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Messages - ThaddeusB

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Dominion League / Re: Season 8 - Results
« on: June 17, 2015, 11:26:03 pm »
D4: ThaddeusB 4-2 ryan.echternacht

Dominion League / Re: Season 8 - Results
« on: June 08, 2015, 09:55:12 pm »
D4 werothegreat 6 - ThaddeusB 0

Dominion League / Re: Season 6 - Results
« on: March 13, 2015, 12:59:50 pm »
C2: ThaddeusB 6-0 TheExpressicist

The fact that the new mats are Seaside sized suggests they are for putting cards on, especially considering Donald guessed they would be that size (presumably based on mechanics) - if they were for the new tokens they would probably be Prosperity sized.

As to the tokens, the fact they are color coded suggests they go in the common area, which at current would mean on supply piles. My guess is they modify the effects of a given card, but only for the token placer. It will probably.rewrote the play of a one-off card to place a token, so I would think the effects would have to be pretty strong to justify the delay (of course something as simply as +1 action can be extremely powerful on the right card.)

Game Reports / Re: Those piles are fickle little creatures
« on: February 10, 2015, 12:50:43 pm »
I would open silver-potion and get Count on my first chance. On a 5-2 I would take Count-crossroads.  The plan then is to trash as much as possible, relying on University to contest the Wharfs. If I lose the supply, so be it (although thinned deck should make it a closer race) - I'd rather have the right deck than all staring cards and 6 wharf.  I I'd  pick up 2 bandit camps before considering switching to advisor.

Here's a game I played recently where scout was a good acquisition:

Code: [Select]
Candlestick Maker, Lighthouse, Moat, Herald, Ironworks, Procession, Scout, Baker, Junk Dealer, Mystic

Puzzles and Challenges / Re: Highest number of forced decisions in a row
« on: February 03, 2015, 01:06:52 pm »
Do you count forced decisions made by either player? If so, it might be possible to get higher with attacks that have forced decisions: Rabble flips 2/3 treasures/actions, Rogue/Knight flips 2 cards, but only one is 3-6, Saboteur hits a 3 cost card w/ no Curses left. I'm not quite sure about Young Witch: in the vein of forced choice, you may reveal the Bane, but you can't, so you have to choose not to. But you could make the same argument for things like Moat and Watchtower: I could have revealed them, if I had them in my hand. Young Witch does specify the choice on the Attack card though, so I think that makes the difference.

Solution attempt:
KC/TR/BoM for 21 TR plays on stack, Rabble only action in hand.
9 times: TR Rabble, drawing 5 non-actions and Rabble, revealing all treasures/actions
TR Rabble, drawing 5 non-actions and Herald, revealing all treasures/actions
5 times: TR Herald, drawing a non-action and another Herald, revealing and playing 2 Saboteurs, hitting two Silvers with no Curses/Poor House in supply
3 times: TR Herald, drawing a non-action and another Herald, revealing and playing 2 Rogues, hitting only one 3-5 lcost, and then forced to choose it to gain
TR Herald, drawing a non-action and Sir Destry, revealing and playing 2 Rogues, hitting only one 3-5 cost, and then forced to choose it to gain
TR Sir Destry, drawing 3 non-actions and Sir Martin, hitting only one 3-5 cost twice
TR Sir Martin, hitting only one 3-5 cost twice

21 TR choices + 20 Rabble choices + 10 Saboteur choices + 8 Rogue choices + 2 Sir Destry choices + 2 Sir MartinN choices = 63 forced choices in a row. Probably can be improved to somehow include the other solutions without attacks, or used to improve them.

The gain from Saboteur is optional ( ie you can gain nothing), so to be forced there would have to be no valid targets ( ie copper and curse out )

If by combo you just mean two cards that make each other better then a lot of things combo with scout - cards that care a lot about deck order ( ww, mystic, herald), all alt co, cards that want vp in hand.  If you mean things that make Scott worth buying, the list is pretty short. At least two of great hall/harem/nobles might be enough. A workshop variant you otherwise want on an alt vp board. Rebuild with no other + action cards and enough silver already bought. Wishing well  + alt vp ( primarily Duke to avoid.cost conflict).

On a weak board with no other +actions, I could definitely see Prince-scout doing something - that's an interesting idea.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: strange ratings
« on: February 02, 2015, 12:23:48 pm »
Also, if the player has changed their name, their iso levels don't reflect correctly in salvager. You'd have to look them up on the isotropish leaderboard.

This is the main cause of really funky things like 5000/-27

Dominion League / Re: timezones
« on: January 27, 2015, 12:28:39 pm »

Name:  ThaddeusB
Timezone: America/New_York

There could also be "altering effects" on your own hand only ("when this is in play, +1$ for each action card played.  I doubt any of these specific cars will happen, bit I would not at all be surprised to see some sort of new "lingering effect" mechanism introduced - either through "use later" cards or cards with effects that aren't completely resolved immediately or some other way I haven't imagined. While durations and con tokens do this to some degree, I feel there is a lot of room left in that space.

This sounds similar to the new modifying tokens.  Tokens seem to be a much better way to do it than my card idea.
My third guess ( some sort of duration/lingering attack) remains a possibility.

In terms of unexplored areas, Guilds added "flexible coins".  The next logical step is "flexible cards" - one time use cards you obtain through whatever means that don't go into your deck but are set aside to be used at your choice.  I definitely think there will be non-supply cards based on the announced set size, so something like a special card or cards that give you these flexible cards is plausible.  Or maybe cards that get aside on buy to be used whenever, but after the first use go into the deck as normal.

Seems like several of us were on the right track in predicting some sort of reserve card.

Dominion League / Re: Standings & Results
« on: January 12, 2015, 09:09:05 pm »
D2: ThaddeusB 5 - jerni 1

Dominion League / Extend season 5?
« on: January 11, 2015, 01:07:48 pm »
Making Fun has been having all kinds of problems the last week and a half - I personally have only successfully logged on once in that time frame.   That is making it very hard to complete matches.  Of course I will try to complete my remaining matches in the coming week, but if the software continues to not perform will there be a possibility to extend the season?

Dominion General Discussion / Re: Whoops, I just dropped a Dominionism.
« on: December 15, 2014, 01:00:57 pm »
In my house, whenever someone has to pass something Masquerade usually comes up. Like "pass the potatoes" becomes "potato masquerade".

Dominion Articles / Re: request: algorithm for rebuild/duke
« on: December 04, 2014, 12:55:15 pm »
I think you play it the same way, with a few differences:

-Your goal is to get the most Duchies. This is usually your goal, but now it's even more true.
-Estates are no longer dead because they can turn into Duke, so you can buy Estates on $2/$3 turns more often. I think Silver > Estate if you already have some though.
- When Rebuilding, name Duchy, turn Estate->Duchy/Duke, Duke->Province, Province->Province

If you lost the Duchy split, odds are you just lose, since I don't think you can afford to trash Duchies->Province when your opponent has the option of either Duke or Province for VP. Think of it this way: whenever you Rebuild Duchy->Province you get +3 VP. If you have 4 Duchies, then Estate->Duke is also 3 VP, and buying some extra Estates to Rebuild along the way is a lot easier, while leaving you the option of Rebuilding to Provinces to force a game end.

thanks ! I think "in general, protect duchy, even if it means turning province into province occasionally" was the insight I was missing. the point is that (unlike in usual rebuild) you can't protect all your point sources, but duchies are the most precious by far.

do you think graverobber/rogue become better with dukes lying in the trash? that seems awfully tempting, as a card you can play for  is worth even more than a rebuild

Graverobber/Rogue are crucial in any Rebuild game, not just with Duke.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: What is the worst card in Dominion?
« on: November 18, 2014, 12:36:00 pm »
Thief remains the worst in my opinion.  Scout does Ok in alt VP games and a few other situations. You probably need a way to gain out for free to make it worth getting, but at least is worth getting. Thief is very rarely worth getting even for free. Ttansmute's only problem, albeit a big one, is the strange cost that basically means you can only consider it when there is another potion cost card. Nothing else even deserves to be in the same conversation as those 3.

Dominion League / Re: Standings & Results
« on: November 15, 2014, 12:00:01 am »
C1: michaeljb-ThaddeusB: 3-3

Dominion General Discussion / Re: The "wait, you can DO that?!?!!" thread
« on: November 10, 2014, 12:21:25 pm »
Hermit-Market Square is the one that always seems to really shock people ( i.e. lead to chat comments).  My personal favorite combo is probably chapel-poor house-village or other way to play 2 PHD.

Other than the usual suspects (mostly already mentioned here), the interaction that most surprised me was Thief-IGG.

Thanks for the thoughts on "duration attacks". I agree that their interaction with reactions could be confusing. That mostly means more rule book text, but probably does weaken the chances of something like that ever happening. In regards to the cost increaser specifically, it could be fixed to prevent broken situations... but the fact Cutpurse started that way and changed on publisher request pretty much completely rules the idea out.

However, there might be other ways to get opponent hand effects without being an attack exactly - kind of like Smugglers, you could get some benefit from opponent turns with in an play card ("while this is in play, gain a coin token when an opponent buys a card") or messes with people in a "neutral" way and thus isn't considered an attack ("while this is on play, whenever one would draw a card, gain an action instead; whenever one would gain an action, draw a card instead").  A reaction-attack (which could be responded to by another reaction to block the attack) might be another way to make the idea work ("when a player gains a card you may discard this. If you do, they gain a curse.)

There could also be "altering effects" on your own hand only ("when this is in play, +1$ for each action card played.  I doubt any of these specific cars will happen, bit I would not at all be surprised to see some sort of new "lingering effect" mechanism introduced - either through "use later" cards or cards with effects that aren't completely resolved immediately or some other way I haven't imagined. While durations and con tokens do this to some degree, I feel there is a lot of room left in that space.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: November 06, 2014, 08:22:45 pm »
Log search hasn't updated in 22h and iso ratings aren't coming through the extension

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Why is Goko so bad ?
« on: November 06, 2014, 01:02:50 pm »
i just hosted a game... some guy joined... i pressed start... the game loaded... i was in alone... I thought that was too lonely, so I resigned... goko said now I lose 37 ranking

aside from the obvious nonsense and general buginess of this fact, doesn't this also mean if you play a game, someone else joins, and he leaves at the right time, and you then proceed to piledrive provinces, you win points out of nowhere?

e: although my rating doesn't seem to have changed, so maybe it was just an annotation bug.

It's a display big, as noted. Specifically, it will reshow the last change.

Looking at the existing basic card types, I see one combination that hasn't been tried yet: Duration-Attack.  What would a Duration-Attack look like?  The first idea that comes to my mind is a cost increaser - an anti-Bridge for your opponents if you will.  That or something like "silver produces one less" or maybe even "when you play an action, discard a card".

In terms of unexplored areas, Guilds added "flexible coins".  The next logical step is "flexible cards" - one time use cards you obtain through whatever means that don't go into your deck but are set aside to be used at your choice.  I definitely think there will be non-supply cards based on the announced set size, so something like a special card or cards that give you these flexible cards is plausible.  Or maybe cards that get aside on buy to be used whenever, but after the first use go into the deck as normal.

Presumably there will be at least one alt VP card.  No ideas there, but I wouldn't mind seeing another vanilla VP-Action card.

Dominion General Discussion / Re: timed dominion
« on: October 31, 2014, 07:54:06 pm »
On FICS (free internet chess server), people set the time limits when they create a game.  Usually the format is X minutes+Y seconds per move.  (So is it is say 15 seconds per move and a move takes 10 seconds you have have 2:05 left on the clock.)  Change that to Y seconds per action and it could work just fine for Dominion.  Moves are time stamped by the software so if there is connection lag, it doesn't hurt you.  If I recall correctly (its been a while), the clock starts after the first move so that is someone's board loads slow or isn't paying attention the second it opens, they are't hurt.  First moves in chess are trivial (i.e. pre-planned), but in Dminion that facet would allow time to analyze the kingdom.

Goko Dominion Online / Re: Goko Dominion Salvager Discussion
« on: October 31, 2014, 02:56:03 pm »
Heisenberg's final deck composition is totally wrong.

I think it's because the log prettifier observed it.

I think if you resign mid-turn, then it doesn't put the cards in play back into the deck. This could be the issue.

That is correct (it also happens on quits).

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