Dominion Strategy Forum

Miscellaneous => Forum Games => Mafia Game Threads => Topic started by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 10:40:07 am

Title: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 10:40:07 am
The Rules:

•         All Standard rules apply (see a normal mafia thread), unless contradicted below:
•         Each player is assigned a seat number, a Dominion Flavour name, and a role.
•         Each player will receive a flavour full PM describing their role, any abilities they have, their seat number, victory conditions, and any information they know about the murder.
•         Each player’s role, seat number and flavour name will be revealed upon any death.
•         Extra information may be released at any point due to an in game mechanic.
•         Dead players may not communicate after they are dead in the thread, PM, QT’s, smoke signals or any method other than a dead players QT.
•         Votes and Actions may be submitted using either player name OR Seat Number. They will be added together behind the scenes by the mod.
•         All Mod text could be important, including flavour. The Mod does not lie, however not all flavour is relevant and some of it may be redundant.
•         Unless otherwise stated, Days will be 7 days Long and Night will be 2 Days Long.
•         There are no posting style restrictions on any players.
•         The game will NOT feature:  Jesters, Cults, Insane, or Millers.
•         This is not a proper Bastard game, the mod will not lie, but not everything is as it seems.
•         The Game ends in the standard fashion when one faction stands alone, or nothing can prevent that.  Any other Victory conditions achieved will not be noted till the end.
•         All times are BST. You can change forum time for you to BST in the options.

The Murder Mystery
•         The Murderer could be of any alignment.
•         You can PM me ONCE at any point during the game with Accuse: <Playername>. This cannot be after the Murderer has been killed, or if you have been killed.
•   There are enough clues to identify the murderer, however, extra clues may be revealed during an in game mechanic.
•   Some Murder information may be revealed after a death.
•         Getting the correct Murderer gets you a Victory, but does not end the game.
•         The Seating Plan is as follows:
10             17   
11             18
12             19
13             20
14             21
15             22
16             23

Role PMS:

You are <Flavour Name> (Role) – Alignment
You are in seat number <Number>

<Flavour Text>


<Victory Condition>

•         You may quote any or some or your role PM’s with the exception of anything under Victory Conditions. However, it may not be in your best interest to do so, as that may give away vital information to other players that you may not know is important It may seem like nothing to you, but who knows what other people are looking out for. Or it may be extremely beneficial to your team.
•         You may NOT quote any or part of your Victory Condition, nor refer to it in anyway.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 10:40:23 am
Ozle loved being Ozle. He was the most popular guy in town, hell he owned the town and the Province around it! And he had money coming out of his ears (Not literally). He sat on is big comfy chair and gazed out the window of his castle over his Province, yes life was good indeed. But there was a nagging doubt at the far reaches of his mind, back in the area that he tried to ignore, along with the morals and the common sense section. What if people didn’t really love him as much as he thought? He had heard some very unhappy rumours that somebody was trying to set up an Organised crime syndicate in his village!! How dare they try! This sounded like something that happened in Oland, not here in Ozles as yet unnamed Province! Talking of Oland, he wondered why the letters from his identical twin had stopped coming, they were amusing, if difficult to understand. Ahh well, probably holed up in some tavern somewhere.
Ozle loved reading. Well he told people he loved reading anyway. And one of his favourite authors he claimed to love was Agatha Christie. And if there was something he had learned from the adventures of Hercule Poirot, it was that if you had a bunch of people you suspected were out to get you, the best thing to do was to invite them all to a dinner party. Generally though, as Ozle didn’t actually like reading at all he never actually got past the first chapter or two of these books, so had no idea how the dinner party would turn out for the host. But he assumed it went well.

The invites were written to all the important people in the town, and some not so important people. And he even had a request for a seat by a man from a strange far off land, he said he was interested in Ozle’s family history. This pleased Ozle (as long as he didn’t look too deeply into Crazy Uncle Ungar) and so sent this stranger an invite. Ozle reckoned that if there was a crime family being formed, they would be in this group of people somewhere.

So, everyone turned up on time, although he did get one excuse from a chap called Axxle saying he might be late, and the dinner began. It was all going splendidly. Then, somewhere between the main course and the deserts (an excellent soufflé) Ozle decided it was time for a big important speech! However, just before he could stand up to deliver this speech, the lights went out. A silence slipped across the hall quicker than that time Ozle had run away from the bailiffs. Ozle was in the midst of telling people not to panic as he heard a couple of chairs move, and explaining that he thought he was due another red letter before they cut off his lighting when a terrifying bestial howl rang around the room. This shut Ozle right up, as he didn’t keep pets and certainly wouldn't get a wolf!. He wasn’t allowed any since that incident with the mayor’s daughter and the goat. He remembered someone talking to him about this sort of thing earlier, but he wasn’t really paying attention.  Was this another thing he had to worry about now!  As if life as a ruler was not hard enough, all those grapes to eat and wenches to accost.

Just as he was about to get up and turn on the back up lighting, a sharp and unexpected object decided that this was the exact time it wanted to occupy the same place as Ozle’s back. And as the laws of space and time were still currently in effect, this caused the sudden problem for Ozle of killing him. Not straight away of course, he did an epic death throe where he wriggled about for ages, pointed out that this was a trifle inconvenient (which was strange, as he thought they were having soufflé), and generally milked it for ages. Which was all wasted of course because the lights were off.

When illumination was finally restored, everyone was back in their seats, looking around. The first thing they noticed was that their host was dead in his chair, slumped over onto the table. Well, that's not the first thing they did, the very first thing was to check nobody had nicked their wallet/purse. As they gazed over at their dead host, nobody was really too upset, he was a bit of a scumbag. But their eyes drifted just to the side of Ozle, and the man in seat 17 was holding a very bloody knife....

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 10:40:33 am


Players alive around the table (alphabetical order)

1   Captain_Frisk
2   Cayvie
3   Eevee
4   FTL
5   Galzria
6   Grujah
7   Insomniac
8   Jtotheoneah
9   Mogrim
10   Robz888
11   Shark_bait
12   Timchen
13   Voltgloss
14   Yuma

With 14 alive it takes 8 to Lynch

DAY 1 WILL END THURSDAY 2nd AUGUST at 9pm or before if a lynch happens
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 10:40:42 am
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 26, 2012, 10:47:15 am
Vote: Axxle
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 26, 2012, 10:55:34 am
Apparently I've already died and my twin Shark_bait has taken my place  :/
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 11:22:36 am
Updated with Day 1 end date
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 26, 2012, 11:56:14 am
Well well. Is everyone enjoying the souffle? I'm finding it a trifle bland.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 26, 2012, 12:03:30 pm
Ozle was in the midst of telling people not to panic as he heard a couple of chairs move, and explaining that he thought he was due another red letter before they cut off his lighting when a terrifying bestial howl rang around the room. This shut Ozle right up, as he didn’t keep pets and certainly wouldn't get a wolf!

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 26, 2012, 12:06:06 pm
Well well. Is everyone enjoying the souffle? I'm finding it a trifle bland.

I'm actually finding it quite..... fluffy.  So, anyone want to claim seat 17 so that we all can win?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 12:08:12 pm
I am in seat 22, where are the rest of you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 12:09:07 pm
Enjoying the flavor, Ozle. RIP.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 26, 2012, 12:09:50 pm
Do we really want to start a mass seat claim?  It's very likely that some role PM's directly give information about seating that scum could use to there advantage.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 12:10:01 pm
Enjoying the flavor, Ozle. RIP.

Ozle died for his art *sniff* its the way he would have wanted to go
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 12:11:31 pm
Do we really want to start a mass seat claim?  It's very likely that some role PM's directly give information about seating that scum could use to there advantage.

It's also very likely that the town has information that is useful based on seating. I don't see how the scum could benefit at all from knowing about seats.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 12:13:55 pm
If massclaiming seats was beneficial for town, I'm thinking Ozle would have just told us where everyone sits..
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 26, 2012, 12:15:42 pm
What if they had in there PM something like, "And the man from seat X has been eyeing you suspiciously all night" in their PM.  This would clue them in that seat 14 is an investigative role.  I don't know if this is a risk we need to take right on D1.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 26, 2012, 12:16:23 pm
The "they" referring to scum in above post obviously.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 26, 2012, 12:16:40 pm
If massclaiming seats was beneficial for town, I'm thinking Ozle would have just told us where everyone sits..

I think he said elsewhere that seatclaiming may or may not be a good idea.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 26, 2012, 12:21:29 pm
What if we all claimed which side of the table we're sitting on?

That at least starts the sharing of information without getting into such level of specifics that risks helping scum more than town.  Plus, lying is dangerous as it risks putting the liar into a subset of people confirmed to contain a liar (assuming the side-of-table counts don't even out), with very little clear gain from making such a lie. 

I think it's most likely that everyone, even scum, would tell the truth to this question.  And it might prove important information later on for PoE purposes.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 12:22:52 pm
If massclaiming seats was beneficial for town, I'm thinking Ozle would have just told us where everyone sits..

I think he said elsewhere that seatclaiming may or may not be a good idea.
I read that as "some seats are good to claim, some arent", no way of knowing which are good, they are probably going to be a net negative (basicly outing our power roles).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 12:23:26 pm
What if we all claimed which side of the table we're sitting on?

That at least starts the sharing of information without getting into such level of specifics that risks helping scum more than town.  Plus, lying is dangerous as it risks putting the liar into a subset of people confirmed to contain a liar (assuming the side-of-table counts don't even out), with very little clear gain from making such a lie. 

I think it's most likely that everyone, even scum, would tell the truth to this question.  And it might prove important information later on for PoE purposes.
Why do we need to know where others sit atm?

Guys, lets play to towns wincon, not our personal one.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 12:25:11 pm
If massclaiming seats was beneficial for town, I'm thinking Ozle would have just told us where everyone sits..

I think he said elsewhere that seatclaiming may or may not be a good idea.
I read that as "some seats are good to claim, some arent", no way of knowing which are good, they are probably going to be a net negative (basicly outing our power roles).

Just because something is pro-town doesn't mean the mod would do it. Putting mafia/serial killers in the game at all isnt pro town!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 26, 2012, 12:25:52 pm
Eevee, do you want to solve Ozle's murder?  Do you think we should try to do so?  If not, why not?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 12:32:03 pm
If massclaiming seats was beneficial for town, I'm thinking Ozle would have just told us where everyone sits..

I think he said elsewhere that seatclaiming may or may not be a good idea.
I read that as "some seats are good to claim, some arent", no way of knowing which are good, they are probably going to be a net negative (basicly outing our power roles).

Just because something is pro-town doesn't mean the mod would do it. Putting mafia/serial killers in the game at all isnt pro town!

Not telling us where we sit is not very logical / doesnt fit the flavor. I think the reason he did it is because it gives us some interesting strategic choices and gameplay (when to claim and stuff). I think Ozle is smart enough to not have the system such that it can be cracked by a mass claim.

Quote from: Voltgloss
Eevee, do you want to solve Ozle's murder?  Do you think we should try to do so?  If not, why not?
No, not yet anyways. Or of course I wouldnt mind it happening, but I dont think it should get in the way of scumhunting. I dont think we can do it yet anyways, not before people start flipping (and maybe Ozle plans to reveal us some more info slowly?). It should be pretty obvious the one holding the bloody knife isnt guilty though.

I see this game as a normal mafia affair with a little mini game built in (solving Ozle's murder). First priority is hunting scum, and if I (or you or whoever) figures out the way to solve Ozles murdered (who might be town or scum), he obviously does that and wins the mini game but the main goal is the same than it is in any mafia game. Others disagree?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 12:35:45 pm
If massclaiming seats was beneficial for town, I'm thinking Ozle would have just told us where everyone sits..

I think he said elsewhere that seatclaiming may or may not be a good idea.
I read that as "some seats are good to claim, some arent", no way of knowing which are good, they are probably going to be a net negative (basicly outing our power roles).

Just because something is pro-town doesn't mean the mod would do it. Putting mafia/serial killers in the game at all isnt pro town!

Not telling us where we sit is not very logical / doesnt fit the flavor. I think the reason he did it is because it gives us some interesting strategic choices and gameplay (when to claim and stuff). I think Ozle is smart enough to not have the system such that it can be cracked by a mass claim.

Quote from: Voltgloss
Eevee, do you want to solve Ozle's murder?  Do you think we should try to do so?  If not, why not?
No, not yet anyways. Or of course I wouldnt mind it happening, but I dont think it should get in the way of scumhunting. I dont think we can do it yet anyways, not before people start flipping (and maybe Ozle plans to reveal us some more info slowly?). It should be pretty obvious the one holding the bloody knife isnt guilty though.

I see this game as a normal mafia affair with a little mini game built in (solving Ozle's murder). First priority is hunting scum, and if I (or you or whoever) figures out the way to solve Ozles murdered (who might be town or scum), he obviously does that and wins the mini game but the main goal is the same than it is in any mafia game. Others disagree?

It should be pretty obvious the one holding the bloody knife isnt guilty though.

Emphasis mine...What how is that obvious.

Also I didn't say mass seat claim breaks the game but I don't see it hurting town either.  You know what I'm doing it


Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 26, 2012, 12:36:43 pm
Let's pretend that you (yes, you the person that is reading this) are the murderer. The lights are off. You just stabbed someone in the back with a knife. When the lights go back on everyone is going to be looking for the person with the bloody knife. Are you going to hold onto it and wait for them to find it on you? No. You are going to dump it. In fact you are going to dump it off onto someone you pass on your way back to your seat. Right?

PPE: Like Eevee said, seat 17 isn't very likely to be guilty. How many of us have read murder mysteries before? @Insomniac... see above
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 26, 2012, 12:38:01 pm
The murderer is likely in seat numbers 18-23.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 12:39:49 pm
The murderer is likely in seat numbers 18-23.

That seems wrong. The other side of the table could just as easily have 'planted' it on seat 17. Also I have read a few murder mysteries and its never seat 17, which would make it being seat 17 a curve ball.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 26, 2012, 12:42:55 pm
Let's pretend that you (yes, you the person that is reading this) are the murderer. The lights are off. You just stabbed someone in the back with a knife. When the lights go back on everyone is going to be looking for the person with the bloody knife. Are you going to hold onto it and wait for them to find it on you? No. You are going to dump it. In fact you are going to dump it off onto someone you pass on your way back to your seat. Right?

Quite possible.  Here's another possibility:  you (the murderer), assuming everyone will think as yuma and Eevee are thinking, purposefully hold on to the knife.  Counting on the group concluding "oh he must have been framed, he can't be the murderer."

Hey everyone, how's that wine in front of you tasting?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 12:43:39 pm
The murderer is likely in seat numbers 18-23.

That seems wrong. The other side of the table could just as easily have 'planted' it on seat 17. Also I have read a few murder mysteries and its never seat 17, which would make it being seat 17 a curve ball.

Okay yeah, I give you that.

Rephrase: It should be pretty obvious every single seat has basicly an equal chance of being the murderer. Ozle knows you'd first assume its seat 17, then look for guys next to him.. and once again, he isnt stupid.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 12:44:26 pm
Let's pretend that you (yes, you the person that is reading this) are the murderer. The lights are off. You just stabbed someone in the back with a knife. When the lights go back on everyone is going to be looking for the person with the bloody knife. Are you going to hold onto it and wait for them to find it on you? No. You are going to dump it. In fact you are going to dump it off onto someone you pass on your way back to your seat. Right?

Quite possible.  Here's another possibility:  you (the murderer), assuming everyone will think as yuma and Eevee are thinking, purposefully hold on to the knife.  Counting on the group concluding "oh he must have been framed, he can't be the murderer."

Hey everyone, how's that wine in front of you tasting?
Which is why I think looking for the murderer is pointless.

Lets play for towns wincon!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 12:47:01 pm
Let's pretend that you (yes, you the person that is reading this) are the murderer. The lights are off. You just stabbed someone in the back with a knife. When the lights go back on everyone is going to be looking for the person with the bloody knife. Are you going to hold onto it and wait for them to find it on you? No. You are going to dump it. In fact you are going to dump it off onto someone you pass on your way back to your seat. Right?

Quite possible.  Here's another possibility:  you (the murderer), assuming everyone will think as yuma and Eevee are thinking, purposefully hold on to the knife.  Counting on the group concluding "oh he must have been framed, he can't be the murderer."

Hey everyone, how's that wine in front of you tasting?
Which is why I think looking for the murderer is pointless.

Lets play for towns wincon!

You can scumhunt instead of saying that too...Which leads me to my second point

Hey shark_bait how does it feel to know that your scumbuddy murdered Ozle?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 26, 2012, 12:47:58 pm
Which is why I think looking for the murderer is pointless.

Lets play for towns wincon!
How many people would actively not want to find the murderer?  I posit that the answer to that question is exactly one.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 12:51:06 pm
Which is why I think looking for the murderer is pointless.

Lets play for towns wincon!
How many people would actively not want to find the murderer?  I posit that the answer to that question is exactly one.
Uhm, the ones who prioritize the town's victory over their personal one? As I said, I will pursue any information I stumble upon regarding Ozle's sad demise, but first and foremost I'd like to lynch all the scum and see a town victory.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 26, 2012, 12:51:26 pm
The knife in the hand of Mr. Seat 17 could be a red herring, right? Mayeb the murderer planted it in Seat 17's hand.

Since Ozle might be dropping clues in his flavor paragraph, I should mention that I have read one of Agatha Christie's the Hercule Poirot novels--one of the most famous (and controversial) ones, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. It's a terrific story, and Christie was almost kicked out of the society of mystery writers for it, because the solution was such a cheat.

But since the solution may be pertinent to our case, I think I'll have to spoil the novel for all of you: the narrator, who is not a suspect, is the murderer in the story.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 12:53:10 pm
The knife in the hand of Mr. Seat 17 could be a red herring, right? Mayeb the murderer planted it in Seat 17's hand.

Since Ozle might be dropping clues in his flavor paragraph, I should mention that I have read one of Agatha Christie's the Hercule Poirot novels--one of the most famous (and controversial) ones, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. It's a terrific story, and Christie was almost kicked out of the society of mystery writers for it, because the solution was such a cheat.

But since the solution may be pertinent to our case, I think I'll have to spoil the novel for all of you: the narrator, who is not a suspect, is the murderer in the story.

Are you soft accusing Ozle?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 26, 2012, 12:54:38 pm
Vote: Robz888 for spoiling the ending of one of the best mystery novels of all time.  Yes, this is an unabashed policy lynch-vote.

Robz, have you read The Hollow (also by Agatha Christie)? 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 26, 2012, 12:56:06 pm
Vote: Robz888 for spoiling the ending of one of the best mystery novels of all time.  Yes, this is an unabashed policy lynch-vote.

Robz, have you read The Hollow (also by Agatha Christie)?

No, the ONLY Agatha Christie novel I've read was The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, but I seriously couldn't put that one down. I think I screamed aloud when I read the ending. If you're recommending The Hollow, I'll have to give it a try.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 12:57:54 pm
I've read like 50 Agatha Christie murder mysteries, if thats of any relevance here.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 26, 2012, 01:01:48 pm
I think all we've learned is that the person in Seat 17 is Mrs. Peacock (you people have seen the movie Clue, I assume?)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 01:06:49 pm
I think all we've learned is that the person in Seat 17 is Mrs. Peacock (you people have seen the movie Clue, I assume?)
I havent.  :( I dont watch very many movies, more of a tv-series kind of guy.
.. but I'm guessing that just means I missed the joke.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 26, 2012, 01:07:04 pm
I think we can all agree that communism was a red herring all along.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 26, 2012, 01:09:30 pm
Vote: Robz888 for spoiling the ending of one of the best mystery novels of all time.  Yes, this is an unabashed policy lynch-vote.

Robz, have you read The Hollow (also by Agatha Christie)?

No, the ONLY Agatha Christie novel I've read was The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, but I seriously couldn't put that one down. I think I screamed aloud when I read the ending. If you're recommending The Hollow, I'll have to give it a try.

One of the most fascinating things about The Murder of Roger Ackroyd is that it was her second novel.  Dame Christie made a career of turning mystery novel conventions on their head - and started doing so early.

I do recommend The Hollow.  It's more about the underlying psychological drama than it is about logistics.  The least effective part of the book is Poirot's being shoehorned in towards the very end.  Christie herself went on record saying she thought she ruined the book by adding Poirot to it.  I've directed the stage adaptation (also by Christie), which has no Poirot in it; works better for his exclusion.

But that's not why I brought up The Hollow in this thread.  I brought it up because, if any Agatha Christie novel's twist ending seems appropriate to these circumstances, it's that one.

I'll include the twist here, but heavily spoilered.  (Which was the least you could have done with spoiling Roger Ackroyd!  Seriously man, that's what spoilers are FOR!)

Seriously, don't go further unless you really want to be spoiled on the ending.
I'm dead serious.
Last chance.
Fine:  The victim is found having been shot, his wife standing over him with a gun in her hand.  But no one actually saw her shoot her husband.  The implication is of course that she's the most likely suspect - and so clearly CAN'T be the murderer.
Plus, it's later discovered the gun in her hand wasn't the murder weapon.
But she is the murderer.  She had two guns, shot her husband with one of them, and carefully hid it.  Then made sure she'd be found standing over him with the not-murder-weapon gun in hand, expecting those circumstances to clear her.  It almost worked.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 26, 2012, 01:10:45 pm
Like any of us can really resist the spoiler tags.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 01:11:15 pm
I think all we've learned is that the person in Seat 17 is Mrs. Peacock (you people have seen the movie Clue, I assume?)
I havent.  :( I dont watch very many movies, more of a tv-series kind of guy.
.. but I'm guessing that just means I missed the joke.

I have seen it, I don't remember it that well though, but if I recall the movie had 3 endings, one in which each person was guilty, Mrs. Peacock was the obvious one (the one holding the knife)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 26, 2012, 01:15:05 pm
Robz, was the entree one of your favorite recipes?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 26, 2012, 01:16:49 pm
My friends, so much has happened! The onion soufflč that Ozle has served us was nothing short of atrocious. I would not blame any of you for wishing him ill after being forced to palate that. However, I must believe that the actions and events of this night were not the act of a newly disgruntled dinner guest, but indeed were premeditated by someone who has held a grudge for some time.

The simple fact that we all sit here now, entirely unsure of those around us points to a very well thought out and planned murder. So it is with much apprehension that I suggest we look closely over the events of the last hour. Please feel free to add to this list of things we know:

Ozle was wealthy - indeed the richest in the land.
Ozle loved to read (although, to be frank, I suspect this is untrue. He was much to important to himself to waste time on books)
We were all invited to dinner, and with the exception of Axxle, arrived on time.
All of the lights went out
There was a bonechilling howl
Ozle is found dead with a bloody knife in the hand of seat 17


Am I missing anything?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 26, 2012, 01:17:06 pm
I am actually not going to read Volt's spoilertagged stuff because I might read the story. And that's absolutely what I should have done when I spoiled MfRA. Sorry! I would edit in spoiler tags now but I am disallowed, I assume.

Volt, while I made sure to heavily slurp the entree, it was not my favorite :)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on July 26, 2012, 01:18:52 pm
I find eevee said lots of reasonable things here.

I've also read a few (~20) Agatha Christie's novels. They are all Chinese translated versions though!

One thing I think worth of discussing, or maybe Ozle can point this out: does our murderer know he is the murderer?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 26, 2012, 01:26:01 pm
Further more... the person who potentially passed the knife to person #17 may have already received it and then passed it on hot potato style. But this train of thought isn't super useful at this point.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 26, 2012, 01:30:56 pm
Ozle, here's a question: If the Murderer is killed, are we informed that he was the Murderer?

I would like everyone to weigh in on whether my "claim your side of the table" idea is a good one or not.  Eevee's come out against it, but I'm not sure where everyone else stands.  I realize it's not going to magically find the murderer for us - but I think it's a good starting point at gathering information, in a manner that makes it unlikely for the town (even scum - even the murderer!) to lie.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 26, 2012, 01:31:22 pm
I should say that based on my flavor paragraph, I know that the person in Seat 17 did not move when the lights went out.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 26, 2012, 01:33:00 pm
I should say that based on my flavor paragraph, I know that the person in Seat 17 did not move when the lights went out.

playing footsies or something?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 26, 2012, 01:34:19 pm
I am fine with saying who is on what side.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 26, 2012, 01:34:45 pm
I think that is a fair suggestion
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 01:35:10 pm
I was fine with seat claiming as I already did it. So Obviously Im ok with side claiming
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 26, 2012, 01:39:12 pm
I could side claim.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 26, 2012, 01:40:11 pm
I should say that based on my flavor paragraph, I know that the person in Seat 17 did not move when the lights went out.

As in, "did not get out of his seat?"  Or as in, "did not lean way over towards Ozle?" 

Seats 10 and 17 are awkwardly unique in that they are the only seats who could conceivably stab Ozle without having to get up. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on July 26, 2012, 01:41:24 pm
I am fine with that too, but it does not help myself at all.

From my role PM: me and the person sit on my right are talking about people seating 22 and 23 when the room went dark. We are on the opposite side. Hopefully this is useful for some.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 26, 2012, 01:42:36 pm
I should say that based on my flavor paragraph, I know that the person in Seat 17 did not move when the lights went out.

As in, "did not get out of his seat?"  Or as in, "did not lean way over towards Ozle?" 

Seats 10 and 17 are awkwardly unique in that they are the only seats who could conceivably stab Ozle without having to get up.

I have no idea, just that he "didn't move." Well, according to the mod, I'm "pretty sure." Anyway, I read it as the person in Seat 17 not reacting to the lights going off with surprise or anything. He may have indeed moved when the lights were actually off.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 26, 2012, 01:46:24 pm
You can scumhunt instead of saying that too...Which leads me to my second point

Hey shark_bait how does it feel to know that your scumbuddy murdered Ozle?

Damn, I guess since you know the murderer already you've won.  Congrats.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 01:46:54 pm
Ozle read with interest the suspcion that he might have been the murderer, which fueled hopes inside of him that he might be alive! Because surely Ozle wouldn't murder himself, he LOVED himself! He tried to will his body to get up, but no joy, the gaping wound in the middle of his back made sure of that.

He knew of course though that he hadn't planned his party around any specific book, that would be plaguarising, and Ozle wasn't a plaguriser! (Although he was a suspected Plague carrier ironically, but he was over the worst of it, what with being dead and all).

Personally he was hoping for the Scooby Doo ending....
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 26, 2012, 01:51:21 pm
My friends, so much has happened! The onion soufflč that Ozle has served us was nothing short of atrocious. I would not blame any of you for wishing him ill after being forced to palate that. However, I must believe that the actions and events of this night were not the act of a newly disgruntled dinner guest, but indeed were premeditated by someone who has held a grudge for some time.

FoS: Galzria for forgetting that the souffle had not yet been served by the time Ozle was dead. 

Please feel free to add to this list of things we know:

Happy to do so.  My edits are in bold.  I suggest anyone else who updates this collective-knowledge-list follow this convention, so we can keep track of who adds what.


Ozle was wealthy - indeed the richest in the land.
Ozle loved to read (although, to be frank, I suspect this is untrue. He was much to important to himself to waste time on books)
We were all invited to dinner, and with the exception of Axxle, arrived on time.
Ozle suspected all of us of being out to get him.
One of the people invited is a man from a far off land, who said he was interested in Ozle's family history.
Ozle has a Crazy Uncle Ungar.

Between the main course and the dessert souffle, all of the lights went out.
After the lights went out, a couple of chairs were heard to move.
After the chairs moved, there was a bonechilling howl.
After the howl, Ozle was killed by a stab wound in the back.
The lights did not come back on for a while after Ozle was stabbed (long enough for his overly dramatic death throes to finish).
When the lights came on, Ozle was found dead with a bloody knife in the hand of seat 17.


He knew of course though that he hadn't planned his party around any specific book, that would be plaguarising, and Ozle wasn't a plaguriser! (Although he was a suspected Plague carrier ironically, but he was over the worst of it, what with being dead and all).

Good thing plague didn't show up.  There wouldn't have been enough chairs.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 01:53:52 pm
Ozle, here's a question: If the Murderer is killed, are we informed that he was the Murderer?

It would take a hell of an accident to put that size wound in the back of someone who didn't have their back to you without realising it. That or some sort of short term memory loss or other mind numbing condition he supposed! But as medical science was pretty underfunded in Ozle's province (Most of the tax money went on vanity projects) then Ozle would have no idea about that, especially as the murderer did it from behind!

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 01:59:55 pm
For anybody reading this that isnt actually playing, there is a QT set up where you can play along with the guess the Murderer section, and general shennanigans! PM me for details
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 02:38:10 pm
Eevee hows it feel to be in the murderers seat AND scum?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 02:42:39 pm
By the way, are we thinking we have two scum teams or just one? The howl strongly suggests we are dealing with werewolves at least. With 14 players, two scum teams would mean teams of two or some serious power roles for town, correct?

The murderer could be of any alignment, so I'm assuming solving the crime wont help us get any closer to finding mafia. It would actually be in our best interest to try to solve the crime on our own (because thats not a team win but a personal one, no point in posting your findings and helping others solve it) and just post "normal" mafia stuff here, but I do agree I'm building interest in actually being part of something I so much love to read.  :)

Oh, I'm assuming the foreign guy knows who he is and the people who moved, know who they are and why they did it too. I'm guessing the murderer isnt the only with something to hide though (regarding the murder mystery, not the mafia game I mean), thats how Christie usually plays it at least.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 02:43:13 pm
Eevee hows it feel to be in the murderers seat AND scum?
I'm neither. I sort of wish I was the murderer though, would be an interesting role to play.  :)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 26, 2012, 02:51:56 pm
Which is why I think looking for the murderer is pointless.

Lets play for towns wincon!
How many people would actively not want to find the murderer?  I posit that the answer to that question is exactly one.

Clearly you haven't read Murder on the Orient Express.

Uh... I guess there's not a random vote stage.

I'm for side claiming.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 26, 2012, 03:21:33 pm
I am just going to go ahead and side claim. I am on the right side of the table (Ozle's left).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 03:25:08 pm
I am just going to go ahead and side claim. I am on the right side of the table (Ozle's left).

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 26, 2012, 03:27:27 pm
Me too!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 26, 2012, 03:27:54 pm
What do we hope to gain from this claim?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 03:30:26 pm
What do we hope to gain from this claim?

I was hoping for an actual seat claim. but now that you point it out.

Captain_Frisk as scum why are you opposed to side claiming too much info for the town to have?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 26, 2012, 03:31:45 pm
What do we hope to gain from this claim?

I was hoping for an actual seat claim. but now that you point it out.

Captain_Frisk as scum why are you opposed to side claiming too much info for the town to have?

As scum, why do you want to know what seat I'm sitting in?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 26, 2012, 03:35:35 pm
No strong preference on seat or side claiming, personally.

Advantages: we might find out who's in seat 17. Presumably that'll start us on a scavenger hunt for more clues towards the murderer.
Disadvantages: we'll reveal to everyone who's in seat 17. Presumably that'll start everyone on a scavenger hunt for more clues towards the murderer. And won't help us find Mafia.

It helps those who have information that will help them make sense of people's claims. It hurts whoever's in seat 17, because they'll be the object of lots of scrutiny and may very well make them look scummy even if they're town. But only if we actually find who that is.

If investigative roles have investigations based on seat number, it'll help them. If mafia know information about investigative roles based on seat number, it'll help them. I'm not sure which of those would be the dominant effect.

I suppose if it were up to a vote, I'd guess that I'd vote a tentative no, probably more based on metagame stuff than anything, I'd guess Ozle set it up so that the boring strategy of "everyone massclaim and turn it into a logic puzzle" is inferior to the more interesting strategy of "use what you find out to piece together who the murderer is".

I'm not really sure though, am open to arguments either way.

Maybe I'd say that if we're doing a sideclaim, we might as well do a full seatclaim? I don't see what the benefit is of doing it partway. To nail down something early so that the mafia have less to lie about later when a few people are dead? And which side of the table we're sitting shouldn't be enough of information to have any direct effect for people, we're not claiming anything important... I think...  just nailing down some information early so that Mafia can't lie as much later...

OK, maybe I do see that benefit. I'm on Ozle's right side (seats 10-16) .
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 26, 2012, 03:36:43 pm
I'm on Ozle's left (seats 17-23)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 26, 2012, 03:37:25 pm
I am on the right side (17-23)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 03:37:59 pm
What do we hope to gain from this claim?

I was hoping for an actual seat claim. but now that you point it out.

Captain_Frisk as scum why are you opposed to side claiming too much info for the town to have?

As scum, why do you want to know what seat I'm sitting in?

I'm not scum, and stop rolefishing townies.

Vote: Captain_Frisk
For both rolefishing and answering a question with a question.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 26, 2012, 03:38:31 pm
Since the way the table is arranged, Ozle's right is on the left for those of us looking at the seating chart on a computer screen.

This is brilliant.

I am on the right side (17-23)
I'm on Ozle's left (seats 17-23)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 26, 2012, 03:43:34 pm
So - at least based on my role - I don't have gain anything from knowing who is on what side of the table.  It doesn't seem like an especially big piece of information... especially considering people who don't claim can probably be derived... I was just trying to understand what possible benefit people are seeing.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 26, 2012, 03:44:28 pm
Vote: Insomniac

Granted, Insomniac's aggressive scumhunting always looks scummy to me, but this seems even moreso than usual. He really wants us to HURRY UP AND GET TO THE LYNCHIN'.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 03:44:50 pm
I strongly dislike this claiming business. I think the benefit of maybe catching a scum lie (I dont even know if this murder mystery has anything to do with the mafia game.. maybe mafia has no need to lie facing this particular question) is far smaller than the risk we are taking.

Like someone smartly pointed out, someone in the mafia (or werewolf, whatever they are called here) team might have information that someone was eyeing them suspiciously "from that direction" or "from that seat". I think mafia has a lot more to learn from this than town has.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 03:47:38 pm
Vote: Insomniac

Granted, Insomniac's aggressive scumhunting always looks scummy to me, but this seems even moreso than usual. He really wants us to HURRY UP AND GET TO THE LYNCHIN'.
He is so devoted to this claiming thing, he might very well be a town power role (or a town normal role) that knows something based on the seating. Or he is a scum trying to find a power role he was hinted towards. Or he just thinks Ozle constructed this game a lot differently.. than I think Ozle did?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 03:49:05 pm

This is breaking news, just in from our roving Bureaucrat who is on the scene

Apparently there has been a MURDER up at Ozles castle!
The murdered party was none other than the big cheese himself. A lot of the guests at the party had a reason to hate him, well, everyone who knew him had a reason to hate him. Could this be the work of that organised crime syndicate we reported that was forming last edition, or were there more sinister forces at work here or could it have been neither!!

We have gathered a few opinions of the people at the scene.


Captain_Frisk (1): Insomniac
Robz888 (1): Voltgloss
Insomniac (1): jotheonah

Not Voting (11)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 03:51:38 pm
Vote: Insomniac

Granted, Insomniac's aggressive scumhunting always looks scummy to me, but this seems even moreso than usual. He really wants us to HURRY UP AND GET TO THE LYNCHIN'.

You do always think I'm scum, but voting for me is putting the game as much on the fast track without actually scumhunting like I'm doing. I assure you I'm not, and I'm also not trying to rush into a lynch, if a wagon formed on friskies I would unvote before it got dangerous.

So - at least based on my role - I don't have gain anything from knowing who is on what side of the table.  It doesn't seem like an especially big piece of information... especially considering people who don't claim can probably be derived... I was just trying to understand what possible benefit people are seeing.

There are roles that know things about seats see Robz for one instance and shark_bait referring that the mafia might have info like x for another.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 26, 2012, 03:52:28 pm
I am on Ozle's right (seats 10 to 16).

Like someone smartly pointed out, someone in the mafia (or werewolf, whatever they are called here) team might have information that someone was eyeing them suspiciously "from that direction" or "from that seat". I think mafia has a lot more to learn from this than town has.

Or someone in the town might have information that someone was looking particularly hairy, or had a suspicious bulge in his pocket*, "from that direction" or "from that seat."  Eevee, that's two glasses of wine in front of you now. 

*his coat pocket.  Keep your minds out of the gutter, people.

PPE:  Looks like we have a Reporter (Bureaucrat) amongst us. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 03:53:36 pm
So, it looks like we do have two scum teams. Oh dear Ozle, I can somewhat understand hanging out with the mob, but inviting werewolves to your home? Really?

At least have the party start a little earlier if you insist on bringing them along..

Just to confirm my interpretation, would anyone happen to know if the moon was full in the night of the murder?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 26, 2012, 03:54:52 pm
Uh... I guess there's not a random vote stage.

There should be. All this side talk is murderer-hunting, not scumhunting. Let's get some pressure going!

Vote: Insomniac

for being so willing to give out his seat for no reason so quickly. That either means that he hasn't thought through the fact that specific seat information could be important, or that he wants to get everyone to seatclaim because he wants to use it somehow. Not thinking through and playing selfishly are both anti-town.

...wait Joth already voted for ins before I could post this. Ah well, it's not like I'm hammering him or putting him at L-1 or anything.

BTW, with 14 here, we need 8 to lynch? Is that right?

"Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post." FOR LIKE SIX POSTS NOW each of which inspire me to reword something AND THEN THERE'S ANOTHER POST argh
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 26, 2012, 03:55:57 pm
I am on the left side (Seats 10 to 16), dunno how much this will actually help us though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 26, 2012, 03:56:46 pm

BTW, with 14 here, we need 8 to lynch? Is that right?

Sorry yes, added this into first posts
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 03:56:50 pm
I am on Ozle's right (seats 10 to 16).

Like someone smartly pointed out, someone in the mafia (or werewolf, whatever they are called here) team might have information that someone was eyeing them suspiciously "from that direction" or "from that seat". I think mafia has a lot more to learn from this than town has.

Or someone in the town might have information that someone was looking particularly hairy, or had a suspicious bulge in his pocket*, "from that direction" or "from that seat."  Eevee, that's two glasses of wine in front of you now. 

*his coat pocket.  Keep your minds out of the gutter, people.

PPE:  Looks like we have a Reporter (Bureaucrat) amongst us.

Good point. But still, why is everyone but me instantly assuming this is going to help the town more than its going to help scum? I genuinely dont understand!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 04:00:02 pm
Uh... I guess there's not a random vote stage.

There should be. All this side talk is murderer-hunting, not scumhunting. Let's get some pressure going!

Vote: Insomniac

for being so willing to give out his seat for no reason so quickly. That either means that he hasn't thought through the fact that specific seat information could be important, or that he wants to get everyone to seatclaim because he wants to use it somehow. Not thinking through and playing selfishly are both anti-town.

...wait Joth already voted for ins before I could post this. Ah well, it's not like I'm hammering him or putting him at L-1 or anything.

BTW, with 14 here, we need 8 to lynch? Is that right?

"Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post." FOR LIKE SIX POSTS NOW each of which inspire me to reword something AND THEN THERE'S ANOTHER POST argh

I had not thought about it that much when I specific seat claimed. I'm still pretty sure it's a good idea, and I have good reason to believe it helps town more than scum although Ozles vote count was disheartening.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 04:02:34 pm
I should say that based on my flavor paragraph, I know that the person in Seat 17 did not move when the lights went out.

As in, "did not get out of his seat?"  Or as in, "did not lean way over towards Ozle?" 

Seats 10 and 17 are awkwardly unique in that they are the only seats who could conceivably stab Ozle without having to get up.

I have no idea, just that he "didn't move." Well, according to the mod, I'm "pretty sure." Anyway, I read it as the person in Seat 17 not reacting to the lights going off with surprise or anything. He may have indeed moved when the lights were actually off.
Going back a page but.. wasnt Ozle stabbed in the back? So whoever did it, had to get up to do the deed? We should compile some information posts about who is sitting on which side and what has been revealed of peoples movements when the dusts settles a bit.

Oh and I guess there is no point in being the only one who doesnt claim.. I'm on the right side from Ozle (10-16). Feeling a bit better about claiming after Insomniacs last post anyways. I was mostly just curious why everyone instantly assumed we should do it. Glad you at least have reasons.

"Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post." FOR LIKE SIX POSTS NOW each of which inspire me to reword something AND THEN THERE'S ANOTHER POST argh
This is why I always just brute my post through and then go back to reading the new stuff.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 26, 2012, 04:06:48 pm

Good point. But still, why is everyone but me instantly assuming this is going to help the town more than its going to help scum? I genuinely don't understand!

I'm assuming that right now, it doesn't help anyone, or at least not much at all. However, in the future, it will limit the number of options Scum have to lie.

Also, Unvote .
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 26, 2012, 04:11:58 pm
So I am a little surprised that no one has commented on this:

The murderer is likely in seat numbers 18-23.

I am on the right side (17-23)

If I am in seats 17-23 and I suspect 18-23 and I know that I didn't kill Ozle, then I must be seat #17.
I feel that I need to reveal this due to all the speculation surrounding it. Before the lights turned on I was given the knife by the murderer--or perhaps someone else--who slipped it into my pocket.

I am still very suspicious of seats 18-23. Not only because it is likely that they were heading back to their seat when they gave me the knife, but also because of some other reasons I won't mention at the time.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 26, 2012, 04:15:31 pm
@Eevee, investigative roles, if such there are, might appreciate having a starting point to their investigations. A side claim seemed like a good way to put a little information out there, without too much.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 04:23:51 pm
So I am a little surprised that no one has commented on this:

The murderer is likely in seat numbers 18-23.

I am on the right side (17-23)

If I am in seats 17-23 and I suspect 18-23 and I know that I didn't kill Ozle, then I must be seat #17.
I feel that I need to reveal this due to all the speculation surrounding it. Before the lights turned on I was given the knife by the murderer--or perhaps someone else--who slipped it into my pocket.

I am still very suspicious of seats 18-23. Not only because it is likely that they were heading back to their seat when they gave me the knife, but also because of some other reasons I won't mention at the time.

I noticed this and I agree with you even though I too am on this side.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 26, 2012, 04:24:50 pm
observe: yuma's pocket

is it bloody?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 26, 2012, 04:26:28 pm
I am just going to go ahead and side claim. I am on the right side of the table (Ozle's left).

I should say that based on my flavor paragraph, I know that the person in Seat 17 did not move when the lights went out.

Reasonable conclusion:
Robz, did you drop the Knife in front of Yuma on your way back to seat 18?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 26, 2012, 04:27:29 pm
Hi yuma in seat 17!

Yeah, I didn't comment about that; I assumed that you said 18-23 because you didn't suspect that the person holding the knife was the murderer, and didn't take it to mean that you knew for sure. Guess I should stop assuming...

I suppose you're still (weakly) a for the murder, but it's pretty weak, we'll probably have a few layers of misdirection before we get to the murderer.

Clearly, we should take the knife and dust it for fingerprints... that's what they do in these situations, right? ...wait, I'm thinking of CSI, not Agatha Christie.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 26, 2012, 04:31:47 pm
I believe this is a summary of sideclaims so far:

ftl: 10-16
voltgloss: 10-16
shark_bait: 10-16

cayvie: 17-23
jotheonah: 17-23
robz888: 17-23
yuma: 17
insomniac: 22
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 04:32:29 pm
I believe this is a summary of sideclaims so far:

ftl: 10-16
voltgloss: 10-16
shark_bait: 10-16

cayvie: 17-23
jotheonah: 17-23
robz888: 17-23
yuma: 17
insomniac: 22

Eevee claimed left (10-16)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 26, 2012, 04:38:50 pm
I believe this is a summary of sideclaims so far:

ftl: 10-16
voltgloss: 10-16
shark_bait: 10-16

cayvie: 17-23
jotheonah: 17-23
robz888: 17-23
yuma: 17
insomniac: 22

Eevee claimed left (10-16)

I am also 10-16.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on July 26, 2012, 04:50:42 pm
I am 10-16 as I said a few pages ago.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 26, 2012, 04:56:00 pm
Well - you'll quickly find out that I am on the left as well (10-16).

I'm also in the middle, with a broken arm, and i work in a bank.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 05:02:05 pm
I'm also in the middle, with a broken arm, and i work in a bank.

Is this part for real or are you adding it for no reason? anyways that claims the last of 10-16 so assuming no counterclaims from the unclaimed 3 we have

Claims Left

Claims Right
Grujah (Inferred)
jotheonah (Inferred)
Morgrim7 (Inferred)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 26, 2012, 05:06:23 pm
And, specifically, you claimed 22 and yuma claimed 17, claiming someone put the knife in her pocket.

...I don't know where we go from here now...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 05:09:45 pm
And, specifically, you claimed 22 and yuma claimed 17, claiming someone put the knife in her pocket.

...I don't know where we go from here now...

I have would personally like to see claims from Grujah and Morgrim7 now (also Jo but I'll get to that) just to make sure theres no counter claim I don't think there will be though.

Hey jotheonah, why didn't you claim your side of the table your clearly on and active when everyone was/is unlike Grujah Morgrim. Got something to hide?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 26, 2012, 05:14:15 pm
her pocket.

Has yuma claimed girl?  Profile states male - didn't want to be using wrong pronoun.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 26, 2012, 05:14:55 pm
And, specifically, you claimed 22 and yuma claimed 17, claiming someone put the knife in his pocket.

...I don't know where we go from here now...

not a big deal, but I am a he
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 26, 2012, 05:15:38 pm
I claimed it ages ago.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 26, 2012, 05:16:16 pm
Me too!

I guess that was unclear, but that was after too people claimed right side.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 05:17:38 pm
Me too!

I guess that was unclear, but that was after too people claimed right side.

Appologies I had missed it I was busy FoS Captain_Frisk
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 26, 2012, 05:17:49 pm
oh, sorry

I'd fix it but I can't edit.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 26, 2012, 06:05:04 pm
Man, I'm so much better at simpler setups.

I have all these little radar pings going off of people's posts, but have no idea what they mean in the context of this game!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 06:05:48 pm
Man, I'm so much better at simpler setups.

I have all these little radar pings going off of people's posts, but have no idea what they mean in the context of this game!

Radar pings should still be enough to accuse people we don't get anywhere without accusations.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 06:07:11 pm
Man, I'm so much better at simpler setups.

I have all these little radar pings going off of people's posts, but have no idea what they mean in the context of this game!

Radar pings should still be enough to accuse people we don't get anywhere without accusations.
Yeah, no harm in posting them. I'm starting to appreciate bad scumhunting more and more (compared to no scumhunting at all).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 06:11:01 pm
In all honesty in MII and MIV I didn't do much on Day 1 and I'm not really good at it. And in subsequent games I've tried being more active and just poking people without a solid reason because it drives conversation which will help for Day 2. I still don't think I'm good at day 1 as evidenced by jotheonah ALWAYS voting for me, and me ALWAYS dying night 1 (exceptions M2)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 26, 2012, 06:12:27 pm
Man, I'm so much better at simpler setups.

I have all these little radar pings going off of people's posts, but have no idea what they mean in the context of this game!

Radar pings should still be enough to accuse people we don't get anywhere without accusations.

Actually, the most distinct one I'm getting is a strong town read off you, Insomniac.

For once.

And something's up with Eevee. Not sure what.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 06:17:12 pm

And something's up with Eevee. Not sure what.
Absolute towniness?  ;D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 26, 2012, 06:17:58 pm

And something's up with Eevee. Not sure what.
Absolute towniness?  ;D

You keep talking about scumhunting, but I haven't seen too much from you yet, what are your reads this game?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 26, 2012, 06:21:11 pm
•         Each player’s role, seat number and flavour name will be revealed upon any death

Ozle, just to be clear: Will abilities be revealed upon death? Alignment?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 06:45:33 pm
You keep talking about scumhunting, but I haven't seen too much from you yet, what are your reads this game?
Day 1 is very hard and I've said I dont think I'm very good at it multiple times in other threads buttt..
No I really dont know. It has mostly been about the murder this far (which is understandable and I've got to admit I am getting quite excited about solving that too). I really like how the murder mystery replaces the awkward RVS in the beginning of day 1. Dont know if its going to help us get any closer to scum though.. they have equal motivation to find the murderer, right?

No one seems particularly scummy or clean to me yet.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 26, 2012, 08:21:07 pm
What ever happened to posting in third person?

Morgrim raised his eyebrows. Once the lights had flipped on, revealing a dead Ozle, everybody burst into pointless discussion. Who is sitting where? What is the mysterious knife doing in yuma's hand? Instead of diving into the discussion, Morgrim sat thinking quietly. Nobody seemed to notice. Yuma…The knife…hmmmm…couldn't this be a trick? Yuma could be the murderer, and by showing everybody the knife, he knew that they would assume that he didn't do it, because the would think that the murderer wouldn't be that stupid. So they would assume that someone would have given him that knife, and that would clear him.

Other than this, everybody looked just as clueless as he was.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 26, 2012, 08:37:03 pm
Do you want me to post the full role pm... at least as much as I can without getting modkilled... I don't want to because there is other info within it that is probably best kept secret for now, but if it will help you guys believe that I was given the knife, I will.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 26, 2012, 09:03:59 pm
Man, I'm so much better at simpler setups.

I have all these little radar pings going off of people's posts, but have no idea what they mean in the context of this game!

Yeah. Basically everyone has the potential to be a power role or at least have a cool ability. I bet a lot of those radar pings are "I want information from you" or "I don't want to reveal what I know" or "I have a cool role!" pings, which may be significant in a typical mafia but here are sort of uninformative, because they're not necessarily scumtells. They could be, though.

Run with them, make some D1 wagons, see whether we can break f.ds towns bad habit of lynching town day 1...

Do you want me to post the full role pm... at least as much as I can without getting modkilled... I don't want to because there is other info within it that is probably best kept secret for now, but if it will help you guys believe that I was given the knife, I will.

I vote against the roleclaim.

Early claims do not help town find scum. It helps scum find power roles. The claim may help us find the murderer by excluding you, but I'm willing to WIFOM against the mod and bet that he wouldn't have made the murderer locatable by an obvious seatclaim from everyone, so I believe you when you say you're not it. Well, not entirely believe you, but I don't really suspect you much more than the rest of the table.

Reveal if and only if you think that it'll help the TOWN find MAFIA, not JUST clear yourself of being the murderer. Nobody's even voted for you yet.

...actually, what do y'all make of yuma's willingness to roleclaim when he has what, one vote on him? Oh hey, ZERO votes! Maybe that's scummy. Would a townie really be offering to full claim on D1 at L-8?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 09:10:44 pm
I think yuma is probably what he says he is and I dont think he sound claim, not yet at least.


I think Ozle tried to make this mystery as hard to solve as possible. I wouldnt be surprised if someone already sent him a pm guessing it was yuma.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 26, 2012, 10:18:15 pm
I think yuma is probably what he says he is and I dont think he sound claim, not yet at least.


I think Ozle tried to make this mystery as hard to solve as possible. I wouldnt be surprised if someone already sent him a pm guessing it was yuma.

Well, if they did, they don't know if they were right.

I asked Ozle, and he said you didn't get confirmation on your guess until the end of the game.

oh, and yuma:

You may quote any or some or your role PM’s with the exception of anything under Victory Conditions. However, it may not be in your best interest to do so, as that may give away vital information to other players that you may not know is important It may seem like nothing to you, but who knows what other people are looking out for. Or it may be extremely beneficial to your team.

I don't think you should claim, but I don't think you should worry about modkill either.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 26, 2012, 10:23:43 pm
I think yuma is probably what he says he is and I dont think he sound claim, not yet at least.


I think Ozle tried to make this mystery as hard to solve as possible. I wouldnt be surprised if someone already sent him a pm guessing it was yuma.

Well, if they did, they don't know if they were right.

I asked Ozle, and he said you didn't get confirmation on your guess until the end of the game.

oh, and yuma:

You may quote any or some or your role PM’s with the exception of anything under Victory Conditions. However, it may not be in your best interest to do so, as that may give away vital information to other players that you may not know is important It may seem like nothing to you, but who knows what other people are looking out for. Or it may be extremely beneficial to your team.

I don't think you should claim, but I don't think you should worry about modkill either.
What I meant was.. I think Ozle assumed at least someone would just guess it was the guy holding the bloody knife. And I dont think Ozle wanted it to be solved within the first hours of day 1. Ergo, I find it highly unlikely yuma did it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 27, 2012, 02:44:00 am
vote: Galzria

Three posts, and not only are you not scumhunting, it doesn't even look like you're considering scumhunting.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 27, 2012, 08:45:12 am
vote: Galzria

Three posts, and not only are you not scumhunting, it doesn't even look like you're considering scumhunting.

Because your nine posts about side claiming, and where everybody is sitting, and that we should inspect Yuma's pocket are SUCH great and varied scumhunting techniques. ::)

Tell me, did you find scum lurking in Yuma's pocket?

Pot calling the kettle black there Cayv. Trying to take an offensive before someone can suspect you? I mean, you're right to an extent. It's D1, and I've seen no proof in any f.DS game that our chances of lynching scum are above 0% here - so instead Im enjoying the mystery, and hope that while I do, this twist on RVS actually reveals something more noteworthy in terms of scumslips than normal.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 27, 2012, 10:14:04 am

A couple things have jumped out at me from the side-claims and the recent discussions.  Mainly regarding timchen and Eevee.

timchen first.  Two questions for you.

I find eevee said lots of reasonable things here.

What "reasonable things" were those, and why did you find them reasonable?

Quote from: timchen

From my role PM: me and the person sit on my right are talking about people seating 22 and 23 when the room went dark.

What was the subject of this discussion?

And now Eevee.  Here's what strikes me about Eevee's posts:

By the way, are we thinking we have two scum teams or just one? The howl strongly suggests we are dealing with werewolves at least.

Like someone smartly pointed out, someone in the mafia (or werewolf, whatever they are called here) team might have information that someone was eyeing them suspiciously "from that direction" or "from that seat".

So, it looks like we do have two scum teams. Oh dear Ozle, I can somewhat understand hanging out with the mob, but inviting werewolves to your home? Really?

He has werewolves on the brain.  In fact, he is the ONLY person in the thread to talk about werewolves to date. 

To my eye, Day 1 werewolf-hunting is like Day 1 SK-hunting:  it's a more likely behavior for mafia than town. 

Vote: Eevee

Eevee, please explain why, in the third post I quoted above, you concluded "it looks like we do have two scum teams."  I assume your reasoning is based on something other than the howl mentioned in Ozle's intro post (as you ALREADY cited that howl in your first werewolf post).  So, what was it?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 27, 2012, 04:13:27 pm
I'm also in the middle, with a broken arm, and i work in a bank.

Is this part for real or are you adding it for no reason?

Sorry - rereading thread and realized I missed this - as I wrote "on the left" - I couldn't help but think of the Johnny Cash song.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 27, 2012, 04:31:59 pm
Oh, thanks, that does clarify things. I was half-considering it serious, because, well, you could be sitting in the middle, and there are references to Dominion cards all over the place (maybe you do work in a Bank, we do have a Bureaucrat among us after all).

Also, eevee/timchen for werewolfpair lol. ...WIFOM time! A scum would never open D1 by saying his partner "said lots of reasonable things".

Rereading Eevee's posts; mostly he's been agitating against seatclaim, and against working to find the murderer, basically saying that those things are working towards your personal wincon instead of town wincon. That was what was going on before timchen commented that he was saying reasonable things. Afterwards, he mentions the scumteams. The antiseatclaim isn't particularly scummy in my mind, I can agree with it, I wouldn't have wanted a full seatclaim either, I just figured there wouldn't be any harm to a sideclaim which is why I went along with it. WW-hunting... meh, D1 in MVI was also full of people speculating on numbers of people in either scumteam, this sounds maybe similar? Not sure.

...I'd guess there aren't two scumteams, then there would have been two flavor deaths. Werewolf might be the new SK though, with just a single one or something. In which case WW-hunting really is SK-hunting. Though, if anybody has a power role or flavor which lets them know for sure, they should probably stay silent, we'll know after night 1.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 27, 2012, 05:33:15 pm
Can't really talk about MVI - but I am willing to say that setup speculation in that game made me generally uncomfortable.

Let's try shaking things up with a survey:

Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?
Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?
Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?
Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?
Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?

My answers:

A1: No. I think Axxle would have made it more clear in the game setup if there were multiple scum teams.
A2: I don't think it is any more likely than my side of the table.
A3: Yes
A4: No - I think it gives us something interesting to talk about during RVS instead of joking around about how much Galzria posts.
A5: I do - based on Ozle's recent post, but I have played a murder mystery in which the killer did not know - and only found out later in the game that they were in fact the killer.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 27, 2012, 05:38:23 pm
Alright, I answer.

A1 - No--there was the howl, but that could be something completely different, or irrelevant
A2 - Yes, not completely sure, but more suspicious of then the other side
A3 - No, who is Axxle?
A4 - No, I think that we should do both
A5 - Yes, I should hope so
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 27, 2012, 05:53:45 pm
A1 - The howl seems like a distinct clue from the mod's story.  I'd call it plausible.
A2 - He could be anywhere.
A3 - No
A4 - I think we'll find that there are connections between all aspects of the game.  Including our PM's and the murder and the scum.
A5 - I dunno, I guess they would need a different wincon if they did know.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 27, 2012, 05:59:19 pm
Can't really talk about MVI - but I am willing to say that setup speculation in that game made me generally uncomfortable.

Let's try shaking things up with a survey:

Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?
Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?
Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?
Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?
Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?

A1 - If there is I don't think there are mafia, I don't care what scum are called they're scum
A2 - Not necessarily but I think it more likely for reasons I don't feel the need to share.
A3 - Yes, but Id call it highly unlikely
A4 - No, it helps get us out of RVS and into some real discussion, though who's to say we can't do both
A5 - Yes
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 27, 2012, 06:37:33 pm
Let's try shaking things up with a survey:

Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?

The howl was significant. I think werewolf is the most obvious explanation. I haven't heard any better ones yet.

Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?

Not particularly. We'll find the murderer via better clues than speculation about whether it would make sense for them to be on one side or the other given the logistics of stabbing and who the patsy (?) was.

Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?

Well, he is named in the text. But he's not here now.

I hadn't considered it. He'd need accomplices. Possible, but not particularly plausible at the moment, IMO. Ozle's been planning this long enough that he wouldn't have planned to have it coincide with Axxle's V/LA...

Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?

I do think that murderer-hunting doesn't mark you as either town or mafia. And I think that a full claim, like yuma offered, or even a mass seatclaim, wouldn't be pro-town - it may help somebody find the murderer, but I don't know who that would be, probably whoever started with the most seat-based information, and not necessarily a townie. I was fine with the sideclaim, but I would not support a full seatclaim, and nor do I support yuma's offer to fullclaim.

I like it as more interesting and more useful RVS banter, but not if it leads to early roleclaims!

Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?

Presumably. It wouldn't me much of a Mafia game if people didn't know their own role. Would sort of defeat the point, nobody could leave tells if they don't know their own role!

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 27, 2012, 06:46:33 pm
Morgrim lpoked at the slip of paper that was being passed around the table. I was some sort of interrogation. The others beckoned him to answer. He did the best he could.
A1: I have no earthly idea.
A2: I have no earthly idea.
A3: I have not considered it, so it could be possible.
A4: Yes indeed.
A5: Welcome to BMMMM! You are ________. Your alignment is _________. Your night action is _______ and you look like a _______. Yes. Yes, I do.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 28, 2012, 09:04:10 am

He has werewolves on the brain.  In fact, he is the ONLY person in the thread to talk about werewolves to date. 

To my eye, Day 1 werewolf-hunting is like Day 1 SK-hunting:  it's a more likely behavior for mafia than town. 

Vote: Eevee

Eevee, please explain why, in the third post I quoted above, you concluded "it looks like we do have two scum teams."  I assume your reasoning is based on something other than the howl mentioned in Ozle's intro post (as you ALREADY cited that howl in your first werewolf post).  So, what was it?
Could this be the work of that organised crime syndicate we reported that was forming last edition, or were there more sinister forces at work here or could it have been neither!!
I read this as Ozle telling us. More sinister forces combined with the howl, probably werewolves. Crime syndicate, sounds like mafia.

And I think its very important to know this (not "this" as in the flavor of our scumteam but rather do we have both or not) today already, because its changes the dynamics with the possibility of a nolynch and makes scumhunting less of a town tell for example.

Let's try shaking things up with a survey:

Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?
Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?
Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?
Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?
Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?
1. Yes, I think its probable.
2. No opinion, 50-50.
3. Not really, but then again I wasnt concentrating on the murder upon reading the post were Axxle was mentioned.
4. Not really, murdererhunting is fun and better than a normal RVS.
5. Absolutely yes, Ozle basicly confirmed this earlier. Am I the only one reading his posts?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 28, 2012, 09:37:08 am
vote: Galzria

Three posts, and not only are you not scumhunting, it doesn't even look like you're considering scumhunting.

Because your nine posts about side claiming, and where everybody is sitting, and that we should inspect Yuma's pocket are SUCH great and varied scumhunting techniques. ::)

Tell me, did you find scum lurking in Yuma's pocket?

Pot calling the kettle black there Cayv. Trying to take an offensive before someone can suspect you? I mean, you're right to an extent. It's D1, and I've seen no proof in any f.DS game that our chances of lynching scum are above 0% here - so instead Im enjoying the mystery, and hope that while I do, this twist on RVS actually reveals something more noteworthy in terms of scumslips than normal.

Yeah, vote stays for now after that post.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 28, 2012, 09:46:04 am
vote: Galzria

Three posts, and not only are you not scumhunting, it doesn't even look like you're considering scumhunting.

Because your nine posts about side claiming, and where everybody is sitting, and that we should inspect Yuma's pocket are SUCH great and varied scumhunting techniques. ::)

Tell me, did you find scum lurking in Yuma's pocket?

Pot calling the kettle black there Cayv. Trying to take an offensive before someone can suspect you? I mean, you're right to an extent. It's D1, and I've seen no proof in any f.DS game that our chances of lynching scum are above 0% here - so instead Im enjoying the mystery, and hope that while I do, this twist on RVS actually reveals something more noteworthy in terms of scumslips than normal.

Yeah, vote stays for now after that post.

That's nice.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 28, 2012, 09:56:48 am
Can't really talk about MVI - but I am willing to say that setup speculation in that game made me generally uncomfortable.

Let's try shaking things up with a survey:

Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?
Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?
Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?
Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?
Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?

1) I figured that's what the howl meant? Maybe it's a Hound of the Baskervilles reference, but that's Doyle not Christie.
2) Hmm. I'd put the odds at around 55% of that being the case.
3) No, I hadn't.
4) Well, no. But I do think it's a good place for scums to hide while appearing to contribute.
5) Yes.

I wonder if the murderer has a wincon of "have nobody accuse you!"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 28, 2012, 10:59:36 am
Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?
Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?
Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?
Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?
Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?

A1:  I agree the howl suggests werewolfy presence.  But there was only ONE howl.  Kinda thinking that the most likely answer is only ONE werewolf, taking the role of an SK (or SK variant).

A2:  More likely than not, yes.  Either yuma himself, or someone passing by yuma on the way to his seat.  If the killer were on the other side, wouldn't he have planted the knife at seat 10?

A3:  Very doubtful.  He's literally on V/LA for an extended period.  I don't think Ozle would do that.

A4:  Disagree.

A5:  Yes.  What an odd question.  Why do you ask it?  Do you have knowledge suggesting Ozle's death ws inadvertent?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 28, 2012, 11:02:15 am
Steward is the killer. Obviously. We just need to claim dominionnames.  :P

I will need time to read all this, including flavor.
I know somebody wasn't in their chair when the lights went out.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 28, 2012, 11:03:51 am
Steward is the killer. Obviously. We just need to claim dominionnames.  :P
Why do you say this?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 28, 2012, 11:05:05 am
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 28, 2012, 08:09:04 pm
Can't really talk about MVI - but I am willing to say that setup speculation in that game made me generally uncomfortable.

Let's try shaking things up with a survey:

Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?
Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?
Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?
Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?
Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?

Can I play?

A1: Ozle would answer, but he was dead, and he wasn't about to do all the work for them!
A2: It was either Yuma's side, or the other side, for definite.
A3: No one is above suspicion, however Japan is a long long way from Ozles province and Axxle only has short arms.
A4: IM DEAD!! You should put aside eating, sleeping and all other things until you find my murderer! Of course i'm a little bit biased in all this....
A5: I believe I have already answered this!
A6: Cheese

Ozle shivered, can ghosts get cold? It could have been a metaphorical shiver I suppose, like someone had walked over his grave. Except he didn't have a grave yet, he still hadn't even been removed from lying dead on the table yet!

Captain_Frisk (1): Insomniac
Eevee (1): Voltgloss
Insomniac (1): jotheonah,
Galzria (1): Cayvie

Not voting (10).

With 14 alive it takes 8 to lynch. There is no majority deadline day lynch, if you cant work together to string people up, what hope do you have of finding Ozle's murderer!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 28, 2012, 08:10:46 pm
Been to any events Ozle? Is London completely crazy? What did you think of Beckham driving a boat?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 28, 2012, 08:13:12 pm
Been to any events Ozle? Is London completely crazy? What did you think of Beckham driving a boat?

Oh yes I have!, 7am start to go to Badminton, 12:30 to Wimbledon for the Tennis, and then just got back from the Boxing! I have been all over!
And meh, couldn't really care less about Beckham, really pleased with the opening ceremony in general though
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 28, 2012, 08:30:15 pm
A1: Yes.
A2: Other side has more chance as I am on yuma's side
A3: Yes. What I am wondering was he on the dinner when it started? and was he in his spot when lights came back? Maybe he came, killed, and sat.
Q4: No. Its Day 1, and this is at least fun :D
Q5: Yes.

@yuma - you sure you're #17? Cuz I PMed 17 to Ozle. I don't know how did he decide to resolve collisions (useful link:, though.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 28, 2012, 08:30:27 pm
I got some other number, to be clear.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 28, 2012, 08:35:21 pm
@yuma - you sure you're #17? Cuz I PMed 17 to Ozle. I don't know how did he decide to resolve collisions (useful link:, though.

Likewise. 17 is my lucky number. Always wore it on my sports jerseys growing up.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 28, 2012, 09:45:41 pm
Yeah...  I PM'd 15 and got a different seat too.  I think if someone had dibs on your number first, he just put you elsewhere.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 28, 2012, 09:49:38 pm
Yeah...  I PM'd 15 and got a different seat too.  I think if someone had dibs on your number first, he just put you elsewhere.
He said in the thread that if multiple people want the same seat, he'll randomize who gets it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 28, 2012, 10:34:38 pm
Yeah...  I PM'd 15 and got a different seat too.  I think if someone had dibs on your number first, he just put you elsewhere.

Why did you get up from your seat when lights went out?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 28, 2012, 10:45:08 pm
Yeah...  I PM'd 15 and got a different seat too.  I think if someone had dibs on your number first, he just put you elsewhere.

Why did you get up from your seat when lights went out?

What motivation did you have to kill Ozle?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 28, 2012, 10:47:17 pm
Yeah...  I PM'd 15 and got a different seat too.  I think if someone had dibs on your number first, he just put you elsewhere.

Why did you get up from your seat when lights went out?

What motivation did you have to kill Ozle?

The same as everybody else, I hated his rich, snobby guts.

My question is not loaded as your is, however.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 28, 2012, 10:49:42 pm
I can confirm that if more than one person requested the same seat, some sort of dice rolling randomising did occur. Further speculation will not be answered as gaming the signing up to the game was not in my intention for a path for people to go down
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 29, 2012, 12:13:39 am
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't get the seat I requested. I didn't mind, I didn't have much logic to my request anyway.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 29, 2012, 12:25:28 am
Did not get the seat I requested either.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 29, 2012, 12:54:44 am
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't get the seat I requested. I didn't mind, I didn't have much logic to my request anyway.

What did you do with the real murder weapon before you planted the knife on Cayvie?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 29, 2012, 01:31:11 am

He has werewolves on the brain.  In fact, he is the ONLY person in the thread to talk about werewolves to date. 

To my eye, Day 1 werewolf-hunting is like Day 1 SK-hunting:  it's a more likely behavior for mafia than town. 

Vote: Eevee

Eevee, please explain why, in the third post I quoted above, you concluded "it looks like we do have two scum teams."  I assume your reasoning is based on something other than the howl mentioned in Ozle's intro post (as you ALREADY cited that howl in your first werewolf post).  So, what was it?
Could this be the work of that organised crime syndicate we reported that was forming last edition, or were there more sinister forces at work here or could it have been neither!!
I read this as Ozle telling us. More sinister forces combined with the howl, probably werewolves. Crime syndicate, sounds like mafia.

And I think its very important to know this (not "this" as in the flavor of our scumteam but rather do we have both or not) today already, because its changes the dynamics with the possibility of a nolynch and makes scumhunting less of a town tell for example.

Thanks, Eevee.  I see now where our perceptions differ.  Because I don't think the flavor in the Vote Count was provided by Ozle.  I think it was written by a player, whose role (Bureaucrat) mirrors that of a "Reporter" in mafiaworld.  See, specifically variant 3.

So I don't take the vote count as mod-confirming the presence of werewolves.  I can see why you or someone else might read it as such, though, and that allays my suspicions of you somewhat.  (Somewhat.  I still don't like how strongly you objected to the sharing of information pertaining to seating, even a broad sideclaim.  But as my concerns are less strong now than they were, I am willing to Unvote.)

timchen, I am waiting for a response from you to my questions.  I saw ftl responded, which was a bit odd as the questions were not directed to him;  but I am most interested to see your own responses.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 29, 2012, 03:19:31 am
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't get the seat I requested. I didn't mind, I didn't have much logic to my request anyway.

What did you do with the real murder weapon before you planted the knife on Cayvie?

I have a knife??
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 29, 2012, 03:36:46 am
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't get the seat I requested. I didn't mind, I didn't have much logic to my request anyway.

What did you do with the real murder weapon before you planted the knife on Cayvie?

I have a knife??

Are you claiming you didn't hot potato it to Yuma?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 29, 2012, 03:41:09 am
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't get the seat I requested. I didn't mind, I didn't have much logic to my request anyway.

What did you do with the real murder weapon before you planted the knife on Cayvie?

I have a knife??

Are you claiming you didn't hot potato it to Yuma?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 29, 2012, 03:46:52 am
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't get the seat I requested. I didn't mind, I didn't have much logic to my request anyway.

What did you do with the real murder weapon before you planted the knife on Cayvie?

I have a knife??

Are you claiming you didn't hot potato it to Yuma?


Good to know.

Why did you want Ozle dead though?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 29, 2012, 03:53:02 am
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I didn't get the seat I requested. I didn't mind, I didn't have much logic to my request anyway.

What did you do with the real murder weapon before you planted the knife on Cayvie?

I have a knife??

Are you claiming you didn't hot potato it to Yuma?


Good to know.

Why did you want Ozle dead though?

He kept asking me leading questions until one day I just... snapped >:|
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 29, 2012, 03:55:09 am
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 29, 2012, 04:09:20 am
Actually, I think it is a good point that the narration never specifically says that the knife is the murder weapon, just that Ozle was stabbed in the back with something.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 29, 2012, 04:17:28 am
Actually, I think it is a good point that the narration never specifically says that the knife is the murder weapon, just that Ozle was stabbed in the back with something.

Yeah, I figured never to draw conclusions.

The reason I asked about motives is that:

A) It might help us find the murderer, and

B) The opening flavor says Ozle invited everyone over because he wanted to out the crime syndicate, who were out to get him.

Eevee asked the question (or made the comment) that we should generally drop murder solving and start scumhunting - But I think Ozle put a lot of time into this, and I very much wouldn't put it past him for the crime syndicate to be intertwined into the mystery itself.

Do people think that this is wrong/off base?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 29, 2012, 04:32:43 am
I can confirm that if more than one person requested the same seat, some sort of dice rolling randomising did occur. Further speculation will not be answered as gaming the signing up to the game was not in my intention for a path for people to go down

Do you mind if we try to, though?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 29, 2012, 11:01:48 am
I can confirm that if more than one person requested the same seat, some sort of dice rolling randomising did occur. Further speculation will not be answered as gaming the signing up to the game was not in my intention for a path for people to go down

Do you mind if we try to, though?

I think he does. This was a public response to a queston I had asked, because of something I noticed. He also responded to me in private saying that while he didn't think there was anything to be gained from it, he didn't design the game around that possibility (mass claiming seat REQUESTS, that is). He assures me that it wouldn't be game breaking, but it does go against the spirit of the game. He cannot force us not to, but...

Personally, if there's ANY chance that it could break things, I'd rather not. It's gaming the system with information not provided by the mod. Just my feelings though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 29, 2012, 11:05:30 am
I can confirm that if more than one person requested the same seat, some sort of dice rolling randomising did occur. Further speculation will not be answered as gaming the signing up to the game was not in my intention for a path for people to go down

Do you mind if we try to, though?

I think he does. This was a public response to a queston I had asked, because of something I noticed. He also responded to me in private saying that while he didn't think there was anything to be gained from it, he didn't design the game around that possibility (mass claiming seat REQUESTS, that is). He assures me that it wouldn't be game breaking, but it does go against the spirit of the game. He cannot force us not to, but...

Personally, if there's ANY chance that it could break things, I'd rather not. It's gaming the system with information not provided by the mod. Just my feelings though.
I'm with Galz here. If Ozle doesnt want us to do that, I dont see why we'd need to.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 29, 2012, 11:33:57 am
•         Votes and Actions may be submitted using either player name OR Seat Number. They will be added together behind the scenes by the mod.


Insomniac hasn't unvoted me, or voted for someone else, that means I still have a vote on me, but it is hidden as it doesn't show up in the vote counts.

I highly doubt that Insomniac forgot about this and hoped that if voted piled up on me, I would mysteriously be lynched a vote early.

vote: Insomniac
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 29, 2012, 11:35:28 am
scratch that... he has voted for C_Frisk, so I am not voted for anymore...


Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 29, 2012, 11:44:43 am
Morgrim looked across the table. Un finished desserts, Paper, pens, and dried blood cluttered the once beautiful Mahogany. The others continued to talk, yet he remained silent. How long would this last? Until every chair in this room is empty? Until we, like Ozle, go up to join our ancestors? He will never know.

Yuma was scumhunting up a storm in chair 17. Morgrim didn't think his arguments were reasonable at all. Surely Insomiacs vote was in jest? After all, at the time nobody besides you knew what chair you were in.
Also, Morgrim would like to see some proof that Yuma was not scum, but that seemed irrelevant. Right now, Morgrim was faced with the horrible and daunting task of staying alive…wouldn't want to get a knife in the back like Ozle…it isn't time fo Morgrim to join the dead ones…
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 29, 2012, 12:29:40 pm
I don't think gaming the sign up thread will cause the game to break, I'm pretty sure I covered that well enough. Everything was done and assigned before anyone chose or got given a seat. So I don't really see how it's worth doing, all you would really be doing is a weaker seat claim (which also wouldn't break the game either)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 29, 2012, 12:42:26 pm
•         Votes and Actions may be submitted using either player name OR Seat Number. They will be added together behind the scenes by the mod.


Insomniac hasn't unvoted me, or voted for someone else, that means I still have a vote on me, but it is hidden as it doesn't show up in the vote counts.

I highly doubt that Insomniac forgot about this and hoped that if voted piled up on me, I would mysteriously be lynched a vote early.

vote: Insomniac

Haven't caught up but holy wait and saw batman
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 29, 2012, 12:57:20 pm
If both you and Mogrim would look below the post you are referencing, you will see I made a mistake. I didn't see that you had voted for Frisk until it was too late. Sorry.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 29, 2012, 12:59:41 pm
If both you and Mogrim would look below the post you are referencing, you will see I made a mistake. I didn't see that you had voted for Frisk until it was too late. Sorry.

I saw it but the point is you thought I had voted for you so you voted me. That's a chainsaw vote. Though I don't find a lot of merit in chasing saws so I didn't vote you again also I still like my vote on frisk
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 29, 2012, 01:01:39 pm
I see your point, but in my mind it wasn't a chainsaw vote.

It was a vote because I thought you had kept a hidden vote on me. If another person had been seat 17 and revealed it, I would have pointed out the same "hidden vote" on them and then voted for you as well.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 29, 2012, 02:12:20 pm
If both you and Mogrim would look below the post you are referencing, you will see I made a mistake. I didn't see that you had voted for Frisk until it was too late. Sorry.

I saw it but the point is you thought I had voted for you so you voted me. That's a chainsaw vote. Though I don't find a lot of merit in chasing saws so I didn't vote you again also I still like my vote on frisk

No, that's an OMGUS vote.

A chainsaw attack would be if, say, I attacked you now as an attempt to deflect suspicion from yuma.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 02:18:33 pm
•         Votes and Actions may be submitted using either player name OR Seat Number. They will be added together behind the scenes by the mod.


Insomniac hasn't unvoted me, or voted for someone else, that means I still have a vote on me, but it is hidden as it doesn't show up in the vote counts.

I highly doubt that Insomniac forgot about this and hoped that if voted piled up on me, I would mysteriously be lynched a vote early.

vote: Insomniac

I doubt you can vote by seats.
Cuz in that case you could just get info about everyone's seats.

Theory: Morgrim killed Ozle. Just because it would be hilarious.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 29, 2012, 02:23:25 pm
Ozle... can you vote by seats?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 29, 2012, 02:24:52 pm
•         Votes and Actions may be submitted using either player name OR Seat Number. They will be added together behind the scenes by the mod.

You can.  So that would be a way to try and figure out someone's seat # at the expense of lynching them.  But seeing as seat number is revealed upon death, the only reason to vote by seat number would be if you happened to know who was at a certain seatand other people didn't.  You would then in a sense have a hidden vote.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 02:24:58 pm
Vote: Seat 10
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 02:25:49 pm
Wanna see how will this appear on votecount.

Also, shark, why are you avoiding my question?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 29, 2012, 02:26:16 pm
What question?  I'm sorry, I truly didn't realize I had something to respond to.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 02:28:17 pm
Yeah...  I PM'd 15 and got a different seat too.  I think if someone had dibs on your number first, he just put you elsewhere.

Why did you get up from your seat when lights went out?

That one.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 29, 2012, 02:28:29 pm
I dont' think it will appear on the vote count, ozle said it would be calculated behind the scenes.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 29, 2012, 02:31:43 pm
I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of investigative role that checks the alignment of seats.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 29, 2012, 02:34:22 pm
Ahhh, got it.  I missed because I didn't realize that you had quoted me!  I know nothing of what happened when the lights went dark.  I was merely questioning a world traveler when the lights went out. 

I guess I should ask, why do you think I got up?  Are you just prodding a little bit or did your PM say I got up.  Because if it did, that would be news to me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 29, 2012, 02:35:47 pm
I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of investigative role that checks the alignment of seats.

Any investigative role can check seat alignment.  You can submit votes AND night actions via seat number as well as name from what the opening post says. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 29, 2012, 02:37:22 pm

Captain_Frisk (1): Insomniac
Insomniac (1): jotheonah,
Galzria (1): Cayvie
Seat 10 (1): Grujah

Not voting (10).
Votes for seats and players will be totalled behind the scenes by me. (Example: if Frisk were seat 10 he would have 2 votes out of the 8 needed to be lynched)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 02:42:53 pm
Ahhh, got it.  I missed because I didn't realize that you had quoted me!  I know nothing of what happened when the lights went dark.  I was merely questioning a world traveler when the lights went out. 

I guess I should ask, why do you think I got up?  Are you just prodding a little bit or did your PM say I got up.  Because if it did, that would be news to me.

So you know who the world traveler is? What did he say anyway?

Elementary my dear Watson. Figured out your seat #. Knew that person in that seat# wasn't in their place.

A Wolf howled.
It is probable that Ozle looked in the Wolves' direction when that happened.
He got stabbed in the back.
Murderer is on the other side of the table.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 02:43:15 pm

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 29, 2012, 02:48:06 pm
Ahhh, got it.  I missed because I didn't realize that you had quoted me!  I know nothing of what happened when the lights went dark.  I was merely questioning a world traveler when the lights went out. 

I guess I should ask, why do you think I got up?  Are you just prodding a little bit or did your PM say I got up.  Because if it did, that would be news to me.

So you know who the world traveler is? What did he say anyway?

Elementary my dear Watson. Figured out your seat #. Knew that person in that seat# wasn't in their place.

A Wolf howled.
It is probable that Ozle looked in the Wolves' direction when that happened.
He got stabbed in the back.
Murderer is on the other side of the table.

unvote, vote grujah

For knowing the wolves are on the same side of the table.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 02:53:43 pm
Meh, typo, should say "Wolf's". As we heard a single howl.
Also, reread flavor, it rang around the room, actually, so Ozle wouldn't know where to look.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 29, 2012, 02:54:19 pm
So you know who the world traveler is? What did he say anyway?

Elementary my dear Watson. Figured out your seat #. Knew that person in that seat# wasn't in their place.

I know his seat number, but not who he is.  It really wasn't that detailed in my PM regarding our chat.  I was merely questioning him regarding his various travels.

Hmmm... so I guess you do know some stuff about me that even I don't know (unless you incorrectly figured out my seat number).  Would you like to send me a letter tonight?  I'm quite curious.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 29, 2012, 02:56:15 pm
Meh, typo, should say "Wolf's". As we heard a single howl.
Also, reread flavor, it rang around the room, actually, so Ozle wouldn't know where to look.
So wait, you're thinking the howl came from one of us sitting at the table? Surely someone would have heard who it was exactly, even if the lights were already out?

I thought the howl came from outside.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 02:57:18 pm
So you know who the world traveler is? What did he say anyway?

Elementary my dear Watson. Figured out your seat #. Knew that person in that seat# wasn't in their place.

I know his seat number, but not who he is.  It really wasn't that detailed in my PM regarding our chat.  I was merely questioning him regarding his various travels.

Hmmm... so I guess you do know some stuff about me that even I don't know (unless you incorrectly figured out my seat number).  Would you like to send me a letter tonight?  I'm quite curious.

Letter? I know nothing about no letters?
You trying to rolefish for Innocent Mailman Neighbourizer?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 02:58:45 pm
Meh, typo, should say "Wolf's". As we heard a single howl.
Also, reread flavor, it rang around the room, actually, so Ozle wouldn't know where to look.
So wait, you're thinking the howl came from one of us sitting at the table? Surely someone would have heard who it was exactly, even if the lights were already out?

I thought the howl came from outside.

Why do you think so? It rang around the room.

But in case you are correct, we need to obtain the blueprint's of Ozle's manor (he lives in a manor, right) and see where are the windows in the room.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 29, 2012, 02:59:28 pm
Strange things are afoot at the the Circle K...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 29, 2012, 02:59:50 pm
Meh, typo, should say "Wolf's". As we heard a single howl.
Also, reread flavor, it rang around the room, actually, so Ozle wouldn't know where to look.
So wait, you're thinking the howl came from one of us sitting at the table? Surely someone would have heard who it was exactly, even if the lights were already out?

I thought the howl came from outside.

Why do you think so? It rang around the room.

But in case you are correct, we need to obtain the blueprint's of Ozle's manor (he lives in a manor, right) and see where are the windows in the room.

Also which rooms are connected by secret passages.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 29, 2012, 03:00:42 pm
Mehhh... more just curious about how you knew my seat number and would rather hear from you in private letter form than public forum form.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 29, 2012, 03:01:19 pm
Meh, typo, should say "Wolf's". As we heard a single howl.
Also, reread flavor, it rang around the room, actually, so Ozle wouldn't know where to look.
So wait, you're thinking the howl came from one of us sitting at the table? Surely someone would have heard who it was exactly, even if the lights were already out?

I thought the howl came from outside.

Why do you think so? It rang around the room.

But in case you are correct, we need to obtain the blueprint's of Ozle's manor (he lives in a manor, right) and see where are the windows in the room.

If ghosts could spit, Ozle would be doing so now! He was a Lord, and he lived in a Castle!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 29, 2012, 03:07:32 pm
Mehhh... more just curious about how you knew my seat number and would rather hear from you in private letter form than public forum form.
You do realize (usually) only scum has night talk, correct?  :D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 29, 2012, 03:11:31 pm
Isn't there a PR that allows a player to send a private message to another player at night.  Didn't ehunt or someone else have a role like that in either MV or MVI?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 03:14:20 pm
ehunt's role was.. uhm.. "special"  ;D

There theoretically is.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 29, 2012, 03:15:09 pm
Meh, typo, should say "Wolf's". As we heard a single howl.
Also, reread flavor, it rang around the room, actually, so Ozle wouldn't know where to look.
So wait, you're thinking the howl came from one of us sitting at the table? Surely someone would have heard who it was exactly, even if the lights were already out?

I thought the howl came from outside.

Why do you think so? It rang around the room.

But in case you are correct, we need to obtain the blueprint's of Ozle's manor (he lives in a manor, right) and see where are the windows in the room.
I just thought a werewolf wouldnt risk getting caught by howling in a public place.

But then again, I dont know much about werewolves.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 03:16:32 pm
Meh, typo, should say "Wolf's". As we heard a single howl.
Also, reread flavor, it rang around the room, actually, so Ozle wouldn't know where to look.
So wait, you're thinking the howl came from one of us sitting at the table? Surely someone would have heard who it was exactly, even if the lights were already out?

I thought the howl came from outside.

Why do you think so? It rang around the room.

But in case you are correct, we need to obtain the blueprint's of Ozle's manor (he lives in a manor, right) and see where are the windows in the room.
I just thought a werewolf wouldnt risk getting caught by howling in a public place.

But then again, I dont know much about werewolves.

Maybe someone, like while going to stab Ozle, accidentally stepped onto his tail or paw or something.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 29, 2012, 03:18:19 pm
Isn't there a PR that allows a player to send a private message to another player at night.  Didn't ehunt or someone else have a role like that in either MV or MVI?
And does it matter if there sometimes is? You said to Grujah "mind explaining this to me in a private letter" implying either grujah has a role that can send those, or you have a role that can receive them.. or that you some other way have private night talk. Like scum does.

I dont think a scum pair would ever do that (;D), but man it looks weird.

That werewolf explanation is sufficient though, good point and you are probably right in that one of us howled. Maybe someone had something about this in their role pm (not saying you should come forward with the info, just thinking out loud).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 03:19:30 pm
That werewolf explanation is sufficient though, good point and you are probably right in that one of us howled. Maybe someone had something about this in their role pm (not saying you should come forward with the info, just thinking out loud).

One of you werewolves? For sure.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 29, 2012, 03:19:50 pm
That werewolf explanation is sufficient though, good point and you are probably right in that one of us howled. Maybe someone had something about this in their role pm (not saying you should come forward with the info, just thinking out loud).

One of you werewolves? For sure.
One of us sitting around the table. Nice dodge though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 03:20:23 pm
Dodging what?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 29, 2012, 03:21:06 pm
That werewolf explanation is sufficient though, good point and you are probably right in that one of us howled. Maybe someone had something about this in their role pm (not saying you should come forward with the info, just thinking out loud).

One of you werewolves? For sure.
One of us sitting around the table. Nice dodge though.
Lol wait it wasnt shark_bait. Apologies. (First sentence still stands.)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 29, 2012, 03:39:28 pm

Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?
Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?
Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?
Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?
Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?

1. Very likely. But we'll know tomorrow, won't we? Could just be regular wolves.
2. It seems like they'd have to be.
3. It doesn't seem right we have a confirmed non-murderer. Plus, maybe he set a booby trap or something.
4. Should we be catching the killer or the people who kill people? Doesn't the whole dilemma seem sort of silly? Seriously, beats RVS.
5. I'm not convinced they are. Maybe they had a dissociative episode. Ooh, maybe the killer IS the werewolf, and they're the kind of werewolf who doesn't remember wolfy actions the next morning. Or something.

Sorry I've been lurky lately. IRL stuff + don't really get Day 1 ever. (not that anybody's really noticed)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 29, 2012, 03:39:34 pm
Hmm, when in doubt, let's try... Vote: Seat 15
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 03:44:46 pm

Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?
Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?
Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?
Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?
Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?

1. Very likely. But we'll know tomorrow, won't we? Could just be regular wolves.
2. It seems like they'd have to be.
3. It doesn't seem right we have a confirmed non-murderer. Plus, maybe he set a booby trap or something.
4. Should we be catching the killer or the people who kill people? Doesn't the whole dilemma seem sort of silly? Seriously, beats RVS.
5. I'm not convinced they are. Maybe they had a dissociative episode. Ooh, maybe the killer IS the werewolf, and they're the kind of werewolf who doesn't remember wolfy actions the next morning. Or something.

Sorry I've been lurky lately. IRL stuff + don't really get Day 1 ever. (not that anybody's really noticed)

Werewolf would use a stabbing weapon.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 29, 2012, 03:45:15 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 29, 2012, 03:58:26 pm
Aren't teeth kinda stabby?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 29, 2012, 04:13:53 pm
Aren't teeth kinda stabby?
Not in a way that you could confuse with stabbing someone in the back, no?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 29, 2012, 05:02:35 pm
Isn't there a PR that allows a player to send a private message to another player at night.  Didn't ehunt or someone else have a role like that in either MV or MVI?
And does it matter if there sometimes is? You said to Grujah "mind explaining this to me in a private letter" implying either grujah has a role that can send those, or you have a role that can receive them.. or that you some other way have private night talk. Like scum does.

I dont think a scum pair would ever do that (;D), but man it looks weird.

That werewolf explanation is sufficient though, good point and you are probably right in that one of us howled. Maybe someone had something about this in their role pm (not saying you should come forward with the info, just thinking out loud).

Let me clarify.   I have no knowledge of what Grujah's role is.  I meant my statement to be taken in the same manner as if I had jokingly said, "So Grujah, have you been enjoying watching the moon lately."  Obviously I don't know what his role is on D1 in the same way that I wouldn't know if he's a werewolf on D1.  Please don't get the wrong idea of what I do or don't know about grujah based upon that post.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 30, 2012, 12:42:19 am
Oh hey I'm back, I haven't really checked in much over the weekend. What's going on in this thread? (jk, I sort of know, I've been reading but not carefully, I even made a post!) .

Does anybody have a particular reason to vote for any given seat? I don't have anything to suggest there at the moment. Maybe someone else does.

I'm not at all convinced, yet, that we have a Bureaucrat. The flavor looks quite Ozle-like in style. If someone else here is writing it, they're camouflaging it pretty well, unless Ozle is rewriting it. If they want to be recognized as one-of-the-players they have to be more obvious. I wonder if it's pro-town to know for sure that the role exists. If it's just writing flavor, there's not much to it.

What did you do with the real murder weapon before you planted the knife on Cayvie?

I've never handled the murder weapon. Unless the murderer swiped my silverware? But my flavor says nothing about missing a fork or knife.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 02:59:23 am
Galz. Please Unvote seat 15
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 04:58:54 am
Oh hey I'm back, I haven't really checked in much over the weekend. What's going on in this thread? (jk, I sort of know, I've been reading but not carefully, I even made a post!) .

Does anybody have a particular reason to vote for any given seat? I don't have anything to suggest there at the moment. Maybe someone else does.

I'm not at all convinced, yet, that we have a Bureaucrat. The flavor looks quite Ozle-like in style. If someone else here is writing it, they're camouflaging it pretty well, unless Ozle is rewriting it. If they want to be recognized as one-of-the-players they have to be more obvious. I wonder if it's pro-town to know for sure that the role exists. If it's just writing flavor, there's not much to it.

What did you do with the real murder weapon before you planted the knife on Cayvie?

I've never handled the murder weapon. Unless the murderer swiped my silverware? But my flavor says nothing about missing a fork or knife.

But there IS a missing spoon?
Also, you sure it was silver? If you know that for a fact, it could be used to locate our werewolf/wolves.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 05:00:21 am
Galz. Please Unvote seat 15

Is the person in that seat making a sad face at you across the table?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 10:24:04 am
Galz. Please Unvote seat 15

Is the person in that seat making a sad face at you across the table?

I know they didn't move
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 30, 2012, 10:50:39 am
Ok - surveys are outstanding for timchen, Galzria and RobZ.  Timchen is on v/la, so I don't expect anything from him.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 30, 2012, 10:52:18 am

Let's try shaking things up with a survey:

Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?
Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?
Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?
Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?
Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?

4. Not really, murdererhunting is fun and better than a normal RVS.

So - you don't agree with yourself?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 10:52:36 am
Ok - surveys are outstanding for timchen, Galzria and RobZ.  Timchen is on v/la, so I don't expect anything from him.

He returns today, I believe.  Going by his post in the V/LA thread.

Frisk, did you see my question to you (in my response to your question #5)?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 10:54:40 am
Galz. Please Unvote seat 15

Is the person in that seat making a sad face at you across the table?

I know they didn't move

So? It doesn't say anything about their alignment.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 10:57:27 am
Galz. Please Unvote seat 15

Is the person in that seat making a sad face at you across the table?

I know they didn't move

So? It doesn't say anything about their alignment.

It does in a round about way. Mafia/werewolves have the ability to kill at night if try didn't move they didn't execute the team kill. But that's all I should say right now
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 11:00:20 am
It does in a round about way. Mafia/werewolves have the ability to kill at night if try didn't move they didn't execute the team kill. But that's all I should say right now

So you're assuming Ozle was killed by mafia or a werewolf?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 11:01:07 am
Imporant - Who is sitting at Seat 10?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 30, 2012, 11:06:53 am
Ok - surveys are outstanding for timchen, Galzria and RobZ.  Timchen is on v/la, so I don't expect anything from him.

He returns today, I believe.  Going by his post in the V/LA thread.

Frisk, did you see my question to you (in my response to your question #5)?

I did, the reason why I asked was because I was wondering if we could rule ourselves out as the murdered in the hunt.  As I explained in my answer - I have played a murder mystery in which the identity of the murderer was actually kept secret from the murderer himself. 

Ozle has implied that this is not the case.

Ozle: can you mod confirm whether or not Axxle will be joining the party at some point as an actual player?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 11:08:09 am
It does in a round about way. Mafia/werewolves have the ability to kill at night if try didn't move they didn't execute the team kill. But that's all I should say right now

So you're assuming Ozle was killed by mafia or a werewolf?

I am aware that this assumption could be wrong but it is beneficial to town to think this way (makes murderer hunting and scum hunting the same) if I am given information that proves otherwise I will stop but saying its not guaranteed murderer is scum isn't enough for me to change playstyle (Ozle mentions this in the rules op)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 11:10:51 am
Ok - surveys are outstanding for timchen, Galzria and RobZ.  Timchen is on v/la, so I don't expect anything from him.

He returns today, I believe.  Going by his post in the V/LA thread.

Frisk, did you see my question to you (in my response to your question #5)?

I did, the reason why I asked was because I was wondering if we could rule ourselves out as the murdered in the hunt.  As I explained in my answer - I have played a murder mystery in which the identity of the murderer was actually kept secret from the murderer himself.

Ah, I missed that in your earlier post, my apologies. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 11:12:16 am
It does in a round about way. Mafia/werewolves have the ability to kill at night if try didn't move they didn't execute the team kill. But that's all I should say right now

So you're assuming Ozle was killed by mafia or a werewolf?

You guys are not making sense. All these points stand:
It was not night, it was just power outrage. Other people move at night too. Mafia shoots, Werewolves maul/bite/dismember and SKs stab. Also, quote from Ozle:
"•         The Murderer could be of any alignment."
So, Scums still didn't execute their night kills.

Ozle, few questions:
Can you submit a murder vote by seat number?
When do you know if you guessed right? Right away or in the end?
"•   There are enough clues to identify the murderer, however, extra clues may be revealed during an in game mechanic."
As in, right now? Jeez.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 30, 2012, 11:18:39 am
Ozle, few questions:
Can you submit a murder vote by seat number?
When do you know if you guessed right? Right away or in the end?
"•   There are enough clues to identify the murderer, however, extra clues may be revealed during an in game mechanic."
As in, right now? Jeez.

I assume that there are enough clues to identify the murderer in the same manner that it is possible to figure out what is going on in BMIV....
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 11:23:01 am
I'd forgotten about the "in game mechanic" comment.  I wonder...

I search Ozle's body.  Do I find anything of interest?
I take the bloody knife from yuma and see if it fits the wound in Ozle's back.  Does it?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 11:23:15 am
Imporant - Who is sitting at Seat 10?

To explain this:
I assume everybody saw something about what the person across the table from them did. Ins said he did. I know I did.
So, 10 saw what 17 has done.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 30, 2012, 11:23:53 am
Can we test the knife to see if it fits in anyone else's back?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 11:25:12 am
I'd forgotten about the "in game mechanic" comment.  I wonder...

I search Ozle's body.  Do I find anything of interest?
I take the bloody knife from yuma and see if it fits the wound in Ozle's back.  Does it?

Wait, try it like this:

/me examines the knife in yuma's hand.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 11:25:47 am
Can we test the knife to see if it fits in anyone else's back?

You volunteering to be a test subject?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 11:26:17 am
Imporant - Who is sitting at Seat 10?

To explain this:
I assume everybody saw something about what the person across the table from them did. Ins said he did. I know I did.
So, 10 saw what 17 has done.

I have no information about 10... I think I was looking away from Ozle, because I know more about my side of the table.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 11:28:14 am
Can we test the knife to see if it fits in anyone else's back?

Obvious SK is obvious.

Vote: Captain_Frisk

We hold a seance in order to try to talk to Ozle's ghost.

@yuma - hmm.. maybe you are the actual target of the murderer?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 11:29:21 am
Very plausible.... everyone hates me
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 11:31:09 am
Very plausible.... everyone hates me

We do? Why is that?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 30, 2012, 11:32:21 am
Very plausible.... everyone hates me

We do? Why is that?

Yuma plays scum excellently.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 11:54:27 am
Very plausible.... everyone hates me

We do? Why is that?

Yuma plays scum excellently.

Up until the last moment when PR decide to use their power on me during the night! Blast you Frisk and eHal!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 30, 2012, 11:57:05 am
Very plausible.... everyone hates me

We do? Why is that?

Yuma plays scum excellently.

Up until the last moment when PR decide to use their power on me during the night! Blast you Frisk and eHal!

The fact that I had 4 hours to kill on a bus that day really did hurt you.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 12:18:30 pm
Very plausible.... everyone hates me

We do? Why is that?

Yuma plays scum excellently.

Up until the last moment when PR decide to use their power on me during the night! Blast you Frisk and eHal!

The fact that I had 4 hours to kill on a bus that day really did hurt you.

Once again public transportation stabs me in the back...

Speaking of back stabbing, back to the murder.

I am wondering if Ozle meant in regard to game dynamics that he would reveal more and more about the murder as the game progresses, but not necessarily in response to our questions. But instead during his flavor posts as we head into night after a lynch and as day breaks afterward. That is how I interpreted it. People that live longer get more information to try and solve the murder.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 12:19:39 pm

Let's try shaking things up with a survey:

Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?
Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?
Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?
Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?
Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?

4. Not really, murdererhunting is fun and better than a normal RVS.

So - you don't agree with yourself?
Yeah.  :) Changed my mind about that!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 12:26:10 pm

Q1: Do you believe there are werewolves in this game setup?
Q2: Do you believe that the killer is seated on yuma's side of the table?
Q3: Have you considered the possibility that Axxle is the murderer?
Q4: Do you agree with Eevee that we should not be wasting our precious posts discussion the murder & hunting for the killer?
Q5: Do you think that the killer is aware that they killed Ozle?

A1: I am not sure. I think there are reasonable explanations for there to be one, but I also have a gut instinct that says no. On the one hand, it's AWFULLY clichč. On the other, we just finished (and at the time of gamestart) a game with WW's, so maybe there was carryover? I think that if there is a WW (and I don't believe it would be multiple), he won't be exactly what he seems (read: not necessarily big hungry ugly beast).

A2: I put no stock in the fact that #17 was holding the knife in drawing conclusions of the seating of the killer. However, the base probability says there are more people on that side that could be guilty than on my own, so yes, I do.

A3: Vote: Axxle

A4: I absolutely do not. Whoever killed Ozle, I presume wanted him dead (this may be wrong, but it's where I'm starting from). This person could be any alignment (town or syndicate). What we know for sure is that Ozle invited us over so he could discern the identities of the syndicate, whom he knew WAS out to get him. Thus I believe if we approach the mystery with first a desire to discover motive, we will end up solving both.

A5: Yes, I do. I really don't like the "OMG, you mean that *I* did it? *sob*" murder mysteries. The killer is, I believe, at our table, and I believe that they know their identity. Insomniac, you can just admit to it now if you like, and save us some time.

Oh, and Vote: Seat 15
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 12:27:44 pm
Maybe the howl is a red herring?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 12:51:17 pm
Very plausible.... everyone hates me

We do? Why is that?

Yuma plays scum excellently.

Up until the last moment when PR decide to use their power on me during the night! Blast you Frisk and eHal!

The fact that I had 4 hours to kill on a bus that day really did hurt you.

Once again public transportation stabs me in the back...

Speaking of back stabbing, back to the murder.

I am wondering if Ozle meant in regard to game dynamics that he would reveal more and more about the murder as the game progresses, but not necessarily in response to our questions. But instead during his flavor posts as we head into night after a lynch and as day breaks afterward. That is how I interpreted it. People that live longer get more information to try and solve the murder.

The green posts are the in game menchanic. If you kill the beuracrat you stop getting information. The bcrat doesn't know what they will contain before Ozle posts them
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 12:55:06 pm
The green posts are the in game menchanic. If you kill the beuracrat you stop getting information. The bcrat doesn't know what they will contain before Ozle posts them
Wait, is this confirmed knowledge? Have I missed something or are you the only one privy to it?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 12:56:18 pm
The green posts are the in game menchanic. If you kill the beuracrat you stop getting information. The bcrat doesn't know what they will contain before Ozle posts them
Wait, is this confirmed knowledge? Have I missed something or are you the only one privy to it?

It's information I have
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 01:00:27 pm
Oh, and Vote: Seat 15

Why, again?

Ins wants us not to kill him.

Vote: Insomniac.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 01:29:06 pm
Oh, and Vote: Seat 15

Why, again?

Ins wants us not to kill him.

Vote: Insomniac.

I'm seat 22
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 01:35:41 pm
Oh, and Vote: Seat 15

Why, again?

Ins wants us not to kill him.

Vote: Insomniac.

I dont know what your doing this game but you seem really scummy right now
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 01:44:52 pm
I know what you seat you are. You went for "don't kill me there" but I guess Bcrat is actually more likely to be town-aligned.

I don't know why Galz is voting Seat 15. Randomvoting?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 01:49:02 pm
The green posts are the in game menchanic. If you kill the beuracrat you stop getting information. The bcrat doesn't know what they will contain before Ozle posts them
Wait, is this confirmed knowledge? Have I missed something or are you the only one privy to it?

It's information I have

Why did you choose now to reveal it?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 01:50:58 pm
The green posts are the in game menchanic. If you kill the beuracrat you stop getting information. The bcrat doesn't know what they will contain before Ozle posts them
Wait, is this confirmed knowledge? Have I missed something or are you the only one privy to it?

It's information I have

Why did you choose now to reveal it?

Because people are wasting time on a mechanic I understand and had already breadcrumbed
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 02:36:58 pm
Insomniac, how do you know 15 didn't move? I know nothing of the person across from me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 02:39:41 pm
Insomniac, how do you know 15 didn't move? I know nothing of the person across from me.
Maybe you were looking to your side or something? I know nothing of the person across from me either, but I know the guy sitting next to me didnt get up (my role pm said I'm quite sure of that anyways).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 02:41:33 pm
Insomniac, how do you know 15 didn't move? I know nothing of the person across from me.

No more breadcrumbs then full reveal. I'm a bureaucrat a keen investigator I was up here to do a story on Ozle and the dinner. As a keen investigator I would have noticed if the people across from me in seats 14,15, and 16 moved. I do not have an active role but I am useful to the town because Ozle will periodically leak information in the forum of those green vote counts as long as I am alive. I have no control over what information is shared and I don't get to preview it ahead of time.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 02:45:19 pm
Insomniac, how do you know 15 didn't move? I know nothing of the person across from me.

No more breadcrumbs then full reveal. I'm a bureaucrat a keen investigator I was up here to do a story on Ozle and the dinner. As a keen investigator I would have noticed if the people across from me in seats 14,15, and 16 moved. I do not have an active role but I am useful to the town because Ozle will periodically leak information in the forum of those green vote counts as long as I am alive. I have no control over what information is shared and I don't get to preview it ahead of time.

So, what happened in those other two seats?

Also, that was not a breadcrum that was like almost a hardclaim. Way to be subtle.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 02:45:43 pm
Insomniac, how do you know 15 didn't move? I know nothing of the person across from me.

No more breadcrumbs then full reveal. I'm a bureaucrat a keen investigator I was up here to do a story on Ozle and the dinner. As a keen investigator I would have noticed if the people across from me in seats 14,15, and 16 moved. I do not have an active role but I am useful to the town because Ozle will periodically leak information in the forum of those green vote counts as long as I am alive. I have no control over what information is shared and I don't get to preview it ahead of time.

You would've noticed if the people across the table from you moved... In the dark? Very keen indeed.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 02:46:22 pm
my breadcrumb was after the first green post ozle made when I said i was dissapointed.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 02:47:31 pm
None of those 3 moved.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 02:48:18 pm
Insomniac, how do you know 15 didn't move? I know nothing of the person across from me.

No more breadcrumbs then full reveal. I'm a bureaucrat a keen investigator I was up here to do a story on Ozle and the dinner. As a keen investigator I would have noticed if the people across from me in seats 14,15, and 16 moved. I do not have an active role but I am useful to the town because Ozle will periodically leak information in the forum of those green vote counts as long as I am alive. I have no control over what information is shared and I don't get to preview it ahead of time.


I find this a little unbelievable, because my (paraphrased) "clue" was that the people in seats 15 and 16 were innocent. I would be surprised if my clue was entirely contained within someone else's.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 02:49:11 pm
None of those 3 moved.

Lies. 14 did move. I saw it. I sit right across him. Shark_bait can confirm.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 02:49:44 pm
Yeah, okay, unvote, vote Insomniac
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 02:49:54 pm
Insomniac, how do you know 15 didn't move? I know nothing of the person across from me.

No more breadcrumbs then full reveal. I'm a bureaucrat a keen investigator I was up here to do a story on Ozle and the dinner. As a keen investigator I would have noticed if the people across from me in seats 14,15, and 16 moved. I do not have an active role but I am useful to the town because Ozle will periodically leak information in the forum of those green vote counts as long as I am alive. I have no control over what information is shared and I don't get to preview it ahead of time.


I find this a little unbelievable, because my (paraphrased) "clue" was that the people in seats 15 and 16 were innocent. I would be surprised if my clue was entirely contained within someone else's.

Innocent is not the same as did not move. Innocent is stronger.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 02:51:27 pm
Im not lying I checked my PM it doesn't mean I'm not mistaken but my PM says I would have noticed if they moved. Those 3 seats.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 02:55:47 pm
None of those 3 moved.

Lies. 14 did move. I saw it. I sit right across him. Shark_bait can confirm.

Vote: Grujah for seeing in the dark.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 02:55:50 pm
Im not lying I checked my PM it doesn't mean I'm not mistaken but my PM says I would have noticed if they moved. Those 3 seats.
Maybe you would have noticed if you werent so busy with shoving a knife in Ozles back?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 02:57:58 pm
Im not lying I checked my PM it doesn't mean I'm not mistaken but my PM says I would have noticed if they moved. Those 3 seats.
Maybe you would have noticed if you werent so busy with shoving a knife in Ozles back?

Again "as a keen investigator you would have noticed if any of the people in these seats moved". Since grujah has been scummy all game and is now voting to kill a townie who is providing information Vote: Grujah
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 03:01:12 pm
Im not lying I checked my PM it doesn't mean I'm not mistaken but my PM says I would have noticed if they moved. Those 3 seats.
Maybe you would have noticed if you werent so busy with shoving a knife in Ozles back?

Again "as a keen investigator you would have noticed if any of the people in these seats moved". Since grujah has been scummy all game and is now voting to kill a townie who is providing information Vote: Grujah

During what time?

"You noticed the person in seat 14 was out of his chair before the lights went out."
This is shark_bait. He admitted to moving. I figured he was in seat 14 because he accidentally slipped it in earlier posts.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 03:03:18 pm
None of those 3 moved.

Lies. 14 did move. I saw it. I sit right across him. Shark_bait can confirm.

I don't know where you are getting this info about me.  I was never given any information regarding people moving seats.  Neither do I have information about what seat you are.  I don't know how you expected me to confirm anything you said with certainty. 

Also, where in the world do I let slip I sat in 14?  Please show me that post.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 03:04:20 pm
Also, where do I admit to moving?  I don't ever recall doing that either.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 03:04:44 pm
I should say "moving" because no where did it ever mention in my PM that I moved.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 03:06:31 pm
Oh and now shark_bait doesn't back Grujah up. Nail in the coffin.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 03:07:18 pm
Im not lying I checked my PM it doesn't mean I'm not mistaken but my PM says I would have noticed if they moved. Those 3 seats.
Maybe you would have noticed if you werent so busy with shoving a knife in Ozles back?

Again "as a keen investigator you would have noticed if any of the people in these seats moved". Since grujah has been scummy all game and is now voting to kill a townie who is providing information Vote: Grujah

During what time?

"You noticed the person in seat 14 was out of his chair before the lights went out."
This is shark_bait. He admitted to moving. I figured he was in seat 14 because he accidentally slipped it in earlier posts.

I have reread all of Sharkies posts. He *maybe* softclaimed 14, but he never said he moved. Quite the contrary. He said if he had moved and you had information to support it, that it was news to him.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 03:07:28 pm
Am I wrong about the seat?
I know that 14 moved. I though it was you.
I asked you why weren't you in your seat. You said you got up to talk to the foreign guy.
I assumed not in chair = moving.
That might not be right.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 03:07:52 pm
I know that 14 was not in his chair.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 03:08:23 pm
there was supposted to be * there.
Yeah galz, he softclaimed 14, that was my guess, I went for it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 03:10:17 pm
Ahhh, got it.  I missed because I didn't realize that you had quoted me!  I know nothing of what happened when the lights went dark.  I was merely questioning a world traveler when the lights went out. 

I guess I should ask, why do you think I got up?  Are you just prodding a little bit or did your PM say I got up.  Because if it did, that would be news to me.

Ever consider that I was sitting next to the world traveler while I was chatting with him?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 03:11:20 pm
This is the 14 softclaim Grujah thought he saw:

What if they had in there PM something like, "And the man from seat X has been eyeing you suspiciously all night" in their PM.  This would clue them in that seat 14 is an investigative role.  I don't know if this is a risk we need to take right on D1.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 03:12:14 pm
Ahhh, got it.  I missed because I didn't realize that you had quoted me!  I know nothing of what happened when the lights went dark.  I was merely questioning a world traveler when the lights went out. 

I guess I should ask, why do you think I got up?  Are you just prodding a little bit or did your PM say I got up.  Because if it did, that would be news to me.

Ever consider that I was sitting next to the world traveler while I was chatting with him?

This is indeed how I read your claim.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 03:14:25 pm
Ahhh, got it.  I missed because I didn't realize that you had quoted me!  I know nothing of what happened when the lights went dark.  I was merely questioning a world traveler when the lights went out. 

I guess I should ask, why do you think I got up?  Are you just prodding a little bit or did your PM say I got up.  Because if it did, that would be news to me.

Ever consider that I was sitting next to the world traveler while I was chatting with him?

I asked you "why did you get up"?
Your answer was: "I was chatting to world traveler".
You never said that you didn't get up.
I assumed that meant that you got up from your seat to talk to him.

Anyhow, somebody sitting in seat #14 can clarify all this anyhow.

It's possible none of us are lying (me and Ins), but that he got up before lights went out and than didn't move afterwards.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 03:16:36 pm
Unvote. At least until we clear it all out.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 03:16:51 pm
To be fair it doesn't say he was in his seat, it says if the moved while the lights were out I y ould have noticed and those 3 chairs did not. It was also why I agreed with yuma that the killer was in all liklihood on the same side of the table as me
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 03:22:43 pm
hmmm. "Guy without whom you can't solve the mystery" is a very comfy claim for the mafia to make. Especially as it's passive, Insomniac can't do anything to prove it, and basically the only function of this role is that it gives us a hard-to-ignore reason not to kill him.

If that's a mafia fakeclaim, well done. Points for guts AND creativity.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 03:24:39 pm
Well you can lynch me and see Im town aligned bureaucrat but I don't recommend it. It's possible I'll be nightkilled for claiming but maybe they want the info too :S
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 03:25:06 pm
Somebody roleblock him it might stick during the next day too.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 03:27:10 pm
Somebody roleblock him it might stick during the next day too.

I don't know if your serious but I'm not sure it can be roleblocked, also someone could counterclaim b-crat if I'm lying
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 03:30:46 pm

So you are kinda Enabler for Reporter Variant 3?

Still, doesn't mean you're town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 30, 2012, 03:34:09 pm
I'm suddenly lost again.

OK, so we have a Bureaucrat among us, it's Insomniac in seat 22, as long as he stays alive we get useful tidbits of information? I suppose I'm a little sad that Insomniac revealed. I'm not for early massclaim. But I believe the claim, and it seems like a town role (really, would Mafia report on the happenings here?) so I'd consider Ins pretty townish, so I guess it's worth FoSing the people who voted for Insomniac?

Of course, that's me in the beginning :( and also yuma. But Grujah lately. So Vote: Grujah .
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 03:35:30 pm
You don't find his claim a little too convenient in light of all the votes on him, ftl?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 03:35:52 pm
Also, I voted Insomniac before anybody.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 03:36:23 pm
Vote: Insomniac

Granted, Insomniac's aggressive scumhunting always looks scummy to me, but this seems even moreso than usual. He really wants us to HURRY UP AND GET TO THE LYNCHIN'.

Page 4, yo. But I didn't even make your list?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 03:38:25 pm

So you are kinda Enabler for Reporter Variant 3?

Still, doesn't mean you're town.

Sort of. I've said all I know about my role already. I am town but I agree it's not provable unless I die or someone investigates me which puts an investigator which is a bad idea.

PPE: ftl people were wasting time on men's ice and because Ozle outed the role I had to claim early or risk it ring unbelievable or mafia claiming it first. I too suspected grujah because he voted for me AFTER I claimed

PPE 2: Jo I claimed with no votes the votes came after I claimed. Please reread. (I claimed while people were speculating on the in game mechanic)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 03:38:53 pm
Grujah, are you the Steward?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 03:41:54 pm
Ahhh, got it.  I missed because I didn't realize that you had quoted me!  I know nothing of what happened when the lights went dark.  I was merely questioning a world traveler when the lights went out. 

I guess I should ask, why do you think I got up?  Are you just prodding a little bit or did your PM say I got up.  Because if it did, that would be news to me.

Ever consider that I was sitting next to the world traveler while I was chatting with him?

I asked you "why did you get up"?
Your answer was: "I was chatting to world traveler".
You never said that you didn't get up.
I assumed that meant that you got up from your seat to talk to him.

Anyhow, somebody sitting in seat #14 can clarify all this anyhow.

It's possible none of us are lying (me and Ins), but that he got up before lights went out and than didn't move afterwards.

I see how our confusion came about now.  You asked why I got up when the lights went dark.  I then answered by saying what was going on with me before the lights went dark and concluded by saying that I know nothing about what happened after the lights went dark.  My response was not meant to be taken as an answer to your question, merely an alternative account of what I knew.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 30, 2012, 03:43:04 pm
Oh, I missed you joth. Sry.

I didn't find Ins's claim scummy because I didn't think he was under pressure; he was defending Seat 15, not himself, wasn't he?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 03:44:43 pm
Ahhh, got it.  I missed because I didn't realize that you had quoted me!  I know nothing of what happened when the lights went dark.  I was merely questioning a world traveler when the lights went out. 

I guess I should ask, why do you think I got up?  Are you just prodding a little bit or did your PM say I got up.  Because if it did, that would be news to me.

Ever consider that I was sitting next to the world traveler while I was chatting with him?

This is indeed how I read your claim.

Do you know which seat the world traveler is at?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 03:46:08 pm
Oh, I missed you joth. Sry.

I didn't find Ins's claim scummy because I didn't think he was under pressure; he was defending Seat 15, not himself, wasn't he?

Defending the seat got me exactly one vote before I said exactly what my role does but after I spoiled bcrat in a this is what that role does kind of way
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 03:47:01 pm
Oh, I missed you joth. Sry.

I didn't find Ins's claim scummy because I didn't think he was under pressure; he was defending Seat 15, not himself, wasn't he?

Defending the seat got me exactly one vote before I said exactly what my role does but after I spoiled bcrat in a this is what that role does kind of way

At which point I had basically claimed so I full out did it
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 03:48:56 pm
This is the 14 softclaim Grujah thought he saw:

What if they had in there PM something like, "And the man from seat X has been eyeing you suspiciously all night" in their PM.  This would clue them in that seat 14 is an investigative role.  I don't know if this is a risk we need to take right on D1.

Ahhh... I see now.  I probably should have put Seat X in both cases to fulfill my example.  I might as well make this simple and say that I am not seat 14.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 03:49:58 pm
But obviously Ozle tried to confuse us by telling us similar stuff in different manner:
That person in a seat was inoccent.
That it didn't move.
That his seat was empty.

FoS at my Wagon. Esp these later additions (especially FTL). I clearly voted Ins cause I though he lied. ((I don't know why scum would actually lie about Murder Mistery. My vote was kinda stupid, though. Still, it had a reason.).

@shark - seems so. I read it wrong.

I'd also want to know why I sound scummy?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 03:52:22 pm
Just to be clear, my clue says nothing about seat 14.

Grujah, you sound scummy because of your gruff werewolf voice.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 03:54:20 pm
Just to be clear, my clue says nothing about seat 14.

Grujah, you sound scummy because of your gruff werewolf voice.

Yeah, it says about 15, but it says something else to Ins.
Also, I have the funniest voice ever, I speak nasally and it sucks. (RL).
Why are you dodging the question? You voted for me as well.

Galz, not Steward. Why are you rolefishing? And how did you come to that idea.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 04:00:41 pm
Just to be clear, my clue says nothing about seat 14.

Grujah, you sound scummy because of your gruff werewolf voice.

Yeah, it says about 15, but it says something else to Ins.
Also, I have the funniest voice ever, I speak nasally and it sucks. (RL).
Why are you dodging the question? You voted for me as well.

Galz, not Steward. Why are you rolefishing? And how did you come to that idea.

Steward is the killer. Obviously. We just need to claim dominionnames.  :P

I will need time to read all this, including flavor.
I know somebody wasn't in their chair when the lights went out.

And I happen to know there is a Steward in the game, just not who it is. This quote of yours could've been a misdirection, and it seemed odd that you knew that there was one as well.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 04:06:21 pm
Just to be clear, my clue says nothing about seat 14.

Grujah, you sound scummy because of your gruff werewolf voice.

Yeah, it says about 15, but it says something else to Ins.
Also, I have the funniest voice ever, I speak nasally and it sucks. (RL).
Why are you dodging the question? You voted for me as well.

Galz, not Steward. Why are you rolefishing? And how did you come to that idea.

I voted for you way back when because you said something about "the wolves' side of the table" (thus implying you knew that the wolves were on the same side of the table, thus implying you were scum). You responded to it, actually.

unvote, vote Grujah

I'm voting for you now because I think you're a likely werewolf.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 30, 2012, 04:09:18 pm
Grujah, I voted for you because I did believe Ins's claim. It made sense to me given that Ozle's flavor said there was a bureaucrat, nobody's counterclaimed either role or seat.

...oh, and Cayvie's also in the same boat? Dammit, I missed her AND joth when searching the thread for "vote: insomniac" ??? ?

...oh, and you voted for ins before his roleclaim, and cayvie voted after? I have *got* to get less sloppy at this game. I could've sworn your vote for ins was after, but then when I went back to quote your post at you I couldn't find it. So your vote isn't actually the one that's scummy by the criteria that I was using to call you scummy. Vote: Cayvie I suppose.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 04:09:41 pm
I don't know that he is in the game. I was just putting "Butler is the killer" into Dominionworld.

You do? That's weird.


Missed anyone?

@cayvie - if you think that as I werewolf I would reveal such a thing, you really consider me very stupid.
I put it in plural by accident. Think whatever you want.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 04:10:58 pm
...oh, and you voted for ins before his roleclaim, and cayvie voted after? I have *got* to get less sloppy at this game. I could've sworn your vote for ins was after, but then when I went back to quote your post at you I couldn't find it. So your vote isn't actually the one that's scummy by the criteria that I was using to call you scummy. Vote: Cayvie I suppose.

Well, when I voted he actually pretty much claimed it by saying "I know his in the game and what his role is". If you want to keep it completely right.

And cayvie is just jumping on wagons like mad, I guess?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 04:11:14 pm
I don't know that he is in the game. I was just putting "Butler is the killer" into Dominionworld.

You do? That's weird.


Missed anyone?

@cayvie - if you think that as I werewolf I would reveal such a thing, you really consider me very stupid.
I put it in plural by accident. Think whatever you want.

Yep, I bought your explanation then.

What I don't buy is that you forgot about it later.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 04:11:34 pm
Grujah, I voted for you because I did believe Ins's claim. It made sense to me given that Ozle's flavor said there was a bureaucrat, nobody's counterclaimed either role or seat.

...oh, and Cayvie's also in the same boat? Dammit, I missed her AND joth when searching the thread for "vote: insomniac" ??? ?

...oh, and you voted for ins before his roleclaim, and cayvie voted after? I have *got* to get less sloppy at this game. I could've sworn your vote for ins was after, but then when I went back to quote your post at you I couldn't find it. So your vote isn't actually the one that's scummy by the criteria that I was using to call you scummy. Vote: Cayvie I suppose.

Page 11 I say what bcrat does effectively claiming it. He votes for me I then ACTUALLY claim it
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 04:12:47 pm
Grujah, I voted for you because I did believe Ins's claim. It made sense to me given that Ozle's flavor said there was a bureaucrat, nobody's counterclaimed either role or seat.

...oh, and Cayvie's also in the same boat? Dammit, I missed her AND joth when searching the thread for "vote: insomniac" ??? ?

...oh, and you voted for ins before his roleclaim, and cayvie voted after? I have *got* to get less sloppy at this game. I could've sworn your vote for ins was after, but then when I went back to quote your post at you I couldn't find it. So your vote isn't actually the one that's scummy by the criteria that I was using to call you scummy. Vote: Cayvie I suppose.

Yeah, and did you read why I voted Insomniac? Because, first, it turned out that his clue pretty much contained mine within it, and then, second, Grujah's clue disputed his.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 04:13:45 pm
Cayvie -
To me it seems now that you are faking your D1 MVI behavior - I.E. attacking people for completely stupid reasons.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 04:14:33 pm
Cayvie -
To me it seems now that you are faking your D1 MVI behavior - I.E. attacking people for completely stupid reasons.

That's neat.

It seems to me that you're reacting really strongly to having two votes on you.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 04:16:30 pm
Okay, I guess it's three votes.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 04:18:14 pm
Where has Morgrim been.

He has posted a grand total of 4 times in this game? But has been active enough to begin starting up BM5.

As far as I can tell he hasn't made any v/la announcement

Morgrim I would love to hear from you.

Until then morgrim7
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 04:18:26 pm
vote: Morgrim7
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 04:22:15 pm
Trying something here. I'm trying to gather information about a man my role pm described as "rather annoying". Anyone else have anything on him?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 04:24:09 pm
Trying something here. I'm trying to gather information about a man my role pm described as "rather annoying". Anyone else have anything on him?

My guy sounds kind of annoying from his description, always looking for people to impress.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 04:27:15 pm
Trying something here. I'm trying to gather information about a man my role pm described as "rather annoying". Anyone else have anything on him?

Somebody (yuma?) said that people do not like him.
My PMs also mentions that people don't like me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 04:28:53 pm
My question is probably useless then (if everyone but me is unlikable).

Why am I at this party again?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 04:29:20 pm
My question is probably useless then (if everyone but me is unlikable).

Why am I at this party again?

Free food?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 04:31:55 pm
My question is probably useless then (if everyone but me is unlikable).

Why am I at this party again?

Free food?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 04:32:16 pm
My question is probably useless then (if everyone but me is unlikable).

Why am I at this party again?

To kill Ozle?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 04:37:09 pm
Hey Galz, since you're around, what are your reads on Grujah, Insomniac, and myself?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 04:39:38 pm
shark_bait, are you willing to disclose the world traveler's seat number?

And do you have any reason to believe (or disbelieve) that the world traveler is the same person mentioned in Ozle's intro post as "from a strange far off land?"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 04:44:39 pm
My question is probably useless then (if everyone but me is unlikable).

Why am I at this party again?

Free food?
Lol'd, well done.

shark_bait, are you willing to disclose the world traveler's seat number?

And do you have any reason to believe (or disbelieve) that the world traveler is the same person mentioned in Ozle's intro post as "from a strange far off land?"
I have a theory. Didnt yuma say his character likes to brag about everything to everyone? Could he be the alleged world traveler?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 04:45:31 pm
I think he sits next to shark_bait. And shark_bait is on the other side of the table.
Maybe is sharky is 10.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 04:45:55 pm
My question is probably useless then (if everyone but me is unlikable).

Why am I at this party again?

Free food?
Lol'd, well done.

shark_bait, are you willing to disclose the world traveler's seat number?

And do you have any reason to believe (or disbelieve) that the world traveler is the same person mentioned in Ozle's intro post as "from a strange far off land?"
I have a theory. Didnt yuma say his character likes to brag about everything to everyone? Could he be the alleged world traveler?

I didn't, I think cayvie did... my character owes people money, or people owe money to him... hence the dislike
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 04:46:04 pm
Meant to say cayvie, ugh. No idea where yuma came from. I'm really bad at this no editing in case someone hasnt noticed.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 04:47:24 pm
Hey Galz, since you're around, what are your reads on Grujah, Insomniac, and myself?

You haven't stood out to me. I'm still trying to decide if Grujah's claim and Insomniac's claim are mutually exclusive, or if they could both be telling the truth. Certainly out brings the person in 14 under some question, and it would be nice to know if 13 or 15 (or anybody else) has any information regarding that seat.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 04:47:47 pm
Cayvie is also on other side of the table. So only of sharky is 16.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 04:49:19 pm
Meant to say cayvie, ugh. No idea where yuma came from. I'm really bad at this no editing in case someone hasnt noticed.


Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 04:49:23 pm
Hey Galz, since you're around, what are your reads on Grujah, Insomniac, and myself?

You haven't stood out to me. I'm still trying to decide if Grujah's claim and Insomniac's claim are mutually exclusive, or if they could both be telling the truth. Certainly out brings the person in 14 under some question, and it would be nice to know if 13 or 15 (or anybody else) has any information regarding that seat.

If it helps, I quoted mine exactly as I got it.
"You noticed the person in seat 14 was out of his chair before the lights went out."

@Galz - I still don't know why you voted Seat 15. Explain?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 04:50:06 pm
Meant to say cayvie, ugh. No idea where yuma came from. I'm really bad at this no editing in case someone hasnt noticed.


At least I correct mine right away!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 04:51:02 pm
Meant to say cayvie, ugh. No idea where yuma came from. I'm really bad at this no editing in case someone hasnt noticed.


At least I correct mine right away!

I DID try to! But I was busy! And NOT busy with scum hiding!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 04:51:55 pm
If it helps, I quoted mine exactly as I got it.
"You noticed the person in seat 14 was out of his chair before the lights went out."

I was about to ask exactly how the information was quoted in both your and Insom's PMs.  Thanks, Gruj.

Insom, could you quote exactly what your role PM told you about seat 14 (or let us know which post is the exact quote, if you've already done so)?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 04:53:34 pm
As a keen reporter, you would have noticed if anybody in the 3 seats (14,15,16) on the other side of you had moved during the darkness.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 04:54:05 pm
Hey Galz, since you're around, what are your reads on Grujah, Insomniac, and myself?

You haven't stood out to me. I'm still trying to decide if Grujah's claim and Insomniac's claim are mutually exclusive, or if they could both be telling the truth. Certainly out brings the person in 14 under some question, and it would be nice to know if 13 or 15 (or anybody else) has any information regarding that seat.

If it helps, I quoted mine exactly as I got it.
"You noticed the person in seat 14 was out of his chair before the lights went out."

@Galz - I still don't know why you voted Seat 15. Explain?

They took my requested seat number, and I was curious who it might be - If Sharky was lying about not sitting there or not.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 04:54:41 pm
shark_bait, are you willing to disclose the world traveler's seat number?

And do you have any reason to believe (or disbelieve) that the world traveler is the same person mentioned in Ozle's intro post as "from a strange far off land?"

Not right now/today.

I believe that the "World Traveler" and man "from a strange and far off land" are different.  My PM said that the man I talked to was famous and that he traveled the world.  I did not get the feel that he was actually from a far off land, merely that he had traveled to distant places all over the globe.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 04:56:40 pm
QUESTION: Could 14 not be in their seat right now?

If Gruj says they were not there when the lights went off, and Ins said there was no movement in 14 during the darkness, it stands to reason they are not in their seat now, correct?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 04:56:53 pm
Hey Galz, since you're around, what are your reads on Grujah, Insomniac, and myself?

You haven't stood out to me. I'm still trying to decide if Grujah's claim and Insomniac's claim are mutually exclusive, or if they could both be telling the truth. Certainly out brings the person in 14 under some question, and it would be nice to know if 13 or 15 (or anybody else) has any information regarding that seat.

If it helps, I quoted mine exactly as I got it.
"You noticed the person in seat 14 was out of his chair before the lights went out."

@Galz - I still don't know why you voted Seat 15. Explain?

They took my requested seat number, and I was curious who it might be - If Sharky was lying about not sitting there or not.

If I counted right, I was the 11th person to sign up.  I'm guessing someone had already selected 15 so I was delegated to a different open seat.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 04:57:26 pm
Hey Galz, since you're around, what are your reads on Grujah, Insomniac, and myself?

You haven't stood out to me. I'm still trying to decide if Grujah's claim and Insomniac's claim are mutually exclusive, or if they could both be telling the truth. Certainly out brings the person in 14 under some question, and it would be nice to know if 13 or 15 (or anybody else) has any information regarding that seat.

If it helps, I quoted mine exactly as I got it.
"You noticed the person in seat 14 was out of his chair before the lights went out."

@Galz - I still don't know why you voted Seat 15. Explain?

They took my requested seat number, and I was curious who it might be - If Sharky was lying about not sitting there or not.

If I counted right, I was the 11th person to sign up.  I'm guessing someone had already selected 15 so I was delegated to a different open seat.

Seats were not first come first serve.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 04:57:29 pm
QUESTION: Could 14 not be in their seat right now?

If Gruj says they were not there when the lights went off, and Ins said there was no movement in 14 during the darkness, it stands to reason they are not in their seat now, correct?

arguably none of us are we are walking around and talking to each other
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:00:45 pm
QUESTION: Could 14 not be in their seat right now?

If Gruj says they were not there when the lights went off, and Ins said there was no movement in 14 during the darkness, it stands to reason they are not in their seat now, correct?

Well, he might have came back after the lights came back.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:04:40 pm
Timchen posted this:

From my role PM: me and the person sit on my right are talking about people seating 22 and 23 when the room went dark. We are on the opposite side. Hopefully this is useful for some.

maybe he's the world traveler?

But shark_bait suggested a different topic of discussion.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 05:05:51 pm
This line from the intro:

When illumination was finally restored, everyone was back in their seats, looking around.

seems to indicate that the occupant of Seat 14 was in his chair by the time the lights came back on.

Grujah claims the person in Seat 14 wasn't in his chair when the lights went off.
Insomniac claims that if the person in Seat 14 moved during the darkness, he'd know it.
When the lights came on, the person in Seat 14 was in his chair.

It seems to me Gruj's and Insom's claims must be contradictory... because if they were both telling the truth, Mr. 14 could not have returned to his seat during the darkness (or Insom would know it); and yet there he was when the lights came on, per the mod.

The questions are:  which one is lying, and why.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 05:08:00 pm
Maybe the person in seat 14 is a Ninja (
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:10:01 pm
Ninja is kinda scummy modifier.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:13:19 pm
The questions are:  which one is lying, and why.

I fail to see a reason to lie; one thing all factions want is to find the Murderer. I guess.. Vote: Seat 14.

Murder FoS: Eevee - Nobody seems to like any of us, except him. He want to not be liked by killing Ozle (whom also nobody likes, but anyhow).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 05:15:20 pm
Do we know that lynching the murderer a good thing to do?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 05:16:22 pm
Do we know that lynching the murderer a good thing to do?
No, I dont think so. Guessing who he/she is, is!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 05:16:35 pm
The Rules:

•         The Murderer could be of any alignment.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:17:50 pm
Do we know that lynching the murderer a good thing to do?

This is to call him out in order for him to clarify things.

Also, in case he's a Ninja indeed.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 05:19:36 pm
I think the murderer should confess, so the rest of us can win.

It's a very pro-town action, assuming most of the party guests are town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:22:13 pm
I think the murderer should confess, so the rest of us can win.

It's a very pro-town action, assuming most of the party guests are town.

Also we might actually do scumhunting.  ;D

Your oppinion on this:
Can the murderer win by accusing himself via PM?

I ask this, because it might answer these questions:
Does murderer know he's a murderer AND
Is murderer really one of us.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 05:22:20 pm
I think the murderer should confess, so the rest of us can win.

It's a very pro-town action, assuming most of the party guests are town.
Only the guy guessing it first "wins". I'm guessing the murderer wins if he/she gets away with it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:23:32 pm
We all accuse a person on our left. One is bound to win.

I guess he is one of us, cuz if he dies we cannot win. :/
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 05:28:21 pm
I think the murderer should confess, so the rest of us can win.

It's a very pro-town action, assuming most of the party guests are town.
Only the guy guessing it first "wins". I'm guessing the murderer wins if he/she gets away with it.

Where do you get this from? From what I can see, everyone who successfully accuses wins.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 05:28:53 pm
I'm the murderer!

*I'm joking*
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 30, 2012, 05:29:44 pm
I think the murderer should confess, so the rest of us can win.

It's a very pro-town action, assuming most of the party guests are town.
Only the guy guessing it first "wins". I'm guessing the murderer wins if he/she gets away with it.

Where do you get this from? From what I can see, everyone who successfully accuses wins.

I totally want to false claim killer, thus ensuring that the killer and I are the only ones who can win.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 05:32:32 pm
I think the murderer should confess, so the rest of us can win.

It's a very pro-town action, assuming most of the party guests are town.
Only the guy guessing it first "wins". I'm guessing the murderer wins if he/she gets away with it.

Where do you get this from? From what I can see, everyone who successfully accuses wins.

I totally want to false claim killer, thus ensuring that the killer and I are the only ones who can win.

I'd counterclaim.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 05:36:30 pm
shark_bait, are you willing to disclose the world traveler's seat number?

And do you have any reason to believe (or disbelieve) that the world traveler is the same person mentioned in Ozle's intro post as "from a strange far off land?"

Not right now/today.

I believe that the "World Traveler" and man "from a strange and far off land" are different.  My PM said that the man I talked to was famous and that he traveled the world.  I did not get the feel that he was actually from a far off land, merely that he had traveled to distant places all over the globe.

Fair enough, shark_bait.  One other question.  In your role PM, was the world traveler described with any out-of-the-ordinary adjectives/traits?  Like how Eevee said his PM refers specifically to an "annoying" individual? 

I'm trying to find info about a certain "adjectival man" mentioned in my PM.  I'm purposely NOT disclosing the adjective at this time because I don't want to tip off this player (whoever it is).  There is a possibility that the world traveler and my "adjectival man" are one and the same - and if that's the case, I'm pretty sure the traveler would have been described with this same adjective (or a synonym) in shark_bait's PM.

(No, my "adjectival man's" adjective is not "annoying."  I don't think Eevee and I are after the same person.)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:37:05 pm
I think the murderer should confess, so the rest of us can win.

It's a very pro-town action, assuming most of the party guests are town.
Only the guy guessing it first "wins". I'm guessing the murderer wins if he/she gets away with it.

Where do you get this from? From what I can see, everyone who successfully accuses wins.

I guess Eevee assumed that when somebody guesses, he will than gather as all and explain in Poaro style?

Jo, why lurking?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 05:40:37 pm
The exact adjective from my PM used to describe him is "famous".  After all, he has traveled the world ;)

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 05:40:53 pm
Oh, I actually have work to do at work today. So I have to pick and choose my mafia-ing. Kinda looks like I'm going to have to take work home with me too.

: (
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 05:41:41 pm
I am just going to go ahead and side claim. I am on the right side of the table (Ozle's left).

Is Robz V/LA? He hasn't posted in four days.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 05:46:27 pm
The exact adjective from my PM used to describe him is "famous".  After all, he has traveled the world ;)

Thanks, shark_bait.  That's not the adjective I was looking for, but that's OK:  it eliminates one possibility (i.e., my "adjectival man" doesn't seem to be your world traveler).

This question is for everyone:  Does anyone's PM refer to the "man from a far-off land" mentioned in Ozle's intro post?  And if so, what adjective(s) are used to describe him?

I'm not accusing "far-off land man" of anything (at least right now).  I'm just trying to determine if my "adjectival man" is the same as the intro post's "far-off land man."
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:48:23 pm
I am just going to go ahead and side claim. I am on the right side of the table (Ozle's left).

Is Robz V/LA? He hasn't posted in four days.

Him and tim.

I only called out jo cuz I saw he was looking at the thread.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 05:51:54 pm
I'm a posting machine. I've earned a good lurk every now and again. Also I'm happy to at least consider any questions asked me. Here's a freebie: To my knowledge, I'm neither famous, annoying, nor particularly ill-liked (except by Ozle himself). Here's another: Assuming Grujah's chart is accurate, I've figured out the whole right side of the table.

I sort of feel like we should be looking at heading into a night phase pretty soon. Am I currently Vote: Insomniac -ing? I thought I was, but people keep ignoring me and I haven't seen a vote count in ages.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:54:10 pm
Timchen is also probably 15-16. I.e. didn't move as per Insomniac.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 05:54:31 pm
The exact adjective from my PM used to describe him is "famous".  After all, he has traveled the world ;)

Thanks, shark_bait.  That's not the adjective I was looking for, but that's OK:  it eliminates one possibility (i.e., my "adjectival man" doesn't seem to be your world traveler).

This question is for everyone:  Does anyone's PM refer to the "man from a far-off land" mentioned in Ozle's intro post?  And if so, what adjective(s) are used to describe him?

I'm not accusing "far-off land man" of anything (at least right now).  I'm just trying to determine if my "adjectival man" is the same as the intro post's "far-off land man."

I am hated and there is talk of someone that is "wimpy"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 05:55:06 pm
I'm a posting machine. I've earned a good lurk every now and again. Also I'm happy to at least consider any questions asked me. Here's a freebie: To my knowledge, I'm neither famous, annoying, nor particularly ill-liked (except by Ozle himself). Here's another: Assuming Grujah's chart is accurate, I've figured out the whole right side of the table.

Really. Where am I sitting? (I won't tell you whether you're correct or not)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:55:59 pm
I'm a posting machine. I've earned a good lurk every now and again. Also I'm happy to at least consider any questions asked me. Here's a freebie: To my knowledge, I'm neither famous, annoying, nor particularly ill-liked (except by Ozle himself). Here's another: Assuming Grujah's chart is accurate, I've figured out the whole right side of the table.

Really. Where am I sitting? (I won't tell you whether you're correct or not)

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 05:57:33 pm
I'm a posting machine. I've earned a good lurk every now and again. Also I'm happy to at least consider any questions asked me. Here's a freebie: To my knowledge, I'm neither famous, annoying, nor particularly ill-liked (except by Ozle himself). Here's another: Assuming Grujah's chart is accurate, I've figured out the whole right side of the table.

Really. Where am I sitting? (I won't tell you whether you're correct or not)

That's what I had too, but if not that 20.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 05:58:03 pm
Wait, that was a tricky way of figuring out where I'm sitting. And I fell for it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 05:58:15 pm
SO jo is 18-19.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 05:59:10 pm
SO jo is 18-19.

Probably 18 if he's not sure who's in seat 20.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 30, 2012, 05:59:38 pm
Argh, just noticed a typo in a role PM, knew it couldnt be that easy.

Insomniacs role PM should NOT mention seat 14, missed that in my double checking!

Sorry about that, there was a lot of information to keep track of.

I have double checked everyone elses and it looks ok, but will keep an eye on it
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 06:00:04 pm
Wait, that was a tricky way of figuring out where I'm sitting. And I fell for it.

It wasn't intentionally a seatfish but it works out that way, yeah. Sorry :/
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 06:05:00 pm
Seatfish kind of sounds like really unpleasant animal. Or some sort of bizarre ritual prank where you put a fish in someone's chair to mess with them. Ok, I'm leaving now, back in a bit I imagine.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 06:15:37 pm
Argh, just noticed a typo in a role PM, knew it couldnt be that easy.

Insomniacs role PM should NOT mention seat 14, missed that in my double checking!

Sorry about that, there was a lot of information to keep track of.

I have double checked everyone elses and it looks ok, but will keep an eye on it

Uhmm ok. I guess if my pm doesn't mention 14 anymore Vote: Seat 14
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 06:23:46 pm
Uhmm ok. I guess if my pm doesn't mention 14 anymore Vote: Seat 14

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 06:30:33 pm
Uhmm ok. I guess if my pm doesn't mention 14 anymore Vote: Seat 14


Because they were out of there seat and didn't come forward with information durin this debacle with grujah and myself
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 06:48:04 pm
Has anybody suspected Lekkit?

Quite serious here:

Vote: Lekkit
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 06:51:14 pm
He's not in the game?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 06:52:43 pm
I have further information concerning Seat 14.  Before Ozle's latest post, I was waiting to disclose it until after both Insomniac and Grujah had responded re: the fact that one of them seemed to be lying.  (I had reason to suspect one more than the other, but wanted to see them fully commit to their stories first, in the face of my having just pointed out that their stories could not BOTH be true based on the intro post.) 

But before Insom replied, Ozle clarified in-thread that their statements are NOT mutually exclusive.  So I can, and will, provide the further information I have - but, and this is a big but, I am worried that if I just disclose it right now I will blow a chance for the town to potentially catch scum.  (Not the murderer.  Scum.)

To make my disclosure more effective, I need everyone to respond, one way or the other, to my questions about the "far-off land man."  I'll repeat them here, along with an additional question:

1. Does your PM make any reference to the "man from a far-off land" mentioned in Ozle's intro post?
2. If so, what adjective(s) are used to describe that individual?

Once everyone has weighed in on these questions, I'll disclose what I know about Seat 14.

PPE:  Galz, do you have reason to suspect Lekkit is a ghost player?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 06:53:53 pm
He's not in the game?

Oh, I disagree. See, our Mod was killed. His body is accounted for. But what about our BACKUP MOD?

Vote Count Bitch (Back up Mod) - Lekkit

Where's he? He obviously wanted to run Ozle's Provinces for himself - so he made a power play to remove Ozle from the picture. But he's not yet been accounted for? Where is he?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 06:56:26 pm
I've got no information for you Volt. He hasn't been referenced to me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 06:56:51 pm
Volt: Nope, nothing.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 06:56:59 pm
@Galz - A wolf? A man from far off lands? In Axxle's seat? On Seat 14? World Traveler? Crazy Uncle Ungor? A blue dog?

1. No.
2. See 1.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 06:57:13 pm
1. Does your PM make any reference to the "man from a far-off land" mentioned in Ozle's intro post?
2. If so, what adjective(s) are used to describe that individual?

1. No. An "interesting guy" is mentioned. That's the closest it gets.
2. N/A
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 30, 2012, 07:12:56 pm

People seemed to have figured out one half of the table.  I haven't.

17 yuma
18 (robz mogrim cayvie jo) Probably jo?
19 (robz mogrim cayvie jo) Maybe jo?
20 (robz mogrim cayvie)
21 grujah
22 insomniac
23 (robz mogrim cayvie ) Probably cayvie?

Is there public information that I'm forgetting that narrows down robz and mogrim? Or does jo just have private info about their whereabouts?

The modslip makes seat 14 look scummy because they didn't help clear up the confusion. But Volt has something going on with that, so not FoSing seat 14 yet.

1. Does your PM make any reference to the "man from a far-off land" mentioned in Ozle's intro post?
2. If so, what adjective(s) are used to describe that individual?

1. No.
2. N/a

Galzria, what on earth are you talking about with Lekkit?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 07:13:46 pm
I have nothing volt my pm has been given out to the town already
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 07:15:54 pm

Nothing I haven't mentioned already
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 07:16:30 pm

People seemed to have figured out one half of the table.  I haven't.

17 yuma
18 (robz mogrim cayvie jo) Probably jo?
19 (robz mogrim cayvie jo) Maybe jo?
20 (robz mogrim cayvie)
21 grujah
22 insomniac
23 (robz mogrim cayvie ) Probably cayvie?

Is there public information that I'm forgetting that narrows down robz and mogrim? Or does jo just have private info about their whereabouts?

The modslip makes seat 14 look scummy because they didn't help clear up the confusion. But Volt has something going on with that, so not FoSing seat 14 yet.

1. Does your PM make any reference to the "man from a far-off land" mentioned in Ozle's intro post?
2. If so, what adjective(s) are used to describe that individual?

1. No.
2. N/a

Galzria, what on earth are you talking about with Lekkit?

All players are in the Room. Mod is in the Room. Why isn't the back-up Mod in the room?
In MVI, Dsell was killed N0 just like O.
Where is Lekkit?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 07:19:35 pm

People seemed to have figured out one half of the table.  I haven't.

17 yuma
18 (robz mogrim cayvie jo) Probably jo?
19 (robz mogrim cayvie jo) Maybe jo?
20 (robz mogrim cayvie)
21 grujah
22 insomniac
23 (robz mogrim cayvie ) Probably cayvie?

Is there public information that I'm forgetting that narrows down robz and mogrim? Or does jo just have private info about their whereabouts?

The modslip makes seat 14 look scummy because they didn't help clear up the confusion. But Volt has something going on with that, so not FoSing seat 14 yet.

1. Does your PM make any reference to the "man from a far-off land" mentioned in Ozle's intro post?
2. If so, what adjective(s) are used to describe that individual?

1. No.
2. N/a

Galzria, what on earth are you talking about with Lekkit?

In the original sign-up post, Ozle ninja-added Lekkit as our back-up mod. Well, it stands to reason that if the body of our main mod is dead and accounted for, but the body of our backup mod is NOT accounted for, he must be alive somewhere.

And who would have better motivation to kill our Mod then the person stuck in his shadow, never getting the chance to rule? Lekkit has the perfect motivation, he was ninja-added as being involved, and he's unaccounted for. That all spells mischief to me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 30, 2012, 07:27:43 pm
Also volt I'm not lying Im fully invested and Havent been counterclaimed on a role we know is around
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 07:37:34 pm
Thanks all who have responded to my questions so far. 

Still waiting to hear from:

- Captain_Frisk
- jotheonah
- Morgrim7
- Robz888
- shark_bait
- timchen

I think Galz's Lekkit theory is equal parts improbable and brilliant  :)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 30, 2012, 07:40:09 pm
BTW, should we start worrying about the deadline? Isn't it, like... one week? So we have until sometime mid this week to lynch?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 07:42:39 pm
With 14 alive it takes 8 to lynch. There is no majority deadline day lynch, if you cant work together to string people up, what hope do you have of finding Ozle's murderer![/color]

Ozle did say this at one point
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 07:45:45 pm
Volt, I don't have any such information.

@ftl I have a little info in my PM, and it enabled me to make an inference about Robz's seat. I could be wrong.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 07:47:54 pm
BTW, should we start worrying about the deadline? Isn't it, like... one week? So we have until sometime mid this week to lynch?

Deadline is Thursday, 9 p.m. BST, per the intro post. 

I am hoping that everyone responds to my questions sometime tonight, as I expect the results - when combined with the additional info I will be disclosing - will give us a potential scum target for the lynch.  At the very least, it will be an option that should be better than pure random chance.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 07:49:15 pm
Well, I just sent in my accusation to Ozle. Hopefully this will help me stay focused.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 07:53:24 pm
Well, I just sent in my accusation to Ozle. Hopefully this will help me stay focused.

Meaning: Is in fact murderer, covering for himself.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 30, 2012, 07:53:48 pm
Answer: no
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 30, 2012, 07:54:36 pm

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 07:59:00 pm
Well, I just sent in my accusation to Ozle. Hopefully this will help me stay focused.

Meaning: Is in fact murderer, covering for himself.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 30, 2012, 08:11:24 pm
We'll be expecting brilliant scumhunting insights if you're no longer worried about finding out who the murderer is  8)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 30, 2012, 08:23:30 pm
Morgrim, after a long thought, stood up from the table with urgency, knocking his chair to the ground. Yuma's vote for him was the least of his concerns now. Robz, Jo, and Cayvie will you please disclose your seat numbers? Morgrim will, if you woud like. He has some good info. Really good info that will help the town immensely.

Also, RMM2 hasn't started yet, yuma, still looking for more players. nudge nudge wink wink.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 08:25:27 pm
Morgrim, after a long thought, stood up from the table with urgency, knocking his chair to the ground. Yuma's vote for him was the least of his concerns now. Robz, Jo, and Cayvie will you please disclose your seat numbers? Morgrim will, if you woud like. He has some good info. Really good info that will help the town immensely.

Also, RMM2 hasn't started yet, yuma, still looking for more players. nudge nudge wink wink.

I am already in two games, which is enough for me...

You should probably answer volt's query as well.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 08:27:11 pm
Well, if we all do, then it shouldn't be too hard to pigeonhole your seat, morg ;)

I'm totally okay with disclosing my seat if 2 of jo, morg, and robz are.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 30, 2012, 08:30:31 pm
I will. I am seat 23.
Also, did Volt ask me a question?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 08:31:37 pm
1. Does your PM make any reference to the "man from a far-off land" mentioned in Ozle's intro post?
2. If so, what adjective(s) are used to describe that individual?

Once everyone has weighed in on these questions, I'll disclose what I know about Seat 14.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 30, 2012, 08:35:45 pm
1. Does your PM make any reference to the "man from a far-off land" mentioned in Ozle's intro post?
2. If so, what adjective(s) are used to describe that individual?

Once everyone has weighed in on these questions, I'll disclose what I know about Seat 14.
1) No
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 08:49:50 pm
Morgrim, after a long thought, stood up from the table with urgency, knocking his chair to the ground. Yuma's vote for him was the least of his concerns now. Robz, Jo, and Cayvie will you please disclose your seat numbers? Morgrim will, if you woud like. He has some good info. Really good info that will help the town immensely.

Also, RMM2 hasn't started yet, yuma, still looking for more players. nudge nudge wink wink.

So, about that info...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 30, 2012, 08:55:08 pm
I need Cayvie, Robz, and Jo to claim seats first.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 08:55:27 pm
I am seat 20.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 09:01:40 pm
ftl, what were you doing out of your seat?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 09:17:38 pm
I ain't claimin nothing else.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 09:18:53 pm
DIdn't we all agree a full seat claim was nuts at the start of the day? But now because Morgrim, the pillar of towny trustworthiness and smart play, has requested, you all agree? I don't get it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 09:20:05 pm
DIdn't we all agree a full seat claim was nuts at the start of the day? But now because Morgrim, the pillar of towny trustworthiness and smart play, has requested, you all agree? I don't get it.

He says he has valuable town info.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 09:21:31 pm
Also, "you all agree"?

Just me so far, dude.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 09:22:46 pm
DIdn't we all agree a full seat claim was nuts at the start of the day? But now because Morgrim, the pillar of towny trustworthiness and smart play, has requested, you all agree? I don't get it.

You are 18 (more likely) or 19 (less likely) anyhow. Big deal.
Unless you are worried because
You are 18, and you slipped the knife to yuma.

Morg, can't you just say it ? You got almost all info.

And we didn't all agree, I wasn't even there until page 6.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 30, 2012, 09:24:25 pm
Still want at least Robz…
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 09:25:12 pm
DIdn't we all agree a full seat claim was nuts at the start of the day? But now because Morgrim, the pillar of towny trustworthiness and smart play, has requested, you all agree? I don't get it.
Its not like we dont have most of the people figured out anyways. If morgrim has valuable town info, I think we want to hear it even if it means claiming some more seats. And I was against the claiming business at first!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 09:25:39 pm
Still want at least Robz…

Well, he's V/LA, and we have a deadline this Thurs.

Up to you how long you want to wait.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 09:28:29 pm
Morg, here is the setup, so far known (in case you missed some):

17 yuma
18 jo/Robz
19 Robz/jo
20 cayvie
21 Grujah
22 Ins
23 Morg

Robz was online just few minutes ago, now went away :(
I'm off to sleep.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 30, 2012, 09:31:03 pm
Ok, fine. Assuming that yumas table seat thing is correct, and that you people have not been lying, and that Ozle was not lying when he sent me my role PM, then I am sure that one of these three people is a Warewolf: Grujah, Robz888, and Jotheonah. And yes, I am sure it is warewolf. Mafia and SKs are human, correct?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 09:32:08 pm
Ok, fine. Assuming that yumas table seat thing is correct, and that you people have not been lying, and that Ozle was not lying when he sent me my role PM, then I am sure that one of these three people is a Warewolf: Grujah, Robz888, and Jotheonah. And yes, I am sure it is warewolf. Mafia and SKs are human, correct?
If we only have a lone wolf, it is probably the SK.

Other than that, yes.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 09:34:28 pm
Cayvie's gonna love this.  ::)

jo was kinda dodgey on revealing seat numbers.
And Robz is just weirdly AFK.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 30, 2012, 09:35:22 pm
Oh, werewolf, sorry. Shoot! I forgot to post in flavor!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 09:38:58 pm
If you knew I was seat 19, would that clear me?

Before you tell me, I'm seat 19.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 30, 2012, 09:47:25 pm
Just wondering, if perhaps Morgrim is the hairy one... I'll keep my vote on him for now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 09:47:46 pm
How much do we trust this?
Also how much do we trust that Morgrim didn't screw up somehow?

It seems unfair that I got info about 1 person not being in their seat and Morgrim almost gets a conf. scum in role PM.
Do we know that wolf is scum? I know that this seems like I'm trying to clear myself, but it is a fair question.
I mean, we can lynch one of us 3 (Well, not me, for I am sure that I'm town aligned), but what is guaranteed.
Also, my guess is that Morg got info that one of those are not human - he assumed wolf. I am human.
I'd like more info on this tell.

jo, why first so much against revealing seat and now you reveal seat so that you "maybe might be cleared". Survivalist tell much?

Wild-Theory: this is scum morg, and he's setting up 3 townie lynches.  ;D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 30, 2012, 09:49:09 pm
Wild-Theory: this is scum morg, and he's setting up 3 townie lynches.  ;D

Better theory - Morgrim and the other 3 are all scum, but Morgrim can identify the killer and doesn't care about his wincon if he gets the murderer.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 30, 2012, 09:53:30 pm
jo, why first so much against revealing seat and now you reveal seat so that you "maybe might be cleared". Survivalist tell much?

At first, didn't do it cause there was no reason to.

Then, did it because there was a reason to.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 09:55:38 pm
ftl, what were you doing out of your seat?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 09:59:21 pm
Ok, fine. Assuming that yumas table seat thing is correct, and that you people have not been lying, and that Ozle was not lying when he sent me my role PM, then I am sure that one of these three people is a Warewolf: Grujah, Robz888, and Jotheonah. And yes, I am sure it is warewolf. Mafia and SKs are human, correct?

So, wait, you got a read on seats 18, 19, and 21? Skipping over me in seat 20?

Also: are you sure that exactly one or at least one of them is a werewolf?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 30, 2012, 10:01:00 pm
How much do we trust this?
Also how much do we trust that Morgrim didn't screw up somehow?

It seems unfair that I got info about 1 person not being in their seat and Morgrim almost gets a conf. scum in role PM.
Do we know that wolf is scum? I know that this seems like I'm trying to clear myself, but it is a fair question.
I mean, we can lynch one of us 3 (Well, not me, for I am sure that I'm town aligned), but what is guaranteed.
Also, my guess is that Morg got info that one of those are not human - he assumed wolf. I am human.
I'd like more info on this tell.

jo, why first so much against revealing seat and now you reveal seat so that you "maybe might be cleared". Survivalist tell much?

Wild-Theory: this is scum morg, and he's setting up 3 townie lynches.  ;D

Actually, Screw that. We got at least something.

a) Morgrim - how do you know this?
b) Vote: jotheonah
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 10:06:57 pm
inclined to believe morgrim. jot sounds genuine and acts reasonable. grujah is coming off very panicked and suspicious.

let me try this pressure vote thing you all keep preaching to me about:
Vote: Grujah

Would be great if you coukd be a bit more specific morgrim!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 10:57:13 pm
If Morgrim's info is correct, it blows anything I have to offer out of the water.

Morgrim: what adjectives are used in your role PM to describe the occupants of seats 18, 19, and/or 21?

A note:  jo at 19 and Robz at 18 makes sense, as Robz had info about yuma earlier in the thread - that yuma didn't leave his seat, if I recall correctly - and in 18 (next to yuma at 17) would have been ideally positioned to have such info.

I really want to see Robz's response to Morgrim's claim.

Galz, your question to ftl is getting lost in the shuffle.  Whatever is going on there may need to wait until the Morgrim bombshell is sorted.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 10:59:23 pm
If Morgrim's info is correct, it blows anything I have to offer out of the water.

Morgrim: what adjectives are used in your role PM to describe the occupants of seats 18, 19, and/or 21?

A note:  jo at 19 and Robz at 18 makes sense, as Robz had info about yuma earlier in the thread - that yuma didn't leave his seat, if I recall correctly - and in 18 (next to yuma at 17) would have been ideally positioned to have such info.

I really want to see Robz's response to Morgrim's claim.

Galz, your question to ftl is getting lost in the shuffle.  Whatever is going on there may need to wait until the Morgrim bombshell is sorted.

Actually, it can be dropped, I think. I've figured out the sides, and if I'm right about your info, I know who the traveler is.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 30, 2012, 11:12:51 pm
Unofficial vote count, I think (someone holler if I've got this wrong):

Insomniac (1): jotheonah
Grujah (1): Eevee
cayvie (1): ftl
Morgrim7 (1): yuma
jotheonah (1): Grujah
Seat 14 (1): Insomniac
Lekkit (1): Galzria

Not voting (7): Captain_Frisk, cayvie, Morgrim7, Robz888, shark_bait, timchen, Voltgloss

I'm not sure if Galzria's vote for Lekkit is valid.  If not, his (Galz's) last vote before that was on Grujah.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 30, 2012, 11:15:16 pm
If Morgrim's info is correct, it blows anything I have to offer out of the water.

Morgrim: what adjectives are used in your role PM to describe the occupants of seats 18, 19, and/or 21?

A note:  jo at 19 and Robz at 18 makes sense, as Robz had info about yuma earlier in the thread - that yuma didn't leave his seat, if I recall correctly - and in 18 (next to yuma at 17) would have been ideally positioned to have such info.

I really want to see Robz's response to Morgrim's claim.

Galz, your question to ftl is getting lost in the shuffle.  Whatever is going on there may need to wait until the Morgrim bombshell is sorted.

Sorry guys! I am very behind, I have an uncommonly busy week. I am moving, got a new job, attending a seminar, craziness. Trying to keep up at night. I will have to look and see what Morgrim's claim is, but I am indeed in seat 18.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 11:20:27 pm
Volt, would confirming who is in seat 15 help you at all?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 30, 2012, 11:21:52 pm
My role specifies that exactly one of there three (seats 18, 19 and 21) are werewolf. The others are not.
To be more clear, my PM said at leas one is not human.

If you want to lynch me that is fine.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 30, 2012, 11:23:40 pm
My role specifies that exactly one of there three (seats 18, 19 and 21) are werewolf. The others are not.
To be more clear, my PM said at leas one is not human.

If you want to lynch me that is fine.

That's really interesting.

I was told that the persons sitting on either side of me, and across from me, did not move when the lights went off (I am in Seat 18, and am not a werewolf). Volt, I was not told about a traveler from a far off land.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 11:23:58 pm
If you want to lynch me that is fine.
That is not fine. Unless you are softclaiming scum?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 30, 2012, 11:25:00 pm
My role specifies that exactly one of there three (seats 18, 19 and 21) are werewolf. The others are not.
To be more clear, my PM said at leas one is not human.

Does that imply that there is more than one non-human faction here?

If you want to lynch me that is fine.

Oh, hi Morgrim!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 30, 2012, 11:25:08 pm
My role specifies that exactly one of there three (seats 18, 19 and 21) are werewolf. The others are not.
To be more clear, my PM said at leas one is not human.

If you want to lynch me that is fine.

Don't want to lynch you, just need exact details. "Not Human" and "WW" are indeed very different.

Any ideas why 20 was skipped? Does your PM indicate why those 3 seats? Was it something you heard? Saw? Was it a smell?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 30, 2012, 11:26:50 pm
Seconded, could you tell us how you came to have this knowledge?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 31, 2012, 12:52:38 am
Role PM.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 01:00:48 am
Role PM.

Morgrim, you are allowed to quote your PM, or any part of it, as long as you omit wincon information. It would be really helpful if we knew the exact wording that detailed to you "One of 18, 29, or 21 isn't human" - because it COULD make a difference.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 01:06:33 am
Role PM.

Morgrim, you are allowed to quote your PM, or any part of it, as long as you omit wincon information. It would be really helpful if we knew the exact wording that detailed to you "One of 18, 29, or 21 isn't human" - because it COULD make a difference.

Echoing this.  Based on the info I have, it could make a very significant difference. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 01:09:13 am
Volt, you didn't answer my question. Would the identity of 15 help you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 01:12:37 am
Volt, you didn't answer my question. Would the identity of 15 help you?

Are you trying to find out if I am in seat 15? 

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 01:15:52 am
Volt, you didn't answer my question. Would the identity of 15 help you?

Are you trying to find out if I am in seat 15?

No, I am pretty sure I know your seat.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 01:18:33 am
Volt, you didn't answer my question. Would the identity of 15 help you?

Are you trying to find out if I am in seat 15?

No, I am pretty sure I know your seat.

Fair enough.  I want to hear Morgrim's details first though before I come back to your question.  I also want to hear from Robz and timchen in response to my questions-at-large (about the "man from a far off land").  Once that info comes in, I'll circle back to you on the #15 question if necessary.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 01:25:53 am
I do not think Robz will have answers for you regarding that man. I believe Timchen will however.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 31, 2012, 01:26:37 am
…you were looking right when the lights went out, and the two people sitting in seats 18, 19, and 21 looked very shocked.
Emphasis mine.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 01:27:51 am
Doesn't that just suggest that one of the three of us wasnt in our seat?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 01:30:08 am
I do not think Robz will have answers for you regarding that man. I believe Timchen will however.

Good to know, thanks.

…you were looking right when the lights went out, and the two people sitting in seats 18, 19, and 21 looked very shocked.
Emphasis mine.


I... um.  I don't read this as having anything to do with werewolves.

I read this as, "when the lights went out, there were only two people among seats 18, 19, and 21, because the third seat was vacant."

I don't think this is saying, "one of these occupants isn't a person."  I think this is saying, "one of these chairs was empty when the lights went out."

Still important and useful information.  Either jo, Robz, or Grujah was out of their seat when the lights went out.  But... is it werewolf-related?  I don't think it is.

PPE: yes, jo, that's exactly how I'm reading it too.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 01:50:48 am
And, per RObz and my PMs, the people on either side of us were both seated. So it's Grujah who was up and about.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 31, 2012, 03:32:33 am
The two people in the three seats looked shocked. If one person was out of their seat, then Ozle would have left that person out.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 31, 2012, 03:37:20 am
I haven't been on as much today as I'd like, sorry. Time to catch up.

Ok, fine. Assuming that yumas table seat thing is correct, and that you people have not been lying, and that Ozle was not lying when he sent me my role PM, then I am sure that one of these three people is a Warewolf: Grujah, Robz888, and Jotheonah. And yes, I am sure it is warewolf. Mafia and SKs are human, correct?

...well, good stuff came out of seatclaims, then! Though if it's 1/3, that's still not much better odds than guessing randomly from everyone. I'd vote either Robz or Grujah. Robz for lurking, Grujah because his name has come up as scummy before. Joth is also not cleared, for avoiding seatclaims, but would be my third choice.

Actually, it can be dropped, I think. I've figured out the sides, and if I'm right about your info, I know who the traveler is.

Oh, ok. Well, I'll remove the sarcastic response to you that I had written while going through the thread 8)

who's the traveler and what's the importance of that? I don't know what's going on there.

Unofficial vote count, I think (someone holler if I've got this wrong):

Insomniac (1): jotheonah
Grujah (1): Eevee
cayvie (1): ftl
Morgrim7 (1): yuma
jotheonah (1): Grujah
Seat 14 (1): Insomniac
Lekkit (1): Galzria

Not voting (7): Captain_Frisk, cayvie, Morgrim7, Robz888, shark_bait, timchen, Voltgloss

I'm not sure if Galzria's vote for Lekkit is valid.  If not, his (Galz's) last vote before that was on Grujah.

Hah, have we really not had a single wagon up to this point. Nothing? Nobody with more than 1 vote. And nobody's acting scummy enough to be a target, except the three that Mogrim accused.

My role specifies that exactly one of there three (seats 18, 19 and 21) are werewolf. The others are not.
To be more clear, my PM said at leas one is not human.

If you want to lynch me that is fine.

What's with the absence of 20?

…you were looking right when the lights went out, and the two people sitting in seats 18, 19, and 21 looked very shocked.
Emphasis mine.

...ok, so before I go any further, I'm just going to say Mod, please check that that phrasing is exactly right: "the two people sitting in 18, 19, and 21". Because it sounds weird - almost like it was supposed to say "The three people" looked shocked, implicating 20. But for now, I'll assume it's correct unless Ozle chimes in further, because he said he doublechecked everything.

...though it does sound weird, I do see Mogrim's reading of it, since the mod's said everybody is back in their seats at when the lights go on, right? So all three of those have to be back in their seats, so "two people sitting in 18,19, and 21" would have to mean WW in the third? And in that case I'm  back to not knowing who to vote for.

Well, since Joth and Robz back each other up as having been seated during the darkness, Vote: Grujah ?

That's the third vote? Not putting it near L-1 or anything yet.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 31, 2012, 04:04:39 am
Oh yeah, Vote: Grujah.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 04:42:17 am
Here's the statement in question:
…you were looking right when the lights went out, and the two people sitting in seats 18, 19, and 21 looked very shocked.

And here's two reasonable interpretations:

The two people in the three seats looked shocked. If one person was out of their seat, then Ozle would have left that person out.

Doesn't that just suggest that one of the three of us wasnt in our seat?

To paraphrase a certain movie, what we have here is a failure to use proper conversational implicature ( In particular, the maxim of quantity appears to have been violated.

Imagine the following exchange:

Morgrim: Did I see anything interesting at the party?
Ozle: You saw two people who looked shocked when the lights went out.
Morgrim: Oh yeah? Where were they sitting?
Ozle: In seats 18, 19, and 21.
Mogrgim: ...

In this sample conversation, Ozle violates the maxim of quantity by giving extraneous information. This is something one doesn't intentionally do in polite conversation, where Ozle's purpose would be to communicate exactly as much information as would be required to answer Morgrim's question.

Of course, a Role PM in a puzzle game is not polite conversation, so the rules don't necessarily apply. However, when Ozle implies that two people are sitting in three seats, the absence of these maxims makes it ambiguous what the appropriate interpretation of the apparent faulty information is.

It could be that:

1) The third seat is empty.
2) The third seat is occupied by something other than a person.
3) One person is taking up more than one seat, perhaps uncouthly propping their feet up.

Perhaps there are more.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 04:43:01 am
Ok, I get you suspecting me to be a murderer, but why the Votes?  I voted jo because at that point, I was going to sleep and Morgrim claimed that he knew who the werewolf is. Unvote.

And yes, I didn't look shocked. I've got this expressionless face.

calling out lurkers:
Robz! timchen!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 04:49:11 am
Also, you guys (Morg/cayvie) sure you guys didn't switch spots? Maybe you did by accident in this dark?

Cuz, you know, cayvie saw people 15 and 16, and morg 18,19, and 21 (and he looked left AND right).. I would say that you can see people 15 and 16 from seat 23 and 18,19, and 21 from seat 20, not the other way around.

Morgrim, how did you come from - "2 were shocked" to "1 is werewolf. And yes, I am sure"?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 05:12:20 am
Also, you guys (Morg/cayvie) sure you guys didn't switch spots? Maybe you did by accident in this dark?

Cuz, you know, cayvie saw people 15 and 16, and morg 18,19, and 21 (and he looked left AND right).. I would say that you can see people 15 and 16 from seat 23 and 18,19, and 21 from seat 20, not the other way around.

Yeah, that's a little weird. Shrug.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 31, 2012, 06:15:15 am
Unvote for now. I can't in good conscience treat this as any more than a shaky RVS tell.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 08:11:16 am

1) The third seat is empty.
2) The third seat is occupied by something other than a person.
3) One person is taking up more than one seat, perhaps uncouthly propping their feet up.

Perhaps there are more.

4) One person is morbidly obese and has been provided with a second chair.
5) (Grujah's explanation?) The person in the third seat simply didn't look shocked (not sure that one follows)

Also, cayvie, that post had the vibe of someone who just stumbled on a real-life application of something they studied/were studying in college. Are you a linguistics/ communication /philosophy of language scholar?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 08:54:04 am
Seat switching is interesting, but what I took from it was:

1 of the people in 18,19 and 21 was not in their seat.

The person in seat 20 was not shocked. 

If we assume that Morgrim is actually in seat 20 now, then I would assume seat 19 is empty.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 09:05:28 am
Seat switching is interesting, but what I took from it was:

1 of the people in 18,19 and 21 was not in their seat.

The person in seat 20 was not shocked. 

If we assume that Morgrim is actually in seat 20 now, then I would assume seat 19 is empty.

Why 19?

Yes, it might quite possible be that in 18,19, and 21 there were only 2 people. Damn ambiguous Ozle.
Still, what I said stands, I wouldn't be surprised if it just means that I didn't look surprised.

One case against seat-switch is that Ozle in opening post said that "everyone were back into their seats". But it seems that it happened.

Ftl, Frisk, Galzria, timchen, Voltgloss, Eevee, question:

Are you in seat #14?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 31, 2012, 09:06:09 am
Mod, please check that that phrasing is exactly right: "the two people sitting in 18, 19, and 21".

It probably won't definitively answer (because some of the info is deliberately vague)
There were two people in those three seats that looked shocked.

Also to be noted is that any seat could have been paying attention to any other seat, you just had to be looking specifically at seats in order to tell something (see role PMs) However some people may not have seen something because they were not looking, or ecause there was nothing to see.

Vote coubt coming up shortly when I'm home from Olympics
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 09:09:05 am
Morg didn't switch seats, my bad.
It says that he looked "right", not "left and right".
He's 23.

Now, why didn't he see 22 and 20? (both to his right). Uninteresting? Not there?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 09:58:39 am
Ftl, Frisk, Galzria, timchen, Voltgloss, Eevee, question:

Are you in seat #14?

I will be divulging my seat number after I've heard from Robz and timchen about the "man from a far-off land."  Especially timchen, given Galz's comment that timchen should have info on that subject.  timchen's V/LA ended yesterday, so I'm hoping to hear from him today.  Until I hear those responses though, I think it would be counterproductive at this time for me - and others on my side of the table - to say more about our seat numbers.  Accordingly, I would ask that the others listed in Grujah's question please wait to respond until after I get the info I've requested from timchen/Robz. 

Once I get the info I need, I have no problem with responding - and others responding - to Grujah's question. 

I have to say though:  Grujah seems all over the place in responding/dealing with jo's conclusion (based on the confluence of Morgrim's, his, and Robz's info) that Grujah wasn't in his seat when the lights went out.  It feels like he is saying anything he can to try to distract the town's attention away from that issue.  And I don't think I've seen a straight answer from Grujah yet on the following question:

Grujah, were you in your chair when the lights went out?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 10:08:11 am
Yes, I was.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 10:33:35 am
Yeah, I know who is in #14, but will not say.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 31, 2012, 11:15:42 am
Going back to Vote:Grujah. I found him scummy. Before. He voted for me after I claimed bcrat and now all this stuff with morgrim makes him look worse and worse
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 11:25:02 am
Actually I'd rather have Vote: Grujah than Insomniac ATM.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 31, 2012, 11:27:15 am
Is he being scummy or hiding the murder. The two are not necessarily connected.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 11:31:38 am
My vote for you, Ins, was due to Ozle's error. Sigh.

I'm kinda leaning on no lynch as I got no real reads on anyone (Ins claimed though) due to murder shennenigans or policy lynching lurkers. Only one slight scummy is ftl for opportunity bandwagoning me.

I would guess those that pushed murder mystery might be scum cause they sidetracked us. But I am one of those. And I am not scum.  :( Volt was heavy on it but that just seems like him, he is always questioning like that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 31, 2012, 11:42:14 am
Grujah, are you saying you are town-aligned and sad that people cant see it because you killed Ozle?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 11:46:50 am
Grujah, are you saying you are town-aligned and sad that people cant see it because you killed Ozle?

I am side cause it would make sense for people pushing mystery solving over scumhunting to be scum. Yet, I know that I did that and I know that I am town-aligned. So that my theory kinda sucks. Thats why I'm said.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 11:49:04 am
Random Theory: first person to accuse himself solves the mystery. Anybody wanna try it out?  ;D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 11:51:53 am
How many votes does Grujah have? Can we wait for Volt before the lynch happens? Volt should be able to provide some good information that might help find syndicate members instead of the murderer, which is what we really want to lynch here (assuming they are not one and the same).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 11:53:36 am
I think 4 - Eevee, Morgrim, Ins and jo.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 31, 2012, 11:54:27 am

Ozle looked down from his ghostly seat and raged at the people below, it had been days and they still had not sent his murderer to meet his maker. Could it be that the murderer had them all fooled, or had he managed to convince them all with his glib tongue as they were all talking before the party began. Most had arrived seperately but they all had a chance to mingle before sitting down.


Grujah (6): Galzria, cayvie, eevee, Morgrim7, Insomniac, jotheonah
Morgrim7 (1): Yuma

Not voting (7).
Votes for seats and players will be totalled behind the scenes by me
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 11:58:51 am
My vote isn't on Grujah, it's on Lekkit!!

But to be clear:

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 11:59:39 am
I want to resolve with Volt before we lynch Gruj..
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 12:07:16 pm
I want to resolve with Volt before we lynch Gruj..

Why are you so bent on lynching me?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 12:09:15 pm
I want to resolve with Volt before we lynch Gruj..

Why are you so bent on lynching me?

Because you've lied.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 12:11:03 pm
I want to resolve with Volt before we lynch Gruj..

Why are you so bent on lynching me?

Because you've lied.

I didn't?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 12:18:46 pm
yeah, Unvote. Let's let Volt get his words in.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 12:19:27 pm
I agree with Galz, I would like to get my info resolved today before the lynch if at all possible.  I am concerned that if I don't get my info out there today, I may be nightkilled and take it to my grave.

The problem, though, is that the effectiveness of what I know seems to hinge on timchen's response to my questions - and he's still AWOL, despite his V/LA having ended.  And we have a lynch deadline coming up in 48-ish hours.

I will say this:  the info I have has no bearing on Grujah.  Neither exonerating nor damning.  So if we lynch him (Grujah) today, my info should be of just as much use for assisting Day 2's lynch deliberations as it is for Day 1's.  But, again, it is less useful if timchen fails to respond to me.

Perhaps we give timchen (and Robz) a time deadline to respond - like, maybe by 11:00 p.m. tonight EDT - and if they haven't done so by then, I go ahead and divulge my info and we put a big ol' FOS on whichever of them refused to respond when it was needed?  (Especially if my info implicates one of them?*)

* my info, if I get the responses I expect, implicates a seat number - not a player's name.  So I don't actually know WHO I'll be implicating when I reveal.  All I'll say right now is that the seat in question is on my side of the table, which is how I know it doesn't involve Grujah.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 12:22:56 pm
Hey, I just looked over my role PM to see if there was anything else I missed.

And I found something. It's not much, but I can confirm the inclusion of werewolves in this set-up. And before you ask, no I can't quote anything or describe the wording. But, if you trust me, trust that there is at least one werewolf.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 12:25:42 pm
Delayed edit by double-post:  Of course, Robz is on the opposite side of the table from me, so I don't expect my info to implicate him.  But it may implicate timchen, which is why it's even MORE important I hear from him before spilling what I know.

Although - I suppose there's one other tack we can take in timchen's absence.  Galz, do you know/have you figured out timchen's seat number?  (I ask Galz because he seems to have seating on our side of the table figured out - but hey, if anyone else knows this, feel free to speak up)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 12:35:07 pm
He is not in 16, for sure.
He have said:
"From my role PM: me and the person sit on my right are talking about people seating 22 and 23 when the room went dark." We are on the opposite side. Hopefully this is useful for some.

16 has nobody on his right.
Maybe he is 15 cause he said they were on the opposite side.

Volt, murder-implicate or scum-implicate?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 31, 2012, 12:36:07 pm
Delayed edit by double-post:  Of course, Robz is on the opposite side of the table from me, so I don't expect my info to implicate him.  But it may implicate timchen, which is why it's even MORE important I hear from him before spilling what I know.

Although - I suppose there's one other tack we can take in timchen's absence.  Galz, do you know/have you figured out timchen's seat number?  (I ask Galz because he seems to have seating on our side of the table figured out - but hey, if anyone else knows this, feel free to speak up)
If I think I know it, should I just say "I think I know it" or straight up reveal what I think it is?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 12:37:02 pm
Delayed edit by double-post:  Of course, Robz is on the opposite side of the table from me, so I don't expect my info to implicate him.  But it may implicate timchen, which is why it's even MORE important I hear from him before spilling what I know.

Although - I suppose there's one other tack we can take in timchen's absence.  Galz, do you know/have you figured out timchen's seat number?  (I ask Galz because he seems to have seating on our side of the table figured out - but hey, if anyone else knows this, feel free to speak up)
If I think I know it, should I just say "I think I know it" or straight up reveal what I think it is?

I think you PM Accuse: Morgrim7 to the mod.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 12:37:24 pm
I believe so. From what he has said, combined with what you've hinted knowing, and what Sharkie has said, I can take a very educated guess.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 31, 2012, 12:38:05 pm
Volt, I have no info on a traveler from a far off land. My pm did not mention one. I said this in a previous post, sorry.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 12:39:36 pm
I believe so. From what he has said, combined with what you've hinted knowing, and what Sharkie has said, I can take a very educated guess.

Sorry, when did I lie?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 31, 2012, 12:40:52 pm
Delayed edit by double-post:  Of course, Robz is on the opposite side of the table from me, so I don't expect my info to implicate him.  But it may implicate timchen, which is why it's even MORE important I hear from him before spilling what I know.

Although - I suppose there's one other tack we can take in timchen's absence.  Galz, do you know/have you figured out timchen's seat number?  (I ask Galz because he seems to have seating on our side of the table figured out - but hey, if anyone else knows this, feel free to speak up)
If I think I know it, should I just say "I think I know it" or straight up reveal what I think it is?

I think you PM Accuse: Morgrim7 to the mod.
I meant regarding timchen's seat, sorry if that wasn't clear. Like Galzria, I think I have an educated guess (by process of elimination).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 12:41:45 pm
I believe so. From what he has said, combined with what you've hinted knowing, and what Sharkie has said, I can take a very educated guess.

Sorry, when did I lie?

I don't think you were in you, or 14 were in their seats.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 12:42:32 pm

"I don't think you or 14 were in your seats"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 31, 2012, 12:43:01 pm

Greetings newsfans!

Here we are again, with not such breaking news!

We have our sources up in Ozles castle, and although we are not allowed in yet we do have a little bit of information we have sneaked out. Admist all the general accuations, shouting and bickering we have had our first real solid accusation of a murderer!

We cannot reveal sources of course, and we do not know who the person did accuse, but we do know that someone has made one.

This is the sort of excellent news service you have come to expect from us! Oh and as a reminder, some of your subscription money is late
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 12:45:17 pm
Ozle should have filled his town with better news reporters. That story is old news. Didn't Cayvie say she submitted hours ago?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 12:46:13 pm
((btw, news writers, nice ninja color edit))
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 12:49:46 pm

"I don't think you or 14 were in your seats"

I said that 14 wasn't in his spot.

As far as I know, I was in my seat. That is, I have no information that I was out, so I believe I wasn't. I have no info on what I was doing, except that I saw that 14 was out of his seat.

Still, even if I wasn't in my seat, how does that make me scum?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 12:51:51 pm
Lol at the last line of that newsflash.

Grujah, my info suggests scum-implication, not murder-implication.  Indeed, I don't think the seat I will be implicating CAN be the murderer.

Robz, sorry I missed your earlier post.  Or maybe we're talking past each other a bit - I am operating under the assumption that the "world traveler" sharky mentioned is NOT the same person as the "man from a far off land" mentioned in the intro post.  So you mentioning the "world traveler" earlier is, to my eye, answering a different question.  (If they ARE the same person that simplifies things for me; but to be extra-careful I am assuming the worst, i.e., that they are NOT the same.)

If we have educated guesses on timchen's seat but nothing clear, then I think we're better off waiting a little longer for timchen to respond.  Anyone object if I put a deadline of 11:00 p.m. tonight (EDT) on that?  And if he hasn't checked in or responded, I'll disclose what I know then with an added FoS on timchen?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 31, 2012, 12:54:01 pm
If we have educated guesses on timchen's seat but nothing clear, then I think we're better off waiting a little longer for timchen to respond.  Anyone object if I put a deadline of 11:00 p.m. tonight (EDT) on that?  And if he hasn't checked in or responded, I'll disclose what I know then with an added FoS on timchen?
I approve of this plan.

Oh and Fire: Insomniac. We need better reporters.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on July 31, 2012, 12:54:15 pm
Volt, my pm does not mention the traveler or man from a far off land or anything of that sort. Sorry if you expected otherwise!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 12:54:20 pm
Ozle's quote:
"A3: No one is above suspicion, however Japan is a long long way from Ozles province and Axxle only has short arms."

Japan is long way from Ozle's province.

Man from the far off land = Morgrim? (he's from Japan)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 12:55:24 pm

"I don't think you or 14 were in your seats"

I said that 14 wasn't in his spot.

As far as I know, I was in my seat. That is, I have no information that I was out, so I believe I wasn't. I have no info on what I was doing, except that I saw that 14 was out of his seat.

Still, even if I wasn't in my seat, how does that make me scum?

That alone wouldn't. But I believe you are absolutely hiding something more. Your responses to Morgrim and that whole situation were wild and grasping. There was a sense of desperation.

If you are the murderer, a syndicate member, have something else shady going on (or any/all 3!) - I'm not sure. But your actions and motivations this game have seemed consistently a far cry from honest and innocent.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 31, 2012, 12:55:51 pm
Ozle's quote:
"A3: No one is above suspicion, however Japan is a long long way from Ozles province and Axxle only has short arms."

Japan is long way from Ozle's province.

Man from the far off land = Morgrim? (he's from Japan)
Finland is even further.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 12:56:07 pm
Volt, if all else fails, is it possible that you reveal info and we vote based on seat numbers?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 12:57:32 pm
Ozle's quote:
"A3: No one is above suspicion, however Japan is a long long way from Ozles province and Axxle only has short arms."

Japan is long way from Ozle's province.

Man from the far off land = Morgrim? (he's from Japan)
Finland is even further.

Where did you get that info?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 12:58:05 pm
Ozle's quote:
"A3: No one is above suspicion, however Japan is a long long way from Ozles province and Axxle only has short arms."

Japan is long way from Ozle's province.

Man from the far off land = Morgrim? (he's from Japan)

Axxle said he was going to Japan on his V/LA,, before going to Colorado for WW rafting (no, the other - other WW).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 01:00:58 pm
I don't see your point, Galz?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 01:01:37 pm

I believe the man Sharki spoke of is the same man you seek knowledge on. Timchen can be one of two chairs. If the man you seek knowledge on sits next to you, then there is only one place that Timchen can sit, and it is sandwiched between you and Sharkie.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 31, 2012, 01:03:16 pm
Ozle's quote:
"A3: No one is above suspicion, however Japan is a long long way from Ozles province and Axxle only has short arms."

Japan is long way from Ozle's province.

Man from the far off land = Morgrim? (he's from Japan)
Finland is even further.

Where did you get that info?
I looked at a map once?

My point is: I don't think Ozles "man from a far off land" refers to the IRL location of said hombre. And even if it did, I'm guessing it would be me, not mr morg.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 01:04:19 pm
I don't see your point, Galz?

I don't see your point either. Seats weren't assigned based on the people playing, and all flavor was written before assignments were made. Morgrim being from Japan has no bearing.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 01:31:04 pm

I believe the man Sharki spoke of is the same man you seek knowledge on. Timchen can be one of two chairs. If the man you seek knowledge on sits next to you, then there is only one place that Timchen can sit, and it is sandwiched between you and Sharkie.

Thanks Galz. 

To follow up on what Galz has said, I have a second question, for both Galz and sharky

Is the world traveler in one of the following seats:  11, 12, 14, or 15?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 01:34:05 pm
That is my belief, yes.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 01:38:05 pm
Volt, circle back now, and put it together.

If I am correct on where... Your seat is... Then you should understand me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 01:47:06 pm
world traveler and/or timchen on 15. My guess.

Why are you guys so secretive about your seat orders? I mean, the whole right side already revealed everything.
(Now this will be "seat fishing". But I have no use for anyone's seat. Hell, I revealed mine after yuma and Ins).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 01:56:03 pm
OK gang.  Here's the deal.

I am in Seat 14.

I was out of my seat when the lights went off.

The reason why I was out of my seat is that I could not stand to be next to Seat 13 any more than I absolutely had to.  Why?

Because the man in Seat 13 stinks.

Now, I think the two most likely reasons why my role PM would specifically refer to Seat 13 as "stinky":

-- Seat 13 is the world traveler/man from a far-off land, and thus bears perfumes/scents/spices/musk/whatever that offends my far more provincial nose; OR
-- Seat 13 is a werewolf.  (Galz, you asked if Morgrim was able to sense a werewolf by smell.  I'm now answering that question:  yes, I think I have done just that.)

That's why I've been trying to figure out if the world traveler/far-off-land-man was referred to in anyone else's PM as "stinky" (or synonyms thereof).  And why I've been trying to determine if the traveler is in seat 13.  In either case, my clue is less telling as it has a more innocuous explanation - I'm smelling the traveler.

But apparently the traveler is NOT in Seat 13.  Nor, based on anything anyone has divulged so far, does he stink.

So I think Seat 13 is likely a werewolf. 

And there's a bit more:  when the lights went out, I was able to find my way back to my seat via smell.  I.e., I followed the smell of Seat 13.  And he did NOT move from his seat during the darkness.

So, Seat 13 is not the murderer.  But I do think he is likely hairy scum.

Vote: Seat 13

The reason I've been cautious about this is because I didn't want Seat 13 to suddenly claim "oh the stink you're sensing is because I'm the world traveler."  Based on the best information available, I think such a claim is now preemptively revealed to be false.

Finally:  no, I am not the murderer.  Yes, I realize being out of my seat is suspicious.  But consider this:  if finding the murderer were as simple as identifying someone who was out of his seat BEFORE the lights went out, then all that was needed was for Grujah to find out Seat 14's identity* and boom, mystery solved.  I submit that the mystery cannot be that simple.

* Yes, I'm confirming what Grujah said about Seat 14 (me) being out of his chair before the lights went out.  I have no knowledge of whether Grujah himself was in his chair at that time.  My attention was focused on Mr. Stinky.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 01:59:36 pm
Do we know if voting by seat even works?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 02:01:11 pm
We do, I tried it. Now to read Volt's post.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 02:01:47 pm
The Rules:


•         Votes and Actions may be submitted using either player name OR Seat Number. They will be added together behind the scenes by the mod.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 31, 2012, 02:01:56 pm
I'll go along with that
vote seat 13
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 02:03:11 pm
Ok, but since we don't know who's in that seat, we don't know how close we are to a hammer. Keep that in mind.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 02:04:59 pm
Ok, but since we don't know who's in that seat, we don't know how close we are to a hammer. Keep that in mind.

Mine should be the first vote.  The only other people with votes on them presently are Grujah and Morgrim, both on the opposite side of the table.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 02:05:27 pm
Dunno, he could stink for other reasons. Like, maybe he likes cheese and onions. I don't think flavor is supposed to find out scum, but.. I guess maaaybe Ozle though to prevent random D1 lynch?

13 is Galz, no?
(ftl, Eevee, Frisk otherwise).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 02:08:29 pm
And Volt, I think right course of action was to inquire about #13 and not world traveler, sigh. Maybe somebody else knew something.

Also, maybe 21 (me) and 19(jo) were shocked because we had a kinda-clear look at 13? But why not 20 (cayvie) than?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 02:10:19 pm
All right, its time to reveal myself.

I am in seat 13.  I do in fact smell bad.  I've been told that I have bad breath, and there is a reasonable chance that I also farted.  [I swear I can't make this stuff up]

I also know that there are no werewolves.  I did in fact howl, but it was because I stabbed myself in the hand with a fork in the dark.  Volt is telling the truth - in that I did not move during the night (or at least I was not told that I was not in my seat)

I know that seat 12 did not get up, because he was complaining about my bad breath. 

This is one of the reasons why I asked the werewolf question in my survey.  I was optimistic that a low # of people would be concerned with WWs, but it turned out that only Inomniac and Yuma ruled werewolves out, everyone else thought it was plausible. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 02:13:31 pm
And you only now come up with this?

So, can 12 confirm that it is actually the bad breath?

This seems sincere but that's just what a werewolf would say.  >:(
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 02:15:56 pm
Actually, we can wait for D2 to see whether there are WWs or not and than decide Frisk's fate. Right?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 31, 2012, 02:18:03 pm
I also know that there are no werewolves.  I did in fact howl, but it was because I stabbed myself in the hand with a fork in the dark.  Volt is telling the truth - in that I did not move during the night (or at least I was not told that I was not in my seat)

Your proof is flawed.  You merely know the cause of the howling.  You can not make any assured conclusion about the existence or lack there of regarding werewolves.  Unless you were specifically told that werewolves did not exist, it remains a plausible part of this game.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 02:19:33 pm
I did in fact howl, but it was because I stabbed myself in the hand with a fork in the dark.

Why did you stab yourself with a fork?  What were you trying to do?
(This is a serious question.)

I also know that there are no werewolves.

How do you know this?   (PPE: kinda-ninja'd by sharky.  I assume CF has some other source of knowledge for making this statement.)

jotheonah: You mentioned earlier you know there is at least 1 werewolf present.  CF claims now there are no werewolves.  What's your response?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 02:20:45 pm
Volt, your seat fits my arrangement (did you catch my breadcrumb earlier, suggesting I knew "what seat was yours", and not "which seat you're sitting in"? I knew you had been standing), but your info and conclusion aren't what I thought you were aiming for. ;D

It turns out, I imagine, that Timchen would not have any info relating to a stinky man - however he might still to your original question.

As far as CF's claim, hmm...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 02:21:05 pm
I also know that there are no werewolves.  I did in fact howl, but it was because I stabbed myself in the hand with a fork in the dark.  Volt is telling the truth - in that I did not move during the night (or at least I was not told that I was not in my seat)

Your proof is flawed.  You merely know the cause of the howling.  You can not make any assured conclusion about the existence or lack there of regarding werewolves.  Unless you were specifically told that werewolves did not exist, it remains a plausible part of this game.

I was specifically told that werewolves do not exist, but I don't trust the mod.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 02:22:06 pm
I also know that there are no werewolves.  I did in fact howl, but it was because I stabbed myself in the hand with a fork in the dark.  Volt is telling the truth - in that I did not move during the night (or at least I was not told that I was not in my seat)


Let's assume you're town.
You made a quiz. You realized that most people thing there is a werewolf/werewolves.
You knew that it would effect/drag D1. That people will make false judgments based on alleged werewolf presence.
Even when we had that morgrim case you didn't say anything.
You decided to hide this information from town. Why?

Now that it benefits you, only now you talk? Why?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 02:29:37 pm
@my previous post + C_F previous -
Even worse if you know that they don't exist for sure.

I'm inclined to vote for you not because I think you are werewolf cause you howled and stink, but because you withhold information when it caused commotion and distraction in town.

@Galz - why do you think I was out of my seat?
To my knowledge, you are wrong about that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 02:32:01 pm
I did in fact howl, but it was because I stabbed myself in the hand with a fork in the dark.

Why did you stab yourself with a fork?  What were you trying to do?
(This is a serious question.)

I also know that there are no werewolves.

How do you know this?   (PPE: kinda-ninja'd by sharky.  I assume CF has some other source of knowledge for making this statement.)

jotheonah: You mentioned earlier you know there is at least 1 werewolf present.  CF claims now there are no werewolves.  What's your response?

Well, the piece of info in my PM is clearly intended to make me think there are werewolves. But it isn't proof-positive. CF's explanation has modtrolling/red herring written all over it, and the thing in my PM could be an extension of the same troll.

Incidentally, CF, help may be on the way for your ... personal problem. Assuming you survive into the night.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 02:32:50 pm
@my previous post + C_F previous -
Even worse if you know that they don't exist for sure.

I'm inclined to vote for you not because I think you are werewolf cause you howled and stink, but because you withhold information when it caused commotion and distraction in town.

@Galz - why do you think I was out of my seat?
To my knowledge, you are wrong about that.

Because so many seats are confirmed to have not moved, but nobody has made that claim about you. Coupled with Morgrim's PM, I believe you moved in the dark.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 02:35:13 pm
Who did confirm Robz/jo?

(I really do not know)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 02:36:37 pm
Who did confirm Robz/jo?

(I really do not know)

We confirmed each other, basically.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 02:36:54 pm
Rules say I can quote - so here it goes:

What you did know, and was 100% sure of this fact, that there were no such things as werewolves! What a preposterous idea. The howl that happened during the darkness was you, stabbing yourself in the hand with a fork in the dark.

It doesn't really rule out werewolves - as I myself may be unreliable.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 02:50:52 pm
Rules say I can quote - so here it goes:

What you did know, and was 100% sure of this fact, that there were no such things as werewolves! What a preposterous idea. The howl that happened during the darkness was you, stabbing yourself in the hand with a fork in the dark.

It doesn't really rule out werewolves - as I myself may be unreliable.

CF, do you have any idea why you had a fork in hand?
(Serious question again)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 02:51:31 pm
Still, why hide that until now?

@Galz - I wouldn't lie about murder-game to be lynched in main-game.
Some people still didn't reveal what they know, so they might confirm me, but here it is:

Most likely reason that I wasn't looking shock is because, as I said, I have a this .. expressionless face.
Well, to be more precise, as I also said, nobody likes me.
So, I had to wear a mask when I came here. I didn't want to say it right away cause it, well, tips off what the flavor of my role is.
I don't know how good the mask is - how much emotion can it express, but I guess not that much.
It was tipped of that it was the like the mask from MIssion Imossible. I, however, didn't watch that flick.

@Volt - he was eating?
Also, where is your knife? If you were eating, you would need both! Maybe at yuma's?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 02:52:29 pm
Rules say I can quote - so here it goes:

What you did know, and was 100% sure of this fact, that there were no such things as werewolves! What a preposterous idea. The howl that happened during the darkness was you, stabbing yourself in the hand with a fork in the dark.

It doesn't really rule out werewolves - as I myself may be unreliable.

CF, do you have any idea why you had a fork in hand?
(Serious question again)

I have no mod confirmed information as to why I had a fork in hand.  I assumed that I was eating.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 02:53:13 pm
Incidentally, CF, help may be on the way for your ... personal problem. Assuming you survive into the night.

Did jo just softclaim Moat?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 02:53:34 pm
Still, why hide that until now?

Why talk about it?  Perhaps mafia would slip up and go werewolf hunting.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 02:54:03 pm
Incidentally, CF, help may be on the way for your ... personal problem. Assuming you survive into the night.

Did jo just softclaim Moat?

Night Action: Shower and Brush My Teeth
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 02:54:56 pm
Still, why hide that until now?

Why talk about it?  Perhaps mafia would slip up and go werewolf hunting.

Mafia already has more info than us, everything is valuable.
Still, they go hunt wolves and they kill townies anyway. Wow.
We hunt wolves and.. what? Lynch wrong people on circumstance?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 02:58:04 pm
Still, why hide that until now?

Why talk about it?  Perhaps mafia would slip up and go werewolf hunting.

Mafia already has more info than us, everything is valuable.
Still, they go hunt wolves and they kill townies anyway. Wow.
We hunt wolves and.. what? Lynch wrong people on circumstance?

By your logic we should all full claim.  Ozle's instructions were pretty explicit that we might not want to share information.

I was hoping that townies would be more or less ambivalent to hunting WW, but mafia would want to steer more in that direction.  Unfortunately, it seems that everyone wanted to talk werewolves, so its hard to isolate anyone.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 03:01:33 pm
I have no mod confirmed information as to why I had a fork in hand.  I assumed that I was eating.

The problem I have is that, according to my PM, the lights went out "just after the first course."  And also according to my PM, that first course... was soup.

But to add to the confusion, the intro post says that the lights went out "somewhere between the main course and the desserts."  I don't know if Ozle is using "main course" and "first course" interchangeably, or if the intro is wrong, or if my PM is wrong, or what.

Anyone else have info about what we were eating when the lights went out?

Also, for what it's worth:  being stabbed in the hand with a fork is painful, certainly.  But being stabbed in the hand with a silver fork (and Ozle was rich, he'd use only the very best!) would be MOST painful for a certain hairy breed of scum.

Of course, Ozle might be counting on us thinking that.  ...Argh, we're locked in WIFOM with the mod!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 03:02:12 pm
Still, why hide that until now?

Why talk about it?  Perhaps mafia would slip up and go werewolf hunting.

Mafia already has more info than us, everything is valuable.
Still, they go hunt wolves and they kill townies anyway. Wow.
We hunt wolves and.. what? Lynch wrong people on circumstance?

By your logic we should all full claim.  Ozle's instructions were pretty explicit that we might not want to share information.

I was hoping that townies would be more or less ambivalent to hunting WW, but mafia would want to steer more in that direction.  Unfortunately, it seems that everyone wanted to talk werewolves, so its hard to isolate anyone.

Point is that it is more distracting to town.
And it shown in last few days. Esp with Morgrim's claim.
You knew it was bogus, you were there, and said nothing, left us into chaos.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 03:04:09 pm
I have no mod confirmed information as to why I had a fork in hand.  I assumed that I was eating.

The problem I have is that, according to my PM, the lights went out "just after the first course."  And also according to my PM, that first course... was soup.

But to add to the confusion, the intro post says that the lights went out "somewhere between the main course and the desserts."  I don't know if Ozle is using "main course" and "first course" interchangeably, or if the intro is wrong, or if my PM is wrong, or what.

Anyone else have info about what we were eating when the lights went out?

Also, for what it's worth:  being stabbed in the hand with a fork is painful, certainly.  But being stabbed in the hand with a silver fork (and Ozle was rich, he'd use only the very best!) would be MOST painful for a certain hairy breed of scum.

Of course, Ozle might be counting on us thinking that.  ...Argh, we're locked in WIFOM with the mod!

It is first course and than main course + salads and than dessert.

But, ftl DID SPECIFICALLY mention "silverware" I asked him about it he didn't answer.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 03:06:51 pm
I don't believe the eatingware is actually silver.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 03:10:13 pm
This development is hilarious.

CF is clearly a werewolf who doesn't realize it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on July 31, 2012, 03:12:03 pm
some people were slower eaters than others it seemed, Ozle had already finished his main course while it appeared others like Voltglos were still on thier soup when the lights went out!

He did know that nobody had been served the souffle yet, as it was still sitting in the kitchen going off!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 03:12:23 pm
This development is hilarious.

CF is clearly a werewolf who doesn't realize it.

I mean, who the hell HOWLS when he is stabbed?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 03:13:22 pm
some people were slower eaters than others it seemed, Ozle had already finished his main course while it appeared others like Voltglos were still on thier soup when the lights went out!

He did know that nobody had been served the souffle yet, as it was still sitting in the kitchen going off!

Isn't Lekkit supposed to serve it?
Why didn't he yet?
Ozle said that we were here for days ! Is Lekkit dead too?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 03:15:20 pm
some people were slower eaters than others it seemed, Ozle had already finished his main course while it appeared others like Voltglos were still on thier soup when the lights went out!

He did know that nobody had been served the souffle yet, as it was still sitting in the kitchen going off!

Isn't Lekkit supposed to serve it?
Why didn't he yet?
Ozle said that we were here for days ! Is Lekkit dead too?

See! NOW you're thinking! +1 for giving legs to my conspiracy.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 03:17:34 pm
I think we need a non-CF lynch for tonight.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 31, 2012, 03:19:09 pm
This development is hilarious.

CF is clearly a werewolf who doesn't realize it.

I mean, who the hell HOWLS when he is stabbed?
I find this theory very amusing.  :D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 03:19:26 pm
I don't believe the eatingware is actually silver.

Why not?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 03:19:57 pm
This development is hilarious.

CF is clearly a werewolf who doesn't realize it.

This may be - but if my role PM is to believed, I will be the LAMEST werewolf in mafia history.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 31, 2012, 03:20:48 pm
Gruj what seat number are you again. On phone and can't easily search.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 03:21:10 pm
I don't believe the eatingware is actually silver.

Why not?

There is info in my PM about how silver might be obtained were it needed that would seem a bit ridiculous were it that easy to come by. This is, incidentally, also what made me think there must be either werewolfs or a troll-y mod.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 03:21:14 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 03:21:22 pm
Day action: stab myself with fork and demonstrate my howling prowess?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 03:21:45 pm
Hey, what type of dinner party is this? My PM says "Due to the nature of the party, you did not know the identities of the people at the table" It never mentioned I was wearing a mask, but supposedly Grujah is? Is this a costume party? A murder mystery with a mask-removing reveal? Who was it that wanted the Scooby-Doo ending? It was Ozle, right? I think he was  dropping a clue...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 31, 2012, 03:27:01 pm

that is interesting because my pm said I recognized you. Do you wear your mask often? Often enough for me to recognize you when you are wearing it?

If not either you weren't wearing a mask or it wasn't a very good one.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 31, 2012, 03:28:07 pm
C_F let us spend all that time hunting werewolves without pointing out that it's futile? Sadface. Or, specifically, FoS.

Apparently joth can cure him of his lycanthropy make him better somehow?

But, ftl DID SPECIFICALLY mention "silverware" I asked him about it he didn't answer.

I was using "silverware" as the generic word for eating utensils and did not mean that these particular ones are actually made of silver; I don't know anything about what they are made of. (Actually, apparently that's only a US thing, according to wiktionary? )

Also, Grujah has a realistic mask on???

C_F for WW, Grujah for mafia or murderer trying to hide behind a mask? Why would a townie come with a mask?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 31, 2012, 03:31:03 pm

C_F for WW, Grujah for mafia or murderer trying to hide behind a mask? Why would a townie come with a mask?
Sounds like the worst murderer ever. "I just killed that dude.. hmm, let me put this mask on, then I can stay here and they won't suspect a thing!"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 03:33:00 pm

C_F for WW, Grujah for mafia or murderer trying to hide behind a mask? Why would a townie come with a mask?
Sounds like the worst murderer ever. "I just killed that dude.. hmm, let me put this mask on, then I can stay here and they won't suspect a thing!"

If it's a superhero mask, they'll assume you're there to help!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 03:33:37 pm
Before I get anyone's hopes up (or get night-targeted by a werewolf) I realize you can add up the things I've said to come to the conclusion that I can cure/kill werewolves. I can't do that. That was an accidental implication.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 03:33:55 pm

that is interesting because my pm said I recognized you. Do you wear your mask often? Often enough for me to recognize you when you are wearing it?

If not either you weren't wearing a mask or it wasn't a very good one.


Grujah said his mask is like that out of Mission Impossible.  As in, a realistic face-mask.  As in, he doesn't appear to be wearing a mask at all;  instead, he looks like someone else.

yuma, you recognize the person Grujah is disguised as.  But you're not recognizing Grujah himself because you have yet to see Grujah's actual face.  Who do you think Grujah to be?

With Grujah's already-odd responses to suspicions directed his way, and this reveal that he is trying to literally Masquerade as someone he's not - yeah, I'm convinced this is our Day 1 lynch.

Vote: Grujah

Captain_Frisk, in contrast, feels like an Innocent Werewolf Child.  Someone roleblock him tonight so he doesn't hurt himself or others.  We can decide what to do about him later.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 03:34:45 pm
C_F for WW, Grujah for mafia or murderer trying to hide behind a mask? Why would a townie come with a mask?

I came with a mask because nobody likes me.
"We all wear masks in life. However yours is a Tom Cruise, mission Impossible style one. This is because nobody really likes you, so you have come in disguise."

Dunno how you would know me yuma, nor do I wear this mask all the time.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 03:35:24 pm
Vote: The dude nobody likes

It's a place to start.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 03:37:31 pm
And Jeez, it was not like I was questioned till I said I wore I mask, I came forward with it on my own, I have done so to prevent Captain_Frisk-like situation in future where it becomes important and my confession than seems forced and insincere.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 03:38:07 pm
Plus, Jeez, its only flavor.  :o
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 03:38:19 pm
Wrong smilie, was supposted to be rolleyes.  ::)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 03:39:29 pm
Captain_Frisk, in contrast, feels like an Innocent Werewolf Child.  Someone roleblock him tonight so he doesn't hurt himself or others.  We can decide what to do about him later.

Hold on here... we have a confirmed person who's been up out of his seat doing who knows what, and you're trying to divert role-blocking to me?  This just seems double scummy.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 03:42:00 pm
Let's not forget that Volt WAS out of his seat himself, no matter what his excuse. The smell can't have been THAT bad, as the person on the other side of CF was able to withstand it.

Vote: Voltgloss
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 03:43:15 pm
Captain_Frisk, in contrast, feels like an Innocent Werewolf Child.  Someone roleblock him tonight so he doesn't hurt himself or others.  We can decide what to do about him later.

Hold on here... we have a confirmed person who's been up out of his seat doing who knows what, and you're trying to divert role-blocking to me?  This just seems double scummy.

You're calling me scummy after... my post moving my vote away from you?  What are you, a Werewolf Jester? 

If you're really a werewolf who doesn't know it - and that seems a reasonable interpretation based on what we've learned - then I expect you will randomly kill someone at night with no control over who it is.  I, for one, would like to prevent that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 03:44:09 pm
Let's not forget that Volt WAS out of his seat himself, no matter what his excuse. The smell can't have been THAT bad, as the person on the other side of CF was able to withstand it.

Vote: Voltgloss

Still, murderer-tell - yes! Scum tell-not.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 03:44:30 pm
Captain_Frisk, in contrast, feels like an Innocent Werewolf Child.  Someone roleblock him tonight so he doesn't hurt himself or others.  We can decide what to do about him later.

Hold on here... we have a confirmed person who's been up out of his seat doing who knows what, and you're trying to divert role-blocking to me?  This just seems double scummy.

You're calling me scummy after... my post moving my vote away from you?  What are you, a Werewolf Jester? 

Whoa whoa whoa

Why should your vote placement on him have anything to do with whether he finds you scummy?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 03:47:06 pm
Yeah, actually, unvote, vote: Voltgloss

Boy does that read like "Hey! I unvoted you, you're supposed to find me less scummy now!"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 03:47:52 pm
Captain_Frisk, in contrast, feels like an Innocent Werewolf Child.  Someone roleblock him tonight so he doesn't hurt himself or others.  We can decide what to do about him later.

Hold on here... we have a confirmed person who's been up out of his seat doing who knows what, and you're trying to divert role-blocking to me?  This just seems double scummy.

You're calling me scummy after... my post moving my vote away from you?  What are you, a Werewolf Jester? 

Whoa whoa whoa

Why should your vote placement on him have anything to do with whether he finds you scummy?

I don't know.  All I know is that I moved by vote from CF to Grujah, suggested someone roleblock CF (because, as I explained, I think CF is likely a source of uncontrollable nightkilling), and CF called me scummy in response.  I don't understand it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 03:49:32 pm
To talk about meta for a second, have we ever seen scum Volt?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 03:50:07 pm
To talk about meta for a second, have we ever seen scum Volt?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 03:51:50 pm
Vote: Timchen for making 3 posts this game. Seriously.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 03:52:17 pm
Mod has indicated that he isn't lying, and I don't have anything pm wise that would indicate that I am dangerous.  I think its far more likely that the howling is something to distract us than an indication that I'm an unknowing WW.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 03:54:48 pm
Moved "my" vote, not "by" vote.  It was an offhand comment on the fact that CF's behavior was the reverse of typical OMGUS.  Normally, OMGUS is "you're suspicious because you voted me!"  CF's post felt to me like the exact opposite - "you're suspicious because you unvoted me!"  Just struck me as truly weird.  (Not scummy.  Just weird.)

What's more interesting, frankly, is that CF is apparently more concerned about being roleblocked at night than he is about being voted.  If he's as innocent as he's making himself out to be, why should he get up in arms about his night action being restricted?

To talk about meta for a second, have we ever seen scum Volt?

You have.  M-III.

PPE:  Ninja'd.

Mod has indicated that he isn't lying, and I don't have anything pm wise that would indicate that I am dangerous.  I think its far more likely that the howling is something to distract us than an indication that I'm an unknowing WW.

Where did the mod indicate he isn't lying?  (Not disputing you, I just don't recall where that is.  Do note that this IS Bastard Mafia, so the mod lying isn't out of the realm of possibility.)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 03:55:41 pm
Nvm my last question, I see now where Ozle put "the Mod does not lie" in the intro post.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 03:56:29 pm
Where did the mod indicate he isn't lying?  (Not disputing you, I just don't recall where that is.  Do note that this IS Bastard Mafia, so the mod lying isn't out of the realm of possibility.)

Post 1.

Of course I'm concerned about being roleblocked.  I want to take that shower.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 31, 2012, 03:56:40 pm
The Rules:

•         All Mod text could be important, including flavour. The Mod does not lie, however not all flavour is relevant and some of it may be redundant
•         This is not a proper Bastard game, the mod will not lie, but not everything is as it seems.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 03:57:20 pm
  If he's as innocent as he's making himself out to be, why should he get up in arms about his night action being restricted?

Fair point.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 04:00:08 pm
Where did the mod indicate he isn't lying?  (Not disputing you, I just don't recall where that is.  Do note that this IS Bastard Mafia, so the mod lying isn't out of the realm of possibility.)

Post 1.

Of course I'm concerned about being roleblocked.  I want to take that shower.

A shower would help with body odor, not bad breath and farting.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 04:02:09 pm

I think the main question here is....

Do Werewolves fart?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 04:02:18 pm
Well, I did say that I wanted to brush my teeth too.  The farting thing is unconfirmed. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 31, 2012, 04:05:53 pm
I applaud Ozle for making a setup where the following quote makes sense:

The farting thing is unconfirmed. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 04:07:26 pm
I can't imagine that lynching will make him smell better though.

Here's my concern. This is a murder mystery. The people who seem obviously suspicious in the flavor (the howling bum, the masked man) are probably not scum. It would be too obvious.  I don't have oodles of evidence Volt is scum, but I like a vote on Volt better than a vote on someone it seems like the mod set up to be a day 1 lynch.

Volt's also one of those guys that I don't dislike, but I will just get a stronger and stronger town read on as any game goes on, so there's something to be said for an early lynch.

Or we could just NL, since we don't have a good idea of who's scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 04:07:29 pm
I applaud Ozle for making a setup where the following quote makes sense:

The farting thing is unconfirmed. 

I truly did smell it, but I'm not sure who dealt it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 04:19:21 pm
Here's my concern. This is a murder mystery. The people who seem obviously suspicious in the flavor (the howling bum, the masked man) are probably not scum. It would be too obvious.  I don't have oodles of evidence Volt is scum, but I like a vote on Volt better than a vote on someone it seems like the mod set up to be a day 1 lynch.

This is a fair point.  But aren't I one of those obviously-suspicious people too?  The one guy who is easily confirmed to have been out of his seat already when the lights went off?

By your logic, the person we should be voting today is whoever seems LEAST suspicious.  And I get that, in murder-mystery-terms, that's not terrible logic.  So:  who do you think is LEAST suspicious?  (besides yourself, obviously)

Volt's also one of those guys that I don't dislike, but I will just get a stronger and stronger town read on as any game goes on, so there's something to be said for an early lynch.

You didn't have that problem in M-II!  :)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 04:20:48 pm
I can't imagine that lynching will make him smell better though.

Here's my concern. This is a murder mystery. The people who seem obviously suspicious in the flavor (the howling bum, the masked man) are probably not scum. It would be too obvious.  I don't have oodles of evidence Volt is scum, but I like a vote on Volt better than a vote on someone it seems like the mod set up to be a day 1 lynch.

Volt's also one of those guys that I don't dislike, but I will just get a stronger and stronger town read on as any game goes on, so there's something to be said for an early lynch.

Or we could just NL, since we don't have a good idea of who's scum.

This is also Mafia. Just because they are too obvious to me the murderer doesn't mean they aren't scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 31, 2012, 04:21:27 pm
Mod, can you prod Timchen?

I'd prefer a policy lynch on a lurker to be better than a No Lynch. We might get lucky and hit scum, and it looks like he's not helping the town anyway, having not posted since July 26th, 5 days ago. I have no particular reason to believe he is actually scum, but certainly have no reason to believe he isn't.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 04:22:45 pm
Ahem. LOL.

"me the murderer" was supposed to be typed "be the murderer". That was NOT a claim. ;D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 04:24:30 pm
ok, Vote: timchen

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 04:26:14 pm
  If he's as innocent as he's making himself out to be, why should he get up in arms about his night action being restricted?

Fair point.

No it isn't! It's a leading question that reframes the issue.

Voltgloss was attempting to direct the actions of protown power roles, and Frisk called him on it:

Captain_Frisk, in contrast, feels like an Innocent Werewolf Child.  Someone roleblock him tonight so he doesn't hurt himself or others.  We can decide what to do about him later.

Hold on here... we have a confirmed person who's been up out of his seat doing who knows what, and you're trying to divert role-blocking to me?  This just seems double scummy.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 04:29:04 pm
Volt's day one play is also ... play that makes sense for scum.  I've tried gunning for the "play the leader tell" before, though, and I'm not convinced by it.  It's high-risk, high-reward and a scummer has to commit to it right out of the gate.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 04:32:33 pm
cayvie, you are the one who said CF is clearly a werewolf who doesn't know it.

Logically, that means he has a nightkill.  For him to not be aware that he is a werewolf, he must not have control over that nightkill.  So: a random nightkill.  Assuming there are more town than scum, the random nightkill has a better chance of killing town than it does scum.  So: an anti-town night power.  What should the town do about anti-town night powers?  Block them from happening.

I am taking your own conclusion - a conclusion with which I agree - and extending it to the next logical step:  CF is someone that the town should roleblock (if we can).

Why is that suspicious?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 04:33:50 pm
I think at this point, people are confusing "murder suspect" with "mafia suspect" and are getting drawn into using them interchangeably.

"He's too obviously suspicious" I've seen brandied around a few times - Like with Yuma, holding the knife. That doesn't mean they are suddenly bad lynches! We lynch for syndicate, not for the murderer. If you think they are "too obvious to be the murderer", fine. But don't acquit them of being lynch-worthy because of it!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 04:36:20 pm
Part of the confusion is that werewolf is (presumably) a night-action scum thing, but the flavor has (apparently) provided clues about the werewolf's identity. So there IS in fact, at least in that case, evidence that the murder mystery and the mafia game are NOT completely separate and the flavor CAN teach us about scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on July 31, 2012, 04:36:44 pm
Do you seriously think Frisk is CLEARLY a werewolf without knowing it? I know this is bastard mafia but that would be such a sucky role.. I can think of several more likely scenarios.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 04:39:29 pm
Part of the confusion is that werewolf is (presumably) a night-action scum thing, but the flavor has (apparently) provided clues about the werewolf's identity. So there IS in fact, at least in that case, evidence that the murder mystery and the mafia game are NOT completely separate and the flavor CAN teach us about scum.

I agree completely. I've been a major proponent of solving them together since very early on. I just feel it's a mistake to use the "he's too obvious to be one thing" to acquit someone of possibly being the "other thing" (murder vs syndicate vs WW vs whatever).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 04:40:04 pm
cayvie, you are the one who said CF is clearly a werewolf who doesn't know it.

Logically, that means he has a nightkill.  For him to not be aware that he is a werewolf, he must not have control over that nightkill.  So: a random nightkill.  Assuming there are more town than scum, the random nightkill has a better chance of killing town than it does scum.  So: an anti-town night power.  What should the town do about anti-town night powers?  Block them from happening.

I am taking your own conclusion - a conclusion with which I agree - and extending it to the next logical step:  CF is someone that the town should roleblock (if we can).

Why is that suspicious?

Because you're attempting to direct the night actions of a protown faction based on uncertain information!

Here's the thing. Most likely, neither of us knows Frisk's alignment or role for certain. I put out the unknowing werewolf thing as a sort of jokey guess (though one that I think is a real possibility). But neither of us can be more than, like, 20% confident of Frisk's role, really. We both know this (unless of course you're his buddy, but I doubt that).

But what the Mafia do know is whether Frisk is a member of their faction. And it is always in a Mafioso's interest to have roleblocks directed at people who aren't in their faction.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 04:47:19 pm
Part of the confusion is that werewolf is (presumably) a night-action scum thing, but the flavor has (apparently) provided clues about the werewolf's identity. So there IS in fact, at least in that case, evidence that the murder mystery and the mafia game are NOT completely separate and the flavor CAN teach us about scum.

I agree completely. I've been a major proponent of solving them together since very early on. I just feel it's a mistake to use the "he's too obvious to be one thing" to acquit someone of possibly being the "other thing" (murder vs syndicate vs WW vs whatever).

Do you realize that you and eevee are the only ones who have ever used the word syndicate?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 04:48:13 pm
Didn't the mod use it a bunch?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 31, 2012, 05:01:12 pm
I'm happy with my VOTE: GRUJAH (I think I'm on a seat right now). He's been scummy, is wearing a mask, voted me when I claimed a town role (that hasn't been counterclaimed and is mod confirmed in this game). If the flavour of the death is werewolf, I'll be looking into CF, otherwise I'll be looking at Volt. That said I watched M3 Volt from the God role, Volt plays a calm cool mafia even when accused so I'm not thinking he is scum this game.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 05:02:01 pm
mod confirmed?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 05:08:11 pm
mod confirmed?

Ozle said:
"This is breaking news, just in from our roving Bureaucrat who is on the scene"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 05:12:21 pm
And it is always in a Mafioso's interest to have roleblocks directed at people who aren't in their faction.


Say Mr. Mafioso is a member of (to use the town setup I ran in M-IV) a three-person mafia out of a town of 15.  Say Mr. Mafioso discovers that Person X (non-Mafia) may be an uncontrollable random nightkill.  Or, at least, has a better likelihood of everyone else in the town of having that "power."

The chance of Person X killing town during the night is 11/14 (assuming a daytime lynch of a townie happens first).  The chance of Person X killing mafia during the night is 3/14.

Isn't it in Mr. Mafioso's interest to let Person X rage unchecked?  X is more likely to help the Mafia (by killing town) then he is to hurt the Mafia.

Conversely, isn't it in the town's interest to keep Person X under wraps?

If you don't think my guess as to CF's night ability is reasonable, then that's a separate question.  I think it's reasonable based on what we've heard.  I would put it as more likely to be CF's night ability than any other night ability I can think of to attribute to CF.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on July 31, 2012, 05:13:42 pm
mod confirmed?

Ozle said:
"This is breaking news, just in from our roving Bureaucrat who is on the scene"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 05:13:56 pm
Vote: FTL

Him and cayvie I find actually scummy. He's been bandwagoning a lot and cayvie (though much less scummy) who, as I said, seemed to try to copy his MVI Day1 play but now has stopped doing that. Some people are almost invisible which is scummy and bad (Eevee who is just throwing jokes, sharkbait, yuma..) - wouldn't really oppose these lynches, though I doubt they will happen.
Timchen is V/LA, lurkin' (he was online today) - I could support this policy lynch (or get Axxle to replace? He is awfully good at replacing). Robz is lurking too. Wouldn't cry if he died.
Of louder people jo seems townieshly sincere, I agree with his judgement on Volt "taking the lead" tell - but this is how I saw Volt play always (didn't see him play scum). So Volt on a lil scummy side, Galz - neutral. Maybe slight town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 05:15:07 pm
mod confirmed?

Ozle said:
"This is breaking news, just in from our roving Bureaucrat who is on the scene"

FWIW, I missed that Bcrat mention when I skimmed the news.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 05:15:28 pm
(the first time, before my vote on you*)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 05:16:34 pm
And it is always in a Mafioso's interest to have roleblocks directed at people who aren't in their faction.


Say Mr. Mafioso is a member of (to use the town setup I ran in M-IV) a three-person mafia out of a town of 15.  Say Mr. Mafioso discovers that Person X (non-Mafia) may be an uncontrollable random nightkill.  Or, at least, has a better likelihood of everyone else in the town of having that "power."

The chance of Person X killing town during the night is 11/14 (assuming a daytime lynch of a townie happens first).  The chance of Person X killing mafia during the night is 3/14.

Isn't it in Mr. Mafioso's interest to let Person X rage unchecked?  X is more likely to help the Mafia (by killing town) then he is to hurt the Mafia.

Conversely, isn't it in the town's interest to keep Person X under wraps?

If you don't think my guess as to CF's night ability is reasonable, then that's a separate question.  I think it's reasonable based on what we've heard.  I would put it as more likely to be CF's night ability than any other night ability I can think of to attribute to CF.

Not necessarily. It's a smaller chance of hitting mafia, but if it does, it hurts mafia a lot more (since it eliminates 1/3 of their team as opposed to 1/11). Depending on how comfortable you are leaving things up to chance, you might still want to block that random kill.

Furthermore, there is just so little reason to believe CF is an unwitting werewolf. I mean, how is that not a bastard role?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 05:17:17 pm
Compulsive Random Vig? It's not, unless he doesn't know it. That it is bastardly.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 05:18:41 pm
Vote: FTL

Him and cayvie I find actually scummy. He's been bandwagoning a lot and cayvie (though much less scummy) who, as I said, seemed to try to copy his MVI Day1 play but now has stopped doing that. Some people are almost invisible which is scummy and bad (Eevee who is just throwing jokes, sharkbait, yuma..) - wouldn't really oppose these lynches, though I doubt they will happen.
Timchen is V/LA, lurkin' (he was online today) - I could support this policy lynch (or get Axxle to replace? He is awfully good at replacing). Robz is lurking too. Wouldn't cry if he died.
Of louder people jo seems townieshly sincere, I agree with his judgement on Volt "taking the lead" tell - but this is how I saw Volt play always (didn't see him play scum). So Volt on a lil scummy side, Galz - neutral. Maybe slight town.

Oh crap, I look way too town I'm gonna die dammit.

Also, I could sheep this if other people are into it. The Volt lynch makes me uncomfortable, despite the evidence, which I am tempted by.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 05:23:23 pm
Furthermore, there is just so little reason to believe CF is an unwitting werewolf. I mean, how is that not a bastard role?

It absolutely is a bastard role.  But this is bastard mafia! 

Just because Ozle doesn't outright lie, doesn't mean he's not withholding information. 

I mean, look.  If people don't think CF is an unwitting nightkill, that's fine, don't take my suggestion.  I happen to think that's the most likely explanation, based on what we know/have heard so far.  That's all.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 05:33:07 pm
I'm not at all convinced he's a werewolf. The "evidence"

1) He smells bad. I live in New York City. I've encountered a lot of really foul-smelling people. I have never (to my knowledge) encountered a werewolf.

2) He howled when he accidentally stabbed himself. Out of context (and in a mafia context) the word "howl" made us all think of wolves. But haven't you heard an author say someone "howled with laughter" or "howled in pain." It just seems like mod-trolling to me.

3) His PM says there are no werewolves. So, ok mod irony would fit in nicely with mod trolling if it's something like "Werewolves! You don't believe they exist!"

All of this seems like a red herring - a set up designed to make us think CF is a werewolf because of a combination of factors that have other, innocent (?) explanations.  So I'm not nearly as taken with this wolf-and-doesn't-know-it theory.

Of course, all of this assumes he's not lying through his (unusually sharp?) teeth about his PM, in which case all bets are off.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 05:34:47 pm
2) He howled when he accidentally stabbed himself. Out of context (and in a mafia context) the word "howl" made us all think of wolves. But haven't you heard an author say someone "howled with laughter" or "howled in pain." It just seems like mod-trolling to me.

" when a terrifying bestial howl rang around the room."

Bestial and terrifying.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 05:41:57 pm
2) He howled when he accidentally stabbed himself. Out of context (and in a mafia context) the word "howl" made us all think of wolves. But haven't you heard an author say someone "howled with laughter" or "howled in pain." It just seems like mod-trolling to me.

" when a terrifying bestial howl rang around the room."

Bestial and terrifying.

Not only that, but from the intro post:

Ozle was in the midst of telling people not to panic as he heard a couple of chairs move, and explaining that he thought he was due another red letter before they cut off his lighting when a terrifying bestial howl rang around the room. This shut Ozle right up, as he didn’t keep pets and certainly wouldn't get a wolf!.

The howl sounded like that of a wolf's.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 05:43:36 pm
Oh crap, I look way too town I'm gonna die dammit.

Also, I could sheep this if other people are into it. The Volt lynch makes me uncomfortable, despite the evidence, which I am tempted by.

What about it makes you uncomfortable?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 06:02:17 pm
Volt has pushed a lot of action, and I tend to like his insights and analysis. Although this game, not blown away. Lynching him Day 1 could make for slower subsequent days.  I'd still lynch him if it came down to it though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 06:07:27 pm
Volt has pushed a lot of action, and I tend to like his insights and analysis. Although this game, not blown away. Lynching him Day 1 could make for slower subsequent days.  I'd still lynch him if it came down to it though.

If we're going to go with "Lynch Mafia, not scum" as a rule of thumb, then surely "protect Town players, not strong players" is a corollary.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 31, 2012, 06:39:35 pm
Vote: FTL

Him and cayvie I find actually scummy.He's been bandwagoning a lot and cayvie (though much less scummy) who, as I said, seemed to try to copy his MVI Day1 play but now has stopped doing that. Some people are almost invisible which is scummy and bad (Eevee who is just throwing jokes, sharkbait, yuma..) - wouldn't really oppose these lynches, though I doubt they will happen.
Timchen is V/LA, lurkin' (he was online today) - I could support this policy lynch (or get Axxle to replace? He is awfully good at replacing). Robz is lurking too. Wouldn't cry if he died.
Of louder people jo seems townieshly sincere, I agree with his judgement on Volt "taking the lead" tell - but this is how I saw Volt play always (didn't see him play scum). So Volt on a lil scummy side, Galz - neutral. Maybe slight town.

 Heh, I'm not as invisible here as I was in MVI, I actually have attention! But here, the only person I've bandwagoned on is you, though, I think? Twice, no wonder you think it's scummy. Once after the Bureaucrat thing, once after Mogrim claimed to know one of three people was scum and Robz/Joth cleared each other.

Time to make lynch lists? We have 2 days left. Here's what comes to mind.

Scummy by flavor: Grujah, Captain_Frisk . Grujah has a mask and stood up, C_F howls and smells. Both pretty equal, IMO. Volt was out of his seat too.

Scummy by behavior: Captain_Frisk. Not telling us about his "No WW!" PM, leading everyone along for days talking about WWs and hoping they wouldn't come back to him? Not townish. Overshadows anything I had on Grujah.

Scummy by gut feel: Eevee. I don't know, but somehow Eevee's early play just seemed... off, to me. I don't really have a good explanation of why. Seemed like it was demonstratively pro-town, not like what a townie would do but what a mafia would do if they wanted to be seen as a townie? I've been carrying this suspicion for a while but I have never really had anything concrete enough to explain, and still don't, I keep waiting for something but nothing has been coming up. I vote a lot but I prefer to have a reason to do so, and I just couldn't find one and still can't. But on the other hand, he hasn't said anything that would make me shake that feeling. Willing to lynch.

I suppose now is the time when I should Vote: Eevee for no particularly good reason and ask if anyone's gotten a similar feel?

Zero read: Timchen. Willing to lynch if we have nothing better.

Not willing to lynch: Robz. He's busy and gave specific times where he'll be online and checking, so I trust he'll check back often enough to make a few posts here and there. It's enough.

WIFOM anti-scummy: everyone who's been under suspicion thus far due to flavor, so C_F and Gruj. High chance of mod trolling with the werewolf and with the flavor? But I don't know, there was a post on WIFOM recently in this board which basically concluded that WIFOM should make conclusions milder, not negate them.

Voltgloss: I don't quite see joth's argument there, that he's trying to direct the town.

So I guess by preferences, my order is:
Volt maybe?
everyone else

I guess my vote stays on Eevee just because I don't know how close C_F is to lynch and don't want to put my vote there, also because I want to see whether I'm alone in my eevee sentiments or whether someone has something more concrete.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 31, 2012, 06:40:04 pm
I am getting a feeling that the mafia are sitting happy right now. This is exactly who I felt as a mafia in games III and V. Turmoil and confusion within the town as they pinpoint incorrect mafia all on their own.

The player that reminds me the most of me in those games is vote: shark_bait. He is making sure is seen, casting only occasional voted, but isn't really making himself the spotlight or the center of attention (a place that Mafia rarely wants to be).

Do you have anything to add to this conversation shark?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 06:45:18 pm
Scummy by flavor: Grujah, Captain_Frisk . Grujah has a mask and stood up, C_F howls and smells. Both pretty equal, IMO. Volt was out of his seat too.

I was at my seat the whole time.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 06:46:44 pm
I am getting a feeling that the mafia are sitting happy right now. This is exactly who I felt as a mafia in games III and V. Turmoil and confusion within the town as they pinpoint incorrect mafia all on their own.

The player that reminds me the most of me in those games is vote: shark_bait. He is making sure is seen, casting only occasional voted, but isn't really making himself the spotlight or the center of attention (a place that Mafia rarely wants to be).

Do you have anything to add to this conversation shark?

I agree on this (as I said on the last page) and of 3 invisible persons (you, yuma, Eevee) I think he reeks the most. I could stand behind this lynch.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 06:49:09 pm
Here's what I believe to be an updated, unofficial vote count.  Someone holler at me if I've got anything down here wrong.

Grujah (4): Eevee, Morgrim7, Insomniac, Voltgloss
Voltgloss (1): cayvie
timchen (2): Galzria, jotheonah
ftl (1): Grujah
Eevee (1): ftl
shark_bait (1): yuma

Not voting {4}: Captain_Frisk, Robz888, shark_bait, timchen
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 31, 2012, 07:03:46 pm
Scummy by flavor: Grujah, Captain_Frisk . Grujah has a mask and stood up, C_F howls and smells. Both pretty equal, IMO. Volt was out of his seat too.

I was at my seat the whole time.

Oh. I keep getting things wrong about you :( sorry. I got something wrong about you the first time I voted for you too.

...OK, yeah, went back and found where Ozle clarified Mogrim's PM. OK you move down my suspicion list then. But C_F is still up there!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on July 31, 2012, 07:26:47 pm
Ok wow.

First, I live in Japan, but I'm from the USA. Does that count?
Secondly, living in Japan, I have also encountered odd smelling people. No werewolves.
Thirdly, my vote is staying on Grujah. CF is also scummy.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 31, 2012, 07:43:38 pm
I am getting a feeling that the mafia are sitting happy right now. This is exactly who I felt as a mafia in games III and V. Turmoil and confusion within the town as they pinpoint incorrect mafia all on their own.

The player that reminds me the most of me in those games is vote: shark_bait. He is making sure is seen, casting only occasional voted, but isn't really making himself the spotlight or the center of attention (a place that Mafia rarely wants to be).

Do you have anything to add to this conversation shark?

Sure thing.  The reason I have been avoiding the CoA is that in all honesty, it makes you more likely to get voted for.  I can see reason my anyone to not want that.  I don't see that as solely a scum trait.  However, I will agree with you that it is certainly a desirable scum trait.

The reasons for my occasional posting is that I really am against a full seat claim right now.  I'm okay with leaving a few breadcrumbs here and there targeted at a specific person, but as a town player, I don't think it is beneficial to have everyone know what seat we were at this point in the game.  In all honesty I think we are completely fine with where things are right now and I see no reason to actively dig up and reveal seating.  I really did not like seeing all the seat fishing going on by various players.  IMO, that is just gathering information that scum can use better than the town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 07:50:19 pm
sharky, what's "CoA?"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 31, 2012, 07:53:11 pm
center of attention
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 08:02:10 pm
I am getting a feeling that the mafia are sitting happy right now. This is exactly who I felt as a mafia in games III and V. Turmoil and confusion within the town as they pinpoint incorrect mafia all on their own.

The player that reminds me the most of me in those games is vote: shark_bait. He is making sure is seen, casting only occasional voted, but isn't really making himself the spotlight or the center of attention (a place that Mafia rarely wants to be).

Do you have anything to add to this conversation shark?

Sure thing.  The reason I have been avoiding the CoA is that in all honesty, it makes you more likely to get voted for.  I can see reason my anyone to not want that.  I don't see that as solely a scum trait.  However, I will agree with you that it is certainly a desirable scum trait.

The reasons for my occasional posting is that I really am against a full seat claim right now.  I'm okay with leaving a few breadcrumbs here and there targeted at a specific person, but as a town player, I don't think it is beneficial to have everyone know what seat we were at this point in the game.  In all honesty I think we are completely fine with where things are right now and I see no reason to actively dig up and reveal seating.  I really did not like seeing all the seat fishing going on by various players.  IMO, that is just gathering information that scum can use better than the town.

So, your main concern is to not get voted, and not to find scum?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on July 31, 2012, 08:49:33 pm
that was weak, sharky

Vote: Shark_bait
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 09:00:32 pm
Sharkbait, you're in seat 16.

There, now that you don't have to worry about that anymore, care to try again?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 09:14:05 pm
Vote: timchen for continued lurking.  He posted in M-VII around three hours ago.  Radio silence here.

timchen, why did you travel from so far away to meet with Ozle?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on July 31, 2012, 09:19:33 pm
Vote: timchen for continued lurking.  He posted in M-VII around three hours ago.  Radio silence here.

timchen, why did you travel from so far away to meet with Ozle?

I though he was world traveler and not the man from far off land?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 09:26:08 pm
Vote: timchen for continued lurking.  He posted in M-VII around three hours ago.  Radio silence here.

timchen, why did you travel from so far away to meet with Ozle?

I though he was world traveler and not the man from far off land?

Same person. Volt was working on a "worst-case" theory before.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on July 31, 2012, 09:36:12 pm
Vote: timchen for continued lurking.  He posted in M-VII around three hours ago.  Radio silence here.

timchen, why did you travel from so far away to meet with Ozle?

I though he was world traveler and not the man from far off land?

Same person. Volt was working on a "worst-case" theory before.

Yeah, sharky seemed to think they were two different people, so I was running off that assumption.  But apparently they are indeed one and the same.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 31, 2012, 10:04:38 pm
Sharkbait, you're in seat 16.

There, now that you don't have to worry about that anymore, care to try again?

Thanks Galz... after I express my concern over seat fishing and revealing too much info on day one you come out and do that.  Really?

Regarding your question, are you truly asking and will take any answer I give whether it be yes or no?  Or is this one of those "I'm asking it in a question to be nice and expecting an answer and if you don't I vote for you" kind of thing. 

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 10:13:02 pm
Sharkbait, you're in seat 16.

There, now that you don't have to worry about that anymore, care to try again?

Thanks Galz... after I express my concern over seat fishing and revealing too much info on day one you come out and do that.  Really?

Regarding your question, are you truly asking and will take any answer I give whether it be yes or no?  Or is this one of those "I'm asking it in a question to be nice and expecting an answer and if you don't I vote for you" kind of thing.

It's a "Yuma called you out, and you basically avoided her questions and accusations and went right back into shadowing" kind of thing. Seemed to me your concern was over information. I alleviated that concern. Now you can stop hiding and actually get involved. Nobody wants to stick their neck out, you're right. But scum least of all. We've all been out here revealing information to try and further our ability to find scum - and yes, that comes at a risk to ourselves. You basically said "I have no desire to give you anything, I'm just gonna hide in my corner" - which as Yuma points out, is exactly where scum want to be. Visible, without offering anything substantial.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on July 31, 2012, 10:22:52 pm
I'm not at all convinced he's a werewolf. The "evidence"

1) He smells bad. I live in New York City. I've encountered a lot of really foul-smelling people. I have never (to my knowledge) encountered a werewolf.

2) He howled when he accidentally stabbed himself. Out of context (and in a mafia context) the word "howl" made us all think of wolves. But haven't you heard an author say someone "howled with laughter" or "howled in pain." It just seems like mod-trolling to me.

3) His PM says there are no werewolves. So, ok mod irony would fit in nicely with mod trolling if it's something like "Werewolves! You don't believe they exist!"

All of this seems like a red herring - a set up designed to make us think CF is a werewolf because of a combination of factors that have other, innocent (?) explanations.  So I'm not nearly as taken with this wolf-and-doesn't-know-it theory.

Of course, all of this assumes he's not lying through his (unusually sharp?) teeth about his PM, in which case all bets are off.

I am convinced that I am not a werewolf - otherwise the mod is lying to me - and he said he wouldn't do that.  However, given that the howl came from around the room, rather than say... and the fact that it is phrased that I am certain there is no such thing as werewolves.  There are plenty of people who are "certain" of things that are not verifiable.  I could be certain AND wrong, without the mod lying to me.

Now smelling bad and farting, I have no idea what this is all about.  I wonder if there is something nasty underneath the table / chair near me or something.  Or maybe I'm just disgusting.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on July 31, 2012, 10:48:44 pm
Vote: timchen for continued lurking.  He posted in M-VII around three hours ago.  Radio silence here.

timchen, why did you travel from so far away to meet with Ozle?

Timchen is on now. Timchen are you reading this thread?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 31, 2012, 10:56:12 pm
I am getting a feeling that the mafia are sitting happy right now. This is exactly who I felt as a mafia in games III and V. Turmoil and confusion within the town as they pinpoint incorrect mafia all on their own.

The player that reminds me the most of me in those games is vote: shark_bait. He is making sure is seen, casting only occasional voted, but isn't really making himself the spotlight or the center of attention (a place that Mafia rarely wants to be).

Do you have anything to add to this conversation shark?

I think you're adding a bit of your own style to what yuma said Galz.  He made a couple of observations about me and asked a single question open ended question.  Was I wrong to respond honestly?  I'll expand a bit more.

Based on the discussion thus far, I have given out almost exactly what I intended to.  I helped clear up the issue regarding Grujah et. al. even when it meant me revealing seat 14.  I've intentionally shared flavor from my own PM.  In terms of scumhunting, yeah, I'll be the first to admit that I've been rather lax.  It's rather tough for me to caste a vote or voice suspicions on D1.  My reasoning for that - I don't want to get in the mindset that we can figure out the murder AND the scum from our PM's all on D1. 

So here are my main opinions thus far.  I'm most suspicious of the people who have been actively and aggressively fishing out information regarding seating.  Insomniac came right out of the gate gunning for seat claims.  Grujah deceptively outed that info from another player.  And you, Galz, rather than keep my information to yourself, decided that everyone should have it.  I may be in the minority, but in mafia games like this, I believe that scum will benefit more from a mass of information than the town will, especially on D1.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 11:06:21 pm
I am getting a feeling that the mafia are sitting happy right now. This is exactly who I felt as a mafia in games III and V. Turmoil and confusion within the town as they pinpoint incorrect mafia all on their own.

The player that reminds me the most of me in those games is vote: shark_bait. He is making sure is seen, casting only occasional voted, but isn't really making himself the spotlight or the center of attention (a place that Mafia rarely wants to be).

Do you have anything to add to this conversation shark?

I think you're adding a bit of your own style to what yuma said Galz.  He made a couple of observations about me and asked a single question open ended question.  Was I wrong to respond honestly?  I'll expand a bit more.

Based on the discussion thus far, I have given out almost exactly what I intended to.  I helped clear up the issue regarding Grujah et. al. even when it meant me revealing seat 14.  I've intentionally shared flavor from my own PM.  In terms of scumhunting, yeah, I'll be the first to admit that I've been rather lax.  It's rather tough for me to caste a vote or voice suspicions on D1.  My reasoning for that - I don't want to get in the mindset that we can figure out the murder AND the scum from our PM's all on D1. 

So here are my main opinions thus far.  I'm most suspicious of the people who have been actively and aggressively fishing out information regarding seating.  Insomniac came right out of the gate gunning for seat claims.  Grujah deceptively outed that info from another player.  And you, Galz, rather than keep my information to yourself, decided that everyone should have it.  I may be in the minority, but in mafia games like this, I believe that scum will benefit more from a mass of information than the town will, especially on D1.

Wait, you're suspicious of me because I gave out your seat number? Think about that. "How scummy of him to reveal my info! I didn't want scum to know! Now he's gone and told them! He must be scum!"

So in your mind, it was a scum move by me to reveal information you didn't want scum to have? ;D If I were scum, I already had that information - else how could I reveal it?

Now, you may not LIKE my revealing your seat, but I really don't care for your secrecy when everybody else is willing to stick their neck out. Scum have something to hide, not town. And you're intentionally and admittedly hiding information.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on July 31, 2012, 11:07:59 pm
Scum have something to hide, not town.

I think you may have gone a little far in your rhetoric there, Galz
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on July 31, 2012, 11:16:30 pm
Scum have something to hide, not town.

I think you may have gone a little far in your rhetoric there, Galz

I'm frustrated over a player intentionally saying "nope, I'd rather not engage and risk my neck". I'm not the only - nor even the first - player to notice this, and his responses have read "Yeah? That's nice".
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on July 31, 2012, 11:34:32 pm
So in your mind, it was a scum move by me to reveal information you didn't want scum to have? ;D If I were scum, I already had that information - else how could I reveal it?

Now, you may not LIKE my revealing your seat, but I really don't care for your secrecy when everybody else is willing to stick their neck out. Scum have something to hide, not town. And you're intentionally and admittedly hiding information.

You knew that I clearly didn't want that information out on D1 yet you still just handed it out.  I would wager that at least half of the people did not have a definitive number as to what I was.  So at the very least, I would call it inconsiderate. 

You say I'm admittedly and intentionally hiding information.  Are you referring to my seat number?  So is everyone else who hasn't shared their seat number hiding information too?  I'm pretty sure most people haven't came out with a direct claim.  Is it your desire to have everyone quote the flavor from their PM?  Would that be the pro town thing to do?  If someone doesn't share everything, are they hiding information and hurting the town?

I'm frustrated over a player intentionally saying "nope, I'd rather not engage and risk my neck". I'm not the only - nor even the first - player to notice this, and his responses have read "Yeah? That's nice".

I will politely disagree with you in regard to my engagement in the game.  I've tried to be as helpful when responding to people's questions.  I've shared insights and opinions regarding the flavor.  I've also said a far bit of useful information regarding my own flavor.  I'm just not the biggest scum hunter right now.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on July 31, 2012, 11:59:47 pm
I was averse to seatfishing too, but I think it's worked okay. We've gotten some meat to make some accusations and get out of RVS, we haven't outed any serious power roles (well, maybe Bureaucrat, but we don't even know whether we've seen all of his powers, that hasn't been too anti-town). Better than the flavor-based stuff in MVI, at least, though that's a low bar.

Don't deliberately stay out of the spotlight to avoid votes at the expense of scumhunting. It seems so scummy, like what are you doing with your d1 posts if not scumhunting? Waiting for a lynch to happen? Hoping others scumhunt?

On an unrelated note I'll repeat my question about whether anyone besides me has any thoughts on Eevee. Shark_bait? Do you have a townread or scumread on Eevee?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 12:40:00 am
... caught up like 20 pages. It takes some time. You guys really said a lot during the previous few days!

@Volt: sorry I know nothing about the world traveler or the person from the distant land. From my role pm it does not seem to be me.

For the earlier question, me and the person on my right was talking about the people sitting directly opposite us at 22 and 23 when the room went dark. I had no further information. Dunno whether they moved or not. And yes, I am at seat 15.

There is also a flavor paragraph saying I invited the bureaucrat and knew his ability. It is the same as what Insomniac said.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 12:46:25 am

Vote: Lekkit - Who I believe is beneath Grujah's mask! Scooby-dooby-doo!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 12:48:58 am

@Volt: sorry I know nothing about the world traveler or the person from the distant land. From my role pm it does not seem to be me.

Interesting.  Thanks, timchen.  Galz, any comment?  You seemed sure timchen would have info on this.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 12:51:51 am

@Volt: sorry I know nothing about the world traveler or the person from the distant land. From my role pm it does not seem to be me.

Interesting.  Thanks, timchen.  Galz, any comment?  You seemed sure timchen would have info on this.

I knew you were 14, SB was 16, and Timchen was 15. Shaky said he was talking to the traveler, which indicated to me 15 - or Timchen.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 12:52:16 am
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 12:54:45 am
So I am indeed the traveler!? Going back to look at my own PM...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 12:55:26 am
I'm not sure what to make of Timchen's claim that he knows nothing of that man - unless Sharky was talking across the Table to Morgrim? But Timchen says that he was engaged in conversation with Sharky ABOUT Morgrim and Insomniac.

So I don't know. I have to believe Timchen is the traveler.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 12:58:54 am
Ok. So maybe I am, I don't know. I thought this flavor paragraph denies that but maybe it doesn't. But it does deny that I am the one from the distant land, as I am no stranger to Ozle.

You had worked for Ozle in the past, as chief informant on the people in the village. And while you had been out of the loop since Ozle hired you, you knew his nicknames like the back of his hand
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 01:15:09 am
We need to clear this up.  shark_bait:  is timchen the world traveler with whom you were chatting?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 01:32:33 am
We need to clear this up.  shark_bait:  is timchen the world traveler with whom you were chatting?

You understand my confusion now I hope? My evidence was circumstantial based on what others had said so far:

Timchen: "Me and the player to my right were talking about 22 and 23"
Sharky: "I was engaged in conversation with a famous world traveler"

I pieced seating together based on the idea that you thought you had information on this Traveler, so it was likely you and Sharky sandwiched him. Sharky claimed not to have gotten up, which meant you were 14, and he was 16.

Given that I was correct at least so far as your seating arrangements were, the only people Sharky could've been easily speaking to were #1 Timchen (which after Morgrim claimed he knew nothing is why I was sure Timchen would), or MAYBE Morgrim across the table. But the second doesn't add up with Timchen's statement.

So the conclusion I'm left with is: Timchen is the Famous World Traveler - However - I suppose that COULD still be different than "A man from a far off land", though I doubt it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 01:36:12 am
I do understand your confusion, Galz.  I have a theory as to what's going on, but I need sharky's response to my question first.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 02:05:52 am
A separate thought before I grab a few hours' sleep:  Is Eevee the only player to have divulged zero seat and/or flavor information so far?  (Besides a sideclaim)  Because I'm sitting here trying to remember what info he's contributed - and other than a sideclaim, I'm coming up with nothing.

(Disclaimer:  I may be forgetting something, and I am too tired right now to go back through the thread and check.  If my recollection is flawed, my apologies in advance.)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 02:43:48 am
Dude, sharky, you're making a too big fuss about it. I knew your seat number too (based on your/timchen's info, + Galz hinting you two sandwitching timchen). Hell, everyone could piece together all seat numbers except 10-12 which are ftl, Eevee and Galz. I was to reveal it earlier to taunt you like Galz did, decided not to, but I don't blame Galz.
Only thing I don't like about it is that it was  Galz whoe revealed it while keeping his own seat hidden. I guess he is most likely #12.

Timchen also comes after being called out lurking to say just that his seat no is 15.
And that's IT? Wow.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 02:53:11 am
(Food for thoughts: anyone else has this feeling Galz is playing a bit safer than usual?)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 03:01:51 am
@grujah: I was not lurking. I was busy catching back up. And unfortunately I really don't have anything more to say on seating or what everyone was doing. In my role PM there are some additional statistics about the roles/cards (such as how many are from each set) but I don't want to share those yet, and I don't see how they are relevant for now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 03:04:07 am
And like... your opinion on anyone?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 03:10:38 am
Currently I would say I am most interested in what Volt did when he got up from his seat. I tend to believe frisk.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 03:11:26 am
And as actual opinion related to mafia game and not murder mystery?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 03:15:51 am
no real opinion then :(

I think my role PM implied that Insominiac is town if he is indeed bureaucrat, as he is said to be a friend of mine. But again maybe not, mafia can have town friends too. But in any case he is probably bureaucrat as his description of his ability matches what is said in my role PM.

@shark: do you know more detail about what we are talking about? That is, supposed you are indeed talking to me?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 03:28:52 am
While writing a list of my concerns .. I wanted to see if I missed somebody, and I did, 2 people:

Ins - whom is pushing me hard but I am not really concerned about him much anyway, let him be innocent child for now.
Robz - Whom I totally forgot is in this game. I know he is busy, but still.. FoS'd?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 01, 2012, 04:45:21 am
Is 36 hours until the deadline correct?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 04:47:29 am
I think so.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 01, 2012, 05:04:51 am
I always get this itchy feeling reading Galz posts. Like I agree with most of the things he's saying, but I still wanna lynch him anyway.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 05:11:33 am
I always get this itchy feeling reading Galz posts. Like I agree with most of the things he's saying, but I still wanna lynch him anyway.

To his defense, he always looks like a prime lynch target. In MIV we wanted to kill/lynch him even after he voted for  scum O, and in MVI I was honestly pushing his lynch even though I knew he didn't die cuz if PPS's protecting. And he was Town in both.

However, I still do think that he is playing a bit on a safe side, which is scummy at least. Playing safe would also explain why you have that itchy feeling that you agree but want to lynch. I'm not saying there's nothing there, just to take it with a grain of salt. He's not my prime lynch but I wouldn't object much.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 01, 2012, 05:36:22 am
Yeah, well, I had it throughout MVI, where he was Town, and Resistance II, where he wasn't. So I don't think it's a tell.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 01, 2012, 05:52:07 am
Yeah, well, I had it throughout MVI, where he was Town, and Resistance II, where he wasn't. So I don't think it's a tell.
He wasn't town in R1 either. He was Resistance.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 08:18:38 am
We need to clear this up.  shark_bait:  is timchen the world traveler with whom you were chatting?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 08:25:46 am
Ok. So maybe I am, I don't know. I thought this flavor paragraph denies that but maybe it doesn't. But it does deny that I am the one from the distant land, as I am no stranger to Ozle.

You had worked for Ozle in the past, as chief informant on the people in the village. And while you had been out of the loop since Ozle hired you, you knew his nicknames like the back of his hand

Out of which loop?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 08:34:12 am
So either:

1) timchen is lying;
2) shark_bait is lying; or
3) timchen is the world traveler, his PM is not clear about that, AND the "man from a far-off land" is someone else entirely.

I'm not seeing a clear reason for either #1 or #2.

If it's #3, then... when I asked for information about the "man from a far-off land," whoever actually IS that person lied about having no relevant information.  The questions are: who, and why?

I need to think a bit more about how to proceed on that front.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 08:37:46 am

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 08:39:04 am
or .. You!

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 08:40:25 am
My PM confirms the conversation topic that tc already mentioned and that it was indeed seat 15 that I was talking to.  It labels the person at seat 15 as a famous person who has traveled the world.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 10:03:01 am



or .. You!


I think I'm coming around to #3 in my last post - that the far-off-land man is probably someone different from world explorer timchen.  As sharky originally opined.  And whoever it is - they don't want to let on. 

In the meantime, there's another, more immediately pressing issue:  who do we lynch?  I would like to hear from the people who haven't been as vocal with their scumspicions* to date - Captain_Frisk and Eevee leap to mind.  Also timchen, who I understand just got back from V/LA, but is caught up now (and may have a unique perspective, having read the last 20+ pages all in one fell swoop).

And Morgrim7, a thought experiment for you:  if everyone except you were at L-1, who would you hammer?

And finally, Galz - you've had a lot to say, and have clearly been gathering and digesting information over the last few days.  Where are your scumspicion reads?

For my part, I still think Grujah has acted the most scumspiciously - I'm especially thinking of his overreaction to Morgrim's accusation - but I'm beginning to worry that I have a blind spot there; i.e., that Grujah ALWAYS acts scumspiciously to me.  (Have we seen him as scum yet in a completed mafia game?)  And/or, I may be getting a false positive from the whole "wearing a mask" thing.  (i.e., Grujah's behavior is attributable to the mask-wearing issue, not attributable to his being scum)

In the alternative, I am concerned about Robz888.  I have no read on him this game.  This is complicated by his reduced availability this week.  But... man, SO MUCH happened yesterday, and Robz didn't weigh in on ANY of it (even in the evening when he said he'd be available).  I feel like town-Robz would have at least put in his two (or more) cents.

* "Scumspicions" = suspicions that person X is scum.  As opposed to "suspicions," which I will try to reserve for talking about suspicions that person X is the murderer. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 10:25:39 am

I too found Grujah's panicky response very scummy. Thats why I'm voting for him!

We have been mostly solving the murder all day. I feel the fears I expressed at the beginning of the day are coming true - we got so busy with this murder mystery, we forgot to play the mafia game..
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 01, 2012, 10:42:12 am
@Volt - I thought I had already answered - I find you suspicious.  Longer post sometime today.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 10:45:49 am
You haven't seen me as scum yet; as I haven't been scum in any mafia game I've been in so far.

Only place where I was "scum" was Resistance II.

Also, shark_bait.

He haven't been vocal about scumspicions at all. Only thing that he was talking about this whole game is a) murder mystery b) seat numbers. And I just went over all of his posts. No other content.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 10:47:55 am
Gonna get to a PC soon and answer you Volt. I'm the meantime, do you think clearing up the last 3 seats to be advantageous? I can finish off the information there, and tell you what I know. Or would you just like my scumreads?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 11:32:04 am
I'm the meantime, do you think clearing up the last 3 seats to be advantageous? I can finish off the information there, and tell you what I know.

I am curious to know if Seat #12 as further info on Captain Frisk. 

Also, your quadrant of the table (10-11-12) is, I think, the only set where we haven't yet heard any info on who was or wasn't in their chair, or otherwise moving around in the dark.

So I think on the whole it would be helpful to get that info out there.  I would like to hear Eevee's and ftl's thoughts on such disclosure first, though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 11:40:29 am
Alright, I'll throw out what I know:

I am seat 12, Eevee is 11, and ftl is 10.

I can confirm two things:

First, that neither 11, nor 13 moved (and they should both be able to counter-confirm me)


Second, that 13 does indeed have pretty foul breath (actually, it could smell like daisies, but I interpreted this to mean foul):

You were pretty sure that nobody to either side of you moved when the lights went out. You were talking to seat 11, and you could smell 13’s breath!   

The other thing of interest in my PM I actually mentioned before. I think we may be at some sort of costume party, which would explain Grujah's mask:

Due to the nature of the party, you do not know the identities of the people at the table

This is why I asked if anybody else had any indication of what type of party this might be, or descriptions of the people here - because I think there is something being hidden. This was furthered by this quote from Ozle:

Ozle read with interest the suspcion that he might have been the murderer, which fueled hopes inside of him that he might be alive! Because surely Ozle wouldn't murder himself, he LOVED himself! He tried to will his body to get up, but no joy, the gaping wound in the middle of his back made sure of that.

He knew of course though that he hadn't planned his party around any specific book, that would be plaguarising, and Ozle wasn't a plaguriser! (Although he was a suspected Plague carrier ironically, but he was over the worst of it, what with being dead and all).

Personally he was hoping for the Scooby Doo ending....

Bold for emphasis. Now the first time I read this, I simply dismissed it - much like I dismissed my own PM's hint about not being able to recognize anybody. But when Grujah said he was wearing a mask, I started to wonder.

So question to everybody: Does your PM in any way indicate what you, or others around you might look like or be wearing?



Top of the list was originally Grujah, because I found his overall play throughout the day suspicious. He overreacted to things that I didn't see any reason to get uptight about, and he constantly seemed to be fishing for information. Combined with his reveal that he had a mask on, and the fact that nobody can confirm that he was in his seat, had me really suspicious. However, I recognize that I always find him suspicious, and have yet to play a game with him where he's not town - so I have to temper my suspicions with "is this just how I read him". Certainly dangerous because if he IS scum, he might get a free pass - so I'm not letting him leave my radar. However, if my suspicions regarding the party are correct, I can discount the mask as being noteworty. Grujah: Why are you so disliked again? How did Ozle feel towards you?

Next is probably Robz, but not because of anything he's said in particular, but because of what he hasn't said. I know he's busy. I know he is moving, and has a new job, and there's lots going on. But as it's been pointed out - it's just not like him to stay so quiet. However, this isn't how scum Robz played in M-II either, so I really can't say for sure. I would rather not lynch him, but lurking is definitely not helping my feelings towards him.

shark_bait (with a small "s" even!) stands out in that he has admitted that he has no desire to scumhunt. Yuma called his playstyle thusfar out, and I've simply got to agree. I wasn't for a massclaim early on because I felt that it would allow players to hold back information they didn't want to share. I believe the way things have been handled has been largely beneficial to the game as a whole - a slow reveal of information that has caused people to get called out and put under pressure. This wouldn't have happened in a massclaim. Indeed I think a massclaim would've led to mass confusion with nobody really knowing whom to go after first. Imagine: CF's claim, Grujah's claim, and Volt's claim (Self-Stabbing, Wearing a mask, Not in Seat - respectively) all came out at once... how would the town react? Back to Sharky, I feel like he's taking "secretive" too far, and I just feel like he's trying to hide something important. Maybe it's not relevant to the Murder side of this game. Maybe it's relevant to the Mafia side. I don't know, but I don't trust it. Combined with his desire not to hunt scum, he's very suspicious in my eyes.

Voltgloss is next, simply because I don't trust that he was out of his seat with good reason. Yes, I believe this to be a murder red-herring, however his motivations for being out may not be quite as innocent as "getting away from stinky Frisk". I don't have anything to go on based on his play today though, so I would rather not see him lynched quite yet - but he's a top contender and someone to watch for sure.

Frisk... I actually believe. I don't know. I know he stinks, and I know he didn't move. I just have a hard time believing he made up the whole "stabbed himself in hand" - and I'm really not into buying "unknowing WW". Could he actually be a conscience WW? Ehh... maybe? I'm not sure the best way to handle this situation. Both Volt and I were given information regarding his smell... maybe he was given a pre-made excuse by Ozle? I just don't think we should be looking at lynching him today, and I really don't suspect him of the murder. What the best course of action IS though... I couldn't say.

Timchen - Well, there isn't really much here to go on. I have a hard time believing that he doesn't in some way know that he's a famous world traveler, so my base suspicions are raised. But I couldn't really finger him right now. He's been gone so much up to this point, my reads are fairly null. I hope to get more information as he gets back into the swing of things.

Eevee is next, because while I was trying to butter him up (apparently I was trying my best to flirt with him), he seems to find me really annoying and won't speak to me! Ok, that's not a good reason to lynch somebody, but I guess I really couldn't give you a good reason instead. I'm getting down into my "light reads" to "no reads" zone, so not much to say.

ftl... I have no read on at all. I also feel that I have little murder flavor from him to work with. I know he's sitting in seat 10 (I may be one of only a few who knew this), but outside that - I couldn't tell you more. It's noteworthy that he is on Ozle's right - Spot of honor? ftl: Are you the man from a far off land that Ozle was excited to have here?

Morgrim - Goodness, please don't ask me to evaluate him. I really, really can't.

Yuma - Knife in hand clears him from being the murderer in my mind... but I couldn't give you anything Mafia related

Joth - Feels really honest to me this game. I actually don't think he's scum, or the murderer at this time.

Insomniac - I believe his claim of being town and our inside man. Not much I could say. I guess he could be scum... but meh? Not sold. Now murderer... that's interesting...


And that's where I'm at. Thoughts?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 11:41:42 am
I'm the meantime, do you think clearing up the last 3 seats to be advantageous? I can finish off the information there, and tell you what I know.

I am curious to know if Seat #12 as further info on Captain Frisk. 

Also, your quadrant of the table (10-11-12) is, I think, the only set where we haven't yet heard any info on who was or wasn't in their chair, or otherwise moving around in the dark.

So I think on the whole it would be helpful to get that info out there.  I would like to hear Eevee's and ftl's thoughts on such disclosure first, though.

Sorry, too late. ;) I post first, and read later - else I'll never get my post in with the

... 6 new replies...

... 3 new replies...

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Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 11:47:29 am
My reads:

shark_bait (didn't like his answer to mine and Galz's probing, which was exactly the type of behavior I was looking for when I started on him)
morgrim (for some reason I always want to lynch morgrim. Maybe it is to prevent him hammering--although he did do that in M2 didn't he? But mostly he came and revealed some really confusing information that got everyone distracted and up in arms and then disappeared again?)

Likely lynchable:
Robz (hasn't been around much, could move lower if new more about him)
timchen (same as Robz)
Eevee (has been around a lot but I still dont' know very much at all)

In the middle:
Voltgloss (he seems to be leading the show, something he didn't do very much of when he was mafia with me in M3, but I think that was because he was uber busy with work. I wouldn't want to lynch him today, but if things go badly with the lynch and during the night, he would move up to the top for day 2 lynch)

Unlikely lynchable:
Grujah (acting like he did in RMMM, doesn't necessarily clear him, but wouldn't be my first candidate to lynch)
Cayvie (actually feels very similar to Eevee except in a good way. I don't know a lot, but what I know if feel good about)
Insomniac (he is in an interesting position, because his claim if not true can be found out if the green reports stop coming through and he is still alive. If he is town, he may be the prime target for NK tonight)
ftl (see cayvie)

Not lynchable: jot (good reads on the situation thus far, but of course good be leading me along like my high school girl friend) C_Frisk (I don't think he is werwolf, I don't know if is is actually mafia though)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 11:50:26 am
My reads:

shark_bait (didn't like his answer to mine and Galz's probing, which was exactly the type of behavior I was looking for when I started on him)
morgrim (for some reason I always want to lynch morgrim. Maybe it is to prevent him hammering--although he did do that in M2 didn't he? But mostly he came and revealed some really confusing information that got everyone distracted and up in arms and then disappeared again?)

Likely lynchable:
Robz (hasn't been around much, could move lower if new more about him)
timchen (same as Robz)
Eevee (has been around a lot but I still dont' know very much at all)

In the middle:
Voltgloss (he seems to be leading the show, something he didn't do very much of when he was mafia with me in M3, but I think that was because he was uber busy with work. I wouldn't want to lynch him today, but if things go badly with the lynch and during the night, he would move up to the top for day 2 lynch)

Unlikely lynchable:
Grujah (acting like he did in RMMM, doesn't necessarily clear him, but wouldn't be my first candidate to lynch)
Cayvie (actually feels very similar to Eevee except in a good way. I don't know a lot, but what I know if feel good about)
Insomniac (he is in an interesting position, because his claim if not true can be found out if the green reports stop coming through and he is still alive. If he is town, he may be the prime target for NK tonight)
ftl (see cayvie)

Not lynchable: jot (good reads on the situation thus far, but of course good be leading me along like my high school girl friend) C_Frisk (I don't think he is werwolf, I don't know if is is actually mafia though)

I don't even get an honorable mention on the lists?  :'( /feelingshurt
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 11:52:04 am
I recognize 20, 21, and 22, but seat 20 looks slightly different from how I remember. (now this is a confusing sentence.)

here is the full quote

Just before the lights came back on you felt someone brush past you. You reached into your jacket pocket and pulled out something sharp and covered in blood.
Uh oh, this wouldn't look good....

You recognized the people in seats 20, 21 and 22, although seat 20 looked slightly different to how you remembered

So does this mean that seat 20 looked different from how I remember before the lights turned off? or does it mean different from before the party?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 11:52:37 am
And Yuma... did you just compare Joth to your high-school girlfriend? ;D I'll have to remember that about him for later. ;)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 11:53:36 am
I don't even get an honorable mention on the lists?  :'( /feelingshurt

Gah... I was using your post to make sure I had all of the players listed, but of course you didn't have any reads on yourself so I didn't see you...

I would put you there with Volt. No lynch today, but if tonight goes badly, you two would move into prime suspicion.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 11:54:16 am
I recognize 20, 21, and 22, but seat 20 looks slightly different from how I remember. (now this is a confusing sentence.)

here is the full quote

Just before the lights came back on you felt someone brush past you. You reached into your jacket pocket and pulled out something sharp and covered in blood.
Uh oh, this wouldn't look good....

You recognized the people in seats 20, 21 and 22, although seat 20 looked slightly different to how you remembered

So does this mean that seat 20 looked different from how I remember before the lights turned off? or does it mean different from before the party?

Ooh, that's interesting. I wonder if "looked different to how you remembered" is a reference to before/after the lights went off - Instead of "different than you've known him in the past"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 11:54:27 am
And Yuma... did you just compare Joth to your high-school girlfriend? ;D I'll have to remember that about him for later. ;)

yes, yes I did.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 11:57:07 am
@Galz, I know nothing of a costume party from my PM, IT SOUNDS like Ozle was a bit of a dick so he might have told you that so that you would show up making a fool of yourself.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 12:09:09 pm
Also, I just realized I left Cayvie off my list: She goes between Morgrim and ftl. I feel she's been fairly honest and open so far, but I do still feel like there's things she's not saying. The fact that she says she always gets a scummy read off me isn't something I can help.

I don't know. Nothing really stands out here right now, although Yuma's comment about 20 looking slightly different now is... odd.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 01, 2012, 12:09:46 pm
It's post count time!  IIoA

The winner:

Grujah: 135 posts
Galzria: 83
Cayvie: 69
voltgloss: 67
eevee: 61
insomniac: 59
jonah: 54
captain_frisk: 41
yuma: 40
shark_bait: 36
ftl: 28
morgrim: 18
robz: 12
timchen: 9
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 12:10:36 pm
I'm going to post my list of scumspictions on everybody in a bit, but first to answer murder questions:

We all wear masks in life. However yours is a Tom Cruise, mission Impossible style one. This is because nobody really likes you, so you have come in disguise.

You noticed the person in seat 14 was out of his chair before the lights went out.

Emphasis mine.
I though it was a metaphor, now Galz got me stumped (pun intended). I reckoned that I came disguised only because I know that nobody likes me so I didn't want them to know that I am there; not because it was a costume party. I do not know why nobody likes me, nor does Ozle like me.

@yuma - What I hate about 20 being "slightly different" is that it kinda supports my stupid theory that 20 and 23 switched spots (which I do not believe anymore as it was based on wrong assumptions).


You recognize people in seats 20, 21 and 22, but seat 20 looks a slightly different.
Seat. Not person.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 12:15:34 pm
I'm going to post my list of scumspictions on everybody in a bit, but first to answer murder questions:

We all wear masks in life. However yours is a Tom Cruise, mission Impossible style one. This is because nobody really likes you, so you have come in disguise.

You noticed the person in seat 14 was out of his chair before the lights went out.

Emphasis mine.
I though it was a metaphor, now Galz got me stumped (pun intended). I reckoned that I came disguised only because I know that nobody likes me so I didn't want them to know that I am there; not because it was a costume party. I do not know why nobody likes me, nor does Ozle like me.

@yuma - What I hate about 20 being "slightly different" is that it kinda supports my stupid theory that 20 and 23 switched spots (which I do not believe anymore as it was based on wrong assumptions).


You recognize people in seats 20, 21 and 22, but seat 20 looks a slightly different.
Seat. Not person.

Oh, nice catch. Hmm...

I think we need to hear from Cayvie, and what she might know about herself, or her seat.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 12:26:09 pm
Galz, I don't have anything in my PM suggesting this is a costume party or that people are wearing masks (or anything at all about how people are dressed, for that matter).  But I don't have anything that would disprove your theory, either.

timchen, you said that your PM disclosed that you know Insomniac and his role.  Did you recognize him at the party?  Anything in your PM that might confirm/deny Galz's theory?

yuma's new info is intriguing.  Especially the vagueness about whether "seat 20 looks different" refers to the person in seat 20, or the seat itself.  Hmm... I wonder if Ozle used that phrasing in someone else's PM, under circumstances that are easier to decipher?  Does anyone have language in their PM using "seat X" as shorthand that clearly refers to the person in seat X?  (I do not.)

cayvie, what hidden info are you sitting on (perhaps literally)?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 01, 2012, 12:27:43 pm
Dammit all of you stop liking me so much that's how people get nightkilled.

I will post a scumspicion list but I won't have time for that level of posting for a while.

I wanted to share that I used to work for Ozle, 3 years ago, and I recognize someone on the opposite side of the table from that time. And that that person is suspicious/dangerous (The phrase "you would have to be careful" follows the revelation that I recognize them).  Now timchen says he used to work for Ozle as an informer, so that would fit. (Not that I'm doing anything that needs informing on, as far as I know!)

timchen, why "used to"? What have you been doing in the meantime?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 01:01:09 pm
To answer questions, I think it is easier for me just to quote my PM rather fully:
You had worked for Ozle in the past, as chief informant on the people in the village. And while you had been out of the loop since Ozle hired you, you knew his nicknames like the back of his hand
You knew something was up, that’s why you invited the Bureaucrat to this party, in the hope of some information coming to light. You knew as long as that newspaper man was alive, you would get some juicy gossip!

While you have no powers, you do have extra information that may be of use!

You know the breakdown of all the Dominion flavour nicknames Ozle has given to people from the town:
There are:
<redacted>; basically how many cards are from each set

You also know that amongst them there are only:
<redacted>; some piece of information like how many with +1 actions and how many with +buys

You and the person to your right were talking about the people sitting opposite in seats 22 and 23 when the room went dark.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 01:04:04 pm
Those are the only things I know. So, I don't really know what the loop is (but it reads to me as the people in the village), and I don't know what I was doing in the mean time. But according to shark I am a world traveler.

Also, as you can just read, nothing in my PM says anything about a masquerade party or things like that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 01:20:34 pm
Why didn't you flavorfish and caught somebody potentially lying about rolename in case he's a witch or some other thing that sounds evil? Too late now.  ::) (Though, Ozle probably though about that and was cautious what cards to give to whom)

I don't know, it seems like it should say "fired you". Maybe he hired you again.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 01:29:28 pm
timchen, one follow-up question:  Does the breakdown of nicknames indicate there are a total of 14 roles - or 15?  (I'm thinking about Axxle here)  Or even 16?  (Lekkit?)

Interesting that timchen invited Insomniac.  I was under the impression that Ozle invited everybody (except maybe far-off-land-man who requested an invite).  Insom, can you confirm/deny who invited you (or anything else in timchen's PM quote)?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 01, 2012, 01:35:13 pm
Sorry my post count is low :( I'll try to post more, from my phone or something
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 01:56:36 pm
@Volt: From the numbers I don't think Lekkit and Axxle are in.

@Grujah: indeed that's a nice idea I didn't think of. How about we massclaim our flavor name right now? I'll start: I am a Scout.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 01:57:01 pm
timchen, one follow-up question:  Does the breakdown of nicknames indicate there are a total of 14 roles - or 15?  (I'm thinking about Axxle here)  Or even 16?  (Lekkit?)

Interesting that timchen invited Insomniac.  I was under the impression that Ozle invited everybody (except maybe far-off-land-man who requested an invite).  Insom, can you confirm/deny who invited you (or anything else in timchen's PM quote)?

No dice

You are the Bureaucrat (Reporter) - Town Aligned
You are in seat 22

You got an anonymous tip off that a big story was going down! So you hot-footed it up to the party to be there when it happened.

You got there just before the lights went out.

As a keen reporter, you would have noticed if anybody in the 3 seats (14,15,16) on the other side of you had moved during the darkness.

Reporter Power
While you have no active powers, you are very important to the town as every now and then you will get a scoop that will come out in the local newspapers and be broadcast to all.
However, it is a free press, so you have no control over that info.
This information flow stops when you die
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 02:01:12 pm
LOL. From Insomniac's PM it seems I actually tipped him anonymously. Why did I do things in such hideous ways?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 01, 2012, 02:03:36 pm
It seems really weird that we're allowed to quote mod PMs like that.  I always thought the reason for disallowing that was because it made scum fakeclaims much harder to do (They'd have to write a whole Ozle-sounding PM AND make a fake quote-tag that looked authentic). It doesn't seem like that reason no longer applies in this game.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 02:16:30 pm
It seems really weird that we're allowed to quote mod PMs like that.  I always thought the reason for disallowing that was because it made scum fakeclaims much harder to do (They'd have to write a whole Ozle-sounding PM AND make a fake quote-tag that looked authentic). It doesn't seem like that reason no longer applies in this game.

I am betting that everything that we can quote has nothing to do with mafia, but only with the murder.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 02:18:02 pm
It seems really weird that we're allowed to quote mod PMs like that.  I always thought the reason for disallowing that was because it made scum fakeclaims much harder to do (They'd have to write a whole Ozle-sounding PM AND make a fake quote-tag that looked authentic). It doesn't seem like that reason no longer applies in this game.

This isn't true. Go look at the role PMS in M3. All of them were in the opening post. If you wanted to fakeclaim VT, quote your actual role pm from your inbox, delete the actual contents of the quote and paste in the VT one from the OP, then paste the quote into your post in the m3 forum. You get a 100% legitimate looking role pm.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 01, 2012, 02:28:07 pm
Thanks for the tip! I'll remember it the next time I'm scum in a game that doesn't have a rule against mod-quoting!  ;D

So, are we going to massclaim card names? Was that a serious suggestion? I'm not sure it's a good one, as it might help scum spot PRs. It won't tell them flat out, but they'll probably be able to focus their search a little better.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 02:29:24 pm
As I said, I think its too late now. :/
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 02:30:06 pm
Why do you think it's too late?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 01, 2012, 02:37:00 pm
Too much info is out already; too easy to fake a credible claim. Is my guess of what Grujah meant.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 02:40:39 pm
Not really; I just needed a card name per player. I have undisclosed information that might allow me to detect fake claims. While you are at it Jo, why don't you give us your flavor card name?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 02:44:26 pm
Yeah, you kinda revealed what stuff they should claim  :-\ Should have done it Volt's way. Though jo is right that it might somehow lead them to actual roles as well.


A bit jumpy with votes, but that is not that scummy (if at all).
Though when him wagoning on me was opportunistic.
When I called it he jumped off (scared?) and voted somebody else (Ins?)
Actually had "Scummy by flavor" and "scummy by behavior" lists.
Really? Scummy by flavor? Sounds like stupid reason to lynch somebody.

Generally tame and jokey. But he is always like that.
Going hard on me cuz of Morgrim stuff. Get it, but he's wrong.

I said that I think he plays it safe. Here is what I mean:
There is no him vs eHalc fight like in VI, there is no him making a huge case on me VI,
nor him grinding me whole D1 for jumping on pops wagon in MIV.
He is much more tame here.

Hate that he didn't step forward with WW stuff earlier. Aside from that, got nothing. Kinda hiding.

About him leading - yeah, he is. But as I said, It strikes me as his general play. Asking questions, leading discussions.

His role seems pro-town, if true. Mafia has no use of info provided.

As I said, seems to be trying to blend in the middle. Posting, but nothing concrete. He didn't make a single post that wasn't about either murder mystery or seat numbers.

Kinda shadowy too, but I agreed with him on few things, liiiike, sharky.

Waaaay too lurky. No read.

Much better D1 than MIV, for sure :D
Seems legit. Who knows.

At started I pegged him as faking because he seemed to fake his MVI D1 erratic, cut-throat, bad-evidenced playstyle. He has hence stopped. Sounds reasonable in latest posts.


He doesn't like me. I don't mind. Obv town as he wasn't counterclaimed.
Might even survive N1 this game :D

He actually seems surpisingly normal this game. I don't know what kind of tell that is.


for writing notes and stuff:
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 01, 2012, 02:45:01 pm
Oh right, timchen's info.

I'll happily participate in a massclaim if the whole town decides on it, but I'm not just going to claim out of the blue because you asked me to.

Here's a compromise I like: Let's do a set-claim and claim what expansion our card is from. That should be just as helpful in catching scum, but has no risk of outing power roles.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 02:45:08 pm
Not really; I just needed a card name per player. I have undisclosed information that might allow me to detect fake claims. While you are at it Jo, why don't you give us your flavor card name?

And why should we trust you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 02:47:13 pm
Here's a compromise I like: Let's do a set-claim and claim what expansion our card is from. That should be just as helpful in catching scum, but has no risk of outing power roles.

Makes sense, less roles to later fit into fakeclaim.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 02:49:22 pm
@Volt - so far every time seats are mentioned (as far I looked) it says "people in seats" or something like that, except that one time.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 01, 2012, 03:07:03 pm
Here's a compromise I like: Let's do a set-claim and claim what expansion our card is from. That should be just as helpful in catching scum, but has no risk of outing power roles.

Makes sense, less roles to later fit into fakeclaim.

Setclaim: Alchemy
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 03:10:19 pm
It's the roleclaim equivalent of sideclaiming.  Clever.  I like it.

Setclaim: Intrigue
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 01, 2012, 03:12:14 pm
I really don't have any extra information why my seat or I might look different :/


Setclaim: Dominion
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 03:13:44 pm
wait... why are we claiming? What is the purpose?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 01, 2012, 03:15:19 pm
wait... why are we claiming? What is the purpose?

It restricts the ability of scum to falseclaim in the future, because allegedly tim knows how many of each card are in the game.  He'll be able to confirm whether or not any of us are lying, and then in the future, when I claim King's Court, you can all call BS on me because I have already claimed alchemy.

Fos: DonaldX for making 1/2 size expansions.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 03:15:59 pm
Setclaim: Intrigue
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 01, 2012, 03:21:23 pm
Setclaim: Dominion (base set)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 03:23:01 pm
Setclaim: Hinterlands

Oh I already claimed Bureaucrat OOPS ;)

Setclaim: Dominion (base set)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 03:24:20 pm

here i go being a lemming

Base Set
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on August 01, 2012, 03:31:58 pm
Ozle waited patiently to get into Heaven, then he realised that A) He didn't believe in Heaven, and B) it was unlikely they would let him in anyway, even if he showed them his IOU, good for one free entry into the eternal paradise of your choice (he collected cutouts from cereal boxes)
So with that avenue of interest over he went back to spy on the people at the party, and took careful note where everyone's suspicions seemed to currently be.

Grujah (3): eevee, Morgrim7,, Insomniac
Voltglos (1): cayvie
FTL (1) : Grujah
Eevee (1):  ftl
Shark Bait (2): Yuma, jotheonah

Not Voting: Captain_Frisk, Robz888, shark_bait, timchen, Galzria, Voltglos

With 14 Alive it takes 8 to lynch. Day 1 will end in 24 hours and 29 minutes.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 03:42:17 pm
Bleh. Unvote. I want it on sharky or Robz.

vote: shark_bait.

Wanna hear some of his non-murder, non-seat opinions.

Also, if we agree on policy lynch on Robz, I'm in.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 01, 2012, 03:49:48 pm
24 hours! We best be voting.

shark-bait lynch is don't wait lynch!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 01, 2012, 03:51:02 pm
24 hours! We best be voting.

shark-bait lynch is don't wait lynch!

Yeahhhhhh okay

vote: shark_bait
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 03:59:15 pm
I'd be willing to vote him, but I want to see him respond to things first. (I will take a lurk to mean that he is admitting scum)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 03:59:27 pm
Setclaim:  Intrigue

another lemming.

You seem pretty easily convinced cayvie.  Are you just following the crowd or are those your own suspicions that you're voting on?

I'll try to post my non-murder ideas in the next 4 hours.  I'm currently working in the lab, so I can't really devote that much time to making a lengthy, time consuming, and thought consuming post like that.  I'd like to ask that you guys don't get too gung ho lynch happy on me before that time.  kk? 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 01, 2012, 04:00:43 pm
Setclaim:  Intrigue

another lemming.

You seem pretty easily convinced cayvie.  Are you just following the crowd or are those your own suspicions that you're voting on?

I'll try to post my non-murder ideas in the next 4 hours.  I'm currently working in the lab, so I can't really devote that much time to making a lengthy, time consuming, and thought consuming post like that.  I'd like to ask that you guys don't get too gung ho lynch happy on me before that time.  kk?

I think you're a fine lynch, and I'd prefer a lynch to a no lynch. Deadline in 1 day.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 04:33:11 pm
I'll be voting around midnight.  Want to see sharky's post first.  And want to see what, if anything, Robz has to offer.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 04:35:05 pm
Setclaim:  Intrigue

another lemming.

You seem pretty easily convinced cayvie.  Are you just following the crowd or are those your own suspicions that you're voting on?

I'll try to post my non-murder ideas in the next 4 hours.  I'm currently working in the lab, so I can't really devote that much time to making a lengthy, time consuming, and thought consuming post like that.  I'd like to ask that you guys don't get too gung ho lynch happy on me before that time.  kk?

I'll be honest... a post about your non-murder ideas isn't going to do a lot at this point for me. Not that you shouldn't write it. But your writing the post alone isn't enough for me. That is the type of participation that was wanted before, and which you didn't give. I think the only way I will change my vote for you is if either you or someone else can make a better case for someone else. I don't think you can make much of a case for yourself.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 04:44:44 pm

I will do the best I can to lay convincing arguments for why other players are more worthy of a lynch than I am.  By the end of tonight, it is my sincere hope that your decision will be changed  :D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 01, 2012, 04:49:30 pm
OK, I think I can never have the post count  of the top guys here, but I can try to at least respond to everything in long, less frequent posts. Going through everything since my last real post...

Still not much of  "read" on timchen, but he's claimed and posted useful info, seems likely town now. I think he's eliminated Axxle/Lekkit speculation, that's good.

All the seating has been figured out, hopefully that's a help to investigative roles.

A separate thought before I grab a few hours' sleep:  Is Eevee the only player to have divulged zero seat and/or flavor information so far?  (Besides a sideclaim)  Because I'm sitting here trying to remember what info he's contributed - and other than a sideclaim, I'm coming up with nothing.

(Disclaimer:  I may be forgetting something, and I am too tired right now to go back through the thread and check.  If my recollection is flawed, my apologies in advance.)

Eevee was against all the claiming from the start, that's unsurprising.

(Food for thoughts: anyone else has this feeling Galz is playing a bit safer than usual?)

It's hard to tell. We've been talking about murder mystery, and Galz's been pretty aggressive with talking about seating when he figured out his own side and outed shark_bait.

...wait, isn't there a contradiction?

We need to clear this up.  shark_bait:  is timchen the world traveler with whom you were chatting?


@Volt: sorry I know nothing about the world traveler or the person from the distant land. From my role pm it does not seem to be me.

OK so something's off. I don't see why either shark or timchen would lie about this, though. But FoS at both.
So question to everybody: Does your PM in any way indicate what you, or others around you might look like or be wearing?

ftl: Are you the man from a far off land that Ozle was excited to have here?

 1) No.
 2) Pretty sure not. My PM doesn't say anything about why Ozle would be excited to have me here. I'm not from Ozle's province, I think, but I'm from a neighboring one.

Personally he was hoping for the Scooby Doo ending....

 Oh, btw, anyone who knows Scooby Doo, what's a "Scooby Doo ending"?
Actually had "Scummy by flavor" and "scummy by behavior" lists.
Really? Scummy by flavor? Sounds like stupid reason to lynch somebody.

 Well, yeah, it's a murder mystery. Stuff like being out of your seat, having a bloody knife, etc. can be treated as clues to find out who's got something to hide. It would mainly be useful for finding the murderer, but the mafia would presumably be active at night too when everyone else isn't. I bet that some scumtells are hidden in the clues and flavor.
for writing notes and stuff:

 By names:
 10 ftl
 11 eevee
 12 galzria
 13 Captain_frisk
 14 voltgloss
 15 timchen
 16 shark_bait
 17 yuma
 18 robz
 19 joth
 20 cayvie
 21 grujah
 22 insomniac
 23 morgrim
 since I can't remember avatars well.
 here i go being a lemming

 Setclaim: Intrigue

Looking forward to shark_bait's scumhunting post too. Unlike yuma, I do think I could be swayed by that post, depending on what's in it.

Both Grujah and Shark_bait are lynches I could support, so if I need to I'll hammer either one of them at the end. But I did find C_F's responses to flavorpressure to be more scummy than Grujahs I think. I would not support a Robz policy lynch.

Mogrim7, I like this question that was posed to you, you should answer it
And Morgrim7, a thought experiment for you:  if everyone were at L-1, who would you hammer?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 04:53:56 pm
So, ftl is against policy lynch on his buddy Robz but is happy to hammer on any other wagon that is likely to form?

I could see my vote changing.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 04:55:20 pm
Yet to setclaim: Galz, Eevee, Robz, Morgrim.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 04:55:43 pm
So, ftl is against policy lynch on his buddy Robz but is happy to hammer on any other wagon that is likely to form?

I could see my vote changing.

I am with ftl here... at least I dont' see it as a policy lynch. If you think he is likely mafia. Vote for him. I don't see him as likely mafia at this point. But it seems you want us to vote for him because he hasn't been around out of policy?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 04:56:39 pm
Policy lynch as in "lurking = mafia or useless town".
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 05:00:47 pm
TC, if you are not the world traveler, then I have talked to 2 different people. 

From my PM, "there was a famous <redacted> in town who traveled the world whom you questioned incessantly."

Then it says, "You and the person to your left were talking about the people sitting opposite in seats 22 and 23 when the room went dark."

I took that assumption that the person to my left, you (I knew from your earlier statement regarding the conversation and seat #'s) and this world traveler were the same and that I had a single conversation.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 05:01:17 pm
Policy lynch as in "lurking = mafia or useless town".

He may have been useless thus far, hopefully he can produce more later... if he survives and such... but the point is that don't we have better options than him? I think we do.

No one has any true reads on him.

Maybe he is a safe lynch option that we can all agree on. But isn't that exactly what mafia is looking for? A safe lynch so that when/if he plops up town they can say that it was a policy lynch since he wasn't active and that they can't be held accountable for it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 05:03:53 pm
Policy lynch as in "lurking = mafia or useless town".

He may have been useless thus far, hopefully he can produce more later... if he survives and such... but the point is that don't we have better options than him? I think we do.

No one has any true reads on him.

Maybe he is a safe lynch option that we can all agree on. But isn't that exactly what mafia is looking for? A safe lynch so that when/if he plops up town they can say that it was a policy lynch since he wasn't active and that they can't be held accountable for it.

Heh. You make sense, actually. Yes, we have better targets.

Funny thing is that whenever I read something by you, that is reasonable, like this, I remmeber everybody talking about you in MV and I freak out.  ;D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 05:06:17 pm
But if he doesn't come out of the lurk mode soon  >:( >:( >:(

My point was that, and I said that in my vote post, if that is the only lynch we can agree to, I'm in. We don't lose much, we can gain something.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 05:07:34 pm
TC, if you are not the world traveler, then I have talked to 2 different people. 

From my PM, "there was a famous <redacted> in town who traveled the world whom you questioned incessantly."

Then it says, "You and the person to your left were talking about the people sitting opposite in seats 22 and 23 when the room went dark."

I took that assumption that the person to my left, you (I knew from your earlier statement regarding the conversation and seat #'s) and this world traveler were the same and that I had a single conversation.

I take this to mean you had 2 conversations
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 06:10:21 pm
Cross-thread claiming!

Catching up! Catching up!

Setclaim: Cornucopia

;D Fuck - clicked wrong link!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 01, 2012, 06:24:58 pm
Cross-thread claiming!

Catching up! Catching up!

Setclaim: Cornucopia

;D Fuck - clicked wrong link!

So you are curse-aligned!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 01, 2012, 06:26:59 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 06:28:44 pm
Cross-thread claiming!

Catching up! Catching up!

Setclaim: Cornucopia

;D Fuck - clicked wrong link!

So you are curse-aligned!

Shh! Don't tell!

I mean, what's curse-aligned? Never heard of it. How 'bout them Yanks?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 06:29:17 pm

Oooooh! Stump STUMP!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 06:29:46 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 01, 2012, 07:21:47 pm
Setclaim: Seaside.
Thought exercize answer: Do I have multiple votes? Could I vote for anybody? If yes, then yes, I would hammer. Everybody. Because then me and the town would all win, as the mafia/SK/Werewolves (if there are any) would be all dead.
For now, my vote is staying on Grujah. He is posting Waaayyy more than average, like he has something to hide. And for the other reasons. I.E. role PM.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 08:18:12 pm
My #1 suspicion is insomniac. 

I am in seat 22, where are the rest of you?

He immediately starts the day off gunning for as much public information as possible.  He RVS's both Eevee and myself of being scum and murderer.  At that time, we were the only two people who were against seat claiming.  Why is he targeting us?  I think it's because we disagreed with his idea that information should be public.  He viewed it as the "pro town" thing to do.  Therefore since we disagreed he decided to just throw the random vote on us to get discussion going... but the vote was not random.

Sort of. I've said all I know about my role already. I am town but I agree it's not provable unless I die or someone investigates me which puts an investigator which is a bad idea.

PPE: ftl people were wasting time on men's ice and because Ozle outed the role I had to claim early or risk it ring unbelievable or mafia claiming it first. I too suspected grujah because he voted for me AFTER I claimed

PPE 2: Jo I claimed with no votes the votes came after I claimed. Please reread. (I claimed while people were speculating on the in game mechanic)

Why claim with 0 votes on him.  It was not necessary.  And what does he claim?  He claims a role that states, "don't kill me because if you do information will stop coming."  I believe him here as no one has counterclaimed Bureaucrat.  But the key thing... it was not necessary for anyone to know what his role did.  I don't care if people were speculating about the game mechanic.  This did not mean he had to claim at that point.  He claimed because he wanted to cement himself as someone shouldn't be bitten, shot or lynched because if you do, you'll stop getting these nice green messages.  Notice he also conveniently says that investigative roles should not waste their time on him. 

Other thoughts of mine after rereading all 32 pages.....


jo's been quite vote happy so far.  Let's look at his votes:

Starting off with insomniac (RVS/You seem kinda scummy), Then switching to Gruj (You've been talking a lot and seem scummy), then to Volt (irrelevent murder mystery flavor), then to TC (policy), then to myself (didn't like my response).  I'm not trying to incriminate you jo, I just want to point out a trend.  There has been a lot of scumhunting going on.  And most of it is not based off of any fact.  Do not consider this is OMGUS.  It is not.  I just want to point out a trend of the style of scumhunting I have seen when reading through this thread.

I have been accused of not actively caring about scumhunting.  That is true... today, with little to go off of.  How much legitimate scumhunting has been going on?  I just read through the entire thread and could not find very much.... which brings me to morgrim.

The only active scumhunting he has done has been to say

Oh yeah, Vote: Grujah.

with no explanation. 

I can understand why you guys are all coming down hard on me for not really showing an interest in scumhunting.  But honestly, there's been a ton of really crappy scumhunting going on today as well with RVS's and flavor/seat votes.  Neither of which is very helpful.  Please consider my case against insomniac as it is actually a legitimate ploy that a scum could try and take.

vote:  insomniac
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 01, 2012, 08:24:57 pm
Case considered. Good enough for me. Vote: Insomiac.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 08:28:21 pm

Vote: shark_bait

Grujah mass posting is similar to another game where he wasn't scum
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 08:30:46 pm

Vote: shark_bait

Grujah mass posting is similar to another game where he wasn't scum

I don't see how that is relevant.  Past games should not be used as a indicator for a current games.  People can change their style or play the same style with a different role.  To be objective, you should try and view each game independently.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 08:33:11 pm
I disagree, Meta is important.
I'd be possible all over Ins if I didn't know that every game he seems scummy to many people and get NK'd and turns out Town.
Also I'd lynch Morgrim if I didn't knew he was crazy like a fox.

This is also why I am pro-Robz lynch.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 08:34:43 pm

Vote: shark_bait

Grujah mass posting is similar to another game where he wasn't scum

I don't see how that is relevant.  Past games should not be used as a indicator for a current games.  People can change their style or play the same style with a different role.  To be objective, you should try and view each game independently.

Just so you know shark timchen confirmed the Bcrat as town, and no one counter claimed me so your voting for confirmed town.

I disagree, Meta is important.
I'd be possible all over Ins if I didn't know that every game he seems scummy to many people and get NK'd and turns out Town.
Also I'd lynch Morgrim if I didn't knew he was crazy like a fox.

This is also why I am pro-Robz lynch.

Of course you do I'm not voting for you now ;)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 08:35:16 pm
Addition to above post

OR: Me AND Timchen are the scum in which case game over, seems really bad
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 08:35:50 pm

Vote: shark_bait

Grujah mass posting is similar to another game where he wasn't scum

I don't see how that is relevant.  Past games should not be used as a indicator for a current games.  People can change their style or play the same style with a different role.  To be objective, you should try and view each game independently.

Just so you know shark timchen confirmed the Bcrat as town, and no one counter claimed me so your voting for confirmed town.

He confirmed it as town? I only know he said he invited you. Gonna check.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 08:39:48 pm
no real opinion then :(

I think my role PM implied that Insominiac is town if he is indeed bureaucrat, as he is said to be a friend of mine. But again maybe not, mafia can have town friends too. But in any case he is probably bureaucrat as his description of his ability matches what is said in my role PM.

@shark: do you know more detail about what we are talking about? That is, supposed you are indeed talking to me?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 09:43:39 pm
no real opinion then :(

I think my role PM implied that Insominiac is town if he is indeed bureaucrat, as he is said to be a friend of mine. But again maybe not, mafia can have town friends too. But in any case he is probably bureaucrat as his description of his ability matches what is said in my role PM.

@shark: do you know more detail about what we are talking about? That is, supposed you are indeed talking to me?

I don't take this at all to be that you are confirmed town. He thinks you are. Implies isn't confirmed. Have you ever had a friend that decided to go off on a bad path? Maybe this is your and timchen's relationship. You are friends, despite the fact that you are mafia? But I certainly don't think you are the best lynch for today. Far from it. But I am not 100% about you being town at all.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 09:45:33 pm
I posted it because it was the post I was thinking of. When I saw it I realized it doesn't but I still thought I should post it so people knew which I was talking about
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 09:48:46 pm
Just read through everything new (which was a lot!), no time to make a big post (and quite frankly not in the condition to make one either, unless you want it ehunt style).

In short: shark_baits long post seems sincere.. but he says he believes Insomniac yet he votes for him? That doesnt sound like a mafia ploy, I'd say it's more likely it's just a very confused townie.

I am indeed sitting in seat 11.

And ugh.. Setclaim: Promos.

I'll be off to sleeps now, will be back on in ~12 hours. I dont have very strong feelings on anyone regarding mafianess, so I actually dont mind missing the deadline all that much (if it happens, ofc I'll be here if I wake up in time). I dont think Insomniac is a good lynch, and I'm kind of torn about shark_bait as well. I dont think grujah is slamdunk sure mafia either, but I guess I'd better pick someone in case I miss the deadline.

Quick list of people I think are town:
shark_bait and grujah cant be on the same scum team

Others, more or less readless / equally suspicious.

Fwiw, everyone always seems to find me jokey and generally not very helpful. I've been active, I've tried to contribute, I guess this is just how I play then. I promise I'm not intentionally avoiding attention or anything like that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 09:52:45 pm
Oh, and I made a pact with myself to make sure I read through everything I read today when I wake up tomorrow. Hopefully being sober will help me catch something I missed tonight. So it's possible I'll have something to add (if I remember to keep the pact that is).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 09:54:35 pm
And ugh.. Setclaim: Promos.

I was worried about that and should have said something, but didn't...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 09:58:08 pm
Setclaim: Seaside.
Thought exercize answer: Do I have multiple votes? Could I vote for anybody? If yes, then yes, I would hammer. Everybody. Because then me and the town would all win, as the mafia/SK/Werewolves (if there are any) would be all dead.
For now, my vote is staying on Grujah. He is posting Waaayyy more than average, like he has something to hide. And for the other reasons. I.E. role PM.

I don't think that was what he was asking... pardon me if I was wrong, but if everyone had L-1 on them and you had to choose, which person would you hammer. You can't hammer everybody. You can only hammer one person.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 09:58:59 pm
Case considered. Good enough for me. Vote: Insomiac.

You're vote isn't good enough for me. Do you ever vote for someone based off your own feelings, instead of using someone's else's rationale?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 09:59:55 pm
And ugh.. Setclaim: Promos.

I was worried about that and should have said something, but didn't...

I hope no scum will have any information regarding the dominion card flavor. And if they do, probably not a huge deal. And I don't think I had a choice, saying "I don't want to tell you" would have looked scummy, saying "ughh I think it's too revealing if I tell you" would have revealed what it is anyways. And fwiw, if I was the town batman capable of saving everything, I would have worked a way around this to avoid attention. Or maybe I wouldn't have.  ;) Got to give scum some WIFOM for once.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 10:02:22 pm
So lynch deadline is coming up andddddd people don't care?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 10:05:17 pm
So lynch deadline is coming up andddddd people don't care?
To be fair, nolynch is better than a townie lynch. I dont know if the flavor Ozle provided us will help us find scum tomorrow regardless of lynching today? Like I really dont know, could it? Galzria's theory of the murder mystery and the mafia game being connected seems believable to me. So that might make nolynch a better (or less bad) idea than it is in a normal game.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 10:06:33 pm
I think this is where we stand with vote counts:

Grujah (1): Eevee,
Eevee (1):  ftl
Shark Bait (5): yuma, jotheonah, grujah, cayvie, Insomniac
Insomniac (2): shark_bait, Morgrim7

takes 8 to lynch; deadline in ~14 hours or something like that...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 10:08:21 pm
Case considered. Good enough for me. Vote: Insomiac.

You're vote isn't good enough for me. Do you ever vote for someone based off your own feelings, instead of using someone's else's rationale?

No, he doesn't.
Get shark_bait to 7 and he'll come and hammer.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 10:11:36 pm
I reread shark_baits recent posts. They look more scummy than they did on the first go. Not quiiiite voting yet*, but not blaming anyone who decides to.

*because he has played somewhat scummy in mafia VII too, and while I cant talk about that game more, I'm going to say looking scummy in two games makes it less likely "scummy behavior" equals scum, even if I dont know his alignment in the other game.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 10:12:59 pm
I'm currently working in the lab,

Thread jump. What kind of lab do you work in?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 10:27:02 pm
I'm currently working in the lab,

Thread jump. What kind of lab do you work in?
Is it by any chance the kind where a mutant spider might bite you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 10:28:27 pm
Eevee I've played a bunch of mafia and disagree that no lynch is better than a vt lynch. With a vt lynch there is a wagon to analyze which makes everyone better
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 10:32:40 pm
yuma is right about my thought experiment presented to Morgrim.  He was only supposed to pick one person to hammer.  Morgrim, could you go back to my question and answer it again?

Eevee, a similar thought experiment for you:  Grujah, shark_bait, and Insomniac are all at L-1.  Everyone else has voted and are refusing to move their votes.  You have not voted.  It's 5 minutes to deadline.  Who do you hammer? 

Still hoping Robz shows up.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 10:34:35 pm
yuma is right about my thought experiment presented to Morgrim.  He was only supposed to pick one person to hammer.  Morgrim, could you go back to my question and answer it again?

Eevee, a similar thought experiment for you:  Grujah, shark_bait, and Insomniac are all at L-1.  Everyone else has voted and are refusing to move their votes.  You have not voted.  It's 5 minutes to deadline.  Who do you hammer? 

Still hoping Robz shows up.

Didnt robz say he can only post between 9-11pm this week or something? (on phone can't. Heck easily)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 10:36:50 pm
Eevee I've played a bunch of mafia and disagree that no lynch is better than a vt lynch. With a vt lynch there is a wagon to analyze which makes everyone better
I know the arguments. If we allow eceryone to lynch people they think are VT's with the excuse of "ensuring a lynch to get info", the wagons are soon going to be pretty useless to analyze   :)

My gut says I should never vote for someone I think is town (when I'm town myself ofc), however I do think you are town here and trust you have more wxperience than I do so not ruling out the possibility of me being wrong here.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 10:38:26 pm
With Setclaims (Robza missing):

Been rereading jo. He has bunch of these "Deadline soon! Time too vote!" "I could sideclaim." among his "normal" posts. These one-liners that just sound.. fake? forced? I don't know. I still like him but... But he starts each game so differently that I don't know now.
MIV he is jokey, tongue-in-cheek and claims D1, MVI he goes around asking loaded questions.  ;D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 10:39:17 pm

Eevee, a similar thought experiment for you:  Grujah, shark_bait, and Insomniac are all at L-1.  Everyone else has voted and are refusing to move their votes.  You have not voted.  It's 5 minutes to deadline.  Who do you hammer? 

After Eevee answers, volt would you answer your own question? I will answer too... shark_bait.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 10:43:27 pm
yuma is right about my thought experiment presented to Morgrim.  He was only supposed to pick one person to hammer.  Morgrim, could you go back to my question and answer it again?

Eevee, a similar thought experiment for you:  Grujah, shark_bait, and Insomniac are all at L-1.  Everyone else has voted and are refusing to move their votes.  You have not voted.  It's 5 minutes to deadline.  Who do you hammer? 

Still hoping Robz shows up.
Well, definitely not Insomniac, I already said I think its likely he is exactly what he claims to be. I dont think gruj and sharkie can really be on the same scum team, but I do find them both scummy, so I think they are both good lynches. Maybe shark_bait is a bit scummier after all, so I guess Vote: shark_bait to put him at L-1. Interested to see what you hope to gain from this experiment, Volt.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 10:46:28 pm
yuma is right about my thought experiment presented to Morgrim.  He was only supposed to pick one person to hammer.  Morgrim, could you go back to my question and answer it again?

Eevee, a similar thought experiment for you:  Grujah, shark_bait, and Insomniac are all at L-1.  Everyone else has voted and are refusing to move their votes.  You have not voted.  It's 5 minutes to deadline.  Who do you hammer? 

Still hoping Robz shows up.
Well, definitely not Insomniac, I already said I think its likely he is exactly what he claims to be. I dont think gruj and sharkie can really be on the same scum team, but I do find them both scummy, so I think they are both good lynches. Maybe shark_bait is a bit scummier after all, so I guess Vote: shark_bait to put him at L-1. Interested to see what you hope to gain from this experiment, Volt.

If you give Volt a hammer....
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 01, 2012, 10:48:07 pm
He is L-2, if yuma's count is correct.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 10:55:42 pm
Yes, it is currently L-2.

@yuma/Eevee Fortunately there are no mutant spiders threatening me.  However there are lots of chemicals and hopefully within the next 5 years a super powerful ultra reliable envirornmentally friendly Li ion battery will magically appear that will get me my Ph.D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 11:00:29 pm
Yes, it is currently L-2.

@yuma/Eevee Fortunately there are no mutant spiders threatening me.  However there are lots of chemicals and hopefully within the next 5 years a super powerful ultra reliable envirornmentally friendly Li ion battery will magically appear that will get me my Ph.D
Sounds pretty awesome. :) If only you stopped killing people in their sleep now!

PPE: 2 things:

a) i think its scummy sharkie isnt defending himself harder (or at all!)
b) i think getting bit by a mutant spider and turning into spiderman would be anything but unfortunate.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 11:01:59 pm
Yes, it is currently L-2.

@yuma/Eevee Fortunately there are no mutant spiders threatening me.  However there are lots of chemicals and hopefully within the next 5 years a super powerful ultra reliable envirornmentally friendly Li ion battery will magically appear that will get me my Ph.D

While I may approve of your research and the fact that you too are going for a PhD (I start for my MSc next year and PhD whenever I finish that).

I still think your play has been scummy today. Got time for a mammoth post to convince me. I still like M2 style posts ;)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 11:04:25 pm

my PM, "there was a famous <redacted> in town who traveled the world whom you questioned incessantly."

Please reconsider.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 11:04:57 pm
Yes, it is currently L-2.

@yuma/Eevee Fortunately there are no mutant spiders threatening me.  However there are lots of chemicals and hopefully within the next 5 years a super powerful ultra reliable envirornmentally friendly Li ion battery will magically appear that will get me my Ph.D
Sounds pretty awesome. :) If only you stopped killing people in their sleep now!

PPE: 2 things:

a) i think its scummy sharkie isnt defending himself harder (or at all!)
b) i think getting bit by a mutant spider and turning into spiderman would be anything but unfortunate.

Being a super hero sucks. It's nothing but work work work, and all people do is ask more of you. The constant demands and never any real gratitude. Oh sure, they all applaud you and cheer at first, but soon they come to EXPECT you to save the day at every turn, and soon they are turning on you because you're not perfect, and you can't live up to their unrealistic expectations.

Man, let me tell you, it's not as grand as you think. It's hell.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 01, 2012, 11:05:08 pm
a) i think its scummy sharkie isnt defending himself harder (or at all!)

Not a scum tell. Scum wants to live more than town. Town wants to live SOLEY for the purpose of avoiding a mislynch. Mafia want to live because well better odds and its part of their win con.

Basically I don't give a damn about survivalist tells and never have.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 11:06:14 pm

my PM, "there was a famous <redacted> in town who traveled the world whom you questioned incessantly."

Please reconsider.
i would, but i honestly dont understand. you've got to elaborate to reach me!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 11:06:43 pm

my PM, "there was a famous <redacted> in town who traveled the world whom you questioned incessantly."

Please reconsider.
i would, but i honestly dont understand. you've got to elaborate to reach me!
wait i do.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 11:07:38 pm
Yes, it is currently L-2.

@yuma/Eevee Fortunately there are no mutant spiders threatening me.  However there are lots of chemicals and hopefully within the next 5 years a super powerful ultra reliable envirornmentally friendly Li ion battery will magically appear that will get me my Ph.D

While I may approve of your research and the fact that you too are going for a PhD (I start for my MSc next year and PhD whenever I finish that).

I still think your play has been scummy today. Got time for a mammoth post to convince me. I still like M2 style posts ;)

Ahh, /reminisce
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 11:09:19 pm
@insomniac: my assessment that you are town because we are friends are off. Given that you said I invited you anonymously, we are not necessarily friends.

@shark: if you wish, can you quote your PM more verbatim to some extent that people can judge better whether the world traveler and me are the same person? By the way you quoted to me it sounds like two different people.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 11:10:43 pm

my PM, "there was a famous <redacted> in town who traveled the world whom you questioned incessantly."

Please reconsider.
i would, but i honestly dont understand. you've got to elaborate to reach me!
wait i do.
Unvote!! I wish I was sober and not super tired right now but this feels like the best play.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 11:11:00 pm
And ugh.. Setclaim: Promos.

Why ugh... do you have to think about which set do you want to fakeclaim?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 11:11:33 pm
It is 2 people.  I had mistakenly put both things together and lumped everything on you since I knew you were the person on my left.  The world traveler is someone else who is not sitting in seat 15.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 11:16:08 pm
And ugh.. Setclaim: Promos.

Why ugh... do you have to think about which set do you want to fakeclaim?
"Ugh" because claiming a set isnt very far from claiming a card if your set is promos. In a later post I explained how I feel about almost claiming my card.

Oh and I suggest we dont lynch sharkie today. If he is scum, he is a genius, but I think him being town is much more likely. My reasoning has got to do with role pm flavor (if I'm right that is, but I dont think sharky could play me like that so pretty confident). Dont wa t to disclose it yet.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 11:20:23 pm
Yes, it is currently L-2.

@yuma/Eevee Fortunately there are no mutant spiders threatening me.  However there are lots of chemicals and hopefully within the next 5 years a super powerful ultra reliable envirornmentally friendly Li ion battery will magically appear that will get me my Ph.D
Sounds pretty awesome. :) If only you stopped killing people in their sleep now!

PPE: 2 things:

a) i think its scummy sharkie isnt defending himself harder (or at all!)
b) i think getting bit by a mutant spider and turning into spiderman would be anything but unfortunate.

Being a super hero sucks. It's nothing but work work work, and all people do is ask more of you. The constant demands and never any real gratitude. Oh sure, they all applaud you and cheer at first, but soon they come to EXPECT you to save the day at every turn, and soon they are turning on you because you're not perfect, and you can't live up to their unrealistic expectations.

Man, let me tell you, it's not as grand as you think. It's hell.
Who said you've got to become a superhero? Just enjoy the powers man.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 01, 2012, 11:21:59 pm
Is Nick Charles in the house?

(Seriously, major +1's to anybody who gets the reference - although don't respond if it applies to you, as I'm NOT rolefishing!!)

I'm torn on where - or if - to cast my vote at this time. Everyone at the top of my lists is having someone come out and say "not them today!" :-\
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 01, 2012, 11:22:16 pm
Did shark_bait just get Eevee to unvote him by threatening to disclose his role?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 11:23:16 pm
It wasn't a threat.  It was an appeal.  There is a difference. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 11:27:56 pm
this is interesting. Vote: Shark unless you tell us who eevee are.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 11:28:44 pm
Did shark_bait just get Eevee to unvote him by threatening to disclose his role?
Nope. I hope..

Seriously guys, I thiiink shark lynch is a blargh lynch!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 11:30:00 pm
*who eevee is... stupid grammar error...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 11:31:49 pm
this is interesting. Vote: Shark unless you tell us who eevee are.
vote timchen
vote timchen
vote timchen

Three times because that was the most scummy thing I've read in a good while.

note: i dont actually possess triple voting powers, its just for emphasis.

and this is not a comment on my role, nor one way or the other.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 01, 2012, 11:35:08 pm
@timchen, that is the biggest thing regarding rolefishing (hoping to catch a shark???) that I've heard all day.

Vote:  timchen
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 11:37:38 pm
Why not?

If shark were mafia, and somehow he knew you were town PR, then you are already in trouble. Doesn't really hurt to tell the rest of town.
If shark were town, and you were town PR, he should not have threatened/appealed u this way as mafia might notice.
If shark were town, and you were mafia, I don't see why he shouldn't tell us all.
If shark were mafia and you were town, it is also better to force mafia let town know more information.
If both of you were mafia, cool.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 01, 2012, 11:38:02 pm
And to be clear, I didn't start this. Shark yourself started it. I stand by my vote.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 01, 2012, 11:42:37 pm
I think I missed something... anyone want to summarize what just happened between shark/eevee/timchen?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 11:43:11 pm
Why not?

If shark were mafia, and somehow he knew you were town PR, then you are already in trouble. Doesn't really hurt to tell the rest of town.
If shark were town, and you were town PR, he should not have threatened/appealed u this way as mafia might notice.
If shark were town, and you were mafia, I don't see why he shouldn't tell us all.
If shark were mafia and you were town, it is also better to force mafia let town know more information.
If both of you were mafia, cool.
i guess i have to spell this out for everyone to ensure the entire town gets what you did there.

sharkie hints he knows something of my role or i know something of his. i instantly unvote. timchen asks which of us is the power role, and what power role it is. i dont find timchen very pro-town. the end.

way to ruin town-aligned sharkie semi-subtly avoiding the lynch.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 01, 2012, 11:45:24 pm
Shark said something that referenced his flavor and eevee's flavor or their roles which made eevee consider him probably town and unvote. He hinted at something a few times, something that eevee got.

Timchen then threatened to vote for shark_bait unless shark_bait revealed who eevee is.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 01, 2012, 11:46:37 pm
shark had to do something to avoid getting lynched. he did so in a way only i could understand (i'm not completely certain but like 75% he referenced something in my pm only a townie could know. i dont see how oit could be a mafia ploy so if he didnt, he just happened to hit the spot by accident. but the tone of his post very much seemed like he knew exactly what he was implying).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 01, 2012, 11:56:52 pm
Whoa, missed a lot. Ironically, I was hosting an IRL dinner party. It was a lot less interesting than this one, but it went very well. Cooked some slightly complicated dishes and managed to pull them off, and the guests brought good wine.

@shark_bait: I vote a lot, that's just something I do.

@Grujah: I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a tortilla.

@Eevee and Shark: We can't lynch timchen. He's the entire point of the setclaim. We need his info to catch scum from it.


Vote: Robz WTF are you, dude?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 01, 2012, 11:59:03 pm
that W is for where, not what, btw.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 01, 2012, 11:59:55 pm
I think that puts timchen in my list of people to lynch, and Shark_bait off of it?

Still doesn't clear you btw, eevee, I think. Unless shark_bait reverse-clears you.

Timchen's been on my scumdar before for something I don't remember what though, I'll have to look back...

I still don't quite get what went on between shark and eevee, but I think that all that matters is that Eevee is vouching for Shark as town, which probably means that shark really is town unless they're BOTH mafia.

I really hope Robz comes back before the deadline. I was against a policy lynch of him because I was sure he'd come through and not let us down, because he's Robz dammit, but it's not looking good :(
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:00:37 am
that W is for where, not what, btw.
could be what too, i like it.

sharky, a question. how do "you" feel about my character? feel free to be very vague.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 12:01:35 am
WTF is also appropriate. I want to know What robz is too!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:03:25 am
I'd like to ask all the smelly howling creatures around: WTF are you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 12:09:24 am
guys I'm a little drunk. Time to post 47 consecutive posts.

Oh wait, I meant time to go to bed. I'll check in before the deadline.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:16:07 am
guys I'm a little drunk. Time to post 47 consecutive posts.

Oh wait, I meant time to go to bed. I'll check in before the deadline.
thats what i thought when i came home at 4am.

now its 7am.

i've hit f5 a lot.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:20:31 am
Robz was logged into the forum an hour ago, but is now gone.  Given his previously saying he can only post between 9 pm and 12 am EDT this week - I highly doubt he'll be back before the lynch deadline.  Plus, he's been a very unRobz-like lurker throughout the game, even BEFORE his reduced availability this week.

I'm asking myself, "if it were someone else being this lurky, would you vote them?"  And the answer is "yes."

So I can't in good conscience do anything other than Vote: Robz at this point.

The timchen/sharky/Eevee debacle is strange.  It merits careful analysis and inquiry.  This close to the deadline, I don't feel like we have time for that inquiry.  It should be a major topic of discussion Day 2.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 12:24:09 am
Why not?

If shark were mafia, and somehow he knew you were town PR, then you are already in trouble. Doesn't really hurt to tell the rest of town.
If shark were town, and you were town PR, he should not have threatened/appealed u this way as mafia might notice.
If shark were town, and you were mafia, I don't see why he shouldn't tell us all.
If shark were mafia and you were town, it is also better to force mafia let town know more information.
If both of you were mafia, cool.
i guess i have to spell this out for everyone to ensure the entire town gets what you did there.

sharkie hints he knows something of my role or i know something of his. i instantly unvote. timchen asks which of us is the power role, and what power role it is. i dont find timchen very pro-town. the end.

way to ruin town-aligned sharkie semi-subtly avoiding the lynch.
Or rather, I should spell it out for the entire town to see what you did here.

You voted for shark. Shark said something which in my eyes pretty much says he knows something about you (not in the other way; dunno why you want to confuse people and list unnecessary probabilities.)

I can even iterate further. It can't be you know something about him. As far as I see you didn't say much about your PM today. and prior to him saying that, you were voting for him. If what he said was trying to remind you about him, he couldn't have known what you know about him that the rest of the town doesn't.

So in my eyes: your attitude toward him changed drastically, just because he said something about you. And my analysis above follows. It is hard for me to imagine how that can happen if both are town. And in particular, if shark is town and he knew somehow you are a PR, he should not have done this at all.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:26:21 am
vote: robz is fine. we just really have to hope he isnt a power role if he isnt going to check in here before the deadline anymore.. but maybe its unlikely enough he'd play a power role like this. or is it? i guess the guys who are voting think it is.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:28:48 am

Terrible road for town to go down. Unnecessary too at the moment. So, lets not, right?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 12:29:56 am
And let me say this (although I really hate someone saying things hideously...) In my list there is no player who is from set:promo.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 02, 2012, 12:30:13 am
Eevee, why did you come to the party?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:36:59 am
Eevee, why did you come to the party?
That is something I cant reveal.

perhaps it was counted as the expansion its the promo to. i'm an envoy. dont know what expansion it is tied with.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 12:39:48 am
Nobody from promo. Hmm.

This is confusing. Either eevee lies, or timchen lies, or...

Eevee, do you know who is from a faroff land and what their role is? Maube we need to read timchens flavor really carefully . ...oh envoy ok, yeah, faroff land.

If robz really does not show up before deadline, and with a little time to spare, I'd have to grudgingly agree to that lynch...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:44:52 am
Eevee, why did you come to the party?
That is something I cant reveal.

Why can't you reveal it? 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:45:47 am
shark_bait, what were you questioning Eevee incessantly about?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 12:48:37 am
Vote: Eevee

If he's town or doesn't give good reasoning I'll be giving timchen the day open vote
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 02, 2012, 12:49:00 am
I simply don't see why someone would lie about their set claim. Especially by saying they were from Promo.

It doesn't make any sense.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 12:51:12 am
I agree but ehunt eevee needs to explain what the hell is going on
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 12:52:41 am
Please note that if I knew for sure eeVee is fake claiming I would have said so.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:54:34 am
Please note that if I knew for sure eeVee is fake claiming I would have said so.

...huh?  I thought that's exactly what you were doing - accusing Eevee of fakeclaiming, when you said your list didn't have anyone with set:promo in it.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 12:59:01 am
It's true in my list there is no one from set:promo. But that does not imply he is fake claiming unfortunately... it does make me think he is suspicious, however.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 02, 2012, 01:07:38 am
It's true in my list there is no one from set:promo. But that does not imply he is fake claiming unfortunately... it does make me think he is suspicious, however.

Does your list not add up to 14?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 01:12:11 am
No, but pretty close. I have 13. I was thinking maybe the missing person is from Hinterlands, i.e., he is the one from distant lands. I wonder if it is possible for eeVee to fake claim envoy from embassy?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 01:16:40 am
No, but pretty close. I have 13. I was thinking maybe the missing person is from Hinterlands, i.e., he is the one from distant lands. I wonder if it is possible for eeVee to fake claim envoy from embassy?

Did you count your role (scout) in the 13?  ;D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 01:17:24 am
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 01:19:15 am
The murderer probably has no dominion card what card would Even somewhat portray murderer
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 02, 2012, 01:19:37 am
No, but pretty close. I have 13. I was thinking maybe the missing person is from Hinterlands, i.e., he is the one from distant lands. I wonder if it is possible for eeVee to fake claim envoy from embassy?

Could the wording of the PM and list make it a possibility that it contains the other 13 people at the table ? What I mean is, perhaps you have a complete list, but that it doesn't include your own rolecard because, well, that would be redundant seeing as you already know what you yourself are.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 01:22:28 am
@Jo: No. And if so then eevee IS fakeclaiming.
@Insomniac: then eevee is the murderer.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 02, 2012, 01:25:07 am
Timchen, let's flip things around. Correct me if I'm wrong, but everybody has claimed except Robz?

Including your card, that's 13 claims. Now remove Eevee, that's 12 claims.

A) Do those 12 claims match your list?
B) What is the unclaimed #13, and is it likely to be Eevee based on what we know, or more likely to be Robz?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 02, 2012, 01:28:03 am
This post contains all the claims. Ignore Eevee. That's 12 listed. What set is the #13th card from?

With Setclaims (Robza missing):

Been rereading jo. He has bunch of these "Deadline soon! Time too vote!" "I could sideclaim." among his "normal" posts. These one-liners that just sound.. fake? forced? I don't know. I still like him but... But he starts each game so differently that I don't know now.
MIV he is jokey, tongue-in-cheek and claims D1, MVI he goes around asking loaded questions.  ;D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 01:31:36 am
A) Yes.
B) the remaining one is different from what eevee claimed. So unless eevee fakeclaimed it must be Robz.

So if I choose to believe eeVee then he would be the only one that is not on my list. One reason may just be that he is promo. Technically promo does not belong to any set. On the other hand what I first noticed is that how there is no one from hinterlands. So originally I thought it is probable that my list actually spells out who is from the distant land by not including him.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 01:32:21 am
@galz: I don't want to say it out loud what the remaining 13th card is from just in case Robz claims something different.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 02, 2012, 01:41:20 am
To answer questions, I think it is easier for me just to quote my PM rather fully:
You had worked for Ozle in the past, as chief informant on the people in the village. And while you had been out of the loop since Ozle hired you, you knew his nicknames like the back of his hand
You knew something was up, that’s why you invited the Bureaucrat to this party, in the hope of some information coming to light. You knew as long as that newspaper man was alive, you would get some juicy gossip!

While you have no powers, you do have extra information that may be of use!

You know the breakdown of all the Dominion flavour nicknames Ozle has given to people from the town:
There are:
<redacted>; basically how many cards are from each set

You also know that amongst them there are only:
<redacted>; some piece of information like how many with +1 actions and how many with +buys

You and the person to your right were talking about the people sitting opposite in seats 22 and 23 when the room went dark.

Here's your PM. Let me point out one thing that stands in Eevee's favor:

You know all the Dominion flavor nicknames that Ozle has given to the people from the town.

If Eevee is the Envoy, and the traveler from a distant land, he is NOT from this town, thus you would not know his Dominion flavor name.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 01:45:54 am
cool point! Then eeVee IS the distant traveler!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 02, 2012, 01:46:41 am
I don't understand how that's a point in Eevee's favor
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 02:01:43 am
It's not really, but it's an explanation for why timchen doesn't know anyone's from Promo but eevee's not lying. Well, maybe not lying.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 02:03:28 am
Oh, but I also want to bring back People's attention to the eevee/shark relation. That in my eye is even more suspicious than his setclaim.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 02, 2012, 02:05:29 am
I don't understand how that's a point in Eevee's favor

It's in Eevee's favor that what he said is not demonstrably a flat-out lie based on the information Timchen has. Not that he is suddenly more likely "not scum" (not using "town" here, as he's clearly not "town")
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 02:22:41 am
Oh, but I also want to bring back People's attention to the eevee/shark relation. That in my eye is even more suspicious than his setclaim.

Why do you find that suspicious?

Shark has something in his flavor PM that he quoted to eevee that eevee, based on his own flavor pm, recognized as a towntell.

I don't think we need to know any more details than that. Eevee is vouching for shark_bait as town.

There are a few possibilities:
1) Shark really is town, and eevee recognized that and posted it. This is possible whether eevee is town or mafia.
2) Shark is Mafia and Eevee is mafia, and one mafia is vouching for another.

Both of these are possible, but neither depends on the details of WHY eevee is vouching for shark. Both of them don't want us to know. Maybe one of them is a power role, maybe it's to do with flavor, maybe not. But if it's power-role based, do you really want eevee or shark_bait to claim?

I mean, it doesn't say anything about eevee, I still somehow distrust eevee; he could be mafia trying to earn towncred, mafia covering for mafia, or of course town or even town pr. But it is a reason not to lynch shark...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 02:44:48 am
Okay. I am probably misled by Volt. I really thought Sharky was saying he knew something about eevee and used that fact to beg eevee not to vote on him. But once I reread it does seem a bit more like shark was trying to reveal himself in some hideous way to eevee only.

But how can that be possible? Note that sharky does not know what role PM eevee got. How could he be sure that eevee can get a town tell on him based on eevee's role PM only? This is why I originally read it as a threat from shark to ask eevee not to vote. And if that is the case it is really scummy.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 02:59:38 am
Yeah, I saw what you mean by a threat, I understand that reading. It's what I read it as at first.

But... how does that make any sense? What can a mafia possibly threaten a townie with? If a mafia threatened a townie, a townie's response would be along the lines of LYNCH HIM HE THREATENED ME HE'S MAFIA. I mean, even a rolereveal is usually worth it to catch a guaranteed mafia. The LAST thing a threatened townie would want to do is to let the day end without the threatener being lynched! Mafia (and vigs I guess) have power at night, town has power during the day. And yet in this case, eevee responded by saying "yep, shark's probably town".
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 02, 2012, 03:07:20 am
Who do you suggest we lynch? Grujah and Shark were top of my list for hitting scum, but I have reasons now to suggest neither is. I don't like the Robz policy lynch - although I understand it. At the rate we're headed, I don't see my vote landing much of anywhere.

Volt? CF? Neither has, I believe, a strong enough case against to lynch. When in doubt, Morgrim? I can't really back that either. And nobody else jumps out at me...

Did Cayvie answer about the change in her/her seats appearance?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 02, 2012, 03:11:02 am
Who do you suggest we lynch? Grujah and Shark were top of my list for hitting scum, but I have reasons now to suggest neither is. I don't like the Robz policy lynch - although I understand it. At the rate we're headed, I don't see my vote landing much of anywhere.

Volt? CF? Neither has, I believe, a strong enough case against to lynch. When in doubt, Morgrim? I can't really back that either. And nobody else jumps out at me...

Did Cayvie answer about the change in her/her seats appearance?

I did; I have no idea what it means.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 02, 2012, 03:12:06 am
I also have no idea why my clue (about 15 & 16) and morgrim's clue (about 18, 19, & 21) seem to be switched. Maybe we switched seats somehow?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 03:12:29 am
Exactly. 2 possibilities I have here (if it is a threat from shark):
(1) they are mafia, but are in different factions.
(2) eevee is mafia, and shark is some sort of survival role.

Actually, looking back to shark's response to Volt's inquiry, if he is indeed trying to reveal himself, wouldn't he deny more directly that it is not a threat at all?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 02, 2012, 03:19:37 am
I also have no idea why my clue (about 15 & 16) and morgrim's clue (about 18, 19, & 21) seem to be switched. Maybe we switched seats somehow?

Well, I just reread the opening flavor, and it states that Ozle heard multiple chairs moving during the darkness, just before the howl. This indicates more than one person was standing up/moving around.

Off the top of my head:

I confirmed 11/13 didn't move, and they have counter confirmed.

Insomniac has confirmed 14/15/16 (or no 14? Was that mod changed?)

So for our side, 10 could've moved (ftl) and 14 started out of his seat (Volt).

On the other side, I know 18/19 confirmed eachother, but has 17, 20, 21, 22, and 23 been confirmed non-movers?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 03:40:41 am
How about we organize a bit what we have known about the murder scene up to now:

My piece of information: Me and sharky were talking about ins and morgrim when the lights went out.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 04:33:30 am
Re: scum -

12 hrs until lynch deadline.

This is looking like a no-lynch D1...

Vote: Grujah

Yeah, I guess I'm wagoning on grujah for a third time? Is there anybody else who is considered a viable candidate?

I'm not even that convinced, my own logic against grujah has been flawed like twice. I bet somebody who's been cleared as town actually isn't, but I don't know who...

...oh right, Robz's a candidate, who I had been confident would show up but he hasn't come through yet? Vote: Robz .

Will re-check and re-vote within a few hours of the deadline, I'll be here. Or I suppose no lynch isn't so bad? Everyone always says it is but we've never tried NL here on F.ds... or am I just rationalizing our apparent inevitable failure to lynch here.

Re: murderer -

I know that somebody was moving around near me during the darkness. It didn't say it was seat 11, though, just 'somebody'. Bringing it back to what was talked about at the very beginning of the day, it's part of why I don't think the murderer was necessarily on yuma's side.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on August 02, 2012, 05:15:30 am
The sun began to go down on Ozles castle, although it would be another 11 hours before it went properly dark. (Obviously the sun was reluctant to go down easily round here, like this girl I used to know who....nevermind). The local newspaper was up in arms about the critiscms of the speed of thier news! It was a paper, not the television, did people not realise they had to get it printed, delivered and then all these people were in the dining room of a large castle! Of course there was going to be a delay! I don't know, some people just want everything immediately!

Vote Count 1.5
Robz888 (4): jotheonah, Voltglos, eevee, ftl
Insomniac (1) : , Morgrim7,
Eevee (1):  , Insomniac,
Shark Bait (4): Yuma, , Grujah, cayvie, , timchen
timchen (1): , shark_bait

Not Voting (3): Captain_Frisk, Robz888,  Galzria,
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 08:19:09 am
It appears, to me, that sharky's PM must refer to the world traveler specifically as "Envoy."  That's what sharky redacted when he quoted his PM.  And when Eevee setclaimed Promo, he (sharky) put two and two together and concluded what has finally become clear:  that Eevee is the Envoy and is the man from a far-off land.

I don't know why sharky hinting that to Eevee was a reason for Eevee to unvote sharky.  I guess what I'm finding weird is that the whole "far-off land man" issue seemed to be a murderer-suspicion issue, rather than a scumspicion issue.  So why should it influence voting? 

Perhaps Eevee's and sharky's responses to my outstanding questions will help clear that up.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 02, 2012, 08:27:32 am
Funfact: When I choose icons for that image, I didn't know which promo to use on Eevee, randomly choose Envoy.  ;D

Now, first @timchen.
I don't know your alignment. But you MUST stop doing that. By "that" I mean demanding instant and complete reveal once somebody says they know something.

You've done that MVI with me and Morgrim. I had a reason why I never said anything about our roles (didn't even deny of confirm Masons). That actually saved us. Because I was so OK with dying during the night they didn't want to shoot me out of fear that I'm a Paranoid Gun Owner Mason. They didn't want to shoot Morg cuz he was hammer happy.
If everyone knew we were Lovers, PPS couldn't have protected us both N4. All scum would have known that it doesn't matter whether they target me or Morg. This way, for my death, they needed to target ME. And it saved us.
Same with PPS. You were crying about PPS/ehunt revealing what is in letter. If they did, PPS would die instantly.

Stop doing that.

Really? You are fine with Robz lynch?
You? Eevee the "no lynch is better than town lynch". Eevee the "I wont' vote unless I am fairly confident of scum" ?

I said before I am fine. We hit scum or what is now a useless townie.

I am going to watch a soccer game tonight so won't be there around deadline I think (How much till deadline?)
But I will place my final vote before I leave.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 02, 2012, 08:33:56 am
fos: timchen for going back to murder talk before deadline

I've reread, and I don't have a strong read.  I thought for a while that we had trapped eevee, but if he's the traveler, then i suppose it makes sense.

fos: timchen for knowing my card name probably

I'm inclined to policy lynch one of the lurkers.  Timchen immediately became more active when I called out posting - not sure if that is a scumtell - or just him returning from V/LA and catching up.  I know RobZ has alot going on, but...

Vote: RobZ unless we have a real case against someone that I don't see?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 08:38:16 am
Perhaps Eevee's and sharky's responses to my outstanding questions will help clear that up.
What specifically do you want answered? I'll be on one hour now, then come back after two hours.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 08:39:29 am
that W is for where, not what, btw.
could be what too, i like it.

sharky, a question. how do "you" feel about my character? feel free to be very vague.

Sharky, I'd really like you to answer this. Just to make sure I'm not mistaken about you.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 08:42:01 am
Perhaps Eevee's and sharky's responses to my outstanding questions will help clear that up.
What specifically do you want answered? I'll be on one hour now, then come back after two hours.

You said you can't answer why you came to visit Ozle.

My question is:  why can't you answer?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 08:45:50 am
Eevee, why did you come to the party?
That is something I cant reveal.

Why can't you reveal it?
What do you think? To protect someone. Mafia related reasons, nothing to do with murder I dont think.

Fwiw, I did not realize I was the man from the far off land for the longest time. I'm not a native english speaker so I didnt realize envoy probably means that (just thought of the card and what it does to be honest), and the only other hint there was in my pm was that it started with "Drawn to this far off land.." which I had missed.

And what happened with me and sharky, my role pm said "you were talking with this guys who certainly isnt a killer", and sharkys apparently said the same about me. He was quoting that he talked to me, something he could not have known unless he was the guy in question.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 08:49:38 am
Perhaps Eevee's and sharky's responses to my outstanding questions will help clear that up.
What specifically do you want answered? I'll be on one hour now, then come back after two hours.

You said you can't answer why you came to visit Ozle.

My question is:  why can't you answer?
You know if I was an FBI agent who came here to catch all the mafia, I couldnt answer. Or if I was lovers with one. Or if I was his bodyguard. Or if I came to hunt werewolves I had heard there were running amok. Or if I was a devoted doctor who came to make sure Ozle stays healthy. Or if I was the doctors chauffeur and was just invited in. Etc etc etc etc.

Answering the question would out the existence / identity of a town power role in this mafia game. And timchen and Volt relentlessly fishing for the information.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 08:53:45 am
And what happened with me and sharky, my role pm said "you were talking with this guys who certainly isnt a killer", and sharkys apparently said the same about me. He was quoting that he talked to me, something he could not have known unless he was the guy in question.

From everything else that other PMs have shown, this again makes me question the ability of the English language to communicate. "Who certainly isnt a killer" What does that mean. It could mean, that this person is not the killer tonight. Or it could mean that it is highly unlikely that this person could kill because he is just too darn nice in your opinion. But it isn't fact.

Further more, this seems to refer to murder, not mafia.... Again. Let's not confuse things here.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 08:56:07 am
And what happened with me and sharky, my role pm said "you were talking with this guys who certainly isnt a killer", and sharkys apparently said the same about me. He was quoting that he talked to me, something he could not have known unless he was the guy in question.

From everything else that other PMs have shown, this again makes me question the ability of the English language to communicate. "Who certainly isnt a killer" What does that mean. It could mean, that this person is not the killer tonight. Or it could mean that it is highly unlikely that this person could kill because he is just too darn nice in your opinion. But it isn't fact.

Further more, this seems to refer to murder, not mafia.... Again. Let's not confuse things here.

I'm being intentionally vague. Revealing the exact wording would out a town power role.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 08:57:47 am
And I really don't like the robz votes. That is the best we can do? A vote that clears mafia from their lynch responsibility when/if he pops up town.

Well, I guess that won't hold true this time. I will hold each one of you responsible if he flips town. And hound you the rest of the game.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 08:58:47 am
And I really don't like the robz votes. That is the best we can do? A vote that clears mafia from their lynch responsibility when/if he pops up town.

Well, I guess that won't hold true this time. I will hold each one of you responsible if he flips town. And hound you the rest of the game.

And saying, "it was a policy lynch" will put you even higher on my suspicions at that time.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 09:00:24 am

Really? You are fine with Robz lynch?
You? Eevee the "no lynch is better than town lynch". Eevee the "I wont' vote unless I am fairly confident of scum" ?

I think mafialynch>randomlynch>nolynch>townlynch. I never said I'm not voting unless I'm fairly confident someone is scum, if that was the case I would be voting pretty damn rarely. I dont think Robz has done anything to not appear scummy, so I'd say he is pretty much a random lynch at this point. And a policy one "dont sign up if you dont have time to participate" or "if you choose to participate in other threads but dont open this, you might not live when you do again".


Really, that strongly opposed to the robz lynch? I mean I can unvote, I just think he is pretty much a random lynch (a whole lot better actually, because I have several strongish town reads) and a random lynch is better than nolynch. Do you disagree with that, or do you have a better target in mind?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 09:07:22 am
heading to work, will only post short stuff from phone occasionally
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 02, 2012, 09:23:10 am
that W is for where, not what, btw.
could be what too, i like it.

sharky, a question. how do "you" feel about my character? feel free to be very vague.

Sharky, I'd really like you to answer this. Just to make sure I'm not mistaken about you.

I trust your character.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 09:28:39 am
Guys, we might have a problem. That answer does not go with what I thought of sharky. Really super confused at the moment.

I dont think sharky tried to trick me, and I still think he is probably town. But now I dont have anything else than a gut feeling, my pm has nothing about a man that trusted me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 02, 2012, 09:32:44 am
Oh... hang on.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 02, 2012, 09:33:18 am
I meant that I, me, shark_bait trusted you.  Give me a sec to answer what my role in BMMM1 thinks.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 02, 2012, 09:34:55 am
And I really don't like the robz votes. That is the best we can do? A vote that clears mafia from their lynch responsibility when/if he pops up town.

Well, I guess that won't hold true this time. I will hold each one of you responsible if he flips town. And hound you the rest of the game.

What is your case against shark_bait?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 02, 2012, 09:38:20 am
Eevee, very loosely, I would say that you "inspired" me.  I hope that removes your confusion.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 10:10:38 am
Just a comment on the deadline, so no one is confused (because I almost was):  The opening posts say that the deadline is 9 p.m. tonight, but that's British time.  So that's 4 p.m. EDT for us east-coasters, 1 p.m. for Galz and other west-coasters.

I.e., the deadline's in just under 6 hours.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 02, 2012, 10:14:31 am
Indeed. I'm up and about though, so won't miss it.

However the person I find most suspicious and want to vote for (Sharkie) is the person I'm being told I can't - or rather, shouldn't.

Gruj would be next, but he has so many flavor-red herrings and, well, I ALWAYS find him scummy. So I can't see myself voting for him without more information.

So who so I vote for? Right now, nobody...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 02, 2012, 10:56:12 am
I've read that odd number of players is better than even for the Town? So if no-lynch turns up it might not be bad (I assume only 1 night kill).

I'd still lynch Robz as he doesn't seem to mind. He ain't my prime lynch, but I don't see s_b happening, and this last few posts are confusing and I am kinda in a rush.
vote: Robz888

That's L-2. (L-1 considering Morgrim is in game)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 11:07:34 am
Welp I don't see a good reason to not Vote: shark_bait he was scummy for a while and he is being more active now but unfortunately he was scummy before and I haven't been a huge fan of lynch all lurkers since "The Bozzball Identity".
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on August 02, 2012, 11:21:08 am

Vote Count 1.6
Robz888 (6): jotheonah, Voltglos, eevee, ftl, Captain_Frisk, Grujah
Insomniac (1) : Morgrim7,
Shark Bait (4): Yuma, Insomniac, cayvie, timchen
timchen (1): , shark_bait

Not Voting (2): , Robz888,  Galzria

Deadline is in just over 4.5 hours (9pm BST), with 14 alive it takes 8 to Lynch. Reminder, there is no deadline majority lynch.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 11:39:28 am
Welp I don't see a good reason to not Vote: shark_bait he was scummy for a while and he is being more active now but unfortunately he was scummy before and I haven't been a huge fan of lynch all lurkers since "The Bozzball Identity".

But... wasn't it lurking that made sharky appear "scummy before?"  Or I suppose I should say "active lurking":  being around (somewhat) but posting exclusively about things other than scumhunting.  See

I dunno.  If you're voting for sharky based on earlier behavior - i.e., predating the sharky/Eevee/timchen blowup - then isn't Robz guilty of exactly that same behavior* during that same period?

I guess that leads to this set of questions, for each of the people voting sharky (yuma, Insomniac, cayvie, timchen, plus anyone who joins them):

1. Are you voting because of sharky's recent behavior (the timchen/Eevee/sharky events) or because of past behavior (lurking/refusing to scumhunt)?  Or both?

2. If "recent behavior" or "both":  Why do you find sharky's recent behavior more scumspicious than Eevee's or timchen's?  {obviously timchen would only be comparing sharky to Eevee}

3. If "past behavior" or "both":  Why do you find sharky's past lurking to be more scumspicious than Robz's?

* I should add that I don't actually see the Robz lynch as a policy lynch.  I'm voting Robz because he is lurking in a way that I haven't seen townRobz lurk - and his lurking has run through all of Day 1, not just these last couple of RL days with reduced availability.  I find his lurking to be scumspicious.  And more scumspicious than sharky's lurking:  I can explain sharky's lurking as that of a fairly newb-ish Townie who took the wrong lessons from his last Mafia game - that "participating gets you killed."  I can't explain Robz's lurking that way.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 11:44:03 am
I think the best explanation for Robz lurking, especially at this point, is IRL unavailability.

So I am viewing it as a policy lynch. But a policy lynch with a chance at hitting scum.

However, I hate that we can't force his PM out of him before he dies, because we'll be missing some clues to solving the mystery.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 11:47:45 am
However, I hate that we can't force his PM out of him before he dies, because we'll be missing some clues to solving the mystery.

From the intro post:

•   Some Murder information may be revealed after a death.

I understand and agree with your concern jo, but we might still get something murder-related from this.  Hell, if it was info Robz didn't want to divulge earlier, this might be the ONLY way we get it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 11:55:11 am
To get stuff going as there is no talking here and the deadline is super close (order from the OP)

1   Captain_Frisk - Captain Frisk has been a bit on the quiet side this game, not sure if its due to his role, the murder or if he's scum. I don't think theres really a case here but I see that people think he is a werewolf and I can see that.

2   Cayvie - Been playing quite different from M6. Started out not knowing how to really approach the game but since has been doing her fair share of the conversation and hasn't done much I find really scummy

3   Eevee - Well there was the setclaim debacle and the sharkie debacle that everyone knows about. In addition has been willing to vote Robz has said no lynch is better than a lynch. Early in the day Eevee was all "Let's scumhunt guys!" but didn't do it on his own.

4   FTL - Has been wagoning alot this game but has also made a lot of good size posts. I'll want to reread them day 2 but still no real read.

5   Galzria - I'm not sure who this Galz is but he's playing quite different from other Galz's. Has been helpful but also figured out the left side of the table before anyone else which makes me a bit nervous. (figured it out when no one on the left had claimed)

6   Grujah - I actually do think he has been rather scummy with the pinnacle being his vote for me after I posted my role. Anyways, I think I have a tendency to misjudge Grujah early and his frequent posting has not been a sign of scuminess in the past.

7   Insomniac - Well hi there

8   Jtotheoneah - Well I'm not sure about J this game. He's not playing M3 or M4 J. He found me scummy but he always does he just doesn't like the way I play day 1, with M2 the only indicator he does like me after day 1 though. But anyways I've found him quite a bit scummy, the "Oh carp, I'm gonna die tonight" seems really wierd to me, something I think a mafia J might do (we have never seen a mafia J).

9   Mogrim - Well Morgrim WAS being normal, and then shark_bait posted a ridiculous case against me and Morgrim was happy to jump on board which is typical Morgrim. It's the early stuff that is giving me pause with Morgrim, especially since even his vote on me is wierd as there were other people closer to being hammered which seems to be Morgrims style

10   Robz888 - Has lurked, I don't think its an indicator of scuminess with Robz, I hope he'll be more active day 2, if he doesn't I will probably become more concerned. Against a policy lynch on lurkers because of BOZZBALL in M2

11   Shark_bait - The Eevee debacle. The I don't want to draw attention to myself. The only showing up to answer questions before that. And then his big post saying I'm scum and where he wants to put his vote. For those of you following along he's my top suspect now.

12   Timchen - Was V/LA takes time to catch up with the pace alot of us players drive these games, when he did catch up he had a lot to add. Did a bit of rolefishing butttttt Timchen does that so not too worried.

13   Voltgloss - I see Volt here, I don't see mafia Volt here. He's asking questions and driving conversation and thats what I've come to expect from a town Volt.

14   Yuma - To be honest I dont recall alot of what yuma has said aside from shorter comments and some murder talk. I'll be giving him a reread come day 2.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 11:59:26 am
Welp I don't see a good reason to not Vote: shark_bait he was scummy for a while and he is being more active now but unfortunately he was scummy before and I haven't been a huge fan of lynch all lurkers since "The Bozzball Identity".

But... wasn't it lurking that made sharky appear "scummy before?"  Or I suppose I should say "active lurking":  being around (somewhat) but posting exclusively about things other than scumhunting.  See

I dunno.  If you're voting for sharky based on earlier behavior - i.e., predating the sharky/Eevee/timchen blowup - then isn't Robz guilty of exactly that same behavior* during that same period?

I guess that leads to this set of questions, for each of the people voting sharky (yuma, Insomniac, cayvie, timchen, plus anyone who joins them):

1. Are you voting because of sharky's recent behavior (the timchen/Eevee/sharky events) or because of past behavior (lurking/refusing to scumhunt)?  Or both?

2. If "recent behavior" or "both":  Why do you find sharky's recent behavior more scumspicious than Eevee's or timchen's?  {obviously timchen would only be comparing sharky to Eevee}

3. If "past behavior" or "both":  Why do you find sharky's past lurking to be more scumspicious than Robz's?

* I should add that I don't actually see the Robz lynch as a policy lynch.  I'm voting Robz because he is lurking in a way that I haven't seen townRobz lurk - and his lurking has run through all of Day 1, not just these last couple of RL days with reduced availability.  I find his lurking to be scumspicious.  And more scumspicious than sharky's lurking:  I can explain sharky's lurking as that of a fairly newb-ish Townie who took the wrong lessons from his last Mafia game - that "participating gets you killed."  I can't explain Robz's lurking that way.

1. Both, none of the past or present are enough to make me vote him, together however they are.

2. Timchen has been trying to get involved in the game so he had a lot to say, timchen tried to rolefish in M6 a lot and Its not more suspicious then Eevee but Eevee isnt a wagon people will hop on and I find Eevee and SB equally suspicious.

3. Because sharky was more actively lurking, Robz has a V/LA that made him lurk. Also I have seen town Robz lurk. but like I said I want him to come out and be more involved day 2 also sharky SAID he was lurking to avoid suspicion.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 12:00:48 pm
and sharky wasn't posting things that weren't about scumhunting he was posting ONLY to answer questions to him. and later said he was doing it to avoid suspicion THATS why his lurking has bothered me, but again not enough for me to feel really good about a vote there without the recent events.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 12:03:05 pm
I am getting a feeling that the mafia are sitting happy right now. This is exactly who I felt as a mafia in games III and V. Turmoil and confusion within the town as they pinpoint incorrect mafia all on their own.

The player that reminds me the most of me in those games is vote: shark_bait. He is making sure is seen, casting only occasional voted, but isn't really making himself the spotlight or the center of attention (a place that Mafia rarely wants to be).

Do you have anything to add to this conversation shark?

I think there is a difference between shark and rob. Shark made enough posts to be seen but not in forefront. Rob just isn't posting. One iview as a strategy the other as being busy in rl. I don't know what to make of the recent eevee situation. Something feels off about it. But come lynch time I would change my vote to someone else. But not robz.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on August 02, 2012, 12:03:35 pm
Hi guys. I have been at a seminar this week that has made keeping up with this and role madness mafia impossible. They are too confusing for casual involvement. I will be more available (though still quite busy) starting tomorrow. But if you want to kill me, I dont blame you. My power isn't extremely useful to the town, in my opinion, so I probably won't be missed.

No time for detailed analysis now; I can answer quick questions however.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 12:05:17 pm
Hi guys. I have been at a seminar this week that has made keeping up with this and role madness mafia impossible. They are too confusing for casual involvement. I will be more available (though still quite busy) starting tomorrow. But if you want to kill me, I dont blame you. My power isn't extremely useful to the town, in my opinion, so I probably won't be missed.

No time for detailed analysis now; I can answer quick questions however.

set claim / give us useful pm stuff please!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 12:06:05 pm
Hi guys. I have been at a seminar this week that has made keeping up with this and role madness mafia impossible. They are too confusing for casual involvement. I will be more available (though still quite busy) starting tomorrow. But if you want to kill me, I dont blame you. My power isn't extremely useful to the town, in my opinion, so I probably won't be missed.

No time for detailed analysis now; I can answer quick questions however.

Also since your answering questions....are you scum? Should I vote for you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:09:05 pm
Oh boy Ins, if you hadn't claimed the bureaucrat, I wpuld change my vote to you right now. But I do believe you there, so maybe that was just appearing scummy on day 1.

I repeat the question I asked yuma to answer above.
I think scumlynch>random lynch (if it truly is random)>nolynch>VT lynch>town power role lynch. Do you disagree?
I have a couple of guys I think are town (you, shark_bait and jotheonah to an extent), so Robz is even better odds thatn random. I thibk robz lynch is our best option, although I dont mind if wr nolynch. Where do you disagree?

Oh and the shark_bait incident was me insisting he is probably not a good lynch. I think voting for Robz is better than voting for sharkie who has someone (me) telling everyone "my role pm suggests he is town". Why do you want to vote for him still? Do you think I'm scum protecting my partner or misinterpreting the flavor?


Hmm, I wasnt told you were inspired. That is interesting to hear. Do you think I have the right idea of whats going on here?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:10:00 pm
Robz, my quick question:  I understand your lurking this week.  Can you explain your lurking last week (i.e., before your seminar started)?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:12:58 pm
Do you think I have the right idea of whats going on here?

Eevee, I know you don't want to answer a lot of questions, but maybe this is one you can/will answer:  Does your "idea of what's going on here" involve the presence of a werewolf (or werewolves)?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on August 02, 2012, 12:14:17 pm
Robz, my quick question:  I understand your lurking this week.  Can you explain your lurking last week (i.e., before your seminar started)?

A bit of mafia fatigue. I was also trying out some different play styles. I think if you look at my frequency of posting over all games you will see it varies greatly. I was hyper active all of m4, but lurked some of m3, m5... In other words, I try to mix it up. Also, my role does not benefit from learning the identity of the murderer, though I am personally curious about it.

Should I claim?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 12:15:05 pm
Oh boy Ins, if you hadn't claimed the bureaucrat, I wpuld change my vote to you right now. But I do believe you there, so maybe that was just appearing scummy on day 1.

I repeat the question I asked yuma to answer above.
I think scumlynch>random lynch (if it truly is random)>nolynch>VT lynch>town power role lynch. Do you disagree?
I have a couple of guys I think are town (you, shark_bait and jotheonah to an extent), so Robz is even better odds thatn random. I thibk robz lynch is our best option, although I dont mind if wr nolynch. Where do you disagree?

Oh and the shark_bait incident was me insisting he is probably not a good lynch. I think voting for Robz is better than voting for sharkie who has someone (me) telling everyone "my role pm suggests he is town". Why do you want to vote for him still? Do you think I'm scum protecting my partner or misinterpreting the flavor?


Hmm, I wasnt told you were inspired. That is interesting to hear. Do you think I have the right idea of whats going on here?

You find me scummy because I find you scummy.

Anyways yes I disagree whole heartedly with your analysis as I've said MANY MANY times before.
Scum lynch
VT lynch
power role lynch

I would much rather eat my lunch AND have a wagon to analyze than no lunch, I just dont like hitting PRs but this close to the deadline I'm not gonna buy any l-1 claims we don't have time for that garbage if theres a reason I shouldnt be voting the way I am I need to know NOW.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 02, 2012, 12:19:05 pm
The debate on VT vs. No Lunch is interesting. 

I think that in a normal game, it varies based on whether or not there is a cop.  With a cop - more days = more confirmed information, so no lynch is more plausible.

But saying you'd rather lynch VT than Nobody is pretty tough.  Would you lynch an innocent child?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 02, 2012, 12:19:48 pm
As for RobZ, I would say you should claim, even @ L-2 - just because we have so little time left.  At least people are online and maybe we could lynch someone else.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 12:21:50 pm
If I have no lunch today, I'm going to be really cranky. I already missed breakfast.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:22:06 pm
set claim / give us useful pm stuff please!

Robz, in case you're not caught up:  By "set claim," Insom means "tell us what Dominion set your role name comes from."  Everyone else has already done it, and timchen claims he has info that could catch a fake - but only if absolutely everyone setclaims.  So we need at least that much from you. 

I would much rather eat my lunch AND have a wagon to analyze than no lunch

This reminded me, IRL, that I haven't eaten lunch yet.

But saying you'd rather lynch VT than Nobody is pretty tough.  Would you lynch an innocent child?

I think Insom's point is that, by lynching someone who is then revealed post-lynch to be town, we get information that could help find scum amongst the wagoners - scum being, those people on the wagon who voted KNOWING the victim was town.  Lynching an IC doesn't fit that scenario:  EVERYONE on the wagon would know the victim is town, so the wagon doesn't help differentiate scum from (really confused) town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on August 02, 2012, 12:23:21 pm
As for RobZ, I would say you should claim, even @ L-2 - just because we have so little time left.  At least people are online and maybe we could lynch someone else.

I am a town aligned one shot Lightning Rod. I can redirect all unresolved actions toward me on a single day or night. My set claim is prosperity.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:26:10 pm
Do you think I have the right idea of whats going on here?

Eevee, I know you don't want to answer a lot of questions, but maybe this is one you can/will answer:  Does your "idea of what's going on here" involve the presence of a werewolf (or werewolves)?

That question was not about that. But in general it has some relevance with all this. I dont know the answer to that question, and I dont know if sharky does. Maybe he can tell us?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 12:27:28 pm

Not loving the Robz lynch anymore. No idea who to lynch, though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:29:41 pm
Robz's presence and responses are making me less comfortable with Robz lynch.  Though I suppose his timing at appearing so late, rather than Monday night or Tuesday night, could be a complicated strategy to sow chaos?, seems a real stretch.

Robz, another quick question:  Who do you think should be lynched?  Or do you support no-lynch?

I don't like lynching any of sharky/Eevee/timchen because, as I've said before, I think we need to carefully analyze their situation and just don't have time now.

Thinking about an alternate lynch, this caught my eye:

14   Yuma - To be honest I dont recall alot of what yuma has said aside from shorter comments and some murder talk. I'll be giving him a reread come day 2.

This matches my thoughts on yuma exactly.  And thinking about it more, scum yuma is pro-lurker yuma.  Look at M-III.  Look at M-V.  This could very well be more of the same.

I would support a yuma lynch.  Others' thoughts?  Heck, I'll even start it.  Vote: yuma.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:32:06 pm
timchen, do everyone's setclaims check out?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Grujah on August 02, 2012, 12:33:48 pm
On phone. vote: shark_bait. More probable than robz, reason for volt - same as mz first vote, active lurkin from before new behavior doeznt help much
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 02, 2012, 12:37:33 pm

Hmm, I wasnt told you were inspired. That is interesting to hear. Do you think I have the right idea of whats going on here?

You said that I could be as vague as possible.  That word choice was based off of my interpretation of my flavor PM said in way that was directed towards you solely.  If I quote my PM in it's entirety, you would understand.

Also, do we have a vote count?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on August 02, 2012, 12:38:38 pm
Robz's presence and responses are making me less comfortable with Robz lynch.  Though I suppose his timing at appearing so late, rather than Monday night or Tuesday night, could be a complicated strategy to sow chaos?, seems a real stretch.

Robz, another quick question:  Who do you think should be lynched?  Or do you support no-lynch?

I don't like lynching any of sharky/Eevee/timchen because, as I've said before, I think we need to carefully analyze their situation and just don't have time now.

Thinking about an alternate lynch, this caught my eye:

14   Yuma - To be honest I dont recall alot of what yuma has said aside from shorter comments and some murder talk. I'll be giving him a reread come day 2.

This matches my thoughts on yuma exactly.  And thinking about it more, scum yuma is pro-lurker yuma.  Look at M-III.  Look at M-V.  This could very well be more of the same.

I would support a yuma lynch.  Others' thoughts?  Heck, I'll even start it.  Vote: yuma.

My availability right now is luck. I don't know when the deadline is. My seminar is ending soon, and we are having lunch.

I am so out of it I can't even recommend who to lynch. I have a possible lead on a mafia being somebody with a base set role. But I can't hep narrow that down. Sorry!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on August 02, 2012, 12:39:40 pm
Sorry phone posting. Everything below "vote Yuma" was me talking, not volt.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 12:39:46 pm
@grujah: No I am not forcing a complete claim in any case. The things that baffle me is unnecessary secrecy, which ranges from suspicious (if the people in question can be mafia) to infuriating (if the people in question are town, and have nothing to hide in the first place.) Yeah, I understand from the game strategy perspective it actually does not hurt that much to keep a townie in the dark, while it can be important to keep mafia away from vital information. I just do not like this method of being vague.

So in M6, you and morgrim of course should not claim lover. But IMO you should state clearly you know something about morgrim due to a passive ability. Which of course is in the end at d1 everyone knew. Consider if nobody questioned further when you have softclaimed by saying "I knew he is town". If he flipped mafia later you could say it was just a feeling nothing really concrete about it etc etc. So I think a degree of clearness is necessary. The cases between PPS and ehunt had more merit because I overlooked the possibility that ehunt's ability can allow private communications both ways. Still it is not absolute necessary; say PPS is actually SK, when ehunt asks him whether he is doctor what would he say? So this kind of private communication does not really help that much.

So coming back to this game, I do not intend to force shark to say everything he knew about eevee. The problem I see is that I have trouble seeing how eevee is telling the truth. And the easiest way to find whether he is telling truth or not is to have shark tell us.

Yeah, but I have to concede it probably does not hurt the town that much for not letting me understand something. At most there is just one more random vote. So if the town pleases, just ignore me if you deem it's rolefishing and could endanger our PR.

@eevee: this is really weird claim. How can shark know in the first place with some certainty that in your PM it says something about that he is not killer? You really haven't answer my question at all since I posted it initially. This would be the third post.

At this point if shark has nothing more to say I am willing to lynch him. I still don't understand early on why he wants to mislead using seat 14.

@Volt: all except eevee's.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 02, 2012, 12:41:10 pm
TC, the seat 14 situation was not intentional.  Grujah made assumptions about me based on his theory that I was seat 14.  As soon as I realized that I clarified the situation.  There was no intent to mislead.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:41:56 pm
On phone. vote: shark_bait. More probable than robz, reason for volt - same as mz first vote, active lurkin from before new behavior doeznt help much
Anyone who votes for shark_bait is saying a) I am scum with him or b) I'm mistaken and drawing wrong conclusions from my role pm.

Grujah (and everyone else), which is it? I think this wagon can be informational even without a flip!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:44:35 pm

Say I knew shark_bait was the cop, by your logic I should just tell everyone "because townies have nothing to hide"?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 12:47:18 pm
No. But you have to explain why you know that he can be "some sort of PR".
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:47:28 pm
I am so out of it I can't even recommend who to lynch. I have a possible lead on a mafia being somebody with a base set role. But I can't hep narrow that down. Sorry!

Well, that's still more info than we had before.  People with base set roles = yuma, jotheonah, cayvie, Insomniac.  Assuming all setclaims are true.

Supports my vote on yuma.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:48:31 pm
Vote: yuma Robz convinced me (enough), lets see how yuma responds.

The "killing VT's is better than nolynch" is just going to give mafia the perfect excuse to vote for someone they think is town. How useful is the wagon going be if everyone is saying "look, I know he isnt scum.." when they vote?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:49:13 pm
I don't know when the deadline is.

Robz, lynch deadline is 4 p.m. EDT.  So just over 3 hours from now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 12:51:00 pm
I am not asking you to say what shark is for now. Please just explain how you know about him, as I don't see he can somehow know your PM stating something good about him with that much certainty, which is what I get from what you said up to now.

@shark: the strange thing about you is not limited to that. You have said with some certainty that I am the world traveler until later you suddenly realized it's eevee. What made you realize that, and how did you know eevee must know something about you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 02, 2012, 12:53:12 pm
fyi, I will be gone from 1:10 p.m. to 3:10 p.m. EST.  Please consider what I have already posted and don't irrationally vote/hammer before I get back.  If people are still convinced I'm scum and are desperate to lynch me, I will respond accordingly when I get back.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:53:17 pm
No. But you have to explain why you know that he can be "some sort of PR".

I'm not saying it would reveal he has a power role, I'm saying it would reveal some information about someone that is better left unsaid at this point. My role pm said I was discussing with someone. My interpretation of the situation is shark_baits role pm said the same, and we figured out who the other is now. And the pm's hinted that discussion was between two town players. Sharkie, is this accurate?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Robz888 on August 02, 2012, 12:54:22 pm
Thanks volt. Okay, based on what I know, we should lynch a base person. I missed out on the set claiming. If Yuma is base, and a person of suspicion, I will follow along there. Vote: Yuma
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 02, 2012, 12:55:05 pm
@TC, setclaims, before I thought the two people references in my PM were the same person.  I already had knowledge that you were the person to my left due to one of your first posts.  I wrongly equated the other person, the world traveler, as being the same person as you.  When set claims came out, I realized that you couldn't be the WT.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 02, 2012, 12:56:00 pm
No. But you have to explain why you know that he can be "some sort of PR".

I'm not saying it would reveal he has a power role, I'm saying it would reveal some information about someone that is better left unsaid at this point. My role pm said I was discussing with someone. My interpretation of the situation is shark_baits role pm said the same, and we figured out who the other is now. And the pm's hinted that discussion was between two town players. Sharkie, is this accurate?


Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:56:51 pm
timchen, I know you're focused on your discussion with sharky/Eevee right now, but it's important (given Robz's info) that you let us know if any of the setclaims are false.  The final tally is:

Base set - 4 (yuma, jo, cayvie, Insom)
Intrigue - 5 (ftl, Volt, timchen, sharky, Grujah)
Seaside - 1 (Morgrim)
Alchemy - 1 (Captain_Frisk)
Prosperity - 1 (Robz)
Cornucopia - 1 (Galz)

Promo - 1 (Eevee)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 12:59:28 pm
No. But you have to explain why you know that he can be "some sort of PR".

I'm not saying it would reveal he has a power role, I'm saying it would reveal some information about someone that is better left unsaid at this point. My role pm said I was discussing with someone. My interpretation of the situation is shark_baits role pm said the same, and we figured out who the other is now. And the pm's hinted that discussion was between two town players. Sharkie, is this accurate?


Okay, more and more confident about sharkie's innocence all the time! Sharkie, did your role pm tell you when we had our discussions? If someone was to describe one of us as kind of a wacky dude, would it be you or me?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 12:59:51 pm
Unofficial votecount:

Robz888 (2): ftl, Captain_Frisk
Insomniac (1) : Morgrim7
shark_bait (5): Yuma, Insomniac, cayvie, timchen, Grujah
timchen (1): shark_bait
yuma (3): Voltgloss, Eevee, Robz888

Not Voting (2): Galzria, jotheonah

Needs 8 to lynch.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 01:00:34 pm
Vote: yuma

yuma, this is partly a casualty of you playing scum so well in MV. So really it's a compliment.

I hate last-minute deadline lynches, but if Robz's info is legit it gives us a 1/4 (1/3 for me, 1/2 if we accept Ins. as and it's hard not to) and we ain't getting much better odds than that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 01:00:53 pm
Vote: yuma Robz convinced me (enough), lets see how yuma responds.

The "killing VT's is better than nolynch" is just going to give mafia the perfect excuse to vote for someone they think is town. How useful is the wagon going be if everyone is saying "look, I know he isnt scum.." when they vote?

Eevee: You need a lynch wagon to analyze with a flip. Im talking about day 1 not every day. Although surely you have some information to go on day 2 and thus no lynch would be bad day 2. And then you have MORE info and so on and so on

Vote: yuma my arguments coupled with Robz base set information is enough to make this worthwhile
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 02, 2012, 01:02:45 pm
Not when, but where.  You were in town.  So either at this dinner party, or sometime in the past.  Regardless of time, the location was in this town.  "Wacky" or wacky synonyms were not used to describe either of us, so I don't know.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: shark_bait on August 02, 2012, 01:07:22 pm
Leaving for 2 hours.  Can post more when I get back.  I can support this lynch.

vote: yuma

L-2 now... so careful with future voting on him to avoid a possible quick hammer.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 01:08:57 pm
I would actually like to be the hammer. Unvote

Note: I'm voting again if we get to L-1! Treat the penultimate vote as the hammer!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 01:09:34 pm
@ volt: I have certainly tried to play different in this game being more vocal and voting more if you look at m5 I voted once the whole game. This is because I am town and want help. Mafia want to sit back and let havoc reign day 1. I am not sitting back.

Don't vote about to post more now important!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 02, 2012, 01:10:12 pm
I would actually like to be the hammer. Unvote

Note: I'm voting again if we get to L-1! Treat the penultimate vote as the hammer!

Ummm, why?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 01:11:15 pm
I am hated town adventurer. This means it takes one less vote to lynch me  be ver careful
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 01:11:59 pm
I would actually like to be the hammer. Unvote

Note: I'm voting again if we get to L-1! Treat the penultimate vote as the hammer!

Ummm, why?

Cant say. Its nothing huge, no one is going to die if someone steals it from me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 01:14:44 pm
This reminds me of the gal lynch m3. Remember him. He was town
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 01:14:50 pm
@Volt: the set claims are consistent with what I have. Except eevee as in set:promo is not listed.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 01:15:27 pm
I am hated town adventurer. This means it takes one less vote to lynch me  be ver careful
What powers do you have? Why are you hated? I'm thinking you should give us all you've got.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 01:18:02 pm
I have no powers. Just hated due to borrowing and lending money... I have already stated that. So basically vanilla but can be lynched at l1. Terrible time to post from phone I can't quote my pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 01:20:11 pm
Well that sure doesn't sound like a scum role.  And if it's a fakeclaim it's quite ... creative. And not that convenient.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 01:21:07 pm
I am at l1. If I am lynched be wary of people on both my wagon and voters of robz.

Adveturer is also Avery hated card.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 01:24:09 pm

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 01:26:27 pm
For reference:

It's a modifier, not an outright role.  He could have a strong power role (scum or town) that is balanced by his being more vulnerable to the lynch.

I really can't see the comparison between yuma's play today and Galz's play during M-III.


I thought timchen only knows role sets, not individual role names?  Although I guess he could have held info back.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 01:28:32 pm
To answer questions, I think it is easier for me just to quote my PM rather fully:
You had worked for Ozle in the past, as chief informant on the people in the village. And while you had been out of the loop since Ozle hired you, you knew his nicknames like the back of his hand
You knew something was up, that’s why you invited the Bureaucrat to this party, in the hope of some information coming to light. You knew as long as that newspaper man was alive, you would get some juicy gossip!

While you have no powers, you do have extra information that may be of use!

You know the breakdown of all the Dominion flavour nicknames Ozle has given to people from the town:
There are:
<redacted>; basically how many cards are from each set

You also know that amongst them there are only:
<redacted>; some piece of information like how many with +1 actions and how many with +buys

You and the person to your right were talking about the people sitting opposite in seats 22 and 23 when the room went dark.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 02, 2012, 01:29:13 pm
For reference:

It's a modifier, not an outright role.  He could have a strong power role (scum or town) that is balanced by his being more vulnerable to the lynch.

I really can't see the comparison between yuma's play today and Galz's play during M-III.


I thought timchen only knows role sets, not individual role names?  Although I guess he could have held info back.

I thought tim knew all the rolenames, but we only claimed sets to prevent massive spread of info.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 01:29:33 pm

Isnt this a prime example of your idea of lynching a townie to get information?

Hmm.. isn't hated modifier usually given to strong roles (scum or town), to make them less strong? Are hated VT's very common?

That being said, it's a surprising claim. Not one I would expect scum to come up with.

I too understood timchen only knows of sets, not exact cards. And adventurer is indeed base.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 01:32:48 pm
That being said, it's a surprising claim. Not one I would expect scum to come up with.

He probably is Hated, whatever his alignment.  But he could be Hated Scum as easily as Hated Town. 

I guess we all took different interpretations of what timchen knows, based on his redacted Role PM.  timchen, can you clarify?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 01:33:29 pm

Isnt this a prime example of your idea of lynching a townie to get information?

Hmm.. isn't hated modifier usually given to strong roles (scum or town), to make them less strong? Are hated VT's very common?

That being said, it's a surprising claim. Not one I would expect scum to come up with.

I too understood timchen only knows of sets, not exact cards. And adventurer is indeed base.

Eevee unvoting was due to thinking timchen knew card names and Im not sure what to think of hated on a VT
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on August 02, 2012, 01:37:20 pm
Vote Count 1.7
Robz888 (2):  , ftl, Captain_Frisk,
Insomniac (1) : Morgrim7,
Shark Bait (4): Yuma, , cayvie, timchen, Grujah
Yuma (4) : Voltglos, Robz888, jotheonah , shark_bait

Not Voting (3):   Galzria, eevee, Insomniac
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 01:40:04 pm
Based on current information I cannot be sure whether adventurer exists or not.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 02, 2012, 01:40:41 pm
Based on current information I cannot be sure whether adventurer exists or not.

Do you know my role name?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 01:40:46 pm

Isnt this a prime example of your idea of lynching a townie to get information?

Hmm.. isn't hated modifier usually given to strong roles (scum or town), to make them less strong? Are hated VT's very common?

That being said, it's a surprising claim. Not one I would expect scum to come up with.

I too understood timchen only knows of sets, not exact cards. And adventurer is indeed base.

Eevee unvoting was due to thinking timchen knew card names and Im not sure what to think of hated on a VT
That was mostly just a cheap shot by me.  :)

We are 100% in the same boat here. I too trust he is actually a hated adventurer. But whether that's a town role or scum..

Hmm, I think he would have claimed if he had a town power role. So it's likely a mafia power role, or a hated vanilla townie. How likely is a hated vanilla townie? I guess less likely than yuma just lying here?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 02, 2012, 01:41:02 pm
Based on current information I cannot be sure whether adventurer exists or not.

Do you know my role name?

Obviously don't say it if you do.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 01:41:11 pm
@frisk: no, I only know two role names from my role PM: scout (me) and bureaucrat.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 01:48:00 pm
Why less likely? Can you back that up or are you just pulling crap out of your hat to try to get me lynched. Remember this is bm. Not normal mafia
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 02, 2012, 01:49:40 pm
Timchen knows: The set names, and the combined bonuses of the actual dominion cards, if I'm correct. So he knows the combined total of +action, +buy, etc. He does not know card names.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 01:50:30 pm
Why less likely? Can you back that up or are you just pulling crap out of your hat to try to get me lynched. Remember this is bm. Not normal mafia
Legitimely wondering what others think. If I was sure you are the man to lynch, i'd just vote.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: timchen on August 02, 2012, 01:51:22 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 01:54:09 pm
Vote: yuma

I can't take a hated vanilla townie as a real role.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 01:54:28 pm
Why less likely? Can you back that up or are you just pulling crap out of your hat to try to get me lynched. Remember this is bm. Not normal mafia
Legitimely wondering what others think. If I was sure you are the man to lynch, i'd just vote.

I'm swayed by this. Hated VT is a mean role to give somebody. Not impossible, not that likely.

If you're a hated ton PR, definitely shoulda fullclaimed.

But halfclaiming because you're a hated mafia-role makes some sense.

Although in that case, why not claim the PR as a town PR? And if he's just a hated Mafia Goon, isn't that just as bastardly as a hated VT? Now I'm baffled.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 02:05:16 pm
My earlier trust in Robz is vindicated!  Unvote .

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 02:07:01 pm
I see Hated Town and Hated Scum as equally likely uses of the Hated modifier.  So yuma claiming Hated doesn't change my thinking either way. 

To my eye, he's essentially claiming VT.  Given his pro-lurker tendencies as scum, plus his lurking-but-not-too-obviously-so approach here, plus the better odds of this lynch hitting scum based on Robz's info, I'm keeping my vote.

Although in that case, why not claim the PR as a town PR? And if he's just a hated Mafia Goon, isn't that just as bastardly as a hated VT? Now I'm baffled.

He may have a PR that only makes sense for scum.  Like Godfather or Ninja.  A scum role that has an advantage (e.g., investigation immunity, unblockable/untrackable kills) and a disadvantage (weakness to the lynch).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 02:08:28 pm
We should lynch someone with a base set role, because of Robz's hint; seems like the best we got now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 02:10:20 pm
Well, Eevee, I think you can hammer at this point if you want. We all seem to be in agreement about this lynch.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 02:11:48 pm
I think we're only at L-3 right now (L-2 assuming yuma is Hated). 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 02:14:46 pm
People with base set roles = yuma, jotheonah, cayvie, Insomniac.

Joth and Ins are likely town.

I know nothing about cayvie.

Yuma claims hated VT. Seems like almost too weird for mafia to claim that, crazy enough to be believable? But not too believable. I have an hour to consider. I'll think.

Food for thought - yuma was extremely eager to claim early in the game, after the knife thing. Seems like a towntell.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 02:15:34 pm
But, no lynch is like our only other option, and I don't trust yuma THAT much.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 02:16:50 pm
Ug. vote ozle for giving me a crappy role. I don't understand why you think I am a lurker. And can robz quote what makes him think a mafia is from base. I am on phone and gomig back is hard. But it seemed like it was spequlative and not 100% like so many other parts of pms
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 02:18:57 pm
He says a possible lead. That is not concrete but all of you are treating it as such. What gives?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 02:19:18 pm
People with base set roles = yuma, jotheonah, cayvie, Insomniac.

Joth and Ins are likely town.

I know nothing about cayvie.

Yuma claims hated VT. Seems like almost too weird for mafia to claim that, crazy enough to be believable? But not too believable. I have an hour to consider. I'll think.

Food for thought - yuma was extremely eager to claim early in the game, after the knife thing. Seems like a towntell.

speaking of...where is cayvie?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 02:20:56 pm
He says a possible lead. That is not concrete but all of you are treating it as such. What gives?

We don't have much to go on ATM.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 02:21:08 pm
speaking of...where is cayvie?

Hasn't been on the forum in eight hours.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 02, 2012, 02:23:40 pm
I feel inclined to believe Yuma... Because I know what it's like to want to give the mod the middle finger (O). However, I fully admitted my role in M-VI was ridiculous... Do we believe OZLE would do that too?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 02:26:46 pm

Is Yuma at HL-2 or HL-1 now? (hated lynch)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Voltgloss on August 02, 2012, 02:29:24 pm
Terminology's a bit tricky.  To be 100% clear:  yuma has 5 votes on him right now.  Me, Robz, jo, sharky, and Insom.  Eevee has said he will hammer.

If yuma is hated, and you (ftl) vote, and then Eevee votes, that's the hammer.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 02:34:06 pm
Terminology's a bit tricky.  To be 100% clear:  yuma has 5 votes on him right now.  Me, Robz, jo, sharky, and Insom.  Eevee has said he will hammer.

If yuma is hated, and you (ftl) vote, and then Eevee votes, that's the hammer.
That was before yuma claimed though. Not quite sure what to think now. Still might hammer but not promising I will anymore.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 02:45:36 pm
if yuma had a lot of information about the murder, that might balance out that role?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 02:47:03 pm
if yuma had a lot of information about the murder, that might balance out that role?
I dont know.. I think the games are separate in that regard. Sounds like an unfair way to justify a sucky mafia role.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 02:47:57 pm
if yuma had a lot of information about the murder, that might balance out that role?
I dont know.. I think the games are separate in that regard. Sounds like an unfair way to justify a sucky mafia role.
And I mean "mafia game role". If yuma is hated mafia goon or a hated vanilla townie, I'm thinking Ozle just felt like implementing one, for one reason or another. Maybe it is to balance otherwise too powerful mafia?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 02:49:48 pm
I don't know. I don't think we have any reason to conclude no effort was made to balance those two things. It seems to me like having an informational PM would be a nice consolation prize for not getting a power role. That's how I'd do it if I was running the game.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 02:50:36 pm
if yuma had a lot of information about the murder, that might balance out that role?
I dont know.. I think the games are separate in that regard. Sounds like an unfair way to justify a sucky mafia role.
And I mean "mafia game role". If yuma is hated mafia goon or a hated vanilla townie, I'm thinking Ozle just felt like implementing one, for one reason or another. Maybe it is to balance otherwise too powerful mafia?
Or a too powerful town, EXCEPT that the mafia are as likely to shoot the hated role as they are to try and lynch it. So I don't know what to make of a hated role except that they are super bad in LyLo
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 02, 2012, 02:51:56 pm
It's getting close - I'm thinking about Yuma, but i'd like a full claim with murder details before we do the deed.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: ftl on August 02, 2012, 02:53:51 pm
Yeah, no t gonna wifom the mod. I bet yuma has something in his role to balance being hatred. Posting on phone now, my last post before deadline.
vote yuma. This isn't hammer, theres time for yuma to make a final post
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 02:55:59 pm
Posting now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Eevee on August 02, 2012, 02:58:31 pm
Everone hold your votes at least until yuma gets his post in (obviously).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 03:00:06 pm
I can't qoute my pm due to phone posting and have no other info than that I have already given. I am coming to terms with being lynched and already did my murder guess. It is better to lynch me than a town power role. I won't self hammerbecause it is interesting to see who does. Remember voted for me and robz would be my fos tommorrw.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 02, 2012, 03:00:26 pm
People with base set roles = yuma, jotheonah, cayvie, Insomniac.

Joth and Ins are likely town.

I know nothing about cayvie.

Yuma claims hated VT. Seems like almost too weird for mafia to claim that, crazy enough to be believable? But not too believable. I have an hour to consider. I'll think.

Food for thought - yuma was extremely eager to claim early in the game, after the knife thing. Seems like a towntell.

speaking of...where is cayvie?

i sleep sometimes, dude
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 02, 2012, 03:03:17 pm
how much time do we have left in the day? i am supposed to be at work right now and i don't mind hammering.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 02, 2012, 03:04:01 pm
how much time do we have left in the day? i am supposed to be at work right now and i don't mind hammering.

We have ~1 hour.  I can hammer, but I"m not going to promise until i see what yuma has to say.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 03:04:34 pm
how much time do we have left in the day? i am supposed to be at work right now and i don't mind hammering.

We have ~1 hour.  I can hammer, but I"m not going to promise until i see what yuma has to say.

he already did...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: yuma on August 02, 2012, 03:05:01 pm
how much time do we have left in the day? i am supposed to be at work right now and i don't mind hammering.

We have ~1 hour.  I can hammer, but I"m not going to promise until i see what yuma has to say.

I have nothing left to say.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Insomniac on August 02, 2012, 03:05:30 pm
People with base set roles = yuma, jotheonah, cayvie, Insomniac.

Joth and Ins are likely town.

I know nothing about cayvie.

Yuma claims hated VT. Seems like almost too weird for mafia to claim that, crazy enough to be believable? But not too believable. I have an hour to consider. I'll think.

Food for thought - yuma was extremely eager to claim early in the game, after the knife thing. Seems like a towntell.

speaking of...where is cayvie?

i sleep sometimes, dude

Don't know if this was intending to be funny but since its directed at me (Insomniac) I lolld
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: cayvie on August 02, 2012, 03:06:19 pm
good, i'm glad we have 2 hammers here in case the "hated" thing was a ruse

vote: yuma
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: jotheonah on August 02, 2012, 03:07:22 pm
I was just thinking that. What if he was hoping to get us up to deadline with 7 votes and then skirt by? But that's hardly long-term thinking.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on August 02, 2012, 03:08:17 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on August 02, 2012, 03:10:00 pm
Vote Count 1.8
Robz888 (1):  Captain_Frisk,
Insomniac (1) : Morgrim7,
Shark Bait (3): Yuma, timchen, Grujah
Yuma (7) : Voltglos, Robz888, jotheonah , shark_bait, Insomniac, ftl, cayvie

Not Voting (2):   Galzria, eevee,

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on August 02, 2012, 03:14:56 pm
It's hard to ignore a man with a bloody knife in his hand, especially when there has been a murder in the room recently. It's also very hard to make yourself like them...

Seven pairs of eyes turned towards Yuma as the dark settled across the land and advanced on him menacingly. Someone picked up a knife off the table, another picked up a fork. One of them even picked up a spork!

If they were going to lynch someone today, it might as well be the guy holding a knife himself, that way they could claim self defence! It also helped that either currently or previously, they had all owed him money at one point. And he was known to always pay back less than the loanee had hoped for!

The pack descended, and the lynching went slightly easier than they expected, which slightly worried them. But he died all the same.

In his pocket you found a bill he had made out to Ozle, showing a vast amount of money loaned to purchase land around the province.

Yuma, the Hated Vanilla Townie, was an Adventurer and he is now dead.


But wait, theres is more.....
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on August 02, 2012, 03:16:21 pm
Night had fallen, the staff, who up until this point had probably been unaware of Ozles demise (How none of you bothered to tell them is beyond me!) came into the room to clear away plates. They were a little shocked to see Ozles body still there. As well as the body of poor old Yuma, but they didn't pay him much heed.

They suggested to everyone that they either retire to thier rooms, or the drawing room while they cleared up and while there had been a murder, that wouldn't stop them serving the souffle! Its what Ozle would have wanted after all. They did say they would leave the bodies there though, nobody really wanted to touch it.

Up above the scene, Ozle cried. Not out of sadness, nor out of joy, he was just an emotional kind of guy. He stopped crying long enough to curse the idiots below him, why had they not yet solved his murder yet!!

The guests either retired to the Drawing room (Presumably to do some drawing) or back to thier rooms to think about thier failure today. The serving staff would give them all a call when it was time to come back.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Ozle on August 02, 2012, 03:16:39 pm

NIGHT WILL END AT 9pm Saturday 4th August
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - NIGHT 1
Post by: Ozle on August 04, 2012, 11:17:03 am

While the castle of Ozle has been closed during the night, your faithful newshounds have been scouring the town for clues as to why Ozle has been murdered. Unfortunately that was too well hidden, so they decided to go down the celebratory scandal route and have a look at those closest to Ozle. Word was coming back from Oland that he had been involved in some sort of organised crime syndicate there, but that he was not very good at it! The reason for this was probably because in his house they found a book entitled 'Mafia for Dummies'. The strange thing was though, he had ordered 3 extra copies and had them delivered to Ozle's castle in time for the dinner party.

See Page 15 for the prize Crossword Puzzle


Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - NIGHT 1
Post by: Ozle on August 04, 2012, 01:26:54 pm
Night is due to end in 2.5 hours, however it may be delayed a couple of hours as i have friends coming over to play Dominion (shock horror)!,
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - NIGHT 1
Post by: Ozle on August 04, 2012, 06:33:58 pm
DING DING DING DING went the servents bell, ringing around the castle like a...well a loud bell. The guests slowly dragged themselves back to the living room, some looked quite tired, like thay had been up talking last night, or had been doing other nefarious activites!

They were pleasentry surprised to see that the dining room had been cleared and the bodies were gone, well gone from the table, a large lump under one of the rugs under the corner was slightly worrying, but you decided not to investigate it!

As the people filed in, two seats remained empty. 17 and 20. 17 of course belonged to the cruelly lynched Yuma, but 20 was still a mystery. The servants were despatched to find out what had happened, because nobody could oversleep that bell!

What they found shocked them, but then it was not really a surprise come to think of it!

Cayvie, the Town Remodel (Universal Back Up) was found dead.

When asked if they wanted to take on the powers of the dead, Cayvie politely shook thier head. Not only did Yuma not have any decent powers, but he also wasn't liked very much. However later fate would pay an ironic twist and Cayvie did indeed take on one of the charictaristics of the late Yuma, they died.

The servents rushed back to the Dining Room to make sure everyone else was alive, and was clearly pleased, and a bit surprised to find that everybody else was still alive.

They hastily dumped the dead body out of a window (well, it's what Ozle usually did) and went back to the dining room, there was one thing left for them to do.......serve the Souffle!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - NIGHT 1
Post by: Ozle on August 04, 2012, 06:34:34 pm
Day 2 has begun.
It will end on Monday 13th August at 9pm BST

With 12 Alive it takes 7 to Lynch
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Eevee on August 04, 2012, 06:46:03 pm
Ugh that is terrible? Like one of the most terrible things that could have happened - level terrible?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Robz888 on August 04, 2012, 06:46:55 pm
Ugh that is terrible? Like one of the most terrible things that could have happened - level terrible?

Funny, I was just about to remark how this was not terrible. Why is it terrible?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Ozle on August 04, 2012, 06:48:35 pm
Ugh that is terrible? Like one of the most terrible things that could have happened - level terrible?

Funny, I was just about to remark how this was not terrible. Why is it terrible?

Its pretty terrible if you are Cayvie!

So young, so much to give....*wipes a tear*
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 06:56:25 pm
A universal back-up would have been useful, I suppose. But it's sort of just like losing any other PR and still having the backup. So in a roundabout way she served her function, right? Cayvie is an interesting choice of target, though. Hmmm

Also: Only one kill. So either no werewolf or a town role successfully protected someone. Or the two factions BOTH picked cayvie, but that would be awfully weird.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Galzria on August 04, 2012, 07:01:51 pm
A universal back-up would have been useful, I suppose. But it's sort of just like losing any other PR and still having the backup. So in a roundabout way she served her function, right? Cayvie is an interesting choice of target, though. Hmmm

Also: Only one kill. So either no werewolf or a town role successfully protected someone. Or the two factions BOTH picked cayvie, but that would be awfully weird.

Can you put the above post together with the one below?:

Hey, I just looked over my role PM to see if there was anything else I missed.

And I found something. It's not much, but I can confirm the inclusion of werewolves in this set-up. And before you ask, no I can't quote anything or describe the wording. But, if you trust me, trust that there is at least one werewolf.

I don't disagree with your analysis now, but it's a bit... Contradictory to what you stated to know.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Galzria on August 04, 2012, 07:03:25 pm
Well, unless you honestly believe they were blocked (possible), or cross-fired on Cayvie (unlikely, as you've said)...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Voltgloss on August 04, 2012, 07:06:50 pm
Robz, can you tell us more about your clue that someone with a Base-set role may be mafia?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: timchen on August 04, 2012, 07:07:04 pm
So, is Jo's statement of the existence of werewolves in direct disagreement with frisk's statement?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 07:08:22 pm
In between my posting the above quote and this morning I posted some other stuff.

To sum up: I later admitted that my PM does not confirm werewolves, but if there are no werewolves than the mod is doing an elaborate troll on us, of which my PM is a part. It occurred to me that planting a lot of hints about werewolves that in fact have other explanations (a red herring, if you will) would be quite a typical murder mystery sort of thing to do.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: timchen on August 04, 2012, 07:12:03 pm
interesting thought: if there is no werewolf, persumably the mafia killed cayvie. But then if we trust Robz, the mafia has singled Jo out to be the lone remaining role from dominion (if we assume bureaucrat is town; now that think of it it is pretty likely he is actually mafia since this way Ozle presents a dilemma for us). That would be weird (except now I convinced myself that ins is probably mafia.)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - DAY 1
Post by: Galzria on August 04, 2012, 07:14:24 pm
Rules say I can quote - so here it goes:

What you did know, and was 100% sure of this fact, that there were no such things as werewolves! What a preposterous idea. The howl that happened during the darkness was you, stabbing yourself in the hand with a fork in the dark.

It doesn't really rule out werewolves - as I myself may be unreliable.

This was CF's quote Tim - So no, he's not saying absolutely that there are none - and per Jo's latest post, he can't say that based on his PM that there absolutely are

So... You have both stating at about %75 (my own estimate) certainty contradictory things. However both admit their PM isn't %100 clear, so they could be wrong.

Based on the lack of second kill, I would hazard an early guess that there is NOT - But I certainly won't discount it after just 1 night.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Robz888 on August 04, 2012, 07:24:53 pm
interesting thought: if there is no werewolf, persumably the mafia killed cayvie. But then if we trust Robz, the mafia has singled Jo out to be the lone remaining role from dominion (if we assume bureaucrat is town; now that think of it it is pretty likely he is actually mafia since this way Ozle presents a dilemma for us). That would be weird (except now I convinced myself that ins is probably mafia.)

Wait, is Jo the only remaining player who claimed a Base dominion role?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 07:26:50 pm
A universal back-up would have been useful, I suppose. But it's sort of just like losing any other PR and still having the backup. So in a roundabout way she served her function, right? Cayvie is an interesting choice of target, though. Hmmm

Also: Only one kill. So either no werewolf or a town role successfully protected someone. Or the two factions BOTH picked cayvie, but that would be awfully weird.

I bet it means the whole werewolf thing was a misdirection. Props to C_F for saying that, he was the one claiming there were no wolves, right? Also props to mod for epic troll. Or props to town for epic luck. I'd bet on modtroll, it seems more likely. Mod WIFOM!

Ugh that is terrible? Like one of the most terrible things that could have happened - level terrible?

Funny, I was just about to remark how this was not terrible. Why is it terrible?

Not terrible. I mean, for now cayvie was basically vt. She'd become not vt only when a power role dies, which presumably won't happen during the day because hopefully we're not a terrible enough town to lynch a PR and they'd claim. So at the earliest, cayvie would be a useful power starting Night 3... that is, if the night 2 kill is a PR.

Robz, can you tell us more about your clue that someone with a Base-set role may be mafia?

Are jo and ins the only two base setters left?

If Robz's intel is good, we should have a pretty good chance at getting a mafia with a jo/ins lynch. But they both seemed pretty obvtown to me yesterday, ins because of Bureaucrat and jo because of ... actually, I don't remember what, maybe I should go back and reread. Actually, I should probably reread insomniac's claim too.

Or is robz's intel also modtrolling like the werewolf thing? Robz: based on what your intel is, should we be looking hard at jo/ins or is it too shaky for that?

Wait, is Jo the only remaining player who claimed a Base dominion role?

I believe Jo and Insomniac are the two remaining ones, and insomniac claimed Town Bureaucrat (reporter)

...also, speaking of reporting, I think his latest breaking news is telling us there's 3 mafia? And that Ozle was also one of them before he was murdered?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Ozle on August 04, 2012, 07:30:31 pm
(If anybody reading this who isn't in game, PM me and I will send you the secret discussion topic)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Robz888 on August 04, 2012, 07:33:03 pm
Ftl, my info is good. There is a person out there with a Base Dominion role who is mafia, I'm very, very sure. My only hangup really is that this person may have already claimed a different set. I don't know if this person would have had the forethought to not claim their correct set.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 07:37:26 pm
Alternate explanation: Robz is mafia.

In that light, his base set tip is brilliant. He gets the town to mislynch 3 of their own before they turn on him, and even then he cane claim he misinterpreted his PM or some such.

Or maybe he DID misinterpret his PM.

All I know is I ain't scum. Ins is probably not scum. I have no particular reason to think Robz isn't scum.

PPE: And Robz himself provides another explanation (which also serves to get him out of trouble when we both flip town)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Galzria on August 04, 2012, 07:38:55 pm
Ftl, my info is good. There is a person out there with a Base Dominion role who is mafia, I'm very, very sure. My only hangup really is that this person may have already claimed a different set. I don't know if this person would have had the forethought to not claim their correct set.

But Timchen said all the sets matched up. Had someone lied there would be a discrepancy. Unless more than one person lied...? But is that likely? You're, like  %1000 sure on your info, correct?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 07:39:53 pm
How much do I not like where this is going? I hope Frisk shows up soon.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 04, 2012, 07:41:37 pm
Answer to thought exercize: if everyone was at L-1, I would wait for someone else to vote, and pray it isn't a town PR. If I had to answer, though, hmmm, I dunno.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Galzria on August 04, 2012, 07:43:41 pm
Alternate explanation: Robz is mafia.

In that light, his base set tip is brilliant. He gets the town to mislynch 3 of their own before they turn on him, and even then he cane claim he misinterpreted his PM or some such.

Or maybe he DID misinterpret his PM.

All I know is I ain't scum. Ins is probably not scum. I have no particular reason to think Robz isn't scum.

PPE: And Robz himself provides another explanation (which also serves to get him out of trouble when we both flip town)

This is a valid point. Hmm...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Voltgloss on August 04, 2012, 07:45:42 pm
How much do I not like where this is going? I hope Frisk shows up soon.

Why Frisk?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 07:46:25 pm
(If anybody reading this who isn't in game, PM me and I will send you the secret discussion topic)

Epic modtroll possibility:

"You are a Town Spy. You have eyes and ears in other towns and get to see what they say about your party. Your informers tell you that this is what's going on; you may not post there. [link to external discussion QT]."

Watch the mod troll us all. The nightkill was actually selected by Ozle's ghost, there's actually no mafia OR werewolves and only a murder mystery with a vengeful poltergeist picking off participants. (Hmm, Cayvie WAS the person who said they'd already sent in their accusation...)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 07:47:05 pm
How much do I not like where this is going? I hope Frisk shows up soon.

Why Frisk?

I'd rather not say til he weighs in. Carry on.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Robz888 on August 04, 2012, 08:15:10 pm
Ftl, my info is good. There is a person out there with a Base Dominion role who is mafia, I'm very, very sure. My only hangup really is that this person may have already claimed a different set. I don't know if this person would have had the forethought to not claim their correct set.

But Timchen said all the sets matched up. Had someone lied there would be a discrepancy. Unless more than one person lied...? But is that likely? You're, like  %1000 sure on your info, correct?

Oh, I might have missed this Timchen set knowledge. Okay, then. I am fairly confident it's Jo. Vote: Jotheonah
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 08:16:10 pm
I'm here.  I found a bar of soap under my chair - thanks for that.  I would like seats 10 and 11 to fullclaim please.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 08:19:48 pm
I mean, that should take care of like 50% of your smell problem. I'm hoping other townies were provided with mouthwash and deodorant?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 08:22:29 pm
I mean, that should take care of like 50% of your smell problem. I'm hoping other townies were provided with mouthwash and deodorant?

I only received the soap, but I don't think I received it until this morning, so I may still smell today?  What on earth game are we playing in which we are passing the soap around.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 04, 2012, 08:23:58 pm
I mean, that should take care of like 50% of your smell problem. I'm hoping other townies were provided with mouthwash and deodorant?

I only received the soap, but I don't think I received it until this morning, so I may still smell today?  What on earth game are we playing in which we are passing the soap around.
Masquerade BM.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 08:27:59 pm
Seat 10 is me, seat 11 is eevee.

I'm here.  I found a bar of soap under my chair - thanks for that.  I would like seats 10 and 11 to fullclaim please.

I am not a fan of claiming for no good reason. If we claim, would that catch you a scum for certain, do you know there's one between the two of us? (In that case, it's Eevee). 

I don't want to reveal my role in vain just to die at night (or not die if the mafia think I'm not worth it).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 08:33:03 pm
Seat 10 is me, seat 11 is eevee.

I'm here.  I found a bar of soap under my chair - thanks for that.  I would like seats 10 and 11 to fullclaim please.

I am not a fan of claiming for no good reason. If we claim, would that catch you a scum for certain, do you know there's one between the two of us? (In that case, it's Eevee). 

I don't want to reveal my role in vain just to die at night (or not die if the mafia think I'm not worth it).

eevee - don't claim.

Last night I tracked ftl - he went to cayvies room.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 08:34:47 pm
well, that's pretty damning.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 08:41:31 pm
ftl, the quicker you are with that fakeclaim the more believable it will be.  ;)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 08:42:38 pm
Well, after that accusation I have to fullclaim. I have no idea what you're doing C_F, but you're wrong. I did not go to cayvie's room, and I don't have any night abilities at all.

You are the Baron  (No comparable role)- Town Aligned
You are in Seat 10

You are a neighbouring Baron to Ozle, nowhere near as handsome or rich of course, but you eke out a modest living buying and selling lands around the province.

You were going to talk to me about the dispute over our border fences and who was supposed to cut down those hydrangeas. As you got up to give your speech the lights went out! You noticed that at least one other person was moving around near you at this time, but it was too dark to see who they were. And after the business with the howl and the lights nobody would want to hear about your hydrangeas so you sat down again.


Your money and your connections mean that you cannot be lynched! At least until you run out of estates that is…

Vote: Captain_Frisk . Simple enough vote choice for me, I suppose I don't really expect the rest of you to believe it though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Galzria on August 04, 2012, 08:43:31 pm
ftl, the quicker you are with that fakeclaim the more believable it will be.  ;)

Better hurry up ftl - Joth is getting anxious to be let off Robz's hook for today.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Robz888 on August 04, 2012, 08:45:18 pm
ftl, the quicker you are with that fakeclaim the more believable it will be.  ;)

Better hurry up ftl - Joth is getting anxious to be let off Robz's hook for today.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 08:46:04 pm

You decide something is not quite right with this FTL fellow, so you follow him quietly, and make sure to stand downwind of him.

You're in luck, he leaves the Dining room and looks like he is heading towards bed, but on the way he stops by another room, belonging to Cayvie. You wonder what he could be doing in there, but you decide its best to wait outside for now. He comes out and heads straight back to his own room.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 08:46:46 pm
Oh - and OMGUS vote: FTL

Let's test this lynchproof theory?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Robz888 on August 04, 2012, 08:47:18 pm
Yeah, it's gotta be Ftl, after that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Robz888 on August 04, 2012, 08:47:26 pm
Vote: Ftl
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Galzria on August 04, 2012, 08:50:37 pm

You decide something is not quite right with this FTL fellow, so you follow him quietly, and make sure to stand downwind of him.

You're in luck, he leaves the Dining room and looks like he is heading towards bed, but on the way he stops by another room, belonging to Cayvie. You wonder what he could be doing in there, but you decide its best to wait outside for now. He comes out and heads straight back to his own room.


ftl, any way this could be ambiguous or not mean what it seems to indicate?

Also, Vote: ftl unless he's got a DAMN good explanation.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 08:53:16 pm
There were plenty of plausible explanations... but "I did not go to cayvies room" was truly not in alignment with the information I received.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 04, 2012, 08:53:33 pm
Vote: ftl. Although I do like your hydrangeas.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 08:53:43 pm
If he really is unlynchable, this is a waste of a day phase, you know. I think I may know a better way.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 08:55:55 pm
I suppose there's no way for me to prove that without town wasting a lynch on me? It'll be a test of the lynchproof theory for me too, I was never actually told how many estates I have. I'd self-vote to get it over with, but I'm worried that that might waste an estate or something.

So it goes. GLHF to everyone on the quickly approaching night 2.

I have no explanation for C_F's result. Bus driver? Bastard mod? C_F being scum and doing some strangely early fakeclaim? Scum able to confuse a tracker somehow?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Galzria on August 04, 2012, 08:56:00 pm
If he really is unlynchable, this is a waste of a day phase, you know. I think I may know a better way.

Joth,, you drop a lot of hints about what you think you know, but never offer anything to make your claims believable.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 04, 2012, 08:56:29 pm
Also, that flavor of ftl's sounds very Ozlely, does it not?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 08:58:11 pm
Joth - why were you waiting for me to show up?  Was there something special about the soap? 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 09:00:01 pm
I was sort of hoping you would tell me that, actually.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 09:02:43 pm
I wasn't going to early claim - on account of not really knowing for sure that ftl did it - but Jonah's comments made me suspect that maybe he had followed me or something.

There were plenty of viable excuses:

ftl is lovers with cayvie
ftl is masons with cayvie
ftl has some other secret communication with cayvie
ftl was tracking cayvie
ftl was investigating her
ftl went to her room and she wasn't there

I don't see how the flavor of my results matches a bus driving result...  I mean - I would believe busdriver if it just said "results: cayvie" then maybe I could see that this being a bus result, but this text is pretty explicit regarding what ftl did last night.

Can't believe he just signed off.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 09:03:41 pm
As for the soap - i received a second PM that said when I came back to my seat this morning, there was a hastily taped bar of soap under my chair.  I was kindof hoping that there was a hidden message in it other than "hey dude you smell" - but Ozle hasn't responded to any queries regarding the soap.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 04, 2012, 09:04:35 pm
ftl is lovers with cayvie

Not possible, lovers die together.

Me drunk = can't really read rest of anybody's posts. This struck me as odd.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 04, 2012, 09:05:58 pm
Maybe I should do ehunt style drunkamonologue?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Robz888 on August 04, 2012, 09:06:34 pm
I wasn't going to early claim - on account of not really knowing for sure that ftl did it - but Jonah's comments made me suspect that maybe he had followed me or something.

There were plenty of viable excuses:

ftl is lovers with cayvie
ftl is masons with cayvie
ftl has some other secret communication with cayvie
ftl was tracking cayvie
ftl was investigating her
ftl went to her room and she wasn't there

I don't see how the flavor of my results matches a bus driving result...  I mean - I would believe busdriver if it just said "results: cayvie" then maybe I could see that this being a bus result, but this text is pretty explicit regarding what ftl did last night.

Can't believe he just signed off.

But we know Cayvie had no special powers--just the ability to gain the powers of dead people--so that rules out some of those cases.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 09:08:56 pm
I sent you the soap. Obviously. I breadcrumbed it. I was kind of hoping that it would help give me some town cred because roles that can send useful things to other people don't really make any sense for mafia.  And so I wanted it to come out sooner rather than later because everybody was sorta jumping on me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 04, 2012, 09:09:38 pm
As for the soap - i received a second PM that said when I came back to my seat this morning, there was a hastily taped bar of soap under my chair.  I was kindof hoping that there was a hidden message in it other than "hey dude you smell" - but Ozle hasn't responded to any queries regarding the soap.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 09:11:11 pm
But we know Cayvie had no special powers--just the ability to gain the powers of dead people--so that rules out some of those cases.

ftl is lovers with cayvie

Not possible, lovers die together.

Me drunk = can't really read rest of anybody's posts. This struck me as odd.

True and true.  I have also been having a few beers tonight.  I just bottled my first brew "Coppersmith" an irish red ale today.  Looks like it should be about 4% alchohol (I need to get a 2nd stage carboy before I can start making the good stuff)

Maybe I should do ehunt style drunkamonologue?

Only if you do it on behalf of ftl.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 04, 2012, 09:11:51 pm
What is this FTL wagon about anyway? I dont get it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 09:13:26 pm
It's the only kinda wagon that's ever worked around here - one based on a positive investigative result.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 09:14:21 pm
I wasn't going to early claim - on account of not really knowing for sure that ftl did it - but Jonah's comments made me suspect that maybe he had followed me or something.

There were plenty of viable excuses:

ftl is lovers with cayvie
ftl is masons with cayvie
ftl has some other secret communication with cayvie
ftl was tracking cayvie
ftl was investigating her
ftl went to her room and she wasn't there

I don't see how the flavor of my results matches a bus driving result...  I mean - I would believe busdriver if it just said "results: cayvie" then maybe I could see that this being a bus result, but this text is pretty explicit regarding what ftl did last night.

Can't believe he just signed off.

Well, none of those things are true, I wasn't investigating or tracking or doing anything at all with cayvie. If I were mafia perhaps I would have claimed one of those things to get me out of a lynch or to take you down with me or something, but I have no idea what's going on. Either you're scum or scum have seriously messed with you. All I am is, as far as I can tell, N-shot unlynchable for some N and maybe with other conditions I don't know. VT with the ability to save town a mislynch, which I guess I'll do here.  At the expense of outing myself so scum can nightkill me at their leisure whenever they want.

Or maybe I've got something hidden like Yuma's hated modifier, I appear to have targeted whoever died? I didn't get anything in my PM that was like that though.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 04, 2012, 09:14:51 pm
so he cannot be lynched?

Lets try that out.

Vote: ftl.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 09:16:00 pm
I tracked ftl last night. 
He went to cayvies room. 
She died. 
I asked him to claim. 
He said no. 
I announced the claim. 
FTL said he didn't go to her room, and claimed unlynchable and voted for me.
I posted my PM from ozle which clearly states that he went to cayvies room and voted for him.
And now you're caught up.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 04, 2012, 09:16:06 pm
Wait, unvote. I need to think this through.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 09:17:56 pm
When I get lynched and if I don't die, FoS Captain_Frisk .

If I get lynched and die from the lynch, FoS Ozle
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 09:18:42 pm
Dont' rush it guys, we at least want to let everyone come in and weigh in.  Perhaps someone will be able to explain it.  I do have a history of early claiming power roles as scum, but my claim in M6 was desperation times.  I would not trade 1 scum for 1 town at this point.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 09:20:26 pm
Wait, unvote. I need to think this through.

To be fair, there's nothing to think through. I'm the only viable lynch target unless you don't believe C_F. F.ds hasn't had any mafia fakeclaims prior to L-1 or Lylo, as far as I know. So I'm the pretty obvious target, and I don't really hold it against any of you besidesC_F, who is doing I have no idea what.

I'm just hoping I have at least one estate to start out with and that I didn't have to earn them somehow.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 04, 2012, 09:21:04 pm
Does anybody else have this "no comparable role" thing?

Cuz it sounds very fishy to me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 09:21:18 pm
Oh, right, MVI had a lot of early claims because mafia and werewolves claimed at each other to get lynches to happen there.

Fair enough.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 04, 2012, 09:22:06 pm
Wait, unvote. I need to think this through.

To be fair, there's nothing to think through. I'm the only viable lynch target unless you don't believe C_F. F.ds hasn't had any mafia fakeclaims prior to L-1 or Lylo, as far as I know. So I'm the pretty obvious target, and I don't really hold it against any of you besidesC_F, who is doing I have no idea what.

I'm just hoping I have at least one estate to start out with and that I didn't have to earn them somehow.

There might no be thing to think through, there is this thing to sober up before voting.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 09:23:37 pm
When I get lynched and if I don't die, FoS Captain_Frisk .

If I get lynched and die from the lynch, FoS Ozle.

If you don't die, FoS: Ozle because holy crap thats bastardly.  Either giving x-shot lynchproof to scum!!!!, or for providing flavor that directly conflicts with town claim.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: timchen on August 04, 2012, 09:24:13 pm
I have a question... why can frisk always track people?

@frisk:actually, I still don't understand why you have to fakeclaim in M6.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 04, 2012, 09:24:58 pm
@frisk:actually, I still don't understand why you have to fakeclaim in M6.

Most stupid claim, we would have lynched Robz anyhow (like 70% chance).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 04, 2012, 09:25:38 pm
Sorry CF, didn't mean to offend. It was just a bad move mafiawise.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 09:27:48 pm
Actually, ftl has provided us with a very attractive dichotomy. We lynch him. If he's town, he doesn't die. If he's scum, he does.

Unless he's lynch-proof scum. How likely is that?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 09:28:20 pm
Sorry CF, didn't mean to offend. It was just a bad move mafiawise.

No offense taken.  I already had 2 votes and was afraid of a wagon building.  Waiting until L-1 to claim would have seemed pretty scummy.  However, everyone seems to agree it was poor play.

Lets get back to talking about this game?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Voltgloss on August 04, 2012, 09:32:53 pm
Caught up now.  ftl certainly appears to be today's logical lynch.

Who hasn't weighed in yet?  Insom, I think?  Anyone else?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 09:33:41 pm
Shark_bait, eevee, Insomniac?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Voltgloss on August 04, 2012, 09:35:05 pm
Yep, that looks right.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 09:36:50 pm
Ok, Volt, agreed, but what do we conclude if the lynch doesn't work?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 09:42:19 pm
I'm at L-3 now I think.

I'm pretty much resigned to being the town lynch at this point, I know I'd lynch me if I were on the other side of votecount. And apparently we have conclusive proof that our mod is a bastard. But I suppose that was unsurprising.

I wonder whether my non-lynch will end the day? Maybe it won't. How do such things work on mafiascum? I remember there was some role that could stop a lynch, but I don't remember whether it would end the day or just sort of be like "OK town pick someone else".
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 09:43:42 pm
ftl - why does your status show offline? 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Insomniac on August 04, 2012, 09:43:55 pm

VOTE: ftl

best claim ever. IF success test kill Frisk. If fail test well got ourselves some mafia.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 04, 2012, 09:46:12 pm
If ftl is town - and we effectively no lynch today, and then lynch me tomorrow, then I'm giving Ozle the middle finger of suspicion, as will the rest of you when I flip town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 09:48:26 pm
ftl - why does your status show offline?

Because way back when I first started playing Mafia on the forums, I switched my account settings to not show when I'm online. It's under "modify profile->account settings". I figured that I didn't want to metagame my online status (as either town or mafia), especially after TINAS said that back when he played Mafia seriously he would do that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: timchen on August 04, 2012, 09:48:42 pm
Sorry CF, didn't mean to offend. It was just a bad move mafiawise.

No offense taken.  I already had 2 votes and was afraid of a wagon building.  Waiting until L-1 to claim would have seemed pretty scummy.  However, everyone seems to agree it was poor play.

Lets get back to talking about this game?
Oh I see. It is actually interesting decision. It's just unfortunate that Rob can indeed hide and theorel decided to kill you.

Back to the game: I guess we have no other logical choice right now. Missing one lynch is not that bad for town.
Vote: ftl
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 09:52:13 pm
so, I keep asking this question.

Does ftl's being lynchproof = ftl's being town? Is there a possibility of mafia lynchproof? I don't want him surviving and then us all treating him like confirmed town and then the game ending and his turning out to be X-shot lynchproof scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Insomniac on August 04, 2012, 10:05:21 pm
so, I keep asking this question.

Does ftl's being lynchproof = ftl's being town? Is there a possibility of mafia lynchproof? I don't want him surviving and then us all treating him like confirmed town and then the game ending and his turning out to be X-shot lynchproof scum.

Ozle would NOT make lynchproof scum. Thats the ultimate bastard role.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: shark_bait on August 04, 2012, 10:06:20 pm
so, I keep asking this question.

Does ftl's being lynchproof = ftl's being town? Is there a possibility of mafia lynchproof? I don't want him surviving and then us all treating him like confirmed town and then the game ending and his turning out to be X-shot lynchproof scum.

That is exactly what my thought was.  If we kill him on lynch, we confirm him as liar, but if we don't, then we don't know whether he is town or scum.  And imo, we still can't trust him.  So I think we could do better than rush off for an ftl lynch.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 04, 2012, 10:08:07 pm
I've already posted my claim so I don't think anything I can say here will make a difference anymore, nor should it really.

I so want to pull a Morgrim and self-hammer, this would be like the perfect time to self-hammer without even being anti-town, but given how I don't trust the mod not to be a bastard, I'm scared that would break my lynchproofness, if I even have it...

I'm gonna head out from this thread for now guys, cya tomorrow maybe if I don't die.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 04, 2012, 10:11:58 pm
Really only one thing to do here, then. Obviously we shouldn't hammer before everyone's chimed in. But tomorrow, once everyone's posted at least once, I'll vote for ftl. gotta catch some Z's, though. Guess that's it for me tonight.

Unless people have questions for me? Night, folks.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Voltgloss on August 04, 2012, 10:35:48 pm
Ok, Volt, agreed, but what do we conclude if the lynch doesn't work?

I think our conclusions would need to be informed by additional data - not just that the lynch didn't work, but also what happens/doesn't happen over the intervening night.  (Assuming night falls as soon as the lynch fails.)

I am hesitant to suggest conclusions based on possible hypothetical night results, because I am worried about tipping off scum players into realizing "oh let's do XYZ because they'll be least suspicious of us that way."

Either way, I think we need to test ftl's claim today, and the only way to do that is with the lynch.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 05, 2012, 02:49:47 am
Someone hammer me already

Morgrim where aaaaare you
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 05, 2012, 03:40:21 am
Vote: ftl
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Galzria on August 05, 2012, 04:07:41 am
I think that's L-1, because Grujah unvoted, but I may have missed a vote looking back.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Ozle on August 05, 2012, 05:12:26 am

FTL (6): Captain Frisk, Robz888, Galzria, Morgrim7,Insomniac , timchen
Captain Frisk (1): Ftl

Not Voting (5):  eevee, Voltglos, jotheonah , shark_bait, Grujah

With 12 alive it takes 7 to Lynch

Ozle whirled around above the table, the blood lust rising! All this fighting and nobody had said whether they liked his souffle or not!! It was his masterpiece, at least they could tell him if they liked it!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 05, 2012, 05:52:50 am
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 05, 2012, 05:55:41 am
Gonna read the topic now and see what's going on.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Eevee on August 05, 2012, 07:08:46 am
Just woke up, still four hours to get home but read everything on phone already.

Ozle, the souffle is excellent! I guess we cant do anything but (try to) lynch ftl. FWIW i do not think ozle would just screw with us like that for no reason. but frisk's character might be insane or something? We alread had a hated townie.. but that is even meaner, dont think its likely either.

My role pm hinted the existence of werewolves the same way Frisks hinted there wouldnt be any. My character is super afraid of them, but no one else seems to be and his fears have not come to life in the slightest (yet).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 05, 2012, 07:13:16 am
Eevee, I will probably vote, if you still have some super hammer powers we can coordiante. Writing my longer post right now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Eevee on August 05, 2012, 07:13:45 am
Just woke up, still four hours to get home but read everything on phone already.

Ozle, the souffle is excellent! I guess we cant do anything but (try to) lynch ftl. FWIW i do not think ozle would just screw with us like that for no reason. but frisk's character might be insane or something? We alread had a hated townie.. but that is even meaner, dont think its likely either.

My role pm hinted the existence of werewolves the same way Frisks hinted there wouldnt be any. My character is super afraid of them, but no one else seems to be and his fears have not come to life in the slightest (yet).

PPE absolutely no point in lynching before everyone has posted at least once! Whats the rush?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Eevee on August 05, 2012, 07:18:51 am
Omg wait. Frisk, you tarcked seat 10, and just asked for the two seats to get an honest claim?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - NIGHT 1
Post by: Grujah on August 05, 2012, 07:27:42 am
They hastily dumped the dead body out of a window (well, it's what Ozle usually did) and went back to the dining room, there was one thing left for them to do.......serve the Souffle!

Uh, oh.. Ozle "usually did". Ozle had more than a few people dying in the Castle? Intriguing.

The reason for this was probably because in his house they found a book entitled 'Mafia for Dummies'. The strange thing was though, he had ordered 3 extra copies and had them delivered to Ozle's castle in time for the dinner party.

Is this what I think this is?

Ugh that is terrible? Like one of the most terrible things that could have happened - level terrible?

"Oh Well that sucks." Nice tell, Eevee.

Last night I tracked ftl - he went to cayvies room.

Now you can track?

Hate to break this to you, buddy, but you ARE a werewolf.
Also you have wolf methods (staying downwind cuz you stink).
As my standard policy,no positing of the word "wolf" for you, also. You didn't today.

I don't see how the flavor of my results matches a bus driving result...  I mean - I would believe busdriver if it just said "results: cayvie" then maybe I could see that this being a bus result, but this text is pretty explicit regarding what ftl did last night.

Who knows?
You though it was FTL but it was somebody else. Galz costume party theory?

(I am not saying this happened, actually I doubt it, but I think its a bad reasoning to strike off a possible theory because of flavor)

Does anybody else have this "no comparable role" thing?

Cuz it sounds very fishy to me.

Still sounds fishy even when sober.
I mean, unless he has some other powers too, there is a comparable role - lynchproof townie. But anyhow how would Ozle reveal his death? Ftl Baron (no comparable role) is dead? He'd put something that describes it in, methinks.

PPE absolutely no point in lynching before everyone has posted at least once! Whats the rush?

I think everybody did? We waited for you ins and sharky?
I'm not in a rush, but thought we don't have much to do anyway, and we can arrange stuff for you so why not.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Eevee on August 05, 2012, 07:48:46 am
but we do have something to do! for example, i asked Frisk a clarifying question.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 05, 2012, 08:51:17 am
Someone hammer me already

Morgrim where aaaaare you


Let's not rush this folks.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 05, 2012, 08:57:05 am
Omg wait. Frisk, you tarcked seat 10, and just asked for the two seats to get an honest claim?

Yes.  I assumes that ftl was still around, and that you werent (risky) and I didn't want to explicitly give away that I knew what he did specifically. 

I actually targeted him, not the seat, and you were my second choice, so I wouldn't be too bent out of shape if it turns out that you were around and did claim.

I wanted to give him a chance to claim honestly, before I tipped my hand to what I knew, especially since knowing that he went to cayvies room was not exactly a smoking gun.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Eevee on August 05, 2012, 09:03:18 am
Omg wait. Frisk, you tarcked seat 10, and just asked for the two seats to get an honest claim?

Yes.  I assumes that ftl was still around, and that you werent (risky) and I didn't want to explicitly give away that I knew what he did specifically. 

I actually targeted him, not the seat, and you were my second choice, so I wouldn't be too bent out of shape if it turns out that you were around and did claim.

I wanted to give him a chance to claim honestly, before I tipped my hand to what I knew, especially since knowing that he went to cayvies room was not exactly a smoking gun.
This is enough to convince me. Fwiw, I am 100% I stayed in my seat through the blackout (and I was talking to seat 12 so I know he didnt move either) and no one is sitting on ftl's left (because the table ended.. I guess technically Ozle did but he certainly didnt move) so ftl's claim of someone sitting next to him moving during the blackout seems to be a lie too?

I'm fine with lynching ftl at this point, especially considering he is not going to die if he is town! I'll refrain from voting in case someone has something to day though. Maybe ftl would like to make a guess as to who he heard moving during the blackout?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 05, 2012, 09:09:39 am
Omg wait. Frisk, you tarcked seat 10, and just asked for the two seats to get an honest claim?

Yes.  I assumes that ftl was still around, and that you werent (risky) and I didn't want to explicitly give away that I knew what he did specifically. 

I actually targeted him, not the seat, and you were my second choice, so I wouldn't be too bent out of shape if it turns out that you were around and did claim.

I wanted to give him a chance to claim honestly, before I tipped my hand to what I knew, especially since knowing that he went to cayvies room was not exactly a smoking gun.
This is enough to convince me. Fwiw, I am 100% I stayed in my seat through the blackout (and I was talking to seat 12 so I know he didnt move either) and no one is sitting on ftl's left (because the table ended.. I guess technically Ozle did but he certainly didnt move) so ftl's claim of someone sitting next to him moving during the blackout seems to be a lie too?

I'm fine with lynching ftl at this point, especially considering he is not going to die if he is town! I'll refrain from voting in case someone has something to day though. Maybe ftl would like to make a guess as to who he heard moving during the blackout?

I took ftls claim of movement to indicate someone moving around him, not necessarily you.... Perhaps a hint that the murderer ran by him and is sitting on our side of the table?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Eevee on August 05, 2012, 09:44:16 am
How is it not terrible we lost a power role? If I understood correctly, if some town pr had died before cayvie, she would have inherited that power roles powers? That is still a pretty strong role, no? Not as strong as how I first read it ("if any pr dies before her, she reincarnates with those powers") but still reasonably strong?
With yuma flipping hated townie, cayvie being what she was, robz claiming what he claimed and frisk being a tracker, its starting to look like we have no real VT's but everyone has at least some twist. Which is fun in my opinion, also makes fake claiming harder for mafia maybe?

Frisk, why did you decide to track ftl?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 05, 2012, 11:03:13 am
iPad posting

Well, I struggled with it.  I could have tried to catch robz or insomniac in a lie, but I decided that if I was really going to catch scum, the person doing the killing is most likely the person who attracted the least suspicion. 

Ftl was low on post count, handy attracted any suspicion, but immediately started posting more when I posted the count near the end of day 1 even though no one had pointed the finger at him.

I wanted to target insomniac, who posted something to the effect of wanting to be suspicios of me if there were multiple night kills.  I thought  that he was trying to lay the ground work for a pinning a night kill on me - but I thought that the b crat claim wouldn't make sense for sk, and that as scum, he wouldn't be executing the night kill.

I guess I got lucky, but I still think we should take our time.

Ftl, do you have anything else you'd like to share?  Anything murder related?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Ozle on August 05, 2012, 11:42:11 am
### Not-so BREAKING NEWS ####

Our fearless report has been going through rubbish bins again, this time though he is not just looking for his next meal! He was going through the trash outside Ozle's castle for any small clue of what was going on inside. And he came across the seating list for the tables!

FTL      10      
Eevee      11      
Galzria      12      
Captain Frisk      13      
Voltgloss      14      
Timchen      15      
Shark bait      16      
Yuma      17      
Robz888      18      
Jtotheoneah      19      
Cayvie      20      
Grujah      21      
Insomniac      22      
Mogrim      23   

Plus, if you cut out and keep the coupons in every issue this week, you can get a 10% discount of Horse rentals,

### End ###
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 05, 2012, 01:24:01 pm
Speaking of which,

Ozle, when people died you didn't reveal seat numbers.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 05, 2012, 01:24:39 pm
Oh, sorry, you did. NVM.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Galzria on August 05, 2012, 02:09:56 pm
Hey Joth, were you responsible for killing Cayvie with your WW kill last night, or were you blocked?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 05, 2012, 02:31:56 pm
you have so many premises wrong there I don't even know where to start.

I had nothing to do with cayvie's death.

I can't kill werewolves, if they exist.

Even if I could, I can't imagine I'd want that to be public knowledge.

I am not, myself a werewolf. If I were, please explain how it would benefit me to tell the entire town that my PM confirms their existence.

I can tell you I wasn't blocked, because Captain Frisk recieved his soap.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Eevee on August 05, 2012, 04:22:20 pm
Vote: ftl

Unless jot wants to expand on his soap-carrying abilities, I have nothing further.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 05, 2012, 04:26:14 pm
What happened to your "If I hammer I get some cool bonus" ability? I said that I'll arrange it for you, you seem to have forgotten that you have it?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Eevee on August 05, 2012, 04:32:53 pm
What happened to your "If I hammer I get some cool bonus" ability? I said that I'll arrange it for you, you seem to have forgotten that you have it?
Rules state we are not allowed to "refer to our wincons", I realized I was probably breaking that rule by making part of mine public.. and I dont want to benefit from "cheating" so I dont want you guys to knowingly help me. I realized you were going to help me get it so to punish myself for being an idiot yesterday, I decided to not take it today. Its not a big deal anyways, just carry on, nothing to see here! (Thanks though  :))
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 05, 2012, 04:34:28 pm
Ok, then. Anyone mind if I hammer?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 05, 2012, 04:37:47 pm
Oh hey, I'm still unlynched! Cool. I guess there is stuff to talk about after all.

Ftl was low on post count, handy attracted any suspicion, but immediately started posting more when I posted the count near the end of day 1 even though no one had pointed the finger at him.

I try to post a lot, it's not about deflecting suspicion... yeah, I tried to post more after seeing that I was about on par with people who I considered lurkers. I did the same in MVI after a D1 postcount.

The posting sprees don't last, sadly, I always end up near the bottom...

Ftl, do you have anything else you'd like to share?  Anything murder related?

No :(
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Grujah on August 05, 2012, 04:43:59 pm
jonah, he's at L-2 now actually.

Vote: ftl

Now you can hammer if you want.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 05, 2012, 05:02:24 pm
There's still no rush, and I don't particularly want to hammer when no one else seems to be around, given that my allegiance is still suspect.

Such a quick day phase on day 2 makes me nervous, especially with no advances in the murder-solving side of things.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 05, 2012, 05:03:25 pm
On the other hand, if he's lynch-proof it might not end the day. And he's not going to say anything else...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Robz888 on August 05, 2012, 05:11:07 pm
Nah, just lynch him.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 05, 2012, 05:18:45 pm
I mean, what else is there to say at the moment? Speculation on what's up with C_F's claim or investigation or mod bastardry presumably is sort of pointless until you verify my claim, I don't have any new murder mystery info to add.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: ftl on August 05, 2012, 05:22:03 pm
I am going to take a guess at the murderer though and make an accusation, in case I die and can't accuse no more...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 05, 2012, 05:47:42 pm
Welp, here goes: Vote: ftl
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Ozle on August 05, 2012, 05:49:28 pm

FTL (7): Robz888, Galzria, Insomniac, timchen, eevee, Grujah, jotheonah
Captain Frisk (1): Ftl

Not Voting (4):  , Voltglos, , shark_bait, , Morgrim7, Captain Frisk

With 12 alive it takes 7 to Lynch

FTL sat smug in his chair, this peasants wouldn't dare lynch him they didn't have the nerve! But Captains Frisks accusation had stirred up an angry mob, and they were advancing on him angrily and he decided he had better do something about this!

"Wait guys, wait" he pleaded
"Hang on lads, lets see what he has to offer" said jtotheonah
FTL emptied his pockets on the table, he sorted through the associated coppers there and came across the deed to an Estate.
"look, i'll give you this prime bit of real estate if you let me off"
The crowd looked at the deed, it was a nice bit of riverside property that was worth a fair bit. After a few minutes discussion they decided that his proposal was fair and accepted

The Day 2 Lynch of FTL the Baron (No Compareable role) has failed


But wait, there is more.....
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Ozle on August 05, 2012, 05:53:20 pm
FTL sat laughing, his overbearing smugness was....well overbearing! He pointed and laughed at the others sitting around the table.
"HAHA you people are so easy, now I know you can be so easily bought and sold that easily then there is no stopping me or my mafia buddies!"
He paused.....wait, had he just said that out loud? He knew he was having problems with his internal monolgue lately, had he done it again?!
The crowd advancing menacingly on him told him that yes, it had indeed happened again! Whoops!
"Hey guys, remember, we made a deal, you promised not to lynch me in return for that Estate! Plus there is plenty more where that came from!"
The mob looked at each other, a voice from the back said "Hey, he is right, we did agree not too, and we don't want to break our word now" There was a collective groan as they agreed with the voice.
"Also guys, there is plenty more where that Estate came from, we can do it again tomorrow right....?"
While this was going on somebody, for pure narrative purposes lets say its Robz888, was poking through all the items FTL had dumped on the table. "Ermmm...FTL, you realise you don't have any more estates on you right...."
There was an awkward silence, followed by a one word summary...."Bugger"

Well, the mob were good to thier word, they didn't lynch him, however they decide that to keep him out of trouble they would lock him in the dining room.

As they departed for the night to think over what had happened they could still hear FTL shouting from behind the securely locked door, threatening them all.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 2
Post by: Ozle on August 05, 2012, 06:11:13 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 2
Post by: Ozle on August 07, 2012, 04:52:11 pm
Day dawned on the castle of Ozle, and the same Bell that had woken everyone up the day before rang out loud and clear again. The guests emerged from thier room, blinking you step into the sun. There was more to see than could ever be seen.....wait a minute, i have ripped that off of the Lion King! Ahh well, Hakuna Matata!

To cut a long flavour short, you all come back to the dining room where the servents tell you that as per Ozles will that in the event of his murder, you were all to stay locked in the castle until things were resolved (He left a lot of scenarios in his will, including one about dinosaurs being cloned on a isolated island...but thats another story)

You find FTL asleep in the corner, having tried to break the window with a chair, but they were fairly cheaply constructed chairs and fairly solid windows.

Once you were all seated, 12 angry men style, around the table, the head waiter came in with some bad news. They found a suit of armour in the middle of the hallway this morning while cleaning up (seriously, did you all step over it?!) and after putting it back, they found the squished remains of one of the guests.

Shark_Bait, the Town Steward (Cop) has been murdered.

While this news sunk in, one of you (doesnt matter who, lets say Eevee) was still thinking about the 12 Angry men analogy....they eventually piped up and said that it couldnt be 12 angry men because there was only 10 of you.....

DAY 3 HAS BEGUN! It will end on Tuesday 14th August  at 11PM
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 2
Post by: Ozle on August 07, 2012, 04:52:27 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 2
Post by: Insomniac on August 07, 2012, 04:54:34 pm
So uhh ozles "wait theres more post" makes me want to Vote: FTL him not lying about his role makes me want to Vote: Captian_Frisk though so for now Ill put on a confused face and Unvote
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 04:56:45 pm
this is not shark-bait's day, huh?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 2
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 04:58:12 pm
(for those not following, he was modkilled in RMM1 and NK'd here within the space of 20 minutes)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 2
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 05:04:08 pm
For whats it worth, this was what I knew and what timchen and others tried to get me reveal yesterday. Sucks pretty bad.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 2
Post by: ftl on August 07, 2012, 05:13:33 pm
Well hello there. I'm still alive.

I had no idea what was going to happen when I got lynched; I guess that's what, I get framed for a mafia but get to live one more day.

Nobody came and visited me last night to let me out of my room, that made me sad :( . I guess I wasn't interesting enough to be a target of anyone's night action :(

I'm still going to Vote: Captain_Frisk  .
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 2
Post by: Galzria on August 07, 2012, 05:17:07 pm
Does Ozle's flavor suggest we need a unanimous vote today to lynch?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 2
Post by: Ozle on August 07, 2012, 05:17:41 pm


We interrupt this thread with breaking news! Well, its breaking for those people outside of the castle anyway.

Our beloved wannabe cop, Shark_bait has been killed. Sure he wasn't a REAL cop, but he knew everything a cop usually did, plus he was always learning new stuff off people. The only reason he didn't ever make it as a real cop was because Ozle would never sign off on his application, I think Ozle found him too useful for other tasks around the province. His friends and family knew that this annoyed him no end, but he was determined that one day he would prove himself to Ozle and earn his respect! 

While looking into some sort of shady land deal for Ozle he heard about the new traveller that had come from far away to talk to Ozle, and he set himself the task of learning everything he could about this person in order to give his mentor the heads up.

On page 12 we have news on how the People of Ozle's province are doing in the Olympics...its a short article, they are rubbish.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 07, 2012, 05:27:13 pm
Do people want to weigh in on FTL vs CF. It was obv CF until Ozle put the mafia flavour in post 2...would he give us guarentee like that?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 2
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 05:27:50 pm

While looking into some sort of shady land deal for Ozle he heard about the new traveller that had come from far away to talk to Ozle, and he set himself the task of learning everything he could about this person in order to give his mentor the heads up.

So, this is how I knew shark_bait was steward, the town cop. Sadly, that's all I knew and it wasnt enough to save sharkie. Boooo.  >:(
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 05:29:07 pm
Do people want to weigh in on FTL vs CF. It was obv CF until Ozle put the mafia flavour in post 2...would he give us guarentee like that?
I think it has got to be ftl.

Oh and I think analyzing who wanted to kill our cop yesterday (and who didnt want to kill ftl maybe?) can be quite usefu.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 2
Post by: timchen on August 07, 2012, 05:29:42 pm
For whats it worth, this was what I knew and what timchen and others tried to get me reveal yesterday. Sucks pretty bad.
What do you mean? I was trying to ask shark about you. Not vice versa. Now that he is dead your secret is well kept.

Or if it is the other way around, since he is dead, I guess now you can tell us what sharky told you about him.

err. Too many games with sharky and eevee.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 07, 2012, 05:32:41 pm
FWIW I was on the shark wagon, he seemed super scummy. Anyways, analyzing the wagon for a mafia kill isn't useful IMO, its useful to analyze who he was suspicious of and WIFOM it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 07, 2012, 05:32:58 pm
FWIW I was on the shark wagon, he seemed super scummy. Anyways, analyzing the wagon for a mafia kill isn't useful IMO, its useful to analyze who he was suspicious of and WIFOM it.

Which is of course me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 05:36:30 pm
I don't understand the politics of lynchproof-ness. But I don't think the mod would outright lie about ftl's alignment? Maybe we should kill him again?

Also I reread the Eevee-sharkbait-timchen debacle and timchen does not come out of it looking great.

Robz, I know you're still on limited time online, but I always value your input on last night's happenings.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 05:36:57 pm
FWIW I was on the shark wagon, he seemed super scummy. Anyways, analyzing the wagon for a mafia kill isn't useful IMO, its useful to analyze who he was suspicious of and WIFOM it.

Which is of course me.

And me and Morgrim.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 05:43:47 pm
I don't understand the politics of lynchproof-ness. But I don't think the mod would outright lie about ftl's alignment? Maybe we should kill him again?

Also I reread the Eevee-sharkbait-timchen debacle and timchen does not come out of it looking great.

Robz, I know you're still on limited time online, but I always value your input on last night's happenings.
Ozle said it was his last estate, I think he can be lynched now.

Answering to Insomniac and timchen later, need to think about how to word it best.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 05:47:25 pm
All right folks - as much as I want to lynch FTL - I think we should leave him in his jail (I was hoping that someone would vig him):

Vote: Galzria

Galz and I have daytalking powers for days 1,2,3 and 4.  I have a little QT where I've been flirting with him.  It's a shame to do this, because I like Galzria, and its nice to have someone to bounce ideas off privately while the rest of the town is going crazy about werewolves.

I decided on day 1 that I would take a chance and trust Galz.  I didn't view my power as especially awesome, and I figured that if even if Galz was scum - he wouldn't want to kill me and sacrifice his ability to whisper in the ear of a town PR.

So - I full claimed to him part of the way through Day 1 - taking a chance.  Plus - there's only 3/13 chance that he's scum, (where as if you full claim to town there is a 100% chance of scum learning who you are)

Last night - I tracked Galz - and received the following results:

After your unparalleled sucess last night, you opted to check on someone else the following night! This time it would be Galzria. Again you waited outside hidden for him to leave and head to bed. You followed him upstairs, but aqt the top of the stairs he went the other way to his room. That was curious. He moved slowly, almost just like you were, and the more you followed him the more you realised that he was following someone else. You peered past him in the darkness, and there could only be one person who walked that way, Shark Bait. You decided to follow them both anymore would be too risky and plus you REALLY needed a shower.

After my initial claim - Galz decided to trust me as well - and told me that he had 2 different night time talking powers.  He could talk with the 2 people he rode in with (he didn't name names and avoided telling me who they were because he didn't trust me), and a separate ability to talk to an unknown "Groupie".  He claimed he was otherwise vanilla.

After Cayvie's death - he told me that cayvie was the groupie - but avoided answering any questions about who the other 2 he could talk to were.  (It was an abbreviated day occurring over the weekend - so our QT was pretty quiet)

Last night - I decided to track Galz because night talking to 2 buddies sounds very suspiciously like scum, he had kindof dodged the question of who his buddies were - and conveniently chose Cavyie as his groupie.  He attempted to steer me into tracking Grujah / Jonah.  I figured I had built up enough cred that he might be willing to do the deed himself - and I suspect that his 3rd partner is probably someone more visibly scummy in town.

Today - I told him I tracked Grujah (learning nothing) and asked him if he learned anything - and who his night talkers are - to which he responded eevee and Grujah.

Eevee / Grujah - can you confirm this?  Did you guys talk at night? 

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 05:48:08 pm
I don't understand the politics of lynchproof-ness. But I don't think the mod would outright lie about ftl's alignment? Maybe we should kill him again?

Also I reread the Eevee-sharkbait-timchen debacle and timchen does not come out of it looking great.

Robz, I know you're still on limited time online, but I always value your input on last night's happenings.

Yeah, Ozle basically said he was mafia, right? Maybe that's his ability the first time we lynch him, he doesn't die. Instead he gets revealed as mafia? And then next time we vote him he dies?

An alternative option: Last night, I was given a gift. I now have the ability to perform a kill shot today or during the night. I lose this power if it is unused today or tonight. Don't know how I got it. Someone gave it to me, I assume.

With town consensus, I could use it on Ftl.

Very much lurking today and tomorrow, fyi, I am finalizing the details of securing a new apartment in DC. Oh, the headache.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 05:50:52 pm
I don't understand the politics of lynchproof-ness. But I don't think the mod would outright lie about ftl's alignment? Maybe we should kill him again?

Also I reread the Eevee-sharkbait-timchen debacle and timchen does not come out of it looking great.

Robz, I know you're still on limited time online, but I always value your input on last night's happenings.

Yeah, Ozle basically said he was mafia, right? Maybe that's his ability the first time we lynch him, he doesn't die. Instead he gets revealed as mafia? And then next time we vote him he dies?

An alternative option: Last night, I was given a gift. I now have the ability to perform a kill shot today or during the night. I lose this power if it is unused today or tonight. Don't know how I got it. Someone gave it to me, I assume.

With town consensus, I could use it on Ftl.

Very much lurking today and tomorrow, fyi, I am finalizing the details of securing a new apartment in DC. Oh, the headache.

Might want to read my last post - I've now given you a second target.  I do like shooting ftl though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 05:51:13 pm

Yes, I have day-talk with Galzria. He told me the exact same story he told you. Oh and I too claimed my role to him for the same reasons you did..
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 05:51:50 pm
Oh, yeah, I could do that.

Actually, I think I might want to shoot Jo, who is the last Base role guy, right?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 05:52:23 pm

Yes, I have day-talk with Galzria. He told me the exact same story he told you. Oh and I too claimed my role to him for the same reasons you did..

Interesting - he told me that it was night talk.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 05:52:52 pm
Robz, don't shoot me. I gave you the damn gun and I can prove it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 05:53:21 pm
Robz, don't shoot me. I gave you the damn gun and I can prove it.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: ftl on August 07, 2012, 05:54:35 pm
Mod wouldn't lie without a reason, but maybe there's more going on. I doubt there's a hidden drawback to unlynchable (well, 1-shot unlynchable is what it seems like it was), that would be breadcrumbed in my flavor PM somehow and it wasn't. Maybe it's something else, like someone framing me or something.

Well, if y'all have another scapegoat, killing Galz lets me live another day and figure out what's up. Vote: Galzria. If he flips town then I'm off the hook too, if not then well I'm no less screwed than I was before.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 05:55:01 pm
Oh, yeah, I could do that.

Actually, I think I might want to shoot Jo, who is the last Base role guy, right?
ftl has got to be a better target with him being basicly guaranteed mafia?

oh and one more thing.. I basicly told Galz sharkie was our cop.. Real sorry guys, especially you shark! As Frisk said, it was nice to have someone to bounce ideas off and I felt I needed his advice but.. it seems I just killed our cop. Great.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 07, 2012, 05:55:29 pm
I don't understand the politics of lynchproof-ness. But I don't think the mod would outright lie about ftl's alignment? Maybe we should kill him again?

Also I reread the Eevee-sharkbait-timchen debacle and timchen does not come out of it looking great.

Robz, I know you're still on limited time online, but I always value your input on last night's happenings.

Yeah, Ozle basically said he was mafia, right? Maybe that's his ability the first time we lynch him, he doesn't die. Instead he gets revealed as mafia? And then next time we vote him he dies?

An alternative option: Last night, I was given a gift. I now have the ability to perform a kill shot today or during the night. I lose this power if it is unused today or tonight. Don't know how I got it. Someone gave it to me, I assume.

With town consensus, I could use it on Ftl.

Very much lurking today and tomorrow, fyi, I am finalizing the details of securing a new apartment in DC. Oh, the headache.

Robz use it on ftl. If he flips scum we lynch galz otherwise we get frisk
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 05:56:58 pm
Oh, yeah, I could do that.

Actually, I think I might want to shoot Jo, who is the last Base role guy, right?
ftl has got to be a better target with him being basicly guaranteed mafia?

oh and one more thing.. I basicly told Galz sharkie was our cop.. Real sorry guys, especially you shark! As Frisk said, it was nice to have someone to bounce ideas off and I felt I needed his advice but.. it seems I just killed our cop. Great.

So I take it you are not a seer?  This is what Galz told me you were.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 05:57:17 pm
Guys stop voting!

We dont want to end this day prematurely, so much to do still!! I probably need to fullclaim here as well as Galz surely has told all his friends. I just want to hear something from Galz first, in case we have another twist coming..

Oh and yeah, best game ever!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 05:57:47 pm
RobZ - if eevee and I have caught Galz lying - then I think you should use it on him - which would then (hopefully) clear me, or Ozle is the biggest bastard who ever lived.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 05:58:33 pm
@Ozle - if we shoot Galz - can eevee slide into seat 12 and day talk to me?  I'm going to be very lonely.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 06:00:16 pm
I'm just gonna do this now, since I have to leave for at least an hour. Robz, we need to talk about your base set tip when I get back, but here's me proving I gave you the gun (which I hope proves I'm town):

This is me hinting I could give out a vig.
If he really is unlynchable, this is a waste of a day phase, you know. I think I may know a better way.

This is me breadcrumbing my intentions for the Night Action (read the capital letters)
Really only one thing to do here, then. Obviously we shouldn't hammer before everyone's chimed in. But tomorrow, once everyone's posted at least once, I'll vote for ftl. gotta catch some Z's, though. Guess that's it for me tonight.

Unless people have questions for me? Night, folks.

And this is me making it clear I knew Robz got something in the night:

I don't understand the politics of lynchproof-ness. But I don't think the mod would outright lie about ftl's alignment? Maybe we should kill him again?

Also I reread the Eevee-sharkbait-timchen debacle and timchen does not come out of it looking great.

Robz, I know you're still on limited time online, but I always value your input on last night's happenings.

So, if I am a mafia who has the power to give other people gifts and I chose to give the guy who was arguing for my lynch last night a gun, I am either brilliant or stupid. Probably stupid.

But I think we'll all agree it's more likely I'm town?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 06:04:18 pm
BTW - Galz is around - he has now posted in our QT - accusing me of being a troll.  I was taunting him a bit admittedly.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Voltgloss on August 07, 2012, 06:05:00 pm
Apparently there is something more going on between Eevee and Galz that needs addressing before we resolve CF's claim about Galz, so I will wait for that before weighing in.

Robz, I echo jo's inquiry about your Base Set hint. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 06:06:06 pm
All right eevee - I'm going back to my QT to see if there is anything else that I might be able to contradict him on - but I think him telling me that you were a seer and that he has the ability to night talk with Grujah are the only things that I can possibly validate against.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 06:08:01 pm
All right eevee - I'm going back to my QT to see if there is anything else that I might be able to contradict him on - but I think him telling me that you were a seer and that he has the ability to night talk with Grujah are the only things that I can possibly validate against.
I am indeed a seer. He promised he wouldnt tell that to anyone though. We have day talk only.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 06:08:24 pm
Lie #1:
I cannot speak with 11

How did you out shark_bait as the cop then?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 06:09:21 pm
All right eevee - I'm going back to my QT to see if there is anything else that I might be able to contradict him on - but I think him telling me that you were a seer and that he has the ability to night talk with Grujah are the only things that I can possibly validate against.
Btw, Galzria has been flirty towards me too (per flavor, not actually). Dont know if this has any relevance but I thought I'd point it out.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 06:11:08 pm
All right eevee - I'm going back to my QT to see if there is anything else that I might be able to contradict him on - but I think him telling me that you were a seer and that he has the ability to night talk with Grujah are the only things that I can possibly validate against.
Btw, Galzria has been flirty towards me too (per flavor, not actually). Dont know if this has any relevance but I thought I'd point it out.

He did tell me that.  He said that you found it annoying.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 06:12:30 pm
Lie #1:
I cannot speak with 11

How did you out shark_bait as the cop then?

He definitely can speak with #11, thats me!

Are you asking me how I outed shark_bait to Galzria?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 06:12:54 pm
So did he tell you that he could night talk with Grujah and I?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 06:13:19 pm
Are you asking me how I outed shark_bait to Galzria?

Yeah - isn't that what you said earlier?  I figured that implied that in real life you were a rolecop
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 06:16:59 pm
Message received from Galz @ 6:02.  The faster you get in here and claim the more plausible it will be!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 06:17:43 pm
Message received from Galz @ 6:02.  The faster you get in here and claim the more plausible it will be!

For clarity - the message he sent was:

Pass me your soap and I'll feel so much cleaner.

in response to:

Just come clean - you'll feel so much better
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Voltgloss on August 07, 2012, 06:19:31 pm
Eevee, you are a Seer?  As in, a cop who finds Werewolves?

Who have you investigated?  What are your results?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 07, 2012, 06:20:41 pm
I start to wonder whether I am the only VT in this town?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 06:24:10 pm
I start to wonder whether I am the only VT in this town?

What have we told you about claiming?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 06:28:40 pm
All right eevee - I'm going back to my QT to see if there is anything else that I might be able to contradict him on - but I think him telling me that you were a seer and that he has the ability to night talk with Grujah are the only things that I can possibly validate against.
Btw, Galzria has been flirty towards me too (per flavor, not actually). Dont know if this has any relevance but I thought I'd point it out.

He did tell me that.  He said that you found it annoying.
That is correct (to be clear: "I" didnt but my role pm did. Personally I wouldnt have a problem with someone with a penis flirting with me).
He told me he has 4 quicktopics (2 day and 2 night). He refused to tell me who they were with, and I didnt push the issue very hard because I understood why he wouldnt want to.

I told Galzria about the part in my pm that mentioned the steward, I case I can quote it here too now:
The only slightly annoying thing about this whole trip was the town steward kept asking you questions about your job, sniffing around.

It seems to me sharkies pm said "you had talked to this werewolf-hunter, and it was certainly a surprise to see him sitting in seat 11 when you arrived to the party!" The reasoning was, why else would he repeatedly quote the part about talking to the world traveler? I deducted he must have known  I was a seer. So I thought he is very likely to be the town steward (he also set-claimed intrigue). I thought the steward might be the town cop because maybe we were chatting as sort of colleagues. Oh and timchen, you know this is why I couldnt tell you much. We were both power roles that needed to be protected. Sad you couldnt trust me yesterday..

I told him this because he seemed trustworthy (oh the naivety) and I wanted a 2nd opinion on my thought process.

Yes, I'm a seer. My role pm said I've never actually found any werewolves though (thats why I asked sharkie if the thought I was ridiculous.. what was surprising to me is that he said he felt inspired by me) so it might very well be my character is just delusional. Night 1 I investigated cayvie (who wasnt a werewolf), night two jot (who isnt a werewolf). Sadly... the idea to investigate jot came from Galzria. He presented this fairly believable theory of jot mentioning silverware and absolutely knowing there were werewolves, so I went with it.

By the way jot, how and when did you give Robz the gun?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 06:32:10 pm
I assume we are allowed to copypaste stuff from the QT (checked the rules, didnt see it being prohibited), so here is the only time Galzria mentioned Grujah to me:

This is Galzrias theory how ftl and Captain_Frisk could both be telling the truth:

Cayvie visited me last night before bed. She told me that there was something in her PM that didn't match something Grujah had said, but she wouldn't expand on what that was in case I was a scummate with him. So I don't have anything concrete except the hints of a dead townie.

However, CF said in the thread that ftl just has to be lying, or the mod is trolling him because there is no way that his (CF's) report is ambiguous - ftl couldn't have been bussed, because the flavor didn't make any sense with that possibility.

Putting the two together, I thought about what we know of Grujah: Mainly that he wears lifelike masks ala Mission Impossible. What if (and this is the theory, as there is nothing on mafiawiki comparable) Grujah is a Mafia with this modifier:

Disguise: Each night you may name one player player, and all actions that would target them, instead target you. You may not be tracked/investigated.

This would cause something like...

Grujah: "I choose to disguise as ftl, and kill Cayvie"

Now CF's tracking comes back as it did, and ftl won't be lying.

It's JUST a theory, and if ftl IS scum there's certainly no reason to make these accusations as they aren't exactly founded. It was my attempt to reconcile everything that I know with what others are claiming.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 07, 2012, 06:32:44 pm
I start to wonder whether I am the only VT in this town?

What have we told you about claiming?

I already have almost my entire PM posted so I guess that does not matter?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: ftl on August 07, 2012, 06:50:49 pm
Oh, so you're more like a VT with info. I remember that now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 07, 2012, 06:55:55 pm
Fascinating. Just got back from lunch (CF, I was only following QT's on my phone at the time of posting there). Seems I must come clean fully. Well, this isn't terrible for the town if you end up lynching me. I'm just Vanilla at this point. Here's my role PM and the results of ladt nights misadventures:

You are the Farming Village (Vanilla Town) - Town Aligned      
You are in Seat 12      

You had been trying for years to get Ozle to pay for the insurance after he killed your son and left you with the bill (in Ozle’s defence, it was an accident, anybody could have been passing that window when he jumped out to escape a returning Husband….). With the invitation to the party, you had the perfect opportunity to pressure him in a public seeing.
However, before you had the chance to bring the issue up, somebody went and murdered him! Ohh boy were you mad! Now you would never get to live like a king... I mean get what was owed you!      

Due to the nature of the party, you do not know who the other people at the table are.
You came here on a coach with some others from the village, and are smooth enough to convince them that they should spill all their secrets, maybe giving you some leverage.   
You can talk to them here: Redacted
But you’re a cunning one, you have been subtly buttering up both the people either side of you, so you can talk to them here:      
Seats 11 and 12: Redacted
Seats 12 and 13: Redacted
One more thing, you also had a bit of a groupie, he saw how popular you were and was hanging around you for ages. Perhaps he could be useful!      
The hanger on: Redacted
You were pretty sure that nobody to either side of you moved when the lights went out. You were talking to seat 11, and you could smell 13’s breath!   

Oh, and one last thing. You liked to consider yourself something of a smooth talker. Maybe if you could get a confession out of one of the people interested in you, you could pass along a warning! Well, that was the hope anyway...

Your own cunning tongue.
Once during the game you may attempt to warn another player, giving them 1-shot bulletproof.

Victory Conditions


And so last night I tried to warn Sharky. Eevee's case made sense to me, and I figured who better to be bulletproof? Upon arriving though, I found I was too late, as Sharkie was dead already.

You knew that time was of the essence! With each passing day another innocent villager was murdered. Having made your choice, you rushed off to warn Shark_Bait to keep his doors locked at night... But alas! When you arrived it was obvious that you had come too late, for there was blood everywhere. With tears streaming down your cheeks you raced back to your room, heart pounding. Tomorrow would bring more ill-tidings.

Yes, obviously I lied in the QT's about who I could speak to and the extent of my powers. I certainly didn't know if - or who - was completely trust worthy. I think you'll find that each of you would've done the same (I hope!?).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 07, 2012, 06:59:23 pm
You gave sharky bulletproof but he was already dead? either that part of your role was useless or your lying.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 07, 2012, 07:01:57 pm
You gave sharky bulletproof but he was already dead? either that part of your role was useless or your lying.

I TRIED to, but the killers got there first.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 07:02:42 pm
You gave sharky bulletproof but he was already dead? either that part of your role was useless or your lying.
It said he can attempt to give it to someone.

Flavor doesnt seem to match though, Frisk was following them both, then gave up.. and then sharkie got killed before Galz got there somehow?

Galzria did mention having a cunning tongue to me before, I'll give him that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 07:03:40 pm
Apparently there is something more going on between Eevee and Galz that needs addressing before we resolve CF's claim about Galz, so I will wait for that before weighing in.

Robz, I echo jo's inquiry about your Base Set hint.

Okay, well, yeah. I definitely won't shoot Jo. He gave me the gun and nobody contradicted him. I repeat, are there any other Base people still around?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 07, 2012, 07:05:03 pm
Apparently there is something more going on between Eevee and Galz that needs addressing before we resolve CF's claim about Galz, so I will wait for that before weighing in.

Robz, I echo jo's inquiry about your Base Set hint.

Okay, well, yeah. I definitely won't shoot Jo. He gave me the gun and nobody contradicted him. I repeat, are there any other Base people still around?

You, Joth, and Insomniac I believe.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 07:05:59 pm
Apparently there is something more going on between Eevee and Galz that needs addressing before we resolve CF's claim about Galz, so I will wait for that before weighing in.

Robz, I echo jo's inquiry about your Base Set hint.

Okay, well, yeah. I definitely won't shoot Jo. He gave me the gun and nobody contradicted him. I repeat, are there any other Base people still around?
Why would you not shoot ftl?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 07:07:04 pm
That is correct (to be clear: "I" didnt but my role pm did. Personally I wouldnt have a problem with someone with a penis flirting with me).

Softclaim girl? Softclaim gay?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 07, 2012, 07:07:13 pm
Robz is from prosperity?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 07:07:28 pm
Apparently there is something more going on between Eevee and Galz that needs addressing before we resolve CF's claim about Galz, so I will wait for that before weighing in.

Robz, I echo jo's inquiry about your Base Set hint.

Okay, well, yeah. I definitely won't shoot Jo. He gave me the gun and nobody contradicted him. I repeat, are there any other Base people still around?

You, Joth, and Insomniac I believe.

I am Prosperity, not Base.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 07, 2012, 07:07:42 pm
That is correct (to be clear: "I" didnt but my role pm did. Personally I wouldnt have a problem with someone with a penis flirting with me).

Softclaim girl? Softclaim gay?
That's what I saw too. Sorry for calling you a "he" if you are female!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 07:08:10 pm
Apparently there is something more going on between Eevee and Galz that needs addressing before we resolve CF's claim about Galz, so I will wait for that before weighing in.

Robz, I echo jo's inquiry about your Base Set hint.

Okay, well, yeah. I definitely won't shoot Jo. He gave me the gun and nobody contradicted him. I repeat, are there any other Base people still around?
Why would you not shoot ftl?

I didn't say I wouldn't. In fact, I think I should. Separately, I have reason to believe Joth or Insomniac are scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 07, 2012, 07:08:38 pm
Apparently there is something more going on between Eevee and Galz that needs addressing before we resolve CF's claim about Galz, so I will wait for that before weighing in.

Robz, I echo jo's inquiry about your Base Set hint.

Okay, well, yeah. I definitely won't shoot Jo. He gave me the gun and nobody contradicted him. I repeat, are there any other Base people still around?

You, Joth, and Insomniac I believe.

I am Prosperity, not Base.

Sorry, my mistake. Just Insomniac and Joth then.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 07:12:04 pm
That is correct (to be clear: "I" didnt but my role pm did. Personally I wouldnt have a problem with someone with a penis flirting with me).

Softclaim girl? Softclaim gay?
Neither, just don't want to appear homophobic. It's always nice to be noticed anyhow!


Could you expand on that reason? Hard to fathom jot giving you the gun if he is mafia (oh and he cant be a werewolf), Insomniacs bureaucrat-claim seems towny to me (although his play doesnt). Maybe Ins is a crooked bureaucrat? Does "having a reason to believe" equal "I know one of them to be scum", or is it possible they are both town after all?

Maybe mafia-jot had to give you the gun for some reason? Wait.. why did the supposedly-clean jot even have a gun in the first place? Jot, why did you have the gun, how did you give it to Robz?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 07:14:44 pm
I can probably just explain my claim that a Base person is mafia. Before I do, would anybody like to admit to being a Laboratory? It's important. Very important.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: ftl on August 07, 2012, 07:15:28 pm
Or, you know, y'all could just lynch robz. He's clearly trying to get you to lynch the base set cards one by one.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: ftl on August 07, 2012, 07:16:08 pm
(I feel like I'm sort of obvdeadmanwalking right now and have nothing constructive to say :/ )
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 07, 2012, 07:33:21 pm
I can probably just explain my claim that a Base person is mafia. Before I do, would anybody like to admit to being a Laboratory? It's important. Very important.
If anyone is laboratory, it has to be jo right? Maybe that is how he gets soap and gun and who knows other random stuff?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 07:35:58 pm
Phone posting now. Galz floated the disguise theory to me too - also pushing suspicion on Jonah and Grujah.

I think that robz should shoot galz.  If he flips town - then lynch me and then rage quit the game when you see my role. If he flips scum, then lynch FTl again and be proud

Galz. Why didn't you give me bulletproof?  I mean - I was kinsof out in the open and the mod all but confirmed that FTl is scum scum scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 07:44:01 pm
There is no reason to lynch you if Galzria flips town Frisk. His story being true doesnt mean you lied.

Why should Robz should Galzria, probable mafia over ftl, mod-confirmed mafia? Especially given ftl might find some new estates and survive another lynch.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 07, 2012, 07:49:16 pm
Phone posting now. Galz floated the disguise theory to me too - also pushing suspicion on Jonah and Grujah.

I think that robz should shoot galz.  If he flips town - then lynch me and then rage quit the game when you see my role. If he flips scum, then lynch FTl again and be proud

Galz. Why didn't you give me bulletproof?  I mean - I was kinsof out in the open and the mod all but confirmed that FTl is scum scum scum.

A) If ftl were indeed a Mafiosi, it seemed to me that you would be their primary target that night. The wording in my PM made me wary that I could fail, and you didn't seem as safe a target as Sharkie.

B) Yes, you had apparently tracked one scummy, but ultimately a cop was more valuable, as your role could lead to confusing results (like now).

C) What oh what is with this terrible epidemic sweeping f.DS Mafia that has people saying "kill him, and if he flips town then kill me"? If you're town, play to your wincon. This is a really frustrating thing to see... Especially because in this instance I believe CF to indeed be town as well. If I die, you absolutely should not kill Frisk... And he bloody well better not lie down and let you!

D) If I'm a scummy liar, I'm one who has played to a town wincon: Not voting Yuma, and voting ftl (early on too - not some lame late-bus attempt).... - Yeah, I don't expect my voting history to convince you, but I hope you'll consider it when debating the merits of my lynch.

E) Vote: ftl (again)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 07:51:18 pm
There is no reason to lynch you if Galzria flips town Frisk. His story being true doesnt mean you lied.

Why should Robz should Galzria, probable mafia over ftl, mod-confirmed mafia? Especially given ftl might find some new estates and survive another lynch.

I thought about it, but something about FTL seems like mod trolling to me (possibly).   Galz lied to me personally - so I'm a little offended and hurt. Also we locked FTl in a box.   Also - galzs powers are allegedly all gone. I guess galz's other talkers could come forward - but somehow I doubt it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: ftl on August 07, 2012, 07:58:54 pm
Bored now, being ignored and powerless is boring and I can't tell who's mafia because everyone's like dead set against me. Checking out of this thread for a while y'all.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 07, 2012, 08:10:20 pm
Ozle looked down at the 10 people in the room, waiting, always waiting. But not waiting too long as even ghosts need to sleep!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 08:24:57 pm
Anyone opposed to robz poppin someone to ease the suspense?  FTl - what is your take on pales day 2 closing post.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 07, 2012, 09:30:52 pm
So- there are 2 other people who galz can talk to (allegedly).  Anyone want to come forward and confirm?

My money is on FTL and the other scum, but if 2 others came forward, I could be convinced.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 09:55:32 pm
Ok, I'm the Laboratory.

I am also, according to my PM, an ex-con. I have a hunch that maybe Robz knows I went to prison and has concluded that makes me scum. But I am a town Laboratory, and I have done my time for the Grand Market incident.

Eevee, what you're asking for is a claim and I'd rather not go further than I have.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 10:47:33 pm
Okay, my clue indicates that the laboratory is scum. I would like to lynch Jo. I will shoot whatever person is the consensus (FTL or Galz) as long as we lynch Jo.

Vote: Jotheonah
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 07, 2012, 10:49:37 pm
Why don't you just shoot him with the gun he handed to you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 10:51:24 pm
My clue indicates that lynching him is preferable, which is one reason I suspect he was fine with giving me the gun anyway.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 10:55:52 pm
If Robz isn't going to quote his clue entirely, I'm forced to believe he's the scum here. And if it comes to a claim off, i think I'm more credible.

I wanted very much to believe Robz was town, but I know my PM. Think about what you know about my role already. Try to think if that makes ANY sense as a scum role.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 10:57:18 pm
Town, I'm sorry I gave the scum an extra kill, if that's what I did.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 11:01:22 pm
I'm the scum? Tell me who to shoot and I will shoot them. We know, sort of, that Ftl is scum. I am happy to shoot him. Or Galzria, who appears caught in a lie. Or someone else, based on town consensus.

I cannot give the details of the clue (or I will be modkilled), only that it referred to a Laboratory person, and is 99% sure this person is scum. My reticence about it earlier was my suspicion that the Laboratory person would know I was after them, and it would claim some other role. Jo admitting it is evidence only that he was not told that I know about him.

We should lynch him, not shoot him, though. I am happy to shoot the town's consensus choice. I think Ftl is the best choice, but I would shoot Galz if everybody thought that was wiser. I do want us to lynch Jo, though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 11:07:27 pm
Oh of course you can't shoot me, because then I would flip town during the day and everyone would know what a liar you are before lynching time!

Ok, town, I have another goodie I can send out. I can send something out tonight to a trusted townie which they can use to investigate either Robz or I. Not sure if it's an alignment investigation or not (I don't know the details of my gifts before I send them), but there's a good chance it will work.  Robz can shoot ftl, we can lynch Galz, and then tomorrow the person I send my gift to can determine which of us is scum. It likely won't matter since I'll wake up dead.

If you lynch me tonight, you're lynching a proven helpful PR.

Robz, you still haven't explained what kind of sense a Mafia Inventor makes.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 11:08:00 pm
Jot, I think you need to claim here, however bad it might be for town. Robz's case is just too compelling to make go away any other way.

We caught Galzria lying multiple times. And they weren't the type of lies that could benefit town. And he was seen going into the victims room. I dont even care if you shoot Galzria or ftl, they are both scum here almost 100% of the time. Ftl might be a bit closer to 100% than Galzria just because he sort of gave up the fight already, but on the other hand we have him imprisoned already so maybe Galzria is the better target still.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 11:10:55 pm
Oh of course you can't shoot me, because then I would flip town during the day and everyone would know what a liar you are before lynching time!

Ok, town, I have another goodie I can send out. I can send something out tonight to a trusted townie which they can use to investigate either Robz or I. Not sure if it's an alignment investigation or not (I don't know the details of my gifts before I send them), but there's a good chance it will work.  Robz can shoot ftl, we can lynch Galz, and then tomorrow the person I send my gift to can determine which of us is scum. It likely won't matter since I'll wake up dead.

If you lynch me tonight, you're lynching a proven helpful PR.

Robz, you still haven't explained what kind of sense a Mafia Inventor makes.

Jot, now that you've sort of claimed, couldnt you just make a full claim? And if we decide to go by that plan, you obviously shouldnt hint who you are sending the gift to.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 11:14:12 pm
I pretty much have.

You are a Laboratory (Inventor) - Town Aligned
You are in seat 19

Until three years ago you worked as chief scientist for Ozle, until that unfortunate accident at the Grand Market. That’s when you stopped working for Ozle and went to Jail....

That time was not wasted though, while there you made some major progress and could even fashion handy tools out of soap! You were keen to find a buyer for these, and Ozle’s banquet seemed like a good place to start. Plus if something were to happen to him, that would be a bonus

A fleeting glimpse before the lights went out and you were sure that you recognised someone in the crowd from your pre-prison days; you would have to be careful.

You were looking around at the time, and neither person either side of you moved when it went dark.

Inventor Night Time Action

Each night you can create one invention out of soap and hand it to a player of your choice under the table. Send me a PM with the invention and the player name or seat number; this item will last for one night only before it crumbles.
Your choices:
Bar of soap

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 11:18:01 pm
What did you do last night? Or rather did you do/see/hear anything? I might have a lead on someone who was walking in the hallway but it's all very unclear because I'm bad at interpreting flavor and because my character might be somewhat unreliable..
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 11:20:35 pm
Night 1 I sent Frisk the soap. I didn't know why I had soap and I thought there might be a flavor/mystery benefit to cleaning up stinky (no dice apparently).

Night 2 I sent a gun to Robz in hopes of proving my towniness to my main accuser or, failing that, revealing him as scum. In retrospect this was not my smartest plan ever.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 11:21:06 pm
I got no flavor either night.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 11:22:37 pm
One of the redacted items above is a Vial of silver which is what I thought confirmed wolves and/or mod trolling, and also suggests that the eatingware isn't silver, as that would make my vial redundant.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 11:25:22 pm
Look people, I'm willing to use the 2 powers I currently have--the one-shot I got from Jo (thanks buddy, sorry!), and my Lightning Rod ability that I already claimed when I was almost lynched Day 1--in any way the town consensus prefers. It seems to me that Ftl is basically confirmed scum, I think even he himself as basically admitted it. It also looks like Galzria is "caught" though not quite as certainly. The town seems to agree. I am happy to shoot either. I think both are good choices. Ftl looks like a sure thing to me.

But I am needing you to trust me on what I know about Joth, the Laboratory. I thought he would probably lie about being the Laboratory, thus my hesitance so far. But he hasn't, which is interesting, but doesn't change what I know. Joth is scum, and should be lynched.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 11:32:52 pm
Okay joth, looks like a believable claim. Were your soap inventions made in the drawing room by any chance? I was wondering why some people headed there while most of us just went upstairs to sleep.

Oh, and.. Would you know what was going on in your room at every point of last night? I tried to come in there to check your werewolf status, but when I opened the door, I saw something going on there you just could not have been sleeping through. I just instantly closed the door behind me and ran away. You know nothing of this? I didnt see much because I was so busy being a wussy, so I sadly dont know if you were present.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 11:33:42 pm
As far as I know I slept like a baby. I don't know where I do my inventing.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 11:38:48 pm
You sneaked down the hallway tonight, hoping for a bit more luck this time than last night. You silently opened the door to Jtotheoneah's room and crept in. You first thought was that he was not in his bed, followed immediately by relief that it mean he could not be dead!

Your search around the room turned up nothing but soap, what would a werewolf want with soap? There was nothing like that in any of your werewolf hunting manuals! You concluded from this and the other lack of wolf paraphenalia that Jtotheoneah was NOT A WEREWOLF

Cliffs: Just caught Jot lying about not leaving his room last night.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 11:41:45 pm
I must have been out delivering my soap to Robz's chair. Don't think it proves anything. My PM is not specific about logistics.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 11:46:23 pm
I must have been out delivering my soap to Robz's chair. Don't think it proves anything. My PM is not specific about logistics.
Each night you can create one invention out of soap and hand it to a player of your choice under the table.
I thought of that, but handing stuff under the table usually happens in broad daylight wouldnt you say?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 11:48:46 pm
It is the only explanation I have. Frisk mentioned he found the soap taped under his chair in the morning, so i imagine I go to my room, invent, then sneak down to the banquet hall and tape it to a chair before everyone else gets up.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 07, 2012, 11:49:23 pm
Thanks for some supporting evidence, Eevee. Look people: I am 99% sure that the Laboratory is scum. Notice that I knew there was a Laboratory before Jo admitted to it. You have to trust me. He's a scum we need to lynch.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 07, 2012, 11:54:39 pm
Thanks for some supporting evidence, Eevee. Look people: I am 99% sure that the Laboratory is scum. Notice that I knew there was a Laboratory before Jo admitted to it. You have to trust me. He's a scum we need to lynch.
I trust you. Either Ozle gave you a wincon what has got something to do with getting jot lynched, or you are being genuine. Or you are mafia that commits suicide night 3 and now you just want to take a power role with you. I would say you being genuine is the most likely explanation though. It would suck if your 1% came to life here and we lynched our inventor though..

I definitely think you should use your daykill today, we have not one, not two but THREE strong scum suspects, two of which are basicly confirmed, how often does that happen? As to your other power, no idea how to use it best. If we have a jailkeeper, would you even survive the nightkill attempts?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 11:57:00 pm
Ok, everyone's asleep but you, me, and Eevee Robz so this is getting a little pointless.

I don't think scum can win this even if the town is dumb and kills me instead of RObz (who can't remotely prove he didn't make the whole thing up. Consider, I had already claimed inventor and knew I was Base Set when he claimed to "know about Laboratory" - so hard to figure out).

Also don't buy the modkill restriction. Does anyone else have mod-restricted material in their PMs other than their victory conditions? Gonna guess no.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 11:58:06 pm
Vote: Robz888 for what it's worth.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 07, 2012, 11:59:50 pm
Remember my investigation plan. It's still the smartest one for town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 08, 2012, 12:02:51 am
Actually I am a bit doubtful on Robz. Why does he have to lynch Jo today? We already have 2 scum to kill.

In addition, his question of laboratory seems weird to me. Thing is, according to open information he knew if there is a lab it has to be Jo. And Jo also knew that. So why mention lab first, then refuse to mention further information?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 08, 2012, 12:03:48 am
I would say I don't see what is wrong to let Jo live one more night to verify what he said.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 08, 2012, 12:04:37 am
Robz, would you be down to daykilling ftl (ensures he is gone at least), then us lynching Galzria, then following jot's investigation plan? I dont really see a downside, we can lynch jot tomorrow if he is scum. Why couldnt we use today to get rid of the two confirmed mafias?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 12:08:15 am
Actually I am a bit doubtful on Robz. Why does he have to lynch Jo today? We already have 2 scum to kill.

In addition, his question of laboratory seems weird to me. Thing is, according to open information he knew if there is a lab it has to be Jo. And Jo also knew that. So why mention lab first, then refuse to mention further information?

I never said we had to lynch Jo today, but we definitely have to lynch him, rather than kill him. And I am worried he will try to kill me tonight if he's still alive, now that he knows I'm after him. Whatever. I have a clue about the Laboratory, and if you trust me, you should vote for him. If you don't trust me, I don't know what I can do. I have offered to shoot the town consensus, specifically Ftl. And I gave the info that I had this shot of my own free will. So if I was scum and Jo's not, I've done my team a bad turn.

Should I wait to shoot Ftl? I'm guessing I might as well wait, since only a couple people are around right now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 08, 2012, 12:09:40 am
Well then. Vote: Galzria
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 08, 2012, 12:10:29 am
Well, not much I can say. I think we should kill ftl one way or the other, but then my lynch will still leave two mafia running amok. For what it's worth, I don't think Joth is scum, I think Robz is wrong or misleading... I just don't know why. He COULD be scum, but that doesn't really make sense since he's signing his death warrant if Joth flips town... So I dunno. But Joth is, I believe, sincere.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 08, 2012, 12:11:49 am
Thank you, Galz. Really.

I wish I could say the same about you.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 08, 2012, 12:12:53 am
Thank you, Galz. Really.

I wish I could say the same about you.

No hard feelings mate. I understand the reasons to lynch me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 12:13:09 am
Maybe I should use this shot I have aggressively. Vote for Jo, or I will shoot you right now! No, I'm just kidding, I wouldn't do that. Seriously, does everybody think I should shoot Ftl? I will. But I would really like to lynch Jo as well...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 08, 2012, 12:13:54 am
One more thing. On the offchance there's an actual werewolf, you guys might need me alive to kill it. Keep that in your considerations.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 08, 2012, 12:16:14 am
No harm in waiting I guess. Ftl cant do us any harm atm. Although you might as well do it, because he said he isnt going to post anymore.

If one of you dies and the other one lives, we get the alignment of the dead one and it gives us a ton of info on the other one. I guess that makes you both attractive targets for the werewolf serial killer I suspect we have, but then again I'd expect myself to be his first target given I'm quite the threat for him.. Oh and @mafia, you probably want to keep me alive because it's in your interest to find the werewolf/werewolves too!

FWIW joth looks sincere to me too (what kind of a role is mafia inventor?), but a) he wasnt in his bed last night b) robz shouldnt really be lying here so.. confusing stuff.

Lynching jot today wont save you from mafia attacks tonight. There is no downside to waiting a day.

PPE: Only a million new replies.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 12:19:24 am
Lynching jot today wont save you from mafia attacks tonight. There is no downside to waiting a day.

I get that, but I'm the only one advocating for Jo's death. If I die before he's lynched, the cries for his head might subside. I don't know anything on anybody else, so if Joth goes first, I don't know if the mafia care whether I am alive or not. Look, i'm just saying, don't forget I said to lynch Jo, if I'm dead.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 08, 2012, 12:21:54 am
Seriously Robz, if you consider you might be dead tonight you have to find ways for the rest of us to know about your secrets, if you are town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 08, 2012, 12:23:13 am
I don't know anything on anybody else, so if Joth goes first, I don't know if the mafia care whether I am alive or not. Look, i'm just saying, don't forget I said to lynch Jo, if I'm dead.
If that's the case, then it's really weird you cant just tell us why you know joth to be scum.. Would you by any chance particularly like to be the hammer on the supposed jot-lynch?

And dont worry, if you die at night and flip town, we wont forget your wish.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 12:25:33 am
Seriously Robz, if you consider you might be dead tonight you have to find ways for the rest of us to know about your secrets, if you are town.

I can't specifically tell you the clue, sorry. All I can say is that I know with near certainty that the Laboratory is scum, and we need to lynch him. I have known this always. My question was how to get this person to reveal. I did not expect that just asking would accomplish it, no. Nor did I expect the Laboratory would put a weapon in my hands. I don't know what to tell you, accept to lynch Jo the Laboratory. I agree that Jo doesn't seem scummy, and I wouldn't think him scummy, accept for the information I was given in my role PM.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 12:26:11 am
I don't know anything on anybody else, so if Joth goes first, I don't know if the mafia care whether I am alive or not. Look, i'm just saying, don't forget I said to lynch Jo, if I'm dead.
If that's the case, then it's really weird you cant just tell us why you know joth to be scum.. Would you by any chance particularly like to be the hammer on the supposed jot-lynch?

And dont worry, if you die at night and flip town, we wont forget your wish.

I do not care whether I am the hammer, no.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 12:28:06 am
Also, apologies for the bad spelling, using accept in place of except, etc. It's my birthday just now, by the way! :)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 08, 2012, 12:30:35 am
Also, apologies for the bad spelling, using accept in place of except, etc. It's my birthday just now, by the way! :)

So it is! Happy birthday first-scum-win buddy!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 08, 2012, 12:33:09 am
Happy birthday guy who's trying to kill me!  ;)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 08, 2012, 12:34:04 am
Happy birthday guy who invents stuff from soap bars!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 08, 2012, 12:35:30 am
Happy birthday!

Pedit: @eevee: is your greeting misdirected?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 08, 2012, 12:38:56 am
Happy birthday guy who invents stuff from soap bars!

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 12:42:45 am
Also, apologies for the bad spelling, using accept in place of except, etc. It's my birthday just now, by the way! :)

So it is! Happy birthday first-scum-win buddy!

Aww. Good times!!! That was a lot of fun. Definitely confirmed me as a mafia addict. I was... obvscum in hindsight, but hey, it fooled Jo, Volt, and Insomniac at the time  ;D

With that, I'm off to bed! I'll check back in 9 hours or so.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 08, 2012, 12:44:03 am
Oops. See if I can catch you before you are offline...

Maybe very stupid question: Robz are you grand market?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 08, 2012, 12:46:40 am
Happy birthday guy who invents stuff from soap bars!


Trololol yeah, its 8am, I seem to be a tad tired, maybe I should head to sleepie times. I hope I didnt just kill the credibility of every other post I made here tonight.  :D

Happy birthday guy who thinks the guy who makes weapons out of soap bars is scum is what I meant!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 08, 2012, 03:45:46 am
Happy birthday Robz. August 08, 2012, 02:44:17 am. You guys said that too early.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: ftl on August 08, 2012, 05:19:50 am
And believe me I am still alive!
I'm doing science and I'm still alive.
I feel fantastic and I'm still alive.
While you're dying I'll be still alive.
And when you're dead I will be still alive!
Still alive!
Still alive...

Oh, and happy birthday Robz! :)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Voltgloss on August 08, 2012, 05:57:44 am

Robz, are you sure jo is Mafia, or are you sure he is scum?  (Scum = Mafia, WW, or SK)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 07:37:59 am
Thank you, Galz. Really.

I wish I could say the same about you.

No hard feelings mate. I understand the reasons to lynch me.

No chance that you will ask your "coachmates" to come forward and reveal that you are telling the truth?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 08:57:00 am
Oh - modconfirmed - I used the soap last night.  Volt - do you notice any difference? 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 10:06:40 am
Ok guys - lets get this moving!

So - I still favor shooting Galz over FTL - because we have FTL locked up.  And if we must lynch Jonah instead of FTL - and Jonah flips town - then there's only 1 scum out there - and I have a chance at tracking them.  (Disclaimer: assumes that I still have tracking shots left).  If Galz + Jonah are scum (unlikely given that Galz was steering me to eevee and I in his direction), then FTL is locked up and scum night kills are done.

However - I'm also fine with shooting FTL, but if he flips Scum (and it really seems that he should - it's damn near mod confirmed) then I think we should go after Galz over Jonah.  I can track Jonah if he's the last scum.

Re: the Galz claim - shouldn't shark_bait be alive if he gave him 1 shot bulletproof?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 10:08:56 am
@Grujah - I see you online and playing over @ Goko - how about coming over here and discussing whether or not you can night talk with Galzria?  This is far more important than fake Dark Ages previews.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 10:09:51 am
Oops. See if I can catch you before you are offline...

Maybe very stupid question: Robz are you grand market?

I am Grand Market, yes.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 10:10:12 am

Robz, are you sure jo is Mafia, or are you sure he is scum?  (Scum = Mafia, WW, or SK)

I am sure that he is scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 08, 2012, 10:17:56 am
Robz, is it possible your "character" is just holding a grudge against Joth for what happened 3 years ago? I mean, he obviously went to prison for it, but that doesn't mean you've forgiven him. He obviously recognized you as well... I don't really think he's scum. I think you're either reading too much into your PM, or your PM is misleading you based on past events.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 10:26:31 am
Robz, is it possible your "character" is just holding a grudge against Joth for what happened 3 years ago? I mean, he obviously went to prison for it, but that doesn't mean you've forgiven him. He obviously recognized you as well... I don't really think he's scum. I think you're either reading too much into your PM, or your PM is misleading you based on past events.

Galzria, I promise you, it's not. My PM is crystal clear.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 10:33:32 am
@Grujah - I see you online and playing over @ Goko - how about coming over here and discussing whether or not you can night talk with Galzria?  This is far more important than fake Dark Ages previews.

I have just played a game with Grujah over @ goko and told him that his presence was required here. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 08, 2012, 10:53:52 am
No one answered my question, about having an unquotable flavor PM. It seems to directly contradict Ozle here:

•         You may quote any or some or your role PM’s with the exception of anything under Victory Conditions. However, it may not be in your best interest to do so, as that may give away vital information to other players that you may not know is important It may seem like nothing to you, but who knows what other people are looking out for. Or it may be extremely beneficial to your team.
•         You may NOT quote any or part of your Victory Condition, nor refer to it in anyway.

Does anyone else have restrictions like Robz does?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 08, 2012, 10:54:26 am
Robz, is it possible your "character" is just holding a grudge against Joth for what happened 3 years ago? I mean, he obviously went to prison for it, but that doesn't mean you've forgiven him. He obviously recognized you as well... I don't really think he's scum. I think you're either reading too much into your PM, or your PM is misleading you based on past events.

Galzria, I promise you, it's not. My PM is crystal clear.

Happy birthday now shoot ftl or galz!  Also you didn't have me fooled in m2 I called you out remember ! Lol
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 10:58:05 am
@Grujah - I see you online and playing over @ Goko - how about coming over here and discussing whether or not you can night talk with Galzria?  This is far more important than fake Dark Ages previews.

I have just played a game with Grujah over @ goko and told him that his presence was required here.

I then came back and played another game with him.  Lurker extreme!  So much scum ITT.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 08, 2012, 11:10:39 am
No one answered my question, about having an unquotable flavor PM. It seems to directly contradict Ozle here:

•         You may quote any or some or your role PM’s with the exception of anything under Victory Conditions. However, it may not be in your best interest to do so, as that may give away vital information to other players that you may not know is important It may seem like nothing to you, but who knows what other people are looking out for. Or it may be extremely beneficial to your team.
•         You may NOT quote any or part of your Victory Condition, nor refer to it in anyway.

Does anyone else have restrictions like Robz does?

This in indeed weird and worrisome. I thought I had an explanation for it but apparently I didnt.

The reason I think we should shoot ftl over Galzria is that ftl might have gotten a hold of some more estates, it would suck if we wasted our lynch on him again. By shooting ftl and lynching Galz we ensure they both actually die..
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 11:14:50 am
The reason I think we should shoot ftl over Galzria is that ftl might have gotten a hold of some more estates, it would suck if we wasted our lynch on him again. By shooting ftl and lynching Galz we ensure they both actually die..

This approach makes sense - and it lets me daytalk with my buddy Galz for a little bit longer.  I could see it being viable either way.  RobZ just make a decision and end the insanity!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 11:32:54 am
The reason I think we should shoot ftl over Galzria is that ftl might have gotten a hold of some more estates, it would suck if we wasted our lynch on him again. By shooting ftl and lynching Galz we ensure they both actually die..

This approach makes sense - and it lets me daytalk with my buddy Galz for a little bit longer.  I could see it being viable either way.  RobZ just make a decision and end the insanity!

Let me see some more votes for Jo and I'll consider it  ;)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 11:33:57 am
The reason I think we should shoot ftl over Galzria is that ftl might have gotten a hold of some more estates, it would suck if we wasted our lynch on him again. By shooting ftl and lynching Galz we ensure they both actually die..

This approach makes sense - and it lets me daytalk with my buddy Galz for a little bit longer.  I could see it being viable either way.  RobZ just make a decision and end the insanity!

Let me see some more votes for Jo and I'll consider it  ;)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 11:37:50 am
Roles are so interesting.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 11:38:50 am
Roles are so interesting.

So if you are sure that Jonah is scum - then why don't we test the theory by:

shooting ftl / galz -> lynching galz / ftl, and see what happens overnight?  We can lynch jo tomorrow, right?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 11:40:41 am
Roles are so interesting.

So if you are sure that Jonah is scum - then why don't we test the theory by:

shooting ftl / galz -> lynching galz / ftl, and see what happens overnight?  We can lynch jo tomorrow, right?

I would rather shoot Ftl, lynch Jo, and lynch Galzria tomorrow.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 08, 2012, 11:41:50 am
Ok, it's pretty hilarious if I gave the guy who only wins if i get lynched a way to kill me that doesn't count for his wincon.

But it makes A LOT of sense that RObz is a lyncher. I could not fathom his willingness to bus both his scum partners, but this makes so much sense.

I wish I knew more about this incident we were both involved in...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 11:43:06 am
Roles are so interesting.

So if you are sure that Jonah is scum - then why don't we test the theory by:

shooting ftl / galz -> lynching galz / ftl, and see what happens overnight?  We can lynch jo tomorrow, right?

I would rather shoot Ftl, lynch Jo, and lynch Galzria tomorrow.

Are you nervous about the silver vial getting out?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 11:45:01 am
Roles are so interesting.

So if you are sure that Jonah is scum - then why don't we test the theory by:

shooting ftl / galz -> lynching galz / ftl, and see what happens overnight?  We can lynch jo tomorrow, right?

I would rather shoot Ftl, lynch Jo, and lynch Galzria tomorrow.

Are you nervous about the silver vial getting out?

I don't know what you're talking about. I am a Townie One-Shot Lightning Rod (Grand Market).

Look, I will just go ahead and shoot Ftl, and hope that you guys listen to me about Jo, I guess.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 08, 2012, 11:45:23 am
Perhaps I should gift that rather than the magnifying glass. Perhaps Eevee should plan his evening accordingly.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 08, 2012, 11:54:25 am
Ftl has been shot dead, flavour in a few hours when I get back from Olympics. 9 to go...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 11:55:09 am
Ftl has been shot dead, flavour in a few hours when I get back from Olympics. 9 to go...

Can you at least give us alignment please?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 08, 2012, 11:57:52 am
I already told you earlier...mafia
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 11:59:58 am
Yay, hooray. Now can we please lynch Jo?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 08, 2012, 12:03:31 pm
Yay, hooray. Now can we please lynch Jo?

Vote: Robz

No lyncher win for you.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 08, 2012, 12:05:41 pm
Im sorry Robz but I would rather let jo live one more day whats the harm in that? He gets a chance to prove his case and it feels like your really trying to misdirect the town.

Vote: Galzria

Thanks for shooting ftl though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 08, 2012, 12:06:30 pm
That is, while not surprising, still a relief. One scum down!

I dont see any course of action but lynching Galzria and then deciding what to do with Jo and Robz after we see what happens tonight. Robz being a lyncher makes an awful lot of sense, even the flavor would fit (he has to avenge whatever happened 3 years ago). But are lynchers ever used in real games? And Jot wasnt in his bed last night, and is mafia unless Robz is a lyncher I think? So very confusing, luckily we dont have to deal with that today as we can:
Vote: Galzria
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 12:06:51 pm
Im sorry Robz but I would rather let jo live one more day whats the harm in that? He gets a chance to prove his case and it feels like your really trying to misdirect the town.

Vote: Galzria

Thanks for shooting ftl though.

Really trying to misdirect the town???!!! I just killed a mafia! That's better than the rest of you have done.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 08, 2012, 12:07:04 pm
Indeed. I cannot fathom why we cannot kill Jo tomorrow.

btw, is anyone still playing the murder mystery game?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 08, 2012, 12:08:43 pm
The problem is, Robz, anyone can kill a confirmed mafia. And it's not like you could have chosen not to disclose your shot and use it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 12:09:17 pm
That is, while not surprising, still a relief. One scum down!

It is absolutely a relief.  I was starting to wonder if I was possibly an insane hairy dude and that the mod was lying to us.

Vote: Galzria!  All is right with the world today.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 12:12:38 pm
So we're @ L-1

Me, Jonah, Insomniac, eeVee - FTL's vote doesn't count because he's dead.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 08, 2012, 12:14:49 pm
Do people think I should be focused on clearing my name or giving out the thing that kills hairy scum? Keeping in mind that whatever I deliver has to be used the following day/night.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 08, 2012, 12:16:48 pm
Do people think I should be focused on clearing my name or giving out the thing that kills hairy scum? Keeping in mind that whatever I deliver has to be used the following day/night.
Do you know if hairy scum can be killed without your device? Or if we'd need to know who the hairy scum is for the device to be effective?

Actually, unless it auto-kills hairy scum even without us specifically naming him/them, I think clearing your name is better.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 08, 2012, 12:17:52 pm
Do people think I should be focused on clearing my name or giving out the thing that kills hairy scum? Keeping in mind that whatever I deliver has to be used the following day/night.

Send an investigator to someone you trust, itll help sort out the jo/robz thing.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 12:22:18 pm
Alternatively, I can use Lightning Rod tonight. And nothing will happen to anybody accept me, and then you'll know I'm not lying.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 12:22:37 pm
accept = except*** mistake of the week for me
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 08, 2012, 12:22:52 pm
How do we clear Jo even if we receive the investigator? Do we just use it on him?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Lekkit on August 08, 2012, 12:23:51 pm
Since there was a lot of soufflé left, the servants came into the room once again with filled plates. By now the soufflé had started giving off a rather funny smell, but nobody dared to question the late Ozle's orders to serve it. "Enjoy your meal" one of them said as he took a bow and left the room.

And here's the vote count.

Galzria (4): Captain_Frisk, jotheonah, Insomniac, Eevee
jotheonah (1): Robz888
Robz888 (1): Galzria
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Voltgloss on August 08, 2012, 12:24:58 pm

Robz, are you sure jo is Mafia, or are you sure he is scum?  (Scum = Mafia, WW, or SK)

I am sure that he is scum.

Despite having, on multiple prior occasions, claimed that someone who is Base-set is Mafia.  Not generic scum; Mafia.

That discrepancy is enough for me to reject jo lynch - at least for today - and support Galz lynch.  Especially now that CF's tracking abilities have been proven re: ftl.

Vot uh, there appears to be an ongoing conversation about night actions?  I don't want to cut that short.  When that's done, I'll hammer.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 08, 2012, 12:27:55 pm
There is a good chance I'll die tonight (unless Robz uses his ability). Anyone have anything they want to ask me now?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 08, 2012, 12:28:10 pm
Vote: Galzria ;D Master lyncher lynches self.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 08, 2012, 12:31:08 pm
Alternatively, I can use Lightning Rod tonight. And nothing will happen to anybody accept me, and then you'll know I'm not lying.

I would prefer you didn't as then jo can't get his device out and your blocking the town knowledge. I'm not sure Grand Market makes sense to be a lightning rod either except maybe because everyone goes for GM? Anyways I guess if we don't have a jailkeeper/doc you'd die which would reaveal the presence to mafia, and I'd rather have them in the dark.

How do we clear Jo even if we receive the investigator? Do we just use it on him?
I THINK targeting Robz is more telling. If Robz is town we can trust him, If jo is town we don't know whether Robz is lying or not.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 08, 2012, 12:31:35 pm
Vote: Galzria ;D Master lyncher lynches self.

You're not a lyncher you just want more stats in the mafia leaderboard!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 08, 2012, 12:31:50 pm
Ok, consensus seems to be to send out the investigative. I think I have some solid options on who to send it to. Plenty of WIFOM there. Dunno if it works during the day like the gun though, so it may take two nights to make it work.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 12:31:55 pm
If we lynch Galz and he is scum (and I really think he is) - then I think we don't want to RobZ to fire his lightning rod.  We have 1 mafia left, and we have what appears to be a decent amount of things going on.  I may be able to track again?  Eevee can allegedly hunt wolves, etc, Jo can proove that he isn't the final mafia if we still have a night kill and he gives away another invention etc.

If RobZ fires the rod in this scenario - then I think we lynch him.

If we lynch Galz and he is town - then I am heavily suspicious of Grujah.  Galz mentions that he received info from cayvie that incriminates him - and the fact that he is EXPLICITLY LURKING is very suspicious.

--- rushing this for twilight --- more to come as time permits.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 12:32:50 pm
Vote: Galzria ;D Master lyncher lynches self.

You're not a lyncher you just want more stats in the mafia leaderboard!

I'm bummed because this game won't count, right?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 12:33:15 pm
Self lynched while we're discussing the plan?  Scummy.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 12:33:56 pm
What else can we say before Lekkit locks us?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 12:39:25 pm
IF Galz = scum - remaining mafia probably has some power role.  Galz knew I could track, he knew he was taking a chance by executing the kill. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Galzria on August 08, 2012, 12:39:58 pm
What else can we say before Lekkit locks us?

Vote: Lekkit I've been calling it since D1.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 08, 2012, 12:41:07 pm
Okay, I will not lightning rod, feel free to investigate me, anybody.

Volt, real quick... it's sort of well-known that I use mafia carelessly as a catch-all for scum. Frisk I think called me out for it repeatedly in other games. Sorry!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 12:44:25 pm
In the QT - galz has expressed concern over Jonah and Grujah.  If he's scum - this doesn't necessarily clear them - as he could be hunting WW based on eeVee's role.

If he's town - then there is some cause for concern.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 08, 2012, 12:44:48 pm
theory question: is a seer in a game with no werewolves a negative utility role?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 08, 2012, 12:57:36 pm
Thread locked
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Lekkit on August 08, 2012, 01:40:59 pm
As the servants came back to pick up the empty plates of soufflé they were met by a most peculiar sight. The guests were standing in a ring around Galzria, who had a noose around his neck and standing on a chair. "What's going on here?" one of the servants asked. Eevee responded by saying that they didn't like Galz running around telling lies and flirting with other guests. As he approached the chair to kick it away from Galz' feet Galz just smiled. "See you on the other side." he said with a grin on his face as he jumped off the chair by himself.

Galzria, the mafia aligned Farming Village is now dead.

"Uhm... Please go back to your rooms now. It's getting late."
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 08, 2012, 04:37:36 pm
But wait, theres more...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 08, 2012, 04:44:44 pm


We have a source within the castle who has let us know the following information as the residents of the castle go into Night 3

As the group headed back up to their rooms, leaving the menail workers to deal with the two dead bodies left behind (Seriously guys, clean up a bit would you!) they decided to pair up and head back to thier rooms for safety in numbers, in case a killer was still on the loose!

They paired up randomly:
Captain Frisk and Eevee
Voltgloss and Insomniac
Robz888 and Timchen
Morgrim and Jtotheonah
That only left Grujah on his own......


Hang on a minute, where was he? Had anybody seen him all day?! The answer was a resounding NO from everyone, he hadnt been seen since he left for bed the night before!

A search of Grujahs room returned nothing, the bed did not look like it had been slept in that night, and nothing else looked like it was disturbed. The pairs departed and went looking floor by floor. The unlucky duo (lets for flavour reasons say Captain Frisk and Eevee) who got the 2nd floor toilets found him first. Well, they SMELT him first, no amount of soap would clean this mess up. It looked like he had literally puked his guts up, it looked like that, because he did literally puke his guts up. The body had been there quite some time.

GRUJAH the Masquerade Neutral Aligned (Traitor/Town) is DEAD
(Grujah started off neutral, and was allowed to pick a side to join before a certain time period. He could not win as neutral. He died before he could pick it)

See Page 27 for all of tonight entertainment going on in the village. Including a sheep auction and a land auction that the principle bidders have withdrawn.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 09, 2012, 06:40:42 am
A busy night for the staff, cleaning up the mess in the bathroom, as well as the two bodies in the living room!

This got even worse for them when one of them saw the blood seeping out from under Captain_Frisks door. They opened it cautiously and then closed it again quick. For inside was a bloody mess, literally. Parts of Frisk were scattered about the room, and there was organs and blood everywhere. The man had broken his last wind.

Captain_Frisk, the Scrying Pool (Town aligned Tracker) has been killed

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 09, 2012, 06:41:05 am
(Not have updated the dead grujah post slightly to make it a newspaper article as it should have been)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 09, 2012, 06:41:49 am
Day 4 will end Thursday 16th August at 11pm

With 7 left alive it takes 4 to lynch
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 07:45:59 am
Everyone who is alive, please post as soon as you can.  Even just a "yes I'm alive" post.

It may be quite important we do this fast.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 07:53:45 am
Also important:  Eevee, who did you target last night?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 08:57:34 am
I'm alive. Did Grujah get modkilled for lurking, or was it a game mechanic.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 09:15:22 am
Also important:  Eevee, who did you target last night?
I'm alive!

I targeted you. Sup werewolf?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 09:17:37 am
Also important:  Eevee, who did you target last night?
I'm alive!

I targeted you. Sup werewolf?

Just kidding.. Volt is not a werewolf guys.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 09, 2012, 09:17:56 am
I think I am alive. Do I have a reason to think otherwise?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 09:23:10 am
That's me, Eevee, timchen, jo...

Robz.  Morgrim.  Insom.  You guys alive?

Eevee, can you please post the flavor you received from Ozle when you investigated me?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 09:25:12 am
FYI all, gonna be posting sporadically today due to work but this stuff is important and I think needs to be resolved fairly quickly.  I have a theory but I need this data to finalize it.

If anyone sees Robz/Morgrim/Insom posting in another Mafia thread, but a significant amount of time passes WITHOUT him (whoever it is) posting here, please say so. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 09:26:59 am
ALSO:  who has flavor about buying/selling land
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 09:36:25 am
That's me, Eevee, timchen, jo...

Robz.  Morgrim.  Insom.  You guys alive?

Eevee, can you please post the flavor you received from Ozle when you investigated me?
This Voltgloss fellow looked a bit hairy to you, was it just a liking for the hippy look, or was there a bit of Wolf about him. You decided to not wait until night time in case his wolfy genes got the better of him. From your 'Do it yourself' werewolf detector kit you pulled out a small silver pin. As he passed you on the way out of the dining room you quickly jabbed it in his arm. It startled him and he looked round at everyone looking extremely worried, but other than that, no ill effects, so he was definately not a werewolf!

Nothing on buying or selling land.

Can you tell if there was a specific reason for your reaction (or was it just that someone just stabbed you with a silver pin)?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 09, 2012, 10:25:09 am
Hmm... very interesting...

So, only one person from the pairing can be alive?

And anyone seems to understand this murder mystery stuff? I am confused by the rules in the very beginning. The main question is: is the murderer still alive? From a game mechanic point of view it seems not necessary to be the case. The mod cannot control either who will be lynched at day or who will be NKed at night.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 10:32:09 am
Hello, I am here.

Vote: Jotheonah
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: timchen on August 09, 2012, 10:40:30 am
Did you use your lightening rod last night?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 10:46:54 am
I am here, and alive.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 11:11:04 am
That just leaves Morgrim.  But we won't hear from him for a while, with the time zone difference.

Eevee, I do have an explanation for my flavor reaction.  It's one of two things, one being a very clever modtroll.  When we hear from Morgrim I'll know.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 11:12:13 am
Did you use your lightening rod last night?

I did not.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 12:03:07 pm
The person to whom I sent the investigative tool has not made it known to town. I have to assume this is because they can't use it until tonight. (And don't want to reveal lest they be NK'd) So my investigation and Robz's will have to wait one more night.

However, if Robz is really a lyncher, there's still a third mafia out there, so it's not as if we can't do additional scumhunting today.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 12:04:51 pm
I second Jo's notion to wait, there is no reason to lynch one of jo or robz without the tool being used. We are in no rush
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 12:49:23 pm
anybody have any ideas why captain_frisk was left alive an additional night after catching ftl.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 12:52:10 pm
anybody have any ideas why captain_frisk was left alive an additional night after catching ftl.
could it be the same reason i didnt die last night? doctorical intervention?

or do we think there are no werewolves?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 12:52:40 pm
anybody have any ideas why captain_frisk was left alive an additional night after catching ftl.
could it be the same reason i didnt die last night? doctorical intervention?

or do we think there are no werewolves?

Im thinking the mafia killed frisk last night over you.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 12:56:58 pm
anybody have any ideas why captain_frisk was left alive an additional night after catching ftl.
could it be the same reason i didnt die last night? doctorical intervention?

or do we think there are no werewolves?

Im thinking the mafia killed frisk last night over you.
Obviously, but I though we'd have a hairy serial killer, and he would have hell of a lot reason to kill me. Its starting to seem that isnt the case now.  Is my role just a dud? Or is the point gaining additional information (how jot has soap everywhere in his room and wasnt in his bed and Volt's reaction yesterday)?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 01:23:09 pm


They paired up randomly:
Captain Frisk and Eevee
Voltgloss and Insomniac
Robz888 and Timchen
Morgrim and Jtotheonah

Have others gotten a QT with their friend now? I feel so lonely.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 01:31:52 pm
No, but I sure did forget Morgrim was in this game.

Also ... what if Robz is the werewolf. I can't quite figure how a werewolf lyncher makes flavor sense, but it somehow seems to tie up some weird ends.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 01:33:02 pm
No, but I sure did forget Morgrim was in this game.

Also ... what if Robz is the werewolf. I can't quite figure how a werewolf lyncher makes flavor sense, but it somehow seems to tie up some weird ends.
I can investigate Robz if the town wants it. Dont know if I'll live to tell my results though.. unless robz uses the rod of course.

Fwiw, yesterday I asked Galzria who to investigate and he suggested morgrim.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 01:33:48 pm
No, but I sure did forget Morgrim was in this game.

Also ... what if Robz is the werewolf. I can't quite figure how a werewolf lyncher makes flavor sense, but it somehow seems to tie up some weird ends.

The end we have to tie up is you. Jo is scum. I know this. It is known. I'll stake everything on it. You can lynch me tomorrow if I'm wrong. I know people hate when somebody says that, but it's okay for me to say it, because I am certain about it. I know it for fact.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 01:34:24 pm
No, but I sure did forget Morgrim was in this game.

Also ... what if Robz is the werewolf. I can't quite figure how a werewolf lyncher makes flavor sense, but it somehow seems to tie up some weird ends.
I can investigate Robz if the town wants it. Dont know if I'll live to tell my results though.. unless robz uses the rod of course.

Fwiw, yesterday I asked Galzria who to investigate and he suggested morgrim.

I am fine with being investigated. I WISH you had simply investigated me last night and we could have had this cleared up. Why didn't you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 01:37:10 pm
No, but I sure did forget Morgrim was in this game.

Also ... what if Robz is the werewolf. I can't quite figure how a werewolf lyncher makes flavor sense, but it somehow seems to tie up some weird ends.
I can investigate Robz if the town wants it. Dont know if I'll live to tell my results though.. unless robz uses the rod of course.

Fwiw, yesterday I asked Galzria who to investigate and he suggested morgrim.

I am fine with being investigated. I WISH you had simply investigated me last night and we could have had this cleared up. Why didn't you?
I can only find werewolves. I assume I am a) trying to find something that doesnt exist or b) SK-hunting. Your role doesnt sound like a serial killer role.

Robz is so awfully sure about joth! Robz, do you uncerstand our concerns of you being a lyncher?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 01:42:04 pm
Vote: Robz

Robz I understand you're certainty, but the rest of us are too worried about you being a lyncher or scum yourself. Nobody else has a post restriction that lets them not show there clues, I don't see why Ozle would give you one. Whats the harm in waiting another night except for the fact that the mafia get another kill assuming we have no doctor/roleblocker/jailkeeper.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 01:43:33 pm
No, but I sure did forget Morgrim was in this game.

Also ... what if Robz is the werewolf. I can't quite figure how a werewolf lyncher makes flavor sense, but it somehow seems to tie up some weird ends.
I can investigate Robz if the town wants it. Dont know if I'll live to tell my results though.. unless robz uses the rod of course.

Fwiw, yesterday I asked Galzria who to investigate and he suggested morgrim.

I am fine with being investigated. I WISH you had simply investigated me last night and we could have had this cleared up. Why didn't you?
I can only find werewolves. I assume I am a) trying to find something that doesnt exist or b) SK-hunting. Your role doesnt sound like a serial killer role.

Robz is so awfully sure about joth! Robz, do you uncerstand our concerns of you being a lyncher?

I understand it, in that I know what your concern is. I don't think you are correct to have that concern. What are you afraid will happen when Jo dies? That I win and it's game over?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 01:45:06 pm
Vote: Robz

Robz I understand you're certainty, but the rest of us are too worried about you being a lyncher or scum yourself. Nobody else has a post restriction that lets them not show there clues, I don't see why Ozle would give you one. Whats the harm in waiting another night except for the fact that the mafia get another kill assuming we have no doctor/roleblocker/jailkeeper.

There's no harm in waiting another night, except that it is completely unnecessary.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 01:45:47 pm
Vote: Robz

Robz I understand you're certainty, but the rest of us are too worried about you being a lyncher or scum yourself. Nobody else has a post restriction that lets them not show there clues, I don't see why Ozle would give you one. Whats the harm in waiting another night except for the fact that the mafia get another kill assuming we have no doctor/roleblocker/jailkeeper.
Whats the gain in lynching Robz though? Cant we just investigate him or something? Isnt lyncher an independent role, much like a serial killer? I think we should try to find mafia here, and Robz doesnt look like mafia to me.

That is true.. Lyncher sounds like a stupid stupid role! But you are so set on lynching jot and wont even accept him dying any other way.. Its just so very weird to me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 01:54:04 pm
Vote: Robz

Robz I understand you're certainty, but the rest of us are too worried about you being a lyncher or scum yourself. Nobody else has a post restriction that lets them not show there clues, I don't see why Ozle would give you one. Whats the harm in waiting another night except for the fact that the mafia get another kill assuming we have no doctor/roleblocker/jailkeeper.
Whats the gain in lynching Robz though? Cant we just investigate him or something? Isnt lyncher an independent role, much like a serial killer? I think we should try to find mafia here, and Robz doesnt look like mafia to me.

That is true.. Lyncher sounds like a stupid stupid role! But you are so set on lynching jot and wont even accept him dying any other way.. Its just so very weird to me.

I get that it's weird, but you should give me the benefit of the doubt. Why? Because when somebody knows--and says they are certain because of role Pm or night evidence--that another person is scum, we usually choose to believe them, unless they are non-credible for some other reason. As far as I know I deserve to be treated credibly. I shot a member of the mafia. I have given my role--One-Shot Lightning Rod, and people have accepted as truth, I think.

The analogous situation is RMM1, where I was in a really weird situation that I couldn't explain, and people were very confused and didn't want to trust me, because it was weird (this is when I wanted Galz to die to get released from his cult). But you all know now that I was right about what I was saying, I wasn't lying, it was just a weird and frustrating situation, where I needed people to trust me. And I need you to trust me now.

Even though this is a bastard game, the idea that the game will just end with me winning all by myself, and all it takes is lynching Jo, is very silly. Even for a bastard game.

Come on guys. You won't regret this.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 01:55:57 pm
@Robz would you be willing to NOT be on the wagon?

@Eevee I don't want him lynched anymore than I want jo lynched but Robz isn't letting us bypass the scenario for now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 01:57:38 pm
@Robz would you be willing to NOT be on the wagon?

@Eevee I don't want him lynched anymore than I want jo lynched but Robz isn't letting us bypass the scenario for now.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 02:05:00 pm

-I know jot wasnt in his bed that one night, still unexplained.
-Jot is an inventor like he claims (the gun breadcrumb and me seeing the soap in his room)
-Robz claims he knows jot is scum and we should lynch him, just killing wont do. He cant explain why this is, no one else seems to have post restrictions like that.
-Jot isnt a werewolf.
-Jot and Robz have some beef from three years back. We dont know if the beef has any relevance here.

Robz, can you explain the concept of a mafia inventor to me? Joth for some reason has to make these useful inventions and give them to townies, otherwise he is a regular mafia?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 02:16:15 pm
Here is what I can quote from my role PM:

You are a Grand Market (Lightning Rod) - Town Aligned
You are in seat 18

You used to be somebody, a popular guy around town that everyone wanted to know. That is until Ozle sent you to try out one of his Laboratory experiments and it turned you into some sort of malfunctioning science fair show!

While you didn't really like Ozle much, you really laid the blame on the crappy Laboratory that created the malfunctioning invention! You knew he had gone to prison, but had heard he was out now and at this party! You would like to stop him, before he hurts anybody else... or kills them!

You were pretty sure the guy sitting opposite you didn’t move when the lights went out. And neither did the people either side of you.

Lightning Rod Ability
Once per game (day or night) you can PM me that you want to turn yourself on. This will mean all actions not yet resolved or declared during that day or night (including lynches and beneficial effects used) will be redirected to you. These will not take effect until the end of that day or night.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 02:20:34 pm
Wow, no part of that says I'm scum. But I am really, really sorry I turned you into a carnival freakshow of some kind.

I win with town, so I guess if you guys want to lynch me so that Robz gets his wincon, I'll take one for the team. I think we'll still catch our last scum.  I would humbly suggest waiting one more night so I can send out another invention, but I think there's only two things left in my bag of tricks, and one is the possibly useless vial of Silver.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 02:21:27 pm
Mind you, that course of action WOULD BE anti-town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 02:22:22 pm
Wow, no part of that says I'm scum. But I am really, really sorry I turned you into a carnival freakshow of some kind.

I win with town, so I guess if you guys want to lynch me so that Robz gets his wincon, I'll take one for the team. I think we'll still catch our last scum.  I would humbly suggest waiting one more night so I can send out another invention, but I think there's only two things left in my bag of tricks, and one is the possibly useless vial of Silver.

I agree that nothing there says explicitly that you are anti-town. I am not allowed to quote the information that tells me you are scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 02:22:36 pm
Here is what I can quote from my role PM:

You are a Grand Market (Lightning Rod) - Town Aligned
You are in seat 18

You used to be somebody, a popular guy around town that everyone wanted to know. That is until Ozle sent you to try out one of his Laboratory experiments and it turned you into some sort of malfunctioning science fair show!

While you didn't really like Ozle much, you really laid the blame on the crappy Laboratory that created the malfunctioning invention! You knew he had gone to prison, but had heard he was out now and at this party! You would like to stop him, before he hurts anybody else... or kills them!

You were pretty sure the guy sitting opposite you didn’t move when the lights went out. And neither did the people either side of you.

Lightning Rod Ability
Once per game (day or night) you can PM me that you want to turn yourself on. This will mean all actions not yet resolved or declared during that day or night (including lynches and beneficial effects used) will be redirected to you. These will not take effect until the end of that day or night.

lol Robz can redirect a lynch to himself... ;D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 02:25:34 pm
How's this for a deal, Robz. I'll agree to be lynched today if you'll agree to redirect that lynch to yourself. :P
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 02:29:05 pm
Hmm assuming 3 mafia robz play makes no sense as mafia.
If Robz is a SK the game won't end with jo's lynch (assuming jo is mafia)
If Robz is a lyncher well then he's a huge jerk.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 02:33:22 pm
If he's a lyncher he has to get me lynched BEFORE the game ends. So if we catch scum today and lynch them, he's out of luck.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 02:58:52 pm
If I were a lyncher I should have just said I was the Cop on Day 2, and that I knew Jo was mafia, and we would have lynched him without question. Nobody would have questioned it, because it never would have occurred to anyone that there was a lyncher, and it never would have occurred to anyone because there isn't, it's just too silly, even for this game.

I did not say I was the Cop because I'm not. I've been completely truthful, and I know Jo is scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 03:04:46 pm
The only part of our role PM we're explicitly forbidden from quoting is the Victory Condition.

Robz's "clue that I'm scum" is in a part of his PM he's explicitly forbidden from posting.

Therefore, his "clue" is part of his Victory Condition.

Therefore, he's almost certainly a lyncher.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 09, 2012, 03:05:32 pm
How about let us stop scumhinting and lyncher discussion for a while and try to see if we can find the murderer?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 03:09:23 pm
How about let us stop scumhinting and lyncher discussion for a while and try to see if we can find the murderer?

already sent in my accusation near the end of day 3.

If I were a lyncher I should have just said I was the Cop on Day 2, and that I knew Jo was mafia, and we would have lynched him without question. Nobody would have questioned it, because it never would have occurred to anyone that there was a lyncher, and it never would have occurred to anyone because there isn't, it's just too silly, even for this game.

I did not say I was the Cop because I'm not. I've been completely truthful, and I know Jo is scum.

This makes sense buuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt.

If we assume jo CAN give out 1 shot cop investigations as he said, how does that make any sense as mafia and why would he offer to give one to town to investigate him.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 03:15:13 pm
Insomniac, I don't know. I don't know if he can give out cop investigations or not. No one seems to have acquired the one he supposedly gave, anyway. But it's true that he makes one-shots. I dunno. If you're giving out one-shot investigations, of course, typically people are going to trust you and probably not investigate you.

I have also offered to be investigated. I'm fine with being investigated. I wish I had been investigated. But we have to lynch someone this round, and from my perspective there's no reason to wait since I know for certain that Jo is scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 03:16:42 pm
Maybe I can give out fake investigations that return me as town when I'm scum.

You know, just like that fake gun I gave you didn't work on scum.

Also, way to role-fish there Robz.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 03:17:25 pm
(I hope you all caught the sarcasm? Cause sometimes, you know, Internet)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 03:19:25 pm
Insomniac, I don't know. I don't know if he can give out cop investigations or not. No one seems to have acquired the one he supposedly gave, anyway. But it's true that he makes one-shots. I dunno. If you're giving out one-shot investigations, of course, typically people are going to trust you and probably not investigate you.

I have also offered to be investigated. I'm fine with being investigated. I wish I had been investigated. But we have to lynch someone this round, and from my perspective there's no reason to wait since I know for certain that Jo is scum.

Agreed no one has claimed it but if it can only be used at night it paints a target for the mafia to shoot and then the result is useless. Its not offering to be investigated that clears you or him, I don't care if people are ok with being investigated I just don't see a mafia role giving out one shot cops. The mafia doesn't care about alignment they already know, and it definetly helps the town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 03:32:13 pm
Where can I get a list of active players?

Ozle wrote "With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch, but he also listed 9 people as the remaining townies BEFORE CF and Grujah bit it. I think there's only 7 of us, right?

Me, Robz, Ins, Volt, Eevee, timchen, and Morgrim7? And then Axxle was supposed to show up at some point? Can we get a modconfirmed list of people still in the game?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 09, 2012, 03:37:27 pm
Vote count 5.1

Jotheonah (1) : Robz888
Robz888 (1) : Insomniac

Not Voting (5) : Timchen, Eevee, Voltgloss, Morgrim, Jtotheoneah

With 7 alive it takes 4 to Lynch

(The above 9 was indeed a typo, sorry about that, was left over from previous day)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 03:51:09 pm
Thanks, Ozle!

Ok, exclude Robz and I for the sake of simplicity. (Also because I'm town and he's a Lyncher).

Exclude Insomniac because he's the closest thing to ConfTown we have.

Eevee's seer power has got to be town. And I don't think he's making it up because of all the flavor he's posted.

So that leaves really 3 mafia suspects: Volt, Timchen, and Morgrim7. Let's check out their isos and look for scumminess. Can't take that long.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 03:57:39 pm
Good lord Morgrim has been lurking hardcore. He's posted about 5 times in the last week and 2 of them were thoroughly inconsequential. The other 3 were votes with no explanation.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 03:59:26 pm
How did it take us this long to notice this? It's like an incredible amount of lurkiness and opportunistic voting. Even for Morgrim. I want other people to weigh in on this, but ... I am really thinking about putting down a vote.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 04:18:21 pm

This could be extremely important. 

Please, let's wait at least 24 hours before lynching (we can keep talking, just no lynch yet!) and let Morgrim - who is on Japan time zone in RL - tell us he is still alive.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 04:19:57 pm

This could be extremely important. 

Please, let's wait at least 24 hours before lynching (we can keep talking, just no lynch yet!) and let Morgrim - who is on Japan time zone in RL - tell us he is still alive.

Volt I don't know exactly what your getting to but Grujah died because he was a neutral and had a time limit on his choice, he forgot to choose.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 04:21:19 pm
Volt I don't know exactly what your getting to but Grujah died because he was a neutral and had a time limit on his choice, he forgot to choose.

Are you sure?
Reread what Ozle wrote.
Yes, that's how I read it the first time too, but then I had a different reading that strongly suggests something rather significantly else.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 04:22:28 pm
And if Morgrim is alive and well, then I am 95% sure my theory is pure paranoia and will happily ditch it (and you can all get a good laugh on how Ozle modtrolled me).

But.  If he is not alive and well.  Then we have a problem.  And a problem we need to solve today.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 04:22:50 pm
I pretty much have.

You are a Laboratory (Inventor) - Town Aligned
You are in seat 19

Until three years ago you worked as chief scientist for Ozle, until that unfortunate accident at the Grand Market. That’s when you stopped working for Ozle and went to Jail....

That time was not wasted though, while there you made some major progress and could even fashion handy tools out of soap! You were keen to find a buyer for these, and Ozle’s banquet seemed like a good place to start. Plus if something were to happen to him, that would be a bonus

A fleeting glimpse before the lights went out and you were sure that you recognised someone in the crowd from your pre-prison days; you would have to be careful.

You were looking around at the time, and neither person either side of you moved when it went dark.

Inventor Night Time Action

Each night you can create one invention out of soap and hand it to a player of your choice under the table. Send me a PM with the invention and the player name or seat number; this item will last for one night only before it crumbles.
Your choices:
Bar of soap

Jo can you give yourself the items?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 04:28:40 pm
Robz, can you tell us what flavor of scum you believe Jo to be?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 04:31:46 pm
Wow, didnt realize how lurky Morg has been. That is very scummy indeed, good catch jot.

I shall continue my perhaps pointless werewolf-hunt here.

Exclude myself, I'm the guy that hunts the,

Exclude jotheonah and Voltgloss, I checked them.

Robz and Insomniac have roles that do not sound werewolfy (Ins maybe less so).

Left with timchen and morgrim, or maybe we have no werewolf. If I dont die tonight, I can check one of the two and then we have to WIFOM our mod if that person isnt a werewolf..

Oh theory!
Could robz be a werewolf? He needs jot lynched before he gets the chance to invent the weapon that could kill the wolf, Robz. Maybe he cant nightkill jot because jot possesses the silver thing and Robz is afraid to go near him?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 04:33:10 pm
Volt, do you think the werewolf-serial killer could have gotten Gruj?

Killing morgrim would make no sense though, he is looks so scummy..
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 04:33:35 pm
Robz, can you tell us what flavor of scum you believe Jo to be?

I don't know. If Eevee says he's not a werewolf, well then he's not a werewolf, unless Eevee is playing a weird scum game.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 04:45:19 pm
I pretty much have.

You are a Laboratory (Inventor) - Town Aligned
You are in seat 19

Until three years ago you worked as chief scientist for Ozle, until that unfortunate accident at the Grand Market. That’s when you stopped working for Ozle and went to Jail....

That time was not wasted though, while there you made some major progress and could even fashion handy tools out of soap! You were keen to find a buyer for these, and Ozle’s banquet seemed like a good place to start. Plus if something were to happen to him, that would be a bonus

A fleeting glimpse before the lights went out and you were sure that you recognised someone in the crowd from your pre-prison days; you would have to be careful.

You were looking around at the time, and neither person either side of you moved when it went dark.

Inventor Night Time Action

Each night you can create one invention out of soap and hand it to a player of your choice under the table. Send me a PM with the invention and the player name or seat number; this item will last for one night only before it crumbles.
Your choices:
Bar of soap

Jo can you give yourself the items?

I assume no, because that's (I understand) how Inventor usually works, but I never asked Ozle! I'll ask him that now and also whether I can create multiples of the same thing (I had assumed I got one of each, but actually it doesn't say that either).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 04:49:32 pm
Ozle says that I have to send them out because I'm looking for a buyer, and I'm not going to accomplish that by keeping them for myself!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 09, 2012, 06:34:59 pm
I'm alive, folks.  ;)
Sorry, just been a little busy, and there is not much to say. So, any ideas on how the town could salvage this game and pull out a win?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 06:39:55 pm
I'm alive, folks.  ;)
Sorry, just been a little busy, and there is not much to say. So, any ideas on how the town could salvage this game and pull out a win?
Uhm town is doing pretty well here, what are you talking about?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 09, 2012, 06:40:34 pm
I'm alive, folks.  ;)
Sorry, just been a little busy, and there is not much to say. So, any ideas on how the town could salvage this game and pull out a win?
Uhm town is doing pretty well here, what are you talking about?
It just seems like so many of us have died.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 06:41:40 pm
I'm alive, folks.  ;)
Sorry, just been a little busy, and there is not much to say. So, any ideas on how the town could salvage this game and pull out a win?
Uhm town is doing pretty well here, what are you talking about?
It just seems like so many of us have died.

Uhh 2 mafia are dead on day 4...theres not much more you can hope for
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 06:42:30 pm
I'm alive, folks.  ;)
Sorry, just been a little busy, and there is not much to say. So, any ideas on how the town could salvage this game and pull out a win?
Uhm town is doing pretty well here, what are you talking about?
It just seems like so many of us have died.
Seven alive, one mafia left and maybe a serial killer variant. So many of them have died.

Morgrim, how do you suspect? Do you think we have werewolves or not? Whats your take on the joth-robz business?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 06:43:23 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 09, 2012, 06:44:50 pm
I'm alive, folks.  ;)
Sorry, just been a little busy, and there is not much to say. So, any ideas on how the town could salvage this game and pull out a win?
Uhm town is doing pretty well here, what are you talking about?
It just seems like so many of us have died.
Seven alive, one mafia left and maybe a serial killer variant. So many of them have died.

Morgrim, how do you suspect? Do you think we have werewolves or not? Whats your take on the joth-robz business?
Meh, Vote: Robz
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 09, 2012, 07:01:24 pm
I'm alive, folks.  ;)
Sorry, just been a little busy, and there is not much to say. So, any ideas on how the town could salvage this game and pull out a win?
Uhm town is doing pretty well here, what are you talking about?
It just seems like so many of us have died.
Seven alive, one mafia left and maybe a serial killer variant. So many of them have died.

Morgrim, how do you suspect? Do you think we have werewolves or not? Whats your take on the joth-robz business?
Meh, Vote: Robz
Thanks for your contribution. (Who, not how, but didnt seem to matter.)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 09, 2012, 07:56:45 pm
I guess I have to give up finding the murderer. Didn't follow those discussion close enough since there are no those who is moving hints in my pm.

I do find Robz's a worthy lynch. Remember how he claimed that someone from base set is scum? This is just too hideous a way of saying laboratory is scum.

But Jo is also a bit scummy. I dunno, maybe he can't anticipate that the receiver of the investigator will not speak about it. But also maybe the guy he sent to is not trustworthy. 

Vote: Robz

p.s. From my information now I can deduce either Volt is pawn or Morgrim is Tactician. Not sure how this is useful.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 08:04:40 pm
Thank heavens you're safe, Morgrim!

...OK, so my big conspiracy theory turned out to be a devious modtrolling of me.

Here's the thing:  after seeing Grujah's demise, and reading the flavor about him being "dead for some time" and that he "died <b>before</b>" he made his choice, I concluded that we were facing a <b>Poisoner</b>.  I concluded that Grujah's failure to post all through Day 3 was because he <i>died Night 2</i>, from having been poisoned Night 1.  And I told Ozle about this "brilliant" idea.

Then I get this flavor at daystart:

As you were leaving the dining room on the way to bed you felt a small pin prick in your arm. You looked around but the crowd of people milling around it was impossible to know who it was. You went straight back upstairs and washed it out, and other than a bit of blood it looked fine.  Yeah.  Rather a bit of panic there, m'afraid.  And Ozle let that panic shine through in Eevee's flavor.  My character - and I! - thought I/we had been poisoned!

I take some (very) small solace in the fact that I did ultimately have the brainstorm "what if it was witch(werewolf)-hunter Eevee doing the old pin test."

Which apparently it was.

So.  *ahem*  Apparently none of us were poisoned Night 2, and Grujah did in fact lurk himself to death. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 09, 2012, 08:24:25 pm that L-1 on Robz?  Robz, do you have anything more to tell us?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 09:30:47 pm
I trust the person I sent the investigative ability to implicitly. I have no doubt the person will use it tonight to clear my name as we agreed on. Not putting their identity in the open was a smart move on their part.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 09, 2012, 09:32:14 pm
Guys, please don't kill me. Ugh. Why do you think I am scum? This is ridiculous. If you insist on solving this with investigation, fine. Please don't kill me. I have my one shot l rod still too.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 10:17:07 pm
I kinda agree. Lynch mafia, not lyncher.

Vote: Morgrim7
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 09, 2012, 11:41:47 pm
I kinda agree. Lynch mafia, not lyncher.

Vote: Morgrim7
??? What did I do? Guys, Grujah isn't here to save me anymore. But then again...lynching a VT isn't the worst thing that could happen.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 09, 2012, 11:42:14 pm
Wow I was offline for a bit. unvote
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 09, 2012, 11:44:03 pm
Oh, I was lurking. Well, I was busy IRL, and also didn't think much of the recent arguments around here to be honest. (Except the Robz/Joth one)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 11:49:04 pm
super-lurking + opportunistic voting.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 09, 2012, 11:50:10 pm
super-lurking + opportunistic voting.
Meh, like I said, lynching a VT ain't so bad.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 09, 2012, 11:54:03 pm

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 09, 2012, 11:54:53 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 10, 2012, 12:35:28 am
I would hate to fall for the dreaded late-game ragevote on Morgrim, but it really frustrates me that he would just swoop in out of nowhere and drop the penultimate vote on me without even weighing in on the argument, really. (It's really frustrating because I know I'm town and I think my case should be compelling enough for general acceptance, but whatever.)

If you guys seriously won't kill Jo today, then I do support a Morgrim lynch, I guess--look, there I go falling for it. Really, you guys won't believe me about Jo? It's upsetting to me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 10, 2012, 12:46:54 am
Robz, I thought you were half-admitting that you are lyncher. Shall we believe you because you are lyncher? IDK.

But yeah, I guess we can lynch morgrim first. No read on him for me though.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 10, 2012, 12:52:43 am
Robz, I thought you were half-admitting that you are lyncher. Shall we believe you because you are lyncher? IDK.

But yeah, I guess we can lynch morgrim first. No read on him for me though.


Timchen, let's say you're town hypothetically. Do you get a win if you figure out who the murderer is? Don't answer that, you're not allowed to. But let's say you do, and you're town. Of course, I am happy for you to solve the murder and get that win and continue scumhunting. Perhaps you know the murderer is a scum. You can solve the murder, get that win, tell us the person is scum, we kill them, they flip scum, you are on your way to winning as town as well. That's perfectly good for me, because we are both town, and we want the town to win. You and I are on the same team, Timchen, so I want you to get your secret win condition, whatever it is, and I want you to win with me as town. You have no reason to lie to me of course, because we are both town, and I trust what you know.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 10, 2012, 01:02:20 am
Robz, I don't understand you at all. What are you trying to say?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 10, 2012, 01:04:10 am
Robz, I don't understand you at all. What are you trying to say?

Really? You don't? Oh jeez. Can someone else explain what I mean, so I don't get mod-killed for explaining it?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 10, 2012, 01:06:06 am
Timchen, I am saying that if you had some win condition in addition to a town win condition--and you do, Ozle has confirmed multiple win conditions, some relating to solving the murder--I would not be against you winning on your other condition, especially if you winning on your other condition was also going to help the town win. Really, you don't get it?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 10, 2012, 01:10:58 am
I get it, but I don't get anything from what you say that I should trust you any further than I already do.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 10, 2012, 01:12:17 am
Also suppose as you said, I believe you. Is this lengthy message toward me asking me to do something? I just can't tell what that thing is.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 10, 2012, 01:13:44 am
Also suppose as you said, I believe you. Is this lengthy message toward me asking me to do something? I just can't tell what that thing is.

Yes! It's asking you to vote for Jo, who I know to be scum!!!!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 10, 2012, 01:46:53 am
I thought you agree on voting for morgrim?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 10, 2012, 04:07:50 am
Robz if we have to lynch Jo today im ok listening to you but you agreed to not vote him SO if I'm going to get on board with this I want u to not vote him and someone else can hammer
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 10, 2012, 04:53:24 am

Vote count 5.2

Jotheonah (1) : Robz888
Robz888 (1) : , Morgrim7, ,
Morgrim7 (1) : Jtotheoneah

Not Voting (4) : , Eevee, Voltgloss, Insomniac, Timchen

With 7 alive it takes 4 to Lynch

Well, the threats were certainly flying in the dining room, as were a few of the chairs. Ozle would normally have been watching, except he was missing. Obviously the people in the room couldn't tell that, unless they could see ghosts, but the certainly could tell something had changed. He was gone. Would he come back? Its possible, but unlikely.

(Non-Flavour: I'm out for the next 30 hours or so!)

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 10, 2012, 06:37:50 am
I'm thinking there are no pure vanilla townies, everyone has at least some twist. By that logic morgrim's claim soubds fake. Ima Vote: Morgrim
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 10, 2012, 08:09:39 am
I'm up for a Morgrim lynch. Vote: Morgrim
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 10, 2012, 08:10:53 am
BTW, everybody lynch Eevee when you find out he's wrong.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 10, 2012, 08:12:45 am
where's that Jackie Chan head-clutching image when you need it
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 10, 2012, 08:16:03 am
Now that Robz has practically admitted lyncher, he still thinks he should be trusted on the question of whether or not his lynchee is scum? That is the one thing on which he cannot be trusted.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 10, 2012, 08:21:39 am
BTW, everybody lynch Eevee when you find out he's wrong.

I dont even..


Are you some sort of a lyncher?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 10, 2012, 08:22:27 am
He can't say whether he's a Lyncher.  If he is, that's in his wincon, and he's prohibited from disclosing that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 10, 2012, 10:52:10 am
I'm up for a Morgrim lynch. Vote: Morgrim

Morgrim, can you explain why you are doing this?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 10, 2012, 01:20:48 pm
Morgrim, are you a tactician?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 11, 2012, 04:51:48 am
Morgrim, are you a tactician?
No. I am Fishing Village.
I'm up for a Morgrim lynch. Vote: Morgrim

Morgrim, can you explain why you are doing this?
I'm a vanilla townie. Lynching one of those while ahead isn't so bad. Better than a PR.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 09:02:07 am
So Morgrim, you claim Fishing Village, a truly vanilla townie that has no special powers whatsoever?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 11:25:30 am
Are you all doing your scumhunting in your quicktopics or why is it so quiet in here?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 11, 2012, 12:24:25 pm
I got sort of caught up in RM1 excitingness.

Let's lynch Morgrim7, and here's why:

1) PoE gives us a 1 in 3 chance he's scum in the circumstance that neither Robz nor I is scum (if that's not true, we'll know tomorrow)
2) He's claimed VT in a game in which true VTs seem unlikely.
3) His behavior this game, lurking and emerging only to vote on wagons, has been pretty scummy.

Those are three good reasons to be voting Morgrim7. I know we're always hesitant to do it because he's Morgrim, but this is the point where, barring a good case against Volt or Timchen, this lynch is the right choice. With only one scum left, a mislynch won't even take us to LyLo.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 01:06:05 pm
So far, the other players who have claimed to lack nighttime powers (timchen, Insomniac) still haven't been "true Vanilla" because of extra information - either in their PM (timchen) or dispensed to the town over the course of the game (Insomniac).  I would like to confirm whether Morgrim also has extra information in his PM.

Morgrim, do you have any further information in your PM that you haven't already revealed?

Also, jo - you appear convinced Eevee isn't scum because of his Seer power.  I agree that all the flavor he has posted makes it highly likely he does, in fact, have that power.  But couldn't Seer be a Mafia power just as easily as a Town power?  If an opposing scumteam existed, the Mafia would have just as much incentive as Town to suss it out. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 11, 2012, 01:13:13 pm
That's a fair point, Volt. I hadn't considered a mafia seer. A 1/4 chance is not bad either. I'm open to other suggestions here; Morgrim7 isn't a slamdunk lynch, but he's a pretty good bet in the current gamestate.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 11, 2012, 01:27:34 pm
Volt, so are you a pawn?

and what special powers do you have?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 11, 2012, 01:30:14 pm
(Note that while this is probably explicitly rolefishing, I found it a bit discomforting that you are the only player in the game now that we neither know about your flavor role nor your abilities. That is, if you haven't mentioned it already and I forgot.)

And let me ask everyone something that should be allowed to answer: have you submitted your suspect of the murderer?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 01:46:02 pm
Yes, I am Pawn.  I do have a nighttime ability.  If the rest of the town agrees I should divulge its details, I will. 

I have not submitted a murder suspect, but was hoping to review all the info we have on that score this weekend and submit then.  However, given that we haven't heard the ghost of Ozle in a while complaining that no one has solved his murder, I think it's most likely that (1) someone has already solved his murder and/or (2) the murderer is already dead.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 01:59:10 pm
I havent made a guess at the murderer yet. I dont want to make a pure guess, so if I cant "figure it out", I probably wont submit any guess at all.

I dont think Volt needs to claim yet. Not unless he has some information that could help us. Seems clear we are not lynching him today, why force out a claim if it has no benefit to us? Better have scum guessing whether Volt is a strong enough role to be killed or not (if he indeed is town).

I'm actually feeling pretty good about lynching Morgrim. In Frisk's bastard mafia, he made the rolecop/cop claim that sounded an awful lot like this in its insanity. Galzria was also a (farming) village, he was scum. I have a hard time believing a power card like fishing village would be the only true vanilla townie. And on top of that, Morgrim doesnt seem to be motivated at all to help town but is actually actively hurting it. Wont respond to any questions, votes like a madman, you know. I cant really justify any other lynch here today to be honest.

Oh and suggestions, who should I investigate at night?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 11, 2012, 02:02:04 pm
@eevee: if you ask me I would say Robz. Or dunno, if you look at Jo again will you see something different?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 02:11:28 pm
@eevee: if you ask me I would say Robz. Or dunno, if you look at Jo again will you see something different?
Haha I doubt it, it would be too mean if my investigations didnt even work. Why Robz?

Do others agree that we a) have no werewolves or b) have a werewolf serial killer?

You are forgetting shark_bait, the town cop, basically cleared me. You accusing me of being mafia is actually a rather serious case of bad memory or a serious scum slip. Care to explain?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 11, 2012, 02:20:34 pm
I think we are in an interesting situation. First if there are no werewolves it doesn't really make sense to have a seer. But if there are werewolves I believe we didn't see any evidence of it. (that is, no extra kills at night... if I remembered right.) This leads me to think that maybe in this game werewolves are a different faction that maybe is powerless to NK. And while we can sort of explain Robz's behavior by a lyncher, but who knows, maybe he is also genuinely afraid of the silver in Jo's hand... in fact, if his PM says something like that in Laboratory's hand there is something fatal for him so that he has to get rid of the lab first I think it makes sense too. And this will tie a few loose ends together. (werewolves, the silver Jo had, and the reason why Robz is a lyncher, and why there is a seer if you are telling the truth, but we didn't see any WW kill.)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 02:22:14 pm
I can independently confirm that Morgrim's card is Fishing Village.  I have no information about whether his VT claim is truthful, though.

You are forgetting shark_bait, the town cop, basically cleared me. You accusing me of being mafia is actually a rather serious case of bad memory or a serious scum slip. Care to explain?

I didn't accuse you of being mafia.  I questioned why jo was clearing you, based, apparently, solely on your role.  Which I found odd (on jo's part).

When did SB "basically clear" you?  I don't recall him saying he investigated you and that you were town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 02:24:47 pm
timchen's idea is intriguing.  There's another possibility I've been wondering about that may or may not have something to do with this:  that Eevee may be a Naive Seer.  As in, one that always gets "innocent" results.  See (under "Sanities").  I think this is possible based on the facts that (1) Eevee has never found a werewolf and (2) Eevee's werewolf-detection kit is "home-made."
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 02:38:38 pm
timchen's idea is intriguing.  There's another possibility I've been wondering about that may or may not have something to do with this:  that Eevee may be a Naive Seer.  As in, one that always gets "innocent" results.  See (under "Sanities").  I think this is possible based on the facts that (1) Eevee has never found a werewolf and (2) Eevee's werewolf-detection kit is "home-made."
My role pm said I have never found a werewolf in my life (and that other people think I'm crazy for still thinking they exist).

When shark_baits wagon was gaining speed, he quoted his role pm to me twice asking the town to reconsider. I then lobbied to save his life saying "I know he is town this is a terrible mistake!!". He survived (but then got nightkilled because I was enough of a moron to tell Galzria he is the town cop in our QT). You think it's still unclear whether I'm town or not?

Intriguing theory, worth pursuing I think.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 02:43:50 pm
When shark_baits wagon was gaining speed, he quoted his role pm to me twice asking the town to reconsider. I then lobbied to save his life saying "I know he is town this is a terrible mistake!!". He survived (but then got nightkilled because I was enough of a moron to tell Galzria he is the town cop in our QT).

I'd forgotten this.

You think it's still unclear whether I'm town or not?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 02:46:18 pm
To clarify:  Eevee, the events you reference confirm only that shark_bait told you on Day 1 that he was the Town Cop.  They do not confirm, one way or the other, whether you are scum. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 11, 2012, 02:48:54 pm
@Volt: but if shark thought eevee is scum he wouldn't have told him that he was the town cop. So I think we can at least say our town cop had some reasons to believe eevee is not scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 02:53:36 pm
@Volt: but if shark thought eevee is scum he wouldn't have told him that he was the town cop. So I think we can at least say our town cop had some reasons to believe eevee is not scum.

That's possible, sure.  But they couldn't have been due to a cop-investigation.  Because sharky revealed his role to Eevee on Day 1 - before making any investigations.  So whatever led sharky to disclose his role to Eevee couldn't have had anything to do with information gleaned from his Cop role.

Unfortunately, sharky was lurking pretty hardcore (he posted ALL OF ONCE on Day 2) and so it's not at all clear why sharky felt comfortable trusting Eevee.  We only have Eevee's word for what went on in their QT.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 03:05:42 pm
Why would I tell everyone he is the cop if I was scum? He would have gotten lynched if I didnt intervene.

Telling Galzria was obviously a huge mistake, but I really thought he was town..  :-[

Oh by the way, I also confirmed Frisk's story that lead to getting Galz lynched.

I've saved the town cop (if only to have mafia kill him at night) and participated in lynching mafia, what else do I need to do to convince you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 11, 2012, 03:20:48 pm
Yeah, I am convinced eevee is not mafia.

The thing is that Galzria told frisk about eevee. If eevee is mafia, and in fact they do not share an extra quick topic (I don't think it quite make sense for the game to be designed that two mafia share a day topic) I doubt Galzria will tell frisk so.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 11, 2012, 03:22:54 pm
I'm not sure why we're continuing to have this fight. But I think one person looks a bit scummier here than they did before and it's Voltgloss.  I created a fairly reasonable pool of three possible scum, and we got ready to lynch one.  Volt went out of his way to try to unclear Eevee, despite not actually suspecting Eevee per se.  It kind of looks like Volt is setting himself up to have an easier time not getting lynched tomorrow, when (presumably) more people will be cleared. He knows it's getting harder and harder to hide in this town.

It's not enough to lynch on, when Morgrim is so much better a target, but FoS: Volt
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 11, 2012, 03:32:01 pm
I personally think you should reveal your role pm volt
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 03:43:02 pm
The only reason "this fight" even got started is:

(1) jo said Eevee was cleared because of his role - to which I correctly pointed out (and jo agreed!) that his role could be Mafia or Town; and

(2) because Eevee said SB "basically cleared" him, which I don't think is supported by the record.  timchen, I'll reread what CF said Galz told him about Eevee.  If there's something there that clears Eevee, then sure, that's fine.  But just looking at SB's behavior - which is what I did in response to Eevee's claim - I didn't see anything there that "basically cleared" Eevee.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 03:49:09 pm
What about the part where I told everyone sharky should live when I could have just stayed quiet and let him get lynched? And confirmed Frisk's story when I could have co-operated with Galz to have him lynched? I mean I get that you dont think I'm 100% to be town but I should easily be the most confirmed of us all here. Frisk thought so, he was our tracker. Sharky thought so, he was our cop.

I agree with joth here, while Morgrim is still the better target, Volt is not coming off so good here.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 03:56:44 pm
What about the part where I told everyone sharky should live when I could have just stayed quiet and let him get lynched?

If you are scum, and if you had stayed quiet, you risked sharky telling the Town (before his lynch was finalized) that "Eevee should know I am Cop and yet he is fine with me being lynched," or words to that effect.

And confirmed Frisk's story when I could have co-operated with Galz to have him lynched?

If you are scum, and cooperated with Galz to get CF lynched, then as soon as CF was lynched and flipped Town Tracker you and Galz would both have been next on the chopping block.  If you are scum, an energetic bus was the far better plan.

I mean I get that you dont think I'm 100% to be town but I should easily be the most confirmed of us all here.

Correct, I don't think you're 100% to be town.  So when you and others go around saying you are 100% town, I get worried.  I'm not saying you are likely to be Mafia; I am saying we shouldn't think it's impossible.  (Caveat:  I have not yet had an opportunity to reread what timchen has referenced.)

Plus, I'd say that Insom is the most town-confirmed out of all of us.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 04:22:00 pm
I've reread the section timchen referenced.  I see Galz, when pressed, told CF that he had night-talk with Eevee and Grujah.  I later see Eevee claiming that he could talk with Galz, but during the day, not during night. 

It doesn't make very much sense for Galz and Eevee to have daychat if they were both Mafia; I agree with timchen there.  That means either (1) Eevee is not Mafia, or (2) Eevee was lying about when they can chat - and Galz "told the truth" to CF.  Why?  Because they planned that, if CF tracked and outed Galz, Eevee would energetically bus and also claim their nightchat was in fact daychat.  Galz dies as Mafia, but the thinking "the Mafia couldn't possibly have daychat" leaves Eevee as close to Town-confirmed as he can get. 

Conclusion:  I don't think we should 100% write off Eevee as Town.  Is he unlikely to be Mafia?  Yes.  Is he Town-confirmed?  No, I don't think he is.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 04:22:54 pm
I was actually thinking about Insomniac.. why are we so sure bureaucrat is a town-aligned role? Werewolves might have real jobs too! Insomniacs play hasnt stricken to me as particularly towny.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 04:25:35 pm
I was actually thinking about Insomniac.. why are we so sure bureaucrat is a town-aligned role? Werewolves might have real jobs too! Insomniacs play hasnt stricken to me as particularly towny.

I assume then you've never seervestigated him?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 11, 2012, 04:26:41 pm
Well snoop around his room tonight then.

Here's another thing about Eevee's role: He doesn't find werewolves (so far) but he has found potentially interesting info about people. Maybe he's actually like a flavor cop given the rolename seer as part of the elaborate mod troll.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 04:27:13 pm
Volt, you are correct, it is possible to fabricate a scenario where I could be mafia. I wonder if I'm allowed to copypaste stuff from our quicktopic (with the timestamp) to prove it was indeed daychat?

PPE: No, I've investigated cayvie, jotheonah and Voltgloss.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 04:34:01 pm
Well snoop around his room tonight then.

Here's another thing about Eevee's role: He doesn't find werewolves (so far) but he has found potentially interesting info about people. Maybe he's actually like a flavor cop given the rolename seer as part of the elaborate mod troll.
Yeah, even if there are no werewolves, I definitely have found out some interesting things. Okay first night was useless because cayvie was already dead (I didnt see anything there). Night 2, I got that jot wasnt in his bed (!!!, I think people are not realizing this... jot wasnt in his room at night, and cant explain where he was), night 3 I got Volt's jumpy reaction to my silver pin.

Can someone who has the full seating order saved, post it again. I seem to have lost mine.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 04:59:12 pm
Volt, you are correct, it is possible to fabricate a scenario where I could be mafia. I wonder if I'm allowed to copypaste stuff from our quicktopic (with the timestamp) to prove it was indeed daychat?

I would get Ozle's confirmation that's OK first.  I assume you're not allowed to just share QT links?  Not sure how close Ozle would rule copypasting the QT content (in whole or in part) is to sharing the QT link.

But yeah, if Ozle is OK with you doing so and it supports your story, I'd accept that as confirmation of your towniness.  (Especially as, to be Mafia, you'd have to be fabricating not only the timestamps but also the entire content of your Galz-chat... and that strikes me as a very difficult deception for anyone to pull off without it being caught.)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 05:02:22 pm
Here's what I think is the most updated chart Grujah did before he lurked himself to death.  Only info to add is Robz setclaiming Prosperity.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 05:11:45 pm
I dont think I posted this here yet, but here goes. Shouldnt we all share all the flavor that might be helpful for town?

While you were investigating Ozles household (pre party) you came across one of his servants, a bitter twisted little man. He was a man of petty scheming that was always trying to score small points over everyone, but without the bravery to do anyhing but whine. Half the time he was Ozles friend, the other half a servant, depending on which choices Ozle made that day, and his continued employment seemed to rest with Ozle because nobody else liked him. You never did work him out, but was surprised to see him at the table in seat 14
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 05:16:18 pm
I dont think I posted this here yet, but here goes. Shouldnt we all share all the flavor that might be helpful for town?

While you were investigating Ozles household (pre party) you came across one of his servants, a bitter twisted little man. He was a man of petty scheming that was always trying to score small points over everyone, but without the bravery to do anyhing but whine. Half the time he was Ozles friend, the other half a servant, depending on which choices Ozle made that day, and his continued employment seemed to rest with Ozle because nobody else liked him. You never did work him out, but was surprised to see him at the table in seat 14
So any comment on this, Volt?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 05:56:32 pm
It's probably pretty accurate.  From the flavor in my PM:

You have worked under Ozle for years, the odd job man of the province. Fetch this, fetch that. You hated it. But your efforts to find another job hadn't panned out. Must be the down economy. Everyone but Ozle seemed to be selling and firing, not buying and hiring.

But when he threw a party inviting all these suspicious types, you thought it was your big chance. You just needed to find someone who would take you on, maybe someone interested in Ozle's little secrets. Too bad you didn't actually know any but you could always make something up. Maybe about that adventurer in seat 17 - he'd been around a lot recently and nobody liked him much at all.

But Ozle had to go and stick you next to that stinky man on your left! The bastard knew you had a sensitive nose, that's why he always had you cleaning up after the upstairs goat (note to self: the goat might also make a good secret), and this fellow smelled even worse. You couldn't even enjoy the first course (a deliciously prepared soup) with that reek - so you were over by the door, trying to get some fresh air when suddenly all the lights went out!

Fortunately you were able to smell your way back to your seat by following the stench from the stinky man.  Good thing he didn't move from his chair or you'd probably have fallen over someone.

I knew yuma's role was Adventurer (given the comment about seat 17) but not anything else about him.  If he'd claimed something else I'd have called him on it.

The comment about "selling" in my PM, plus the bill found in yuma's pocket and the news report about a key bidder in a land auction not showing (I guess Ozle?), are the reasons why I think buying/selling land have something to do with the murder.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 11, 2012, 06:47:32 pm
Just checked, Morgrim's at L-1 (with a self-vote).

You guys can end the day at any time.

THe thing is, Morgrim's been at L-1 a long time, hasn't done any frantic defending, hasn't full-claimed, and hasn't unvoted. Could just be Morgrim being Morgrim, but if it's a super-brilliant ploy to get us to back off ... It's kind of working.

Morgrim7, since you're such a pro-town helpful person, would you post in full the flavor portion of your role PM?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 11, 2012, 07:47:10 pm
You are a Fishing Village (Vanilla Townie) - Town Aligned
You are in seat 23

Sorry, Ozle had invited you just to make up the numbers.  The more people at the party the more popular he looked, even if that meant bring some local riff-raff up from the town!

You were looking right when the lights went out, and the two people in seats 18 and 19 and 21 looked extremely shocked

Victory Conditions


BTW, I have already self-voted.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 07:48:18 pm
Why are you self-voting again?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 11, 2012, 07:49:29 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 07:52:30 pm
oh there is that "two people from seats 18, 19 and 21" again. if i die tonight, strongly consider the possibility of robz being a werewolf.

.. but why are you okay with it? isnt it more fun to be alive? isnt hitting scum better than hitting a vt? who do you think is the mafia here? do you think there is a werewolf too?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 11, 2012, 07:55:33 pm
oh there is that "two people from seats 18, 19 and 21" again. if i die tonight, strongly consider the possibility of robz being a werewolf.

.. but why are you okay with it? isnt it more fun to be alive? isnt hitting scum better than hitting a vt? who do you think is the mafia here? do you think there is a werewolf too?
Yes, I like being alive. But I will take one for the team.
Yes, hitting scum is much better than VT, but
a) I think we can spare one townie
b) My reveal as a VT could give us some info.
Mafia? Robz possibly.
Werewolf? I dunno.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 08:52:36 pm
timchen, I see you're reading this presently.  What are your thoughts on this latest from Morgrim?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 08:56:59 pm
timchen, I see you're reading this presently.  What are your thoughts on this latest from Morgrim?
my take because no one asked:

its great morgrim decided to finally contribute. his claim still feels a little far-fetched, and it indeed is good for us that if he is town, he is vanilla and the weakest townie alive (now that yuma is gone) so our worst case is significantly better than say killing our inventor. i still strongly dislike his self-voting though. i guess i kinda like it if its a mafia gambit.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 08:58:50 pm
timchen, I see you're reading this presently.  What are your thoughts on this latest from Morgrim?
my take because no one asked:

At the time I posted I only saw timchen on, sorry.  It's like a reverse ninja'ing.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 09:03:03 pm
timchen, I see you're reading this presently.  What are your thoughts on this latest from Morgrim?
my take because no one asked:

At the time I posted I only saw timchen on, sorry.  It's like a reverse ninja'ing.
I meant that as a joke.  :) No one else seems to be ariund to ask you so I'll just do it: Volt, what do you think?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 09:41:05 pm
I meant that as a joke.  :) No one else seems to be ariund to ask you so I'll just do it: Volt, what do you think?

For one, I don't think I like timchen logging off without responding or weighing in.

I'm trying to figure out if scum-Morgrim would really act this way.  Especially last-scum-remaining Morgrim (assuming we have no WW or SK around).

I guess I'm not sold on the Morgrim-is-scum argument?  It's based on, what - lurking; opportunistic voting; self-voting.  Am I right?  Have I missed any reasons why Morgrim is our most likely scumspect?  Is that any different from how town-Morgrim acts?

Has Insomniac weighed in on the Morgrim question yet?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 09:53:50 pm
Those + I think his claim and the way he made it were both fishy. Yuma was the closest we've seen to a true VT, and even he had a modifier. Also I think Morgrim delivered the claim much like he did in BM IV when he tried to fakeclaim cop.

I absolutely share your concerns regarding the strangeness of him self voting as last of his team etc. The best explanation I have for it is "well, no one said seeing the logic in how Morg plays was easy.."
And there is also the fact Morgrim himself strangely keeps pointing out; if Morgrim is being truthful, at least we only lose a vanilla townie.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 11, 2012, 09:54:24 pm
If not Morgrim, who do you propose instead (Volt or anyone else)?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 10:09:29 pm
I'm not liking timchen sitting back and letting us grapple with the Morgrim question alone.  His only contribution was this:

But yeah, I guess we can lynch morgrim first. No read on him for me though.

And that was before your vote, Eevee, followed by Morgrim's self-vote.  Since those events, timchen has posted, but never about Morgrim (other than to ask if he was a Tactician).

Vote: timchen for dodging the issue.  Need your thoughts here, timchen.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 11, 2012, 10:21:52 pm
@Volt, I don't really like the Morgrim scenario I see it being him either way. Also he posted somewhere hes trying to limit himself to one hour of forum time a day so that could be another reason.

TBH I don't like self voting so if it came down to time I would hammer Morgrim but I don't like that this is what we're getting caught up on.

Oh and I have nothing to hide feel free to investigate me anytime you like anyone, its a waste but if you feel you need to verify my towniness by all means.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 11, 2012, 11:25:13 pm
@Volt: sorry, I had guests in house. I just came in and skimmed through a few posts every now and then.

As for morgrim, from his attitude, I actually think he is town. Thing is, I sense genuine disinterest in the game. Which probably means he is town. There are tons of ways to play mafia. Not saying much and not accusing others is usually not the first one that comes to one's mind.

But still, it is also true that a VT with a flavor name Fishing Village is pretty weird. If he died and flipped VT... well I guess Ozle mod-trolled him hard.

On a separate note, I do suspect insomniac to be mafia. Just because it makes it harder for us to play.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 11, 2012, 11:58:37 pm

Thanks, timchen.

Morgrim certainly hasn't said much, I'll give you that;  but I don't know he's been shy about accusing others.  I think I need to do my own reread of Morgrim's posts.

You suspect Insom?  That's interesting.  Perhaps he merits a reread as well.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 12, 2012, 02:05:49 pm
So I reviewed all of Morgrim's posting activity, which is:

Day 1
- murder-suspicion post (#125)
- offers no opinion on WW issue; agrees w/Eevee that we should not be spending time on murder-suspicion (#141)
- didn't get requested seat (#163)
- suspects yuma; gives survivalist flavor ("Morgrim was faced with the horrible and daunting task of staying alive") (#179)
- demands Robz/jo/cayvie give seat numbers (#424)
- discloses seat (#427)
- denies knowledge of far-off-land-man (#429)
- repeats demand for Robz/jo/cayvie to seatclaim (#431)
- repeats demand for Robz to seatclaim (#439)
- accuses Grujah, Robz, or jo of being a werewolf (#443)
- corrects spelling of werewolf (#446)
- claims role PM says one of #18, #19, and #21 are "not human"; adds "if you want to lynch me that is fine" (#461)
- claims role PM as source of WW info (#467)
- quotes role PM, about two people in seats 18/19/21 looking shocked (#475)
- interprets role PM (#479)
- votes Grujah [L-6] (#481)
- says CF is scummy but keeps vote on Grujah (#665)
- gives semantic correction of cayvie, that Robz was not "Town" in Resistance I, but rather "Resistance" (#711)
- setclaims Seaside; answers "who would you hammer" thought exercise by saying he would hammer everyone if he could; keeps vote on Grujah for posting "waaayyy more than average" (now that's ironic!) and for his role PM (#796)
- votes Insomniac, buying shark_bait's analysis at #797 (#798)

Day 2
- non-answers "who would you hammer" thought exercise from Day 1 (#1076)
- gives joke response to soap-passing incident (#1085)
- votes ftl [L-3] in response to CF's reveal (#1099)
- nonsense post? (#1103)
- votes ftl again for good measure (#1149)
- unvotes ftl, putting him back to L-2 (?) (#1152)

Day 3
- wishes Robz happy birthday (#1317)

Day 4
- confirms he is alive, says "been a little busy, and there is not much to say," asks how town can salvage victory (#1452)
- comments how "so many of us have died" (#1454)
- votes Robz (#1458)
- claims VT, says lynching him isn't "worst thing that could happen" (#1466)
- says busy in RL, didn't think much of arguments except Robz/jo (#1468)
- repeats VT claim (#1470)
- smiley (#1472)
- self-votes (#1486)
- tells us to lynch Eevee when Morgrim flips town (#1487)
- cardclaims Fishing Village, says he is OK with being lynched because he is VT (#1494)
- posts role PM; repeats that he has self-voted (#1533)
- says his flipping VT may give info; suspects Robz as mafia (#1537)

My immediate conclusions from this exercise:

1. Morgrim was an active participant (by Morgrim standards) on Day 1. 
2. Morgrim lurked Day 2 and lurked hardcore Day 3.
3. Morgrim unvoted ftl on Day 2?  With no explanation?  What was that about?
4. ....waaaait a moment.

Look at Morgrim's quoting of his PM in post #475:

…you were looking right when the lights went out, and the two people sitting in seats 18, 19, and 21 looked very shocked.
Emphasis mine.

Now look at Morgrim's quoting of that same line from his PM in post #1533:


You were looking right when the lights went out, and the two people in seats 18 and 19 and 21 looked extremely shocked

BTW, I have already self-voted.

The gist of the content is the same, sure.  But the language is different.  (And I'm not talking about the italics on "two"; Morgrim made clear he added that.)  I'm talking about the capital letter on "you"; the word "sitting" is gone; the commas are gone; "very" has become "extremely."

If both of these posts were pure unadulterated quotes from Ozle, their language should be identical.

Morgrim, can you explain this?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 12, 2012, 02:14:27 pm
Sweet catch, Volt.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 12, 2012, 03:50:28 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 12, 2012, 04:20:45 pm
Is Morgrim still at L-1 cuz Volts catch is pretty damning
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 12, 2012, 04:23:13 pm
Yeah, but hammering on a Sunday might be a faux-pas. I wouldn't cry about it, however.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Insomniac on August 12, 2012, 04:24:41 pm
I wont hammer yet, but im about ready to hence my asking if he was at l-1
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 04:34:02 pm
Morgrim's quoting mistake is hard to overlook.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 12, 2012, 04:48:42 pm
Well, maybe it is Hammertime. I'm eager to get on with this game.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 04:58:08 pm
Well, maybe it is Hammertime. I'm eager to get on with this game.

Well, I am too. But we should probably still wait for Morgrim to explain.

Although no one deserves to be hammered before getting a chance to respond more than Morgrim.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 12, 2012, 04:59:25 pm
So Robz, what's your tactic for getting me lynched once an investigator clears me tomorrow?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 05:15:58 pm
So Robz, what's your tactic for getting me lynched once an investigator clears me tomorrow?

You're not getting investigated. I am.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 12, 2012, 05:51:52 pm
So Robz, what's your tactic for getting me lynched once an investigator clears me tomorrow?

You're not getting investigated. I am.

I'm not sure that's a good idea. If you're a town-aligned lyncher that wont put the question of my scumminess to rest at ALL. I think the person I gave the thing to should target me probably.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 05:53:45 pm
If I were a town-aligned lyncher, why would I be lying about you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 12, 2012, 05:55:09 pm
Is that a serious question? To play your wincon!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 06:19:34 pm
Is that a serious question? To play your wincon!

A town-aligned lyncher would have two wincons. It would seem a mistake to play to one if it harms the other. Indeed, it would seem reasonable that pursuing one is in fact a prerequisite to fulfilling the other.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 12, 2012, 06:29:20 pm
No, it would be redundant if you were town and you had an additional wincon to catch a specific scum. Lynching all the scum is already in your wincon. No reason to list it twice.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 06:30:51 pm
I could more easily see someone whose wincons were intertwined, rather than someone whose wincons were at cross-purposes.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 12, 2012, 06:34:05 pm
I could more easily see someone whose wincons were intertwined, rather than someone whose wincons were at cross-purposes.
Got to agree with Robz here.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 12, 2012, 06:44:53 pm
VOLT: I post (mostly) from a kindle. Therefore, it is extremely hard to do mega-backspace, use memes, copy and paste, see pictures, ect. (that is why I make alot of typos.) Meh. So, Instead of quoting my role PM and copying and pasting it here, I was obliged to memorize it as best I can, and type it by hand.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 12, 2012, 06:45:48 pm
Intertwined is one thing, outright contained within each other is another.

But most likely you are the classic lyncher, with only one wincon: to kill his target.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 12, 2012, 06:47:31 pm
VOLT: I post (mostly) from a kindle. Therefore, it is extremely hard to do mega-backspace, use memes, copy and paste, see pictures, ect. (that is why I make alot of typos.) Meh. So, Instead of quoting my role PM and copying and pasting it here, I was obliged to memorize it as best I can, and type it by hand.
Someone is likely going to hammer you soon now. Any last words that might help town to win this thing (we will only care if you flip town  :) )?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 12, 2012, 07:20:36 pm
Actually I believe Morgrim. If he were to make those stuff up, wouldn't he be careful (and it's easiler) just to copy-paste from some source? And if he just made this thing up on the fly without being careful or anything, the two quoted PM are a bit too similar.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 07:26:55 pm
Intertwined is one thing, outright contained within each other is another.

But most likely you are the classic lyncher, with only one wincon: to kill his target.

But don't you see why this would be ridiculous? I could have accomplished this super easy by fake claiming Cop and investigating you. Boom, presto, I win.

Instead, I have bent over backward to try and explain why and how I know Jo is scum. Because I won't lie, and I am town, and I want the town to win.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 12, 2012, 07:30:05 pm
I'm inclined to believe Robz.. unless he had some super bastardly "cant fakeclaim cop" restriction which would be totally insane, and nothing we've seen this far suggests that level of craziness.

Jot being a mafia inventor is obviously a weird idea too. So. Very. Confusing.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 12, 2012, 07:31:09 pm
Intertwined is one thing, outright contained within each other is another.

But most likely you are the classic lyncher, with only one wincon: to kill his target.

But don't you see why this would be ridiculous? I could have accomplished this super easy by fake claiming Cop and investigating you. Boom, presto, I win.

Instead, I have bent over backward to try and explain why and how I know Jo is scum. said Jo is scum and offered no evidence except a part of my PM I am mysteriously forbidden from quoting. Because I won't lie, and I am town, and I want the town to win.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 12, 2012, 07:49:16 pm
Intertwined is one thing, outright contained within each other is another.

But most likely you are the classic lyncher, with only one wincon: to kill his target.

But don't you see why this would be ridiculous? I could have accomplished this super easy by fake claiming Cop and investigating you. Boom, presto, I win.

Instead, I have bent over backward to try and explain why and how I know Jo is scum. Because I won't lie, and I am town, and I want the town to win.
Frankly speaking if you are so sure that he is scum you should have played like that. So the fact that you didn't does not give you town cred: it is just incompetent play; neither towny nor scummy.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 08:05:11 pm
Intertwined is one thing, outright contained within each other is another.

But most likely you are the classic lyncher, with only one wincon: to kill his target.

But don't you see why this would be ridiculous? I could have accomplished this super easy by fake claiming Cop and investigating you. Boom, presto, I win.

Instead, I have bent over backward to try and explain why and how I know Jo is scum. Because I won't lie, and I am town, and I want the town to win.
Frankly speaking if you are so sure that he is scum you should have played like that. So the fact that you didn't does not give you town cred: it is just incompetent play; neither towny nor scummy.

Sorry for being an incompetent, truthful townie. Now let's lynch Jo, because I know he's scum. Here, you can memory wipe the improved info on me--that I am a Town One-Shot Lightning Rod Who Knows Jo Is Scum--and just pretend I'm Cop.

Guys, guys. Listen! I investigated Jo last night or some night or whatever and guess what... MAFIA!

Vote: Jotheonah
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 12, 2012, 08:12:23 pm
Vote: Jotheonah
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 12, 2012, 08:16:57 pm
I almost want to vote for Morgrim to end this Robz-Jo discussion.

Robz: is there a reason for you not willing to wait to vote for Jo tomorrow, except that he might be confirmed town tomorrow?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 12, 2012, 08:25:08 pm
Vote: Morgrim

Either he's hiding something from us, or he's been claiming to quote Ozle when he's really just been paraphrasing him.  Or both.  Either way, it's an admitted deception on the town. 

And how convenient Morgrim has suddenly removed his self-vote now that he's been caught out!

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 08:25:57 pm
I almost want to vote for Morgrim to end this Robz-Jo discussion.

Robz: is there a reason for you not willing to wait to vote for Jo tomorrow, except that he might be confirmed town tomorrow?

That's such a stupid question. OF course I am "willing to wait" in the sense that I may have to wait if I haven't convinced enough of you to vote for Jo. But if I had it my way, no, we wouldn't wait. Because we have to kill somebody today, and that person may or may not be mafia. Jo is scum, so waiting isn't the best option in my view. If we have to wait, so be it. I don't think it's the best thing, no.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 12, 2012, 08:31:01 pm
jot and morg cwnt both be mafia, and jot isnt a werewolf.

so if we lynch morgrim and he is mafia, we can safely go after robz next?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 12, 2012, 08:35:49 pm
As annoying as he's being, nothing about Robz's play has convinced me he's mafia. If Morgrim lynches clean, my money's on Volt or Timch for the final mobster.

The ONLY explanation for Robz's play that makes any sense to me is that he's a lyncher. IDK mafia well enough to know if that means we have to kill him to win, but my guess would be no.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 12, 2012, 08:39:30 pm
Vote: Morgrim
Robz, if there is nothing new tomorrow I will be on your side.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 12, 2012, 08:42:03 pm
sigh, timchrn is looking pretty damn opportunistic all of a sudden.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: jotheonah on August 12, 2012, 08:42:56 pm
this could be game over guys.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 08:44:02 pm
Let me just get in my quick prediction that Morgrim, like all the other crazy Morgrims before him, was not mafia.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 08:46:36 pm
If this the last word I get this game, Volt is super scummy.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Robz888 on August 12, 2012, 08:47:01 pm
And timchen. All you Morgrim voters!!!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Eevee on August 12, 2012, 08:48:59 pm
robz's outburst here reads very town to me. (saying these things in case I die at night)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Voltgloss on August 12, 2012, 08:51:04 pm
Robz, are timchen and I scummier than jo?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: timchen on August 12, 2012, 08:51:09 pm
Opportunistic? I could have hammered a lot earlier... I just do not like this Jo vs. Robz fight happening over again and again.

And the strongest argument for me against Morgrim is actually that he is Fishing Village. If he is indeed VT I seriously think we should kick Ozle out from the Dominion forum. :P
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 12, 2012, 11:06:26 pm
Vote: Morgrim7. And that is vote #5 enough to lynch. Voltgloss, jotheonah, galzria, Robz888 lots of people, and myself. My final.wish: Lynch Tables jotheonah.. He is mafia. Goodbye, citizens. I move on to a better life...

Look familiar, guys?  ;)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 13, 2012, 02:59:07 am
Vote count 4.3

Jotheonah (1) : Robz888,
Morgrim7 (4) : Jtotheoneah, Voltgloss, Timchen, Morgrim7

Not Voting (4) : , Eevee,, Insomniac,

With 7 alive it takes 4 to Lynch


Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 4
Post by: Ozle on August 13, 2012, 03:01:35 am
Sometimes, some people are at a party just to make up the numbers. Ozle had known that the more people were at his dinner party the more popular he would appear to those he was trying to impress, or intimidate. Like those sitting closest to him.

The local fisherman was one of these people.

Morgrim7, the Fishing Village (Vanilla Townie) is dead

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 4
Post by: Ozle on August 13, 2012, 08:59:15 am
But wait, there's more...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 4
Post by: Ozle on August 13, 2012, 09:01:36 am
The Dining room was awash with dead bodies, broken chairs, blood and the aftermath of Frisks stink. So much so that there was not any more space to hide the bodies, the carpet was looking like an Olympic BMX course!

To this end, while the guests all went back to their rooms the serving staff politely put a notice on the door that the dining room would be out of comission until further notice. Underneath was a slightly less polite notice with two words written on it, the second one being 'OFF'.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 4
Post by: Ozle on August 13, 2012, 02:01:25 pm
Day break in Ozle's province was particulairly late, because even the sun knew Ozle liked a good lie in. Guests didn't even get downstairs this time today as they found Eevee's body lying in the hallway, a content smile upon his face.

Eevee the Envoy (Town Seer) is dead

The servants decided to keep the guests out of the dining room and herded them into the Billiard room in the hope a few games would calm their murderous instincts.

Day 5 Begins
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Night 4
Post by: Ozle on August 13, 2012, 02:02:19 pm
Day 5 will end on Monday 20th August at 9pm

With 5 alive, it takes 3 to lynch
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 02:07:49 pm
Jo gave me the investigation tool 2 nights back, last night I investigated Jo. He ISN'T mafia. Vote: Robz
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 02:12:59 pm
Thanks Insom. Well-played not blurting it out, btw.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 02:14:16 pm
Thanks Insom. Well-played not blurting it out, btw.

Ya, I did sort of hint I had it but tried to keep it discreet so I didn't get killed
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 02:16:08 pm
Just so there isn't any question about it - Insom, can you post the flavor results of your investigation?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 02:16:28 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 02:17:18 pm

Wow, you feel like a proper detective, Well, if proper detectives carried round magnifying glasses out of soap! You were sure there had been a precedent once! You decided to test this object out on one of your colleagues, to see if it brought up any new information. Following his soapy footprints down the hall was childsplay with this device, although you knew where his room was anyway so it was a bit pointless.

From your own newspaper you remembered that each member of the mafia had a book called Mafia for dummies, so this seemed liked a perfect place to start. However, the only thing in his room was soap, lots and lots of soap, and some strange thigns carved out of soap, some you recognised, some you didn't want to recognise (This is a PG forum), but what you didn't find was any hit that this guy was part of any crime syndicate, so he was clearly not mafia!

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 02:19:57 pm
Well, that result is ridiculous, but it doesn't look like Insomniac faked it. It probably just means that Ozle's role PM to me is highly bastardly.

Who all killed Morgrim? You idiots. Every game you do this.

But Volt should have known better.

Vote: Voltgloss
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 02:22:46 pm
Morgrim's quoting mistake is hard to overlook.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 02:24:55 pm
Morgrim's quoting mistake is hard to overlook.

It was hard to overlook. But then I overlooked it, and hey, I was right! You know why? Because crazy Morgrim is NEVER mafia Morgrim.

I was starting to get the feeling that Volt was scum yesterday, but I still had better reasons to think it was Jo. Well, I don't think it's Insomniac AND Jo, so it's gotta be I was wrong. People, I think it's Volt.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 02:26:39 pm
I can get behind that. ... You're really giving up on lynching me?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 02:28:34 pm
I can get behind that. ... You're really giving up on lynching me?

I would still love to lynch you, but I'm no longer convinced your scum.  ;)

Since you're not scum, I'm going to have trouble convincing my fellow townies to vote for you. I did think you were scum before, but I guess I just got bastarded a little bit in my role PM. Sorry!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 02:34:15 pm
I can get behind that. ... You're really giving up on lynching me?

I would still love to lynch you, but I'm no longer convinced your scum.  ;)

Since you're not scum, I'm going to have trouble convincing my fellow townies to vote for you. I did think you were scum before, but I guess I just got bastarded a little bit in my role PM. Sorry!

Let's talk for a sec.

Fact - So far we don't think that Ozle has been a bastard to ANYONE else for their roles.

Fact - Except for you everyone was able to quote all relevant parts of their pm, you had to remove the part that told you Jo was scum.

Fact - You exclaimed for the last 2 days that jo was mafia

Fact - I investigated him and he's not, (UNLESS the magnifying glass gives not mafia results on the guy who created it or makes you a naive cop, which I highly doubt)

So why again should we believe you at all? I'm not saying I think Volt has 0 chance of scum quite the contrary I rate him second for being scum (behind you). I just with all the information we have available a Robz lynch seems like a boss lynch, and you aren't really defending yourself from the above facts at all and basically ignored the fact I voted for you.

So I reiterate, your case is to believe that Ozle bastardized you and no one else, why should I believe that?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 02:37:50 pm
OMG, how close is this to MII redemption? Once again, Insomniac and I must choose between Volt and Robz...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 02:40:46 pm
The Rules:

•         This is not a proper Bastard game, the mod will not lie, but not everything is as it seems.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 02:44:13 pm
OMG, how close is this to MII redemption? Once again, Insomniac and I must choose between Volt and Robz...

(AND I'm gunning for Robz, currently)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 02:44:50 pm
Also timchen is here.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 02:46:44 pm
It's not a perfect analogue. Speaking of timchen, is he the only one who's yet to weigh in today?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 02:50:20 pm
Note that, if Robz is Lyncher, and we leave him alive today, we have already lost.  The mafia can just choose their nightkill so tomorrow winds down to jo/Robz/mafia.  The mafia votes for jo, Robz votes for jo, and the mafia AND Robz ride off into the sunset on their different-but-both-satisfied wincons.

Huh.  That must be Robz's goal.  He wants to get someone lynched who he does not think is Mafia, so the game goes to 3 players left on the last day, and then he and the Mafia can share victory.

Nothing has changed to make Robz any less of a Lyncher.  Given the results of the investigation, that means the only way Robz can meet his wincon is to lynch Town today and then join the Mafia in a lynching jo tomorrow.

Of course, there's also the alternative that Robz himself is the Mafia.

Either way, the solution is clear. 

Vote: Robz888
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 02:54:32 pm
Unvote for now, I want robz to have the chance to speak before a quick hammer
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 02:57:25 pm
Note that, if Robz is Lyncher, and we leave him alive today, we have already lost.  The mafia can just choose their nightkill so tomorrow winds down to jo/Robz/mafia.  The mafia votes for jo, Robz votes for jo, and the mafia AND Robz ride off into the sunset on their different-but-both-satisfied wincons.

This totally ignores the chance that we'll lynch the final mafia tonight and that will end the game (with a town win).

It's not like you to be so imprecise with your language, Volt.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 02:58:51 pm
Note that, if Robz is Lyncher, and we leave him alive today, we have already lost.  The mafia can just choose their nightkill so tomorrow winds down to jo/Robz/mafia.  The mafia votes for jo, Robz votes for jo, and the mafia AND Robz ride off into the sunset on their different-but-both-satisfied wincons.

This totally ignores the chance that we'll lynch the final mafia tonight and that will end the game (with a town win).

It's not like you to be so imprecise with your language, Volt.

made me nervous he was willing to vote for Robz when it takes 3 to lynch thus putting robz in hammer zone so early in the day. But I'm not sure thats indicitive of scum volt so much as it is a volt that believes my case.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:02:02 pm
Wait, so still alive is me, Volt, Insomniac, Jo, and Timchen? Oh my goodness, it is almost a near repeat of MII. How exciting! If only one of these people is scum, we can still afford to mislynch right?

Part of my role PM, a part I am not allowed to quote, gave me information that led me to believe Jo was scum. This information was clearly misleading, and when the game is over, you will see that I had a truly contradictory role.

But that's not relevant now. If Insomniac's info is good, and I see no reason to think it isn't, then Jo isn't mafia. And neither is Insomniac. Which means it's me, Timchen, or Volt. Why, oh why did we lynch Morgrim? Ugh. Anyway, here's what we do: vote Volt. If he isn't mafia, okay fine. Tonight I will use my one-shot LR, absorb the kill, and I will die. Tomorrow, you lynch Timchen, the only logical person remaining to be mafia. We can't lose.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 03:04:08 pm
I'm having a hard time seeing a flaw in that plan.

Incidentally, Robz, if you LR and you're doctored, do you survive?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:06:06 pm
I'm having a hard time seeing a flaw in that plan.

Incidentally, Robz, if you LR and you're doctored, do you survive?

Yes, I should. I don't know if there is a doctor around or not, though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 03:13:25 pm
I'm having a hard time seeing a flaw in that plan.

The flaw is that, when I flip Town, and Lyncher Robz does NOT use his lightning rod (why would you trust him to do this?), Robz and mafia* will kill you tomorrow jo and you will lose.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 03:14:50 pm
Left out the "*" reference:

*who is more likely timchen but could potentially be Insom depending on what he thinks about how Robz's Lyncher role works.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:15:10 pm
I'm having a hard time seeing a flaw in that plan.

The flaw is that, when I flip Town, and Lyncher Robz does NOT use his lightning rod (why would you trust him to do this?), Robz and mafia* will kill you tomorrow jo and you will lose.

If someone other than me dies in the night, you can absolutely lynch me the following day.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 03:16:00 pm
If someone other than me dies in the night, you can absolutely lynch me the following day.

If someone other than you dies in the night, the sole remaining Townie will absolutely not be ABLE to lynch you the following day.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 03:18:09 pm
Robz, that doesn't work. Volt is saying that if it ends up you, me, and the mafia tomorrow, your promises are completely worthless. And he's right. It looks like Insomniac and I have a choice to make?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 03:18:39 pm
Volt, want to reply to my accusation that you fudged the facts in your earlier analysis?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:20:07 pm
Robz, that doesn't work. Volt is saying that if it ends up you, me, and the mafia tomorrow, your promises are completely worthless. And he's right. It looks like Insomniac and I have a choice to make?

Shoot. He is technically right. Hrmph.

Technically I can still make your choice for you by just acting my LR now.

Actually, if somebody admits to being Doctor, then we can have a no death night tonight, and I won't have the incentive to co-operate with mafia to lynch Jo tomorrow. Because there were still be 4 of us alive.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 03:24:56 pm
Volt, want to reply to my accusation that you fudged the facts in your earlier analysis?

I thought it went without saying that my analysis already excludes any scenario where I (Robz's lynch target) am mafia, because I know I'm not.  I apologize if that wasn't clear.

Of course lynching mafia today wins the game for Town and loses the game for Lyncher Robz.  That is why Lyncher Robz wants to lynch town today, not mafia.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 03:27:40 pm
Rbz, please explain how we could end up with a guaranteed four-person town tomorrow without relying on you to use your power? (with a doctor)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 03:35:12 pm
Actually, if somebody admits to being Doctor, then we can have a no death night tonight, and I won't have the incentive to co-operate with mafia to lynch Jo tomorrow. Because there were still be 4 of us alive.

Even with 4 alive, you would cooperate with mafia.

With 4, the scenario would be M (mafia), J (jo), R (Lyncher-Robz), and T (other townie).

Robz loses if M is lynched, because the game ends.
Robz wins if J is lynched.
Robz obviously loses if R is lynched.
And Robz loses if T is lynched, because then M nightkills J or R and wins before tomorrow comes.

But what if there is no-lynch?

If there is no-lynch then M can nightkill T, and then M and R can lynch J the following day.  Both the mafia and Robz win.

And Robz and M can force a no-lynch by parking their votes somehwere (let's say J) and refusing to move.  J and T cannot make a majority themselves.

So a 4-man day is an inexorable win for Robz and the mafia.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:36:52 pm
Of course lynching mafia today wins the game for Town and loses the game for Lyncher Robz.  That is why Lyncher Robz wants to lynch town today, not mafia.

This is not true. While I can neither confirm nor deny any alternative win conditions, I win if the town wins, regardless of whatever other conditions I may or may not have. Remember that I have already been cleared from being mafia, I eagerly and enthusiastically expressed a desire to kill Ftl and Galz, who were mafia. I killed one of them myself! And I myself came out with it that I had the ability to do that. It's pretty obvious I'm not scum.

Rbz, please explain how we could end up with a guaranteed four-person town tomorrow without relying on you to use your power? (with a doctor)

You have to rely on me to use the power. The problem with relying on me to use the power is the legitimate fear that I would not do it, the mafia would kill Insomniac, and then I would aid mafia Timchen to kill you (not because I am mafia, but for other reasons). I understand that fear. But if someone were to announce that they were a doctor (really it has to be you having given yourself healing properties or something, I don't see how anyone else could be), then I know the mafia are going to kill that person (you). And I don't want you killed by mafia in the night, as you know. So then I activate LR, we all live, and it's a 4 person town tomorrow with Timchen being mafia for certain.

Basically, the thing is, you know I'm not scum. I know you know this. But you know you can't have me left with you and a mafia (you can't trust me there). So either we have to guess right on Timchen or Volt now (I think it's Volt), or if that fails, you have to trust me to do LR, which will be easier if you have some doctor power you claim ahead of time.

It's kind of a headache. The good news is, even if you lynch me now, you can get Volt next round. But then it sucks if Timchen is the mafia.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:37:43 pm
Robz loses if M is lynched, because the game ends.
Robz wins if J is lynched.
Robz obviously loses if R is lynched.
And Robz loses if T is lynched, because then M nightkills J or R and wins before tomorrow comes.

But what if there is no-lynch?

If there is no-lynch then M can nightkill T, and then M and R can lynch J the following day.  Both the mafia and Robz win.

And Robz and M can force a no-lynch by parking their votes somehwere (let's say J) and refusing to move.  J and T cannot make a majority themselves.

So a 4-man day is an inexorable win for Robz and the mafia.

The sentence I bolded is untrue. I win if the town wins.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:38:44 pm
Robz loses if M is lynched, because the game ends.
Robz wins if J is lynched.
Robz obviously loses if R is lynched.
And Robz loses if T is lynched, because then M nightkills J or R and wins before tomorrow comes.

But what if there is no-lynch?

If there is no-lynch then M can nightkill T, and then M and R can lynch J the following day.  Both the mafia and Robz win.

And Robz and M can force a no-lynch by parking their votes somehwere (let's say J) and refusing to move.  J and T cannot make a majority themselves.

So a 4-man day is an inexorable win for Robz and the mafia.

The sentence I bolded is untrue. I win if the town wins.

It's also untrue that I lose if I am lynched! I am part of the town and can still win. The only way I lose this game is if the town decides to kill me and then picks wrong between Volt and Timchen.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 03:40:35 pm
Ok, I'm convinced Robz is not mafia. But I don't think he's town either. What Volt has proposed is in fact optimal play for a lyncher in the corner I've backed him into, and as such I can't trust him.

But even though I can't trust him, neither do I want to lynch him (I think!) Doing so would put us at LyLo tomorrow for sure with (most likely) me OR Ins, Volt, and timchen, and whichever one of us (Ins and I) is lucky enough not to be NK'd will have a really hard choice.

Basically killing Robz gets rid of one of two chances to lynch scum, but leaving Robz alive could end the game.

I think the Robz lynch IS the safe choice, but it all comes down to figuring out if the final mafioso is timch or Volt. And that, I propose, can be done as easily now as it can tomorrow, moreso with everybody still alive. So, Insomniac, it comes to this. You and I must scumhunt like we've never scumhunted before, choose, and lynch correctly.

On that note, there has been something decidedly OFF about Volt's play, especially yesterday and today. Timchen reads scummy but timchen ALWAYS reads scummy. Oy vey.

timchen, your read on the situation would be much appreciated. And anything else you might like to report.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 03:41:40 pm
See Robz, I don't believe you're town. I think you are a self-aligned lyncher.

That means that "I suspect Volt" ACTUALLY translates to "I suspect timchen" (because you need us to mislynch)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:43:59 pm
See Robz, I don't believe you're town. I think you are a self-aligned lyncher.

That means that "I suspect Volt" ACTUALLY translates to "I suspect timchen" (because you need us to mislynch)

Alright, well I'm going to go ahead and activate my LR, and die that way, because that's more fun. When I turn up town-aligned, please note that I DO suspect Volt more than Timchen. But the hard work is up to you!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 03:44:43 pm
Robz loses if M is lynched, because the game ends.
Robz wins if J is lynched.
Robz obviously loses if R is lynched.
And Robz loses if T is lynched, because then M nightkills J or R and wins before tomorrow comes.

It's also untrue that I lose if I am lynched! I am part of the town and can still win. The only way I lose this game is if the town decides to kill me and then picks wrong between Volt and Timchen.

You absolutely lose if you are lynched, whether you're town OR lyncher.  Because then the mafia kills one of J or T in the night, and then the following day it's just two people left, one mafia.  In that scenario, the only players who win are the mafia.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:46:05 pm
Robz loses if M is lynched, because the game ends.
Robz wins if J is lynched.
Robz obviously loses if R is lynched.
And Robz loses if T is lynched, because then M nightkills J or R and wins before tomorrow comes.

It's also untrue that I lose if I am lynched! I am part of the town and can still win. The only way I lose this game is if the town decides to kill me and then picks wrong between Volt and Timchen.

You absolutely lose if you are lynched, whether you're town OR lyncher.  Because then the mafia kills one of J or T in the night, and then the following day it's just two people left, one mafia.  In that scenario, the only players who win are the mafia.

I thought you meant if I was lynched today. If I am lynched (or die) today I can still win. In fact, I intend to!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 03:46:44 pm
Robz loses if M is lynched, because the game ends.
Robz wins if J is lynched.
Robz obviously loses if R is lynched.
And Robz loses if T is lynched, because then M nightkills J or R and wins before tomorrow comes.

It's also untrue that I lose if I am lynched! I am part of the town and can still win. The only way I lose this game is if the town decides to kill me and then picks wrong between Volt and Timchen.

You absolutely lose if you are lynched, whether you're town OR lyncher.  Because then the mafia kills one of J or T in the night, and then the following day it's just two people left, one mafia.  In that scenario, the only players who win are the mafia.

Well unless the person I gave a doctor power to last night succeeds in their WIFOM. Man if I were mafia, I woulda killed me last night.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 03:47:29 pm
Gotta say I pretty much rock at this Inventor role.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:48:20 pm
It's done! I activated the Lightning Rod. Whoever is alive tomorrow, kill Volt. Jo and Insomniac are NOT mafia (most likely).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 03:49:41 pm
Not even letting timchen vote? Does the rod end the day, or does it just redirect the lynch once we make it? If we all no lynch will the rod fail?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 03:50:02 pm
*that should read "not even letting timchen talk?"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:51:10 pm
Not even letting timchen vote? Does the rod end the day, or does it just redirect the lynch once we make it? If we all no lynch will the rod fail?

Uh, I don't know, it's unclear. I'm haggling with Ozle about it now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Ozle on August 13, 2012, 03:54:25 pm

There's a storm brewing up at Ozle's castle. Not just a metaphorical one, but a literal one. There are dark clouds moving across the horizon heading unerringly for the castle. The people of the town have started to batton down doors and windows.

This will be the last edition of local newspaper due to a scandal involving our reports phone hacking and bribing police! We have an inquiry to go to!

Someone let us know how this pans out....

If you want to donate any cash to our legal fund, there is a form on page 15

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 03:57:51 pm
To be clear, I did that.

According to Ozle, you still have to lynch someone, and then it will be re-directed to me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 04:00:39 pm
ok, good. So we have some time for everyone to weigh in. This is a fascinating situation.

Robz's willingness to self-lynch (and not just his willingness, but his having actually done it) seems to confirm his claim of sharing the town wincon. That means we have three trustowrthy people right now to weight in on timch v Volt. So let's make the most of the time.

Robz, why Volt and not timchen?

Ins, what's your read on these two and why?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 04:14:26 pm
ok, good. So we have some time for everyone to weigh in. This is a fascinating situation.

Robz's willingness to self-lynch (and not just his willingness, but his having actually done it) seems to confirm his claim of sharing the town wincon. That means we have three trustowrthy people right now to weight in on timch v Volt. So let's make the most of the time.

Robz, why Volt and not timchen?

Ins, what's your read on these two and why?

I do indeed share the town wincon. Perhaps you can understand my confusion, Jo, that you are not mafia, based on other aspects of my role PM.

I think the mafia is Volt, because he should have known not to kill Morgrim. Remember when mafia Volt voted to kill Morgrim in MIII? It's like that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 13, 2012, 04:30:21 pm

Who was exactly voting for whom? When the servants went to serve refreshments to the 5 guests still in the billiards room. They distinctly heard Robz accuse Voltgloss of being a bad guy, but when they were left all they could remember was Robz voting for himself. Plus their hair was standing on end.

Vote count 5.1

Robz888 (2) : Insomniac , Robz888 ,

Not Voting (2) : Timchen, Jtotheoneah

With 5 alive it takes 3 to Lynch

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 04:34:06 pm
That's fun!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 04:34:30 pm
Watch me: Vote: Timchen

And nothing will happen. Weeeee
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 04:42:08 pm
Ok so I have more info to divulge, I'll quote it in the next post. I think Volt is more actively scummy then timchen because of the morg case that robz has presented, but it truly worries me that timchen has gone into lurker mode too, AND that Robz as town decided to kill himself now instead of using LR if he lived.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 04:42:54 pm
As promised the quote. I'm not sure there is anything here though

Dear Insomniac.

We thank you for your services to this paper over the years. We regret to inform you that due to the approaching storm (and not just the phsyical storm) that's coming we have decided to move town rather sharpish.

Your final months wages are hidden behind the fireplace in the downstairs study*

*Seriously, we both know there will be nothing there, so don't really bother looking.

Have fun up at the castle, and good luck!

The Ed
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 04:44:50 pm
guys I think maybe timchen just hasn't shown up yet. I checked a while back and he wasn't online.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 04:50:29 pm
I think the mafia is Volt, because he should have known not to kill Morgrim. Remember when mafia Volt voted to kill Morgrim in MIII? It's like that.

I think Morgrim's behavior this game was far more suspicious than it was in M-III, when I was mafia and hammered him (which then led to the town's lynching me next day).  I also think Morgrim's behavior this game was far more suspicious than it was in M-II, where I also voted to kill Morgrim - and was town, like here.

I refused to vote Morgrim until I was sure his behavior had crossed over the line, had become SO suspicious that it was suspicious even by Morgrim standards.  When I'd concluded he'd crossed the line, I voted.  Specifically, I'd pegged the line based on BM-IV, where scum-Morgrim was caught when he misrepresented the contents of his role PM (fakeclaimed "rolecop" when trying to fakeclaim "cop"). 

I thought this was more BM-IV scum-Morgrim.  I was wrong.  That does not make me scum.

Unvote by the way.  That left-over vote on Robz was mine, not jo's. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 04:52:15 pm
timchen's reading the thread presently.  I think he only logged in a few minutes ago and is catching up.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: timchen on August 13, 2012, 04:57:08 pm
Ok... I was planning to complain being modtrolled since morgrim is really VT despite being a fishing village. But I guess that is already outdated.

Hmm. So Robz just used up one of our lynch chances (not that we wouldn't choose to use it on him of course) and tomorrow we have to lynch correctly. Is that the current situation?

If it is just between me and Volt it would have been simple (at least conceptually... all I have to do is to convince everyone to vote for Volt.) However, a mafia Insomniac probably would still report the investigation result truthfully as he wouldn't want to narrow it between himself and Jo.

And one additional thing in favor of Volt being town: he discovered the inconsistencies between Morgrim's quoted PMs. Would he be that careful looking at the PMs if he were the sole remaining mafia?

Ok! So here is something I can do.

Jo gives me the doctor power last night. I figure scum must have figured this out since he would probably just choose one between me and Volt and Volt has posted a lot already.

I was thinking so hard on whether I should divulge but I guess thinking for too long is already revealing. Any suggestions on how to use it?

Pedit:@insomniac: so that is what you received just now?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 04:59:02 pm
I probably would have kept that to myself, Timchen.

Maybe I LRed too quickly...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:00:50 pm
I was kind of hoping you would. But it doesn't matter - if Volt is scum he can't kill you without handing town the win. If your scum, nobody's getting saved.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:01:02 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:02:05 pm
timchen, why would you assume I wouldn't give the Doc power to Insomniac?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 05:05:04 pm
timchen, why would you assume I wouldn't give the Doc power to Insomniac?

Exactly. If anything, Timchen's statement seems brazenly anti-town. He thinks a mafia Insomniac would have reported Jo as town? A mafia Insomniac could have just claimed the investigative thing didn't work on Jo, or he never got it, or something.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: timchen on August 13, 2012, 05:05:20 pm
Jo, I thought you were asking me to come out! LOL. What's that "as well as something else you want to report" stuff...

But why Volt cannot kill me?  Are you 100% certain Insomniac is not scum?

Pedit: because you are waiting for him to return the investigation result. That is, I thought you have no prior reason to think Insomniac is town. But do you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 05:05:55 pm
Oh, boy. I don't envy Jo/Insomniac having to make the choice between Volt and Tim. I'd still lynch Volt. But it's tough. Good luck!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 05:07:10 pm
However, a mafia Insomniac probably would still report the investigation result truthfully as he wouldn't want to narrow it between himself and Jo.

This is the reason why I mentioned Insom as a potential mafioso in my asterisked post upthread.  If Insom is Mafia, and if he'd concluded that Robz was in fact a "town-aligned Lyncher" (i.e., someone who needed jo lynched but also needs Town to win), then Insom's only choice was to truthfully report the investigation results.  If Insom lied and said jo was scum - or lied and said he never got the investigation tool, with jo insisting he should have - then the most likely results would have been either lynching Insom or jo.  If we lynched jo and found out he wasn't scum, then Insom would be lynched on the final day - and Lyncher Robz wouldn't have any incentive to help him out, because his own wincon (lynching jo) would have already been met.

jo, what has convinced you that Insom is Town?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Ozle on August 13, 2012, 05:07:58 pm
Lightning struck the side of the castle, destroying the Dining room. Oh well, that solved the problem of clearing up the bodies, and the question of redundancy for half of Ozle's staff.

Luckily the guests were on the other side of the castle at this time, the only real effect were a couple of the snooker balls lept up off the table and flew straight at Robz888, he managed to dodge the Green one, but the Black one hit him right in the gut. That would hurt tomorrow...if he lived that long. He literally crackled with energy now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:08:09 pm
I have a strong reason, his play. And also I just don't buy scum-aligned reporter.

Guys, What if our last mafioso is actually a werewolf? Eevee was the target, after all. Why wouldn't they target me?

timchen, have you ever claimed? do you have a power?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: timchen on August 13, 2012, 05:08:38 pm
@Robz: I was thinking that Jo can directly contradict him in those cases. That way if we lynch Jo and he flipped town inventor then Insomniac is definitely next. Not the best play if you are the only mafia left. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 05:10:20 pm
However, a mafia Insomniac probably would still report the investigation result truthfully as he wouldn't want to narrow it between himself and Jo.

This is the reason why I mentioned Insom as a potential mafioso in my asterisked post upthread.  If Insom is Mafia, and if he'd concluded that Robz was in fact a "town-aligned Lyncher" (i.e., someone who needed jo lynched but also needs Town to win), then Insom's only choice was to truthfully report the investigation results.  If Insom lied and said jo was scum - or lied and said he never got the investigation tool, with jo insisting he should have - then the most likely results would have been either lynching Insom or jo.  If we lynched jo and found out he wasn't scum, then Insom would be lynched on the final day - and Lyncher Robz wouldn't have any incentive to help him out, because his own wincon (lynching jo) would have already been met.

jo, what has convinced you that Insom is Town?

If Mafia Insomniac knew Jo was town, he would have absolutely NOT said Jo was town. He would have said the investigation failed or he couldn't investigate the creator of the investigation tool or whatever. Then what happens? Let's say we lynch Jo, he flips town. Then somebody dies in the night. Then we lynch me for insisting Jo was scum. Then mafia win.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: timchen on August 13, 2012, 05:10:45 pm
@Jo: I didn't explicitly claim (erased my role from my role PM) but I am a vanilla townie. My power is just the knowledge of those extra information.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:11:46 pm
Jo, I thought you were asking me to come out! LOL. What's that "as well as something else you want to report" stuff...

But why Volt cannot kill me?  Are you 100% certain Insomniac is not scum?

Pedit: because you are waiting for him to return the investigation result. That is, I thought you have no prior reason to think Insomniac is town. But do you?

Sorry about that. I can't resist a breadcrumb, even when it's not helpful.

If Volt is mafia, he won't kill you because Ins and I trust each other. He has to kill one of us to make tomorrow difficult.

The thought of a mafia insomniac is scary. But I think, if nothing else, it's much less likely than one of you.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:12:40 pm
Scumbag timchen:

Argues for a Morgrim lynch for claiming VT

Claims VT
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: timchen on August 13, 2012, 05:13:10 pm
However, a mafia Insomniac probably would still report the investigation result truthfully as he wouldn't want to narrow it between himself and Jo.

This is the reason why I mentioned Insom as a potential mafioso in my asterisked post upthread.  If Insom is Mafia, and if he'd concluded that Robz was in fact a "town-aligned Lyncher" (i.e., someone who needed jo lynched but also needs Town to win), then Insom's only choice was to truthfully report the investigation results.  If Insom lied and said jo was scum - or lied and said he never got the investigation tool, with jo insisting he should have - then the most likely results would have been either lynching Insom or jo.  If we lynched jo and found out he wasn't scum, then Insom would be lynched on the final day - and Lyncher Robz wouldn't have any incentive to help him out, because his own wincon (lynching jo) would have already been met.

jo, what has convinced you that Insom is Town?

If Mafia Insomniac knew Jo was town, he would have absolutely NOT said Jo was town. He would have said the investigation failed or he couldn't investigate the creator of the investigation tool or whatever. Then what happens? Let's say we lynch Jo, he flips town. Then somebody dies in the night. Then we lynch me for insisting Jo was scum. Then mafia win.
Good point. I guess that is enough reason to believe Insomniac is town after all. So I guess I'll flip a coin to decide whether I should protect Jo or Insomniac and let Volt take his chances?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: timchen on August 13, 2012, 05:13:26 pm
I am a scout! Is there a worse role than VT in mafia?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 05:13:46 pm
Good point. I guess that is enough reason to believe Insomniac is town after all. So I guess I'll flip a coin to decide whether I should protect Jo or Insomniac and let Volt take his chances?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:15:19 pm
I am a scout! Is there a worse role than VT in mafia?

Jester? Suicidal anything? Town-aligned lyncher with a town-aligned target?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 05:16:44 pm
I am a scout! Is there a worse role than VT in mafia?

Jester? Suicidal anything? Town-aligned lyncher with a town-aligned target?

Hey now, we know Ozle would have to be a huge bastard to include one of those roles...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 05:17:36 pm
Ok so looking back I am inclined to believe VOLT is mafia more than timchen.

Timchen claimed his role pm and used it to help us narrow things down, Volt on the other hand STILL hasn't claimed his role pm has he (he did admit to being pawn though)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:18:02 pm
Volt: Claim. Now.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 05:21:12 pm
An aside, Robz if todays lynch doesnt kill you I will vote for you without prejudice until you die.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 05:22:38 pm

I get a choice of 4 abilities each night, randomly selected by Ozle.  I get to pick 2.  To make up for the versatility, the powers are generally weak.  And I seem to have a good chance at randomly getting a "nothing" in some power slots each night.

Last night, I had no abilities because the dining room was closed.

The night before, I had a choice between nothing, nothing, learning someone's card (which I used to learn Morgrim was Fishing Village), and 1-shot rolecop (which I used on jo because I thought he might have been a Poisoner as well as being Inventor).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 05:24:00 pm
An aside, Robz if todays lynch doesnt kill you I will vote for you without prejudice until you die.

Right now I think there's some weird chance I somehow steal/absorb the doctoring thing that Timchen has. Maybe a very distant chance. Other than that, I'm definitely dead.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:24:26 pm
Full claim all nights please.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 05:24:55 pm

I get a choice of 4 abilities each night, randomly selected by Ozle.  I get to pick 2.  To make up for the versatility, the powers are generally weak.  And I seem to have a good chance at randomly getting a "nothing" in some power slots each night.

Last night, I had no abilities because the dining room was closed.

The night before, I had a choice between nothing, nothing, learning someone's card (which I used to learn Morgrim was Fishing Village), and 1-shot rolecop (which I used on jo because I thought he might have been a Poisoner as well as being Inventor).

Care to quote the pm?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 05:25:53 pm
I think we got him, fellas.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:26:04 pm
timchen has a stethoscope made of soap, by the way. My role is hilarious and awesome.

(I asked Ozle how the heck a vile of silver ... of soap makes sense and he dodged the question)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: timchen on August 13, 2012, 05:26:46 pm
Let us see your role PM! if it takes you too long then we know you are making that up. :P
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 05:32:54 pm
Night 2 I had the choices between one-shot Seer, visit a room and see if anyone else visits that person, double-vote, and nothing.  I Seer'd Insomniac (not a WW) and visited Morgrim (no one came by).

Night 1 I had the choices between one-shot Doctor someone, one-shot immunity from mafioso kill, double-vote, and one-shot Seer.  I picked self-immunity and doctor'd Insomniac.

I already quoted my entire role PM yesterday aside from my role powers.  And my role "title" is "sort of Jack of All Trades."

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 05:39:22 pm
Night 4:

You were a Pawn, not just any Pawn, but one in the employ of Ozle and had worked for many years in the servants quarters of this castle, that helped your coming and going during the night tremendously.

However this night you had a problem, the other servants had locked up most of the castle, leaving only the sleeping quarters free to roam. This wouldn't do as all your tools and equipment were downstairs. You went to try to reason with the other servants, but quickly found out that now you were invited to Ozle's dinner parties and they were not, they did not consider you one of them any more. You put it down to jealousy, although that didn't help you much!

You have no Pawn night actions for tonight.

Night 3:

Choose two from

A) Nothing
B) Nothing
C) Rolecop
D) Identify Card Name (Not sure what that is)

Night 2:

You can pick TWO of the following:

A) Nothing
B) Double Vote
C) Visit a room of your choice (You do no action there, just see if anyone else comes by)
D) Seer

Night 1:

These will change each night.

you can pick TWO of the following:

A) Doctor one player
B) Nightkill Immune for Night 1 (Commuter effect)
C) Double Voter power for Day 2
D) Investigate one player: Result will come back Werewolf/Not Werewolf.

I asked Ozle about the "Commuter effect" bit in parentheses during Night 1, specifically if I could still use a second power while picking that one.  He confirmed that I could.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:41:00 pm
what's with the Nothings?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:41:48 pm
this makes very little sense as a scum power, especially depriving him of it the final night!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 05:42:09 pm
Timchen claimed his role pm and used it to help us narrow things down, Volt on the other hand STILL hasn't claimed his role pm has he (he did admit to being pawn though)

Incidentally, I offered to disclose my powers yesterday if the town asked me to, but at least one player (I think Eevee?) said I should not.  So I didn't.

And this is the first time since then that I was asked to disclose.  And I have.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 05:44:13 pm
what's with the Nothings?

I don't know.  My guess - which Ozle has never told me, so this is just a guess - is that powers get "used up" and can't come back to me after I've used them.  I didn't start suspecting that until I saw my first "nothing" though.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:45:03 pm
another question: did you hint or breadcrumb any of this at any point? did you reveal any of the information you gleaned from your investigatives?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 05:48:58 pm
another question: did you hint or breadcrumb any of this at any point? did you reveal any of the information you gleaned from your investigatives?

I did not hint or breadcrumb.  I don't really think I could, as I couldn't guarantee what powers I would or wouldn't have on any given night.

I corroborated Morgrim's card yesterday.  Other than that I didn't get any information that was germane to the discussions of the day.  Night 2 I learned that Insom wasn't a WW and that Morgrim wasn't visited by anyone.  Day 3 was dominated by the drama of CF catching Galz and ftl being a dead-man-walking.  There didn't seem to be any point in revealing my tidbits.

Day 4 I would have revealed you were just Inventor (as in, not Poisoner) if it turned out someone else was actually poison-killed.  I expected either you, jo, was the likely Poisoner or the REAL Poisoner would finger you for suspicion (because of your Laboratory role).  So I'd either know it was you, OR I could reveal that it's definitely NOT you and therefore out the real Poisoner.  But of cause all that Poisoner stuff wound up being an elaborate modtroll anyway.  :p
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:53:04 pm

Guys I'm swinging back to timchen.

I HATE being in this position. I kind of hope scum shoots me so Insomniac has to make the tough choice.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 05:56:24 pm

Guys I'm swinging back to timchen.

I HATE being in this position. I kind of hope scum shoots me so Insomniac has to make the tough choice.

DON'T DO IT. It's Volt. I would bet it all, man. Sure, he's got this great story now. That's the point, it's Volt. But he took his sweet time, he's playing it cool... don't get fooled. Insomniac, do you hear me? Look guys, it's Volt. I don't usually say this but I would stake my reputation on it, I think. Well, I shouldn't say that. I really think it's Volt.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 05:57:43 pm
but WHY, Robz? is this just a "trust my read" thing? cause my gut still says Volt.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 06:01:32 pm
but WHY, Robz? is this just a "trust my read" thing? cause my gut still says Volt.

It's not a gut feeling, actually. I think the evidence points to Volt. Remember that he is a sly guy. It won't be easy catching him in any trap. You have to look for the little mistakes. Him voting for Morgrim was a big one--though he did look extra hard to find a good reason to vote for Morgrim. And then he came after me today without even batting an eyelash. Then he fell silent when he knew how bad he looked. Now he can explain his role, but you know it's not even the most convincing role. What if those "nothing" options are real options that he had to redact because they made him look scummy?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 06:04:07 pm
but why didn't he PICK the scummy options.

Volt is the kind of guy I can see planning a fake claim as he went along so it would be consistent when he pulled it out.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 06:06:09 pm
ok, have to go now. Back on later tonight. No real objection to people hammering - we've got about as much info as we'll get today.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Ozle on August 13, 2012, 06:07:24 pm
Another bolt of lightning hit castle, destroying another tower, there would not be much left after this storm passed. The lightning and thunder were coming thicker and faster threatening to kill everyone, faster than light!! (Well, a bit slower in thunders case!)

If Ozle were here he would be singing his favourite Queen song (Bohemian Rhapsody) to stop himself being scared, but he was long gone!

(Non Flavour- Just adding some dramatic tension, deadline has not changed)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 08:06:19 pm
Ok. Vote: Voltgloss
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 08:14:38 pm
Is this gut-based or evidence-based? 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 08:26:16 pm
By the way, am I right to assume that if there's no kill tonight, you are going to assume I am the scum and timchen doctored my target?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: timchen on August 13, 2012, 08:27:18 pm
@Jo: I am confused. Does it matter who we vote for today?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 13, 2012, 08:29:17 pm
@Jo: I am confused. Does it matter who we vote for today?

Nope. I'm dead.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 08:41:11 pm
No, voting for Voltgloss was symbolic.

Volt, that was kind of a scummy question. I will assume someone was doctored. I will try to at least consider the possibility Ins is scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 08:44:46 pm
Volt, that was kind of a scummy question. I will assume someone was doctored. I will try to at least consider the possibility Ins is scum.

My point doesn't have to do with Insom.  My point is that, if you assume "no kill = timchen doctored someone," then all timchen has to do to win is not kill anyone tonight.  Have you considered that?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 13, 2012, 08:50:18 pm
Volt, I think you're grasping at threads. But I promise to keep that scenario in mind if I'm alive.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Voltgloss on August 13, 2012, 08:54:56 pm
Volt, I think you're grasping at threads. But I promise to keep that scenario in mind if I'm alive.

I don't think I am.  It's what I would do if I were in timchen's position and if I were mafia. 

I would like to hear Insomniac's and timchen's perspective in response to my role reveal before the day ends.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: timchen on August 13, 2012, 10:48:11 pm
Yes, I have thought about that. In the end I think my doctoring tonight does not make much difference. It still boils down to who the town thinks of as mafia.

I do not have a strong feeling against volt prior to this game day. But if we have to choose one between him, Ins, and me, I would hesitantly pick him.

If you ask about myself I can defend. But please don't ask me further about others. I don't trust my own read at all.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 13, 2012, 11:46:46 pm
@Volt I'm waiting on a question I asked Ozle that I have to hear back on before I can comment.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 14, 2012, 11:00:47 am
Alright, well I tend to think that Volts claim in and of itself is believable because its a bit out there to make up. But his preceeding to need to know how I feel about it and how timchen feels about it seems to be mafia deciding who to kill.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 14, 2012, 11:09:39 am
But Robz makes a good point. Maybe Volt is a mafia pawn and his "Nothings" are actually scummy options he redacted.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 14, 2012, 11:43:49 am
He's still the scummiest to me but I don't think he's lying about his role.

For instance Rolecop is NORMALLY A scum role (unless you mod a mafia and scumbag it) and Volt didn't say it was cop he said it was rolecop, so among many reasons volt is my new #1 suspect, but I think he is telling the truth about his role.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: jotheonah on August 14, 2012, 12:00:59 pm
Is anything served by letting the clock on this day run out? Shall we just vote for Robz (or anybody else) and be done with it?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 14, 2012, 12:17:26 pm
Vote: Voltgloss
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Insomniac on August 14, 2012, 12:17:53 pm
wait Unvote

Does Robz get lynched if we don't lynch, Ozle told him a lynch had to occur...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Robz888 on August 14, 2012, 12:18:59 pm
wait Unvote

Does Robz get lynched if we don't lynch, Ozle told him a lynch had to occur...

I suspect a No Lynch would also direct toward me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Ozle on August 14, 2012, 12:19:34 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 3
Post by: Ozle on August 14, 2012, 12:23:16 pm

The room sparked, it didn't matter who they shouted at, it always came back to Robz888. And not just the shouts, everything in the room seemed to be heading towards him, including the billiard table, Jtotheoneah, a moose head and lots more.

We'll never know what caused the final blow itself, in time people would blame the Moose head antlers most likely, plus it was ironic that Ozle had not really killed that moose, but found it dead after a storm. So some sort of poetic justice had been done. If only Ozle were still around to see it, he would have shed a joyous tear.

Vote count 5.4

Robz888 (3) :  Jtotheoneah, Robz888 ,Insomniac

Not Voting (2) : Timchen, , Voltgloss

With 5 alive it takes 3 to Lynch

ROBZ888 the Grand Market (Town Aligned Lightning Rod) has been lynched.


(Mod note: Oh if only I had known about Ruined Market card before i started this game!)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Ozle on August 14, 2012, 01:44:35 pm
But wait.... surprisingly, there is more...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Ozle on August 14, 2012, 01:47:29 pm
Once started the storm wasn't going to burn out this quickly, even following the death of Robz888. It raged over the castle, and the town, threatening imminent destruction.

The servants rushed into the Billiard room for safety, only to see the Robz shaped pile of dust on the floor, covered in debris, and determined that maybe they would be safer elsewhere. They ushered the guests back up to their rooms, and warned them that if any of them tried to come downstairs they would find themselves at the wrong end of a pastry knife!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Ozle on August 14, 2012, 02:48:01 pm
There was a song that Ozle's mother used to sing him and his brothers when they were little, entitled 'Morning has broken'. Well this morning was well and truely broken now, as was a lot of the rest of the castle. The servants who had been sheltering in the kitchens had all been killed in a fire started by the lightning and much of the castle was in ruins.

There was also another casulaty during the night, lying outside of the castle, along side the wall, was the broken shattered body of Jtotheoneah

Jtotheoneah, Labratory (Town Aligned Inventor) was well and truly dead!

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 5
Post by: Ozle on August 14, 2012, 02:48:38 pm

With 3 alive, it takes 2 to lynch!

Deadline Tuesday 21st August at 11pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: timchen on August 14, 2012, 02:54:40 pm
Well, I guess there isn't too much left to be said.

I doctored Insomniac. Jo was dead. Either Insomniac or Volt killed him. I believe the town's earlier evaluation.

Vote: Voltgloss
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 14, 2012, 03:04:03 pm
Insom, either timchen or I am lying about our role.

timchen has claimed VT.
I claimed that ridiculous complicated setup.

You know I am not lying.  I know you know that.

The conclusion is clear.

Vote: timchen
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: timchen on August 14, 2012, 03:10:50 pm
Volt, you think Insomniac is townier than me?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: timchen on August 14, 2012, 03:12:44 pm
No, I don't think so. It is because I have already voted so your last resort is Insomniac.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 14, 2012, 03:15:12 pm
Volt, you think Insomniac is townier than me?

If he's scum, the town has already lost thanks to your vote.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: timchen on August 14, 2012, 03:42:38 pm
You can still ask me to unvote if you really think he is possible to be scum.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: timchen on August 14, 2012, 03:42:52 pm
*you could have
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 14, 2012, 03:57:16 pm
You could have not come out of the gate with an insta-vote in the first place.  I guess I was reacting to that.

But hey, we're not going to convince each other that we're scum.  In Insom's absence, I'm happy to address this:

Volt, you think Insomniac is townier than me?

Tell me why, based on the evidence, I should see you as townier than Insom. 

And in the meantime, Unvote.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: timchen on August 14, 2012, 04:26:43 pm
Well I was executing the consensus we had yestergameday. I also have convinced myself that insomniac is town before I decided to choose randomly among jo and ins to protect.

Therefore for your question I don't have a good answer. I think we are both town.

For me, I have essentially claimed VT d1. The information I provided checked out. Insomniac claimed seat and role early, which is also a town tell.

For now I don't see a reason to deviate what Jo and Robz suggested.   
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 14, 2012, 04:33:47 pm
So you think Insom's roleclaim is more credible than mine?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: timchen on August 14, 2012, 04:45:31 pm
His roleclaim is 100% credible to me as my role PM confirmed what he described about his role, the bureaucrat.

The only thing is that I was worried the possibility of a mafia bureaucrat; which seems to me really likely as this will make the game play more interesting (we have to choose between getting more information or getting rid of him) but you know, that is not a compelling reason and my read sucks anyway. I also agree with what Robz has said yesterday; if ins were scum he could have arranged to lynch Jo then Robz and won. 
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Insomniac on August 14, 2012, 07:14:45 pm
What neither of you know is that on his death bed jo gave the town what I consider a guaranteed win.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Insomniac on August 14, 2012, 07:17:44 pm
vote: Voltgloss
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Insomniac on August 14, 2012, 07:19:17 pm
Ok now that the game has to be over. I voted for you volt. But last night no made me a vial of silver which is a day use. Poisonous to scum. I threw it at timchen. If timchen is the werewolf he dies. If he isnt our lynch goes through and hits you
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 14, 2012, 07:28:16 pm
And now we wait.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Insomniac on August 14, 2012, 07:33:56 pm
Which of course if I was scum would mean I had won but I'm not so that's cool. And I do suspect u are volt. But your vote wasn't on Tim so I couldn't vial you and lynch him
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 14, 2012, 07:41:35 pm
Bastard mafia.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 14, 2012, 07:43:48 pm
You know I was telling the truth about my limited "powers."
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 14, 2012, 07:45:56 pm
Seer (with no werewolves)
Lightning Rod (Lyncher?)
Universal Backup
VT that prevents fakeclaims
Hated VT


1-Shot Lynchproof Goon
Neighbor Goon
Random JoaT Variant Goon
(who don't know the other Mafia members' identities at game start)


Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: timchen on August 14, 2012, 08:46:42 pm
So we won!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Insomniac on August 14, 2012, 09:59:39 pm
We should unless the silver vial kills you. The only part that made it tough for me was I 100% knew volt was telling the truth about his role
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: timchen on August 14, 2012, 10:23:04 pm
So how did you know 100% about it?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 02:45:08 am
"HERE CATCH" says Insomniac as the vial flew across the room and hit Timchen squarely across the chest. The soapy container burst open, covering him in silvery liquid.
"That was my best shirt!" Says Timchen as he wiped it away with his hands with no ill effects.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 06:47:14 am
There were only three people left in the room, and that didn't fit into the grand scheme of things! in the immortal words of Highlander...."There could only be ..erm...Two?"

Insomniac looked between Voltgloss and Timchen, one of them looked incredibly mad at him for ruining his shirt, the other had a bit of a hopefully look in his eye and was gesturing at Timchen with his finger 'Pick him, pick him'

But Insomniac was far too wise to see through such a blatant trick, and with a move he had learnt off watching too little Star Trek, applied the Vulcan Death Grip to Voltgloss.

As he crumpled to the floor a look of amazement and respect crossed Volts face

Voltgloss, the Pawn, (Mafia JoaT sort of) has been killed

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 06:47:26 am
But wait, there's more....

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 06:48:26 am

The storm broke, the air cleared and the full moon shone its light down over Ozle's castle. The surviving guests stepped out of the rubble of the castle and staggered over the bridge on the way down to town. Boy would they have a story to tell, even if no one believed them!
Insomniac would use his journalistic powers to write a best selling novel based on his adventures. It featured a strange werewolf hunter and a crazy castle owner, filled full of improbable characters.
Timchen went back to his Fishing hut where he told his grandchildren the story about how he was there the night Ozle's castle fell. No one believed him at first, believe it another one of his 'one that got away' tales. But as time passed and more and more strange thigns were uncovered in the ruins, he became a bit of a local celeb and always had his drinks bought for him in the local tavern.
The Town welcomed them back, for not only had they stopped a potential Mafia syndicate from terrorizing the town, but most were glad to see the back of Ozle (especially those that he owed money too!)
From the last remaining tower standing, a figure watched them go in the moonlight. He had been locked in his room before they had turned up by Ozle, for fear of causing him some embarrissment! Crazy Uncle Ungar stuck his long snout out of the window and let out a long howl.

But wait, there's a little bit more....
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 06:49:37 am
Ozle's ghost rested happily, although nobody had fingered him directly, they had managed to kill his murderer for him. He looked over his ghostly armchair and raised a glass to his killer, after all it was a dangerous game they played, and Ozle knew that getting into a land buying war with a local Baron who was known for buying and selling, and then sending a threatening letter to him with an invite for the party was just asking for trouble! But he was happy to deal with that when it arose, and made sure he was seated right by him at the table. What he didn't count on was a treacherous servant, Voltgloss, switching out the lights and hoping soembody would do the dirty work for them

Across the table FTL smiled, and raised his glass in return! Wherever they ended up next was sure to be in for a lot of trouble!!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 15, 2012, 06:51:34 am
Told ya, guys
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 06:52:31 am
Oh Uncle Ungar, you so crazy
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 06:52:42 am
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 06:54:37 am
QT list!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 06:56:54 am
QT list!

Don't you have them all yourself?  :)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 06:57:15 am
What I want to see is Robz's Role PM.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 06:57:29 am
QT list!

Don't you have them all yourself?  :)

Only the first 20 or so.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 06:58:31 am
Nothing indicated Jo was scum. Robz was just town with a lycher wincon of Lab.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 15, 2012, 06:59:11 am
I guessed Volt as the killer.  I think I should get partial credit.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 07:00:10 am
If only the land war had been in Asia...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 07:00:34 am
Main Victory Winners:


Secondary Win Conditions

FTL (For nobody guessing he was the murderer)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 07:01:18 am
OH, and Volt... ftl was a Poisoner. He poisoned Grujah, it wasn't a completer modtroll.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 07:02:29 am
Seats 11 and 12:
The Hanger on/Groupie:
Seats 12 and 13:
The Coach Party (Mafia) :
Sepectator 1:
Spectator 2:
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Grujah on August 15, 2012, 07:02:37 am
Ozle is a bastard.

He sent me a message, with title "Haha" and this content:
"Hey, I saw you named monkey after me in Mafia VIII, very funny  ;D

How are you enjoying murder mistery? Did you like the souffle?"

And I answer:
"I don't even know what a souffle is.."

He send a picture of souffle, and than later, a message:
"Sorry, Grujah, you've died. You were poisoned and vomited your guts out".

When asked about it, he said that if I said that I didn't eat the souffle, I would live.  :'( :'( :'( But I said I don't know what it is, but it was not enough.  :'(

I would have joined town after that FLT lynch for sure. Meh. At least I ain't the only loser :P
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 07:04:46 am
OH, and Volt... ftl was a Poisoner. He poisoned Grujah, it wasn't a completer modtroll.

FTL was the murderer, as he didn't have anyone suspect him by Day 2, he got to kill someone else.

However, there was a minor get out clause (as Grujah says), so it wasn't a complete power day kill, just a very likely one
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 07:06:00 am
Incidentally, for those of you wondering "why did Volt /out jo and Robz's bastard games and why is he replacing out of Role Madness II," this is part of why.  It's just not fun at all to be on the wrong end of a heavily unbalanced town setup. 

This is no reflection on Ozle, as he never promised the town was balanced.  This is me realizing

Everything I said about my role was true - including the weak powers made available to me, and the fact that my powers deserted me suddenly when I really needed them - except for the ADDITIONAL drawback that none of the Mafia knew who each other were Day 1.  I had to use a power Night 1 for us to learn each other's identities.

We also didn't know that ftl's lynchproof would come at the cost of him being outed as Mafia. 

Whereas you guys had Cop and Tracker and Inventor and Lightning Rod and... yeah.

I also find it blisteringly ironic that even when I had perfect reasons for voting Morgrim, and everyone AGREED they were perfect reasons and everyone WENT ALONG with voting Morgrim - some of you voting Morgrim BEFORE me - it was STILL "oh Volt made a mistake by voting Morgrim!"

I am never voting Morgrim in any game ever again.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 07:07:10 am
Oops, partial paragraph.  Second paragraph above should have read:

"This is no reflection on Ozle, as he never promised the town was balanced.  This is me realizing that it's not fun, in my view, to play in an expressly non-balanced setup."
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 07:09:59 am
OH, and Volt... ftl was a Poisoner. He poisoned Grujah, it wasn't a completer modtroll.

FTL was the murderer, as he didn't have anyone suspect him by Day 2, he got to kill someone else.

However, there was a minor get out clause (as Grujah says), so it wasn't a complete power day kill, just a very likely one

Ahh, I suppose you're right. He never explicitly stated that he was a poisoner, just that he poisoned Grujah.


You could understand my (and I believe the rest of the Speccy threads) confusion on the matter. ;)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 07:11:13 am
Its funny seeing both sides saying the other side was unbalanced and not fair!

You did get lucky, then unlucky with your JAOT powers.

But I did put one of the mafia in a QT with the Tracker, and the back up, which also learnt him the identity of the Cop, which could work for and against you.

And FTL got killed before he could tell you he poisoned someone, it happened Between Night 1 and Day 2 deliberately.

Plus, I set some of the town against each other (Robz/Jo) and supposedly (eevee/SB) except that never happened.

We got down to 3 people alive, 2 Town and 1 mafia, so I am pretty happy with the balance myself!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 15, 2012, 07:12:39 am
Oops, partial paragraph.  Second paragraph above should have read:

"This is no reflection on Ozle, as he never promised the town was balanced.  This is me realizing that it's not fun, in my view, to play in an expressly non-balanced setup."

It's funny because I felt that you guys were op.

Lynch proof, day killing, day talking.  My track on ftl was bullahit and I know it.  I barely decided to track galz.... Also bullshit.  And it still came down to 3 players.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 07:12:59 am
When did I ever get lucky with my JoaT powers?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 07:13:50 am
Ok, thoughts for this game.
First off, I wanted it to be more a story than a game, with events unfolding as they went along.
There was the obvious back drop of the murder, which I honestly thought would be solved by Day 2. This is the reasin the original murderer had a one shot lynchproof so you couldnt lynch him first day and lose the ability to solve the murder. Obviously thats pretty powerful on a Mafiosa, which is why it also outed him at the same time.
The obvious suspect
In any murder book, the first person you that seems obvious never is the culprit, but everybody distrusts him anyway, and quite often they end up dead next. Thus the hated townie holding the knife.

The Diversion

And of course there is always the red herring, which in this case was Werewolves. As eevee noted, his flavour was definately meant to induce that he was a bit rubbish and even stated that he had never found one. And also Frisk's stated he knew there were no werewolves.
The Sub Plot
Then you have the sub plot, where by the Grand Market (oh how I wish I had known the Dark Ages card Ruined Market at this point) was purely out for revenge on the Lab, but i did warn in the Labs flavour that he should be careful who he trusted.
Underlying themes
There is a sense of suspcion all the way round the table, as is befotting because nobody quite trusts anybody, you got the lynching role for another fellow townie, the werewolf red herring, the hated townie. This meant that the town had no reason to trust anyone, further powering the mafia. Also, the Eevee flavour that Steward was sniffing around was supposed to suggest that Steward was a werewolf, but Eevee looked straight past this and immediately read Town! (And then told his Mafia QT mate!)

To weaken the Mafia a bit, they were one of the QT's, except they did not know they were all Mafia in the coach party! They had to use one of Volts abilities to find out, he just got extremely lucky and rolled it the first night! (Although this was after they had voted in the coach party to kill)
Galzria having 3 QT at various people with other town was a big help, but its also the thing that got him outed and killed, so a two edge sword. Volt was always the real power mafia with his Pawn ability (pick two from 4) the downside is that they were a random 4 from 10, and once used meant he lost that choice. Which is why he never saw Double Vote or Day kill ability!
Obviously this made a strong town, so I put in a Cop, but then weakened the cop by saying after Envoy died he could investigate as seer instead.
Then you had the inventor, who was the character with the chequered past...he had done time in prison, which was why all his inventions were made of soap. I weakened this role a bit by giving him two worthless but flavour inventions (a bar of soap and a vial of silver)
I put the tracker and reporter  in for pure flavour reasons to be honest.
The masquerade was because at a murder investigation, not everyone is as they seem. And it also meant a chance of giving an extra mafia or Town, unfortuneately Grujah hedged too much!
Everybody essentially got weakened a bit to make up for the extra information from the flavour.

The Murder
Well, the easiest way to solve the murder was everyone post the cleared seats from thier PM, that way you would find that most seats were double confirmed as clear. The only one mentioned missing from his seat was 14, but he was cleared elsewhere! The only one who is never mentioned was 10....Obviously though that involved trusting everybody

Plus I dropped quite a few hints about buying and selling land and contention and there was only one card that bought and sold land, he even did it to stave off a lynch...
Also, i know i said the murderer could be any alignment, but he was always going to be mafia, it takes a killer to be a killer!

Then he died, so the rest of the hints were pretty useless.

It obviously wasn't easy, but I was surprised nobody picked up on it until the late game

Some notes:
Lucky Mafia: Voltglos getting the 'reveal mafia' on the first night.
Unlucky Mafia: Frisk tracking the two mafia who did the night kills in the first two nights! And then the one day FLT and Galz were both alive is the one day the town has a day kill!

I know some of you didn't like the roles, there was a lot of times people would say, 'thats not a typical mafia role', well this wasn't a typical mafia game, who cares what conventions Mafia Scum use, this was my game! things such as 1 shot lynchproof Mafia, Useless Seer, Hated townie and Town aligned lyncher, but they were all there for flavour reasons, and it was more important for the story!
Mess Ups due to Iphone which I apologise to the people involved
I accidently sent Frisk the link to the spectator QT instead of Galzria, but luckily he died that night anyway
I sent Insomniac Volts choices one night instead of Volt.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 07:14:33 am
When did I ever get lucky with my JoaT powers?

You got the 'Know Mafia' day 1! I thought it was pretty lucky at the time, but then was followed up by you never getting the Double Vote again, nor the Roleblock!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 07:17:02 am
This was essentially a flavour based game, even the people getting killed got flavour, even though nobody else would ever see it!

And quite often peoples flavour linked in with each others.

For example: Last night Eevees investigative message was to throw a cat into Timchens room. Timchen got the PM along those lines, but by then Eevee had died
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 07:19:01 am
I sent Insomniac Volts choices one night instead of Volt.

Which is why I couldn't make a believable story about my role.  I had to tell the truth, as unbelievable (and as Mafia-ish) as it was.

When did I ever get lucky with my JoaT powers?

You got the 'Know Mafia' day 1! I thought it was pretty lucky at the time, but then was followed up by you never getting the Double Vote again, nor the Roleblock!

Eh, I didn't even think of that as a power.  That was just putting us back on normal footing from a major drawback we had from the get-go.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 07:23:40 am
I like how my current meta is "ooh Voltgloss is sly and clever you have to catch him on the little mistakes" when I have never won a game.  :p

Well, I won BM-IV.  By killing myself to get my idiocy out of the way of town.  Brilliant!  :)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 07:26:20 am
I like how my current meta is "ooh Voltgloss is sly and clever you have to catch him on the little mistakes" when I have never won a game.  :p

Well, I won BM-IV.  By killing myself to get my idiocy out of the way of town.  Brilliant!  :)

Hey, you're one of the people I'm always most way of each time a new game starts! I always hate trying to figure you for town or Mafia because you could easily go either way.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 15, 2012, 07:35:05 am
Just read the mafia qt.   awesome stuff.

My favorite

I will probably kill CF. It's otherwise just a matter of time before he finds me. Hell, he's probably sending in a command to track me right now!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 07:36:54 am
Just read the mafia qt.   awesome stuff.

My favorite

I will probably kill CF. It's otherwise just a matter of time before he finds me. Hell, he's probably sending in a command to track me right now!

Were you?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 15, 2012, 07:39:46 am
No.  Ozle told me I was dead before I had a chance to think.  Offhand, I said I would have tracked morgrim, on the logic that he had been reasonably sane this game.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: yuma on August 15, 2012, 08:09:11 am
Main Victory Winners:


I don't win? sad, sad, sad face... so sad I am not going to use an emoticon
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 08:11:27 am
Main Victory Winners:


I don't win? sad, sad, sad face... so sad I am not going to use an emoticon

Fixed that
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Grujah on August 15, 2012, 08:23:45 am
OH, and Volt... ftl was a Poisoner. He poisoned Grujah, it wasn't a completer modtroll.

FTL was the murderer, as he didn't have anyone suspect him by Day 2, he got to kill someone else.

However, there was a minor get out clause (as Grujah says), so it wasn't a complete power day kill, just a very likely one

I would probably have said that I didn't eat it, were you to send me a message only about BM.

What got me it being titled: "Haha" and than speaking about MVIII flavor.  :'(
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Grujah on August 15, 2012, 08:24:20 am

Another game where I am 1-shot-something and die without using my power. Need to stop doing that.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 08:33:31 am

So pretty much nobody was happy with their role or the balance or the way I did things. Half the people didn't even both submitting a murder suspect before they died!

Ahh well, lessons learnt!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Grujah on August 15, 2012, 08:35:55 am
Nono, Ozle, I am! I just palyed it bad. My role was awesum :) The souffle thing was great, I don't mind being tricked, it's just that I might have avoided it were you less sly. And that wouldn't necesarily be better.

As for murder, I think there weren't that many clues.. Iunno. Who did submit who to be murderer, anyway?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: jotheonah on August 15, 2012, 08:46:42 am
Volt, why did you kill Evey when you did instead of myself or Insom???
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: jotheonah on August 15, 2012, 08:48:22 am
Also, Volt, I think you played really well, and I'm glad it was insomniac in there at the end and not me, because I might have picked timchen!

I found that to be a really fun game, and , guys, it was my first win! WOOOT!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: yuma on August 15, 2012, 08:50:34 am

So pretty much nobody was happy with their role or the balance or the way I did things. Half the people didn't even both submitting a murder suspect before they died!

Ahh well, lessons learnt!

I was not happy about "getting" my role. The role itself was a good counter balance I think

Overall I loved the game and just wished I could have been alive to play more than watch
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 08:51:49 am
Volt, why did you kill Evey when you did instead of myself or Insom???

Yeah, in hindsight I should have killed Insom.  I knew you gave him the magnifying glass, because (1) you blatantly crumbed in the thread you were going to give something to Eevee - so of course you wouldn't do that; and (2) Insom chimed in to support the "yeah let's wait to investigate jo/Robz" rather obviously.  I knew he had it, but convinced myself I should take a different approach.  I really out-thought myself there.

I killed Eevee because he was being treated by everyone as confirmed town, whereas Insom was not.  I also thought Robz was prepared to handle whatever investigation result Insom was going to come up with.  I didn't anticipate Robz's method for handling it was to immediately vote me.  :p
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 08:54:22 am
I found that to be a really fun game, and , guys, it was my first win! WOOOT!

Yes, you definitely deserved it.  You and Insom both.  Beats being lynched/killed Day/Night 1, eh Insom?  :)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Grujah on August 15, 2012, 08:58:05 am
Your own fault, Volt. Had you killed him D1, none of this would have happened. I knew there was a reason for him constantly dying.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 09:03:12 am
I throughly enjoyed the whole thing, even if it was unbalanced for <insert side here>.

I mean, I understand the frustration from Volt because we specifically talked about leaving certain options on the table for mid-late game... And then he basically lost his power the last two nights.

On the other hand, I disagree entirely that my QT's were a double-edged sword. I felt that I balanced them very nicely. I was never caught out because of them - and honestly I'm not sure I would've been. What caught me out was CF, plain and simple.

I think that Robz playing to his own wincon hurt the town. I think had he just played things naturally and let things fall into place, town would've won with more alive. But again, I think that's also due largely in part to CF.

In the end, I just think it was swingy, and well, any role-heavy game will be.

Start: Advantave Town
N1 Scum Detector by Volt: Even
N1 Track by CF: Advantage Town
D2 Cop reveal to me: Even
D2 Poison kill: Advantage Mafia
N2 Track by CF: Even
N2 Soap-Gun: Advantage Town
D3 Null: Advantage Town
N3 Null: Advantage Town
D4 Robz -> Joth: Even
D4 Morgrim kill: Even
N4 Eevee kill: Advantage Town (Yeah, hitting Ins with the investigation was the right move. 20/20 though)
D5 Robz self lynching: Even
N5 Null: Even
D6 Null: Even

Excepting a mistake PM to Ins, it ended up fairly even. It's just annoying when you make sacrifices early to try and get that edge later... Just to have that edge taken away because it wouldn't be balanced.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 09:14:34 am
On the other hand, I disagree entirely that my QT's were a double-edged sword. I felt that I balanced them very nicely. I was never caught out because of them - and honestly I'm not sure I would've been. What caught me out was CF, plain and simple.

One of the QT's was delieberately a tracker
I was suprised when you all but invited Frisk to investigate you to prove you had no night powers, and then did the kill.
That was the turning point I think.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 09:22:09 am
On the other hand, I disagree entirely that my QT's were a double-edged sword. I felt that I balanced them very nicely. I was never caught out because of them - and honestly I'm not sure I would've been. What caught me out was CF, plain and simple.

One of the QT's was delieberately a tracker
I was suprised when you all but invited Frisk to investigate you to prove you had no night powers, and then did the kill.
That was the turning point I think.

Nah, like I said in the Mafia QT, I fully expected him to. I just really thought we would get two nights of lynching and planning and free kills. What changed things was the soap gun. Without that I was absolutely fine with CF caching me too at that point.

(Obviously better if he doesn't)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: timchen on August 15, 2012, 10:03:38 am
Also, Volt, I think you played really well, and I'm glad it was insomniac in there at the end and not me, because I might have picked timchen!

I found that to be a really fun game, and , guys, it was my first win! WOOOT!

Ha! This is actually why I picked Insomniac to doctor. I read you choose Volt as scum based on your gut a bit too much and it seems relatively possible for you to turn back on me (which I will defend but I don't really know what I can say at that point.)

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: jotheonah on August 15, 2012, 10:08:15 am
Apparently I accidently soft-fakeclaimed werewolf? There was so much happening behind the scenes!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Eevee on August 15, 2012, 10:36:05 am
Booo, I missed all the post-game talk. Shouldn't ever sleep!

First of all Ozle, this was the most entertaining game I've ever played, and this is coming from the Seer in the setup with no werewolves. I was soooo bummed to be dead, even if I expected it.

Us not catching the murderer is partially my fault maybe, I recall predicting Volt's part in the shenanigan in our QT with Galzria on day 2 already. Maybe if we got to keep our QT for longer, we would have figured out the rest together (clearly, I wasn't able to do it alone). I was maybe too concentrated on finding scum, and didn't realize I clearly had the clues to get the murderer.

Robz partially playing for his 2nd wincom rather than town's clearly benefited the mafia a ton. Luckily he eventually did the right thing!

Other than not catching the murderer, I think I read my flavor reasonably well. Catching that shark_bait was the cop was like the coolest mafia moment of my life, sadly I went on to blabber about it to Galzria.. oops.

Huge thanks to Ozle for running this, and also letting my character believe he was killed by a werewolf so I could die happy.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 10:51:07 am

Huge thanks to Ozle for running this, and also letting my character believe he was killed by a werewolf so I could die happy.

No one else wondered why you died with a smile on your face!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 10:58:56 am

Huge thanks to Ozle for running this, and also letting my character believe he was killed by a werewolf so I could die happy.

No one else wondered why you died with a smile on your face!

I did but just assumed it was the mod trolling me.  Again!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Eevee on August 15, 2012, 11:02:15 am
Ozle, what QT's are worth reading / all they all? I recall you posting in the spectator one that one of them was particularly hilarious.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: jotheonah on August 15, 2012, 11:09:38 am
I highly recommend the Coach Party QT. I haven't read the others, but both Galz and Volt manage to be extremely sure about completely wrong reads on me.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 11:16:04 am
I highly recommend the Coach Party QT. I haven't read the others, but both Galz and Volt manage to be extremely sure about completely wrong reads on me.

I still think I was right. I mean, you so obviously were the WW.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 11:17:37 am
It's funny reading the seat QT's, because you realize how little lying I did. My analysis to each player mirrored what I said to the other. That said, my QT with Cayvie was my absolute favorite (The Hanger On).
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Insomniac on August 15, 2012, 11:19:45 am
@Volt, It feels great to not die N1, but probably not as good for you :P. And yea the pm put you in a hard part but I didn't know it was for you. When Ozle pm'd me all I got was "You have four choices tonight" and the choices no indication of whom. I sent back uhh? and he was like ohh thats for a game im in, your dead in that one arent you? So you actually could have fakeclaimed when you didn't I knew that Ozle was lying about it being for (what I assumed was bmiv) a different game and that it was in fact for this one.

I liked the flavour and the balance, we got really lucky with CF and Jo and it still went down to 3.

Additionally I was lead to believe the silver vial would kill scum when I got the PM so had volt had his vote on timchen when I read everything it might have gone differently (thrown at volt, lynched tim) but I think in that case I would have waited to see what happened it's hard to say, I was really convinced that Volt was mafia but if the vial hadn't have killed him I might have chose the other way.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Grujah on August 15, 2012, 11:25:39 am
I highly recommend the Coach Party QT. I haven't read the others, but both Galz and Volt manage to be extremely sure about completely wrong reads on me.

Haha, some great stuff.

Favourite stuff:

"Who has a reason to carry around anti-smell supplies? I mean, REALLY?"
"and who ever heard of a mask wearing wolf? So no Gruj"

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Grujah on August 15, 2012, 11:30:04 am
Oh, and
"I wonder if CF is about to die from using poisoned soap."
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 11:40:24 am
The whole Voltgloss trying to work out the poisoner when it was his own team mate was hillarious, especially with his flashes of inspiration.

That night Eevee investigated him with this result
This Voltgloss fellow looked a bit hairy to you, was it just a liking for the hippy look, or was there a bit of Wolf about him. You decided to not wait until night time in case his wolfy genes got the better of him. From your 'Do it yourself' werewolf detector kit you pulled out a small silver pin. As he passed you on the way out of the dining room you quickly jabbed it in his arm. It startled him and he looked round at everyone looking extremely worried, but other than that, no ill effects, so he was definately not a werewolf!

And he got (amongst the rest of his flavour)
As you were leaving the dining room on the way to bed you felt a small pin prick in your arm. You looked around but the crowd of people milling around it was impossible to know who it was. You went straight back upstairs and washed it out, and other than a bit of blood it looked fine.

To which I got the reply back:

CRUD I am poisoned.

Crud crud crud.



Which was proper bastard of me, but so so funny!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 11:44:45 am
My absolute most favorite post was in Spec thread 1:

Quote from: Cayvie
lol Galz.

I was pretty annoyed when I found out you were my nightchat buddy... Because, like, anyone else, I'm pretty confident I could soul read them 1v1 like that. You're a cold-blooded liar though, and I hope, for the sake of your future relationships, you consider undergoing therapy for that!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 12:00:30 pm
Yeah, I freely admit the whole poisoner debacle was hilarious.  But MAN, c'mon, how was I supposed to guess that the poisoner was my own dead teammate who never let on he could do this?

So ftl didn't know he could poison people until Day 2?  Ugh.  Another example of the mafia in particular being given incomplete information about their powers.  (I suppose Eevee falls in that category as well, of being a Seer in a world without Werewolves.  Although I got the Seer power twice myself too!)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: jotheonah on August 15, 2012, 12:05:25 pm
I'm sort of proud of how early on I determined that werewolves were an elaborate troll. How did you guys keep thinking there was a WW/SK with no nightkills?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 12:07:22 pm
Yeah, I freely admit the whole poisoner debacle was hilarious.  But MAN, c'mon, how was I supposed to guess that the poisoner was my own dead teammate who never let on he could do this?

So ftl didn't know he could poison people until Day 2?  Ugh.  Another example of the mafia in particular being given incomplete information about their powers.  (I suppose Eevee falls in that category as well, of being a Seer in a world without Werewolves.  Although I got the Seer power twice myself too!)

Well, him getting shot probably didn't help the matter
It was an opportunistic kill for the murderer. Walking past the soufflé in the kitchen on his way back to the dining room!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 12:07:55 pm
I'm sort of proud of how early on I determined that werewolves were an elaborate troll. How did you guys keep thinking there was a WW/SK with no nightkills?

There was a direct quote in CF's role PM saying there were no werewolves!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 12:09:38 pm
I'm sort of proud of how early on I determined that werewolves were an elaborate troll. How did you guys keep thinking there was a WW/SK with no nightkills?

There was a direct quote in CF's role PM saying there were no werewolves!

And yet there were multiple people capable of hunting them! Shocking that the conclusion that CF's PM might not be entiiiirly accurate! ;)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 15, 2012, 12:09:57 pm
I'm sort of proud of how early on I determined that werewolves were an elaborate troll. How did you guys keep thinking there was a WW/SK with no nightkills?

"Werewolf Robz needs to kill the guy who has silver before he can unleash his true potential" was one theory.

"SK Poisoner" was my own but, yeah, we all understand THAT now.  :p
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 12:13:43 pm
I'm sort of proud of how early on I determined that werewolves were an elaborate troll. How did you guys keep thinking there was a WW/SK with no nightkills?

There was a direct quote in CF's role PM saying there were no werewolves!

And yet there were multiple people capable of hunting them! Shocking that the conclusion that CF's PM might not be entiiiirly accurate! ;)

Well, yes. See the explanation in the big long post above, it was aiming to feel like a story!

You even got flavour posts when you did night actions!
I dont think I have written quite as much in the last couple ofyears!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 12:15:04 pm
I'm sort of proud of how early on I determined that werewolves were an elaborate troll. How did you guys keep thinking there was a WW/SK with no nightkills?

The big case laid forth by me (and like I said, I still stand by it), was put forth N2, when there was only one missing kill.

Beyond that, my personal suspicion was that you were playing it slyly, having the choice between killing each night, or inventing something. You were opting to give no indication of your existence WHILE trying to build town cred. And like any good SK,, you were immune to investigations - which is why Eever's Seering came back negative - because of your wolfiness.

Had you been investigated by the Cop, I'm sure he would've discovered the truth. So well played my Hairy friend, well played.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 12:16:25 pm
I'm sort of proud of how early on I determined that werewolves were an elaborate troll. How did you guys keep thinking there was a WW/SK with no nightkills?

There was a direct quote in CF's role PM saying there were no werewolves!

And yet there were multiple people capable of hunting them! Shocking that the conclusion that CF's PM might not be entiiiirly accurate! ;)

Well, yes. See the explanation in the big long post above, it was aiming to feel like a story!

You even got flavour posts when you did night actions!
I dont think I have written quite as much in the last couple ofyears!

I got no flavor for night actions, and my death scene was "You are predictably dead. QTLink"
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Grujah on August 15, 2012, 12:19:36 pm
My death scene was fun:

Title: Some bad news I'm afraid


You left the dining room and headed back up to your room, but you never quite made it. Your stomach started churning and you felt quite sick. You took a detour to the toilet where you sat down and watched the result of your last few days eating come up over the sink, followed by several other unsightly things.

Your last thought as you died....well its probably best not to publish that, you dirty boy.

You had been poisoned during the day and died before making it back to your room.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 12:26:28 pm
I'm sort of proud of how early on I determined that werewolves were an elaborate troll. How did you guys keep thinking there was a WW/SK with no nightkills?

There was a direct quote in CF's role PM saying there were no werewolves!

And yet there were multiple people capable of hunting them! Shocking that the conclusion that CF's PM might not be entiiiirly accurate! ;)

Well, yes. See the explanation in the big long post above, it was aiming to feel like a story!

You even got flavour posts when you did night actions!
I dont think I have written quite as much in the last couple ofyears!

I got no flavor for night actions, and my death scene was "You are predictably dead. QTLink"

Yeah, you missed out im afraid, and the dead one was because I was away and had to do things on iphone!

I apologise, I will write you one now if you like?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 15, 2012, 12:30:19 pm

At least I got a fun death scene in-thread by self-hammering/ throwing myself off the chair. I was kinda hoping for a windpipe tube or some other contraption... But I guess Joth never made me one. It's because he was a WW you know.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: ftl on August 15, 2012, 01:58:54 pm
Yeah, I freely admit the whole poisoner debacle was hilarious.  But MAN, c'mon, how was I supposed to guess that the poisoner was my own dead teammate who never let on he could do this?

So ftl didn't know he could poison people until Day 2?  Ugh.  Another example of the mafia in particular being given incomplete information about their powers.  (I suppose Eevee falls in that category as well, of being a Seer in a world without Werewolves.  Although I got the Seer power twice myself too!)

Well, I learned that I could poison someone at the end of Night 1 (after everything else of N1 had happened). Then the death would happen Night 2. But then on Day 3, it didn't look like Grujah had died, so I didn't say anything (and I couldn't talk to you guys at night anyway).

The poisoning was tied to me being the murderer, so I didn't want to talk about it if I didn't have to, also.

I had a lot of fun. The balance was definitely decided by the flavor, though. The reason I agreed to do the kill on night 1 without pushing for anyone else to do it was because I was the murderer and didn't want to draw any extra attention to myself in the quicktopic, so I didn't bother trying to get someone else to do it. And then my D1 roleclaim was the way it was because I didn't expect flavor to reveal that I was mafia - I thought that by being truthful I'd at least get a C_F lynch out of it the next day.

Oh, and one more thing that was tied in to me being a murderer: my vote was actually the decider in the QT, if there was a tie, it wouldn't be random. So if one of Volt or Galz had gotten lynched D1, I was going to use the coach kill to kill the other N1 so I'd have the QT and the kill all to myself  ;) I was tempted to push for a Volt or Galz lynch D1 just to make that happen, but I'm not good at pushing lynches and decided to just scumhunt normally. Fortunately, Volt got to find out we were all on a team before I had a chance to do that!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: ftl on August 15, 2012, 04:09:04 pm
Oh, and being murderer felt so hard! I felt like I couldn't even be honest in my own team QT! I was so worried at being found out. Especially when I had to tell them I was lynchproof, I was worried that "lynchproof scum" would be an instant murderer-tell, because why else would you make scum lynchproof.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: cayvie on August 15, 2012, 04:36:52 pm

we win

all thanks to meeeee
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Axxle on August 15, 2012, 04:42:28 pm
Hey Ozle,

Sorry I'm late to the party but the wheel on my wagon broke and...


where are you and where'd your castle go?

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: jotheonah on August 15, 2012, 04:43:08 pm
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 15, 2012, 05:06:43 pm

we win

all thanks to meeeee

I was a big fan of how they thought you and I were a scum team.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Glooble on August 15, 2012, 05:24:16 pm
Guys, I was straight up lurking and not even on any of the Spectator QTs. I have to say, this is the most fun I've ever had spectating a mafia game. Excellent work Ozle. Would love to play a Tabletop RPG with you as GM.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 15, 2012, 05:56:23 pm
Guys, I was straight up lurking and not even on any of the Spectator QTs. I have to say, this is the most fun I've ever had spectating a mafia game. Excellent work Ozle. Would love to play a Tabletop RPG with you as GM.


Yeah that would be fun, shame that D&D online tabletop thing never really worked!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: cayvie on August 15, 2012, 06:21:22 pm
Guys, I was straight up lurking and not even on any of the Spectator QTs. I have to say, this is the most fun I've ever had spectating a mafia game. Excellent work Ozle. Would love to play a Tabletop RPG with you as GM.


Yeah that would be fun, shame that D&D online tabletop thing never really worked!

g+ hangouts are pretty good for RPGs
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Axxle on August 15, 2012, 06:36:26 pm
Guys, I was straight up lurking and not even on any of the Spectator QTs. I have to say, this is the most fun I've ever had spectating a mafia game. Excellent work Ozle. Would love to play a Tabletop RPG with you as GM.


Yeah that would be fun, shame that D&D online tabletop thing never really worked!
My group used GameTable in conjunction with Skype for a while.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 15, 2012, 06:39:36 pm
Now class, what have we learned about assuming Morgrim is scum?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: cayvie on August 15, 2012, 06:42:30 pm
Now class, what have we learned about assuming Morgrim is scum?

lynching morgrim leads to winning the game
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Morgrim7 on August 15, 2012, 06:47:49 pm
Now class, what have we learned about assuming Morgrim is scum?

lynching morgrim leads to winning the game
Actually, you're right. Every time you have lynched me and I was a VT you guys have won. Huh.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: jotheonah on August 15, 2012, 07:18:01 pm
+1s all around. I apologize for spearheading a Morgrim lynch in the face of all my common sense.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Eevee on August 16, 2012, 12:55:54 am
Oh, as if making me a seer in a setup with no werewolves wasn't enough, Ozle just had to make me bulletproof to werewolf kills. That was my big secret, the one that was supposed to keep me alive all game while I thank our protective roles.

Ozle, you are such a bastard.

And I like it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Grujah on August 16, 2012, 07:04:58 am
I LOVED yuma raging over morgrim in QT cuz he was so frustrated about his play.  ;D
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 16, 2012, 02:26:22 pm
Timchens PM with the card details:

You know the breakdown of all the Dominion flavour nicknames Ozle has given to people from the town:
There are:
1 Alchemy
4 Base
1 Cornucopia
5 Intrigue
1 Seaside
1 Prosperity

You also know that amongst them there are only:
7 Cards could give you at least one action
3 cards that could give +buy
5 Cards that could give +$ (This does not refer to Treasure cards)
2 Attack cards
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 16, 2012, 02:41:44 pm
What was Robz's full PM?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 16, 2012, 02:43:51 pm
You are a Grand Market (Lightning Rod) - Town Aligned
You are in seat 18

You used to be somebody, a popular guy around town that everyone wanted to know. That is until Ozle sent you to try out one of his Laboratory experiments and it turned you into some sort of malfunctioning science fair show!

While you didn't really like Ozle much, you really laid the blame on the crappy Laboratory that created the malfunctioning invention! You knew he had gone to prison, but had heard he was out now and at this party! You would have your vengeance! 

You were pretty sure the guy sitting opposite you didn’t move when the lights went out. And neither did the people either side of you.

Lightning Rod Ability
Once per game (day or night) you can PM me that you want to turn yourself on. This will mean all actions not yet resolved or declared during that day or night (including lynches and beneficial effects used) will be redirected to you. These will not take effect until the end of that day or night.

Victory Conditions

You win when only town aligned guests are alive or nothing can stop that from happening.

You don't really care about Ozle’s murder (No victory for guessing the murderer), the bastard got what was coming to him and the killer should get a medal. However you will get an additional victory if you are in the group that lynches the Laboratory

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: timchen on August 16, 2012, 02:46:27 pm
I can't read laboratory=scum anywhere in the PM...
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 16, 2012, 02:46:50 pm
My full (unedited/modified) PM:

You are the Farming Village (Vanilla Mafia) - Mafia Aligned      
You are in Seat 12      

You had been working against Ozle for years, trying to weasel your way into one of his infamous parties so you could pay him back for the death of your Son (in Ozle’s defence, it was an accident, anybody could have been passing that window when he jumped out to escape a returning Husband….)
However, before you had the chance to enact your revenge, somebody beat you too it! Ohh boy were you mad!      

Due to the nature of the party, you do not know who the other mafia are, and thus cannot do a night kill between you.
You came here on a coach with some others from the village, and are smooth enough to convince them that they can do your night kill for you.   
You can talk to them here:   
But you’re a cunning one, you have been subtly buttering up both the people either side of them, so you can talk to them here:      
Seats 11 and 12
Seats 12 and 13
One more thing, you also had a bit of a groupie, he saw how popular you were and was hanging around you for ages. Perhaps he could be useful!      
The hanger on:
You were pretty sure that nobody to either side of you moved when the lights went out. You were talking to seat 11, and you could smell 13’s breath!   

None past your own cunning tongue.

Victory Conditions
You win when only Mafia are left alive or nothing can prevent that from happening.      

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 16, 2012, 02:49:44 pm

You are the town Adventurer (Hated Vanilla Townie) - Town Aligned
You are in seat 17

You only got an invite to this party because you owed a lot of people money, often paying in substandard coins. But yet other people still paid a higher than average price for your services.
Ozle definitely owed you a lot of money however, all that cash he spent on hookers and drugs you heard. You reckon that the invite was a last ditch attempt to keep you sweet.

Just before the lights came back on you felt someone brush past you. You reached into your jacket pocket and pulled out something sharp and covered in blood.
Uh oh, this wouldn't look good....

You recognized the people in seats 20, 21 and 22, although seat 20 looked slightly different to how you remembered, and knew they wouldn't have had the balls to pull off this murder, hell they were too wimpy to even threaten a simple loan shark like you! So no chance they were going up against Ozle

Victory Conditions

You win when only town aligned guests are alive or nothing can stop that from happening.

If you make it to the end of the game alive then you can award yourself a moral victory for truth and justice. It won’t count for anything, but at least you will know you did a good job!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: ftl on August 16, 2012, 04:20:56 pm
Here was mine!

You are the Baron  (No comparable role)- Mafia Aligned - MURDERER
You are in Seat 10

You are a rival Baron to Ozle, nowhere near as handsome or rich of course, but you eke out a modest living buying and selling lands around the province.

You bastard! You are the one that killed me in a dispute over our border fences and who was supposed to cut down those hydrangeas. Sitting next to me at the table when the lights went out, you found it easy to quickly get up and plant a knife in my back! You noticed that at least one other person was moving around at this time, but it was too dark to see who they were, and you were focused on me.

You came to the party with some other people, normally you wouldn't hang with these peons, but you didn't have any spare estates to sell at the time. Nobody on the coach knows the others alignment or powers.
You can talk to them here: (
As you are the murderer though, you will get the deciding vote on the Coach Party kill

Due to the nature of the party, you do not know who the other mafia are, and thus cannot do a night kill between you.  You must co-ordinate the Coach to do it for you. However, despite what it says, if there is a tie your vote is the decider.

Your money and your connections mean that you cannot be lynched! At least until you run out of estates that is…

Victory Conditions

You win when only Mafia aligned people are left alive or nothing can prevent that from happening.

You obviously don't get the victory for guessing the murderer, because it was you, you sneaky git. However, if nobody correctly identifies you as the murderer you will get an additional win.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Captain_Frisk on August 16, 2012, 04:23:05 pm

You are the Scrying Pool (Tracker) - Town Aligned      
You are in seat 13
Who would go to a party like this without knowing what the other occupants are up to? Well, you for a start, but you were determined to find out!   
What you did know, and was 100% sure of this fact, that there were no such things as werewolves! What a preposterous idea. The howl that happened during the darkness was you, stabbing yourself in the hand with a fork in the dark.      
But you have also been chatting to the guy on your left; you can talk to him here:      
Seats 12 and 13
You were also sure that he did not move when the lights went out as he was moaning about your bad breath      

Each night phase, you may track one player in the game by PM'ing the mod. You will get results back who that person targeted.

Victory Conditions

You win if all threats to the town are eliminated and at least one town-aligned player is alive   

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 16, 2012, 04:28:34 pm
So the farting thing WAS unconfirmed!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: jotheonah on August 16, 2012, 04:32:30 pm
y'all are getting retroactively modkilled. but I won't fall for that!

You are a Laboratory (Inventor) - Town Aligned
You are in seat 19

Until three years ago you worked as chief scientist for Ozle, until that unfortunate accident at the Grand Market. That’s when you stopped working for Ozle and went to Jail....

That time was not wasted though, while there you made some major progress and could even fashion handy tools out of soap! You were keen to find a buyer for these, and Ozle’s banquet seemed like a good place to start. Plus if something were to happen to him, that would be a bonus

A fleeting glimpse before the lights went out and you were sure that you recognised someone in the crowd from your pre-prison days; you would have to be careful.

You were looking around at the time, and neither person either side of you moved when it went dark.

Inventor Night Time Action

Each night you can create one invention out of soap and hand it to a player of your choice under the table. Send me a PM with the invention and the player name or seat number; this item will last for one night only before it crumbles.
Your choices:
Magnifying Glass
Vial Of Silver
Bar of soap

Victory Conditions

You win when only town aligned guests are alive or nothing can stop that from happening.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 16, 2012, 04:32:59 pm
So the farting thing WAS unconfirmed!

No, he did it.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Eevee on August 16, 2012, 04:35:06 pm
You are an Envoy (Seer) - Town Aligned
You are in Seat 11

Drawn to this far off land by the unknown and a search for knowledge, you are a Seer of great renown.
You had heard suspicious things about this Ozle character and what he got up too, and being a man of great, if often derided, importance it was not hard for you to get an invitation to this shindig.
Maybe if you could finally find a werewolf then people would stop laughing at your theories and calling them a shaggy dog story!

The only slightly annoying thing about this whole trip was the town steward kept asking you questions about your job, sniffing around.

You also had been sitting next to a rather annoying man at the party; you can talk to him here:
Seat 11 and 12 Discussion:
You were also sure that he didn’t move during the lights out as you were still talking when it happened. Unless he was some sort of ventriloquist (which he wasn’t)

Each night phase, you may investigate one player in the game by PM'ing the mod. You will get results back in the form of Werewolf/Not Werewolf.

Also, you are armored with your faith (and some holy water) throughout the night and any werewolf actions against you will fail.

Victory Conditions
You win when only town aligned guests are alive or nothing can stop that from happening.
You get an additional Victory if you are the hammer on a werewolf lynch

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Axxle on August 16, 2012, 04:48:01 pm

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 16, 2012, 04:50:56 pm

Yeah, I was surprised nobody backed out!

Technically you did still get mentioned a few times in the thread, think you even got suspected of the murderer a couple of times!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 16, 2012, 04:53:09 pm
Mine.  Yes, when I "quoted" my PM earlier, I was a lying liar who lies.

You are the Pawn (Sort of Jack of All Trades) - Mafia Aligned         
You are in Seat 14   
You have worked under Ozle for years, the odd job man of the province. Fetch this, fetch that. You were fed up with it.   
So when he threw a party inviting all these suspicious types, you knew it was your big chance. Just after the first course, a deliciously prepared soup you turned out the lights in order to let mischief reign!
As you sneaked back to your seat your hand came to rest upon a knife, sticking handily out of Ozles back, imagining its importance you quietly slipped it into the pocket of the local adventurer in seat 17 as he had promised you gold last time, but only paid in copper.   

As you got back to your seat you noticed the stinky man at your left had not moved in his chair.   

Due to the nature of the party, you do not know who the other mafia are, and thus cannot do a night kill between you.
You came here on a coach with some others from the village though and you can help convince them to kill someone for you.         
You can talk to them here:

Each night you will be presented with a set of skills and asked to choose one, this skill set will change each night.         
Victory Conditions
You win when only Mafia are left alive or nothing can prevent that from happening.      

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Voltgloss on August 16, 2012, 04:53:35 pm
I felt an (im)moral victory at getting the guy I framed for the murder lynched Day 1.  Sorry, yuma.  :)
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Grujah on August 16, 2012, 04:55:37 pm
You are the Masquerade (Switch) - Neutral Aligned
You are in seat 21

We all wear masks in life. However yours is a Tom Cruise, mission Impossible style one. This is because nobody really likes you, so you have come in disguise.

You noticed the person in seat 14 was out of his chair before the lights went out.

Once per game, before day 4, you may switch from neutral faction to another faction of your choice. If you pick a faction that does not exist or has no members alive, you become a random faction. 

Victory Conditions

You cannot win as neutral
If you switch allegiance successfully then you gain that factions win condition.

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Ozle on August 16, 2012, 04:57:10 pm

You are a Laboratory (Inventor) - Town Aligned
You are in seat 19

Until three years ago you worked as chief scientist for Ozle, until that unfortunate accident at the Grand Market. That’s when you stopped working for Ozle and went to Jail....

That time was not wasted though, while there you made some major progress and could even fashion handy tools out of soap! You were keen to find a buyer for these, and Ozle’s banquet seemed like a good place to start. Plus if something were to happen to him, that would be a bonus

A fleeting glimpse before the lights went out and you were sure that you recognised someone in the crowd from your pre-prison days; you would have to be careful.

You were looking around at the time, and neither person either side of you moved when it went dark.

Inventor Night Time Action
Each night you can create one invention out of soap and hand it to a player of your choice under the table. Send me a PM with the invention and the player name or seat number; this item will last for one night only before it crumbles.
Your choices:
Magnifying Glass
Vial Of Silver
Bar of soap

Victory Conditions

You win when only town aligned guests are alive or nothing can stop that from happening.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Axxle on August 16, 2012, 04:59:30 pm
Technically you did still get mentioned a few times in the thread, think you even got suspected of the murderer a couple of times!
Yeah, I noticed! It was fun to read the beginning game although I stopped following after a certain point.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: jotheonah on August 16, 2012, 05:10:29 pm
You are the Masquerade (Switch) - Neutral Aligned
You are in seat 21

We all wear masks in life. However yours is a Tom Cruise, mission Impossible style one. This is because nobody really likes you, so you have come in disguise.

You noticed the person in seat 14 was out of his chair before the lights went out.

Once per game, before day 4, you may switch from neutral faction to another faction of your choice. If you pick a faction that does not exist or has no members alive, you become a random faction. 

Victory Conditions

You cannot win as neutral
If you switch allegiance successfully then you gain that factions win condition.


You could have confirmed the nonexistence of werewolves!
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: eHalcyon on August 16, 2012, 07:05:40 pm
So who lied about their PM during the course of the game?
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 16, 2012, 07:07:25 pm
Me first, then Volt.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Robz888 on August 16, 2012, 07:09:13 pm
So who lied about their PM during the course of the game?

Me too, just a bit.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: ftl on August 16, 2012, 07:10:25 pm
Of course.

Both to my teammates and to the town.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: ftl on August 16, 2012, 07:11:15 pm
Oh, and for reference, copy/pasting a fakeclaim from googledocs to here changes the #$%@^ font. So I had to retype my advance-prepared one :(
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: eHalcyon on August 16, 2012, 07:14:38 pm
Oh, and for reference, copy/pasting a fakeclaim from googledocs to here changes the #$%@^ font. So I had to retype my advance-prepared one :(

Easy solution: copy it into a non-rich-text program (e.g. Notepad) first, then copy it from there.  It'll strip all the font stuff.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: eHalcyon on August 16, 2012, 07:15:30 pm
But wait... the forum doesn't even have a RTE.  It uses bbcode.  So... whaa?  Is RTE an option?  I'll probably just stick with bbcode.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Galzria on August 16, 2012, 07:15:54 pm
Oh, and for reference, copy/pasting a fakeclaim from googledocs to here changes the #$%@^ font. So I had to retype my advance-prepared one :(

Easy solution: copy it into a non-rich-text program (e.g. Notepad) first, then copy it from there.  It'll strip all the font stuff.

You sound practiced in this art....

Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: eHalcyon on August 16, 2012, 07:17:07 pm
Oh, and for reference, copy/pasting a fakeclaim from googledocs to here changes the #$%@^ font. So I had to retype my advance-prepared one :(

Easy solution: copy it into a non-rich-text program (e.g. Notepad) first, then copy it from there.  It'll strip all the font stuff.

You sound practiced in this art....


More from a history of posting online in places with RTEs, and from overusing Notepad.  I even installed Notepad++ but I still use regular Notepad.
Title: Re: (BM) Murder Mystery Mafia I - Dea(r)th of an Ozle Game thread - Day 6
Post by: Axxle on August 16, 2012, 07:17:30 pm
Oh, and for reference, copy/pasting a fakeclaim from googledocs to here changes the #$%@^ font. So I had to retype my advance-prepared one :(

Easy solution: copy it into a non-rich-text program (e.g. Notepad) first, then copy it from there.  It'll strip all the font stuff.

You sound practiced in this art....

I usually just create a pm draft to myself if I have a post that I want to submit at some point. (only used this as mod to date)