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Dominion: Renaissance Previews / Re: Artifact Origin cards as a card type
« on: February 13, 2019, 04:28:33 pm »
What the type Reserve "means" is when you play it, you put it on your Tavern mat.

But this by itself seems as arbitrary as a thing to give a type to as any other thing that cards do when you play them. Cards with "trash this" don't have a type; Cards with "+1 Action" don't have a type; etc.
Knowing that, except for Coppers, only brown cards can be on your Tavern mat is incredibly useful to prevent mess-ups, just like knowing that those orange cards might stay in play for more than one turn.
You can of course argue that the text is all that a card needs but types and colours and icons (and keywords, +1 Coffers is far more elegant than take a Coin token) are shorter than walls of text. Just imagine every Treasure card being as white as Action cards and featuring the text: you can only play this in your Buy phase. That would reduce ease of play quite a bit.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Roles
« on: February 13, 2019, 03:37:38 pm »
Cleric already exists in the form of an Heirloom and is called Goat.

Merchant or Armorer totally change the opening and are far too good for starting deck cards.

Farmer is Cellar. You can literally exhange a starting Estate for a Cellar in every deck if you want to in your games. Not that this would be any good as it messes with the opening but you can simply do that when you next time play Dominion until you realize why starting cards should not be sifters (or draw in general).

Guard is the only idea with some merit here. Of course it is not directly workable as it also messes with the opening but the card idea is nonetheless OK as it is something that is overpowered for a Kingdom card but fine for a non-Supply card.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Dynasties
« on: February 11, 2019, 02:25:13 pm »
Engraver looks broken as it enables infinite loops (buy Copper, trash Copper for VPs). Doesn't seem to difficult to pull off something like playing 5 Engravers, trashing 5 Coppers, getting 15VPs and then buyign 5 Coppers to do the whole thing again next turn.

I like Ambush, it is a cool State idea.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 11, 2019, 02:58:59 am »

I've never enjoyed playing Salvager, and it didn't seem to fit the theme of Seaside anyways. Ransacker replaces it and would be (I think?) the first duration trasher.
This is too good as it will quite soon, once Estate and Copper are in the trash, become a mixture of Amulet and Merchant Ship.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: February 10, 2019, 03:02:34 am »
There be no Reaction in Seaside:

This is to replace Navigator. You can discard or put back the cards you look at, and it's non-terminal in a niche, hopefully interesting kind of way. And a complimentary reaction that might interact with too many things in Seaside. Tried a few wording shortcuts to make things less wordy, but is it understandable?
You smartly prevented a mono-card-strategy but I still wonder whether this is too strong/cheap. Beyond the sifting and the Reaction this is a double Peddler and unlike Herald and Vassal it virtually never misses if you manage to put enough <$5 Actions into your deck.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Nobility
« on: February 10, 2019, 02:51:59 am »
Pursuivant CAN be used as trasher but you can also thin via other cards and use this as something that is only a bit weaker than Poacher/Peddler once you are thin.
Or, more likely, you use it as both. A Forager or Lookout that transformed into a Peddler would be pretty sweet which is why I think that this is definitely a $4.

Let's Discuss ... / Re: Let's Discuss Renaissance Cards: Lackeys
« on: February 07, 2019, 12:35:52 pm »
To me, the most interesting unresolved question is how Lackeys can cost $2 when Experiment and Expedition each cost $3.

Expedition: As a one-off, you get the effect of two Labs next turn.

Experiment: You get two one-shot Labs.

Lackeys: As a baseline, you get a two-shot Lab, but:
  • PRO: You have the flexibility to use the Villagers in some other way
  • CON: The second Lab-effect will be delayed by another shuffle
  • MEH: Once you've used it twice, you're left with an Action that draws 2 cards dead.
Assuming Donald X. knows what he's doing, the MEH and the CON outweigh the PRO enough to merit the $1 discount?
Good analysis.

I think that the card is a borderline $3 but isn't the design principle to make cards as cheap as possible?
Along the same line you could also argue that Spices is very often better than Gold (admittedly this case is easier as it is Kingdom vs. Base card) so it could cost $6 but as it isn't broken at $5 you roll with the lower price .

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Moneyer
« on: February 07, 2019, 05:49:41 am »
Moneyer (2019-02-06)

Feels weird as there is no official terminal with +1 Card. I think this is a $5, the extra card and the Coffers instead of Coins doesn't make it that much better than Salvager. I'd probably get rid of the +1 Card and simply do a Coffers version of Salvager for $5.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: Dominion: Nobility
« on: February 07, 2019, 05:47:15 am »
Serf is similar to Herald and might have to cost $4. I also think that it is more boring as unlike Herald it doesn't makes you increase your Action card density. You can imagine a Kingdom in which you play a money-intense deck and buy the card as a half-Lab (if you have a lot of copies in your deck and manage to pull that off) just for the sake of drawing, something that would not be not feasible with Herald.

Variants and Fan Cards / Re: herw's cards
« on: February 07, 2019, 05:46:29 am »
I think it would be OK at $2 and would argue that it is better than Herbalist or Duchess due to the non-terminal Buy option.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 22, 2019, 03:13:35 pm »
I consider Ruins as Basic cards, because they are obtainable, even if nobody plays a Looter.

So, I define a Basic card as a card, which is always obtainable (as long the Supply lasts) without the need of another card (other than Treasure cards, of course), either in the starting deck, in the Supply or via a new mechanic. For example, a Promissory Note card would count as new mechanic.
By your definition of "Basic cards", Ruins are not Basic cards as they are only in the Supply if Looters are in the Kingdom. Or I am confused about it.

The challenge sounds cool but I think that it either needs a more clear definition or be more lacksadasical about what counts as "Basic card".

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 16, 2019, 08:39:57 am »

No idea about whether it does the trick but the point of the on-gain Haunted Woods like self-attack is to make this worse when it could potentially shine, in Alt-VP games with e.g. Duke or Silk Road.
This is pretty much just a worse Annex?
Annex gains one Duchy where Archduke can gain several Duchies. I agree that it is weak though but with cantrip green gainers it seems better to err on the safe side.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest Thread
« on: January 16, 2019, 08:27:44 am »

No idea about whether it does the trick but the point of the on-gain Haunted Woods like self-attack is to make this worse when it could potentially shine, in Alt-VP games with e.g. Duke or Silk Road.

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