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Messages - drsteelhammer

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Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Is it okay to buy Possession?
« on: November 11, 2017, 04:27:24 pm »
I wonder how broken it would be to replace a Copper with a Potion if Alchemy cards are out? You aren't at risk of missing the shuffle that way.

Pretty bad/broken/awful.

1) It kills the potion mechanic (potion is an opportunity cost, the strength of the potion cards revolve around having to invest into potion first, otherwise they'd be super strong)

2) Sometimes you want Potions late, and it's irritating why you would have to start with them in those games (aka vineyard,golem, posssession)

3) Hitting 3 Potion is already annoying on the second shuffle, but imagine one player getting a Familiar and one player getting nothing instead.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Dominion Online Championship Semifinals
« on: November 11, 2017, 07:14:50 am »
The Semifinals are happening this weekend!

In 12 hours from this post (Sunday, 0UTC), Mercury and SamE will determine the first finalist of the tournament. Commentary will be provided funkdoc and  possibly deadlock39.

The second semifinal will be held tomorrow, 20UTC, which is roughly 32 hours from this post. Dan Brooks will be facing off jsh which will be commentated by Burning Skull and markus.

As always, the streams will run here:

Thanks for streaming! Please post the videos on Youtube for a potentially broader audience and for the sweet, sweet subtitles when the commentator's voices are hard to hear because of technical difficulties. (Don't worry, Mic, I don't mean you - you're as clear as 76 trombones.)

I started doing that now, sorry about the delay

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: October 31, 2017, 08:49:45 am »
It's not about quantity, guys.

Unfortunately there's no best quality voters/posters/thread starters list.

we need a bracket

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: October 30, 2017, 09:55:57 pm »
Now we even derail the meme thread? Truly nothing is sacred anymore

Dominion League / Re: Season 24 - Results
« on: October 30, 2017, 09:53:51 pm »
Limetime 1-5 drsteelhammer

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Weird German Dominion promotion video
« on: October 30, 2017, 04:13:43 am »
Wow! Umm, what did I just watch?

Trust me, it doesn't get better with context

And the River is delayed because of the aquatic theme of Seaside Durations.

Huh, maybe River and Sea should have been swapped.

I like it the way it is. The River one is pretty sweet, whereas the Sea one makes me salty (triggers a bad shuffle everytime!)
Does it really? Or were you just looking for an excuse to make that salt pun?

Well, at the time I wrote this, the cantrip boon user wasn't out yet, so that one is pretty cool with Sea's gift. Blessed village isn't that bad either since it just becomes a rivers gift. But I did get that awful feeling when Fool and Idols misbehaved, so I'd much rather get the River there (and yes, atleast one of those shuffle triggers was game losing). That cartographer boon atleast mitigates that problem of triggering a bad shuffle, the sea just doesn't do anything in subpar situations.

Also, who am I kidding, this is f.ds. Of course I would have tried to make the pun work anyway.

Dominion: Nocturne Previews / Re: Previews #5: Exorcist, Pixie, Vampire
« on: October 27, 2017, 06:31:34 am »
"Each other player receives the next Hex"

Does that mean that in a 4-player game, my 3 opponents all get hit by the same Hex, or do they each receive different hexes in turn?

Grammar debate: The sequel

And the River is delayed because of the aquatic theme of Seaside Durations.

Huh, maybe River and Sea should have been swapped.

I like it the way it is. The River one is pretty sweet, whereas the Sea one makes me salty (triggers a bad shuffle everytime!)

Speaking of Remake: I can tell you from first-hand experience that Remake is not a card you want to find with your Ghost.

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dominion Live Streams
« on: October 21, 2017, 05:05:10 pm »
we also have some commentated matches now, here are two that happen tomorrow:

8UTC:(11 hours from this post): vs saaket, commentated by Seprix and markus

16UTC: 19hours from this post): JW-Sicomatic, commentated by Qvist and aku chi

those are matches for the round of 32. the streams will be here: where you can also find two vods of interesting matches from the same round. (mercury444f-faust and Beyond Awesome-gamesou)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: How carefully/slowly do you play?
« on: October 20, 2017, 05:41:20 am »
There is no competetive advantage in playing fast. Sure, you might enjoy yourself more, but it has to be obvious to anyone that playing more slowly and thinking through several scenarios can't be worse than going with your first intuition (of course there are cases where you talk yourself out of the optimal play, but that's not the fault of thinking, but of thinking wrongly).

The problem is that there are very few people who have the tools to think about these things productively and the marginal value is often pretty small compared to the intuition of a player with similar skill. That said, I think that methodical approach has the biggest chance rise the skill ceiling of the dominion community, especially if the trend continues that we get more and more control of our decks.

edit: Personally, I also play pretty fast most of the time, but I think I'm wrong about it :)

Also, the correct speed to watch dominion videos is 1.25

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dominion Live Streams
« on: September 25, 2017, 08:56:06 am »

round 2 stream now!

Dominion Videos and Streams / Re: Dominion Live Streams
« on: September 19, 2017, 08:48:55 pm »
Championship has started!

We're all hanging out here:

Dominion Online at Shuffle iT / Re: Can’t un-familiar-ize a card
« on: September 15, 2017, 09:33:42 am »
There's a set of 10 cards in the base set that are always familiar
And the point of that for the designers would be?

so that you can play everyone else with familiar cards enabled without having fewer than 10 cards to choose from.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Turn 1 Overlord
« on: September 14, 2017, 04:07:22 pm »
In fact I'm so commited to that I opened -/Overlord once with a 2/5

Which card on the board made you choose to open with Overlord instead of one of the 5s? Trading Post? It has to be something that's good early and then gets really bad really quickly, right? If you want to play it as a 5 that's good in the long run, you'd rather buy that directly and not have 3D (if you realize you only have to take 1D it's close). Flexibility likely doesn't matter when your deck is just starting cards +Overlord, in the early game you'll be playing it as the same thing a bunch of times.

I don't quite remember, but it might have been trading post or maybe count. Clearly my mind wasn't quite there actually thinking it through (or I would've paid of 2 debt on the first turn)

General Discussion / Re: Random Stuff Part III
« on: September 11, 2017, 11:56:40 am »
Awaclus are you drunk or something? I would've bet like $7 that your answer was gonna be "yes."

Dominion League / Re: S23 Champion Match: Sunday September 10th, 20:00 UTC
« on: September 09, 2017, 04:35:16 pm »
We also have commentators: Philip and Mic Q will try to provide some insight + entertainment.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Turn 1 Overlord
« on: September 09, 2017, 11:31:00 am »
I'm very confident that a turn 2 Overlord is miles better than getting it on turn 1.

In fact I'm so commited to that I opened -/Overlord once with a 2/5, that wasn't my brightest moment. So I can see the Overlord being ok on a 2/5 where you wouldn't want a to anyways. On 3/4 or 4/3 I assume that most of the time there will be a helpful card to purchase on turn1 that delays the overlord to turn2.

Dominion League / S23 Champion Match: Sunday September 10th, 20:00 UTC
« on: September 08, 2017, 11:28:54 pm »
Hey everyone,

the season is not quite finished, but we already have a date for the Championship match! This Sunday, the top finishers of what has been the closest A division so far will battle it out for the title of 23rd League Champion. The first and last person in the group were only seperated by 2 points! Coming out on top and therefore in the Championship Match are aku chi and Rabid, who are unsurprisingly tied in points. Having tied their regular game aswell, Rabid managed to get very slightly ahead on the third tie breaker, which means they need 3 out of the 6 games to be declared the winner. Consequently, aku chi will need 3,5 points to be victorious.

Both of them already made one final appearance, but didn't manage to secure the title. So the winner will be our sixth unique League champion!

Stream, as always, will be over here:

The League will take a break after this to make time for the Dominion Online Championship on ShuffleiT. We'll see you all back in October for Season 24, hopefully with Nocturne!

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The bad luck thread
« on: September 08, 2017, 06:30:46 pm »
All of the following were pulled from the Bm deck by my opponent:

Regardless of green lead, there is precisely nothing that can be done why you get Masqed and then Possessed.

So they Masqed you the Ambassador and you had no way to trash it?

Effectively, yes. We had Tr/Alchemist stacks, so the turn he hit Possession I was Masqed the Amb. He then returned my trashing (Altar) which I could not gain back and then play before he would return it.

Possession desperately needs to be banned from the Bm deck.

It's already super rare on shuffle it cause there needs to be a potion card in the supply for it.

Game Reports / Re: Horse Traders + Duke/Duchy
« on: September 08, 2017, 12:04:03 pm »
Yup that is really amusing. Two top 10 players back then would play a Duke strategy there? I'd be suprised if there are more than 5 or so Top100 players who'd consider that and then I'd wonder how they got there.

Also, I'd absolutely play with a Ghost ship against a duchy strategy there, it will suck for the duchy player most turns anyway. (probably elevates the win % from 99,X to 99,99)

Royal seal is indeed interesting as HoP gains can happen afterwards, but it isn't necessarily worth it if you get thing relatively quickly.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Adventures Cards: Alms
« on: September 08, 2017, 07:48:04 am »
Necro time!

Has your perception changed of how good Alms is? I felt like I was the only one saying this is an average event at best most of the time. The thing is, there haven't been many games that made me change my mind about it. It gains you a slightly better card early or a free $4 if you're chapeling, but that's all it does. Still doesn't sound strong.

Dominion Articles / Re: Bonfire Synergies and Tactics
« on: September 08, 2017, 07:39:12 am »
Couple things that could be expanded upon:

-Playing your other card by turn 4 is really really good. (And your turn 3 buy on t5 happens, too right?) This deserves 1-2 sentences in the general strategy section.

-Like others have said, something about early economy would be nice. What chance has Monument/Bonfire (or Silver/Bonfire, doesn't matter) to hit $5? or to hit Bonfire/Silver again the next shuffle? The necro trash could have a small place here aswell.

I also think hitting $5 isn't that important because you can build up nicely after being thin, but I suppose it necessary on some boards.

-like aku said, HG is really nice for the last turn- probably deserves a mention.

Otherwise, good article!

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