporter a second time because to effects like Vassal, Golem, Throne Room or similar, it does nothing, but is treated like it was played and thus counts for Conspirator, Peddler and friends.

What do you think about this? Here are some ideas:

Types: Action – Victory – Instant
Cost: $3
+2 Actions

1 VP

Types: Action – Instant
Cost: $4
Look at the top two cards of your deck. Put one of the revealed cards into your hand. Discard the other card.
+1 Buy

Types: Action – Reaction – Instant
Cost: $2
+1 Card

When you gain a card, you may discard this from your hand to gain a card costing exactly 1 more instead.

Types: Action – Instant – Attack
Cost: $5
+1 Card
Each other player gains a Copper

Steam Engine
Types: Action – Supporter
Cost: $6
If this is not the first time you have played a Supporter this turn, this card has no effect.
+3 Cards
+1 Action

Types: Treasure – Supporter
Cost: $6
If this is not the first time you have played a Supporter this turn, this card is worth $0 (value, not cost) and has no effect.
When you play this, each player (including you) may trash a Copper from their hand.

Types: Action – Supporter
Cost: $6
If this is not the first time you have played a Supporter this turn, this card has no effect.
+5 Cards
Discard 1 card from your hand.

Types: Action – Supporter – Instant
Cost: $5
If this is not the first time you have played a Supporter this turn, this card has no effect.
Play this, as if it were an Action card you have in play. This is that card until it leaves play.

Variants and Fan Cards / A traveller line based on discarding
« on: October 31, 2017, 11:05:08 am »
This is a small traveller line, which uses discard mechanics. I am open for feedback.

Variants and Fan Cards / Heirlooms - Speculation by King Leon
« on: September 19, 2017, 07:23:30 pm »
We all know that Dominion: Nocturne will be previewed soon and it will contain Heirlooms which replace starting Coppers. I actually tried to make a small fan set and it actually worked really well. These seven cards designed to work in different starting hand splits and try to avoid that start player effect gets any advantage.

Each player gets one of these cards which replace their starting Coppers:

Old Coin – Treasure/Heirloom/Reaction
When you play this, and you have not more than one Action card in play, it’s worth $2.
(This card’s name is always treated as Copper.)
(This is not in the supply.)

Pledge – Treasure/Heirloom
Worth $1
When you play this, you may trash this. If you do: Gain a Silver.
(This card’s name is always treated as Copper.)
(This is not in the supply.)

Stamp – Action/Heirloom
Choose 1:
+1 Action or +$1
(This is not in the supply.)

Letter - Action/Heirloom
When you put this card into your discard pile at the start of Clean-up, you may put this onto your deck.
(This is not in the supply.)

Broom – Action/Heirloom
You may trash a card from your hand. If you do: +$1
(This is not in the supply.)

Promissory – Treasure/Curse/Heirloom
Worth $2
-2 VP
(This card’s name is always treated as Copper.)
(This is not in the supply.)

Painting – Treasure/Victory/Reaction/Heirloom
2 VP
When a card is trashed you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, return this to the box and gain a Copper into your hand.
(This card’s name is always treated as Copper.)
(This is not in the supply.)


Variants and Fan Cards / Bribe - a new Embargo variant
« on: November 11, 2016, 07:25:23 am »
Cost: <4>
Types: Treasure/Curse

When you play this, put this on top of a non-empty Supply pile.
-1 VP

This card is an interesting variant of Embargo with a unique type combination. We tested it in three rounds and think this is a very original card. What do you think about it?

Rules Questions / Overlord + Crown + Black Market + Mint/Mandarin
« on: September 18, 2016, 03:01:11 am »
Assuming I Overlord a Crown to crown a Black Market and buy a Mint or a Mandarin. Is Black Market still played a second time although Overlord has left play and is no Crown anymore?

Variants and Fan Cards / Monarch cards
« on: August 21, 2016, 09:29:26 am »
This idea comes from the game Blue Moon and the Yu-Gi-Oh anime where it is called or Leadership card respectively Deck Master.

To avoid mirror matches and make different lesser used strategies more interesting each player gets a randomized Monarch card which is unique and has different abilities. The Monarchs should be balanced, so that everyone has the same chances of winning.


Lady Valerie
Duchies cost $1 less in your turns (but never less than $0)

Lord Donald
On setup: You may replace one Copper in your deck with a Silver. If you do, turn this card face-down.
At the end of the game: If this card is face-up: 2 VP

Lord Matthew
When you buy a card costing $4 or more: +1 Buy

Lord David
At the end of the game: 3 VP

Lord Wei-Hwa
Once per game: You may call this in your Buy phase. If you do: + $1, + 1 Buy, turn this card face-down.
At the end of the game: If this card is face-up: 2 VP

Lord Miikka
Once per game. After you have played an Action card, you may call this. If you do: Play that Action card a second time, then trash it, turn this card face-down.
At the end of the game: If this card is face-up: 2 VP

Puzzles and Challenges / 3p - The disappearing attack
« on: May 21, 2016, 04:25:29 pm »
This is an easy one.

3p game: Alice, Bob, Carol

Alice plays an attack card.
Bob and Carol would be affected by Alice's attack card.
Bob plays a non-attack card.
Bob is affected by Alice's attack card.
Something happens.
Carol is not affected by Alice's attack anymore.

Bob did NOT play one of the following cards: Council Room, Duchess, Governor, Masquerade

Rules Questions / Scavenger and empty discard pile
« on: May 21, 2016, 03:20:01 pm »
Given that my discard pile is empty, I play a Scavenger and don't choose to put my deck into the discard pile. Does Scavenger touch the top card of my deck or is the top card of my deck considered to be untouched in the meaning of the Lose Track rule?

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion Progression
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:28:27 pm »
Hi there, I started my first full fan expansion set, Dominion Progression. I am looking forward to your feedback. This set includes a new Treasure card and adds a lot of new ideas for existing mechanics. But wait and see.

The first cards have already been finished. Your Thoughts?

Treasure - Reserve - $4
When you play this, put this on your Tavern mat.
At the start of your buy phase (not in the same buy phase you played this), you may call this, for +$2.
Ore is no Kingdom card. When there is at least 1 card with the subtype "Mining" (Mining Village does not count!) in the Kingdom, this is added as an additional Base Supply pile like Potion. There are 24 Ores in the game. 

Action - Mining - $4*
+1 Action

Choose one:
+$1 +1 Action;
or +2 Cards and put 1 card from your hand on top of your deck.
During your buy phase, this card costs $1 less for each Ore on your Tavern mat, but never less than $0.

Action - Mining $2
Trash this and another card from your hand. If you do: Gain 1 Ore and put in on your Tavern mat.

Melting Shop
Action - Mining - $3
+1 Buy
During this turn, when you call an Ore from your Tavern mat, you first get +$1.

Digger Camp
Action - $4
+2 Actions
Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Put the revealed Treasure cards into your hand. Put the other cards back on top in any order.

Double-card pile (5 Monks and 5 Sanctuaries)

Action - $3
+1 Action
You may trash a card from your hand. If it is a Treasury card: +$2

Action - Victory - Reaction - $4
+1 Card
+1 Action
2 VP
When one of your Treasure cards is trashed, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, you may put that Treasure card on your Tavern mat or the top of your deck instead.

Stock Certificate
Victory - Mining - $7

4 VP
During your buy phase, this card costs $1 less for each Ore on your Tavern mat, but never less than $0.

Reaction - <8>

When you draw this, you may reveal it. If you do: exchange it for a card costing up to 6. Put that card into your hand.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion - Party edition
« on: May 16, 2016, 05:37:34 am »
Hi there,

yesterday we had an idea to turn Dominion into a drinking game and it worked - uhm - well.

Here is our kingdom:
Tunnel (Bane Card)
Walled Village
Young Witch

We added the following rules:
Tunnel's last sentence is changed to: If you do, gain a gold and take a shot.
Woodcutter gets a Reaction part: When another player gains a Victory card, you may set Woodcutter aside. If you do, that player takes a shot. At the begin of the next turn, return Woodcutter to your hand.
You are required to drink a shot in order to return Walled Village to the top of your deck.
If another player decides to trash a card when you play Bishop, he has to drink.
Curse is now Curse/Action. The Action part is: Drink a shot. If you do, return this to the Curse pile.

Much fun and enjoy!

Braggert (Action – Attack – Looter – $4)
+1 Card
+1 Action
Each other player discards the top card of his deck.
Gain a card costing up to $3; put it in your hand.
Each other player gains a card from the same pile, putting it on top of his deck.

Which cards would you gain from Braggert?
This is obviously a Peddler variant with a soft Sea Witch effect. Nothing special, but mostly a safe choice.

A mix of Familiar and Sea Hag. You need Trasher support, otherwise you gain a Curse. Bad choice, especially in 2P games, because the Curse pile is empty after 5 plays of this card.

Its like a cross between Copper and Curse and heavily depends on the cards in the Ruins pile.

Silver, Woodcutter
Be careful. This may be very interesting, but could also support the other players.

Terminal Silver
Be careful with this. While you Woodcutter actually can . Remind, that Braggert gives you +1 Action. This makes Woodcutter . Embargo is also a great choice, because they mostly harm your opponent, while you norm

Very obviously. Quick emptying the Estate pile and messing your opponents' next turn up.

Chancellor, Duchess
An interesting one. Being similar to Silver/Woodcutter, but also cluttering your deck, if you have no Village support.

Lighthouse, Haven, Fools Gold, Sage, Trade Route, Chapel, Village, Wishing Well ...
Just never do this.

Rules Questions / Overpay 0
« on: April 02, 2016, 09:00:18 pm »
Can be closed. I looked into the rules.

Hi there,

I have a small question: Is it possible to overpay 0? Let us say, I play a Princess and buy a Stonemason, overpay it for 0 and gain two Moats (which cost 0)? Thank you in advance.

Best regards

King Leon

Puzzles and Challenges / Max amount of $ in Treasury-card-only deck.
« on: March 28, 2016, 05:23:41 am »
Assuming Philosopher's Stone is neither in the Kingdom nor in the Black Market pile. What is the maximum amount of $ I can play in one turn, when my deck contains only Treasury cards and I start my turn with 5 Treasury cards in my hand?

Variants and Fan Cards / New idea: Secondary deck
« on: March 06, 2016, 07:39:01 am »
Recently I thought of the idea of a secondary deck next to your actual deck. What do you think about this?

I called it the Politics deck. At the begin of your turn (except your very first turn per game), you play the top card of your Politics deck. You can never draw cards from the Politics deck and it has its own discard pile. If the Politics deck is empty and you are required to reveal or draw a card, it is shuffled like your regular deck you just flip the discard pile over.

The Politics deck starts with the following cards:
Type: Politics
Cost: $0
You may discard 2 cards from your hand. If you do: + 1$

Type: Politics
Cost: $0
As long there are no cards in your deck, all Action cards cost $1 less. (This gives Chancellor a small buff.)

New Year Trade Fair
Type: Politics
Cost: $0
+ 1 Buy
You may immediately put your Politics deck into your Politics discard pile.

The next cards are Kingdom cards and when you gain them, you put them on your Politics discard pile:

Type: Politics
Cost:  $0$2
You may gain 1 Copper and put it into your hand.

The next cards are Kingdom cards and when you gain them, you put them on your Politics discard pile:

Type: Politics
Cost: $2
You may discard 1 card from your hand.
If you do: + 1 Card
You may discard 1 card from your hand.
If you do: + 1$

Type: Politics
Cost: $3
Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Put the revealed Victory, Curse and Shelter cards into your hand. Put the other cards on top of your deck in any order.

Type: Politics
Cost: $3
+ 1 Buy
Treasury cards cost 1 less in this turn.

Type: Politics
Cost: $2$4
+ 1$
Trash this or a card from your hand.

Type: Politics
Cost: $3
Reveal the top 2 cards of your Politics deck. Discard 1 of them. Play the other card.

Type: Politics
Cost: $4
+ 1 Card. Each player (including you) may discard 1 card and if he does, draw 1 card.

Type: Politics
Cost: $5
You may trash 1 card from your hand which is not a Treasury card. If you do: + $3 and + 1 Buy.

Demonic Pact
Type: Politics
Cost: $4
+ 1 Card
Discard 1 card from your hand. If it is a Curse, gain 1 card costing up to $6. Otherwise, gain 1 Curse.

Type: Politics / Attack
Cost: $4
You may discard 1 Treasury card. If you do: + 1 Card + 1 Action.
Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a Treasury or Action card (or reveals a hand without any Treasury or Action cards).

Type: Politics / Victory
1 VP for each 3 cards in your Politics deck (round down)+1 VP

Type: Politics
Cost: $3$4
While this is in play, when you buy a card, you may reveal the top card of your deck. If you do, discard it and gain a Silver and put it on top of your deck.

Solo Challenges / Solo game: Trash your last card in turn three
« on: January 14, 2016, 01:10:30 pm »
  • Solo game
  • No Shelters
  • With Events
  • All expansions and promos
  • You must not buy or gain one of the following cards: Band of Misfits, Doctor, Bonfire, Trade
  • You may gain up to three different kingdom cards
  • You may buy up to two different Events.

Begin turn 4 with no cards in your hand, deck, discard pile, your Tavern or Island mat and no Duration cards in play.

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