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Messages - Commodore Chuckles

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Dominion General Discussion / Re: Heirloom Speculation
« on: September 08, 2017, 06:35:34 pm »
Any game where you end up trashing the Heirlooms, they may just as well have been Coppers.
You almost always want to trash shelters, except maybe Necropolis. Does that mean they might just as well have been Estates? No, I'm almost positive that Heirlooms will be pieces of junk you'll want to get rid of. They don't have to change the game that drastically to still be interesting.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The bad luck thread
« on: September 07, 2017, 11:39:44 pm »
K plays an Overlord.
K plays a Soothsayer.
K gains a Gold.
C gains a Curse.
C shuffles their deck.
C draws a Curse.

This was the first curse I got in the game. The only trasher was Sentry.

I always mix up Talisman and Quarry. they're both our cost treasures from prosperity that provide one coin when played, and have text under their line with coin symbols in them.
Oh yeah, those were two I used to get mixed up a lot. I've also confused Cellar for Chapel at least once; they're both from Base, they're both 2, they both start with C, they both have darkish art and they're both ways to deal with junk.

The main ones I keep getting mixed up are Patrician and Settlers. They're both tops of split piles and they're both mediocre 2s that you only buy if there's nothing else. I also often need to think a bit to remember which 5 is under which pile.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Heirloom Speculation
« on: September 07, 2017, 04:27:29 am »
I think it's unlikely they'll replace all 7 coppers. Having 7 unique cards instead of coppers seems kind of crazy (and it would make Moneylender and Miser basically useless, if that matters.) It also might be annoying to set up. You'd have to make sure each player has all of them.

I'm thinking there might be a lot of different Heirlooms, but only one or two are randomly selected to replace a copper. I also think it's unlikely they'll be actions, because that would make them basically ruins in a lot of games. They'll probably be a bit better, but not much; we're talking cards that cost $1, tops. The main point is that if they're actions, they can be drawn dead or collide badly with each other or other cards. Your deck could become noticeably worse, something that I don't think Donald would want.

So a hypothetical "Super-Lab" (+3 Cards, +1 Action) would probably have to cost .

"Super Lab" is often just Menagerie(pretty common to have a good way to guarantee the full effect,) and that's 3. So 7 might not be a card that's +3 cards and 1 action. Testing cards for different prices must have been very interesting.
Menagerie is cheap because it gets worse as your hand gets bigger. If I'm doing the math right, Super Lab would actually be 8 or 9 (the linear progression would be 2->5->8 or 1->5->9, depending on how much you think a vanilla cantrip would cost.)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Counterfeit copies of 2E
« on: September 06, 2017, 07:41:45 pm »
Sounds like they probably aren't too durable, either. Perhaps you can only play two games with the cards before you have to throw them into the trash.
Well, cards like embargo can only be played once before you have to throw them into the trash.
They'd be better than that. With Counterfeit you play a card twice before you trash it.

Procession+Farmers' Market.

Playing Farmers' Market twice gives you more control over the VP pile, and you'll be trashing it anyway.

Hi everyone, first post.

I'd like to echo what a lot of people are saying here about limiting the number of sets beginners are exposed to, so that they don't get overwhelmed. This might have been unsaid because it's obvious, but I also think the order in which you introduce sets can also be important, and not just the base set. I personally was introduced to Dominion very late compared to most people here, I think in 2014, and the first set I played with after Base was Prosperity. Now Prosperity is a very good set (although with a lot of duds, ironically a lot of the Treasures) but looking back on it I think it might hampered my development as a player to have been introduced to it before the other sets. The set is very Treasure-based (obviously, given its theme) so it took me a long time to truly grasp the power of treasureless engines. I think a lot of early players go through a "just buy treasures; that always works" phase after their Village Idiot phase, but for me I think that phase was especially long because Base and Prosperity had shaped my paradigms so much. I remember when I first saw Masterpiece, I thought it was a great card because of all the Silvers it gave.

I think that Intrigue is the best expansion to introduce after Base, and not just because of chronology, but because it has some of the best treasureless deck enablers in the game. It took me a long time to warm up to Intrigue because so many of the cards blew my synapses in terms of what I thought was a good card. The first time I read Minion's text, I just did not get it at all. "+ $2 and +1 action? Isn't that just the same as a Silver? And why on earth would I want to discard my whole hand and then draw a puny 4 cards? How will I play my treasures then?" It only clicked for me after I played someone on a Minion board (and they crushed me, of course.) I think Intrigue is one of the best expansions, period, now that Scout and co. were shown the door while the set still has classic cards that open up new strategies.

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