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Peasant + Royal Carriage

Or more specifically, Disciple. You can Disciple a Royal Carriage, gaining you a Royal Carriage, and immediately repeat the Disciple with that Royal Carriage. If you are drawing your deck, then this cost you nothing, since your disciple still gets played on any other card you had wanted it on, and you get a new Royal Carriage that you can use to double something else as well.

But if you have the peasant line then you might also have a Teacher token on the Royal Carriage as well. So Discipling the RC not only gains you a new Royal Carriage, but also doubles the effect of whatever token is there.

I'm sure this was an intended combo since they both are from Adventures but I only just noticed it.

I've had this feature request in for a while now emailed but maybe I'll put it here too then. I would like to be able to select a specific event/landmark and add it to the current kingdom. You can search for a card and hit the "plus" to add it, but you can't do the same with events/landmarks, which makes designing a specific kingdom to play later difficult.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Most Actions possible
« on: July 24, 2015, 01:22:39 pm »
It sounds like the current count is actually unbounded, right?

Procession -> Procession -> Champion / Champion will result in:
+4 actions per action card played perpetually
1 Procession and 2 Champions in the trash, all of which you are free to reobtain with Graverobber so that you can repeat the process in the future.

General Discussion / Re: Logic Riddles
« on: April 29, 2015, 05:44:22 pm »
In puzzles like these, "some" usually means that 0 is a possibility as well.

This statement seems to indicate otherwise:

For instance, say in round 1 you flip two from down to up. Now you know there are 3 up/1 down (because you haven't won yet).

You couldn't "know" that there are 3 up / 1 down in the formulation of the puzzle that "some" includes the possibility of 0, because starting with 4 down would be a valid scenario.

Not spoilering this because I don't think discussion of the original rules is spoilery.

General Discussion / Re: Logic Riddles
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:38:21 pm »
So I think we can skip the first empty step we both have though since the problem statement says "some face up, others face down." That brings it down to 7 moves for the coin problem.

I don't see that it's possible to get down to 6 though without making any assumptions about the behavior of the overlord. For instance, if we are in a 3/1 state (e.g. after wero's step 3) and we select opposite corners, if we can assume that the overlord will NOT allow the 1 to be under our hand in order to prevent us from immediately escaping, then we can flip one and know that we ended up in the 2A state, so we would then need to just flip adjacent and opposite. That would get it down to 6 moves, if that assumption about the overlord is justified, which I don't think it is.

General Discussion / Re: Logic Riddles
« on: April 29, 2015, 04:08:27 pm »
You're right, I left off an edge in my graph.

General Discussion / Re: Logic Riddles
« on: April 29, 2015, 03:45:09 pm »
For the coin/gloves variant, wero is doing two extra steps.

1) Do nothing
2) Flip opposite
3) Flip adjacent
4) Flip one
5) Flip opposite
6) Flip adjacent

I made a little graph with four nodes on it (labeled 4, 3/1, 2A and 2O)  and edges marked with the type of transition to get from one node to the other. The above sequence of 6 moves guarantees that you end on the 4 node at least once.

2A represents the configuration where you've got 2 heads at adjacent directions and 2 tails on the other directions; 2O represents the configuration where you've got 2 heads on opposite directions and 2 tails on the others.

You have to do nothing to start with because if you start in a solved state, then the remaining moves will never get you back there. Step 2 solves you if you started in 2O and effectively does nothing if you were in 2A or 3/1. Step 3 solves you if you started in 2A, and also does nothing if you started in 3/1. At this point the only configuration left to solve is 3/1, and flipping one coin in step 4 moves you out of 3/1 but you have no way to determine which state you landed in (unless you immediately win), so repeat steps 2 and 3 to solve.

I enjoyed this, and I've also never heard it before, which is surprising since I also enjoy collecting good logic puzzles!

I really like this! One thing I'd like to see though is the ability to control how many events show up in the selection. Maybe I missed it, but it looks like you can put in all sorts of limits for cards, but not for events. If I'm playing with newish players and they're good with a random set but not ready to add on events, it's easy enough to disregard any events that show up, but (as will likely be the case when I first get my copy of Adventures) if I want to ensure a certain number of events show up, I don't currently see a way to specify that.

edit: Okay I found the Events Selection option in the Settings. But that only has four options, and what if I want a chance of more than 3 events? Or randomly select between 1-4 events, or some other range?

Oh hey, I don't even remember doing this at all. That was fun and so much simpler than things are now post-Dark Ages.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Post Your Fun Kingdoms to Play
« on: November 12, 2014, 04:00:54 pm »
I think that that set was supposed to be "not fun" because of the multiple pins involved. On the other hand, without pins, it's a board filled with some of my favorite cards. There's a bit of an oddity in that Village (!) is actually your best source of draw once you thin, but I think there are actually several viable ways to approach the board.

Yeah, but my opponent Princed a masquerade early on so I never even tried for the pin, and he never got a King's Court so I knew I wasn't in too much danger from him. Also, neither of us trashed more than a couple copper so we ended up using masquerade for draw. With the copious amount of masquerading going on, Possession was certainly tempting but ended up being too slow.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Post Your Fun Kingdoms to Play
« on: November 12, 2014, 01:53:27 pm »

Code: [Select]
Chapel, Village, Masquerade, Bridge, Remake, Saboteur, Goons, Possession, King's Court, Prince
"…and they never played Dominion again. The End!"
This is the Post your fun kingdoms to play thread.

I just played it, and did certainly enjoy it! There were so many combinations ready to go in that set that we didn't get to half of them before the game ended.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Meeting up to play Dominion IRL
« on: April 10, 2014, 12:49:05 pm »
I live in Pittsburgh (in the city) as well, and if any other Pittsburgh F.DSers would like to get together some time for a few games even outside of a large scale meetup, feel free to pm me! I do also host regular general board game nights at our house every other week that anyone is welcome to, but we naturally don't always play Dominion.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: August 09, 2013, 12:22:30 pm »
Is there any way to specify what's present in the Black Market when using the Kingdom Generator?

If not, can that feature be added? It would be critical for solo challenges and puzzles ;)

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Greatest Dominion moments 2013
« on: August 05, 2013, 12:50:37 pm »
Inspired by some of the Guilds puzzles, I successfully pulled this off when the kingdom that came up had the right set of cards:

On turn 15, my opponent was ahead 13-12 (both of us with 2 provinces, but he had an extra estate), and no other supply pile had less than 5 cards remaining, but I three-piled to end the game, even though the only card I bought was a province.

Avin Fernando   plays Fortress
Avin Fernando   draws Catacombs
Avin Fernando   plays Develop
Avin Fernando   trashes Fortress
Avin Fernando   gains Develop
Avin Fernando   applied Watchtower to place Develop on top of the deck
Avin Fernando   gains Catacombs
Avin Fernando   applied Watchtower to trash Catacombs
Avin Fernando   trashes Catacombs
Avin Fernando   gains Fortress
Avin Fernando   applied Watchtower to trash Fortress
Avin Fernando   trashes Fortress
Avin Fernando   plays Fortress
Avin Fernando   draws Develop
Avin Fernando   plays Develop
Avin Fernando   trashes Fortress
Avin Fernando   gains Develop
Avin Fernando   applied Watchtower to place Develop on top of the deck
Avin Fernando   gains Catacombs
Avin Fernando   applied Watchtower to trash Catacombs
Avin Fernando   trashes Catacombs
Avin Fernando   gains Fortress
Avin Fernando   applied Watchtower to trash Fortress
Avin Fernando   trashes Fortress

... repeat quite a bit ...

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: June 06, 2013, 10:44:43 pm »
Butcher Puzzle:

What can you do with a Butcher card in your hand and no coin tokens available prior to playing the Butcher, nor any coin tokens left over after its play, that you couldn't have done if you had replaced that Butcher with a Remodel?

edit: Forgot to specify, the Butcher must get played, not Butchered by another Butcher/Remodel/etc into a card costing 7.

Trash a card gaining a card of the same value then buying a $2 card with the coins.

No coins are remaining after playing the Butcher, not just after the buy phase. But hyamgraff got the answer I was looking for.

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Easy Puzzles
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:19:44 pm »
Butcher Puzzle:

What can you do with a Butcher card in your hand and no coin tokens available prior to playing the Butcher, nor any coin tokens left over after its play, that you couldn't have done if you had replaced that Butcher with a Remodel?

edit: Forgot to specify, the Butcher must get played, not Butchered by another Butcher/Remodel/etc into a card costing 7.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Homage to the Best Card
« on: May 08, 2013, 12:39:01 pm »
Unless he doesn't reveal it until the last Mountebank. Then you wouldn't know he has one.  :D

Then he takes on 2 Coppers and 2 Curses for nothing... Or if he was discarding curses, that still doesn't make sense because he couldn't know you had THREE MBs, and he wants those Silvers.  To not reveal Trader the first time would be very suboptimal (especially throwing in that it meant you would have $6 to spend instead of just $2).

Oooh! I got this one. Your opponent has a lot of Gardens, Fairgrounds, and Feodums, 10n+6 total cards in his deck, and 5m+4 distinct cards in his deck, for some m and n. He had previously trashed all his coppers for some reason. He also has an exact multiple of 3 silvers in his deck, so gaining two more doesn't give him any more points. Two piles are empty (probably the Gardens and Fairgrounds) there are exactly two silvers left in the supply, and there is more than one province. You are ahead on points and there is no +buy in the kingdom, so you can gain at most 6 points from a province buy this turn (your gardens, feodums, and fairgrounds couldn't power up no matter what you get), and can't end the game on piles unless your opponent reveals his trader. If he reveals his trader to the first mountebank, the game ends with his loss. So he doesn't, gains copper and a curse, but now has 5(m+1) distinct cards ... which puts your opponent ahead in points but not enough to win if you buy the province. When you play the second mountebank, that adds two cards to his deck but takes away a point. When you play the third mountebank, that would give 10(n+1) total cards in your opponent's deck and so he now takes them as silver to end the game ahead of what you could possibly get from provinces.

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 4 Results and Discussion
« on: May 08, 2013, 12:24:38 pm »
Avin beats gman314 4-2.

Game 1: Herbalist, Wishing Well, Workshop, Nomad Camp, Throne Room, Worker's Village, City, Graverobber, Inn, Witch
Winner: Avin
I started with a 5/2 split, so with the Witch opening it was just brutal.

Game 2: Courtyard, Crossroads, Apothecary, Loan, Tunnel, Watchtower, Conspirator, Remake, Festival, Rogue
Winner: gman314
We both used Remake into Festival / Watchtower / Conspirator, but gman didn't bother picking up much treasure and instead went much heavier on Conspirators, allowing him two turns with multiprovince buys for the win.

Game 3: Hermit, Scheme, Woodcutter, Horse Traders, Ironworks, Throne Room, Count, Minion, Royal Seal, King's Court
Winner: Avin
I started with another 5/2, allowing me to more easily win the Minion split. The end game was mostly just throning/King'sCourting Minions and a lone Horse Trader.

Game 4: Bridge, Sea Hag, Spice Merchant, Throne Room, Counterfeit, Harvest, Knights, Laboratory, Rebuild
Winner: gman314
After evenly splitting the curses from Sea Hag, gman snatched up Rebuilds more often to rush upgrading Estates to Duchies to Provinces. Avin tried mixing that with money to outright buy provinces but kept hitting 7.

Game 5: Poor House, Embargo, Great Hall, Loan, Wishing Well, Familiar, Worker's Village, Council Room, Treasury, Hunting Grounds
Winner: Avin
I stockpiled the Treasuries to get a lone platinum and buy colonies in spurts once the curses were exhausted, and with Worker's Village it was easy to end in piles once I had gotten a couple colonies lead.

I had gone first for Game 1 so we played a sixth game.

Game 6:
Winner: Avin
I thought I had lost when gman got his first two bridges connected sooner and was able to get over half the provinces, but somehow I was able to get exactly one more point than he had in my last megaturn.

Thanks for the games!

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 3 Results and Discussion
« on: April 30, 2013, 04:50:42 pm »
Joseph2302 vs Avin, 3-0

Game 1: Fool's Gold, Storeroom, Watchtower, Bridge, Count, Rabble, Treasury, Witch, Harem, Peddler, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse
Comments: Joseph got 3 witches, money, and gold. I tried to get fancy and it wasn't worth it.

Game 2: Courtyard, Fool's Gold, Menagerie, City, Explorer, Merchant Ship, Minion, Rogue, Vault, Possession, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Potion
Comments: I opened Fool's Gold and immediately regretted it, but foolishly decided to commit to it rather than back off and go Minions which was clearly the better strategy.

Game 3: Poor House, University, Fortune Teller, Alchemist, Familiar, Silk Road, Worker's Village, Counterfeit, Jester, King's Court, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Potion
Comments: I hit 2 + potion 4 times in a row (once it was 2 + 2 potion even) which made me think I was doomed with the curse split, so I'm really surprised it ended up even. The Jesters helped I think. Had I hit 3p more often early I would have gotten started with Alchemists sooner and might have been able to pull off the win but it was too late in this game.


General Discussion / Re: Google Code Jam
« on: April 22, 2013, 09:34:05 am »
My program ran in 1.013 seconds on a 2.60GHz machine (used C++, with precalculation).

Okay but how long was the precalculation? The algorithm to generate the numbers is what I'm interested in.

General Discussion / Re: Google Code Jam
« on: April 20, 2013, 11:08:05 am »
Hooray I qualified.

My program for C-large-2 failed because I didn't include square palindromes of the form Xrev(X)^2 where X is 25 digits long (for example, 1010000000000000001000000001000000000000000101^2) because my loop stopped at len<25. Once I changed the <25 to a <26 my program passed the second large case  >:(

I'm curious the execution time of your program and for anyone else who solved the large-2 input.

Without precalculating the fair and square numbers my program runs in 18.657 seconds, and I'm using C#.

Unfortunately I didn't actually attempt this problem during the preliminary round since as I mentioned above I didn't start it until late. I took a few hours getting it down to this running time too but I thought it would be an interesting challenge to see how fast I could get it even after I had it fast enough to solve the problem at all.

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 1 Results and Discussion
« on: April 17, 2013, 09:40:44 pm »
As a side note, is there any way to get Goko to create a game with the previously played card set?

We actually only had to restart one game, the last one, due to incorrect turn order, but that game had looked like a blast. We briefly considered restarting with the same set but I realized the only way I knew of to do that would be to go into the Deckbuilder, find all the cards manually (and despite knowing which Box expansion each of the cards comes from, I still don't know which Goko half-expansion they are all in) and save the set, then use it. So I just rerandomized.

GokoDom / Re: GOKODOM I: Round 1 Results and Discussion
« on: April 17, 2013, 09:28:38 pm »
Avin vs andwilk 4-2-0 => Avin wins

Game 1:
Tunnel, Baron, Island, Scout, Thief, Bandit Camp, Ill-Gotten Gains, Trading Post, Tribute, King's Court, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse
My comment: Pretty much dominated by IGG

Game 2:
Haven, Vagrant, Farming Village, Nomad Camp, Talisman, Golem, Counting House, Graverobber, Venture, King's Court, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Colony, Platinum, Potion
My comment: I've never seen Havens used so strongly. Nice work. I missed a buy once where I bought a third Platinum instead of a colony, and had I had that colony I would have bought the penultimate colony as well ... not sure if it would have made the difference but I was definitely regretting my decision.

Game 3:
Pawn, Alchemist, Rats, Market, Merchant Ship, Rabble, Torturer, Wharf, Adventurer, Harem, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Potion
My comment: I thought for sure I'd be able to pull off a double province buy to offset my investment in alchemists, but it never came together and I was too slow.

Game 4:
Moat, Develop, Oasis, Oracle, Village, Warehouse, Alchemist, Remake, Explorer, Mine, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Potion
My comment: I think the biggest difference in our games was I started with a silver instead of a warehouse, which allowed me money sooner (in particular I bought a Mine mostly so I could remake it into a Gold shortly afterward, and use it a couple times until it coincided with the remake)

Game 5:
Beggar, Duchess, Pearl Diver, Scheme, Ironworks, Quarry, Bandit Camp, Cache, Minion, Possession, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Potion
My comment: I was afraid you would win the Minion split early on. But my extra Bandit Camps allowed me to get more spoils faster for the late game province buying power.

I had played first on Game 1 so we played a 6th game.

Game 6:
Herbalist, Apothecary, Swindler, Farming Village, Moneylender, Salvager, Apprentice, Jester, Stables, Hoard, Copper, Silver, Gold, Estate, Duchy, Province, Curse, Potion
My comment: My first swindler hit copper, yours hit estate. In fact you never hit copper at all (probably didn't help that I opened Moneylender with the clearly better 4/3 opening). So I think luck heavily favored me this game.

Thanks for the games!

General Discussion / Re: Google Code Jam
« on: April 14, 2013, 08:53:14 am »
Thanks for mentioning this here! I participated back in 2004 but completely missed the signups and start for it ever since then. The format has gotten a lot better now that they are doing it independently from TopCoder. I was able to see this thread with about two hours to spare from the end of the qualification round, and it took me that long to try a practice problem, then do the first two qualification round problems (although had I seen the third I probably could have done that very quickly, I just didn't even read it).

Are the points cumulative? In other words am I starting with a disadvantage due to only attempting two of the problems in the qualification round?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Interesting Alchemy/Prosperity Board
« on: April 11, 2013, 10:13:33 am »
I'm interested in hearing others' thoughts on this as well. I tried this board on Goko singleplayer and destroyed Lord Bottington both using a pure Philosopher's Stone/Herbalist strategy (I did discard curses to Mountebank and trash curses in my hand to my opponent's Bishop), as well as using an initially offensive strategy followed by Apprentice and Bishop trashing until I was able to buy a Colony each turn. I obviously had a higher total score on the former but the latter seemed to work just as well. I'm not sure how I would have fared pitting the two against each other.

Both games were Colony games.

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