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Messages - Simon Jester

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: The bad luck thread
« on: December 03, 2018, 09:30:02 pm »
Alas, it happened at last. I got a Prize, Trusty Steed - super-crucial or my deck- swapped to curse by Swindler.

It still hurts.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: December 01, 2018, 05:50:28 pm »

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: December 01, 2018, 05:23:41 pm »
Province, Peddler, Pathfinder, Prince...

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Renaissance First Impnressions
« on: December 01, 2018, 03:14:41 pm »

Scepter is super duper weak. Capitalism, Innovation and Scepter all have the same problem: Most Action cards are cards you don't want to play during your Buy phase.

Uhm, say what now? It may be situational, but that is not to say that is weak since it can't miss and instead becomes a silver, there's plenty of actions that might not be superduper to play in the buy phase but still gives you something which makes it neat. Might be awkward for 5, but I like to pick at least one up and can't remember regretting it. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Renaissance First Impnressions
« on: December 01, 2018, 05:23:19 am »
I'm still trying to figure out Cathedral.

Recruiter seems VERY strong. It's basically the inverse of a Witch.

Boarder Guard seems very weak and confusing.

Inventor seems much weaker than Bridge.

Patron seems very weak.

I like playing Actions during Buy phase.

Projects seem strong in general -- most projects make a deck strictly better than a deck without said Project.

Border Guard is an excellent sifter, especially with Lantern activated. It's not a powerhouse, but 2's shouldn't be. I like it.

Quite the contrary! They can't be used in exactly the same way, but Inventor helps you out much more often than Bridge when you can't go for the megaturn in my experience. I found Inventor to be much more flexible and is probably my choice for most powerful 4, saved for Sauna.

Patron is ok. It's nice to load up on them on a boad when revealing happens pretty often and get the bonus regulary. Maybe that is more fun that good, though. Don't know yet.

Projects are sweet. In fact I want to get my impressions on them real quick. They are definitely the most interesting thing in Renaissance. 


Some radom impressions:

Cathedral: Best trasher thing ever, less pressure and more fun than Donate. With discarding attacks you will have a hard time though.

City Gate: Neat and very useful as soon as you need to connect something or wants to know what is top of your deck, otherwise a bit lackluster and skippable me thinks.

Pageant: Sweet bonus. Feels kinda like a Borrow without a downside, so cheap that it is almost always right to buy it.

Sewers: Makes every weak trasher splendid. Sad, like Tomb, when there is no trashing at all though.   

Star Chart: Ugh. I always make the wrong choice, when I put villages on top my draws are nowhere to be seen and when I gamble and put the payload on top of course no villages joins, and I rather get screwed by RNG than my own judgement. Not a favourite even though I see that it's strong naturally.

Exploration: Niche, but therefor fun. Can absolutely give an edge in a slog or at the end of the game where you dud pretty often.

Fair: Vanilla and good. Seldom game changing, seldom regrettable.

Silos: Don't like it. Don't like it at all. Either it's early in the game and the coppers you discard just become green cards or it's late in the game and you hardly use it much. Not denying it can be good, but not too fun for me.

Sinister Plot: Amazing. I love saving for megaturns even tough it might not be the best choice all the time. Still always fun to use and the decisions to do is exciting.

Academy: Much worse than it's sibling Guild Hall. Can be neat but I skip it often without getting too burned.

Capitalism: The times it's game breaking is not very often at all. Fun, but surprisingly mediocre on full random.

Fleet: Yet to see a game where this would mattered. Strange and a little disappointing.

Guildhall: Power house. Changes board completely. Like to use it.

Piazza: Nice way to achieve a splitter but like Herald it can be a luck-trap from time to time. Slightly annoying.

Road Network: Cool thing, but hard to evaluate since you don't diectly see the effect your opponents get and your own don't feel too great. Decent I guess.

Barracks: Vanilla and as good as you might expect. Not too exciting though.

Crop Rotation: Surprisingly good for it's price, but not too fun.

Innovation: Fantastic. My favourite trick is buying Swamp Hag every turn *evil grin*

Canal: Eh. It feels like it is a power house, but I have lost with it in ways that shouldn't be possible. The opportunity cost matters significantly, I think.

Citadel: Yeah. Good. I don't know. Think I have seen it a bit too little to really judge it yet.     

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: November 30, 2018, 07:50:43 am »
Hi Donald!

I've been wondering for some time: Is Dominion Online something you could consider a spinoff interesting enough to do something special for? I'm not talking about new cards really, you haver answered that before, but rather things like tweaks that smooths the online play experience and maybe sideway cards that perhaps only is relevant to have in an online, competitive, environment? Is it something you could see yourself enjoying working on future on?

Also: Have you entertained thoughts on doing some very niched Dominion expansions, biased to a certain element in the game? I realise that there is a money factor there, a niched expansion will have fewer fans, but if enough interest is granted: Would it be fun for you to do, say, a very swingy expansion or an extremely player interaction/attacky one? (Could of course focus on other themes, only mentioned things I could see myself really be hyped about)

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: November 30, 2018, 07:12:23 am »
Completely Useless Pearl Diver
+1 Action
Reveal the bottom card of your deck. If it is a Victory card, put it in your hand.

If it was a cantrip I kinda prefer it to the original, at least it's easy to see plenty of uses.
As a cantrip it would just be Vagrant.

It would be worse than Vagrant. If Vagrant misses, the next Vagrant has a chance to hit. Furthermore, pulling a Victory card from the bottom of your deck isn't as useful as pulling it from the top of your deck, since the former doesn't help your next Smithy draw useful cards, and if the card would have missed the shuffle anyway then it doesn't even do anything.


But.. Isn't there always a green card at the bottom of the deck when playing Pearl Diver?

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Really bad card ideas
« on: November 30, 2018, 05:44:49 am »
Completely Useless Pearl Diver
+1 Action
Reveal the bottom card of your deck. If it is a Victory card, put it in your hand.

If it was a cantrip I kinda prefer it to the original, at least it's easy to see plenty of uses.

Seer + Chariot Race

Seer leaves copies of itself and other expensive cards on top of your deck so Chariot Race is activated when played. Seer also picks up your Chariot Races into your hand. The time I saw it Altar was also on the board, which enabled getting many Seers and Chariot Races while trashing, but any decent gainer should work.

True, but it also leaves junk left on top so in a junker-game it might be a double-edged sword. Still mostly a good effect since you can rearrange to your benefit.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: November 29, 2018, 12:06:15 pm »

I love that this actually makes sense..

Priest + Counterfeit

Fairly obvious, but I would declare this a thing. With a treasure trasher there is no problem to activate Priests, the only problem would be to have enough targets left in the deck, but solve that and you're set.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: November 29, 2018, 03:01:14 am »
What's with the ref whistle expansion emblem?

Ha! It's a canon, if you actually couldn't figure it out. /CO

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Pearl Diver buff acceptable?
« on: November 28, 2018, 05:00:01 pm »
A long time ago a 3P game convinced me that Dominion is better suited for 2 players.
I don't know the technical term for that, is it online-only-delusion?

On a more serious note, the game scales best at 3. Ambassador is an obvious example, instead of net-thinning like with 2 respectively net-junking like with 4 at 3 there is a nice balance. Self-synergizing cards which are bonkers at 2 like Fool's Gold, Minion or Sauna/Avanto are more moderate at 3 yet unlike with 4 you can still build a decent engine.

Thank you, I have been wondering how Sauna/Avanto even could pass the bar, but it's not too hard too see that it could be actually fun in 3-player and reasonable difficult to play correctly as well..

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Pearl Diver buff acceptable?
« on: November 28, 2018, 04:59:53 am »
There was nothing wrong with Great Hall at all, and while it's nice to have Mill I'm sad that GH is outtaken in Dominion Online. The difference between 3 and 4 might be small but is significant not too seldom. Hermit likes GH but not Mill, in a slog you might not even be able to hit 4 regularly and so forth. I don't know, but I miss the damned thing :(

Pearl Diver is awesome, don't "fix" it and have to have it cost 3, it's main strength is it's ability to come in bulk.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: New/Odd trends
« on: November 26, 2018, 04:40:40 pm »
I've noticed more than a few informal "Gentleman's Agreements" around Rebuild where both players choose to ignore it.

Oh, oh, and I have gotten questions about banning Swindler a couple of times which annoys me slightly, I love that card (but can very much understand the hate, the taste is like the butt, divided.)

When it comes to Rebuild I'm getting scared for it nowadays. Whenever I go for it alone I'm getting beaten and whenever I try to beat it I'm getting smashed. Something is up with that card and it's not at all boring nowadays to me, just a legit nightmare. Would politely refuse Rebuild-bans future on.

Rules Questions / Re: Strange Inventor question
« on: November 26, 2018, 04:33:11 pm »
Contingent as in if you don't gain a card there will be no cost reduction? No, there is no "if you do" clause and therefor it doesn't matter if you fail to follow the instruction.

In fact, I think it's edge case-free impossible to occur since curses/ruins, coppers and estates needs to be out for that to even be considered.

That is what I was thinking.

The word "Then" on the card confused me a bit I guess. It could matter for trader or posession, or anything with "when you would gain" timing, play inventor, gain an estate, reveal trader to instead gain a silver instead.  (why not just use inventor to gain the silver, but I digress) Do I still get the cost reduction?

Since its understood you resolve things top to bottom, the fact that the word "then" is on the card leads me to believe that Gaining a card costing up to $4 has to happen to get the cost reduction.

But you did gain a card up to $4, that Trader brought it shouldn't matter as like with IW, because Inventor would only check if something was gained, not giving you something depending if it was a certain card or whatnot. As long as you got something gained, Inventor can proceed to the next task. Some Rule Master may correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty certain this should be the case. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: New/Odd trends
« on: November 26, 2018, 04:27:27 pm »
It was a no +buy/gain kingdom and Fountain was there, but they did actually not save the coppers so Fountain couldn't really be the reason as a whole. I suspect some players might have been burned by over trashing and hesitates to use Chapel, if you only want to trash estates and a spare copper when you have no estates in your starting hands, Chapel might actually be worse than Ratcatcher. I don't think a single buy kingdom is reason enough to go that route though..
Hard to say without knowing the entire Kingdom but without the possibility to gain more than one card per turn this smells a lot like a boring Chapel-money strategy would be dominant. So I guess your hunch that your opponent just wanted to do something more funky is right.

Yeah, that's most likely it if they were reasonably experienced. If the trend only is that Chapel is considered all the more boring and overused so well, I'm not there yet, but guess one can't be surprised that some people just can't stand it anymore. Can't complain for semi-free wins after all.

Rules Questions / Re: Strange Inventor question
« on: November 26, 2018, 04:07:06 pm »
In fact, I think it's edge case-free impossible to occur since curses/ruins, coppers and estates need to be out for that to even be considered.

The obvious edge case is pile them all out with a Bridge megaturn, then buy Villa and play Inventor.

I don't know what I was thinking...

Rules Questions / Re: Strange Inventor question
« on: November 26, 2018, 03:46:31 pm »
Contingent as in if you don't gain a card there will be no cost reduction? No, there is no "if you do" clause and therefor it doesn't matter if you fail to follow the instruction.

In fact, I think it's edge case-free impossible to occur since curses/ruins, coppers and estates needs to be out for that to even be considered. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: New/Odd trends
« on: November 26, 2018, 02:57:22 pm »
In the latest I have noticed something that I can't help but think is a bit odd: People are starting to ignore Chapel more and more, and not in case of other strong trashers as Donate or Cathedral, just the other game some fella chose Ratcatcher instead. I don't think that they're ignorant players who don't know the true strength of Chapel (in this case they did pretty good anyway, lost only in the very end so no newb there I don't think) but I can't really wrap my head about this.
This is hard to answer in general but the interesting question is rather, why was Chapel relatively bad in this Kingdom. Quick trashing (and junking) is usually best but if you have good draw or sifting trashing quickly becomes less important.
I still doubt that he played what was best. Chapel is simply much faster than Ratcatcher (you often need 2 or 3 Ratcatchers to thin quickly). What can make sense though is Chapel PLUS Ratcatcher.

It was a no +buy/gain kingdom and Fountain was there, but they did actually not save the coppers so Fountain couldn't really be the reason as a whole. I suspect some players might have been burned by over trashing and hesitates to use Chapel, if you only want to trash estates and a spare copper when you have no estates in your starting hands, Chapel might actually be worse than Ratcatcher. I don't think a single buy kingdom is reason enough to go that route though..

Still, my core instinct was for so long to always go Chapel and I would assume that is how weaker player thinks still today - ah, but very well, they might very well be experimenting and deliberately choose to avoid Chapel to see what happens so eh, but to see it a couple of times (I don't recall losing any of these games where I was the only Chapel-player) in a short time is still a little confusing..

Dominion General Discussion / New/Odd trends
« on: November 26, 2018, 11:29:19 am »
In the latest I have noticed something that I can't help but think is a bit odd: People are starting to ignore Chapel more and more, and not in case of other strong trashers as Donate or Cathedral, just the other game some fella chose Ratcatcher instead. I don't think that they're ignorant players who don't know the true strength of Chapel (in this case they did pretty good anyway, lost only in the very end so no newb there I don't think) but I can't really wrap my head about this. I wished I could log it better, but I feel like at least five times recently I have seen Chapel ignored without a good reason. Is there just a streak of experimental plays I have been met against or is thee possibly something going on in the meta-view of the card?

To make this a legit thread and not only a confused rant: Have you been noticing some new trends in the style of playing or in the valuation of cards that you find odd/incorrect or perhaps interesting even for expert levels? Not really talking of things like the overvaluation of Pirate Ship in P2 or similar that has been known for ages but rather tings that is relatively new. 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How thematic are card names?
« on: November 24, 2018, 06:07:26 pm »
May I ask why Exploration only got the lowest rating? I immediately thought of the interaction with Mission and maybe you don't count in-game associations but if so it make sense that something that rewards you for.. exploring.. the possibilities of the kingdom if you can't buy cards have that kind of name. I think it isworthy of a **-rating at least, more than that is a bit of a stretch for sure, but I still like the name of the card pretty much theme-wise.

I do count in-game associations, and that counted against Exploration for me. The card whose name is most closely related to Exploration is Explorer, a Silver gainer, which has nothing to do with the effect of Exploration. Meanwhile, the existing effect that's most similar to Exploration, in my opinion, is Baths, which is highly thematic—take the day off, don't do anything, just sit around in the hot tub, you'll feel better. Thematically, Exploration is the opposite of Baths—heading out into the perilous unknown, versus sitting safe and sound in a comforting bath—so it seems odd to me that it should also be a "get tokens for not doing anything" effect.

I dunno, I guess Hermit is another potential comparison point—he goes mad if he doesn't buy anything, i.e., if he doesn't, like, engage in his daily routine and interact with other people? And so Exploration is, like, deliberately departing from your daily routine, and getting some resources out of it? I dunno, maybe it could be a *½, but it just doesn't really hang together for me.

True, but to be fair, isn't it Explorer that is a bit off as a Treasure gainer? It's mainly trading or war stuff that gets you those things via gaining. The explorer crew could of course be on their way to do a little bit of both, but yeah, you do have a point - it would be neat if it had a connotation with Baths somehow. Hm, what combines with both Baths and Mission? Halt as in resting while on a journey (not sure for a better term in English but sure there is one, simply "break" is too tame) maybe?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How thematic are card names?
« on: November 24, 2018, 03:03:44 pm »
May I ask why Exploration only got the lowest rating? I immediately thought of the interaction with Mission and maybe you don't count in-game associations but if so it make sense that something that rewards you for.. exploring.. the possibilities of the kingdom if you can't buy cards have that kind of name. I think it isworthy of a **-rating at least, more than that is a bit of a stretch for sure, but I still like the name of the card pretty much theme-wise.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Alchemy, Intrigue or Hinterlands
« on: November 24, 2018, 02:53:37 pm »
Intrigue is in my opinion the one with the most interesting and fun cards, and I only have the first edition with a couple of duds, but it's still awesome and the experience with Intrigue turned Dominion from a game among others to the game above all other. That said, Hinterlands is not bad either. It's simpler and that is a good thing when playing IRL, also a star you should absolutely get as soon as you can manage.

Alchemy you can wait with, the cards are actually great but unfortunately they are a bit of a pain to resolve IRL and we stopped playing Alchemy pretty quickly after the novelty ran off. I don't want to bash it further though, because the potion mechanic is so interesting, but prioritise the other two, that is what almost everyone would suggest I think.   

Dominion General Discussion / Re: old cards that have gotten better
« on: November 23, 2018, 06:24:07 pm »

It's not only market square that can provide the megaturn any longer (although it's clearly the easiest..)

Did you get this backwards? Market Square got better combos so you can do it with more than  Hermit?

No, actually not. I managed to do the same thing with Worker's village and Lucky coin and it taught me that the only thing you need for Madman-shenanings is a good +buy card (preferably cantrips) and some way to get lots of coin-payload fast. Granted, hermit+market square does it on an whole other level than the things I have found, and maybe how to use Hermit properly is common knowledge, but at least Hermit has elevated a LOT for me in the latest. From a slightly awkward trasher to a potential powerhouse when the board is right, which is pretty often in my experience.

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