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Secret Meeting is a sort of Night Scheme with some Chariot Race vibes mixed in, rewarding you for having more cards in hand than your opponents (ties do not count). It's usually harder to do this at Night after you've played out all your Actions and Treasures. The top effect has some light interactions with the bottom effect, giving you a bigger hand next turn, though it might be harder to trigger against opponents who are having their own Secret Meetings.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #218: Tokens
« on: May 02, 2024, 11:39:02 am »

Legacy is an inverse Inheritance; instead of making your Estates also be Actions, this makes some of your Actions also be Estates. Each player gets their own colored VP token (different from the metal ones) that moves to the pile you choose, and like Seaway, you get a bonus copy of the card as well.

You could argue that Legacy should have the Landmark type, but I'm pretending this was designed in an alternate history where Empires hasn't come out yet.





Choose one: +2 Coffers; or
remove any number of your
Coffers for +1 Card each.

When any player gets
+Coffers, you may play this
from your hand.

Beguiler is a Coffers-gainer like Villain and Footpad but instead of attacking other players, he can "attack" you instead--take your money and convert it into draw (similar to Storyteller). He's a crafty fellow and always listening: if he hears coins jingling, he's ready to jump in on the action.

  • "Removing" Coffers is not the same as spending them. You do not get any $ when removing Coffers.
  • You must decide how many Coffers you wish to remove first, and then you draw that many Cards.

Combines Guilds' Coffers mechanic with Menagerie's Reaction/play at unexpected times theme.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #213: GREEN
« on: March 17, 2024, 02:01:08 pm »

These Woods are much deeper than you thought...

In games with Woods, VP cards come with extra VP! But at a cost. If you're lucky, you can at least get some of them out of your deck.

The Woods pile has 20 cards, regardless of number of players.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #213: GREEN
« on: March 14, 2024, 04:09:56 pm »
Border Land would make games reach a point where it doesn't make sense to buy more Provinces (if your opponent has 3 Border Lands, Duchy is better). This could lead to pretty drawn-out games.

Good call, yeah I'll need to adjust the point scaling, or I may just replace with something different.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #213: GREEN
« on: March 14, 2024, 11:24:26 am »
**Entry withdrawn.**

Will tinker with this and/or replace with something different.

Updated entry, see here.

Weekly Design Contest / Re: Weekly Design Contest #213: GREEN
« on: March 13, 2024, 10:56:08 am »
Your image tag is using the imgur page with your image, not the image file itself. Replace the URL you have with this one and it should show up properly:

WDC #212: Three's Company

Commentary & Results

Thanks everyone for the submissions, and it was actually really tough to choose a winner between many really great ideas. Let's get to it, OPs are linked, shortlisted entries are bolded.

Wardens by silverspawn
Whew, okay starting off with a mixed pile. A Knights variant, and I actually like the idea of a mixed pile that's not all Attacks. The terminal +1 Card on all of them is a little awkward, and the other issue is, without Village support, most of the "per Warden in play" effects will be tough to get much from. I'd love to see a bit more variance in the baseline effect; the trashing theme is cool and works nicely for a $3 cost, but do they all need to be +1 Card?

Grackle Nest by BryGuy
Treasure-Victory card that can thin Coppers and nab other Treasures into Exile. You can take them out as payload if you want, or leave them for some VP. Rarely will this be worth more than Estate which makes me wonder if that part is worth it? It's also just a bit wordy for my taste.

Stonecutter by D782802859
Moat but with a fun little on-gain. You get in on some of Farrier's fun, but it's immediate instead of next turn. This will be very sad on boards without gainers where there's not a good way to make use of the effect. I like it overall though.

Vase Merchant by grrgrrgrr
A terminal Silver that can draw a card if you play a Village first. And hey, you get a pile of 40 Villages, to make your Vase Merchants a bunch of poor man's Conspirator. The bottom effect of course is the interesting part of the card and now all of a sudden Silver gainers look much better. I'm assuming Silvers retain their Treasure type, correct? It's a fun idea, though the sheer number of Villages makes me a little nervous that it may remove some of the interesting parts of Village splits and pile control that come up in many games with more limited numbers of Villages.

Factory Town by JW
A next-time cantrip Duration that generates Villagers if you buy expensive cards. I actually like this quite a bit more than Taskmaster, since it's much less wordy, it's not a stop card, and it feels a bit fairer to trigger--the Villager is almost as good as an extra Action at the start of turn anyway, though you have to get back around to playing and activating in each turn if you want to keep the same effect.

Silver Saddle by LibraryAdventurer
A Project that lets you return Silvers and Golds for a Lab effect. It's a fun bonus effect to decide between payload vs. draw, and will be especially fun with Silver gainers. I wouldn't mind simplifying to just affect Silvers. Not much else to say, but I like it.

Butler by Augie279
A sort of half-Vassal that plays from top of deck, or from your hand if that fails for a Merchant Camp effect. It's a Copper if you don't have an Action in hand either, but that scenario should be pretty rare outside of the early game. It's nice that there's a little bit of unpredictability a la Vassal or Herald, however I think this will usually be significantly stronger than both Vassal and Merchant Camp since you basically get both of their potential benefits without too much downside. It may be a little strong, but definitely worth testing at $3.

Rebels by czzzz
A terminal sifter with a mandatory discard and Vault effect if you discard Actions. It's a weird one to be sure and I'm not sure what kinds of decks would want this. Discarding down to 3 each time you play it hurts quite a bit, and $1 per Action feels like not quite enough to be worth it. The +Buy seems like it could just be automatic.

Patisserie by NoMoreFun
Baker variant that only gives Coffers if you didn't spend Coffers. Super simple, and feels sufficiently different from Baker and other Peddler variants to be worth existing. It will play a little more like Caravan Guard in a way, but without the Duration downside. I like the decisions they'll create: playing a line of 3  Patisseries will make you want to not spend Coffers this turn, but you gotta spend 'em sometime, right?

Coinery by grep
A terminal Silver gainer that can draw if you have other $3s in hand. The Silver flood helps the draw get more potent as the game goes on. Engines usually won't want the Silvers which limits Coinery's appeal but it should be a solid money-enabler on weaker boards. With the right set up though, the unbounded draw is tempting if you can get a Kingdom with lots of non-terminal $3s.

Scientist by anordinaryman
A cheap Lab with a Contraband penalty. Early and midgame, there's may be enough other good cards available there to not be hurt too much by the restriction and take the extra draw, but eventually it will become a problem. It's smart to keep the Contrband effect just to the first play. The self trash option feels a bit tacked on and unnecessary.

Puppet Strings by faust
A Treasure-Attack that forces players to play a card from their hand (which may or may not be helpful to them) or discard down to 3. I like cards that let you play Actions outside of the Action phase, and it's interesting that this one does it for both the player and opponent. Giving out free plays of terminal draw and gainers isn't ideal, but Puppet Strings puts a limit on what players can really accomplish on someone else's turn, especially in the face of multiple attacks. A weird card to be sure, but it's an intriguing one.

Judge by J410
An Ironmonger variant with Village, Smithy, or +1 Card, +$1 options. To be honest, this feels too weak. None of the options are mindblowing for a $3 cost, and the unreliability makes it hard to trust Judge in most decks (similar to why Tribute from Intrigue 1e was a tough sell). Flipping Curses is especially bad, at least with Ironmonger you still get a cantrip and can discard the Curse. Consider tinkering with the type benefits (the Treasure option could be +$2 couldn't it?) or granting it another base effect.

Granary by Ethan
I was hoping we'd see some $3 Projects, I always liked these--they're little utility cards that are never gamebreaking but typically nice to have. Granary continues in that realm, with a little Haven effect that lets you hold onto a card between hands. The turn after you get it reduces your handsize initially at the start of your turn which hurts a bit, but every turn after that, you can always as a baseline just set aside the card you set aside last time. This does run the risk of this just becoming, "I spend $3 to Exile an Estate for this game." I wonder about making you set aside at the start of your Buy phase instead, which would let you save things you didn't get to play, though that might get a bit too powerful for $3.

Anchor by fika monster
Another Project, this one lets you bottom deck anything you gain for the rest of the game, sort of like-an-every turn Bury. While bottom-decking isn't as nice as top-decking, this is still a solid utility power for turn-setup and playing your gains sooner, totally worth spending $3 on for most boards. It has some similarities to Star Chart, another $3 Project that you pretty much always pick up at some point, but the utility here make this one feel much more engaging and and the flavor makes it more memorable, you get the tactile feeling of "anchoring" your gain at the bottom of the deck, similar to Bury, I love it. My only concern is this getting too strong with multiple gains--a simple "Once per turn" clause should fix it easily. Very nicely done!

Bribe by Gubump
A Treasure that does the Favors option of Broker, and can give you more Favors as an Overpay. Obviously a $3 non-terminal trasher will get bought regardless, but this one has a very wide range of desirability depending on what the Ally is. If it's something you want a ton of Favors for, the Overpay could come into play and/or buying multiple copies, but if it's something you don't really care about, the Overpay may not get used at all. I do like that the on-play further encourages you to get more for the Overpay effect.

Coral by Tiago
Welcome to the forums! Coral is a next time Duration that's a terminal Silver on play and gains a Horse when gaining a Victory card. The easiest comparison is Search, another next time terminal Silver that which costs less and gains a Loot vs. a Horse. Yes, this isn't a one-shot, but it usually takes awhile to activate, still comparable. I think +$3 is a nice middle ground to test out for a $3-cost. You could also try upping duration effect to gaining 2 Horses.

Ark by LTaco
A Project that grants the start of turn ability of trashing three differently named cards in exchange for a powerful draw to X (usually will be a whopping +6 Cards after trashing). The trash requirement will be tricky to pull off in many cases since you need more than just Copper-Estate, and you have to have the junk in your hand at the start of turn. Apart from obvious interactions like Curses, Shelters, Heirlooms, Ruins, Fortress, Trail, etc. Ark will tempt players to potentially trash better cards things like Silvers or Actions alongside junk to activate it. My biggest worry is that on boards where it's tough to activate, it just kinda sits there.

Stashing by Will(ow|iam)
The only Event submission! I was actually expecting a lot more Events. In games with Stashing, Silvers you buy can go on the bottom of your deck instead. Nice in the opening for ensuring you hit $5 on turn 3, and there's a few other tricks you can pull. Delve still feels like the more interesting "Silver does a different thing this game" Event, but I think this is still different enough to have a place on many boards. 

Honorable Mentions: Stonecutter by D782802859, Silver Saddle by LibraryAdventurer, Puppet Strings by faust, Coinery by grep

Runner Up: Patisserie by NoMoreFun

WINNER: Anchor by fika monster

Congrats to fika monster and thanks everyone for participating!


Please check the OP to make sure I have your most updated submission.

I'll have commentary and results posted in the next day or two.

24 hours

Weekly Design Contest / Weekly Design Contest #212: Three's Company
« on: March 03, 2024, 03:18:45 pm »
WDC #212: Three's Company

They say 3 is a magic number. Here's this week's challenge:

Design a card or landscape that costs exactly .

Other rules and suggestions:
  • Your submission must have a cost of , no more, no less. So no Debt or Potion costs and let's avoid cost changers like Peddler, Wayfarer, or Destrier.
  • Overpay costs are allowed, so long as the base cost is , like Infirmary.
  • If your submission contains multiple cards (e.g. a split pile or a non-Supply pile), they must all cost .
  • Apart from those, anything goes! Actions, Treasures, VP cards, Durations, Nights, Events, Projects, etc. are all allowed so long as they cost .
  • Keep in mind some of the nuances of costs: Players can usually open with two of them. They cost the same as Silver. Estates can be Remodeled and Upgraded into them, etc.
  • As always with my contests: Don't make me squint. Eliminate unnecessary words and complexity where possible.

Judgment Details:
  • Entries and revisions must be submitted by 3:00 PM CST (9:00 PM UTC) on Sunday, March 10. I'll try to have results posted by Tuesday, March 12.
  • Entries will be judged on ingenuity, balance, simplicity, and appropriate pricing at .

Have fun! I'm excited to see your designs!

Wardens by silverspawn
Grackle Nest by BryGuy
Stonecutter by D782802859
Vase Merchant by grrgrrgrr
Factory Town by JW
Silver Saddle by LibraryAdventurer
Butler by Augie279
Rebels by czzzz
Patisserie by NoMoreFun
Coinery by grep
Scientist by anordinaryman
Puppet Strings by faust
Judge by J410
Granary by Ethan
Anchor by fika monster
Bribe by Gubump
Coral by Tiago
Ark by LTaco
Stashing by Will(ow|iam)

Thanks SignError! I'll get the next contest up later today.

Midas Touch
Action - $4
+1 Card
+1 Buy
+2 Actions
For the rest of this turn, cards that give +Actions give +$ instead.

How does this work with capitalism?

Capitalism clearly states that the +$ has to be in the card's text, so I don't think Midas Touch + Capitalism would affect cards that give only +Actions any differently.

The interaction I do have questions about is Snowy Village.


Lute - $3

Play up to 2 Action cards from your hand.

Not quite as fancy as Loot, but hey it can play some catchy songs.

♫Toss a coin to your Witcher♫

Agreed with the general sentiment about terminal Silvers being bad and Conspirator on average being a better card than Vassal. I'm a bit surprised that no one's talked about the fact that a Vassal miss is usually still better than a Conspirator miss. Cycling a Copper or Estate is pretty nice, especially in the early game. You're never going to open with Conspirator but it's not that crazy to open Vassal and a non-terminal Action like Poacher. Poacher + Vassal reduces the chances of missing one of your opening buys and cycles through one more card after the first shuffle than Poacher + Silver.

It's a Bridge that draws, get it?
Yes. But this is a really bad idea imo. The effect is so powerful and especially when spammed that it should not also help you draw your deck.

It's probably worth testing, however I'd point out that Drawbridge still requires both a source of +Actions and +Buys (or extra gains) to really go crazy, not unlike Bridge which needs both +Actions and draw (i.e. neither of these cards are "spammable" on their own). Without extra Buys or gains, it's basically just Watchtower with +$1. I did consider draw to 5 at first, but felt like draw to 6 would make it more attractive in games when the +Actions or +Buys aren't as plentiful.


$4 Action
Draw until you have 6 cards in hand. This turn, cards (everywhere) cost $1 less.

It's a Bridge that draws, get it?

What if I play it with an Elder?

Elder's text restricts the "choose an extra (different) option" to "this turn" which means you'd get +1 Card and trash a card this turn for Marksman, but you don't get an extra ability later (similar to Amulet where Elder would gives you an extra choice this turn but not next turn). For resolving Marksman's next time effect, my understanding is that you would pick one of the previous "choices" to resolve first for the duration effect choice and then the other one would fail since Elder's ability doesn't apply to later turns or apply to effects that are not explicitly "choose one" which Marksman's duration effect isn't.


Marksman is a nonterminal trasher that lets you choose between cantrip now, trash later or vice versa (which gives you some Duration draw later). It triggers on having 4 Actions in play, so it will usually sit there a few turns early game, but eventually you can trigger several at once or even get both effects on the same turn (like a cheaper Junk Dealer) if you play in the right order. To track which effect you've done already, I recommend playing the card upside down if you need to trash next time. The trash is mandatory, so be careful when you trigger this--playing a line of Marksmen as cantrips might come back to bite you later. The "during your Action phase" wording is to prevent triggering during Clean-up (any simpler wording ideas are welcome!).

This is for Allies, an expansion that emphasizes choose ones (especially cantrip or *effect*) and recursion--this is a Duration card that might not be a Duration after all.

WDC #208: Back to the Dark Ages

Commentary & Results

Thanks everyone for the submissions, there were some really great entries and I enjoyed seeing the many different directions people went with this one. Dark Ages was a long time favorite set for me when I first started playing Dominion so it was fun to revisit the mechanics here in more depth and dream about what a 2e might bring.

OPs are linked, shortlisted entries are bolded, enjoy!

Rabid Dog by Will(ow|iam)
A cantrip trasher that can turn into a Madman if it eats an Action. A nice opener on $5-$2 and plays nicely with Ruins. It's a little easier to get Madman than Hermit, but harder to mass them since Rabid Dog is $5. The flavor and simplicity are good, though I don't think Dark Ages needs another cantrip trasher when it already has Junk Dealer and Rats. Perhaps a cheaper card with a different on-play, and better yet, make it a reaction, since it's a dog. 

Profiteer by NoMoreFun
Without a discard pile, this is a terminal Gold, weak for $5, but it can be a nonterminal Spoils gainer if you have Actions in your discard. Bandit Camp is usually better. The reaction is where things get a little more interesting--sort of like Trader, this lets you turn junk into Spoils. The trash exchange is unique, though I'm unclear on how the rules work here--once a card is trashed, can it still be exchanged? It's a neat way to use Spoils in a Reaction, but the card still feels weak for $5.

Booty by segura
A super simple Spoils gainer, sort of a delayed Crucible. Much stronger opener than Marauder, and it combos with many Dark Ages cards. I actually think it would be more interesting without the discard option and as a mandatory trasher. Solid entry. 

Rapine by gentlefish
Welcome to the forums! A new Pillage that works very similar to Archer where opponents keep a card in hand and then discards one you choose. It's a strong attack, but weak in the early game. If they discard a $5 or more, then this becomes a one-shot just like Pillage, gaining 2 Spoils. Pillage isn't a great card--and while I think it's interesting that this one sticks around a little longer usually before getting popped, I don't like that it doesn't produce any resources for the player. +$ would make it too similar to Archer, but I would recommend giving it some other benefit as well.

Cult Leader by JW
Agreed that Cultist needs an overhaul Cult Leader feels much more balanced without the chaining, and it's neat that the Ruins help players defend against future ones (also, make sure to add the Looter type). Clever design, and a worthy replacement.

Salvaged Goods by Cutepelican126
A cheap Copper with +Buy that can be a Gold if you trashed something. Should use +$3 and +$1 wording instead of "worth" wording. Sad when there's no trashing in the Kingdom, and will usually lose its power in the midgame and endgame when trashing slows down, but a Dark Ages treasure that cares about trashing is interesting. It would be fun to have several of these as your payload and try to activate them each turn.

Plague Doctor by Gubump
Smithy meets Doctor. A solid opener on $5-$2 though you don't get Doctor's overpay. Nice that it retains utility once you're done thinning and can deal with stray Coppers and Curses. It's much weaker in Shelters games and will trip on Ruins, but at least it won't leave the unnamed junk on top of your deck. Love the simplicity and I'm always a fan of name a card cards. 

Junk Dog by anordinaryman
Another dog that isn't blue! This one is a Moat that gets another semi-random effect at the expense of junking you (hence the name). Ruined Library and Ruined Village are usually the best to get here since they effectively make this a Smithy or Lab respectively, whereas the others tend to be less helpful. The on-trash has some fun combos in Dark Ages, but I think the junking and randomness combined make this a tough sell on most boards unless you have some way to deal with the ruins.

Silversmith by Augie279
A Silver gainer that can draw the Silver (or something else you choose from your discard). Seems okay, though I actually don't think it's that much stronger than Scavenger, especially if you don't want the Silvers. Has a few some nice combos with other gainers and TfB but suffers from the classic Harbinger issue of no discard.

Gongfarmer by D782802859
A terminal trasher and draw card that gives you better options if you trash better cards. Solid as an opener, since it draws and cycles, sort of like a better Maroon, but it seems like it will get a little more awkward to use later. Sad when you trash Copper/Ruins and immediately draw something that costs more, but getting to pick the best two cards from a bigger reveal is nice. I think it works, but it is a little more finicky than I'd like. Also I just learned what a Gongfarmer is.

Ruinous Route by BryGuy
Another self-junker with Ruins. The wording here needs to be adjusted to be consistent with other Dominion cards (i.e.. "Look at the top 5 cards of your deck. Trash up to 3 and put the rest back in any order"). This trashes from the top of deck like Sentinel but eats 3 cards instead of 2 at the cost of adding some junk. You then get a choice of terminal Silver or two semi-random effects based on what Ruins are in the trash. I think the Silver option is best most of the time unless a Ruined Village is in the trash to make this nonterminal. Personally, I'd suggest dropping the +$2 option which I think would make this a little more interesting. 

Redoubt by SignError
Let's keep the Looters coming! So this one does the Beggar thing of gaining three of them to your hand, but makes all your Ruins one-shots for a turn, while also giving you enough Actions to play them all. It's a tricky one to wrap my head around since it has 30+ different possible play effects (the in-depth breakdown of options analysis is helpful, thank you). In general, I think it's worth the price of admission so long as you don't get too many Survivors--like Ironmonger, you usually get a Village effect, plus other occasional $ and +cards and such. Granting the ability to skip playing the Ruins and keep the +Actions (and the expense of potentially junking yourself) makes for some interesting decisions. It does weaken Cultist and Marauder's attacks which I guess is fine? I think it's generally a more interesting card to keep the Ruins on top since it makes for something players can control and count on a little more, though leaning into the randomness isn't necessarily a bad thing. Really fascinating card to think about, and definitely the most intriguing of these new Looters.

Squatter by faust
Squatter causes all $2-cost Actions and Ruins to give an extra action (making cantrips villages and Moats Labs). It can be a really powerful effect in the right Kingdom, though lining it up with your $2s and drawing things in the right order could get tricky. The bottom makes the game feature a neat little Ruins-Changeling where all junkers give out Ruins instead. Thank you for including the "from the Supply" clause so it doesn't make Hermit and Urchin really sad. Another really fascinating one   

Street Rat by Zoyarox
A Necropolis that can trash from the top of your deck and gain Spoils. A nice opener that does a few different things for you. It loses a lot of utility in the midgame though once the trashing and Spoils gaining become inconsistent.

Ruined Duchy by n_sanity
Very simple, a cheap Duchy that junks you with Ruins. A VP card that uses the Ruins is neat, and the flavor fits Dark Ages well. However, I worry it will lead to a lot of degenerate rush games, like Workshop-Gardens except Ruined Duchy empties two piles at once for you.

Loanshark by fika monster
So you spend a terminal Action to then get a bunch of extra vanilla effects any time you play a copy of that card for the next two turns, and then trash it. It's possible to set up some mega-turns with this, sort of like Procession, but the tricky part is going to be lining it up with targets--it has to be something you have multiples of (and can ensure you draw them!) otherwise this trashes the card for nothing. I think it's an interesting idea worth exploring, but as written this feels a little too challenging to set up for most boards.

Feral Cat by emtzalex
Finally, we get a blue pet. And heck yeah, I love this one, it's Sheepdog but with trashing instead of gaining, such a simple variation. Dark Ages is the perfect expansion for it to hang out in with all sorts of fun combos to play with, and it's a cool little minigame to try and activate and chain a bunch of them off of one trash. The only issue to speak of is, unlike Sheepdog, it is very possible to have games without trashers which make for some very sad kitty cats. But I think for Dark Ages itself, it's a worthwhile entry. Very well done!

Abby by RovingBear
A trasher that can be a Junk Dealer if you trash Shelters or Estates (but terminal on Coppers). If you trash more expensive things, you get a Salvager effect. Apart from Rats, I feel like there aren't that many $4+ cards you'll trash with this, so I could see lowering the threshold to $3 instead of $4. Seems fine, if a little uninspired.

Scrapheap Village by silverspawn
A Village that converts cards in your hand into Ruins, which doesn't sound very good at first, except that Ruins all get an extra +Card tacked on. The randomness makes this a little tricky to depend on, based on what the top Ruins is. It doesn't help you thin though, so you'll want another trasher. I agree that I think this unnecessarily hoses Cultist and Marauder and feels a little off brand when it comes to what Ruins are trying to do. 

Honorable Mentions: Booty by segura, Plague Doctor by Gubump, Cult Leader by JW, Squatter by faust

Runner Up: Redoubt by SignError

WINNER: Feral Cat by emtzalex

Congrats to emtzalex and thanks everyone for participating!


Please check the OP to make sure I have your most updated submission.

I'll have commentary and results posted in the next day or two.

24 hours

Weekly Design Contest / Weekly Design Contest #208: Back to the Dark Ages
« on: January 02, 2024, 08:41:43 pm »
WDC #208: Back to the Dark Ages

Happy New Year everyone!

Over the past few years, DXV has made second edition updates to many of the older Dominion sets, notably removing weak, overpowered, and boring cards and adding in new ones. At this point, it feels like there's only one set left that could reasonably still get this kind of 2e treatment, and that's Dark Ages (I don't see DXV ever coming back to Alchemy, and the other two small expansions in Cornucopia and Guilds feel unlikely to get a big update).

Here's this week's challenge:

Design a new card that fits the theme of Dark Ages (and optionally, replaces a current card from Dark Ages)

Other rules and suggestions:
  • You may NOT use unique mechanics from other official expansions. Your card should be one that could reasonably fit in an actual Dark Ages Second Edition without requiring additional components or mechanics explanation in the Dark Ages expansion rulebook. So no landscapes, durations, travellers, reserves, split piles, VP tokens, Coffers/Villagers, Debt, Exile, Horses, Night cards, etc.
  • Your card does not have to be a direct replacement for an official Dark Ages card, but you are welcome to design one that is (and maybe let us know what card yours is intended to replace).
  • Try to think about how your card would fit in Dark Ages as a whole (and its unique themes/mechanics, including Shelters, Looters/Ruins, Spoils, non-supply cards, trashing/when-trash, etc.). How will your card interact with other Dark Ages cards?
  • You're welcome to include a new non-supply cards as part of your submission or mess around with new Shelters, Knights, or Ruins if you like, so long as you don't stray into expansion mechanics outside Dark Ages.
  • As always with my contests: Don't make me squint. Eliminate unnecessary words and complexity where possible.

Judgment Details:
  • Entries and revisions must be submitted by 5:00 PM CST (11:00 PM UTC) on Wednesday, January 10. I'll have results posted on Friday, January 12.
  • Entries will be judged on ingenuity, balance, simplicity, and appropriate overall fit within a Dark Ages Second Edition.

Have fun! I'm excited to see your designs!


Rabid Dog by Will(ow|iam)
Profiteer by NoMoreFun
Booty by segura
Rapine by gentlefish
Cult Leader by JW
Salvaged Goods by Cutepelican126
Plague Doctor by Gubump
Junk Dog by anordinaryman
Silversmith by Augie279
Gongfarmer by D782802859
Ruinous Route by BryGuy
Redoubt by SignError
Squatter by faust
Street Rat by Zoyarox
Ruined Duchy by n_sanity
Loanshark by fika monster
Feral Cat by emtzalex
Abby by RovingBear
Scrapheap Village by silverspawn

Thanks SignError for the win and the very detailed judging and feedback!

New contest will be posted shortly!

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