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Innovation Rules Questions / breaking a stalemate
« on: March 09, 2015, 04:11:38 pm »
Is there some sort of rule covering stalemates?

I just had a game where the only rational action was to repeat the same moves each turn:

I had Statistics (I demand you transfer the highest card from your scorepile to your hand)
My opponent had Refrigeration (You may score a card from your hand)

I had more leafs, but no cards in hand, so I could not share his refrigeration.

My opponent was missing one achievement for victory, and just got enough points to get the last one. Unless I executed Statistics twice, he would win on the next turn. On his turn, he could put the two cards back into his scorepile with Refrigeration.

So that alone would be enough to get an endless cycle of Statistics & Statistics; Refrigeration & Refrigeration going. To make things more interesting, I had almost as many points as he had, and was two Industrialisations away from ending the game on piles. So unless he refilled his scorepile each turn, forcing me to waste both of my actions on Statistics, I could have won by score in two turns by executing Statistics & Industrialisation.

So the first one to deviate from the endless pattern would definitely loose the game.

Common sense would indicate that this results in a draw. I don't think this rule is implemented on isotropic. Is there an official ruling for this?

On Isotropic, you can inspect every card in every stack in play, yours or your opponent's.
This can be very handy if you want to activate a dogma that will take away one of their top cards, or if you are thinking about sharing a splay dogma.

When I play Innovation in real life, we usually do not allow someone to inspect stacks of their opponents (Though taking their top cards into your hand to read the text is often done, and that automatically reveals the card below)

Of course the contents of each stack is in theory public knowledge, but in practice it is almost impossible to remember.

Is there an official rule about inspecting opponent's non-top cards?

I just played an interesting game (against WanderingWinder), and I am trying to figure out what happened there.

cards in supply: Bazaar, Coppersmith, Duchess, Gardens, Ill-Gotten Gains, Outpost, Pawn, Stables, Steward, and Venture
(cards in green where bought exclusively by me, cards in red by my oponent)

I thought this was a slam-dunk Ill-Gotten Gains / Garden rush. I had a pretty lucky start with 5/2, and got every Garden
But WW beat me with a Bazaar/Stewart engine, buying every Province.

#1 WanderingWinder: 51 points (8 Provinces and a Duchy); 20 turns
                 opening: Steward / Steward
                 [29 cards] 8 Bazaars, 5 Pawns, 3 Stewards, 1 Duchess, 3 Silvers, 1 Duchy, 8 Provinces

#2 Zem: 38 points (8 Gardens [48 cards], a Duchy, and 3 Estates); 19 turns
     opening: Ill-Gotten Gains / Pawn
     [48 cards] 8 Gardens, 7 Ill-Gotten Gains, 4 Pawns, 1 Duchess, 24 Coppers, 3 Estates, 1 Duchy

I had the impression that Ill-Gotten Gains was a strong attack in addition to being a great gardens enabler; and Stewart a far too weak trasher to just shrug it off.  Is that wrong or did I play it incorrectly?

Round 5 match BE: Zauberer beats Zem 4-3

Well, that was a short tournament :) Good luck to zaubererer for the next round!

game 1: zaubererer: 43 points - Zem: 32 points
cards in supply: Council Room, Counting House, Farmland, Harvest, Hoard, Lighthouse, Oracle, Stash, Trade Route, and Witch
I failed to utilize Farmland properly. At one point for example I played all my money, including my hoard, then tried to undo the hoard to buy a farmland, stupid mistake, but probably not game-deciding.

game 2: zaubererer: 45 points - Zem: 34 points
cards in supply: Caravan, Develop, Embassy, Farmland, Harvest, Nobles, Nomad Camp, Oracle, Village, and Worker's Village
I think this would have gone better with just big-money-Embassy.

game 3: Zem: 68 points - zaubererer: 57 points
cards in supply: Bridge, Cartographer, Colony, Courtyard, Embargo, Embassy, Haggler, Monument, Platinum, Secret Chamber, Silk Road, and Walled Village
zaubererer went for a bridge engine with silk roads, but it went off too late. I probably should have embargoed the silk roads.

game 4: zaubererer: 42 points - Zem: 32 points
cards in supply: Cellar, Develop, Golem, Island, Margrave, Market, Menagerie, Pawn, Potion, Spy, and Village

game 5: zaubererer: resigned
cards in supply: Bureaucrat, Colony, Counting House, Envoy, Expand, Inn, Pawn, Platinum, Remake, Tunnel, Warehouse, and Worker's Village
Clear tunnel board. I think it is best to delay buying the tunnels for a couple turns until the engine is running

game 6: Zem: 37 points - zaubererer: 22 points
cards in supply: Bazaar, Cartographer, Conspirator, Cutpurse, Hamlet, Nobles, Peddler, Potion, Secret Chamber, Vault, and Vineyard
secret chamber came in handy a few times against cutpurse.

game 7: zaubererer: 73 points - Zem: 37 points
cards in supply: Border Village, Colony, Laboratory, Masquerade, Monument, Platinum, Remodel, Royal Seal, Stables, Trader, Wharf, and Workshop
Border Village-Wharf engines. I really really really should not have opened with that Trader.

2012 / Re: Losers Bracket Round 5 Signups
« on: January 13, 2013, 07:29:40 pm »
For anyone else as confused as I was: Byes

Anyway, sounds good, I'm in!

2012 / Re: Losers Bracket Round 5 Signups
« on: January 12, 2013, 05:17:28 pm »
I'm interested in joining, not sure what this would mean for the brackets?
I do not understand this graph at all :)

2012 / Re: Chapel Division: Bracket and Results
« on: January 12, 2013, 05:04:26 pm »
Here are my comments on the games dondon151 - Zem

Game 1:
Caravan, Courtyard, Crossroads, Island, Lighthouse, Loan, Peddler, Remake, Stables, and Walled Village

I still would favor getting a gold first with 6, but my second gold should probably have been a stable.

Game 2:
Ambassador, Duke, Herbalist, Nomad Camp, Pearl Diver, Saboteur, Secret Chamber, Smithy, Tactician, and Torturer

I don't see the need for ambassador in a duke game.
I opened nomad camp for the extra coppers; then on turn 3 by force of habit I simply bought a gold and no copper.
Perhaps even Duchy+copper would have been better.
On turn 6 I get a Saboteur, figuring that if I can hit some of the key cards it will pay of big, but that fails to materialize throughout the game, so a duchy would clearly have been better here.

Still, I was in good shape later, but then I took some bad risk when I decided not to use my secret chamber to put a sacrificial card for saboteur to hit, and instead put some trash back on top for discarding. I figured the chance that it hit a duchy would be low enough, and otherwise I would not have had 5$. Baaad idea, which basically costs me the game.

Game 3:
City, Embassy, Harem, Mint, Outpost, Quarry, Royal Seal, Village, Worker's Village, and Workshop

I totally failed to see the city megaturn, going for a simple Embassy/Big Money. I figured since embassy is a great sifter but a bad engine draw card, netting only 2 cards, getting to that many cities and two empty stacks would take far too long. Turns out I was wrong :)

During the opening I was quite distracted by one interesting thing: it seems that for 'identical starting hands', 5/2 split, there may be a strong second player advantage, since if the first player opens embassy, the second player can open mint, so the first player should probably avoid opening embassy. I was freaked out a bit when I realized that after my vetoing. We got 4/3 though, so it did not matter.

Game 4:
Conspirator, Coppersmith, Crossroads, Haggler, Inn, Mining Village, Peddler, Remodel, Tunnel, and Warehouse

This was a very obvious Tunnel/Warehouse game, with some help from Remodel and Inn.
The crossroads performed lackluster in this game.
Dondon151 gets an early Haggler, which I am not sure is better than Inn or Remodel, since the next few buys will mostly be tunnels.

Game 5:
Bank, Embargo♦, Fairgrounds, Fishing Village, Harem, Hunting Party, Philosopher's Stone, Potion, Steward, Walled Village, Woodcutter, and Young Witch

Zem opened with YW/FV; I liked YW/Silver better because it has a pretty good chance at hitting $5 and HP looked like the power card in this set. I get the first 4 HPs before Zem gets any, and then I Embargo them, which basically kills him. He gets to 6 VP Fairgrounds, but I make my way up there too, and I just have too many Provinces.

Yeah, that embargo hurt. I failed to get to 5 every time before, and just when I finally have a hand of 5, the embargo hits. But I think I was too far behind on hunting parties and curses at this point anyway.
I am too fond of Fishing Village, silver would have been better. Still, Dondon151 got silver + 4 coppers on turn 3, so with that draw a fishing village would have sufficed to get to 5. And an early hunting party is a tremendous help on this board.

Game 6:
Apothecary, Bank, City, Council Room, Horn of Plenty, Lighthouse, Potion, Quarry, Remake, Spy, and Tactician

I think Apothecary is a better choice here than remake. It provides some variance for HoP, and some draw so I do not need so many Council Rooms.

I probably cashed in a HoP too early for a province on turn 12, should perhaps have gotten another HoP instead. That tactican may also have been a bad decision, instead of another council room.

Game 7:
Bureaucrat, Colony, Explorer, Feast, Mandarin, Nomad Camp, Peddler, Platinum, Salvager, Spy, Treasure Map, and Venture

I went off the rails here, my concentration was really slipping. I thought I saw a rare chance for Mandarin to be useful, and opened Mandarin/Salvager. I have very little experience with Mandarin, so that was probably a bad idea.
I did not consider simply Venture/Big money.
Although I did draw Mandarin and Salvager together on turn 5 for a gold, and then 2 Salvagers on turn 6 for another gold, I am not sure if that was lucky or unlucky, since it meant I did not get to trash estates.
It soon became apparent that my plan would not work. Very frustrating game, this one.

Thanks a lot for the games, and good luck to Dondon151 for the next rounds!

2012 / Re: Chapel Division: Bracket and Results
« on: January 02, 2013, 06:56:38 pm »
Chapel Division; Round 4; Match BC; Jonts26 - Zem

Results:       Zem:4 - jonts26:2     Zem:47 - jonts26:25
cards in supply: Apothecary, Council Room, Cutpurse, Festival, Mandarin, Noble Brigand, Peddler, Pirate Ship, Potion, Stash, and Watchtower
I absolutely love Apothecary, and this was *the* board for it. I opened Watchtower/Potion, and was lucky enough to draw them together on turn 3 and topdeck an Apothecary for turn 4, which gave me just enough copper to buy a festival.
Turn 5 - another hand with watchtower, potion and 2 coppers. I am not sure whether I deserved this win, or if it was all due to the RNG.     Zem:53 - jonts26:52
cards in supply: Colony, Farming Village, Menagerie, Platinum, Silk Road, Spice Merchant, Throne Room, Trade Route, Trading Post, Treasure Map, Village, and Warehouse
I open Warehouse / Spice Merchant, with the plan to get two Treasure Maps asap. Jonts26 opens Silver / Spice Merchant, and a turn 3 Trading Post but goes for Treasure Maps soon after.
In the end the game comes down to a single estate.
One thing I really would like to know is the best way to deal with the 4 gold hand from the treasure maps in a colony game. I went for Platinum, jonts26 bought a Colony instead. Not sure what was the better choice   jonts26:38 - Zem:24
cards in supply: Adventurer, Apprentice, Coppersmith, Crossroads, Embassy, Fortune Teller, Oasis, Treasury, Wishing Well, and Witch
Curse war; jonts26 gets two witches, I only one, mostly due to lack of opportunity. I get a few Oases, not sure if that was a good idea. The Oases help get through the bad cards faster, but they can be drawn dead by the witch.   jonts26:34 - Zem:32
cards in supply: Adventurer, Cartographer, Chapel, Duchess, Jack of All Trades, Navigator, Quarry, Shanty Town, Thief, Wishing Well♦, and Young Witch
Basic Chapel / Jack of All Trades.  Jonts26 get a Young Witch later, which serves him well, possibly the deciding factor. I admit I never considered Young Witch here, and I thought Chapel / JoAT would be better than Silver/JoAT in any case, probably wrong thought.   Zem:45 - jonts26:35
cards in supply: Courtyard, Crossroads, Harvest, Jester, Masquerade, Nobles, Philosopher's Stone, Potion, Tactician, Tribute, and Wishing Well
This was a Masquerade vs. Courtjard fight.
I open Masquerade/Silver, jonts26 Courtyard/Silver.
I get a second Masquerade far too early (turn 3), and suffer for it, since it collides several times. At one point I pass my second masquerade over to jonts26, just to get it back some time later. A silver would really have been the better choice. I probably should have gotten a Courtyard too, perhaps I am overestimating the power of Masquerade.   Zem:5 - jonts26:4
cards in supply: Apothecary, Bridge, Cache, Caravan, Council Room, Great Hall, Merchant Ship, Navigator, Potion, Scheme, and Worker's Village
What can I say, I cannot resist Apothecary.
We both build a Bridge engine, powered by Worker's Villages, Schemes, Caravans, and in my case Apothecaries, jonts26: council room. Piles are empty before either of our engines are big enough for the mega-province turn, and this could really have gone either way. The last turn took me a while because I kept counting the remaining buys and points in my head and losing track, because i was too nervous and jittery.

Thanks a lot for the fun games, and especially thanks to jonts23 and all the others for organizing this thing, it has been a blast so far!

and a fun board message I got just now:
Warning - while you were typing 155 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.

2012 / Re: Schedule & Rules
« on: December 23, 2012, 06:15:44 am »
Dec 24   Dec 30   Round 4
Dec 31   Jan 6   Round 4

Is my understanding correct that the next round is over the span of two weeks? Or do these two lines refer to two separate rounds here?

2012 / Re: Chapel Division: Bracket and Results
« on: December 18, 2012, 11:49:23 am »
Chapel Division, Round 3, Match AX,  Zem:4 - Dwenzel:3      Zem:47 - Dwenzel:24
cards in supply: Adventurer, Colony, Crossroads, Expand, Feast, Haven, Lighthouse, Minion, Platinum, Potion, Spice Merchant, Throne Room, and Transmute
We both opened Minion/lighthouse. I stayed exclusively with minions, while dwenzel also went for the platinums      Dwenzel:23 - Zem:18
cards in supply: Bishop, Cache, Cellar, Haggler, Harem, Mint, Potion, Talisman, Village, Vineyard, and Workshop
we mirrored each other exactly here, opening workshop/talisman, planning to go for the vineyards. Dwenzel only got 2 vineyards, but won anyway by a good margin, thanks to his bishops and better deck quality overall.
In hindsight, I am not sure if this was a good vineyard set, perhaps a conventional strategy would have worked better.    Dwenzel:34 - Zem:30
cards in supply: Bank, Harvest, Haven, Library, Moneylender, Monument, Navigator, Oasis, Pawn, and Steward
Libaries and oasis/pawn, basically. We both went for similar strategies, but Dwenzel also used a Stewart in addition to moneylender for some trashing.     Zem:48 - Dwenzel:32
cards in supply: Bank, Counting House, Highway, Inn, Ironworks, Navigator, Pawn, Philosopher's Stone, Potion, Scheme, and Thief
I went for a highway/ironworks strategy,  got some really good shuffle luck in this one, drawing my ironwork and my highway together often enough to get a couple of free highways, and getting enough highways in a row on turn 9 for double provinces. After that, inn helped keep the thing going. Gaining an inn with ironworks when the draw pile is almost empty but you still have drawing actions left works wonders. Dwenzel ignored ironworks, opening silver/silver, but nevertheless got half the highways to keep them from me.
At the end, I had too much baggage to get more provinces, but was able to drain the duchies and estates.      Zem:27 - Dwenzel:16
cards in supply: Apprentice, Bureaucrat, Crossroads, Cutpurse, Golem, Library, Lighthouse, Potion, Scrying Pool, Smugglers, and Village
Scrying pool, but no buy and no trashing besides apprentice. I got good use out of my lighthouses, giving my protection against the cutpurses as well as the scrying pools.     Dwenzel:39 - Zem:12
cards in supply: Ambassador, Bazaar, Great Hall, Highway, Island, Outpost, Possession, Potion, Quarry, Upgrade, and Walled Village
Ambassador, Island, Upgrade, Quarry, and a Possession! A recipe for disaster
We both opened Ambassador / Quarry anyway, knowing full well where this would end.
Dwenzel was faster with the ambassadoring, and managed to upgrade his ambassador before I got my possession. I did not, so he was able to take some duchies and great halls from me with possessed ambassador. On the other hand, I send a possession and some other good cards to his island, but overall these islands helped him far more than they hurt. At the end I was so far behind that I tried some desperation play where I bought further ambassadors, trying to ambassador him ambassadors to possess, which unsurprisingly did not work.   Zem:36 - Dwenzel:30
cards in supply: Apothecary, Counting House, Fortune Teller, Golem, Haven, Jack of All Trades, Native Village, Nomad Camp, Potion, Steward, and Torturer
The all-deciding game, and it was a very close one.
I had 4/3, Dwenzel started with 2/5. We both went for native village/Jack of all trades either way, ignoring the Torturers.
We both used the same strategy, buying only nv, JoaT and Gold (and one Nomad Camp), and I had the first player advantage.

All in all this was some nerve-wrecking match, with close calls all around

Game Reports / Re: Almost
« on: December 16, 2012, 06:42:06 pm »
I was just about to post this game! :)

Besides the Village/Potion opening it featured a village for 13$

There is a time and place for everything, i just never thought i'd see the time and place for village/potion.

2012 / Re: Chapel Division: Brackets and Results
« on: December 10, 2012, 11:49:54 am »
second round match Zem:4 - EgorK:0

Thanks for the games! 52:30
Margrave-Walled Village. I got a some good uses out of my smuggler. 51:45
Ill-Gotten Gains vs Watchtower. With Mint and Aprentice, but absolutely no buy. (so neither of us went for the alchemists)
No buy meant I had to get pretty lucky at the end to catch up with the last two colonies. 5:0
Minion-Conspirator-Warehouse chains with a witch 32:27
a Hoard feast, with island, harem, remodel.

rules: official counter, no pce, identical starting hands, random sets

2012 / What to do when you do not have the game log?
« on: December 08, 2012, 06:16:26 pm »
So, suppose you play a tournament game, and both participants forget to save the game log link. With councilroom down, is there any way to recover it? If not, what is the recommended way to proceed?

This happened to me in the first round, we discussed it and agreed to just ignore that one game and play another, and that new game had the same outcome, so everything was fine. But I was wondering what the official stance on this is.

2012 / Re: Chapel Division: Brackets and Results
« on: December 08, 2012, 05:50:04 pm »
Yeah, the first round matches between Wayfaring Cognizance and me have concluded.

Thanks a lot for some great games!
 The two matches 49:47 and 44:43 were particular nail-biters, where I managed to just barely win by luck of the draw.

a baron/highways strategy can hit suprisingly hard if the highways match up against Big-Money / Library
Zem:49 - Wayfaring Cognizance:47

this was a good set for fools gold, with horse trader and margrave
Zem:37 -  Wayfaring Cognizance:24

I went for a fat hunting party deck with one of every card I need, cognizance for a lean deck with steward trashing
The extra buy from the pawns saved me with an estate, barely.
Zem:44 -  Wayfaring Cognizance:43

I opened 2/5 on a board with no 5. Luckily, courtyard is a honorary 5.
Zem:36 -  Wayfaring Cognizance:22

2012 / Re: Nomad Camp ("Help! I can't find my opponent!")
« on: December 08, 2012, 07:52:34 am »
I got one message from Wayfaring Cognizance, asking about a good time for our match.
But I had no luck since then in contacting him. As far as I can tell, he has not been online in the forum, and his number of games played on the leaderboard has not changed from 186. He has not been on isotropic at the times i suggested, so I presume he did not get my messages.

EDIT: The issue has been resolved, we concluded our games

Feedback / Re: E-mail Notification
« on: December 06, 2012, 07:12:28 pm »
For what it is worth, my forum email is not the gmail address, it is another account that forwards all mails to gmail. I do not think gmail can verify SPF for forwarded mails. You might want to check whether this happens only for people that forward their mails.

For myself the problem is solved, since I added the forum account to my address book.

Feedback / Re: E-mail Notification
« on: December 06, 2012, 05:51:47 am »
This problem seems to persist for me.
I did not get any notification for a tournament message I got.
It worked in the last tournament, I have not received any PMs in the meantime

"Notify by email every time you receive a personal message:" is set to "always"

I found it in my spam filter.
Gmail apparently marks messages from dominionstrategy as spam; the reason given is "Why is this mesage Spam? It is similar to messages that were detected by our spam filters. Learn more"

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Stupid Pet Tricks
« on: November 17, 2012, 06:33:45 pm »
"Here, dear opponent, have a handfull of nomad's camps"

Code: [Select]
You play a King's Court.
... You play a King's Court.
... ... You play an Ambassador.
... ... ... You reveal a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... You return 0 copies to the supply.
... ... ... Your opponent gains a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... ... putting it on his deck.
... ... You play the Ambassador again.
... ... ... You reveal a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... You return 0 copies to the supply.
... ... ... Your opponent gains a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... ... putting it on his deck.
... ... You play the Ambassador a third time.
... ... ... You reveal a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... You return 0 copies to the supply.
... ... ... Your opponent gains a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... ... putting it on his deck.
... ... You play an Ambassador.
... ... ... You reveal a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... You return 0 copies to the supply.
... ... ... Your opponent gains a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... ... putting it on his deck.
... ... You play the Ambassador again.
... ... ... You reveal a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... You return 0 copies to the supply.
... ... ... Your opponent gains a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... ... putting it on his deck.
... ... You play the Ambassador a third time.
... ... ... You reveal a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... You return 0 copies to the supply.
... ... ... Your opponent gains a Nomad Camp.
... ... ... ... putting it on his deck.

I have not actually pulled off that move, and it would be of little practical use, but damn, it would be fun! Especially if you can follow up with minion.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Is the Feedback form not working?
« on: August 12, 2012, 06:02:56 pm »
How do I get to the feedback site? I cannot find that link anywhere.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Battle Royale - letter to
« on: July 02, 2012, 07:17:40 pm »
In a 2-player game wouldn't this evolve into a KC-KC-goons-masquerade race? probably with some help from scheme and inn to get it all together.
Or is 3-piling faster?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Hidden Village: an after-the-fact village
« on: February 24, 2012, 09:39:06 am »
What about a $5 Treasure which says something like:

+1 Action
It is now your action phase.

This is most comparable to Festival, except it lacks the +buy, and can never be drawn dead.

you could play any number of treasures before returning to your action phase. Seems too powerful with watchtower, library, tactican, horse traders, quarry, etc. The whole black market cheese with a far easier setup.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Hidden Village: an after-the-fact village
« on: February 24, 2012, 09:18:47 am »
How about this:
-Costs 4
Played as a reaction:
+1 card
+ 1 action
discard this card

Played as an action:
+1 card
+ 2 actions

When testing this, you will run into the same problems I mentioned earlier in this thread.

- You can play the reaction multiple times in the same turn, even infinite times
(you have your whole deck in hand. discard a hidden village, draw nothing. discard another village, draw the first village. repeat)

- If playing with real cards, what if at some point there is a disagreement over how many actions are left, or someone loses count? you'd need to introduce tokens or write the turn down to keep track.

Lost City
- $5 - treasure - reaction

After playing an action,
you may put this into play face-down
from your hand.
If you do: +1 action, +1 card

This is supposed to represent Machu Picchu, the fabled "Lost City of Incas".
You can either plunder Machu Picchu for its gold, or leave it hidden and reap the village bonus.

It is a silver+ so it has to cost at least $5, which seems like a good price point for it. A Lost City / Smithy Engine sounds like it could be fun.

Playing face down? Don't like that idea, as its unclear whether other players get to see that card, and thus would require a degree of honesty from less scrupulous players (something that Dominion has been noted to trying to avoid). Plus the rules would need a lot of clarifications baout what face down means. Is a face down treasure still a treasure in play? Etc.

I see that what you're trying to say though - either use it as money or as a free +1 card/+1action. I think it needs rephrasing though.

My intention was that the player reveals it, then puts it face down; and that a face down card counts as nothing except as a token to track turn history.
So when someone loses track of the turn, you can reconstruct it thus: " I played this smity, drawing 3 cards, then I played this lost city face down, drawing 1 card, leaving me with 7 cards and 1 action, then this diadem, worth $3..."

I am a bit unsatisified with the face down part too. But anyting else like putting it there sideways seems more confusing. And discarding does not work. Perhaps "setting it aside" might work.
The face-down part does mesh well thematically with the hidden city aspect of Machu Picchu though.

The honesty part is easily taken care of though, by explicitely revealing it first.
That also fits better with the wording on other reactions:

Lost City
- $5 - treasure - reaction
(gives $2)
After playing an action,
you may reveal this from your hand
and put it into play face-down.

If you do: +1 action, +1 card

Here is a version without the face down part. I am not really sure I like that better though.

Lost City
- $5 - treasure - reaction
(gives $2)
After playing an action,
you may reveal this from your hand
and set it aside (this does not count as 'in play').

If you do: +1 action, +1 card.
At the end of your turn, discard it

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Hidden Village: an after-the-fact village
« on: February 22, 2012, 09:43:41 pm »
I really like this concept.

I though I could simplify it by dropping the action part entirely:

Hidden Village
- $3 - Reaction
After playing an action, you may discard this from your your hand.
If you do: +1 card, +1 action.

I thought this would be better since you do not have to explicitely mention concepts like "action phase" or "actions remaining" on the card, and there is only one way to play it instead of two similar ones
There is of course one big problem: since you discard it, you could then draw it again. If you have drawn your whole deck, it becomes an infinite +action machine.
Also, it becomes harder to track gamestate. I guess that is what we have an in-play area for.

so how about this:

Hidden Village
- $3 - Reaction
After playing an action, you may put this into play from your your hand.
If you do: +1 card, +1 action.

So now you have a non-action non-treasure in play, which is kind of weird.  You could also "set it aside", but then you'd have to explicitely mention when it is cleaned up.
In any case it is useless when drawn without an action, so $3 should be plenty

But how about this variation:

Lost City
- $5 - treasure - reaction

After playing an action,
you may put this into play face-down
from your hand.
If you do: +1 action, +1 card

This is supposed to represent Machu Picchu, the fabled "Lost City of Incas".
You can either plunder Machu Picchu for its gold, or leave it hidden and reap the village bonus.

It is a silver+ so it has to cost at least $5, which seems like a good price point for it. A Lost City / Smithy Engine sounds like it could be fun.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: February 20, 2012, 05:46:47 pm »

$1 - Reaction


When you buy this: +1 Buy
At any time, you may
discard this from your hand.
If you do, +1 card.
Setup: This card starts with
100 copies in the supply

I was thinking which niches for defense cards are still unfilled.
Here it is: The perfect counter to trickser, spy, pirate ship, thief, oracle, jester, tribute.
Just fill your deck with these whenever you have 1$ left, and chances are an opponent's deck-inspection attack will hit only one of those.

It can also defend well against cutpurse and bureaucrat (less chance of having coppers or victory cards in hand), and even masquerade! (just pass an idempotence)

There might also be some slight synergy effects with gardens, philosoper's stone, bridge, highway and goons.

Plus, if you have enough of these in your deck, your opponent might just give up or die of old age anyway.

Just be carefull not to get stuck in a loop when you have your whole deck drawn.

Game Reports / Re: Scrying Pool vs. Pirate Ship
« on: February 14, 2012, 06:37:44 am »
i'd say scrying pool needs +buys even more than trashers. Or at least some fairly strong attack cards. Or good cantrips.
So I would not have gone for scrying pools here.

On the other hand I think even big mony could win against pirate ship on this board with 2 players.

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