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Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion Card Image Generator
« on: February 13, 2023, 11:29:35 pm »
I've been working with the generator and have been having an issue where sometimes adding a $X amount into the text when there isn't a lot of extra text causes the coin icon to be very large. I have read elsewhere in the thread that adding a non-breaking space can help with that, but I'm struggling to get it to work. Putting one in between the $ and X causes the number to be outside the coin icon, and putting it after causes the coin icon to not show up at all. Putting it before the $ does not appear to do anything.

An example of what I'm seeing.

The non-breaking space goes after the period.

Journal isn't really a Bazaar variant, it's a hybrid of Peddler and Venture. It's strictly better than peddler up to a reasonably small set of edge cases, which is fine for a $5, and not strictly better than Venture because you'd rather dig for a Treasure in your buy phase. So power level seems perfectly reasonable.

My problem with it is that I don't like drawing Action cards in the buy phase if you can't play them. Feels very frustrating. Venture solves this by looking for another Treasure, but this doesn't.

Well, Journal solves that problem by allowing you to play an Action card you have in hand, whether you drew it via Journal or not.


Looks like an inferior Treasure version of Bazaar.
Not always inferior. If your deck consists of terminal draw cards and either this or Bazaar, you'd generally rather have this. Because Bazaar has to be played before the terminal draw card, while this can be played afterwards, this results in more reliability for your deck with minimal downside.

If you have a lot of cantrips in your deck Bazaar is obviously better, but in a vacuum I'd rather have Smithies+Journals than Smithies+Bazaars
This is the old Ducat vs. Candlestickmaker discussion. While the strength difference is here not as huge due to the point you mentioned, namely the fact that this can play otherwise dead drawn Actions, this does not compensate for the numerous advantages that Actions have over Treasures: Throneable, part of interactions like Herald, Golem, Scrying Pool, Vassal, etc.

Plus there are subtleties like playing Village, drawing into Smithy, playing Smithy, having an Action left over to do stuff vs. ending your Action phase, playing Journal, drawing into Smithy, playing Smithy ... and that's it, even if you drew into Actions you cannot play them anymore.

That's why the notion that Journal somehow single-handedly (it is nice as a support card) increases engine consistency is dubious at best.

Uh... you realize it's both a Treasure and an Action, right? Anything that synergizes with either synergizes with Journal.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: February 07, 2023, 12:30:05 am »
I don't think it's very ambiguous, because of my intuition that cards don't leave cards stranded. Do you have a suggested wording to make it more clear?

Cards that are revealed go back where they were if not specified.

I would just word the first option like Fortune Hunter, like czzzz suggested.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Card Fusions
« on: February 06, 2023, 09:47:14 pm »

Is the first option supposed to discard all of the cards except for one Action, or discard all of the Actions but one and leave the non-Actions? That's ambiguous with the current wording.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #177: Groundhog Day
« on: February 03, 2023, 07:00:59 pm »
No idea what this replace thingy means. But on the first glance this looks strictly better than Lab.
I was tripped up at first but I think it's just "return the rest to the top of your deck in any order".

$5 Action
+2 Cards, +1 Action, +$1; Discard a card. Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Repeater, put it in your hand, replace the rest in any order.
+2 Cards in addition to digging up another Repeater if you have one, so +2-3 Cards per play
It does discard one card (needs to say "discard a card from your hand" if I'm not mistaken).
It's strictly better than Peddler and arguably better than Lab... especially as you accumulate more of them.
BryGuy, I agree with your assessment that it's strong at but perhaps underwhelming at -- I recommend pushing it a little in whichever direction you're envisioning for it. Cool card though; non-terminal drawing and sifting and coin, and it draws itself. Who could ask for more?

Discarding is implicitly from your hand. It doesn't need to say "from your hand."

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #177: Groundhog Day
« on: February 03, 2023, 02:52:02 pm »

It's recursive until you want it not to be.

"Until you gain a Treasure on your turns" sounds awkward if you ask me. I'd word it "until you gain a Treasure during your turn..."

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #177: Groundhog Day
« on: February 03, 2023, 01:23:53 pm »

Rather simple:
Do it again.

This can loop infinitely. Usually won't matter, but it can give you infinite and Buys with Adventures tokens.

To elaborate, you can play an Action card using Day of the Groundhog (henceforth DoG for short), then the next time you play an Action, use DoG on the first play of it so the next play becomes 2, then use DoG for the next play so you still have 2 plays left, ad infinitum.

You could fix this issue by simply saying "the next time you play an Action card from your hand this turn, replay it afterwards."

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #177: Groundhog Day
« on: February 03, 2023, 01:22:45 pm »

I guess it's kind of the opposite of the movie, since you want to be stuck in the loop and you pay to stay in it. Anyways it's sort of like Prince (except you can switch which Action you're playing and stuff), but only loops conditional on the "unspent" thing from Wine Merchant.
Do you think the WM penalty enough that I can lower the price to ?

This wording doesn't really work because the fact that it sets itself aside prevents it from being discarded from play. I would suggest this wording:
Set aside a non-Duration Action card you have in play costing up to . At the start of your next turn, play it.
When you discard this from play, if you have at least unspent, replay this.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: February 02, 2023, 09:54:28 pm »

Rundown Chapel
To be honest, I don't really have much to say about this one. It doesn't have any glaring flaws as far as I can tell, but I wouldn't call it stellar either.

Spotless Village
Wowza, that's a pretty massive bottom effect! I like how it makes it easier to get the top effect to trigger. It's also nice that the bottom comes on a Village so that you don't have to worry as much about being forced to trash dead Actions. Nice job on this!

Mystic Workshop
An unusual Workshop indeed! The Copper gaining looks like a pretty major downside until you read the bottom, and then you realize that it's actually a boon (lowercase, of course  :P). Very clever.

$5 - Action - Attack
+2 Cards
Each other player with less than 2 debt tokens takes 1 debt.
In games using this, at the start of your turn, you may discard a Treasure to gain a Silver.
Smart of you to limit the Debt it can give out. That said, I don't think the bottom is too different from Delve, and the - token is a better version of the attack imo.

Landslide - Action Attack, $5 cost.
Gain a Gold. Each other player gains a Curse onto their Tavern mat.
In games using this, after a player shuffles, they put a Curse from their Tavern mat onto their deck.
A Soothsayer whose drawback doesn't make the card completely awful! Unfortunately, I do worry that it might stack too well by dumping a bunch of Curses onto people's decks all at once.

This seems way too dependent on the presence of TFB to me. I think it would be easy to just trash your Coppers, and then it becomes "Moat, gain a Copper to your hand" for . Which is terrible. I get that you can eventually run out of cards you want to trash and might want to get a Rummager to get back good cards that were trashed, but a game state like that doesn't exactly sound like fun to me.

Like Shepherd, but much more interesting; and Shepherd is already a very interesting card to begin with! Brilliant submission. Very well done.

An awesome Duration card that reduces the downside inherent to Durations (for just one Duration each turn). Limiting it to once a turn was a good call; I would've decried the bottom as being too good if it worked on all your Duration cards. I still would've given it an honorable mention at worst; I really love this card.

Spirit Market
A terminal Silver that can let you spike specific cards. I'll be honest and admit that I didn't like this card at first, but I like it a lot now after thinking about it more. I really like how the bottom forces you to populate the trash before you're ready to start buying from it. Unfortunately, I worry that it might be too potent at shortening the game length, and I'm also worried about potential rules issues with some copies of given cards costing different from others.

Daring Hero
Clever how you've managed to make it make sense to have a choose one between drawing two cards or discarding that many. It seems weak to me, though. Not having any Treasures in hand is frequently quite hard to proc for the payoff (barring games where Gold isn't the best target for restriction-less Treasure-gaining).

Archangel Hades
Archangel Hades
Action- Doom- Fate
Choose one: Recieve the next hex;  take a Boon until the start of your next turnouEach other Player recieves it at the start of their next turn.
Choose one: Gain a gold onto your deck and +2$; gain 2 silvers to your hand; gain 5 coppers to your hand and +1 buy.

In games using this, no player can buy gold.
The bottom seems kind of tacked on, as if you just want the card to force people to use it if they want Gold. An "in games using this" effect that feels like it's only there to annoy people doesn't sound like fun. It also feels like the Copper option is only there to make the card more thematic rather than to actually improve its gameplay or make it more interesting. Lastly, I plugged this into the image generator, and it's 7 lines of microtext even without the bottom. That's a sign that it probably ought to be simplified.

Way of the Sword
The top and bottom are so unrelated to each other that it feels like you made the top and then just smacked the bottom on to make it qualify. I really like the top, but I'm afraid you don't score very well on how the top and bottom tie together, unless I'm missing something.

- Treasure
+ and +1 Buy
You may trash a Treasure from your hand or may gain a Treasure from the trash onto your deck.
In games using this, at the start of your turn you may trash a Gold from your hand for +3 Cards.
The top and bottom tie together here perfectly. The top isn't too imaginative, but combined with the bottom, it makes for yet another genius submission. You guys are really making this contest hard to judge!

I used the image that uses my preferred wording. Being able to both trash and draw looks crazy, and it is, but you'll quickly run out of fuel if you want to keep using it as a Moat or Smithy. I'm tempted to say that the bottom might be too strong with too many cards, but that may not actually be true. I like it; I think it might be my favorite card of yours. Definitely at least 2nd. I also just like combos with trashing; there's a reason Dark Ages was my favorite expansion for the longest time out of all expansions, after all.

Tokens galore! (Plus a card adaptation of +Card tokens.) Going with the bottom you chose instead of "Victory cards are worth an extra VP" was definitely the right call. I do think that either bottom does go a bit too far in encouraging Victory card gaining for just , though.

City Builder & City Wall
City Builder
$5 Action
+2 Actions; You may discard a Victory card for +2 Cards.
City Wall costs $1 less with this in play, but not less than $2.
In games using this, include City Wall in the Kingdom.

City Wall
$5 Action - Victory
+1 Card, +1 Action
2 Victory

A pretty meh submission. The top is made less exciting by City Wall already being a cantrip (so it only gives you 1 more card than playing the City Wall), and it's really just a far less interesting version of Shepherd imho.

Mad Scientist
I think this bottom effect makes Cursers (including itself) too strong. Even without the Bridge effect, this is almost equivalent to "+1 Buy, +, +3." Which is absurd for . And most other Cursers only become even more broken.


Exile 2 cards from your hand.
In games using this, when scoring +2VP per differently named card you have in Exile
I think this compares too favorably to Banish. You can Exile differently named cards (be honest, how often do you Banish 3+ cards?), and it scores in the process.

Evangelist - $4
Action - Liaison

+1 action
Turn your journey token over (it starts face up). Then if it's face down, +2 favour. If it's face up +2 cards and you may trash a card from your hand.

In games using this there is an additional ally. The normal ally applies to you only when your journey token is face up, the additional ally only when it's face down.
I've tried a card with the same concept of "use an extra Ally that's only sometimes in use" before, but this is a brilliant way of doing that while avoiding rules issues. The top is already interesting on its own, but the bottom only makes it even better. This is an amazing card.

Sadly, this is another one I don't really know what to say about. It's not bad, but it's not great either.

Action - $4
Draw until you have 7 cards in hand
In games using this, don't discard Actions and Treasures from your hand during Clean-Up (reveal your hand before you discard).
I think automatically Saving all your Actions and Treasures usually trivializes a lot of otherwise important decisions in this game and makes the game less interesting.

Forsaken City
Like I said about trashing combos on Builder_Roberts' submission, I love discarding synergies. I really like this; it's a really cool sidegrade of Imp. I'm glad I clarified with you whether you intended to be able to play 2 of the same card; it would've been too good if you did.

Loyal Witch
As segura pointed out, I think being able to discard opponents' hands with this makes this irredeemable. The bottom looks like it makes Cursers miserable anyway. Normally, trashing gives you a reprieve from getting Cursed. This allows you to ping-pong your Curses back to your opponents, or allows them to give you your Curses back after you trash them. No thanks!

Charcoal Burner
Clever use of the bottom to limit its trashing power. That's all I have to say about it unfortunately.

I think this would be fine for its price without nerfing all Victory cards.

Midnight Witch
A non-terminal Curser that gives out Curses immediately without looking like it would be miserable. Nice, that's hard to do. Good job on this!

Another one I don't really have anything to say about.

Local Stable
Local stable $4
+1 action
Play up to 3 treasure.  +1 card per treasure played this way
In games using this, whenever an player gains an victory card, they gain an copper.
I think punishing Victory cards in this way looks unfun. This also just isn't a very creative card imo.

Honorable Mentions (Unordered): Spotless Village by czzzz, Factory by JW, Landfill by Builder_Roberts, Army by segura, and Forsaken City by AJL828

3rd place: Contessa by 4est
2nd place: Boatswain by X-tra

Winner: Evangelist by Kingreaper

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: February 02, 2023, 07:44:59 pm »
Submissions Closed!

Judging will occur soon.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: February 02, 2023, 01:33:41 am »
Local stable $4
+1 action
Play up to 3 treasure.  +1 card per treasure played this way
In games using this, whenever an player gains an victory card, they gain an copper.

Might look strong, but it is an conditional libary, with some potential upside.

I assume it's supposed to be "play up to 3 Treasures from your hand?"

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: February 01, 2023, 02:54:59 am »

Elixir -
+2 Cards
If it is your first Buy phase, you may pay to return to your Action phase and +1 Action.
In game using this, at the start of your Buy phase, you may discard an Action card for +.

I assume this is supposed to be "if it is your first Buy phase this turn"? As worded, you only get the return-to-Action-phase effect if it's your first Buy phase, period.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 31, 2023, 12:35:11 pm »
I know this is supposed to be a weekly design contest, but I won't have time to judge until this Thursday. Just a heads up.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 27, 2023, 06:33:00 pm »

Forsaken City
Action ($3)

+2 Cards
Discard 2 cards.
In games using this, when you discard an Action you don't have a copy of in play other than during Clean-up, you may reveal it to play it.

FAQ: When discarding multiple cards at once (such as with FC itself), you may choose the order they get played in (provided all discarded cards are not yet in play of course).

The top looks really bad for $3, but that's when the bottom sticks out to you. It essentially gives Weaver's/Village Green's reaction to anything you don't have in play. If you're able to discard 2 Actions you haven't played yet, this can act as a Lost City! But you'll quickly run out of differently named cards to play, and you always have to discard 2 cards. If anyone has a different wording to get the same idea across, that would be greatly appreciated (since I know the current one is a little long).

Is it intentional that if you discard 2 of the same Action you don't have copies of in play, you can play both of them, since you had no copies in play when they were discarded?
No, I had intended for them to be resolved separately, 1 at a time (which would prevent doubling up on the same action). I’m not sure how to reword it to reflect that though.

Even though it sounds like it means the same thing, I believe that "In games using this, when you discard an Action, if you don't have a copy of it in play, you may play it" would check the condition when you'd potentially play the cards rather than when you discard them.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 27, 2023, 04:54:06 pm »

Forsaken City
Action ($3)

+2 Cards
Discard 2 cards.
In games using this, when you discard an Action you don't have a copy of in play other than during Clean-up, you may reveal it to play it.

FAQ: When discarding multiple cards at once (such as with FC itself), you may choose the order they get played in (provided all discarded cards are not yet in play of course).

The top looks really bad for $3, but that's when the bottom sticks out to you. It essentially gives Weaver's/Village Green's reaction to anything you don't have in play. If you're able to discard 2 Actions you haven't played yet, this can act as a Lost City! But you'll quickly run out of differently named cards to play, and you always have to discard 2 cards. If anyone has a different wording to get the same idea across, that would be greatly appreciated (since I know the current one is a little long).

Is it intentional that if you discard 2 of the same Action you don't have copies of in play, you can play both of them, since you had no copies in play when they were discarded?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 27, 2023, 04:51:17 pm »

With so many good ideas already, hopefully this is competitive enough. I though about modifying Duchy an idea i have employed on more than one Project, but it seams less wordy to just make another card instead.

City Builder
$5 Action
+2 Actions; You may discard a Victory card for +2 Cards.
City Wall costs $1 less with this in play, but not less than $2.
In games using this, include City Wall in the Kingdom.

City Wall
$5 Action - Victory
+1 Card, +1 Action
2 Victory

update 20230126:
* Added "City Wall costs $1 less with this in play." to make City Builder a more compelling card.
* Added ", but not less than $2." to City Builder to provide a price floor.

Is City Wall also a Kingdom card that could appear in a game without City Builder accompanying it, or can it only be in the game if CB is?

It looks like i did make City Wall generic enough that it could be in any set of ten Kingdom cards, but designed it specifically to be a modified Duchy so as to reduce words on City Builder. City Builder would add City Wall as an 11th Kingdom card.

Well, I realize it would be an 11th Kingdom card, but I'll take that as a no, you cannot have City Wall in the Kingdom without City Builder.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 27, 2023, 04:39:27 pm »

With so many good ideas already, hopefully this is competitive enough. I though about modifying Duchy an idea i have employed on more than one Project, but it seams less wordy to just make another card instead.

City Builder
$5 Action
+2 Actions; You may discard a Victory card for +2 Cards.
City Wall costs $1 less with this in play, but not less than $2.
In games using this, include City Wall in the Kingdom.

City Wall
$5 Action - Victory
+1 Card, +1 Action
2 Victory

update 20230126:
* Added "City Wall costs $1 less with this in play." to make City Builder a more compelling card.
* Added ", but not less than $2." to City Builder to provide a price floor.

Is City Wall also a Kingdom card that could appear in a game without City Builder accompanying it, or can it only be in the game if CB is?

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 27, 2023, 12:39:25 am »
Pilgrim - $4
Action - Liaison

+1 action
Turn your journey token over (it starts face up). Then if it's face down, +2 favour. If it's face up +2 cards and you may trash a card from your hand.

In games using this there is an additional ally. The normal ally applies to you only when your journey token is face up, the additional ally only when it's face down.

1. I assume with this that Plateau Shepherds gives you if and only if your Journey token is face up at the end of the game?
2. Pilgrim is already the name of an existing card.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Barter & Trade
« on: January 26, 2023, 10:01:16 pm »
Swap Token is even worse, you get less Coins than they get and again the -1 Card difference.

How do you get less $ than your opponents? You get +$1 on top of getting +$1 per Pass card in play. You get $1 more than they do.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 26, 2023, 11:15:35 am »
My submission:

Idk which wording to use, so I just submitted both. Same effect; draw a card for each card you trash.
Both wordings are ok, but the effect is not the same: With the first version, you do trash one card, draw one card, then trash the next card (trashing, unlike discarding, is one at a time). So with version 1, you could choose a card that you drew from trashing the first card as your second trashing target, but with version 2 arguably not.

If you were right, Chapel would be able to trash cards drawn by trashing a Cultist, which it can't. Trashing isn't one at a time either, actually.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 26, 2023, 12:26:21 am »
My Submission:

Way of the Sword • $5 • Action
+4 Cards
Discard a card. If it's an Action, +1 Action, otherwise, -1 Action.

In games using this, when you shuffle, pick one of the cards to trash.

What happens if I don't have any unused Actions when I get the -1 Action?

As with the coin reduction in Poor House and Souk, it can't go down below zero.

In that case, you might want to state that on the card like the aforementioned Poor House and Souk do.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #176 - Game Changer
« on: January 25, 2023, 11:09:07 pm »
My Submission:

Way of the Sword • $5 • Action
+4 Cards
Discard a card. If it's an Action, +1 Action, otherwise, -1 Action.

In games using this, when you shuffle, pick one of the cards to trash.

What happens if I don't have any unused Actions when I get the -1 Action?

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