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Messages - shMerker

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: What I love about Dominion is...
« on: July 26, 2013, 12:57:34 pm »
Islanding a province.

When your opponent has a Saboteur.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: July 23, 2013, 02:43:06 pm »
To me that works better like this:

General Discussion / Re: Brag Board
« on: July 22, 2013, 03:39:29 pm »
Just got a job offer. Kind of came out of nowhere (I was not actively looking for work) but it's a big step up from where I'm at now so I'm really excited for it.

General Discussion / Re: Brag Board
« on: July 19, 2013, 02:51:09 pm »
Ever heard of WordPerfect? Yeah, my grandpa invented that.

If we're bragging about relationships then my dad was in The Blues Brothers*

*As a nazi with no lines

And now, assuming the MtG wiki can be trusted, I can answer my own question.

The convention is well understood among experienced Magic players. However, those new to the terminology may complain that a strictly better card is not better in all situations than a strictly worse card. For example, Shock is a better card to draw than Lightning Bolt if both players are at two life and the opponent controls a Booby Trap naming Lightning Bolt. Such examples are not a failure of the terminology; it compares only the attributes of the cards regardless of obscure situations that may arise in play.

So yeah they do have this argument, but there's still general consensus about it.

Edit: VVV Yeah sorry I'll stop posting if it's not about terminal collisions.

In case you don't know Werothegreat wrote an article about Rebuild and Ragingduckd has one about playing Rebuild against Rebuild.

The term was used for Magic before it was used for Dominion.

I didn't realize that. I don't know a whole lot about Magic but it seems like that idea would be more relevant in that sphere, where there's a wider range of cards that could be in play at any given time.

But I have to wonder, do Magic players have this same argument? Edge cases are pretty much the entire game.

Wasn't the term "strictly better" coined for discussing the design of Dominion anyway? The concept is only a strategy concern in situations where you are given the choice between gaining a card and gaining one its "strictly better" counterparts, which I think most people agree is almost always a trivial decision anyway. You are not really surprising anyone when you tell them that, all other things being equal, gaining a Grand Market is better than gaining a Market. I mean, it's right there on the card. If you need a strategy article to help you work that one out I'm not sure Dominion is the game for you.

What I'm saying is discussions of "strictly better" should really be moved to the variants and fan cards subforum where it has actual relevance to stuff people are trying to do.

General Discussion / Re: Myers Briggs personality types
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:56:25 pm »
Have the hippocratic temperaments been revised or do you just have a problem with generally mellow people?
I was using my Kindle Fire to post that has auto-correct. The dumb thing changes the word you entered even if it was spelled correctly if it is not in its dictionary. I have corrected my post.

How would it know if a word is spelled correctly if it's not in the dictionary?

Do you not see the irony in quoting a dictionary definition to refute an argument in favor of using words in non-standard ways?
Do you at least see it now?
Man that's a lot of words to say "no". Could you maybe try to abuse language a little less?

This discussion is all pretty familiar.

Do you not see the irony in quoting a dictionary definition to refute an argument in favor of using words in non-standard ways?
Do you at least see it now?

Actually no. But wordplay isn't an abuse of language. Abusing language would be things like using passive voice to obscure responsibility or using unnecessarily complex verbiage to create the appearance of expertise. Wordplay is just part of hacking the language to make it do more things.

And there are so many miscommunications because brains are complicated. We have a technology for moving thoughts from one brain to another that we've been working on for thousands of years, but all along the way we've been adding new thoughts that aren't covered by the existing standards, so we pile up a lot of ad hoc solutions that necessarily can't consider all possible implications and then later revise those with more ad hoc solutions. But you can use this technology to preserve thoughts for an astoundingly long time after the brains they came from are gone without a trace so I think overall it's working pretty well.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: A Kingdom for Beginners
« on: July 17, 2013, 05:46:34 pm »
Online, sure. In-person, I would hope you would warn newish players or let them take that move back once they realize what they've done. I bring it up because usually when people are trying to introduce someone to the game it is in person anyway.

Right, but you don't want somebody's first experience with Dominion to be:

Them: "Hmm, all these cards to buy... I'll try... that one!"
You: "No, don't do that one, you'll screw yourself over because of [rules stuff]"

First game shouldn't give an opportunity for someone to screw up their deck, because having someone hover over your shoulder and tell you what to do is annoying and you should try to minimize that.

Fair enough. I wasn't really trying to say Mint should be included in a first game. I don't think the scenario you described above is all that likely though. New players are usually really averse to trashing anything. You remind them about the trashing and they go "I have to do what?" and you let them take it back. No hovering or lengthy explanations needed.

Dominion has plenty of words that don't mean the same thing as they do in other contexts. Most of the card names are names of actual things that aren't cards conferring abstract benefits to their temporary owners, but it would be really annoying if every time I wanted to talk about Smithy I said "a card with the word 'Smithy' printed at the top".

The "strictly" in "strictly better" works fine anyway. Grand Market is strictly something in relation to Market. I mean I think you can rigorously define that relationship in a way everyone will agree with*. There just isn't a perfect word for it. so if you're going to complain about something complain about the "better".

But really I'm wondering if anyone has ever actually been confused by this terminology. Everyone seems to have an intuitive sense of which card effects are "good", "bad", or "neutral". Given that why even bring it up?

Edit: I just realized most of this post is sort of beside the point because it only covers relationships like Hunting Ground : Smithy but this started with someone using strictly better to refer to an actual purchasing decision, which I agree was kind of misleading and not really what is usually intended when people here say "strictly better".

*Something like: Ignoring cost and extrinsic factors such as variety, a card A is "strictly better" than card B if A's good effects are the same as or a superset of B's and B's bad effects are the same as or a superset of A's while both A and B have the same neutral effects.

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff
« on: July 17, 2013, 01:26:39 pm »
I just realized that the question "What is the square root of 16?" is really misleadingly worded.

Dominion FAQ / Re: Goko Story Captions & Card Sets
« on: July 17, 2013, 01:00:42 pm »
I don't know exactly what sort of plans you have for a companion book but what you're describing doesn't sound like it would be covered under fair use. It might be a good idea to contact Goko for permission before doing this.

General Discussion / Re: Myers Briggs personality types
« on: July 15, 2013, 07:12:02 pm »
I took an MB self-eval ages ago and scored INTP as well. What's funny is when I took the test it was in a class with a bunch of other Computer Science majors and the material summarized INTP as "the engineer", but I was the only one in the class who was categorized that way.

So I know I am an eSfJ, first born, melancholy/problematic that learns best by read/Wright and kinesthetic.

Have the hippocratic temperaments been revised or do you just have a problem with generally mellow people?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: A Kingdom for Beginners
« on: July 15, 2013, 06:07:04 pm »

And having Mint on the board allows you to demonstrate the power of trashing a bunch of coppers to reduce handsize.

I'd avoid Mint for the first game, if only for the one guy who lucks into a 5-2 opening, and then opens Mint. While Squire makes this not entirely unrecoverable, it can still be a difficult mistake to climb back from.

Online, sure. In-person, I would hope you would warn newish players or let them take that move back once they realize what they've done. I bring it up because usually when people are trying to introduce someone to the game it is in person anyway.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Pet tricks you haven't tried yet
« on: July 15, 2013, 06:01:05 pm »
The key thing is the "would gain" in Possession's text, which means the timing matches the "would gain" on Trader. Which, as you point out, actually cancels gaining entirely. This is also why you don't gain multiple bonus cards from buying a Border Village via Possession.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Ranking the Expansions
« on: July 12, 2013, 01:27:37 pm »
There are $5 peddler variants (Highway, Treasury) already. What would make a hypothetical Hunting Party Peddler variant different in that regard?

And anyway is that card:

+1 Card
+1 Action
[some additional thing]


Is it
+1 Action
[the part of Hunting Party that makes you dig for a unique card]

Or is it something else? Because I don't really see how either of those cards obviates Tournament, especially if they cost more than it.

If I were ranking the expansions right now I think it would be

Dark Ages

I find with Prosperity and Seaside I spend a lot less time explaining how the cards work than with other sets and people get a kick out of the themes. Guilds and Dark Ages are more complex but usually inspire the same excitement so that makes up for it. Intrigue and Hinterlands are both definitely solid and I think I could play and enjoy the game if either one of those was the only set I had (obviously with Base Cards to make the Hinterlands playable). Cornucopia and Alchemy are both fun, but I find that Cornucopia cards are really intimidating and confusing to a lot of players and Alchemy always seems to slow things down a lot. If you forced me at gunpoint to burn an expansion it would be Alchemy for sure.

What I would try is using Taxman to lose some coppers and then Plaza/Adventurer chains with some Candlestick Makers thrown in for the +buy. Maybe also overpay for a Herald if the right opportunity presents itself.

That's if I had to use Adventurer. I'm pretty sure the same deck works better with Library in place of Adventurer.

Trading a Bag of Gold for a Poor House is considered an Upgrade.

Even though you can get a lot of extras thrown in when you pay extra for a Masterpiece, the Hagglers, Traders, and Swindlers all know it's only worth $3 and that if they're willing to travel a few towns over (You just take the Highway that crosses two Bridges) they can get one for free. You could even get a Hermit to make one for you.

This thread taught me that in Dominion, "cost" has a technical definition that is subtly different from what is usually meant by "cost" in other contexts, including the discussion of Dominion Strategy.

Dominion: Guilds Previews / Re: Merchant Guild
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:44:41 pm »
Something I see happen a lot with bridge is that early in the game it's like an expensive Woodcutter. Because the cost reduction ends up being enough to get me a $5 instead of a $4 but not enough to score anything extra on top of that. Like if I've played a Bridge and have $4 to spend on top of that ok now I can grab a power $5 but unless there's something like Native Village or Hamlet on the board the remaining coin is just gonna get burned. If I did the same thing with a Merchant Guild the extra coin is a token I can save for when I have enough to pick up something else.

Basically it seems to me like the Merchant Guild will help you more in getting an engine together when the components skew more expensive, like if the only Village on the board is Worker's or Farming.

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