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Messages - dghunter79

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: What is your favorite village?
« on: April 30, 2013, 04:08:57 am »
Related: what is your favorite part of M. Night Shyamalan's The Village? 

My favorite part is the beginning.                                 

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Iso or Goko?
« on: February 15, 2013, 09:46:49 pm »
I play on Goko without paying.  I just like Dark Ages too much to go back.  Ambassadoring Rats?  Ha ha, what a crazy ambassador, what's that guy thinking?

There's a lot that's better about isotropic.  Isotropic has a simpler interface, a more accessible ranking system, and more, and better, players.  It turned out to be a pretty negligible difference though, to me.  Goko is still Dominon at the click of a button, except it has all the cards.

Plus Goko lets you pretend you're a knight!  I can't do that unless someone shows me a picture of a knight and tells me that it's a picture of me.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Silly mistakes you always make
« on: February 08, 2013, 09:36:03 pm »
Not buying Fairgrounds because I keep confusing it with Beargrounds.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Scout in Envoy-BM Games
« on: February 04, 2013, 08:00:03 pm »
General rule of thumb: Never buy Scout. Ever.

That's the obvious answer...and for a reason I guess. I don't think I've ever bought scout and not regretted it.

Dominion Articles / Re: Opening develop/terminal 4$
« on: February 04, 2013, 03:02:00 pm »
Cool!  But I don't understand why you're saying a Develop play is costing you tempo.  Is it because the cards go on your deck, delaying shuffle?  Cause that seems to me like it's gaining tempo. 

I mean, imagine if, on turn 3, you Develop a Militia into a Stables and a Scheme.  Describing this play as any kind of loss of tempo, let alone "giving a free ghost ship play to your opponent," seems counterintuitive to me.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Missing again!
« on: February 03, 2013, 12:01:32 am »
Shanty Town?

I'd give an honorable mention for that one... for 2 separate reasons, in fact.

Ok, now even I am lost.  Why is that an honorable mention?

Trusty Steed and City?

Game Reports / Re: Last game for a while -- a fun one
« on: January 26, 2013, 05:29:51 pm »
Why would you want 10 FGs in an Embassy deck?

PileDriver goal?  Would've helped to win though...
There is no +buy except really Outpost.

Talisman has the needed effect to get the FGs quicker, but yeah, not sure what he would do if he had like 5 FGs at once.

I think it's tricky to know exactly where to stop when you're not being contested on a power card.  It's also tricky to know when to start greening when you're playing money vs. an engine.  My guess is, this deck was designed to be able to guarantee-buy a Province on all Embassy hands, on most non-Embassy hands, and on some Outpost-Embassy hands.

But, some tinkering, and Iain's deck would probably have beaten mine.  Maybe opening Torturer-FG instead of Embassy-FG?

Game Reports / Last game for a while -- a fun one
« on: January 25, 2013, 04:05:46 am »
I built this funky engine, unsure if it would work at all.  But it took on a 10 Fool's Golds-Embassy deck and won.  Then I looked at the clock and it was midnight.  Seemed like a good time to start a Dominion vacation.

Here's the game!

Governor is definitely a very strong card if you get 7 of them by turn 9.  Good win.

Dominion Articles / Re: Rulings not covered in the Rulebook
« on: January 14, 2013, 10:56:10 pm »
Wow, that makes Hermit/Scheme pretty awesome.

You still have to not buy anything to get a Madman, though.  It certainly makes it thematically weird!

Oh, yay, this fun one.  I didn't think through everything W outlined above.  I boiled it down to Jacks vs. Scrying Pools and Saboteurs.  They both seemed strong, but I worried that all the Jack-Silvers would counter the Saboteurs.  So I basically just played it safe.  And it was pretty tense throughout.  I had completely forgotten how much the Spy-power of Pools enhances Saboteurs.

Anyway, here are some things I noticed playing against the engine W built, which, when it kicked in, was very strong and intimidating, but still a bit tricky to play.

1. The only village is Nobles, which is costly and doesn't draw.  So, at first, the + Actions come from Throne Rooms on Pools or on Warehouses.  The money all comes from Duchesses.  The buy all comes from Council Room.  You need a Remake to trash.  You need a Potion.  And you need Saboteurs at some point to compete with Jacks.  With all these cards in your deck, there's the potential for semi-dead hands.  I got away with a few free turns because a couple times W didn't have a Pool in his hand.

2. Council Room and Duchess both helped me out.  There were definitely at least two hands for me that only bought Provinces because of extra coin from Council Rooms.  Saboteur felt like it had the potential to help me out also, since it can help drain piles.  Especially with Duchesses out there.  But I didn't see how to take advantage of this until too late.

3. 5-2 is an unlucky opening.  I got the best-case scenario out of Double-Jack.

4. The Scry-Spying helps Saboteur, but it doesn't double-help Throne Roomed Saboteurs.  So, you're not as much in the driver seat as you'd like to be.  Especially if you're forced to play these tricky Throne Room chains, as opposed to just playing all your villages and then playing your attacks in the order that you'd like.

5. Would a Talisman have helped?  I dunno.

6.  Stef is right; playing the engine is more fun.  I was basically just a bot.

Anyway, even though Jacks won this time, it's still inconclusive to me which is better.  Thanks for posting this, W!  Now I am famous.

2012 / Re: Witch Division: Bracket and Results
« on: December 11, 2012, 04:15:04 am »
dnkywin def. dghunter79 4-2
Jack v. Jack.  He gets a Gold on the 2nd shuffle.
My Apprentices and Havens over his Lookout and Cash.
Dukes.  My Ironworks and Silver into Mandarins and Dukes over his Silver and Silver into Cash, Provinces, and Dukes.
Swindlers and Traders.  He gets a King's Court on turn 6.  I swindle that into a Bank, which turns out to be better.

No Link.
Something where I go for Grand Markets, Possessions, and Vineyards, but his Salvager and Cash is obviously much faster and better.

No Link.
Border Villages and Torturers.  We both open Silvers.  He gets a Torturer on the 2nd shuffle.  Both my Silvers miss the shuffle.

Good games!  We both played equally okay, and when we went for the same thing he outdrew me, even with my first-player advantage.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What's missing?
« on: November 26, 2012, 02:14:19 am »

Not at all. If you count Black Market you'd have to count Lookout and Golem and King's Court and.... Black Market doesn't increase your handsize at all. That's Cultist increasing your handsize, and not by being played, so it's not relevant to the question.

Oh, yeah, that's true.  Lookout and bunches of the trashers are on the list, too. 

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What's missing?
« on: November 08, 2012, 04:40:57 am »
I believe also the often-neglected Black      Market.

Play Black Market.  Buy a Farmland.  Trash a Rats and gain a Border Village, gaining a Cultist which you trash using Watchtower. 

Or just buy the Cultist from the Black Market and trash it, if you're a sissy.

Game Reports / Re: How do you play this Goons insanity?
« on: October 13, 2012, 09:24:25 pm »
Funny, I don't think either of us ever pulled of playing Masq after Goons... didn't even think of it! I also just remembered that King's Court was in the Black Market... so it could have been theoretically possible to pull off a pin. (Though you normally use 2 King's Courts, it can be done with just 1).

I'd probably go for the pin, then.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What's the link?
« on: August 19, 2012, 06:52:28 pm »
Quality 2: Entering thiscard into Google returns a top result that is related to Dominion.  I learned that many more Dominion cards are "things" than I realized.  l had no idea what a Silk Road was.  And I had never heard of[/spoiler]

Isn't everything in Dominion a Thing?

Well, a few of them are only "things" in Dominion, like Young Witch, or Ruined Market.  As opposed to like, Magic, where you've got Moogly the Mud Monster and if you google Moogly the Mud Monster it will take you to a post about a Moogly the Mud Monster Magic Card.  There aren't a lot of Mooglies in Dominon, but there's a few!

And Google personalizes results based on many things, including geographic location.

So I've heard.  I'd be interested to see if that skews the results.  I could see the results being different if you're Googling from China.

Game Reports / Re: Dear My Opponent: I am Sorry
« on: August 18, 2012, 06:03:36 am »
MrCat was unreasonably cool about this single-turn, chipless, comeback from seven colonies and 62 Victory Points down.

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Dark Ages initial report
« on: August 17, 2012, 04:56:08 pm »
P.S. Rene Deathcart

Cogito Ergo Thum.

Game Reports / Re: Wishing well diver...
« on: August 17, 2012, 06:27:07 am »
From the title, I thought this might be about one of my favorite ways to combo Wishing Well and Pearl Diver -- by Wishing for a card remember because you left it on the bottom of the deck.  Well, okay, I only did this once, and okay you should be able to know what the last card in the deck is -- but it was pretty satisfying anyway.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What's the link?
« on: August 15, 2012, 06:12:34 am »
I didn't use Google's calculator function, but something else instead:

Quality 1 is that there is no Dominion-related search result on the first page of Google (or the search engine of your choice). 
Quality 2 is the opposite, of course.

Yup!  Phew.  (And I'm pretty sure argyle got the answer before I gave out that last hint.)  Congrats!

Quality 1: Entering "Dominion thiscard" into Google returns a top result that is not related to Dominion.  I learned about a lot of small businesses named Dominion.  Dominion Bank, Dominion Bridge Builders, Dominion Exterminators (they kill rats...)

Quality 2: Entering thiscard into Google returns a top result that is related to Dominion.  I learned that many more Dominion cards are "things" than I realized.  l had no idea what a Silk Road was.  And I had never heard of

Ugh, if this is whether it shows up on the first google page then I was never going to find it.

Doesn't google personalise search results based on what you have searched for before?

That would be funny.  In that case, you should have been using my computer, what were you thinking?

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What's the link?
« on: August 15, 2012, 05:47:35 am »
I guess it's even harder than I thought.  Alright, one last hint.  Here's the link to the algorithm I used.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: What's the link?
« on: August 14, 2012, 03:46:42 pm »
The only thing I notice is that list 2 contains all 2-word cards. Though I'm pretty sure that's not the answer, but maybe related?
all the quality 1 things are 1 word. I doubt that's the whole rule (many cards would be missing from the list if it was) but it might be related.

Yeah, it's fairly relevant.  A good place to start might be to consider the two-word Dominion cards that made the list vs. the ones that didn't.

Dominion Articles / Re: Combo: Forge/Hoard
« on: August 14, 2012, 05:20:30 am »
Who buys 3 Forges... ever? :P

You don't buy them, you Forge them.  I once Forged four Forge/Hoards for Geordi La Forge

Dominion: Dark Ages Previews / Re: Puzzle: The Four Mysterious Ruins
« on: August 12, 2012, 02:16:49 pm »
Ruined Hag:

Just a picture of your mom taped to a blank Dominion card.

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