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Topics - AdrianHealey

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Disclaimer: This is the first competition overseen by me, AdrianHealey. It's my intention to continue Mith's work as accurately as possible. If I screw anything up, please correct me if I do.

This competition is meant to design a Travellerline. We will do it in two stages. In stage one you will design a concept + a final card. You design a rough travellerline idea + the final card of this travellerline. In stage two, everyone can submit a travellerline (so x number of cards) that lead up to this final card.

Submission Rules

• Each participant may submit one card per challenge.
• Participation in previous or future challenges is not required to participate in this one.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system. Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• The name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

Except where specified, you may not submit cards combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside or Adventures slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.
• Traveller cards, Reserve cards, and cards making use of player Tokens may only be submitted as candidates for an Adventures slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

Challenge #12: Adventures

Design a concept + the final card of a traveller line that would fit into the Adventures expansion. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Interacts with player Tokens (possibly including new Tokens).
• Stays in play for future turns or permanently (Durations).
• Interacts with the Tavern mat (Reserves).

Do not submit Events. There will be separate challenges for those.

Submissions are due by the end of Saturday, December 17th.

Good luck!

Mini-Set Design Contest / How to do a travellerline competition
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:58:31 pm »
Hi everyone,

What do you think is the proper way to make a travellerline? Above are some options, but feel free to suggest others.

Non-Mafia Game Threads / Mayhem Werewolf Edition (Sign up thread)
« on: October 22, 2016, 07:58:37 am »
The Mayhem Werewolf Edition

This is similar to the game ‘mafia’ that seems to be very popular on this board. However, this is not mafia, it’s werewolf. It’s the game on which ‘one night ultimate werewolf’ is based on, but, however, it’s different in several aspects, as you can see below.

This is a post to explain the basic rules and roles. There is no limit on the amount of people that can participate in this, so sign up as you wish. The more, the merrier!

Prepatory fase: Everyone posts a description of his persona here that is at least 100 words. You describe who you are in the village. Are you the butcher, the baker or the candlestick maker? The hermit? The restaurant owner? Feel free to be creative. Please don’t make up other names, although fun, it just gets confusing after a while. So if you are AdrianHealey on this forum, use AdrianHealey as your in game name. The character neds tob e human and have sufficient mental capacities to function in normal society (so everything between 12 years old and non-demented elderly person.) This text is necessary because every night, when I announce the kill from the werewolves, there will be a longer text with subtle clues towards who the werewolves are. If you give yourself a longer tekst, it’s easier to find false clues (false positives), a shorter text will mean that clues might be clearer (less false negatives). Either way, a longer or a shorter text shouldn’t really give you a big advantage or disadvantage. Here is an example of what such a description could be:

‘AdrianHealey has been a researcher all his life, in search of (but mainly debunking of) the paranormal. He is a scientist through and through, and he has solved many odd phenomena, simply applying science tot he situation. There is always a logical explanation for what’s happening. He has done research on ghosts in germany and so called aliens in Norway. When he heard about the werewolves in the Village, he rented a room in a nearby hotel and started his investigation. Quickly he discovered that this proved to be the biggest challenge of all. He started arming himself to slaughter any werewolf he might encounter, to keep this phenomena hidden from the general public. His reputation as a researcher was at stake! When he wasn’t doing sciency stuff, he was easily found in the local inn, enjoying a nice ale and the company of many a person.’

The roles that you will have (you will always have at least one active role and may or maybe not a passive role) (see a complete list of all possible roles below) will be randomly distributed across everyone. (I will use dices to decide who gets what.) I will only intervene a little bit if one team, based on the roles they get, will be completely overpowered.

Every player will get a role from the gamemaster (me) at the start of the game. There are two basic teams: civilians and werewolves. The aim of the game is to kill the other group. (Werewolves want to kill civilians. Civilians want to kill werewolves.)

The game itself has two fases:

(1)   Days
(2)   Nights

(Again, similarly as mafia.)

During the days,
1)   people discuss to find out who is a werewolf. At the end of the day, people vote. In the evening, the person who gets the most votes will be lynched. When you are lynched, you die. Your role (both passive and active) will be announced at that point. (Unless you are a werewolf, than you can make up stuff that will be announced. This is because it could be that you are resurrected, so don’t leave the game immediately just yet! It’s not until you are completely and utterly dead (with no chance of resurrection) that it is announced that you were a werewolf if you were one.
2)   When there is a tie in votes, the mayor gets the deciding vote. (And the mayor can choose between everyone, not just the people between who the tie is.)
3)   If you vote, you do this with a post that says exclusively: ‘Official vote: name victim’. For example: ‘Official vote: AdrianHealey’.
4)   You can vote whenever you want, but in general: it’s better to vote later in the day than earlier in the day.
5)   Everyone has to vote. If you don’t vote: the first time, you get a penalty vote against you in the next election. The second time you don’t vote, you die immediately.
6)   You have to participate in the discussions. People who don’t discuss enough and/or don’t post enough, can get a penalty vote. This will be decided subjectively by me and will be announced in this topic. I will start with a warning. No protest is possible.
7)   You can not edit posts. I repeat: you can not edit posts. If you do, you can get a penalty vote.

During the nights
(1)   During the night, the village is ‘asleep’ and there will be some special roles that you can do something during the night. The most important one is: the werewolves decide who they want to kill.
(2)   During the night, everyone with a special role will send a message to me:
-   The werewolves send to me who they want to kill. This is one message, talk among each other first and one person sends me the message (this is important that only one specific werewolf sends me the message).
-   All the other special roles also send me a message, related to their role. What this is, you’ll see further down the line.
-   We use the pm system on this forum to send me messages.
(3)   Everytime someone dies because of the werewolves, the next day starts with a description in which you can find several tips that point towards one or more wolves. The role of the victim will also be announced at this moment (but again: you aren’t definitely dead unless you have been dead for more than one night.) To start the game, the first night, the game leader will be killed, with already a few clues hinting towards one or more werewolves. (If I say, put in 7 tips, at least 4 of them will point towards one or more werewolves. Some tips might also be diversions. And maybe some tips aren’t meant as tips but are interpreted that way. This happens.)
(4)   The game ends:
a.   When there are only werewolves left (werewolves win)
b.   When there are only civilians left (civilians win)
c.   When only the loved ones remain (love trumps all)
d.   Some roles (such as the suicidal maniac) have specific winconditions that can cause that role to win independent of which team wins

(5)   Some important rules:
a.   Please stay active during the game. If people don’t participate in an active fashion, it causes the game to be imbalanced.
b.   The moment the current day finishes will be announced in the topic titel. (I will USE CET, because, well, I live in Europe.) Sorry American and other continents friends!) I will always use 23:59 kind of ways to tell the exact time, to avoid any confusions.
c.   Again: don’t edit posts, not even for simple grammar mistakes.
d.   You can communicate with each other outside this thread. You can collaborate all you want. There is no way you can trust others. The only thing that is absolutely prohibited, is sending screenshots towards others. I mean, I know the temptation is there, but please, just don’t.
e.   People who are dead can no longer participate in the discussion. I am sorry.
f. Information will be given to characters in due time. (For example: if the wolves attack the cursed one, they don't realize this until the next night *after* they have send me who they want to kill, not immediately when they have attacked the cursed one.)

The roles.
In this game, everyone will have an active role that does something. Some of you (or maybe all of you will also have a passive role.) Any of the roles can below can be one or more person (unless specifically mentioned). So feel free to claim you are a certain role, without fear that someone else has that role too: this is possible. You (nor I) know in advance how many roles of each of these there will be (0 is also possible). I only check wether or not it’s somewhat balanced. Some roles are stronger than others. When you die, you loose your active and passive role. When you come back from the dead, you are just a villager or just a werewolf.

Active roles for civilians:
(1)   Magician: the magician points towards one person every night. That person has, unknowingly to himself, two votes during the voting procedure of the following day. The magician can thus make someone he or she trusts have more weight during the voting procedure.
(2)   Witch: the witch may point towards 2 people every night. Those people loose their active ability during the night and day. (They keep their passive ability.) They do not know this happened. If there are two witches who point at each other, the with that send me first ‘wins’ the battle. If the witch points towards the werewolf that send me the kill, the kill does not happen. The wolf is stopped in his/her path.
(3)   Seer: the seer can point towards 3 people every night. The game master lets you know if any of them is a werewolf. (If the witch points towards the seer, the answer is always that the seer’s vision is clouded and thus that no information can be given.)
(4)   Hunter: when you die, you can take someone with you. If you die because the villagers kill you, you can take someone with you who voted for you. If you die because the werewolves killed you, you can kill one of them. (This will be decided at random.)
(5)   Guardian angel: the guardian angel casts a protection spell on someone. The next time that person is killed (by villagers, by suicide, by wolves, etc.) that person does not die and the magical power is revealed. This effect can only be cast one per person; the same person can not be pointed towards twice by the guardian angel. The guardian angel can choose not to use his/her power during the night, if he/she doesn’t trust anyone. This effect lasts until the first time the person is killed. So if the guardian angel stays alive a long time, it could be that multiple people need to be killed twice before they actually die.
(6)   Mason, if there is one mason, there are (at least) two masons. The masons can not tell anyone else about their power, and if they reveal this or hint towards this, their code of honor tells them to commit suicide instantly (and if they are protected by the guardian angel, they will keep trying to commit suicide until they are dead. The gamemaster decides wether or not they violated their sacred oath.) The masons know each other and know that they can be trusted. They also know each others passive ability, if they have any. Because the masons share everything with each other.
(7)   Necromancer: the necromancer can retrieve 1 person during the night from the dead. (Usually, two people die since the last night: the necromancer can only retrieve one of them.) People who have been killed are touched by black magic and can not be protected by the guardian angel. This is why it’s important that if a werewolf dies, his identity as a werewolf is not acknowledge until the next night (after which the necromancer can no longer retrieve him/her from the death.)
(8)   Aura-seer: the aura-seer points towards three people at night and will get to hear their passive abilities (if any). The aura-seer will not be informed which person has which passive ability, though. If only one person, for example, has a passive ability, the aura-seer will be informed about that one, but again: will not be informed who has it.

Active roles for werewolves:
(1)   Mystic wolf: the mystic wolf is the seer for the werewolves. He can point to as many people as he wants and says an active role. The gamemaster will inform the mystic role if one of those people has those active roles (either villagers or werewolves can be researched by the mystic wolf).
(2)   Sleeping wolf: he does not know the other wolves (and the other wolves don’t know him). When the wolves attack him, they’ll discover he is a wolf too and cease the attack, but they do not wake him. (It could also be that they see the wolfman…) If a wolf dies, the sleeping wolf discovers the currently remaining wolves.
(3)   Lonewolf: the lonewolf only wins if he is the last surviving wolf. The lone wolf only wins when he wins alone.
(4)   Big Bad Wolf: when the big bad wolf dies, he doesn’t go down without a fight. He can take a villager with him in death. This does reveal his identity as the big bad wolf.
(5)   Contagious wolf: the contagious wolf can bring back a dead person and make him into an additional wolf.

Passive roles (some of these are either for werewolves or villagers or both):
(1)   Mayor. The major has the deciding vote. The major is chosen randomly by the gamemaster every night (throwing a die). The major can decide between anyone in case of a tie, including someone who wasn’t accussed. The major does have to do this publicly. (This role is open for wolves and villagers.)
(2)   Cursed: when the cursed is killed by the werewolves, the wolves become so sick they can not attack anyone during the next night. (They don’t notice this untill the next night.) (This role is only for villagers.)
(3)   Wolfman: you are so ugly that if the wolves attack you, they think are one of them and stop the attack. However, the seer will see you as if you were a wolf. (This role is only for villagers.)
(4)   Loved ones: they know each other, but they don’t know each other roles. (This role is open for villagers and wolves, but never 2 wolves.)
(5)   Prince: when the prince is killed by the village, he announces himself as the prince. They recognize him and he keeps on living. (Only for vilagers.)
(6)   Pacifict: the pacifist kills himself when the person he voted for dies in the lynching. (For wolves and villagers.)
(7)   Tough guy: when you are attacked by werewolves, you keep on surviving one additional day, until when you die of your wounds. (Only for villagers.)
(8)   Suicidal maniac: you want to commit suicide by being hanged by the village. You win the game when you are killed by the villagers. (The game continues on after that.) You loose if you are still alive at the end of the game.
(9)   Wolf cub: when the wolf cub is killed, the wolves are so angry that they want to kill two villagers during the day. (Cursed overrules this.)
(10)   Fortune teller: when the fortune teller is named (by witch, auraseer, seer, guardian angel, magician, mystic wolf) the fortune teller is informed by which role and by whom he is named.  (For villagers and werewolves) You are informed of this during the day.
(11)   Handsome wolf: you are wolf, but the seer sees you as a villager. (Only for wolves.)

When there is any doubt, the game master decides the course of action. If there is anything unclear or dubious, let me know. Please sign up below.

Roles will be decided by throwing d8 dices and d6 dices, for whatever is appropriate. Everyone will have an equal chance to get any specific role. I will only intervene if one team gets too strong. For example: if there are three werewolves, and all of them are mystic wolves and the villages is entirely aura-seeers or whatever, I'll probably adjust a bit.

If you sign up, please also create a character soonish. (You can sign up without creating a character, but please do so soonish.)

When the game starts, I will make a new post where I'll reserve the first few posts for updates throughout the game, so people can be up to speed. (Including all the characters in the first post, etc.)

Dominion General Discussion / Alchemy 2nd Edition
« on: September 29, 2016, 01:14:14 pm »
After the resounding success of the seaside 2nd expansion idea, let's discuss all of them. Next up, the slightly less popular expansion Alchemy.

To clarify: if you say 'I'd keep scrying pool, but replace the attack!', well that basically counts as replacing scrying pool. Any change that's not purely cosmetic or clarification on the words, counts as a change.

I'd probably change Transmute (a buffed version might be nice), scrying pool (go to hell, you evil spawn), famiiar (missed the $3/P? You're dead), philosopher's stone (do you like counting?) and possession. So yeah, not much to like here, I guess. But I still do like potion, though!

I guess potion works better if it leads to (strong) cards that are good when you already have other cards, like golem. (Or doesn't autoloose ou the game when you fail to align potion and money.) Again, looking at you familiar.

Dominion General Discussion / Seaside 2nd generation
« on: September 28, 2016, 02:20:42 am »
So, pretty easy question, right. You could answer to the follow up question asking what you think is missing from the set. For example, I just noticed there is no typical terminal 3 card draw. (Wharf is kind of, but not completely.)

Just for funzies, I am not Donald's secret second account to collect information.

I am a pretty conservative kind of a guy. At least, for this expansion it seems. Only Embargo, Pearl Diver and Navigator, I guess, have to go for me. If I had to push it, maybe Sea Hag for a slightly more interesting curser, treasure map because of it's swingyness and maybe Smugglers for the same reason. But generally, I think Seaside is pretty good. Embargo, I feel, can go because Swamphag is a better version of it. I have used embargo too many times on scout or pearl diver kind of piles, just to be able to use the terminal +$2 and never have to bother with the curses either way. Pearl Diver is just awful (and Haven is a better pearl diver anyway). Navigator, although, I guess, useful in slogs or something, has never really appealed to me. Cost relative to benefit is just insane. Maybe if it wasn't terminal.

Oh yeah, and pirate ship. Forgot about that. Ugh. Pirate ship.

Variants and Fan Cards / Mystery Moon
« on: September 13, 2016, 02:04:07 pm »
Mystery Moon - Event - <2>
+1 buy
Once per turn:
Look at the top card of the landmark pile. Reveal it and make it part of the game (do all required set up clauses) or put it back and shuffle the landmarkpile.
Set up: put all unused landmarks face down on a pile called the landmark pile.


Who would play with this? Same can be down for events btw.

Could probably be improved on.

Variants and Fan Cards / Dominion: Civilization (Beta)
« on: August 13, 2016, 09:24:37 pm »

Greetings forum,

A while ago Roadrunner and I started working on an expansion together, we were stuck a bit, until Theta joined us and then everything went pretty quickly. So today I have the honor to present to you the beta version of a new fan expansion called 'civilization'. Most of the cards have seen sufficient playtesting to warant 'probably ok' label, but some could use some more. (Unfortunately, I don't have all the expansions yet in real life, so extensive playtesting is and will be kind of difficult.)

We welcome any and all feedback that you might have, things you think we might have missed, etc. The next post will (eventually) gather all the cards that are currently part of the set and, if any, take outs that we will redesign based on feedback on things we missed.


What is the theme of civilization? Well, as an economist, I view civilization as an increase in the division of labor, specialization and usage of comparative advantage. It's better if everybody has it's own role, that he/she/they are very good at and leave other things for other people. So the predominant theme of civilization fan expansion is:

- Cards with diminishing power the more you have of them. (Think chapel, not minion. Think Militia, not goons. Think moneylender, not herald. Think Soothsayer, not advisor.) Most cards in the set will be very good at what they do, but the more you play versions of them in the same turn (or even: the more versions you have in your deck), the weaker they will be. Buy a few, and move on. (This is, btw, slightly different than Cornucopia, where variety in general is rewarded. This is less so, although, I must admit, working on this expansion has created some nice respect for the design quality of cornucopia.)

- The second theme, also pretty important (but less present as the previous one) is 'interaction'. There are the obvious 'attack'-interactions, but there are also a bunch of 'non-attack' interactions during the game. Like in any good civilization, you often have to deal with people you don't like, with annoying customers, rude bartenders, boring colleagues or just straight up jerks on the street. Civilization represents this by ways to help or annoy your opponent without actually attacking them in any specific sense.

At the moment, we have 28 cards and 3 events, which is a lot. But well, designing them was and is fun. And playtesting was too. Every card presented will come with a small description, to the extend that we can, on it's history, and some typical 'let's discuss card x' questions. We welcome any and all comments. Feel free to congratulate the art work, because Theta has done a great job on it, as far as I am concerned.

We also have used several mechanics from other expansions, such as overpay, ruins, and debt. We know some people dislike it when fanexpansions do that. We have decided to not limit ourselves. Please, there is no need to repeat that old discussion, so we kindly ask to refrain from commenting on that particular design choice.


A small teaser on some of the cards/mechanics we use:

- There is a seasons card. (Thanks Asper & Cookielord!)
- There is card that you can overpay with debt.
- The 'flash' mechanic is used, twice! (Thanks Cookielord!)
- A card with a supply pile of 20.
- A permanent duration
- A quasi-moatable attack event
- A bunch of other things, some that are more straighforward and normal, and others that really (we think) have pushed the limits of design.

No cards are final although some cards are more final than others. Feel free to post your comments in a nice and constructive way. We have worked long on this with lots of (difficult) communication (communicating between Europe-USA is difficult enough, but we have very different live styles and are awake and productive on very different times).

We hope you like them and that at least some of them are interesting enough to want to play with.

Lastly, keep the thread civilized (haha). Some minors are watching this thread, so mind your language.

Variants and Fan Cards / Quick rule question
« on: August 04, 2016, 05:59:39 pm »
What would happen if a card that read this is throne roomed:

"If you have...
One x in play, gain a copper in your hand.
Two x in play, gain a silver in your hand.
Three or more x in play, gain a gold in your hand.'

Do you get two coppers or a silver and a copper?

If the former: how should it be frased to get a copper and a silver when throne roomed?

(Fictional example, this is not actually a card we are testing.)

Game Reports / Counting House / Hamlet / Stonemason
« on: July 09, 2016, 10:02:32 am »

Code: [Select]
Expedition, Hamlet, Stonemason, Gear, Warehouse, Philosopher's Stone, Conspirator, Death Cart, Port, Counterfeit, Counting House

The one where I win with a counting house + Stone mason + Hamlet + philosopher's stone technique.

How did you think I played? Was it the correct decision?

Man, This was an interesting game.

Code: [Select]
Peasant, Oracle, Bishop, Miser, Duke, Junk Dealer, Lost City, Relic, Treasure Trove, Possession, Ball, Trade
Pretty Log for Pretty People

Still unsure how you get these nice and fancy looking kingdoms in your post.

Opponent went for big money treasure trove, I tried the engine. It felt like a los tcause, but I guess his big money stalled.

Thank god for Bishop VP, otherwise this would have been a lost cause. Very fun game, though. Was at the edge of my seat.

Game Reports / Anything goes?
« on: June 23, 2016, 06:39:23 pm »

How would you play this?

P.S. I opened: 5/2/5/2, bought 2 cultists on 5*.

What would you do?

Game Reports / Hating Rebuild
« on: April 06, 2016, 01:18:03 pm »

So being able to counter it with procession-embargo on estates and duchies never felt so good. `

(How do you insert such a kingdom overview picture? Or do you just take a screenshot?)

Variants and Fan Cards / AdrianHealey's Tested Fan Card Thread
« on: March 21, 2016, 07:59:40 pm »
Hi everyone,

I'll regularly update posts here of fan cards I have tested.

(The Thread will be updated.)

If you can help me find the source of cards, please do so. I forgot some. Will update the thred soon to update the sources of all cards and their makers.

Make not that just because *I* think a card needs some tweaks, that this means it's a bad card or something.

Highly recommended
Charlatan (Enterprise)
Fountain (Asper)
Wheelwright (Enterprise)

Alley (Asper)
Leper Village (Greed)
Nouveau Riche (Asper)
Prima Donna
Refurbish (Enterprise)
Town (& Road)
Sunken City (Asper)
Building Cranes (cookielord)

Could use some tweaks/no strong opinion on yet
Hospital (Asper)
Student (from Seasons (Asper & Cookielord)
Trade Port (from Seasons (Asper & Cookielord)

Game Reports / Double throne room, double monument
« on: February 25, 2016, 12:48:01 pm »

Starting turn 9, my every hand is exactly the same (except when I bought a province, not sure if I should have).
Chapel, double throne room, double monument, gaining 4 victory points every turn until it was over.

Sometimes dominion is weird.

Game Reports / Madman megaturn
« on: February 17, 2016, 09:59:00 am »
My first mad men mega turn, enabled by coppersmith and festival.

It felt pretty good, but I am sure I could have streamlined it some more.

Variants and Fan Cards / Good dominion kingdoms (with fan made cards)?
« on: February 12, 2016, 09:04:43 am »
Hi Everyone,

My friends and I are probably organizing a (small scale (+-10 players)) tournament here in Antwerp, Belgium. For that, I am looking for 'good' tournament decks. We have Base Set, Intrigue, Cornucopia, Seaside & Adventurers for our usage.

There is, however, a small twist to it. We want every deck to have at least one, two or three 'unofficial' (i.e. fan cards) in the kingdom, to make sure that no one has played 'that' particular deck. It gives a nice twist to it, and the general feedback of those interested in participating is positive.

If you have any good decks that you want to suggest that includes cards from the above mentioned sets, as well as your own fan cards, feel free to do so. We'll be happy to use them. Please restrict fan cards to at most 3 per kingdom. :)

If you have any good decks that *don't* have fan made cards, feel free to suggest those too. We can always switch out one or two cards for fan cards, if we want.

So if you have fan made cards that you want tested, feel free to suggest a kingdom.

Game Reports / King's Court
« on: January 20, 2016, 02:37:01 pm »

Where I get 9 king's courts, goons, and fishing village and surprisingly win.

Variants and Fan Cards / AdrianHealey's Fan Cards
« on: January 15, 2016, 12:18:41 pm »
Hi everyone,

My friends have exams now (and I do not, I graduated) and I want to prepare a (mini) expansion based on nicknames and other relevant things that are deer to us. (That explains the weird names.) I am no expert and I am not looking for the most interesting or daring expansions ever (all hail Seasons in that regard). But I do want them to be at least somewhat solid, so that when we play 'with ourselves' (quiet, your dirty mind) that the cards at least have some possibility of being bought. (Because the pictures used will all be private pictures related to our personal life, I left these out for the purpose of feedback.)

I'll present every couple of days 3 cards. Feel free to give feedback on feasibility, strength, etc.

Even if it's just a: 'I see nothing wrong with this card, that would help as well!

I am not too worried when a certain card is outrageous with one or two 'regular' dominion cards. (It's not meant as being a widely sold expansion after all.)

Can anyone share a duration card template, a treasure template (think counterfeit) and an action/victory card templat (think nobles)? That would be much appreciated.

Approved cards so far

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Creative Artist has 12 cards in supply.

Variants and Fan Cards / A lot of ideas for cards
« on: December 16, 2015, 02:45:54 pm »
Hi everyone,

I have been a lurker for a few weeks (haven't read that much, but a little bit) and a big dominion fan (I have base game, Intrigue & Adventurers in 'real life' and all the expansions on the online game). At work, I came up with a series of cardideas, that I would like to share with you before coming up with ways to print them and playtesting them.

I am looking for comments of all sorts, ranging from (1) best idea ever to (2) concept is good, but the way it is now, doesn't work to (2B) this is how you can improve it to (3) this is the worst thing ever, kill it with fire, to (4) everything in between.

I don't really have names yet, so I used the first thing that came to my mind that was easy to use.

Also: I am looking for an easy way to print and playtest them, but I haven't found anything. I don't want to pay for new 'empty' cards for cards I might not use when I have decided to playtest them, so I am bit puzzled there. Any suggestions on that front might be useful. (I have read the guide towards making custom made cards (how great was that guide?) but that section at the end was a bit... less useful for me, I think. Anyone have any suggestions?)

I am not trying to be the most innovative kind of guy or anything; it's just 'I like the game, nd I like thinking on a metalevel about the game'. (When I was heavily into pokemon, I kept thinking of new pokémons and new pokemon attacks as well.)

Anyway, to the cards!

Added: I just realized how many cards there are. I am not sure this is ok, but I'm willing to offer the first three people with an informed feedback post €5 (payable only via paypal) for their time and effort in providing feedback. (Contact me over PM. :) I teach economics, I have no problem incentivizing people.)

Also: if a certain card isn't very useable in a very particular combination ('ow, if you have these 4 other cards, than the card is broken', then I don't mind it too much. It's just to have a collection at home of fancards, including others I have collected from the internetz. It's not to be a genuine competitor or anything, so I don't mind that too much. I do mind if you think it's straightforwardly broken/unusable with a large variety of cards.)

Cost $2

Action / Reaction
+1 Card
+1 Action
When another player plays an Attack, you may set this aside from your hand. If you do, then, at the start of your turn, this card is the first card you play and gives: +1 card, +1 buy, +$1.

Frased like this, it should mean you still have only one action to play when it's your turn, no?
(I know this card is dead in kingdoms with no attack cards, but I consider this, for my personal collection, a minor issue.)

Action / Reaction
+1 Action
Show your hand. Discard all Treasure cards. If you discarded at least one card: +$3.
When another player plays an Attack card, you may discard this. If you do, gain a Silver, putting it in your hand.
Stacking might be an issue. But still: given that you have to discard all your treasures... I can imagina a kind of village-smithy-Ivysaur scenario where you keep on getting money and keep on discarding it with multiple Ivysaurs, but... getting to that state seems difficult enough to allow it. No?

Treasure / Reaction
When another player plays an Attack card, you may set this aside from your hand. At the start of your next turn, +$1 and play this card.

Action / Attack
+1 Card
Each other player reveals his hand and discards the Treasure card with the highest cost. Each player who did draws a card.
Again, accountability is an issue. I went for highest cost rather than value given the difficulty establishing value for some treasures.

+1 Action
Return a card from your hand to the Supply. Gain a card with the same cost but different name as the returned card.
When you buy this, you may overpay for it. For each $1 you overpay, each other player gains a Curse.
Not actually an Attack because the cursing happens on buy.

Cost: $3

+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash a card from your hand.

+1 Action
Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. The player to your left chooses 3 for you to discard. Put the rest into your hand.

Trash your hand.
+1 Card
+1 Action
Gain a Silver, putting it in your hand
Choose one:
+3 Cards; or +$3

When you play this, you may trash a card from your hand. If you do, +$2

Action / Duration
+1 Card
+1 Action

At the start of your next turn, reveal your hand. If you revealed:
No Treasure cards, +$3
No Action cards, +$2

Action / Victory
+1 Action
Reveal your hand. If you revealed no Curse cards, +1 Card
Worth 1 VP for every 2 Curse cards in your deck

+1 Action
While this is in play, cards cost $1 less, but not less than $0.
Note that other than Bridge, cost reducers work on an in-play basis rather than a per-play basis, mainly because of Throne Room/King's Court shenanigans.

Cost: $4

+1 Card
+1 Action
For each unused Action you have, +$1 (Action, not Action card)

Action / Reaction / Victory
When another player plays an Attack card, you may set this aside from your hand. The attack has no effect on you. While this is set aside, when another player plays an Attack card, it doesn't affect you. At the start of your next turn, +1 Card and return this to your hand.

+1 Action
+1 Buy
Trash up to 3 cards from your hand
+$1 per card in the trash
Return at least one card from the trash (if possible) to the supply.
Return up to four cards from the trash to the supply.

Action / Attack / Reaction
+1 Buy
Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card.
When another player plays a pidgeotto card, you may show this card. If you do, then after the Attack resolves, +1 card.

+1 Card
You may play a Treasure from your hand twice.

Action / Attack
+2 Cards
Discard 2 cards
Each other player discards down to 3 cards in his hand.

+3 Actions
+1 Buy

Reveal your hand. +$1 for each Action card you revealed.

Spend all your unused Actions. +1 Buy for each Action spent.
+1 Action
There's no card that deliberately spends an Action, so wording is based roughly on Storyteller.

Trash an Action card from your hand other than Ekans (or reveal a hand with no such cards). Gain a Gold for each $2 in the trashed card's cost.
Ekans can not be trashed with Ekans.

Choose one: +2 Cards or +2 Actions

Action / Victory
+1 Card
+1 Action
You may trash a card from your hand.
Worth 1VP per 3 cards in the trash with a cost greater than $2 (round down).

+1 Action
Discard any number of Victory cards from your hand. +1 Card per card discarded.

You may discard an Action. If you did, +3 Cards, +1 Action

Action / Attack
Each other player with 3 or more cards in hand chooses one: he discards a card; or he trashes a card from his hand.
If this is the first time you played Sandslash this turn, +1 Card, +1 Action.

Nidoran (Female)
Action / Duration
Now and at the start of your next two turns:
+1 Action

Trash a card from your hand that costs more than $0 (or reveal a hand with no such cards).
If the card's cost in coins was:
$1 or $2: Gain a Spoils from the Spoils pile.
$3 to $5: Gain two Spoils from the Spoils pile.
$6 or greater: Gain four Spoils from the Spoils pile.

If the card had {P} in its cost, gain a Spoils from the Spoils pile.

Action / Duration
Discard any number of cards. For each card discarded, you may set aside a card from your hand. At the start of your next turn, put the set-aside cards in your hand.
Made it Duration to match Haven and Gear.

Nidoran (male)
Gain 2 Coppers.
+1 Buy
Reveal your hand. Trash all Coppers you reveal. +1 VP for each Copper trashed.

+3 Cards
Discard a card.
Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand.

You may look through your discard pile and take an Action card costing at most $4. Play that card twice.

+1 Card
+2 Actions
If you have 4 or more cards in play (including this card), +$3

2VP per 3 Golds in your deck (round down)

Action / Duration
At the start of your next turn: +$2
At the start of your next turn after that: +$3

Action / Attack
+1 Action
Each other player with 4 or more cards in his hand discards or trashes (his choice) a Treasure card from his hand, or reveals a hand with no Treasure cards.

Set aside this and another Jigglypuff from your hand. If you set aside two Jigglypuffs, gain up to four Action cards with total cost $16 or less, setting them aside. Each turn, at the start of your Clean-up phase, you may put one of those Action cards into your hand. If you do, draw one fewer card in that Clean-up phase.
Set aside borrowed from Prince mainly to track which cards you have available to take.

Action / Duration
At the start of your Buy phase, if this is the only Action card you played this turn, +$2

At the start of your next turn, +$3

Action / Attack
+1 Action
Put up to two cards on your Zubat mat. For each other player, if he has any cards on his Zubat mat, you may choose one and put it on top of his deck.
The returning to your deck is now considered redundant based on current rulings.

You may trash a Silver card from your hand. If you do, +$5

Action / Victory
+2 Cards
+1 Action
2 VP

Each other player reveals his hand and discards a card you choose, then discards a card of his choice and draws 2 cards.
You may trash a card from your hand.

Cost: $6

+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
While this is in play, when you buy a card, +1 VP.

Action / Duration
You may choose an Action card from your hand. Now, and at the start of your next turn, play it twice.

+2 Cards
+2 Actions
You can't buy this if you have any Copper in play.

Do this three times: Choose one:
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 buy

Action / Victory
+1 Card
+1 Action
2 VP

+3 Cards
+2 Actions
+1 Buy
Each other player gains a Spoils from the Spoils pile, putting it into his hand. They are not affected by any Attack cards played this turn.

Action / Attack
+1 Card
+1 Action
+1 Buy
Silver and Gold produce $2 less this turn (but not less than $0).
If you buy Silver or Gold this turn, each other player gains a SilverCurse or GoldCurse from the appropriate pile, respectively.

Removed because of good feedback. :)

Action / Treasure
If you play this as an Action card, take 3 coin tokens during your Clean-up phase.
If you play this as a Treasure card, +$1 and take 1 coin token during your Clean-up phase.

Cost: $7

You may set this aside. If you do, set aside a Treasure card from your hand. At the start of each of your Buy phases, play that Treasure, setting it aside again when you discard it from play. (Stop playing it if you fail to set it aside on a turn you play it.)

+1 Buy

+1 Card
+1 Action
You can't buy this if you have any Coppers or Silvers in play.

Cost: $9

Your estates count as $1.
Your duchy count as $3.
Your provinces count as $6.

Special cards

Treasure / Curse
(This card is not in the supply.)

Money / Curse
(This card is not in the Supply.)

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