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Goko Dominion Online / Waiting for Adventures On-line
« on: December 08, 2015, 01:48:24 pm »
This is the latest from Developer Jeff on the MF forums:

"The end of January was our guess two months ago, before we ran into so much trouble releasing the tablet version (getting it working on low-memory devices and redesigning for Apple approval on iOS.) We certainly won't be into testing of Adventures until February. As I've written in another post, our prior focus was the tablet release; the new focus is Adventures. So the good news is that it's our new top priority and we're starting serious work on it."

So we could still be waiting a fair while I'd say ...

Goko Dominion Online / My App Store Review
« on: December 03, 2015, 07:32:22 am »
**** (Four Stars)

If you love Dominion this is a lot of fun

Dominion is the best deck building card game there is (IMO). The basic game play is simple but the more you play the more tactical depth you discover.  I've been playing Dominion weekly for about four years and I still find it an enjoyable challenge every time I play.

This app version of Dominion is not perfect and you will probably read a lot of criticism by fans of Dominion who are disappointed that it is not more polished - and yes - many of the art and design decisions are not what I'd have chosen. But the actual gameplay on this app is fine (which is when it comes down to it the most important thing).

If you haven't played it before give Dominion a go - it is the best board / card game released in it he last 10 years (again IMO).

Edited to trim the hedge.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Four Weeks Without Dominion ...
« on: December 03, 2015, 07:04:18 am »
Right! Well I hadn't when I posted but I have now.

Look it is far from perfect but I'm just happy to be able to play again to be honest. The game play was a bit smoother and the animations a bit less revolting than I'd been afraid of (having read all the comments over the past few months).

Plus there were some fairly major annoying things about playing the Goko version of Dominion on a iPad which the MF app seems to fix for me - this is the first time in years I've been able to see how many coin tokens I have saved up for instance - it looks like I can use the chat function which I never could before (so now I don't have so snob people who say GG to me after a game) - so I'm happy enough.

If they could get Adventures programmed sometime this decade I'd be even happier!  ;)

Charging more that the competition is not problematic to me in and of itself. The problem is if you charge a premium and then deliver a sub-premium product ...

Take Slitherine (the war-game app developer) as an analogy instead of the always-cited Ascension:
Slitherine charges a high price for their games (both initial purchase and expansions). Even when they discount they're still double the price of most other war-games that look similar in the App Store. But I bought and played one of the Slitherine games when it was on special (Battle Acadamy 1) when it was on special and I was really delighted by it. The interface worked - there were no glitches - the art and effects were nice and understated - nothing about the design got in the way of enjoying the game. The game felt premium and I felt I'd got value for money. Slitherine I think must be doing OK financially because they release new products fairly frequently.

Now compare Slitherine to MF. MF would like to charge a premium (fine by me) but they make a whole lot of decisions that align themselves with lowest common denominator developers in the App Store. They put google ads in their games. They play funny b*ggers with their in app currency. So now el cheapo purchases won't buy from them because they're charging so much. And people who are happy to spend for a good product don't want to touch them because their product feels low end and crappy.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Four Weeks Without Dominion ...
« on: December 01, 2015, 09:39:15 pm »
One day short of 2 months ... and we're back! Hooray!

Right what can I think of to complain about now!  :P

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Four Weeks Without Dominion ...
« on: November 20, 2015, 06:30:10 am »
More "news" from David Admin on the making fun forums:

"seeing new internal builds daily. I can't speak to a release date but it looks like these latest modifications should satisfy apple. Their review process, I think, can take over 7 days. Sorry for any vagueness. I'm not expert on that process and am reluctant to say something that may prove misleading or just wrong"

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Four Weeks Without Dominion ...
« on: November 19, 2015, 04:28:11 am »
Make that six weeks

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Four Weeks Without Dominion ...
« on: November 11, 2015, 10:00:09 am »
"In other words, Making Fun is screwed unless they cough up some cash to Apple."

I suspect it might be me who is screwed rather than Making Fun.

Goko Dominion Online / Four Weeks Without Dominion ...
« on: November 10, 2015, 05:42:23 am »
... well It will be on Thursday by my count.

This posted on the MF forums yesterday by Jeff:

"Submitting it for the third time this coming Monday. In a nutshell, an app where you login to something other than Game Center and purchases are already available on a new device without having to restore is not something that fits in with Apple's pre-existing models of how an app needs to work. All this despite the existence of some other apps like Hearthstone that act the same way."


I wonder what that realistically means in terms of time until we might actually see it in the App Store?

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Latest Release
« on: November 05, 2015, 05:01:59 am »
I don't know if you guys have played the new version yet, but the log is readable, matchmaking actually works, the fastest setting is the quickest official Dominion implementation since the days of Isotropic, and in general I'm really quite satisfied with the new client.

Do you know cool it is for your opponent to overpay for Masterpiece and you don't have to see even a single Silver animate?

All that sounds good. On the other hand, this is the first version I can't use at all. I just get a big black window. Oh well.

Please go yell at MF on their forums so they can fix it.  :)

Unfortunately the new version of Dominion isn't working for me - and the MF forums aren't working for me either - so I can't even go in their forums and tell them how annoyed I am that I can't play the game I paid for (admittedly I did pay the last bunch of incompetents rather than this bunch of incompetents). When I try to log in to the MF forums it doesn't recognise my log in details - but if I try to reregister the website says my e-mail is already a registered user. It then asks me if I'd like my log in details / password sent to my e-mail - I say "yes" - and no e-mail from them ever turns up. I've been through the process a few times. And no the e-mails aren't in my spam folder.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Improving Online Dominion
« on: October 20, 2015, 12:50:54 pm »
Adam - I just want to put on the record that I disagree with pretty much everything you've written in this thread:
1/ We probably all started coming to these forums because we love dominion and I think it is perfectly natural for people to want to vent when things are not going well for online dominion (which they are not)
2/ I think the tone you take in your posts on this thread does way-not-enough credit to you fellow forum members - who in my personal experience are generally polite, urbane, witty, knowledgeable, and very often inventive and proactive
3/ You have plenty of inventive excuses as to why MF might be doing a better job than they seem to be doing but the fact for me is I only have an iPad, not a computer. Normally I'd play dominion with my best friend once or twice a week (he lives too far from me for us to play IRL). Now at least in part because of MFs development priorities there is no version that is playable on an iPad and I'm feeling pretty miffed ... is that what you'd characterise as my "sense of entitlement"

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Open Beta Ending Soon, RIP Goko on 10/15
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:55:31 am »
Well, it looks like there is no web build yet, so I believe MF just announced my hiatus from dominion. Sad day.

Telling paying customers they can no longer play seems like a really huge problem to me.

Why can't iguanaiguana continue to play?

It appears to be available only on PC, Mac, and Linux.  He (and several others, I believe) have stated they only play on mobile.  The old web version was usable on mobile.  The new version isn't.

True for me. I do my home computing on an iPad.

No iPad app & no browser version = no dominion for me. :(

Hey it would be great to play a game or three of dominion before I turn in for the night. Except of course I can't.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Open Beta Ending Soon, RIP Goko on 10/15
« on: October 15, 2015, 08:50:14 pm »
Well, it looks like there is no web build yet, so I believe MF just announced my hiatus from dominion. Sad day.

Telling paying customers they can no longer play seems like a really huge problem to me.

Why can't iguanaiguana continue to play?

It appears to be available only on PC, Mac, and Linux.  He (and several others, I believe) have stated they only play on mobile.  The old web version was usable on mobile.  The new version isn't.

True for me. I do my home computing on an iPad.

No iPad app & no browser version = no dominion for me. :(

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Latest Release
« on: October 06, 2015, 05:30:08 am »
derp derp

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Where did the Dominion 2.0 music come from?
« on: September 27, 2015, 06:03:45 am »
I've spent a long time wondering whether the music is the worst or the creepy avatars are the worst. I've decided they're both the worst.

Disclaimer: I'm an iPad only player so I haven't played 2.0 and I don't know if the creepy avatars have been reimplemented for the new version.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Dominions cards - buy
« on: September 10, 2015, 11:07:30 am »
If DA is 200 Ducats, I wonder if Adventures will cost the same. For people with no Ducats in their account, that would come out to $21. A bit pricey, but I am willing to pay that if they can actually get the thing to work nicely and not be slow.

I wonder if they'll get a decent working version of Adventures up while I am still alive to play it. I'm in my early 40s and in fair to middling health.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Latest Release
« on: August 19, 2015, 03:40:38 am »
I wanna play Adventures on line
I wanna play Adventures on line
I wanna play Adventures on line

Oh for the good old days when Goko would release an expansion the same week as the physical version came out  :P

That didn't happen with Dark Ages. We had to get that in pieces, and I remember the last piece took a long time to come out. Although, I can't remember how long. It's been four months now since Adventures. I would love to play it, but well, I think MF still has a ways to go.

We also have to be a bit patient; not only are they in the middle of writing a completely new client / server setup, but Adventures adds a host of new mechanics and interactions that are going to be quite complex in terms of simulator integration.

I still like the "Pre-order Adventures and you get to play it on Isotropic before it comes out for real" idea. :P

Not good enough. I'm going to hold my breath until they produce the damn expansion.  >:(

That'll learn 'em.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: JSH's True Art Rankings
« on: August 18, 2015, 09:31:22 am »
23. Woodcutter
Sometimes I think if I stare hard enough, maybe this picture makes sense. Actually, I did some thinking on this not long ago, and I guess it's possible that someone came along and started cutting the tree, then went out on lunch break, and then these two saps showed up and started cutting a new wound. I don't know if the average person wants to go to those lengths to defend the canon of Dominion card art backstories. Instead, I'm just going to assume the artist didn't think this through all the way.

So has anyone round here cut down a tree that size?

If someone who had cut down a tree that big came up and told me that the best way to do it was to use you axes to strip of the bark and outer layer of wood and then get out you two-man saw ... I might well be inclined to believe them.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Latest Release
« on: August 18, 2015, 06:18:43 am »
I wanna play Adventures on line
I wanna play Adventures on line
I wanna play Adventures on line

Oh for the good old days when Goko would release an expansion the same week as the physical version came out  :P

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Latest Release
« on: July 20, 2015, 07:24:03 pm »
Well, I certainly prefer having a client that I can download, because that means

1) I can have a bunch of data on my hard drive instead of not having it there, which makes it faster to load that data
2) I can free up one browser bookmark for something else
3) I can pin it to my task bar which allows launching it with a hot key

I play on a iPad - I have for the last 18 months approx - so I guess if the new version is a downloaded client that ain't going to work too well for me.  :-\

Yeah, they're going to need something that will run on iOS, Android, etc, or there will be a segment of very unhappy people.

Will be?  That segment of people is either already unhappy or long since gone past unhappy into 'playing something else' territory - or they never found Dominion at all because the only version it's ever had as an app that I know of is Androminion.  But then, that's true of a lot of players of this game - I could play MF, but I find the play experience so inimical that I choose not to, even for free.

Yes, that segment is already unhappy, but I'm talking about a much more specific segment: people who have paid for sets, but play exclusively on iOS or Android.  Telling them "other people can keep playing, but you're SOL" is a really terrible business move.

For that matter, does the downloadable work on non-Windows machines?  I hope so, because that would be a much larger segment of unhappy people.

Yep. That describes me exactly. My mate and I play on iPads. I use a computer at work but at home I pretty much only use an iPad. There is an old laptop around here somewhere but I'm not going to try to resurrect it just for Dominion.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Latest Release
« on: July 19, 2015, 09:22:45 am »
Well, I certainly prefer having a client that I can download, because that means

1) I can have a bunch of data on my hard drive instead of not having it there, which makes it faster to load that data
2) I can free up one browser bookmark for something else
3) I can pin it to my task bar which allows launching it with a hot key

I play on a iPad - I have for the last 18 months approx - so I guess if the new version is a downloaded client that ain't going to work too well for me.  :-\

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Latest Release
« on: July 18, 2015, 06:56:25 pm »
"Just my own opinion here, but I want to see the friend finder in place before 1.0 is shuttered."

+1 to that. I play 98% of games against one particular friend of mine (we've played at least once a week IRL or online since 2009).

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Letting dead poets make cards
« on: June 20, 2015, 12:35:52 am »
Here is a card by Basho:

Autumn Leaves
Type: Action / Haiku
Cost: $5

Plus four money -
Now discard down to
One single card

I went into my favourite coffee shop today and the guy said "as of Monday we are going to be charging an extra 50c for coffee (current price $3.50 and every sixth coffee free). I said "oh, OK, thanks for letting me know".

It also helps that the coffee they serve there is good.

At least they don't serve $90.00 a cup.

Well. Quite. I mean my point is at least I didn't walk in for my regular after lunch cup of coffee with exactly $3.50 in my pocket only to be told "guess what? We just put the price up to $7 since yesterday. I mean I know you were here yesterday but we didn't think it worth mentioning".

The fact that this coffee shop serves nice strong non-burnt coffee and has an excellent auto-match system just makes me all the more inclined to pay a fair price for good product.

I went into my favourite coffee shop today and the guy said "as of Monday we are going to be charging an extra 50c for coffee (current price $3.50 and every sixth coffee free). I said "oh, OK, thanks for letting me know".

It also helps that the coffee they serve there is good.

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