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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Kingdom Discussion?
« on: February 16, 2013, 01:11:39 pm »
copyright Warrior
:o (copyright forum smiley selection)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Sets of 25
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:50:55 am »
Hi there, Donald, cool idea and no offense, but as with any variants, I think one should play the game as the game designer intended it to be played.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Dominion moments 2013
« on: January 29, 2013, 05:50:34 pm »
This time in the right topic. ::)

You play a Warehouse.
... You draw a Copper, a Warehouse, and a Gold and get +1 action.
... You discard a Curse, a Cutpurse, and a Copper.
You play a Warehouse.
... (You reshuffle.)
... You draw a Curse, a Cutpurse, and a Copper and get +1 action.

You play a Warehouse.
... You draw a Copper, a Warehouse, and a Gold and get +1 action.
... You discard a Curse, a Cutpurse, and a Copper.
You play a Warehouse.
... (You reshuffle.)
... You draw a Curse, a Cutpurse, and a Copper and get +1 action.


If you wonder where the misclick there is: apparently I misclicked by posting it in this topic, so I guess it counts? Anyway, I removed and posted it where it belongs. Qvist, can you upvote there again? :P

2012 / Re: 2012 Championships: Final Four
« on: January 29, 2013, 05:45:26 pm »
So, Mic Qsenoch is losing this poll.

You know who lost last year's poll?  olneyce

Just sayin' :)

I voted for Mic.
Just sayin' :)

We are the 6.7%!

Well, you have to consider the fact that some votes aren't counting anymore. Without those, you are the...8,75%. Congrats.

2012 / Re: 2012 Championships: Final Four
« on: January 26, 2013, 09:32:26 am »
I hope you are uploading already. >:(

Edit: Indeed he is, first three games already uploaded, so I'll start watching now and it should work out perfectly.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Outpost + Chapel
« on: January 25, 2013, 05:34:32 pm »
It's not much different than Chapel/1 Ironworks for Silver or Chapel/Explorer for comparision, at least the way you played it. And both are better, I guess, unless the faster cycling was a big matter. So, if these are good, then this may be good as well.

2012 / Re: 2012 Championships: Final Four
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:11:45 am »
Ohne Holland, fahr'n wir zur WM!

(english translation (kinda): go lespeutere!)

I think Embargo is clearly better than Cellar. First of all, it has a much larger strategic impact when it does matter. Second of all, if you hit $2, you can just pick it up for the one-time cash bonus. It doesn't stick around so you don't have to worry as much about collision (well you do, but just once).

Cellar is nice if you have a bunch of junk to get through, but Warehouse and Crossroads and half a dozen other cards can do that better.
Warehouse and Crossroads and....
Cartographer, Embassy, Sage, Inn, Stables, Ironmonger, Golem, Oasis, Vault, Farming Village, Vagrant, Scout ( ;) )

Okay, this is probably a bit of an overstatement of things, as cellar is often better than many of these (as well as warehouse and crossroads, in a non-negligible number of scenarios). But I don't think his statement is crazy.

Yeah, and all of these cards also cost only 2$!

Game Reports / double tactician golden deck
« on: December 23, 2012, 04:45:26 pm »
In this game, I have a plan from the start featuring most cards of the board that I completely achieve as late as turn 17 due to many misplays (trashing a wrong card, forgetting to save an action for tactician, changing from baron to something else).

By that time, I've set up a double tactician deck with shanty town as a village, laboratories as card draw, workshop as card gainers for bishop to trash, gaining/buying and trashing three cards each turn while having exactly the right amount of actions and cards to repeat the same thing over the next turns to overcome a 0-8 province split. My opponent would have won, though, if he had been a bit luckier to buy the last province a turn earlier.

PS: There is the Golden Deck thread, and the Double Tactician thread, but I couldn't decide where to put it, so a new thread to make this subforum even more organized.

what's the one above Dominion?


Well, apparently he wanted "Copper copper everywhere", and that's exactly what you did with his deck.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Best Kingdom Art
« on: September 25, 2012, 05:36:32 am »
Please refrain from using pops as a verb, it messes with my head when I skim a post before reading it fully. 

Yeah, and people shouldn't say "were" so I don't get confused.  Or "great", either.

That's def. true.

Game Reports / Re: In which Scout opening wins the day
« on: September 19, 2012, 06:45:55 pm »
It's bad enough to have to read those posts whenever/wherever they appear (which is everywhere), but are the posts announcing those posts really strictly necessary?

You could buy the Forum Scout which looks at the latest 4 posts, putting all scout jokes in the bin and the rest back in any order.

Game Reports / Re: Like a Kid in a Candy Store (Great Menagerie Board)
« on: September 07, 2012, 12:11:01 pm »
Why did you ignore Cellar? :(

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Island
« on: September 06, 2012, 02:33:01 pm »
What are you doing with Island-Island-Copper-Copper-Copper (let's assume no useful 2$, too) then?

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: The New Golden Deck
« on: September 02, 2012, 09:23:14 am »
I think this should be called the Golden Fortress Deck.  ;D

Or Fort Knox?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Isotropic Moments of 2012
« on: August 30, 2012, 08:41:38 am »
And what a great hand it was, allowing you to buy so many powerful cards. Additionally, it improved your next hand heavily, I don't want to know what great things you were able to do next turn.

Council Room Feedback / Re: Anyone want to maintain councilroom?
« on: August 25, 2012, 04:34:13 am »
Thank you for the great work you put in there, it was a very big part of online dominion, at least (and definitely not only) for me.

This came somewhat suddenly, and I don't know if it's a big thing to ask, but it would be cool to have it online for its last day, because there are a lot of things I'd like to do knowing that it's my last chance.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Another article on Goko Launch Problems
« on: August 23, 2012, 05:31:59 am »
[...] Steam requires you to be online when you're playing any of the games you got off of it [...]

False. I'm playing all my 20 Steam games in offline mode. Going online once a week would be enough to get all the updates I want, so I don't see any advantages of being only all the time.

Online multiplayer online; everything else, and of course singleplayer, offline. Don't see what's wrong with that concept.
Not that I care much about goko, this just addresses your point.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Opening Village
« on: August 22, 2012, 07:43:33 am »
Walled Village/Ambassador into a second Ambassador.


Almost comically, after my last post here being about how real life may interfere in posting habits, it really interfered big in mine. Let's just say that I had some serious personal issues during which I didn't had the time or even thought to say "oh hey, I have this important mafia game on that forum, I have to inform them."
Anyway, with things finally sorted out now, I at least wanted to say that I didn't drop out for no reason, even if I'm not telling you the reason. I hope it didn't destroy the whole game - skimming through the thread and seeing that town won, it doesn't look like it, though.

Feedback / Re: Searching for posts of specific users
« on: June 01, 2012, 01:56:09 pm »
theory, is it possible to include some kind of filter option in either the search function or the show posts option on each profile? Filter=restrict the search to certain threads/subforums.

No edit rule makes me look at stupid grammatical errors I didn't think I was capable of producing. :(

If we had to vote tomorrow I may vote def because I've seen like NOTHING from him and certainly not anything since things got a bit more serious.

You've seen nothing of me for some reasons.
a) If I have nothing useful to say, I don't say anything. You won't see any flavor-only posts from me.
b) That's the problem with the game. There are people who seem to play it 4 hours a day, and other who don't or can't or won't. Since my last post, it have been two nights for me and one day where I barely had enough time to read the x new pages, not to speak of the y pages to read now. It's not easy to get in on the discussion if the topic you want to address is three pages old.

This is not meant to defend me especially, but addresses all other players who are considered, let's say, mildly suspicious, because they have ominous things like "work" or post in three other games and play a few games Dominion without posting here. Even if some of that was meant to be ironic.

The original aim for players was to post "at least once every 48 hours", minimum, that is. I don't say that I will post every two days only, especially when things really get started, but please don't expect everyone else to post a big, insightful article several times a day either when there is nothing much to say. Only carefully reading and drawing conclusions without posting already takes more time than some may have expected.

Random lynch: They are NOT unhelpful. They are if every player votes randomly and someone gets lynched this way. But not if few players do so and the rest follows. Let's say 3 players vote randomly and 2 pick the same person. This still needs 5 players to non-randomly vote for this person, either providing reasons or not. At the end of the day, you see who voted whom and why, who has casted the final vote, and so on. This is helpful information on day 2.

And even no lynch is achieved, at least discussion starts about how unhelpful randomly voting is, which means randomly voting was helpful because it caused the discussion.

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