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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: December 06, 2018, 01:51:58 am »
Why the return to Bridge-like cost reduction with Inventor? (rather than Highway-like)

I'm into it.

Why were Priest and Inventor worded such that their effects don't apply to their  first play? I.e why isn't Inventor " Cards cost $1 less. Gain a card costing up to $3"

Also why aren't they "while this is in play" effects?
Both things are for simplicity. Doing the math for you is simpler than not doing it for you. For a bit there I favored "while in play" but now I think people find it more confusing than "this turn."

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: December 05, 2018, 06:24:53 pm »
Going for Renaissance themes of simplicity + Coffers:
Stock Exchange
Action/Victory - $5
+2 Coffers
Worth 1VP for every 3 Coffers (round down) on your Coffers mat at the end of the game.

Go to the Stock Exchange to invest, and as long as you can hang on to those investments, the more this is worth. I'm still working on the cost and the Coffers-to-VP ratio. Right now, with no other Coffers gainers in play, you'll need to play Stock Exchanges five times to make it worth as much as a Duchy. However, it could potentially get pretty nutty with good Coffers gainers in play, like Merchant Guild. May bump it to 1VP per 4 Coffers (or 2VP per 7 Coffers). Will try to playtest if I have time.

I am actually thinking about a similar idea (vp for 2 villagers), but a problem is the temptation to keep building which makes it a boring long game. I will probably make it trash victory cards to give it an indirect limit.

You could even consider a direct limit, e.g. "Worth 1VP per 3 Coffers tokens you have (round down), but not more than 5VP."

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: December 05, 2018, 03:18:38 pm »
Oil Painting
Cost: $4
Types: Victory
Worth 2 VP + 1 VP per Project you have bought.
Setup: Add a Project to the kingdom.

Clarification: The added Project is in addition to any other Landscape cards in the kingdom.  So if there are two Events before adding the Project, the maximum value for Oil Painting will be 3VP.  If there are two Projects before adding the extra Project, the maximum value for Oil Painting will be 5VP.

You only have 2 cubes so the max would be 4 vp

I also feel like it's fairly likely you will buy an available Project so this will usually be at least a Duchy, for $4.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: December 04, 2018, 11:29:31 pm »

Just a silly idea I've had kicking around for a while. Gamble on not all the Duchies getting bought, or some extra incentive to force a three-pile ending. (Or, even sillier, make last minute adjustments for Keep/Fairgrounds/etc.)
Is this really a Victory card?

This is a bit off-topic, but it seems like a good candidate for the "Endgame" or "Special" types:

A few times over the years, I tried to make a card that cost the other players a victory card at the end of the game. It attacks your score. This version I'm looking at was an "Action - Endgame."

Cemetery I tried multiple times, since it was novel, a different way to attack the other players. It was always too little or too much.
(Click the image to enlarge, look for the pink cards)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: December 04, 2018, 03:26:21 am »
Trying to keep it simple, for those Renaissance-y bonus points:

Promenade: Treasure-Victory, $3
+1 Villager

1 VP

EDIT: Was missing coin symbols in upper corners.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 30, 2018, 03:33:51 pm »

Investment is inspired by Plowing from this very thread and similar to something that DXV did during playtesting. Could obviously be too crazy:

Early on I had a Duration card that sat there accumulating Coffers tokens until you popped it.

Banker creates an incentive to keep Investment in play longer than you want anyway. It also becomes better if there are other Durations in the Kingdom. It could still be too weak though and require something extra.

Interestingly, Banker is also reminiscent of a Renaissance outtake:

There was also a duration cantrip giving +$2 next turn, that had a 2-sided State where the 2nd side had you draw a card per Duration at the start of each turn. It upgraded all your Durations. Then the States died, but I had a Project that did that, and I had the duration cantrip with no associated State.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 29, 2018, 01:23:38 am »

Looks pretty good, but Wages should probably have some kind of "If it's not your Action phase, return to it" wording. Not sure if this is the best wording or not.
Looking at Villa, it should probably be "If it's your Buy phase". Also, Treasures should say "When you play this".


Sorry mine also has a card named Smelter.  I had this made a while ago and just didn't post it.  Hopefully since the first card is different it is unique enough.
Mould should say "that you don't have in play", since now other people might have Treasures in play on your turns (Capitalism + Caravan Guard). ;)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 14, 2018, 12:19:11 pm »
My card Con Artist got an update. It took me a lot of time to make it more balanced in comparsion to Ghost Ship, Torturer and Young Witch, but here is it:

Con Artist
Type: Action - Attack
Cost: $4

+3 Cards
Discard 2 Cards

Each other player reveals their hand. Those with less than three Coppers gain a Copper to their hand, then put a card from their hand onto their deck.

Illustration: Le Tricheur à l'as de carreau by Georges de La Tour
Little wording suggestion: Each player who revealed less than three Coppers gain a Copper to their hand, then puts a card from their hand onto their deck. As far as the card itself, I think that should work well.

If we're going to do wording suggestions, it should probably say "fewer than three Coppers" not "less than"

I actually had similar wordings, but the text became too tiny, so I wanted to compress it. This is the shortest version I could find.

Dominion would usually say "2 or fewer" instead of "fewer than 3". Here's my suggestion, though you may not like that the discarding is not its own paragraph, or that "it" is potentially confusing:

+3 Cards

Discard 2 cards. Each other player may reveal that their hand has 3 or more Coppers. If they don't, they gain a Copper to their hand, then put a card from it onto their deck.

Adventurer might not be totally worthless with Capitalism. It'd give Venture/Capitalism a run for its money.

Um, Adventurer + Capitalism almost reads +2 cards. I mean, it skips over Victory cards which is nice... but that sounds terrible.

It also skips over most of your other draw cards.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Ice Age
« on: November 07, 2018, 08:40:01 pm »
Here's a bonus card which I wasn't confident enough in to put it directly into the OP, does anyone actually understand what this card does? You'll need a magnifying glass first!

I think it's clear what it does; it looks like an Outpost-Cargo Ship-Reserve hybrid. (Either that or I am very confidently misinterpreting the card.)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interview with Donald X.
« on: November 07, 2018, 08:34:01 pm »
The vague idea is to put the ones that determine when you can play the card first, and after that have the ones that don't mean as much. I may have been inconsistent somewhere.

I believe Raider (Night-Duration-Attack) is the only inconsistency; Enchantress, Haunted Woods, and Swamp Hag all list Attack before Duration. Except for Raider, the types have been ordered as follows (types on the same tier have not appeared together):
  • Action, Curse
  • Gathering, Night, Ruins, Treasure, Zombie
  • Attack, Reserve
  • Doom, Duration, Fate, Looter, Knight, Prize, Traveller
  • Spirit, Victory
  • Castle, Heirloom, Reaction
  • Shelter

Some other interactions pointed out on Discord:
  • Taxman: force your opponents to discard a +$ Action card
  • Crypt: Save +$ Action cards for future turns
  • Mandarin: Scheme all your +$ Action cards in play
  • Forager: counts +$ Action cards in the trash
  • Hero / Tragic Hero: gain any +$ Action card
  • Bridge: becomes non-terminal like Highway
  • +$ Attacks become non-terminal: Goons (already mentioned), but also Mountebank, Giant, Swindler, Jester, etc

Rules Questions / Re: Exploration + Villa
« on: November 06, 2018, 05:10:42 am »
Thanks! An even better way to phrase that, I'm stealing it.

Rules Questions / Exploration + Villa
« on: November 06, 2018, 04:47:32 am »
Is this statement accurate about the interaction between Exploration and Villa?

Exploration checks at the end of each Buy phase whether you bought cards in that Buy phase; if your turn has multiple Buy phases due to Villa, only the last one will end, and so the last Buy phase is the only one in which you need to not buy cards to get the +1 Coffers and +1 Villagers.

It's based on a ruling by Stef on Discord, so it'd be nice to get official confirmation, and have something cite-able for the wiki.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Fly-Eagles-Fly's fan cards
« on: November 05, 2018, 04:44:10 pm »
I like Anvil/Tools, especially Tools; it seems like it is one of the stronger Heirlooms, but is balanced since you only have one (barring Treasurer shenanigans). Anvil should say Tools.

And for Hideout, trying to find a good name, maybe Den, or Hideaway? Thoughts?

I prefer Hideaway; lots of people colloquially refer to Den of Sin as Den. Or you could consider something like Lair or Sanctum.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 04, 2018, 01:21:58 am »
When throned, you can set aside two cards and take two cards per turn into hand (unintuitively for those who've played Agricola, you can take both copies of one card on the first turn and both copies of the other on your second turn, or even set aside only one card and take both copies into hand on your next turn; I couldn't find any way to "fix" this that wasn't unnecessarily complex).

Based on how Archive works, yours should work the intuitive Agricola-y way: "If you Throne Room an [Agriculture], keep the sets of cards separate; you get one from each each turn". You could tweak the wording to be more like Archive. Also, the second sentence should probably say "if you do".

Agriculture would be really fun with Potion and Debt cards, for the free copy!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 03, 2018, 01:21:21 pm »
I like this idea. It is very possible that you'd have to do some amount of tweaking on cost and reward for the most interesting play. I would consider restricting this to non-Victory cards since putting the tokens on e.g. Distant Lands seems too automatic.

Non-Victory is a good call.

Did you want this to get VP even if there are no tokens on the pile?

No I do not, so the current wording needs some tweaks.

Cool! I think this is much better than your other one. Wording suggestion: If no player has more Coronet tokens on it than you, +2VP.

Thanks! I hate wordy cards, so I'm looking for every corner I can cut, to incorporate those other changes.

This version barely still fits on 3 lines. Any loopholes here?

Coronation: Event, $3
Move any Coronet token of yours to a non-Victory Action Supply pile. (When you buy a card from that pile, if you have any Coronet tokens on it and no other player has more, +2VP.)

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: November 03, 2018, 03:31:31 am »
Let's try this again; I'm replacing my previous un-fun submission. (This one might still be bad, let's find out.)

I'm sticking with Temporum, but this time going for the concept of ruling Times. Here, your bonus for ruling a pile is on-buy VP; it's an Adventures token Event variant. Each player gets Coronet tokens in their player color. Let's say they each get 10, like Temporum, but they probably don't need that many. You can use the crowns that come with Temporum, even.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 31, 2018, 09:00:42 pm »
Ok, there is a link to my card below--I couldn't figure out how to add the image correctly.  If anyone wants to fiddle with it and post it, please feel free, I was really struggling with it.

Nflickner, here's a possible new version. Without cropping, the art gets cut off. I also tweaked the wording (I didn't change your design; it should function the same), but it might feel less Orleans-y as I haven't played the game. Hope it helps!

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 31, 2018, 03:16:25 pm »
Decree: Action-Duration, $2
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, you may move a Decree token to a Kingdom pile without one.

Setup: Put the 3 Decree tokens on Kingdom piles; non-Decree Kingdom cards from piles without Decree tokens cannot be played.

This looks pretty harsh and might boil down to: "in games using this, play BM or lose".

Yeah. :/ I will try to get in a game or two with it, just to confirm, and then probably figure out a new submission instead.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 31, 2018, 01:02:07 pm »
Well, that is a massive change to gameplay. It is not clear to me whether every player has their own decree tokens (I think they definitely should). I would try to avoid referencing Kingdom cards since that leads to many questions (like, how does this play with Black Market?). Action supply pile may be enough.

Yes, it would be a massive change, which gets to the heart of my initial concern. The idea was to have only 4 tokens total, shared by everyone, to mimic Temporum. There could be additional Decree tokens to make it less dominating. I also forgot to mention this card is absolutely un-playtested (yikes).

I initially referenced Action Supply piles, but that version was one line longer, and that was too much text for me. I forgot about the rules questions with Black Market, though. Hmm, sounds like I might just be better of coming up with a simpler, saner submission.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 31, 2018, 03:51:38 am »
Long time reader, first second time submitter:

Take two! (A previous and notedly bad submission is spoilered below. This one might still be bad, let's find out.) I'm still sticking with Temporum, but this time going for the concept of ruling Times. Here, your bonus for ruling a pile is on-buy VP. Each player gets Coronet tokens in their player color. Let's say they each get 10, like Temporum, but they probably don't need that many. You can use the crowns that come with Temporum, even.

Decree: Action-Duration, $2
+1 Action
At the start of your next turn, you may move a Decree token to a Kingdom pile without one.

Setup: Put the 3 Decree tokens on Kingdom piles; non-Decree Kingdom cards from piles without Decree tokens cannot be played.

Temporum, originally a Dominion spin-off, has spun-on again. Only being able to visit 4 of 10 real Zones at a time is reimagined as only being able to play 4 of 10 Kingdom cards at time. The time-traveling theme didn't fit, but you can see the parallels by replacing "Decree token" with "Real Zone token", and the card name with "Change History". My main concern is this might be a must-buy in games using it. I appreciate any feedback!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Snowline fan-based expansion.
« on: October 30, 2018, 07:31:07 pm »
I really like Climbing Gear! It's an interesting and unique Herald/Vassal variant. The +2 Actions, +$2 looks too strong, but I get you probably want Cliff to have a village.

Yeti is similar to Minion, but different in some key ways that keeps me intrigued to see how it plays. (Also, remember to buy your Victory cards before trying to buy an Expedition.)

We're here if you want any other feedback about the designs, after you take some time. Hope you enjoy playing with these at home!

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: New fan based alchemy cards.
« on: October 30, 2018, 02:21:13 am »
Yep, Fly-Eagles-Fly's wording works like yours did. For example, a both a $3 and a $3P could become either a $6 or a $6P.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: October 26, 2018, 04:01:55 pm »
Also, it's an event. A barrel is not an event. This is a nitpick, but I always hate it when people name events after inanimate objects.

Like Inheritance, Seaway, or Scouting Party?

I almost said the same thing, but it's not quite the same. You inheriting something is an event, you building a seaway is an event, and you go on a scouting party. It's not quite the same as it being a regular object.

The mix of nouns and verbs as published Events is what gets me. Pathfinding, but not Summoning? Expedition, but not Domination?

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