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This is probably a question for Donald:

So I know isotropic will be taken offline after the official online version is released, but what about other websites such as boardgamearena and BSW? Will they be allowed to continue?

My website ( gets very little traffic, so I doubt it would have much of an impact on the official version, but I was wondering if I limited the cards on my website to just the base set, plus fan-made cards would it then be okay to keep my website up after the release?

There are other fan-made cards that I think would be fun to implement, but I don't want to waste the effort if you are planning on asking me to close down my website after the official release.

If not, it was still fun to implement the website (thanks for making a game that was worth the effort).

Variants and Fan Cards / Leaders - fan expansion (already play tested)
« on: September 14, 2011, 06:44:47 pm »
I really like the idea of fan made expansions, however the problem is that it is usually a lot of work to add an expansion to your existing cards. So I thought it would be cool to create an expansion that is easy to add. All the cards in this expansion are not part of the supply, and are never shuffled with any other cards, which means you can create these cards using something you have around the house (for example 3x5 cards). I got the idea for this expansion after playing the Leaders expansion for 7 Wonders.

You can also try out this expansion online at

You can also play from your mobile phone from the same website (I would recommend using a wireless connection if you don't have unlimited data, or if you have a slow data connection).

Rules: Leader cards are not part of the supply, and are never considered to be in play. Anytime after the beginning of your 3rd turn, you may active a leader by buying them during the buy phase. When you activate the leader turn the leader card face-up. Each leader can only be activated once.

Setup: Randomly choose 7 of the Leader cards and give each player one of each. Each player then secretly chooses 3 of them and puts them face down on the table. The remaining leaders are set aside and are not used.

Leaders: cost in ()
Xenophon(0) - When this leader is activated, +2 Coins, +1 Buy.
Aristotle(4) - 1VP; At the start of your next two turns (following the turn this leader was activated) +1 Card.
Plato(0) - When this leader is activated, you may trash up to 2 cards from your hand.
Midas(5) - Worth 1 VP for every 4 Treasure cards (rounded down).
Hypatia(6) - Worth 1 VP for every 2 Victory cards (rounded down).
Pericles(6) - Worth 1 VP for every 2 Action cards (rounded down).
Bilkis(5) - 1 VP; When this leader is activated, gain any card from the supply costing 6 or less and put it on top of your deck.
Maecenas(4) - 1 VP; Activate any remaining leaders for 3 less coins than their normal cost.
Varro(5) - Worth 2 VP for each leader played after this one.
Justinian(6) - Worth 1 VP for every set of Treasure/Victory/Action.
Sappho(4) - 2 VP
Zenobia(5) - 3 VP
Nefertiti(6) - 4 VP
Cleopatra(7) - 5 VP
Tomyris(5) - 1 VP; When this leader is activated, all other players gain a curse.
Solomon(6) - Worth 100 VP divided by the number of cards you have at the end of the game (rounded down) (max 10 VP).
Hatshepsut(4) - Worth 6 VP if you have no Gold cards at the end of the game.
Leonidas(4) - 1 VP; At the start of your next two turns (following the turn this leader was activated) +1 Buy. During the buy phase of these turns, action cards cost two coins less, but not less than 0 coins.
Imhotep(4) - 1 VP; At the start of your next two turns (following the turn this leader was activated) +1 Buy. During the buy phase of these turns, treasure cards cost two coins less, but not less than 0 coins.
Archimedes(4) - 1 VP; At the start of your next two turns (following the turn this leader was activated) +1 Buy. During the buy phase of these turns, victory cards cost two coins less, but not less than 0 coins.

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