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Author Topic: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue  (Read 85680 times)

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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #75 on: October 17, 2013, 09:33:12 pm »

I forgot to say this earlier, but I really wanted someone to submit a card named Conspiracy Theorist.  For reasons.

Sphinx (1)
Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
+1 Card. +1 Action. If this is the first time you played a Sphinx this turn, each other player guesses how many Action cards you will play this turn. At the end of your Action phase, each player who guessed incorrectly gains a Curse.

Clarification: The players guess in turn order.

Funny card, but not sure how well it'll play. The more I play the more guesses everyone has, but it's really hard to guess how many cards someone will play. It'll also slow the game down as people count how many cards are left in supply piles. PStone is already annoying IRL, and this will be slower for sure.

Players only guess the first time it is played.

I don't understand the comparison to PStone.  People will count supply piles to try to figure out how many action cards you have, I guess?

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Worth 1 VP per empty Supply pile.

It's at most a duchy, and is a Village on play only if you have another Victory card. It sort of works with itself since it can Discard other Landlords. I think it's a decent card that might get on of my votes.

It can actually be worth more, but that would be pretty rare.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $3
+$2. Discard a card. Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card that shares a type with and costs more than the card you discarded (or reveal a hand with no such card).

It's ok as an idea, but it can still leave people with no cards in hand, especially with more than 2 players. This is the 3rd card with this problem so far.

It only hits players with 4 or more cards in hand.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
Discard any number of cards. Choose one: +$1 per card discarded; or each other player discards until he has the same number of cards in hand as you.

I'm guessing it's supposed to be Usurper. It's either a Secret Chamber or a super Militia that its only good if you can discard to under 5 cards without hurting your hand. I don't imagine it'll that good since often you'll have to sacrifice a lot of your turn in order to hurt your opponents.

"Usurer" is another word for a moneylender.

I find it funny that you pointed out the issue of locking other players out of a hand with other cards, but not with this one which does it much more easily.  Yeah it hurts you too, but there are ways around that. :P

Hidden Passage
Types: Action
Cost: $3
You may trash a card from your hand. Each other player may reveal the top 2 cards of his deck. If he does, he trashes one and discards the other.
Feels like an Attack to me, and even allowing for the choice between two cards this is a top-of-deck trasher which tends to be painful and swingy.

But it's optional.  You play Hidden Passage and I can choose to do this mini-Lookout.  Or I can just not.  Potential positive to opponents, no negatives.  Yeah the Lookout itself can hurt opponents, but it's entirely up to their discretion.

I don't really care for comments like "too strong" or "too weak", unless the strongness/weakness is unfixable, which is probably a minority of cases, then I feel like it should almost not be evaluated here. The proposed mechanic or general idea should.

You are correct.  When I note that something is too strong or weak, I try to discuss ways it might be fixed, or why it would be broken at any price.  Sometimes I'm not clear about it though, and sometimes I just slip up and forget.  If I do that to a card, feel free to call it out.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #76 on: October 17, 2013, 09:41:56 pm »

Ballot update:

Narcissist should cost $4, not $5.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #77 on: October 17, 2013, 09:47:53 pm »

Sphinx (1)
Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
+1 Card. +1 Action. If this is the first time you played a Sphinx this turn, each other player guesses how many Action cards you will play this turn. At the end of your Action phase, each player who guessed incorrectly gains a Curse.

Clarification: The players guess in turn order.

Funny card, but not sure how well it'll play. The more I play the more guesses everyone has, but it's really hard to guess how many cards someone will play. It'll also slow the game down as people count how many cards are left in supply piles. PStone is already annoying IRL, and this will be slower for sure.

Players only guess the first time it is played.

I don't understand the comparison to PStone.  People will count supply piles to try to figure out how many action cards you have, I guess?

I read it wrong and missing the "only first time" part. Pretty much makes my analysis pointless. Because I didn't read that part, people would be counting piles to see what to guess. But it's only once, and people have already mentioned the Familiar and political parts to the card.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Worth 1 VP per empty Supply pile.

It's at most a duchy, and is a Village on play only if you have another Victory card. It sort of works with itself since it can Discard other Landlords. I think it's a decent card that might get on of my votes.

It can actually be worth more, but that would be pretty rare.

Yes, and Squire can turn into Goons. That's pretty rare. Trader can come up with Feodum. That's pretty rare. I don't think it needs to be considered if it almost never happens and it's not game breaking good.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $3
+$2. Discard a card. Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card that shares a type with and costs more than the card you discarded (or reveal a hand with no such card).

It's ok as an idea, but it can still leave people with no cards in hand, especially with more than 2 players. This is the 3rd card with this problem so far.

It only hits players with 4 or more cards in hand.

Ug, I'm not reading anything right today. Still not fun for reasons other people stated. I discard good cards to maybe hit good cards. Everyone is just discarding things they'd rather play.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
Discard any number of cards. Choose one: +$1 per card discarded; or each other player discards until he has the same number of cards in hand as you.

I'm guessing it's supposed to be Usurper. It's either a Secret Chamber or a super Militia that its only good if you can discard to under 5 cards without hurting your hand. I don't imagine it'll that good since often you'll have to sacrifice a lot of your turn in order to hurt your opponents.

"Usurer" is another word for a moneylender.

I find it funny that you pointed out the issue of locking other players out of a hand with other cards, but not with this one which does it much more easily.  Yeah it hurts you too, but there are ways around that. :P

Yeah I don't know why I didn't mention the lock out of this card. I probably thought I wrote it down since there were a lot of other cards I had already written it for :P


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #78 on: October 17, 2013, 10:02:36 pm »

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
Do this three times: Choose one: +1 Action; or discard a Victory card, and +$2 if you did.

Worth 1 VP.
As some people said, it may be too easily a +1 action +$4, or a +2 actions +$2 so it's too strong !
Is this really that strong, though? The first situation you cite would be harder to set up than Baron until late game and takes 3 cards (total), and the second is an almost-festival that takes 2 cards (total) from your hand to achieve. Is that really as strong as it has been made out to be? The one place where this card would be overpowered, it seems to me, is with some alt-VP, and alt-VP games change almost every card's balance.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #79 on: October 17, 2013, 10:26:30 pm »

The main catch to visiting dignitary is that a deck with solid drawing can play a chain of these off of the first, which is extremely swingy in the right circumstances. Throne visiting dignitary for two duchies and two dignitaries, scout the duchies, moat draws, then play those, draw up again, etc. etc. It is quite possible for a solid engine to empty two piles at once, one of which is the duchy pile. And it costs 4? I think this would be as broken as Rebuild, except cheaper and more engine-friendly.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #80 on: October 17, 2013, 10:36:48 pm »

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Action. +$2.

While this is in play, when an Action Card (including this) would give you any amount of $, you may draw that many cards instead.

Stacks crazy.  The second one you play is +4 Cards, + 1 Action.  And then +6 Cards, +1 Action... It's a lot stronger than Gold.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
When you play this, +1 Card per unused action you have (Action, not Action card). +2 Actions.

Another card that stacks like crazy.  The first one is a Village, the second one is a Level 2 City, the third one is +3 Cards + 2 Actions.  You would never be able to ignore it.

Architect doesn't sound like it stacks to me.  You get +2 Cards instead of +$2, so even when you have multiples in play, you shouldn't be able to proc them all.

Acropolis should be slower than you think.  The first one is only Necropolis because you don't get +actions before you draw.  So for example: Turn begins, I have 1 action.  I play Acropolis.  I have 0 actions so I draw nothing, then I get +2 actions.  I play second Acropolis, using 1 action and having 1 action left.  Now I get to draw 1 card, then I get +2 actions for 3 actions total.  And so on.

That's how Trader works, so I guess you're right that that's how Architect should work.  That makes it more reasonable, for sure.

I didn't see that Acropolis only gave the two actions second.  That's a pretty big difference, and means they are not super-stackable on their own.  They're actually very weak without other Villages.  They get pretty crazy strong though when Villages are in play.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action. Discard a card. If it is a… Victory card, +1 Card; Treasure card, +2 Cards; Action card, +3 Cards.

I think this is about as strong as Stables, and should cost 5.

I think Stables is stronger.  If you discard a treasure, Stables increases your hand size whereas Majordomo does not.  To match Stables in draw, Majordomo needs to discard an action card.  That's significantly worse than discarding a treasure because your deck starts with a bunch of weak treasures but you are unlikely to have a bunch of weak actions in your deck.

Stables is probably a little stronger.  Majordomo card draws one fewer card from a Copper discard.  But it also does all that other stuff, so it can't be drawn dead the way Stables can.  Seems like a 5.  I kind of like it at that price, though.  It could be OK at 4.

Secret Plot
Types: Treasure – Victory
Cost: $3
Worth $1. When you play this, each player may set aside a card face down on his Secret Plot mat. You may look at the cards on your mat at any time; reveal them and return them to your deck at the end of the game.

Worth 1 VP for each differently-named card on your mat that no other player has a copy of on his mat.

A card from your hand, I assume.  Seems like it turns the game into kind of a no-fun game.  You kind of have to buy Secret Plots since they can be worth a lot of points.  And then all the other players have to do the same thing.  And then the end result is they are all worth 0VP.

I don't see why this is a must-buy.  It's very skippable.  If one player buys it, others can still deny them their points without buying Secret Plot themselves.

Also, the combo with Black Market seems pretty broken.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
Do the following three things in any order; you get the version in parentheses: Each player draws until he has 5 (6) cards in hand; each player discards down to 3 (3) cards in hand; each player trashes up to 1 (2) cards from his hand.

Pretty weak -- almost a gimped Steward.

The comparison doesn't make sense to me because this is draw AND trash, not to mention a discard that isn't part of Steward at all.

I didn't notice that you get to do them all.  That's kind of interesting!

Types: Action
Cost: $2
Discard a card. If it is an… Action card, +3 Actions; Treasure card, +$3; Victory card, +3 Cards.

Well, either this, or Narcissist, or both, are priced wrong.  I think both.

Hard to say if either is priced correctly, but both might be fine.  Ironworker only discards one card, which is often less powerful than Narcissist which can discard a bunch.

Yeah but the discard-a-bunch of Narcissist is hampered by they're all having to be different cards.  Plus Ironworks gets more per card.  They seem like a 3 and a 4, to me.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #81 on: October 17, 2013, 11:29:19 pm »

Ballot update:

I accidentally left the cantrip off of Hidden Passage. It's not supposed to be that weak! Many apologies to the author.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #82 on: October 17, 2013, 11:42:07 pm »

I whirlwind it up pretty fast this time!

More notes:
Pins are bad!
Landlord (Moat that you can discard a victory card for to make it non-terminal, worth 1 vp per empty pile at the end) is really nice, and... it can actually be worth a lot more than 3, if you are able to empty a bunch of piles simultaneously - which is hard, but a nice mechanism, I think.
There are some really really great names this week.
I also think the overall submission level is right about at its highest.
I definitely like the approval->run-off system for voting.
Tiller (trash one, opponent to left chooses card in supply costing at least 2 more for you to gain) looks so much worse than remodel, BUT you can use it on most boards to turn 5s into provinces. This really doesn't save it, I don't think, but there is something for it. Hmm. I was thinking that 3 instead of 2 might help, but then you can turn 4s into provinces, and well, now you have super-cheap expand (hi, I'm broken). Maybe if you did that and made it cost 5 or 6... I dunno, but very interested in the mechanic.
Nouveau Riche (discard an estate for 3 cards, duchy for $2, victory for +1 action) looks mega-good, BUT... well, look at IF you collide it all the way, you end up with 4 card and $2 and haven't used a terminal. Well, thatis not bad, but... peddler +oasis +a little filtering, IF it hits all the way. And if you miss the duchy, you are just at card parity with some filtering. I mean, that's probably pretty good, but it's not GREAT, and that is hitting all the way.
Narcissist (discard any number of differently nameds, tribute bonus) - I don't understand how this has tracking issues, but a couple of people have said it does. Am I missing something, or is this really not worse than like cellar and tribute?


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #83 on: October 18, 2013, 04:13:31 am »

@dghunter -- Secret Plot seems like it would be weaker if it came from the Black Market.  Other players will still be able to put stuff away on their own mats to limit the points you can get.  It's weaker because any unique card you DO put away on your mat will only be worth 1VP, whereas they would be worth multiple points if you could get multiple Plots.  So how is that broken?  Perhaps you are missing that EVERY player gets to put put stuff on their mat when ANY player plays it, like Bishop.

I forgot that Narcissist had that restriction.  That does weaken it a lot.

Hidden Passage update -- cantrip makes it much more reasonable.

@WW -- interesting point on Tiller.  Also, I said Narcissist could be hard to track but maybe you are right.  Well, Cellar doesn't really apply because there is nothing to track there.  Narcissist is just that you can end up getting a big mix of money, cards and actions so there's a decent chance that your turn doesn't end and now you have some forgettable amount of virtual coin.  But that's not too terribly more difficult to track than Tribute.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #84 on: October 18, 2013, 05:44:05 am »

The cards I like:

Sphinx (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $3
Choose one: +3 Cards and discard a card that is not a Victory cards (or reveal a hand of all Victory cards); or +$3 and cards cost $1 more this turn; or trash 3 cards from your hand and gain a card costing $0.
I'm not sure, if this will lead to difficult choices, but I like the composition of the choices.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $3
+$2. Discard a card. Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card that shares a type with and costs more than the card you discarded (or reveal a hand with no such card).
Cool interaction between players!

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
Reveal a cards from your deck until you reveal a Victory card. If you do, put it and one other revealed card into your hand. Discard the rest.

Worth 2 VP.
This "a" makes no sense there I think.
But I like the card anyways ;-) You don't want (as always) many Victory cards, because they minimize your draw possibilities. But, oh, this is a Victory card.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Put a marker on an empty District of the Overseer Mat. If you put it on the…
Residential District, +1 Card and +2 Actions
Craftsmen's District, +3 Cards
Commercial District, +1 Card, +1 Action, and +$1
Industrial District, gain a card costing up to $4
Logging District, +1 Buy and +$2
If four districts of the mat have a marker, remove all the markers.

Rules Clarification: There is one communal Overseer mat, split into the five districts.
Hm, this is a bit strange. The ultimate vanilla-choice, when you are the first one who plays it. But it get worse, when you play it later. I think I'll vote for it.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Trash up to 3 cards from your hand.

Worth 1 VP per $ in the cost of the cheapest card in your deck (in Coins).
No idea how good this will be, but I like the idea of getting a huge benefit for a good deck. (Which might be not so fair, but that's the game ;-))

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. Each other player discards a Victory card (or reveals a hand with no Victory cards). If any player discards a card this way, play this again.
Many cards benefit from having Victory cards. This is is a card that benefits from others having Victory cards. Cool! Maybe to strong in the end? I don't know.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. +$1. Each other player with at least 5 cards in hand reveals one of them. He either discards it and gains a copy of it or he trashes it, your choice.
Cool interaction. You have to reveal a card, that is ok for you to gain and ok for you being trashed. May lead to difficult choices.
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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #85 on: October 18, 2013, 12:39:36 pm »

(picking up where I left off)

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. Trash a card from your hand. Choose one: Gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card; or each other player gains a card costing up to the cost of the trashed card.

Seems alright. Probably a bit on the strong side, but I like the remodel/weakend ambassador choice.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
You may gain a Duchy. If you didn't, gain a Silver. Each other player may gain an Estate. If he didn't, he gains a Copper.

Yeah, I think a $4 that lets you gain Duchys and then some is probably too strong.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Gain a card costing up to $6. For each $1 over $4 it costs, each other player may choose one: he trashes a card from his hand; he gains up to 2 Coppers, putting them into his hand; he discards his hand and draws 5 cards.

Not enough of a benefit to the other players to make this not super powerful if you ask me

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+$2. Reveal the top card of your deck. If you reveal a Victory card, discard it and gain an Action card costing up to $5. Otherwise, put the card back and gain an Action card costing up to $3.

In a bunch of kingdoms it probably won't be worth the risk to ever play because you don't want to junk your deck with cheap terminal actions

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
Reveal your hand. If you revealed a Treasure card, a Victory card, and an Action card (each separate cards), then +$3. Otherwise, +$1.

Worth 1 VP.

Even with a perfectly balanced deck, its still a lot of luck based that you'll get one of each. Does combo with its self nicely (another good use of when to make something a victory card) which is cool. I think I like it.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
Do this three times: Choose one: +1 Action; or discard a Victory card, and +$2 if you did.

Worth 1 VP.

Eh, +3 actions is already not too shabby. This isn't bad, I just doesn't really excite me either. Getting this with three estates just feels really really strong so there is too much luck at play.

Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $4
Choose two: Look at the top card of your deck and discard it or put it back; or gain a card costing up to $3; or trash a card from your hand. (The choices must be different.)

When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, you may discard any number of cards from your hand. At the start of your next turn, draw that many cards.

Eh. Choices are just randomly thrown there and don't play off each other. Reaction is probably too strong.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Put a marker on an empty District of the Overseer Mat. If you put it on the…
Residential District, +1 Card and +2 Actions
Craftsmen's District, +3 Cards
Commercial District, +1 Card, +1 Action, and +$1
Industrial District, gain a card costing up to $4
Logging District, +1 Buy and +$2
If four districts of the mat have a marker, remove all the markers.

Rules Clarification: There is one communal Overseer mat, split into the five districts.

An interesting idea. Hard to say how it would play out. Might not be reliable enough to use effectively (with BoM you can know what your options are going to be when you buy the card so if there is a village out you and know you can use the BoM as a village provided they don't run out. Here you can't use it as a village or a smithy or anything) but I think its worth trying out and seeing.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Choose one: trash a card from your hand; or +1 Card.

Worth 2 VP.

Yeah this is just a weak card with VP slapped on. If it doesn't synergize with VP cards or somehow benefit from being a VP card other than just the "this is a VP card" i just don't see the point. Top half is also just rather boring. Its just a weak junk dealer.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+$2. The player to your left names a card. Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck and choose one that is not the named card. Trash it or gain a copy of it. Put the untrashed cards back in any order.

Probably too strong. Maybe cut the +$2? The "gain a copy or trash" idea is pretty cool.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +1 Action. Discard any number of Victory cards. +$1 per card discarded.

Worth 1 VP.

I like it. One of the better Action - Victory hybrids.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
Discard any number of cards. Choose one: +$1 per card discarded; or each other player discards until he has the same number of cards in hand as you.

Honestly this is probably the worst card so far. At least the other pinnable cards were a little tricky to get pins with. This you can just end your turn with this and only use virtual money and pin him really easily.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Trash up to 3 cards from your hand.

Worth 1 VP per $ in the cost of the cheapest card in your deck (in Coins).

Hrm. Probably too strong. Non-terminal trashing makes it not to hard to get this up to Duchy level of good. It certainly is a unique way of doing alt VP though. Would at least want to see it playtested.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #86 on: October 18, 2013, 12:41:16 pm »

Alright, let's comment on these cards! Quick note about Alt-vp cards: I like it when you don't mind getting lots of them, which is the case for pretty much all official cards (except maybe Dame Josephine). Though I have a tendency to bash cards during analysis, in reality I often have a more neutral opinion on a lot of cards. I find the quality of cards in this contest are very high this time around.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. Reveal your hand. +1 Card and +$1 per Victory card revealed. Reveal your hand again and put all the revealed Victory cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.
One great turn and one bad turn is better than two mediocre turns, no? This card works on that principle, so I think it's fine balance wise, considering that it can also whiff.

Cold Iron
Types: Treasure – Attack – Victory – Reaction
Cost: $4
Worth $1. When you play this, each other player with 5 or more cards in hand draws a card then puts cards from his hand on top of his deck until he has 4 cards in hand.

Worth 1 VP. When another player plays an Attack card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, gain a Silver, putting it into your hand, and you are not affected by the Attack.
The 1VP makes it like a mini-harem, but everything else on the card is neat. Nice reaction.

Sphinx (A)
Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
+1 Card. +1 Action. If this is the first time you played a Sphinx this turn, each other player guesses how many Action cards you will play this turn. At the end of your Action phase, each player who guessed incorrectly gains a Curse.

Clarification: The players guess in turn order.
"I guess, uh, 10."
*engine turn ends*
"Rather that playing 10 cards, I'll remodel this Village into a Duchy."
The wording of this card makes it seem like the curse giving stacks, even though the player only has 1 guess. That's really unfair.

Sphinx (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $3
Choose one: +3 Cards and discard a card that is not a Victory cards (or reveal a hand of all Victory cards); or +$3 and cards cost $1 more this turn; or trash 3 cards from your hand and gain a card costing $0.
This is Steward, just worded in a more confusing way to make it seem like it's not Steward.

Types: Action – Attack – Victory
Cost: $4
+1 Action. Choose one: Each player (including you) with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card; or each player (including you) draws until he has 4 cards in hand.

Worth 1 VP for every 4 Attack cards in your deck (rounded down).
So, this rewards you for being a jerk and getting lots of attacks, but strangely enough its draw ability nerfs discard attacks. I wouldn't mind getting a bunch of these with Ironworks, since they basically replace themselves like Great Hall, but with extra player interactions.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Worth 1 VP per empty Supply pile.
Becomes a Lab worth VP when you start greening. Always worth at least 1VP. I just worry that players will always get this over Duchy.

Types: Action – Attack – Reaction
Cost: $4
Choose one: Each player (including you) puts a card from his hand on top of his deck; or each player puts his deck into his discard pile.

When another player shuffles, you may reveal and discard this from your hand. If you do, +2 Cards.
I imagine that pinning players with this is rare, but I suppose it can be done. Uh, doesn't feel too coherent.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $3
+$2. Discard a card. Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card that shares a type with and costs more than the card you discarded (or reveal a hand with no such card).
Reminds me a bit of Taxman, except it only costs $3, benefits your current turn, and can discard Pearl Divers for great effect. Not bad.

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. Look through your discard pile. You may reveal a card from it and put it on the bottom of your deck. If it is an… Action card, +1 Action; Treasure card, +$1; Victory card, +1 Card.
Each option on its own is very weak, and putting cards on the bottom of the deck might not do much. You see them again in the current shuffle, but they may very well miss the next shuffle...or not. You don't know if you'll see that Victory card next shuffle or not.

Architect (A)
Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Action. +$2.

While this is in play, when an Action Card (including this) would give you any amount of $, you may draw that many cards instead.
I didn't like any of those outtakes cards that swapped vanilla bonuses. This turns every card into an engine component, especially Conspirator.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
When you play this, +1 Card per unused action you have (Action, not Action card). +2 Actions.
Take note, you use up an action to play this, so playing this first makes it a Necropolis. Still, it's insane with even 1 other Village variant in the game, or KC.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Victory card. If you do, put it and one other revealed card into your hand. Discard the rest.

Worth 2 VP.
You'd buy this over Duchy very often, but it's weak enough to justify the cost and VP numbers. Kinda like what Scout should have been. Neat.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. Trash a card from your hand. Choose one: Gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card; or each other player gains a card costing up to the cost of the trashed card.
Yikes. Power Remodel that doesn't become useless in the early/mid game due to the attack option.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
You may gain a Duchy. If you didn't, gain a Silver. Each other player may gain an Estate. If he didn't, he gains a Copper.
The only way to avoid the copper junking is to take an even more junky card? No, this is just a copper junker, but whose benefit for the attacker is Bureaucrat level. Doesn't seem too fun.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Gain a card costing up to $6. For each $1 over $4 it costs, each other player may choose one: he trashes a card from his hand; he gains up to 2 Coppers, putting them into his hand; he discards his hand and draws 5 cards.
I kinda like this one. It's a more versatile workshop.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+$2. Reveal the top card of your deck. If you reveal a Victory card, discard it and gain an Action card costing up to $5. Otherwise, put the card back and gain an Action card costing up to $3.
Why wouldn't I want this when there are good 3$ actions to get? Nice idea though.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
Reveal your hand. If you revealed a Treasure card, a Victory card, and an Action card (each separate cards), then +$3. Otherwise, +$1.

Worth 1 VP.
Now this, I wouldn't want to mass up with Ironworks. Alt-VP cards shouldn't hurt your deck this much as you get more of them.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
Do this three times: Choose one: +1 Action; or discard a Victory card, and +$2 if you did.

Worth 1 VP.
The top is already powerful, in a better-than-Silver-at-$4 kind of way. Given the versatility of this card, it can pass as a $5, WITHOUT the VP bonus, though I wouldn't mind that card.

Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $4
Choose two: Look at the top card of your deck and discard it or put it back; or gain a card costing up to $3; or trash a card from your hand. (The choices must be different.)

When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, you may discard any number of cards from your hand. At the start of your next turn, draw that many cards.
The reaction is fine. The top part can maybe be simplified so that this card can cost 3$. I feel like it wants to cost 3$.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Put a marker on an empty District of the Overseer Mat. If you put it on the…
Residential District, +1 Card and +2 Actions
Craftsmen's District, +3 Cards
Commercial District, +1 Card, +1 Action, and +$1
Industrial District, gain a card costing up to $4
Logging District, +1 Buy and +$2
If four districts of the mat have a marker, remove all the markers.

Rules Clarification: There is one communal Overseer mat, split into the five districts.
I don't care if it's not Dominion-y. I still really like it.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Choose one: trash a card from your hand; or +1 Card.

Worth 2 VP.
Okay, THIS card is a card you'll almost always get over Duchy. It's pretty much a greater hall.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+$2. The player to your left names a card. Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck and choose one that is not the named card. Trash it or gain a copy of it. Put the untrashed cards back in any order.
Powerful, as is, but has potential.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +1 Action. Discard any number of Victory cards. +$1 per card discarded.

Worth 1 VP.
So, cantrip secret chamber, worth VP. It looks like it combos with itself, but it's a cantrip, so I'll naturally want to keep these to hopefully draw a better card. Not nearly better that Duchy in almost all cases, so that's a plus. it works for me

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
Discard any number of cards. Choose one: +$1 per card discarded; or each other player discards until he has the same number of cards in hand as you.
It's even stronger than I initially realized. At the end of your engine turn, you can play one of these to get the secret chamber effect on every card except another copy of Usurer, then play the other Usurer for the second option. Too Brutal. Also, if you have just this in hand with 4 junk cards, you can use this to kill everyone's turn.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Trash up to 3 cards from your hand.

Worth 1 VP per $ in the cost of the cheapest card in your deck (in Coins).
Just like the Dungeon in the Dominion outtakes, this is a fine card that has no real reason not to be in the set. The VP part is really fragile. Imagine, you trash your whole deck to just $5+ cost cards, then someone passes you a copper with Masquerade on the last turn. I don't mind that because the top part is still worth getting for $5.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action. Discard a card. If it is a… Victory card, +1 Card; Treasure card, +2 Cards; Action card, +3 Cards.
Yeah, I like it.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+1 Action. You may trash up to 2 cards from your hand. If you trashed exactly 1 card, each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand. If you trashed exactly 2 cards, each other player gains a Curse.
Not "Dark Wedding" or "Royal Wedding"? Anyway, I like the card itself. Kinda like Mercenary, except you don't have to go through hoops to get it. Like with Mercenary the discard attack option really hurts opponent Weddings, but not as harshly, I guess.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. Each other player discards a Victory card (or reveals a hand with no Victory cards). If any player discards a card this way, play this again.
What? In 3-4 player games, this is very likely to be at Least a Hunting Grounds for $5. It can be even more than that too, especially if players go for hybrid victory cards. it shuts down too many alt-VP strategies, and that's not cool.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
+$1. Choose one: Name a card costing up to $3 and each other player with 5 or more cards in hand discards a copy of the named card (or reveals a hand without it); or, choose an Attack card from your hand and play it twice.
The first option is probably going to be weaker than Taxman's attack, but the second option makes up for that, and it has a small combo with itself. Intrigue is a good place to have small combos.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. Reveal cards from the top of your deck unti you reveal a Victory card. Put that card into your hand and discard the rest.

Worth 1 VP.
So this passes the "massable VP" test. The VP part has purpose here, as it lets the card draw a copy of itself (sometimes). That's good, since that lets this be your primary action splitter if needed. Good card!

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. If you revealed a Victory card, put all the revealed cards into your hand. Otherwise, discard them.
Looks like a must buy on certain boards (think Hybrid-VP cards), but that's nothing a little balance work can't fix.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Trash a card from your hand. The player to your left chooses a card in the Supply costing at least $2 more than the trashed card. Gain it.
Other than the $5 cost to Province thing, this is just worse than Remodel.

Architect (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $5
Trash a card from your hand. Choose one: gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card, which you may put on top of your deck; or +2 Buys and +$ equal to the trashed card's cost in Coins.
2 $4 cost options for the price of $5.  There's an issue I have with this: the second option covers the key weakness of the first option and vice-verse. That makes this card too safe, I think.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +$1. Discard a card. Choose one: set aside up to 3 cards from your discard pile, discarding them after your next reshuffle; or shuffle your discard pile and put it at the bottom of your deck.
What is "it" in the second option? The discarded card, or the discard pile? seems fine.

Types: Victory
Cost: $4
At the end of the game, choose one: Trash an Estate from your deck and this is worth 1 VP per Estate in your deck; or trash 2 Curses from your deck and this is worth 2 VP; or trash 3 Coppers from your deck and this is worth 3 VP if you have no Treasures in your deck.
I agree that the options for the bottom effect can be reduced and this will still be a good card.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
The player to your left reveals his hand. Choose one of the revealed cards costing up to $6. Either gain a copy of it or each other player gains a copy of it, your choice.
This seems too strong, especially with cost reduction. It's totally safe.

Nouveau Riche
Types: Action
Cost: $4
You may discard an Estate. If you do, +3 Cards. You may discard a Duchy. If you do, +$2. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Clarification: It should be clear from the wording here, but you don't choose between these three options. You choose whether or not to do each in order.
I like this one. It works because it explicitly names Estate and Duchy for the first and second option, respectively.

Hidden Passage
Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Card. +1 Action. You may trash a card from your hand. Each other player may reveal the top 2 cards of his deck. If he does, he trashes one and discards the other.
This one is interesting, because people are scared of the lookout effect. When playing against this card, you really got to take advantage of the Lookout effect. The only problem with Hidden Passage is that it feels a bit too safe, compared to the unreliable bonus the other players get. I'd fix that replacing "You may trash a card from your hand" to "Trash a card from your hand".

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action. +$1. Each player (including you) reveals the top 3 cards of his deck and puts one of them (your choice) in his hand, then puts the rest back on top in an order he chooses.
Yeah, this should probably be an attack (anti-Haven effect when combined with a discard attack). Otherwise, I like the card.

Secret Plot
Types: Treasure – Victory
Cost: $3
Worth $1. When you play this, each player may set aside a card face down on his Secret Plot mat. You may look at the cards on your mat at any time; reveal them and return them to your deck at the end of the game.

Worth 1 VP for each differently-named card on your mat that no other player has a copy of on his mat.
Ah, the famous Plotter. Of course, the wording should change so that the cards on the mat are counted before being put back into the deck, or the cards on the mat are never returned to the deck at all (too bad, Gardens). This actually doesn't seem too strong to me. What, are you really going to put your Knights and Prizes on the mat, when other Knights can trash the plotter and Prizes are so good anyway? If you're going to put stuff that's better than copper on the mat, then you're hurting your deck, so it's not a simple choice. if it does end up being too strong, then it can just be rebalanced. This is the card to look out for. I for one like it a lot.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
Do the following three things in any order; you get the version in parentheses: Each player draws until he has 5 (6) cards in hand; each player discards down to 3 (3) cards in hand; each player trashes up to 1 (2) cards from his hand.
AP aside, this seems like an fine card (note: terminal). Doesn't seem as crazy as Governor. Am I missing some horrible design flaw?

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+$2. Each other player may discard any number of cards. Choose one: Each other player gains a Curse for each card in hand over 3; or each other player trashes a card from his hand and draws until he has 3 cards in hand.
If players don't take the curse, then this pretty much Militia-Masquerades the player by itself. The opponents discard down to 3 cards, then they must trash a card out of those 3 cards. That's pretty mean.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
You may reveal then discard any number of differently-named cards. For each card discarded this way, if it is an… Action card, +2 Actions; Treasure card, +$2; Victory card, +2 Cards.
Looks insane with Hybrid-VP cards. Don't know about the typical case, though.

Types: Action
Cost: $2
Discard a card. If it is an… Action card, +3 Actions; Treasure card, +$3; Victory card, +3 Cards.
Should probably cost $3. Otherwise, it seems fine. Similar to Steward, but not entirely similar.

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Action. Choose two in any order: Draw until you have 6 cards in hand; play an Action card from your hand; trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing up to $2 more, putting it on top of your deck. (The choices must be different.)
Woah is this strong. I mean, you can remodel a card from your hand and then draw it with some other cards, non-terminally. Or, you can play Remodel from your hand and then draw 6, non-terminally. A weaker version of this that costs less would probably fit the set better. It's an interesting card.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. +$1. Each other player with at least 5 cards in hand reveals one of them. He either discards it and gains a copy of it or he trashes it, your choice.
For some reason, I don't like cards that appear to give choices, but which in reality hurt you no matter what you do. In this case, the choice is obviously not to reveal Province or Gold or anything. 

Visiting Dignitary
Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action. Trash this. Gain a Visiting Dignitary and a Victory card costing up to $6.
In this case, depleting the Visiting Dignitary card is hardly a drawback at all, because you probably want the game to end once you got that many Victory cards. Seems like a must buy on certain boards.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #87 on: October 18, 2013, 03:02:16 pm »

The first poll is up! Vote for as many of the 47 options as you want.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #88 on: October 18, 2013, 03:04:20 pm »

That sounds a lot like Mine!

I don't see how?  Does it really let you gain a copy of a treasure when you reveal one from your hand AND make you trash all the treasures you have in play on buy?  If not, it's not Mine!

And some people claim i complain too much about Mine/Mint jokes. They are everywhere!! If Mine/Mint-jokes were freaking cameras, FDS would be freaking 1984!

It's not 1986

I don't know what to say. 1986 is my year of birth. Why did i write that...?

Edit: Happy that my card isn't hated like my Seaside-entry was...
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 03:23:24 pm by Asper »


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #89 on: October 18, 2013, 03:47:11 pm »

@dghunter -- Secret Plot seems like it would be weaker if it came from the Black Market.

Yes, but when they're both in the Kingdom, doesn't the game then descend into joylessly buying all the cards in the Black Market, and then putting them on the Secret Plot mats?

Secret Plot would also be the only Dominion card that makes it impossible to know if you're winning.  Is that the appeal of it to the card's supporters?  Why do the cards need to be kept hidden.

Also, what is a good Secret Plot board?  I guess if there's a super dominant strategy on the board.  Other than that, doesn't it just reduce the rest of the Kingdom to Card1, Card2, Card3, where all that matters is the prices?

Is this card different enough from Fairgrounds?

I guess I just don't see the appeal.  It seems like a card where you have to do a lot of work and in the end it's just worth zero.  Or, your opponent ignores it and it's a 3-cost Copper worth 13 VP.  How do its supporters see it playing?  What is the fun part that you all want to preserve?


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #90 on: October 18, 2013, 04:13:25 pm »

Sphinx (1)
Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
+1 Card. +1 Action. If this is the first time you played a Sphinx this turn, each other player guesses how many Action cards you will play this turn. At the end of your Action phase, each player who guessed incorrectly gains a Curse.

Clarification: The players guess in turn order.

I expect this will be quite controversial, but I think it's all right.  Balance-wise, it's at worst a Familiar, which is nasty at $4, but it doesn't stack in a single turn, and I imagine that early on it's quite easy to guess that they will only play one action.  Later on they can mess with you by withholding an action to make sure they don't match your guess, which can maybe get political with 3+ players.

Overall I don't like it enough to vote for it, but it's a unique concept.

This would stack in a single turn. If you play 2 of them, and your opponent's guess wrong, they'll get 2 curses...

*Edit* Just realized it's unclear wording. Does the "if this is the first you played" clause refer only to the other players guessing, or also to the curse-gaining at the end of the turn?
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 04:40:30 pm by GendoIkari »
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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #91 on: October 18, 2013, 04:27:00 pm »

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action. +$1. Each player (including you) reveals the top 3 cards of his deck and puts one of them (your choice) in his hand, then puts the rest back on top in an order he chooses.
Yeah, this should probably be an attack (anti-Haven effect when combined with a discard attack). Otherwise, I like the card.

I think(?) multiple people have said this, but... how?  Legate doesn't make opponents discard.  It doesn't even discard cards from the top of their deck.  Even combined with a discard attack, you really just made the attack weaker.  You give me a sixth card?  Either you gave me junk and I discard that (effectively cycling it from my deck) or you give me a good card and I get to keep that and discard something else.  I don't understand what "anti-Haven" is even supposed to mean.  This is basically a weaker version of the Council Room penalty, where everyone gets to draw a card, except instead of a random [average] card, you get something a little worse than average.  And of course, each player also gets info about the top of their deck so they can set up Wishing Well or Mystic or even just cantrip draw.

@dghunter -- Secret Plot seems like it would be weaker if it came from the Black Market.

Yes, but when they're both in the Kingdom, doesn't the game then descend into joylessly buying all the cards in the Black Market, and then putting them on the Secret Plot mats?

Secret Plot would also be the only Dominion card that makes it impossible to know if you're winning.  Is that the appeal of it to the card's supporters?  Why do the cards need to be kept hidden.

Also, what is a good Secret Plot board?  I guess if there's a super dominant strategy on the board.  Other than that, doesn't it just reduce the rest of the Kingdom to Card1, Card2, Card3, where all that matters is the prices?

Is this card different enough from Fairgrounds?

I guess I just don't see the appeal.  It seems like a card where you have to do a lot of work and in the end it's just worth zero.  Or, your opponent ignores it and it's a 3-cost Copper worth 13 VP.  How do its supporters see it playing?  What is the fun part that you all want to preserve?

Ooh, good point about putting away unique cards from the Black market.  Hadn't thought of that.  Hmm, OK, let's see.  In the case where Plot is in the kingdom, that just becomes a strong combo that players have to seriously consider.  Can another strategy run fast enough to beat the BM Plot points?  I don't think that in itself is broken -- yeah it means that you very well may have to try to get Secret Plots, but there are other cards like that.  Ignore Witch or Wharf at your peril.  Or more relevant, ignore Duke at your peril (a fair amount of time).  Yeah, I don't think that's actually a problem.  It might be, but I'm not convinced of it.  Consider -- let's say you win the Secret Plot split 6/2.  That's a generous supposition; if the combo is strong, it's more likely to split 5/3 or 4/4.  But OK, you've got 6 of them.  Now you try to milk the BM deck.  First, you have to spend a buy on something from the BM.  Then, in a subsequent shuffle, you have to line up that card with a Secret Plot.  Then you have to forego playing that card (which could be strong) so that you can push it onto you mat (at the same time letting others pseudo-trash something).  And for all that effort, you get 6VP.  I think that it will have been earned at that point.

And for the case where you've got Secret Plot from the BM and you can just stack your mat with more cards from the BM deck, that just seems like a weaker Monument. 

I expect the cards are hidden so as to be... intriguing. ;)  On knowing whether you are winning -- yeah, this variable VP can do that.  But it's not the only card that does it.  Masquerade can do it, with VP card passing.  And plenty of other alt VP cards can make it difficult to figure out unless you are working hard to track everyone's decks (IRL, I'm sometimes not sure even playing with just base VP).

I'm not saying that I think the card is awesome.  It's just that it sounds like you are calling it extremely powerful when I think it is actually weaker.  I don't see it playing as a major VP card.  The main thing for me is that it lets everybody Island things away on play, and I expect that this is generally better for opponents than for the Plotter.  I'll generally be happy if you spend $3 on a Copper just to help me trim my deck down.  I think pretty often I'll be able to leverage that into building a strong engine that can take down bigger VP before you can make your Plot(s) worth much at all.

I wasn't sure if I was going to vote for it before, but I'm liking the discussion on it enough that I think I will.  I do think that it fits well with Intrigue -- choices about what to put away on the mat, hybrid VP, combos with Ironworks and, most importantly, Scout.

Gonna look back on the list to see what else I'll vote up.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #92 on: October 18, 2013, 04:29:39 pm »

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. Reveal your hand. +1 Card and +$1 per Victory card revealed. Reveal your hand again and put all the revealed Victory cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.

That's a pretty stiff penalty!  And not much of a benefit.  Would this ever be good if there weren't Great Halls/Nobles/Harems on the board?

Who in their right mind would make a $4 action that's not good unless Great Halls/Nobles/Harems are on the board?!
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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #93 on: October 18, 2013, 04:32:16 pm »

I like the new polling system a lot. It's not only easier to submit ballots, but knowing that there will be a second round makes me more generous with my vote. I had to vote now because I'll be out of town for the weekend.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #94 on: October 18, 2013, 05:00:52 pm »

OK, these are the ones I'd like to discuss more, so these are the ones I'm voting for now.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Worth 1 VP per empty Supply pile.

I think counting empty supply piles is neat.

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Action. +$2.

While this is in play, when an Action Card (including this) would give you any amount of $, you may draw that many cards instead.

As I said before, I'm not sure if it's too crazy or just the right amount of crazy.  Would like to hear others' thoughts.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Put a marker on an empty District of the Overseer Mat. If you put it on the…
Residential District, +1 Card and +2 Actions
Craftsmen's District, +3 Cards
Commercial District, +1 Card, +1 Action, and +$1
Industrial District, gain a card costing up to $4
Logging District, +1 Buy and +$2
If four districts of the mat have a marker, remove all the markers.

Rules Clarification: There is one communal Overseer mat, split into the five districts.

The concept seems solid to me.  This is a high level concept such that I would be tolerant of much more in the way of tweaks.  The card I have in mind says, "Put a marker on an empty District of the Overseer Mat and get its bonus.  If X districts of the mat are occupied, remove all the markers."  I think that wording is necessary because the current wall of text won't fit on a card.  The specific Districts could end up very different from the ones listed in the entry, and there could even be duplicates of some of them.

As a whole, perhaps this concept is too different from regular Dominion.  But it does sound very interesting to me.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Trash a card from your hand. The player to your left chooses a card in the Supply costing at least $2 more than the trashed card. Gain it.

After WW's point of how one might cleverly use it to force an Expand, I think this warrants another look.  Still not sure about it.

Hidden Passage
Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Card. +1 Action. You may trash a card from your hand. Each other player may reveal the top 2 cards of his deck. If he does, he trashes one and discards the other.

Now that it's a cantrip, this is more interesting.  Cantrip trashing is powerful, but it gives opponents a benefit that is potentially even better (but also potentially worse).

Secret Plot
Types: Treasure – Victory
Cost: $3
Worth $1. When you play this, each player may set aside a card face down on his Secret Plot mat. You may look at the cards on your mat at any time; reveal them and return them to your deck at the end of the game.

Worth 1 VP for each differently-named card on your mat that no other player has a copy of on his mat.

Discussed above.  After discussion, it looks more interesting to me now than it did before.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 05:38:43 pm by eHalcyon »


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #95 on: October 18, 2013, 05:17:17 pm »

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. Reveal your hand. +1 Card and +$1 per Victory card revealed. Reveal your hand again and put all the revealed Victory cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.

Pretty cool. Combos with some neat stuff, like Crossroad, and Scout, obvs. Hard to know how strong it is, but neat enough.

Cold Iron
Types: Treasure – Attack – Victory – Reaction
Cost: $4
Worth $1. When you play this, each other player with 5 or more cards in hand draws a card then puts cards from his hand on top of his deck until he has 4 cards in hand.

Worth 1 VP. When another player plays an Attack card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, gain a Silver, putting it into your hand, and you are not affected by the Attack.

Too much going on. Lot of it feels tacked on. And I don't really want more handsize decreasing attacks.

Sphinx (A)
Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
+1 Card. +1 Action. If this is the first time you played a Sphinx this turn, each other player guesses how many Action cards you will play this turn. At the end of your Action phase, each player who guessed incorrectly gains a Curse.

Clarification: The players guess in turn order.

I think this just won't work at all in practice, and it's weird... it's not really very Dominiony.

Sphinx (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $3
Choose one: +3 Cards and discard a card that is not a Victory cards (or reveal a hand of all Victory cards); or +$3 and cards cost $1 more this turn; or trash 3 cards from your hand and gain a card costing $0.

This is okay, just fine.

Types: Action – Attack – Victory
Cost: $4
+1 Action. Choose one: Each player (including you) with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card; or each player (including you) draws until he has 4 cards in hand.

Worth 1 VP for every 4 Attack cards in your deck (rounded down).

I actually like the VP per attack aspect, but man I just don't want more discard attacks. So it's really a shame about the top. I wish the attack was something else, maybe something really weak, and then I would like this card.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Worth 1 VP per empty Supply pile.

People really like this card, huh? It's kind of cool, and it pushes the three pile ending. It's a Lab if you can discard Victory cards, and you can just discard other copies of it, and it's always at least an Estate but sometimes more. Actually I really like that it gives you an incentive to try to empty extra piles when you end the game. Okay, maybe I really like this after all.

Types: Action – Attack – Reaction
Cost: $4
Choose one: Each player (including you) puts a card from his hand on top of his deck; or each player puts his deck into his discard pile.

When another player shuffles, you may reveal and discard this from your hand. If you do, +2 Cards.

Really weak, just not interesting.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $3
+$2. Discard a card. Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card that shares a type with and costs more than the card you discarded (or reveal a hand with no such card).

Look, I'm never going to vote for a discard attack. Moving on...

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. Look through your discard pile. You may reveal a card from it and put it on the bottom of your deck. If it is an… Action card, +1 Action; Treasure card, +$1; Victory card, +1 Card.

That's fine, but probably too weak for $3. But what do you want to put on the bottom of your deck? You would make Actions and treasures miss reshuffles, and Victory cards you would draw sooner? Actually, eh, this is probably just not up to par.

Architect (A)
Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Action. +$2.

While this is in play, when an Action Card (including this) would give you any amount of $, you may draw that many cards instead.

This is great, I really like this. I like how expensive it is, I think that's important for a card like this. So it combos with Action cards that give you a lot of coin, which is pretty neat synergy. I'm not sure it's particularly Intriguey, that's probably it's main downside.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
When you play this, +1 Card per unused action you have (Action, not Action card). +2 Actions.

If you have 1 action left when you play this, this card is Lab. If you have 2, it's Level 2 City. If you have zero, then it's necropolis. You know, I think it's probably too strong, because it has a crazy amount of self-comboing. Interesting, but imbalanced.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Victory card. If you do, put it and one other revealed card into your hand. Discard the rest.

Worth 2 VP.

It gives you one card you really want, but it's a terminal 2VP. I think this is just quite weak for its price, perhaps any price.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. Trash a card from your hand. Choose one: Gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card; or each other player gains a card costing up to the cost of the trashed card.

Too strong.
I have been forced to accept that lackluster play is a town tell for you.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #96 on: October 18, 2013, 05:26:50 pm »

OK, these are the ones I'd like to discuss more, so these are the ones I'm voting for now.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Worth 1 VP per empty Supply pile.

I think counting empty supply piles is neat.

I voted for this one too. Might need adjusting if it's too strong, but I don't think it is. It ride on the fact that some cards are popular, and it would be fun in Cursing/Ruins games, which I like since those games are usually not the most fun.

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Action. +$2.

While this is in play, when an Action Card (including this) would give you any amount of $, you may draw that many cards instead.

As I said before, I'm not sure if it's too crazy or just the right amount of crazy.  Would like to hear others' thoughts.

I'm on the side that it's too crazy. I like the idea, but it just makes some cards way too good I think. I mentioned Festival that becomes +2card+2actoins+1buy. Yes you need to hit $6 and line them up, but it's not that hard to pull that off with money giving action cards.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Put a marker on an empty District of the Overseer Mat. If you put it on the…
Residential District, +1 Card and +2 Actions
Craftsmen's District, +3 Cards
Commercial District, +1 Card, +1 Action, and +$1
Industrial District, gain a card costing up to $4
Logging District, +1 Buy and +$2
If four districts of the mat have a marker, remove all the markers.

Rules Clarification: There is one communal Overseer mat, split into the five districts.

The concept seems solid to me.  This is a high level concept such that I would be tolerant of much more in the way of tweaks.  The card I have in mind says, "Put a marker on an empty District of the Overseer Mat and get its bonus.  If X districts of the mat are occupied, remove all the markers."  I think that wording is necessary because the current wall of text won't fit on a card.  The specific Districts could end up very different from the ones listed in the entry, and there could even be duplicates of some of them.

As a whole, perhaps this concept is too different from regular Dominion.  But it does sound very interesting to me.

I just don't like this card. All the choices are simple, it's too political (I'll buy it just so my opponent can't use it as a village as often, ot my choice will change depending on what my opponents need). And I how will it scale with many players? With 5 players or 6 it's pretty good for the first player. Even in 4 player games, being 4th means you get almost no choice, while the first player gets a cheap BoM. Besides all this it's not Dominony, and I find it overly complex and texty for such a bunch of choices that I hardly have to think about. And as WW pointed out, the choice all need to be worse than $4. Otherwise this is almost strictly better than all those cards.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Trash a card from your hand. The player to your left chooses a card in the Supply costing at least $2 more than the trashed card. Gain it.

After Warwick's point of how one might cleverly use it to force an Expand, I think this warrants another look.  Still not sure about it.

I voted for this one too. It's maybe not perfect now, but the idea is cool. Feels like a Remodel mixed with Contraband.

Hidden Passage
Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Card. +1 Action. You may trash a card from your hand. Each other player may reveal the top 2 cards of his deck. If he does, he trashes one and discards the other.

Now that it's a cantrip, this is more interesting.  Cantrip trashing is powerful, but it gives opponents a benefit that is potentially even better (but also potentially worse).

It is much better with the cantrip. I was so confused before when it was awful for you, but great for them. Still doesn't do much for me. Simple trasher that only feels mildly Intriguey.

Secret Plot
Types: Treasure – Victory
Cost: $3
Worth $1. When you play this, each player may set aside a card face down on his Secret Plot mat. You may look at the cards on your mat at any time; reveal them and return them to your deck at the end of the game.

Worth 1 VP for each differently-named card on your mat that no other player has a copy of on his mat.

Discussed above.  After discussion, it looks more interesting to me now than it did before.

I still don't like it. It's political and just makes me feel like I'll be wasting all my cards. And it gives my opponents free trashing when I play it. Even if you can pump it up, I can just put a few actions at the end of the game to lower your score, and my deck will be trim enough to buy loads of Provinces...I dunno, I'm just rambling about the card, but I'm not into it.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #97 on: October 18, 2013, 05:43:37 pm »

Types: Action
Cost: $5
When you play this, +1 Card per unused action you have (Action, not Action card). +2 Actions.

If you have 1 action left when you play this, this card is Lab. If you have 2, it's Level 2 City. If you have zero, then it's necropolis. You know, I think it's probably too strong, because it has a crazy amount of self-comboing. Interesting, but imbalanced.

You're reading something wrong, or you're counting wrong.  Or maybe both.  It always gives +2 Actions, so never a Lab.  It only gives +2 actions after the +cards, so if you only have 1 action left, this is just a Necropolis.  It does have powerful self-comboing, but it starts off really weak.  It combos better with other villages, FV in particular.

I just noticed a typo in my earlier post.  WanderingWinder --> WW --> Warwick.  Oops.  And I haven't played lol in months.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #98 on: October 18, 2013, 06:26:38 pm »

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action. +$1. Each player (including you) reveals the top 3 cards of his deck and puts one of them (your choice) in his hand, then puts the rest back on top in an order he chooses.
Yeah, this should probably be an attack (anti-Haven effect when combined with a discard attack). Otherwise, I like the card.

I think(?) multiple people have said this, but... how?  Legate doesn't make opponents discard.  It doesn't even discard cards from the top of their deck.  Even combined with a discard attack, you really just made the attack weaker.  You give me a sixth card?  Either you gave me junk and I discard that (effectively cycling it from my deck) or you give me a good card and I get to keep that and discard something else.  I don't understand what "anti-Haven" is even supposed to mean.  This is basically a weaker version of the Council Room penalty, where everyone gets to draw a card, except instead of a random [average] card, you get something a little worse than average.  And of course, each player also gets info about the top of their deck so they can set up Wishing Well or Mystic or even just cantrip draw.
Extreme case: You see that the other player has two treasure maps in the revealed 3 cards. You force them to draw one of the treasure maps. Hence "anti-Haven", but "Reverse-Haven" is probably a better term.

Still, as you explained, that's not such a problem, really. Reading it again, the bonus your opponent gets probably outweights the benefit you get from a peddler with better draw.

@dghunter -- Secret Plot seems like it would be weaker if it came from the Black Market.

Yes, but when they're both in the Kingdom, doesn't the game then descend into joylessly buying all the cards in the Black Market, and then putting them on the Secret Plot mats?

Secret Plot would also be the only Dominion card that makes it impossible to know if you're winning.  Is that the appeal of it to the card's supporters?  Why do the cards need to be kept hidden.

Also, what is a good Secret Plot board?  I guess if there's a super dominant strategy on the board.  Other than that, doesn't it just reduce the rest of the Kingdom to Card1, Card2, Card3, where all that matters is the prices?

Is this card different enough from Fairgrounds?

I guess I just don't see the appeal.  It seems like a card where you have to do a lot of work and in the end it's just worth zero.  Or, your opponent ignores it and it's a 3-cost Copper worth 13 VP.  How do its supporters see it playing?  What is the fun part that you all want to preserve?

Ooh, good point about putting away unique cards from the Black market.  Hadn't thought of that.  Hmm, OK, let's see.  In the case where Plot is in the kingdom, that just becomes a strong combo that players have to seriously consider.  Can another strategy run fast enough to beat the BM Plot points?  I don't think that in itself is broken -- yeah it means that you very well may have to try to get Secret Plots, but there are other cards like that.  Ignore Witch or Wharf at your peril.  Or more relevant, ignore Duke at your peril (a fair amount of time).  Yeah, I don't think that's actually a problem.  It might be, but I'm not convinced of it.  Consider -- let's say you win the Secret Plot split 6/2.  That's a generous supposition; if the combo is strong, it's more likely to split 5/3 or 4/4.  But OK, you've got 6 of them.  Now you try to milk the BM deck.  First, you have to spend a buy on something from the BM.  Then, in a subsequent shuffle, you have to line up that card with a Secret Plot.  Then you have to forego playing that card (which could be strong) so that you can push it onto you mat (at the same time letting others pseudo-trash something).  And for all that effort, you get 6VP.  I think that it will have been earned at that point.

And for the case where you've got Secret Plot from the BM and you can just stack your mat with more cards from the BM deck, that just seems like a weaker Monument. 

I expect the cards are hidden so as to be... intriguing. ;)  On knowing whether you are winning -- yeah, this variable VP can do that.  But it's not the only card that does it.  Masquerade can do it, with VP card passing.  And plenty of other alt VP cards can make it difficult to figure out unless you are working hard to track everyone's decks (IRL, I'm sometimes not sure even playing with just base VP).

I'm not saying that I think the card is awesome.  It's just that it sounds like you are calling it extremely powerful when I think it is actually weaker.  I don't see it playing as a major VP card.  The main thing for me is that it lets everybody Island things away on play, and I expect that this is generally better for opponents than for the Plotter.  I'll generally be happy if you spend $3 on a Copper just to help me trim my deck down.  I think pretty often I'll be able to leverage that into building a strong engine that can take down bigger VP before you can make your Plot(s) worth much at all.

I wasn't sure if I was going to vote for it before, but I'm liking the discussion on it enough that I think I will.  I do think that it fits well with Intrigue -- choices about what to put away on the mat, hybrid VP, combos with Ironworks and, most importantly, Scout.

Gonna look back on the list to see what else I'll vote up.
I wouldn't worry too much about Black Market. That's one card out of over 200, and it's still not nearly as powerful a combo as Hermit/Market Square. And anyway, the other players can still put their own BM purchases onto their mat when you play this. So, it all comes down to the split, but at $3 it's far from inaccessible.

Personally, I like the whole thing about not knowing whose winning. The physical game of Dominion forbids point tracking, anyway.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #99 on: October 18, 2013, 06:29:55 pm »

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Victory card. If you do, put it and one other revealed card into your hand. Discard the rest.

Worth 2 VP.

It gives you one card you really want, but it's a terminal 2VP. I think this is just quite weak for its price, perhaps any price.


I was originally excited by this idea, but think it would need something like +1 Action.  Then it becomes a 1/2 lab 1/2 sage and seems much less interesting...
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