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Messages - Michaelf7777777

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Graverobber - Seems particularly good in games with swindler/ saboteur/ salvager/ apprentice and other cards where there are incentives to thrash good cards. It even combos with itself although this might be a bit difficult to set up

Poor House - Shines in treasureless decks but otherwise looks good for a gardens/ silk road strategy as it almost guarantees having at least $4 to spend come the buy phase

Sage - Seems very powerful as a way to spam the sane attack once every turn (cursers and ghost ships probably being the most lethal) by being able to just buy one copy of the attack and spamming Sage. On second thoughts unless there are pleanty of cheap piles costing two or less (including at least one + buy) but then where would your VP's come from if it was a ghost ship. So all in all a Great Hall without the VP but the benefit of the additional card being something you actually want.

- - - - - - - - -

Feodum - VP from treasure interesting. Looks to combo nicely with trader. Also provides interesting strategy space around when you should trash a feodum to power up your other feodum attacks.

Cultist - A witch which deals out better but still pretty bad cards to the other players but can havbe multiples played without village help

Ruined Market - While better than a curse, still pretty bad. I assume the other ruins are +1 coin, +1 action, +1 card and either trash a card or +1 VP

- - - - - - - - - -

Squire - Looks like a this turn fishing village most of the time with other options. Appears to be rather good for a two cost card

Hermit - Looks to be a good card only in circumstances where you get benefits from the thrashing of other cards as is the case with feodum and cultist

Madman - One time super council room with the actions of a village. Not sure why the "if you do" is included in the wording, because returning it to the pile looks mandatory to me

- - - - - - - - - -

Rats - Appear more troublesome to me than the problem of coppers and estates unless there is another thrasher on the board

Pillage/ Spoils - $5 for a one shot effect which gives two one shot golds. Seems a little weak to me (although comparable with Contraband and Cache in strength)

- - - - - - - - - -

Necropolis - Seems better to me than an estate in most circumstances (Baron, Trash for benefit and potentially Ambassador being the exceptions. The plus two actions could prove useful for engines. Also meansa that there will in all probability be no +2 Actions ruin

Overgrown Estate - Trash a bad card from your hand replace it with a better one. Better than estate on any board with trashing where the cdircumstances mentioned above do not apply.

Hovel - Doesn't seem that good as it is a dead card and you usually do not want to be buying victory cards to the mid to late game by which point a) it is going to be difficult to line thsi up with a VP buy particularly in the midgame with this taking up a valuable card slot and b) likely not making that much difference as there will not be that many cyclesd of your deck to go. Would prefer estate to this under most circumstances.


Hunting Party
Treasure Map

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion Industrialisation
« on: January 15, 2012, 07:02:54 pm »
Here are my ideas for cards for a new expansion. Feedback is welcomed.

Cost: 2
+1 Coin
+2 Buys

Retirement Village
Cost: 2
+2 Actions
+1 Buy

Rotten Borough
Cost: 2
+1 Card
+1 Action
Name a card type, reveal cards from your deck until you find a card of that type, placing it on top of your deck and discarding all other revealed cards

Cost: 2
Action – Duration
+1 Card
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, you may discard your hand, if you do +4 Cards

Cost: 3
+1 Coin
+1 Buy
Gain either a Silver or an Estate on top of your deck

Cost: 3
Action – Attack – Reaction
Gain a Silver
All opponents gain two copper
- - - - - - -
You may reveal and discard this card to remain unaffected by an opponent’s attack card

Factory Town
Cost: 3
+1 Card
You may trash a card from your hand, if you do +2 Actions

Cost: 3
+1 Buy
Trash any number of action cards. +1 VP for every action card trashed in this way

Cost: 3
+2 Cards
Trash 2 Cards

Cost: 3
+1 Action
Gain up to two action cards costing up to 3 placing them in your hand

Crowded Cities
Cost: 4
Action – Attack
+2 Cards
All other players must either trash a victory card or gain a curse.

Death of God
Cost: 4
Action – Victory
During the buy phase this turn, curses can be played as if they were coppers
- - - - - - -
Worth 1 VP for every 3 curses in your deck (Rounded Down)

Field Nurse
Cost: 4
Action - Reaction
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash any number of curses from your hand. Gain a card costing equal or less than the number of curses trashed
- - - - - - -
When a card is trashed from your deck, discard pile, hand or play area, reveal this card to put the trashed card in your hand instead

Gong Farmer
Cost: 4
+1 Card
+1 Action
If there are no cards in the trash, +1VP
You may gain a card from the trash into your hand
- - - - - - - - - -
When you gain this shuffle all the cards in the trash and reveal the top card and choose whether you gain a copy of the card or all opponents do

Cost: 4
Action - Attack
+1 Coin
+1 Buy
All other players either discard two cards or gain a curse (their choice)

Cost: 4
+1 Coin
+2 Buys
For every unused buy this turn, +1 Card during the clean up phase when drawing your hand for next turn

Cost: 4
Action - Attack
+2 Coins
All other players with five or more cards in their hands must discard a treasure card or reveal a hand with no treasures

Cost: 4
+2 Actions
+1 Coin
+1 Buy

Gold Rush
Cost: 5
Action – Treasure
Gain a gold
- - - - - - - -
Worth one coin for every gold you have in play

Note: Action-Treasure Cards played during the action phase also have their treasure effect during the buy phase. If you play Action-Treasure cards during the buy phase you do not get the benefit of the action

Hunting Dog
Cost: 5
Discard a card from your hand. Gain a different, non-victory card costing the same amount from the supply.

Refrigerated Goods
Cost: 5
+1 Action
You may play Victory Cards from your hand. +1 Coin for each victory card played in this manner.

Cost: 5
Action – Attack
All players (including you) reveal and thrash the top card of their deck. All players (including you) may then gain a card whose cost is two less than the card they thrashed or a card that costs zero.

Steam Engine
Cost: 5
+2 Cards
+3 Actions
While this card is in play, gain a curse whenever you buy a non-action card

Cost: 5
Action – Attack
All other players must either reveal and discard a treasure card or show a hand with no treasure. For each treasure card revealed in this manner you may either gain a copy of the revealed card into your hand OR all other players gain the revealed card

Machine Gun
Cost: 6
Action - Reaction
+1 Buy
Trash as many cards as you like. +1 Coin for each card trashed in this manner
- - - - - - - - - - -
You may reveal this from your hand to gain cards from opponents attacks into your hand instead of their usual locations

Cost: 6
Worth 1VP for each copy of the most common action card in your deck

Standardised Goods
Cost: 6
+1 Action
+1 Coin
+1 Buy
Reveal your hand. Reveal cards from your deck until a revealed card shares a name with a card in your hand. Put the matching card in your hand discarding all other revealed cards
- - - - - - -
While this card is in play, when you buy an action card, you may choose to gain an additional copy of the card bought.

World Fair
Cost: 6
Action – Victory
+2 Cards
+2 Actions
+2 Buys
You may only play one World Fair a turn
- - - - - - - -
2 VP

Cost: 7
Action - Victory
+3 Cards
+1 Coin
+1 Buy
- - - - - - - - -
1 VP for every two attack cards in your deck
- - - - - - - - -
When you gain this, each opponent gains a copper

Dominion General Discussion / Re: More Fun With (Un)popular Buys
« on: January 03, 2012, 08:40:46 am »
Most Popular Buys

$6 - Grand Market (100.0), Border Village (88.9)
$5 - Treasury (88.9)
$4 - Mining Village (100.0), Tournament (100.0), Caravan (87.5%)*
$3 - Fishing Village (100.0)
$2 - Duchess (92.3), Pawn (90.0), Chapel (88.9)

* Goons and Caravan have the same % + from the same number of games but Caravan is chosen as its number in the buy column is higher

With this set up I'd Chapel my starting cards building up into Grand Markets with Tournaments thrown in once I can buy provinces. I'd start Treasury/ Chapel with 5/2 and Tournament/ Chapel with 4/3

Less Popular Buys

Note: I have more than 10 kingdom cards I have never gained on isotropic. This list is therefore sorted by the number of games in which they have been available and is what the number in the brackets refers to.

$5 - Mine (11), Rabble (9), Harvest (6)*
$4 - Cutpurse (12), Remodel (11), Thief (9), Milita (7)
$3 - Workshop (9), Fotune Teller (7), Swindler (6)*

* Note I have many other cards I have gained on 0/6 occasions on Isotropic but Harvest and Swindler have been chosen as they have the lowest win rate given available statistic.

With this board I'd go big money/ rabble openning Silver/ Silver with 4/3 and Rabble/ Nothing with 5/2

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Evaluate your best and your worst board
« on: December 20, 2011, 05:55:31 am »
Best Board:

$5 - Mine
$4 - Cutpurse, Treasure Map, Remodel, Young Witch, Baron
$3 - Shanty Town, Steward, Smugglers, Village (Bane)
$2 - Duchess

With 4/3 would open Treasure Map/ Steward
With 5/2 would open Mine/ Duchess

Worst Board

$6 - Grand Market
$5 - Stash, Outpost, Counting House
$4P - Golem
$4 - Bridge, Monument
$3P - Familiar
$3 - Fishing Village

4/3 Opening: Potion/ Silver
5/2 Opening: Potion/ Nothing cursing my bad luck

Game Reports / Big Turn with Native Village, Workers Village and Governors
« on: December 08, 2011, 05:57:24 am »
While I've seen/ heard about big turns involving native village and bridge/ highway as well as high point scoring games using action cards which give +vp's. Has anyone seen a turn provide more vp's than turn 23 for Michaelf7 (Myself - 4 Colonies and a Province = 46) in this game.

Link to gamelog:

Praise and criticism on overall gameplay also welcomed and appreciated

Yours sinceirly,

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Cards That Care About The Trash
« on: December 06, 2011, 07:10:11 pm »
Another idea for a card that interacts with the trash.


Cost: 4
+1 Card
+1 Action
If there are no cards in the trash, +1VP
You may gain a card from the trash putting it in your hand

Additional Setup Rule: When Gongfarmer is in the kingdom, choose an 11th kingdom card which may trashcards in some way either from the players own deck or from their opponents.

Here are some more ideas of mine for village type cards.

Settlement ($4) Action-Attack

+2 Actions
Reveal the top card of your deck. If it is a victory card put it in your hand. Otherwise choose whether you gain a copy of the revealed card or all opponents do.

Retirement Village ($2) Action

+2 Actions
+1 Buy

Haunted Village ($6) Action-Attack

+1 Card
+2 Actions
Every other player gains a curse

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Make up your own card?
« on: July 04, 2011, 04:27:34 pm »
I've been having a new idea of using historical Royal Houses with historical Royal Favourites coming along with the Royal House Card although the mechanism for gaining a Royal House Card is slightly more painful.

Anyway the gaining mechanism is:
Royal Bloodline
Cost 5
+1 Action
Reveal and discard two golds or a gold and a silver or three silvers from your hand and gain a Royal House with additional favourite putting them on top of your deck. If no-one else reveals and discards a gold from their hand, +1 Card, +1 Action, +1 Coin and +1 Buy

Additional Setup: Shuffle the Royal Houses and create an available supply of Royal Houses of 2 times the number of players in the game

An example of a Royal House with its Favourite

Royal House
Action - Duration
+2 Actions
Now and at the start of your next turn gain a Victory Card costing six or less putting it in your hand
Place 1-3 Action Cards from your hand on this card. Play all actions in any order you like at the start of your next turn

Ludwig von Beethoven
Favourite of the Hapsburg House
+3 Coins
+2 Buys
All Action Cards cost one less while this card is in play.

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