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OK...thanks - I had not thought of that!  It makes sense because you would have revealed information about the Hex that could impact your decision about whether to use the Tracker to top deck the card.
To me, it makes more sense if you think in these terms:

When two things happen to you at once, you pick the order. But having chosen one you must do it completely before doing any part of the other. You can't choose to start one, pause, do the other then go back and finish the first.

Thanks crj!  That is very concise and easy to remember - and to explain it to other players.  I have played so much Dominion that I should have recalled that, and it sounds pretty close to what Donald originally wrote.

So now I completely understand the way to play multiple effects, and their possible order! ; )

I was though still having a bit of trouble understanding the flow of play with Hexes that invoked the Lose Track rule, so I went back online and played quite a few games buying Cursed Villages with a Tracker in play, where I would always choose to receive the Hex first rather than the top deck option.  At first I was a little confused that the same Hex (e.g. War) might sometimes allow the top decking afterwards, while other times it would lose track either because the Blessed Village was "covered up", or "moved".  But as I carefully watched the deck and discard pile I realized that online play does something for us which we sometimes tend to skip over in play on the table.  In online play, the gained card always goes first into the discard pile (unless otherwise stated on the card), and then Tracker expects to find it there on top of the discard pile if you choose to select the top deck option.  On the table I'm afraid we had gotten sloppy and were often skipping that gain-to-the-discard-pile step, and were simply gaining the card directly to the top of our deck when Tracker was in play.  Mostly that works because you don't have a 2nd effect happening at the same time, but in cases like Blessed Village it can cause real confusion.  I know you know this - just sharing my thoughts with any other players who might struggle with this.

So in addition to your advice that you can choose the order of multiple effects happening at the same time, but have to completely resolve one effect before moving on to the next, I would add that for IRL games it is essential to remember that gained cards always go first to the discard pile unless otherwise stated - to avoid confusion with cards like Blessed Village.  Thx again for setting me on the right course to sorting this out.  Among my friends and family I'm the Dominion authority, and need to be able to explain rules like this clearly and concisely, so I appreciate the help!

Note that if you gain a Cursed Village and reveal the Hex, you can't choose to do something else before the Hex resolves. You have to make the decision before flipping the Hex.

OK...thanks - I had not thought of that!  It makes sense because you would have revealed information about the Hex that could impact your decision about whether to use the Tracker to top deck the card.  I played a few test games online to see how Tracker/Cursed Village was handled, and it basically seemed like I could choose either to top deck first, or to receive the Hex first.  If I chose to receive the Hex first, I was afterwards still able to top deck the card for all the Hexes I tested except for War and Locusts which need to reveal card(s) from the top of the deck and therefore apparently invoked the Lose Track rule where the Cursed Village had already been "moved" (presumably to the discard pile) and therefore could not be top decked.  So the decision you have to make is not whether to top deck, but whether to first top deck Blessed Village and then receive the Hex, or to first receive the Hex and then take your chance that you may not be able to top deck afterwards if you hit a Hex that would cause the Blessed Village to be lost track of...whew...looking forward to explaining that reasoning to casual game player friends ; )  I assume similar situations might occur with Blessed Village and Boons that force drawing or revealing cards...but I'll think about that later...

I think I found the answer I was expecting.  In an earlier thread Donald X. replied:

"When two things happen to you at once, you pick the order. When two things happen to different players at once, they go in turn order. That's the basic rule."

The general rule is that if two or more things are happening at the same time, you get to pick what order they go in.

It's possible that these things aren't happening at exactly the same time so the above rule wouldn't apply.

Thanks for reply.  I was thinking that it was the player's choice if multiple effects are occurring, but couldn't seem to find it in writing easily...I think I have seen it before.  Was hoping to get confirmation that for this specific situation the choice option applies...

OK, so my wife and I have been playing a lot of Nocturne IRL on the table.  We've been working through a lot of questions, and figuring out how to track actions with Conclave and such, and generally working it out.  But...finally we stumbled on a question I don't know the answer for, and could not find it in the forum.  So...this is the first question I have needed to post:

What is the proper sequence of when the Locusts Hex would take effect when you gain a Cursed Village with Tracker in play, and you would like to top deck the Cursed Village with Tracker.  Here was the situation...

It is Night phase.
You have a Tracker in play from the Action phase.
You play a Vampire.
You gain a Cursed Village.
You reveal the Locusts Hex.

You would like to top deck the Cursed Village, but not if it is going to be trashed by the Locusts.
Which effect happens first?  Does the Locusts Hex first trash the current card on top of the deck before the Cursed Village is placed there?...OR...Does the Tracker effect first place the Cursed Village on top of the deck to be trashed by the Locusts?  Do you have a choice of the sequence?

Maybe we've been playing too long and Nocturne is frying my brain, but I'm stumped on this one.  There is probably a generic answer somewhere that has to do with how to resolve the sequence of multiple effects, but I can't seem to sort this one out...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Right way to play when you can’t win?
« on: February 11, 2018, 03:13:53 pm »
If you can play for second or third place, imo you should do so once it is impossible to get first.

It is of course a choice based on the group of people and their preferences, but in our case I absolutely agree with Chris' advice.  I'm the most experienced player in our groups, and I win a large percentage of games, but 4 player games throws a lot of volatility into the mix.  What I see is that sometimes one person has a commanding lead, but continuing to play for 2nd or 3rd place is a great learning opportunity (especially for less experienced players).  I might slip in a little coaching when that happens, and they are often surprised and happy that they can go from dead last to not far from winning.  Instead of feeling bad about losing the game, they end up wanting to play the same set again knowing that they could have done better adopting a different strategy earlier.  If I'm not in the running I really enjoy trying out unusual strategies to see what they can do.  Also, in our group (in any game we play), we long ago made the decision to avoid being a kingmaker whenever possible.  When you play 4 player with two couples, using the kingmaker option to make your partner win just leaves a bitter aftertaste for the other couple...not a good precedent if you want to keep playing together...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Favorite Expansions in 2018
« on: February 01, 2018, 08:48:47 pm »
Here are my favorites.  Not necessarily in order of power, but just how much enjoyment I find in each set.  To me, how fun the set is comes largely from the amount of variety they bring to the table, and how many different approaches you have to playing the game.  So this list is just my personal preference.  I recently had a friend I play with ask me what should be the next expansion to buy after he has Base and Seaside, and I had to explain that it depends on how much depth and complexity you are looking for - versus something just fun and easy to teach to other new players.

1.  Adventures  This was a close call between Adventures and Empires, but for me, Adventures gets the nod for all the new mechanics it brought to the game.  Events are great, and overall, the Adventures Events are much stronger than the Empires Events.  The Travelers, and all the various ways to modify kingdom cards with tokens just adds so much variety.  And bringing back duration cards with some really strong ones was just a nice bonus.

2.  Empires  When I first played Empires, I was afraid it might be too much, and that Donald had finally jumped the shark.  But the more I played it (both in real life and online), I really began to like the whole set, and it has grown on me immensely.  With all the nifty mechanics and options, I doubted that some of my friends and family would get into it for a casual fun game night, but to my surprise they all seem to really love it once they began to understand the options.  I simply love most of the Landmarks - to me they are even a bigger change to the game than Duration cards or Events because they alter the basic scoring rules for each game.  Some people may not like that, but I think it was a stroke of genius.  Most of the events are fairly weak, but as we know a couple of them are awesomely powerful.  Victory points are far more fun in Empires than they are in Prosperity because of the large variety of ways you can gain them, and it makes for much more thoughtful and tactical games.

3.  Nocturne  So far I don't see it as strong as the top 2, but the huge variety of new mechanics and card types is just plain fun.  It is the only physical set I do not own yet, so I have yet to see whether more casual players will enjoy it, but I think they will like all the themes.  The night cards are really interesting.  Some of the spirits haven't grabbed me as much, but overall I really enjoy seeing Nocturne cards pop up in random games.

4.  Dark Ages  This is a set I often recommend as maybe the 3rd set to buy.  Part of the reason is just that you get more bang for the buck with so many different kingdom cards.  Also, Dark Ages focus on trashing is a great way to teach newer players the value of trashing those coppers and estates.  One of our friends had a real problem trashing coppers, but after I made her play a few games with Dark Ages, the light bulb turned on.  Shelters aren't as fun as Heirlooms, but were still a nice change to the basic estates, and Ruins were a good alternative to Curses.  Just a lot of great cards in this set, and huge variety for one box.

5.  Seaside  Ranking favorites after the top 4 gets a little difficult, but I'm going to go with Seaside for the impact of the Duration cards.  To me Duration cards were the first really big game changing mechanic, and those Fishing Village, Wharf, Tactician and Outpost cards are still fun to play today even with all of the recent mechanics and complexity.

6.  Hinterlands  So part of me wants to rank Prosperity next, but last year we visited family who had just bought their first 2 expansions.  Based on Amazon reviews they purchased Prosperity and Hinterlands.  In spite of the really powerful cards in Prosperity, they often found the kingdoms just had too many treasure cards, and not enough options in how to play the game, so they preferred Hinterlands.  It made me rethink the 2 sets.  I have always liked Hinterlands with the Border Village, Haggler, Highway, Stables, and other sifting cards, but at home it didn't make it to the table as often.  But overall, I think it is just a slight bit more fun than the average Prosperity game...tough call since the best Prosperity games with KC, Goons, Grand Market etc. can be simply awesome, and I don't have an issue with people placing Prosperity higher on the list.

7.  Prosperity  I think I said most of it in the last comments.  A great set, and one of the first 3 or 4 expansions I would recommend for new players.  The great cards in the set still play great with all of the new sets.

8.  Cornucopia  OK, maybe I'm letting my wife influence me here since this is her favorite set.  We have played a HUGE number of IRL games with Cornucopia cards.  I know it can get swingy, and I personally think Tournament is overrated since it is often a dead card after opponents purchase Provinces...but you have to admit, the Prizes are just fun!  Hunting Party and Horn of Plenty are not only fun but just incredibly powerful.  If this was a full sized set I would probably rank it above Dark Ages, but the small sets don't offer much variety unless you mix them with other sets (which of course is the way to go).

9.  Base  We had really stopped playing the base entirely unless we were introducing Dominion to new players.  The new cards really did perk the set up a lot (although I do miss the loss of a buy that disappeared with Woodcutter).  Overall though, this is the fundamental set of prototype cards that you need to have if you want to get people into Dominion, and some of them are still fun.  I still love the original Village, Smithy, Witch cards that were just simple and straight forward.  And it makes a good combo with one of the newer sets if you want to tone down the overall complexity of the game.

10.  Alchemy  I'm sure I'm bucking the trend here, but I have never hated Alchemy, and it contains some really powerful and fun cards.  Scrying Pool is awesome, but as someone else said it can really slow down the game.  I personally like Alchemist a lot as a core engine card if the game is not too fast and you have time to acquire them.  University is great only if you have 5 cost cards from other sets to acquire.  And Vineyards can at times produce some really scary scores.  Overall one of the strongest engine expansions.  Like all the small sets it suffers from not having enough variety unless played with other sets, and if only some of the cards are potion cards you really have to consider whether the cost is worth it.  I do sort of wish there were a few more potion cards...maybe a promo some day?

11.  Intrigue  The new cards were a big help for Intrigue, but somehow this set has just never grabbed me as much as the others.  Sure I like Bridge and Nobles, and Lurker and Replace were very interesting additions, but overall we just rarely ever reach for this set at home.

12.  Guilds  If it were a larger set I probably would rank it above Intrigue.  I enjoy the coin token cards, and Stone Mason can certainly be fun (or even a massive Advisor engine), but it just is another set that rarely gets played much in our house.  Not bad, but there are just other expansions that are much more fun.

13.  Promos  Not sure these even belong in a ranking of expansions, but I guess I would have to place them last.  But among them are Governor which is one of my all time favorite cards, and Sauna/Avanto which is quickly becoming a household favorite for IRL games, and of course Black Market which is another major game changer.  I own all the promo cards, and other than these 3 we rarely play the others...and I often forget to include some in games.  I do enjoy online games which include them though.  Not a big fan of Envoy, although it certainly can be powerful.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Dominion Cards 2017 Edition: Hexes
« on: January 26, 2018, 10:08:55 pm »
I have added the 2017 Hexes results to the Wiki in the List of Cards by Qvist Rankings site.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Dominion Cards 2017 Edition: Boons
« on: January 26, 2018, 09:56:53 pm »
I have added the 2017 Boons results to the Wiki site for List of Cards by Qvist Rankings.

OK, I went ahead and added the 2017 results for Landmarks to the List of Cards by Qvist Rankings site in the Wiki, and added a link to this thread for the 2017 results.  I dropped "Ed." in the column headings because we are not doing more than one poll a year now, and it seems to be enough to just say 2016 and 2017 and save the column width for future years.  I double checked the Wiki site with this page, but it never hurts to have someone else review it, so let me know if you see any issues.

My first Wiki update...  I didn't have a Wiki account until yesterday although I have been a forum member for a number of years and participated in the 2014 ranking.  I have greatly appreciated the value of the Cards List Rankings - they are probably what I reference more often than anything.  Just wanted to assist a bit in keeping the Wiki up to date since it looks like so much of the work has been done by Werothegreat recently.

I'll take a look at Boons and Hexes as well unless someone was planning to do those...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Dominion Cards 2017 Edition: Hexes
« on: January 24, 2018, 05:02:12 pm »
Maybe we could get these 2017 Hexes results added to the wiki page for "List of Cards by Qvist Rankings"?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Dominion Cards 2017 Edition: Boons
« on: January 24, 2018, 05:01:47 pm »
Maybe we could get these 2017 Boons results added to the wiki page for "List of Cards by Qvist Rankings"?

Maybe we could get these 2017 Landmark results added to the wiki page for "List of Cards by Qvist Rankings"?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The Dominion Cards Lists 2017 Edition
« on: January 23, 2018, 09:49:29 pm »
Just wanted to give a big thanks to everyone involved in gathering and publishing the 2017 Cards List results!!!  Thanks of course to Qvist for continuing to compile the stats, and a huge thanks to all the presenters who took the time to write up excellent thoughts on all the cards.  I did miss Qvist's videos a bit, but overall I really appreciated all of the various opinions and thoughts.  I haven't played as much the last year or so, and I learned a number of new tips from the comments.  And getting the lists published so fast was just really great!!

Having said that, I would like to see the Wiki page on the Qvist Cards List fully updated for 2017 results:

- Landmarks results need to be added for 2017.

- Boons results need to be added for 2017.

- Hexes results need to be added for 2017.

- Maybe add the Events list also???...duplicates what is in the cost rankings, but kind of nice to see them next to the Landmarks (optional).

- It would be really nice if someone could review the first couple paragraphs and add the number of users submitting rankings for both 2016 and 2017.

And one final suggestion.  At this rate the page width is going to get very crowded in another year or two.  An easy fix would be to drop the characters " Ed." from all of the column headings which would make the columns narrower.  It works because you only have 1-3 digit numbers below them, and the concept of Edition doesn't add anything to the annual results when there is only one poll a year.  The first year column headings could simply be "2012 #1" and "2012 #2".  All of the other years could simply be the year number since I don't think there will ever be 2 rankings in a year again.

Thanks again to everyone who helped put this out in such a timely manner!  This list has always been one of my main reference points, and I think it is an extremely valuable resource for newer players.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Is there any update on Nocturne?
« on: October 14, 2017, 05:58:39 pm »
I love this game, and own all expansions, as well as gold subscription online, but the trays for recent sets have been my biggest complaint.  I really hope the Nocturne tray is as well made and sturdy as the Dark Ages tray, since that was the last good tray before the production quality of trays deteriorated.  Adventures, Empires, and Dominion Base 2nd Edition have all come with flimsy plastic trays that are just a little smaller than the original sturdier trays, and more importantly had card slots that were 1-2mm less wide than the original tray slots, and taper slightly at the bottom of the slot.  I sleeve every card with Euro premium sleeves, and the new flimsy tray card slot widths bend the sleeves and makes it hard to fit the cards back in without creating a permanent bend in the sleeve and card.  I gave the 1st edition base game away to family, but kept the old tray for myself for the 2nd edition box.  I wish Rio Grande would take sleeving sizes into consideration when the specs for the plastic trays are designed - there is plenty of room to add a couple mm.
It's the Dark Ages tray! I think what you are seeing is the difference between the American and German printers. These trays are being shipped from Germany.

So far Jay continues to not consider sleeves. It seems hard to please everyone there.
Good to hear - to me at least, it's worth a wait for better trays.  Keep 'em coming from Germany.  Thanks Donald!

Made in U.S.A ain't what it used to be.  I realized that when I do dirty outdoor work (like clearing a fire break below my house on the Peninsula), I still wear a couple Sears work shirts made in US that I bought many years ago as a teenager, and they are still in perfect condition despite heavy use and paint stains...

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Is there any update on Nocturne?
« on: October 14, 2017, 12:11:42 pm »
As I have said elsewhere, the release date is hinging on the plastic trays arriving by boat.
Wild speculation: this suggests the plastic tray is somehow different from that used by other Dominion sets/expansions?
It's the Dark Ages tray. There is incentive not to make new ones.
I love this game, and own all expansions, as well as gold subscription online, but the trays for recent sets have been my biggest complaint.  I really hope the Nocturne tray is as well made and sturdy as the Dark Ages tray, since that was the last good tray before the production quality of trays deteriorated.  Adventures, Empires, and Dominion Base 2nd Edition have all come with flimsy plastic trays that are just a little smaller than the original sturdier trays, and more importantly had card slots that were 1-2mm less wide than the original tray slots, and taper slightly at the bottom of the slot.  I sleeve every card with Euro premium sleeves, and the new flimsy tray card slot widths bend the sleeves and makes it hard to fit the cards back in without creating a permanent bend in the sleeve and card.  I gave the 1st edition base game away to family, but kept the old tray for myself for the 2nd edition box.  I wish Rio Grande would take sleeving sizes into consideration when the specs for the plastic trays are designed - there is plenty of room to add a couple mm.

How important are the videos? I personally never watch them, so I'd much rather just see a new list posted every couple of days. I'm interested in the lists and discussion, but it seems like it's the videos that hold up the whole process.

So...I really do like the videos myself, and try to watch all of them when I have time.  I greatly appreciate the work that Qvist puts into them and I frequently gain added insights into cards.  I'm not a tournament player myself (although I have played thousands of games), so I think I more represent the casual player.  I participated in the past on the ratings, but did not do so this past year because I had not played as much.  However...I do agree with your point that the creation of the videos may have be slowing down the publication of the lists, and perhaps it has become too large an effort for one person when they have have other life priorities.  I also agree with you that I would prefer to see the lists posted every few days in a more timely manner.  Maybe videos could follow after the lists?...perhaps just summary videos for each cost group?  Just trying to think of something that might make it easier for Qvist to complete this.  I'm anxious to see the 2nd edition cards in next year's list, but worried about it being feasible again.  I've seen others offer to help out...maybe time to consider it Qvist??

And thanks Qvist for everything you have done on this!!!  It has greatly increased my knowledge and enjoyment of the game.  Seeing the ratings for the Empires cards has been really nice since that is the only set I do not own the physical set of (can't talk friends and family into learning anything more yet ; )

I'm really excited looking at all the new cards.  The potential strategies and variety look to make this the best set yet!  And most of the art is just far better than previous sets - particularly Guilds with all cartoon like images.  And hats off again to the Wiki folks for getting all the cards and images posted so quickly!!

You're welcome!  ArcticPenguin was great in getting all the images and raw FAQs up fast. I the only one disappointed in the low resolution rules?  Why??  It is hard to read the card text even zoomed in, and it does not do justice to the well crafted art on the cards.  I don't think the other rules weren't that low-res.  Same goes for the low resolution images on the wiki where the images are about 1/2 the resolution of the existing cards.  I do hope that there will at least be higher resolution images available for the wiki eventually...  And it would be good if RG could post a higher res version of the rules.

All the rules PDFs on RGG are that blurry.  I'll be scanning the physical cards and uploading them as soon as I get my own copy.  The high-res art from the trivia sections of each card will have to wait until they're up on Dominion Online.

Thanks for the quick reply - it is great that you keep on top of it!  Look forward to having the higher res images on the wiki eventually  Yeah...looking back, I guess the other rules I have were not that high res either, but I was able to read the cards on them better...maybe having more cards on one page caused them to be a little smaller.  And perhaps having more text.  I guess I was just so excited to finally see the cards and some great art that I was disappointed not to be able to see it clearer ; )  I guess ordering the game will resolve that. 

P.S. One reason I keep all the PDF's is so that I can have them in the cloud and available on my iPhone if I don't happen to bring all the hard copy rules with me when playing away from home.  The text on the rules themselves is still readable - just the text on the cards that is a bit hard to make out.

I'm really excited looking at all the new cards.  The potential strategies and variety look to make this the best set yet!  And most of the art is just far better than previous sets - particularly Guilds with all cartoon like images.  And hats off again to the Wiki folks for getting all the cards and images posted so quickly!! I the only one disappointed in the low resolution rules?  Why??  It is hard to read the card text even zoomed in, and it does not do justice to the well crafted art on the cards.  I don't think the other rules weren't that low-res.  Same goes for the low resolution images on the wiki where the images are about 1/2 the resolution of the existing cards.  I do hope that there will at least be higher resolution images available for the wiki eventually...  And it would be good if RG could post a higher res version of the rules.

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Re: Events on the wiki!
« on: April 04, 2015, 04:21:12 pm »
You know...I often just take the wiki for granted because it is always there as a reference when I need it.  Occasionally I am reminded that some good folks do a lot of behind the scenes work to update the information and keep the website current with all the new cards.  I cannot say enough how tremendously useful this site has been in helping me learn the game better over the last couple years.  It has been both a great reference for when I need to look up rules I am questioning, as well as a tool that has helped me to learn (and teach to my IRL players) some of the more complex combos and strategies.  The wiki and this forum are probably why I am still playing Dominion (even though I don't play too much online anymore...another thread sometime on my frustrations with both the current lobby system and the ratings systems which make finding games with better players hard to do).

For now, just a shoutout to wereothegreat and all the others who make the wiki an essential part of our Dominion game reference.  The site is as important as the rulebooks to me.  Good work!!

I'm hoping all the events activate during your current turn...otherwise tracking outstanding events could be tricky since you don't have your own cards for the events on the table like with durations.  But then I don't know what the tokens are for yet...

Yeah I was thinking this might be what tokens were for, but seems not. Something interesting you could do would be to buy an Event by putting a token on it, and then you can do the Event at any relevant time by removing the token. Kind of like a Reserve Event.

Yup...that is exactly what I was wondering as well.  I was just trying to figure out how the physical mechanics would work during a game on a table with 3-4 people and hoping it is simple.  The friends and family I have introduced to Seaside adapted to the duration cards surprisingly quickly because the duration cards are always there on the table in the top row to physically remind them of future actions.  But with Hinterlands, it has been an ongoing saga of forgotten actions like top-decking Nomads or after using Scheme...and especially forgetting to shuffle in discard actions after gaining an Inn - even I forget to do that when moving too quickly. 

It's funny...yesterday I was thinking that the art on the new Adventures cards is sooo much better that it is a shame the images could not be larger and take up more of the card.  Then presto...we have events that are mostly images.  Love it!

I'm assuming that the +2 cards from the Expedition event happens during your clean-up and draw for next turn phase - right?  So your next 7 card hand would still be vulnerable to hand-size attacks like Militia, Margrave, Mercenary, etc...  Just trying to confirm that it is not like a Wharf duration, and that with an Event you get the extra cards at the end of your current turn, and NOT the start of the next turn.  I'm hoping all the events activate during your current turn...otherwise tracking outstanding events could be tricky since you don't have your own cards for the events on the table like with durations.  But then I don't know what the tokens are for yet...

Incredibly creative expansion!!  All the experienced players will love it.  I'm still trying to introduce Hinterlands to those I game with IRL, and have not yet introduced Dark Ages, Guilds, or Alchemy to them.  I'm just wondering if this will be too much for occasional players who sometimes complain that I am always introducing cards they are not familiar with...we'll see...

Dominion: Adventures Previews / Munchkins...???
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:31:14 pm »
Anybody notice Amazon's posting for Adventures?...Do we have an early April Fool's Day, or just a messed up database?  Or are there some surprises ahead in the new cards...?

Dominion Adventures Game
by Rio Grande Games
List Price:   $44.99
Price:   $35.99 + $12.00 shipping
You Save:   $9.00 (20%)
This item will be released on April 27, 2015.
Pre-order now.
Ships from and sold by Funagain Games. Gift-wrap available.
Estimated Delivery Date: April 28 - 30 when you choose Expedited at checkout.
Fast-Paced role playing party game
This is an expansion for munchkin adventure time, not a stand-alone game
All the great fun of munchkin with an adventure time theme
Perfect gift for munchkin and adventure time fans
Officially licensed by Steve Jackson games & cartoon network

Product Description
Your quest for victory in the land of Ooo just turned into a dungeon crawl, complete with new monsters, treasures, curses and special portals. Munchkin adventure time 2 it's a dungeon crawl adds 90 cards and 12 special oversized dungeon cards to the original munchkin adventure time. Contents: 90, 12 dungeon cards, instructions this is an expansion for munchkin adventure time, not a stand-alone game.

I'm really loving the concept of the new Reserve cards and the Tavern mat.  Since I've mostly been playing IRL games the last few months, I see it opening whole new vistas for the social aspect of the game...  Put a card in the tavern and take a shot.  Take a card out of the tavern and each other player takes a shot (celebrating you leaving the bar to them).  At the end of the game the winner is the first person who can intelligibly say "transmogrify" 5 times quickly...or spell it backwards without looking.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: September 26, 2014, 10:02:07 pm »
The log search seems to be working fine for me now, and is showing recently recorded games.  Thanks for fixing!  Amazing how often I use it.

Now can you give me an undo button so I don't try to Prince a potion card again. :P

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