Chairs was curious about my Flood Paladin deck so I thought I'd post about it here, instead of in the more general thread.
From memory it looks like this:
1 x Avenge
2 x Competetive Spirit
2 x Argent Squire
1 x Southsea Deckhand
2 x Blessing of Might
1 x Echoing Ooze
2 x Shielded Minibots
2 x Knife Jugglers
2 x Silverhand Regents
2 x Muster
1 x Coghammer
2 x Divine Favor
2 x Truesilver Champion
2 x Consecrate
2 x Murloc Knight
2 x Defender of Argus
2 x Quartermasters
This decks pretty aggressive, the main goal is to flood the board and then flood it again and then flood it again. You want to be playing cards from turn 1. An ideal start might be something like:
Turn 1:
A secret or an Argent Squire
Turn 2:
Minibot or two 1 drops (Blessing of Might is fine to play on anything with a Shield or an Ooze from this point onwards).
Turn 3:
Any of your 3s or a 2 and a 1 drop. Even Divine Favour situationally can be good turn 3 because often control decks just hoard cards and might have 7 or 8 cards to your 2 or 3 at the point you play it allowing you to draw 5 cards for 3 mana.
Basically what you do with this deck is force your opponents to have either AOE answers or taunts from about turn 3 to turn 7 and if they don't, you take board control and run them over. You don't always have to hit into the taunts because you'll often be able to buff yourself into a better situation the turn after the taunt is played. A taunted creature can only remove one of your minions if you don't attack into it and your opponent has to guess what you have in hand: removing a shield is correct if you have Buffs, a Knife Juggler is correct if you have Muster, or a Silverhand Recruit is correct if you have Quartermaster. Complicating this is if you have a secret out they have to play around Avenge or Competetive Spirit. It's really hard for them to guess correctly which threat they should remove.
If they have answers all the way to turn 8 or 9 you run out of steam usually, but you can get back into it with a Divine Favour sometimes.
I feel like this is far from perfect so some advice on tweaking follows:
-If you remove any of the weapons swap out the Southsea Deckhand (with less than 5 weapons you're probably better off with an Abusive or Leper Gnome). I'm still tinkering with whether having this extra 1 drop is better than having a more expensive card (like a second Ooze or a Creeper, or even a Shredder), but it seems to be working so far so I don't want to mess with it and having a bit more reach in a Paladin deck seems like a good thing.
-Some people use Solemn Vigil instead of Divine Favour in Flood decks, but I think Divine Favour is really good against some of the more common Control matchups (Patron, Dragon Priest, Handlock).
-Gormak would get a lot of work done in this deck, but I don't have him. I think Justiciar Trueheart would be too slow. I tried Darkbane and couldn't make her fit.
-BGHs or Aldor Peacekeepers are probably pretty good in this deck though I haven't found I've needed them, you don't usually remove things with this deck, you make your opponents remove things or they fall behind too far behind to catch up.
-A second Ooze and a single Blessing of Kings would be viable without changing the way the deck plays much.
-You could replace the Ooze with a Creeper if you wanted to and I don't think it would change much either.
-Equality might be a good way to make this deck have another turn or two to win, but I personally prefer playing as if I'll always control the board by having lots of minions out.
-I tried making space for Warhorse Trainers, but there wasn't enough room for them in the crowded 3 spot. Without the Regents and Musters you don't have enough ways to flood the board with Recruits for the Trainers to take advantage.
-When tinkering I would not recommend removing the following for anything: Quartermaster, Muster, Minibot, Defender of Argus (this is a crucial card in aggro matchups), Murloc Knight or Consecrate.