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Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« on: October 03, 2013, 06:21:27 pm »

The fourth contest is to design a card that would fit well in Intrigue.

Submission Rules

• Submit no more than one card per challenge.
• You are not obligated to submit a card for every challenge.
• Submit your card to me via this forum's messaging system.  Submissions made after each week's deadline cannot be accepted.
• Each card you submit must have a name, a cost, a list of types, and the exact wording that should appear on the card.  Also include a brief description of any special design considerations (e.g., Stash having a unique back), but do NOT include any other information, such as strategic commentary or examples about it would play.
• Unlike the previous set design contest, the name you give your card will appear on the ballot. If multiple cards with the same name are submitted, I will differentiate them with letters in a randomly chosen order, e.g. [Card Name] A, [Card Name] B, etc. Cards themselves will likewise be listed in a random order on the ballot.
• I will accept revisions to your contest entries provided they are submitted to me before the deadline.  If you submit a revision to an entry you have previously submitted to me, resubmit your revised card(s) in their entirety.  That is, don't tell me "Oh, can you make that +2 Cards say +3 Cards instead?"  Just resubmit the full card.
• Only submit cards that are your own design.
• You may submit cards that have been previously posted here in this forum, including those that have been refined by the community as a whole, provided you can still claim that the central conceit of the card -- and the majority of its final version -- is yours.
• A single card might conceivably qualify for multiple challenges within this series. If your card doesn't win the first challenge you submit it to, you may submit it for any and all future challenges (until it wins), provided the card fits those challenges. This is particularly pertinent for cards that don't win the first of two slots for a large expansion, although depending on which card does win, your card may not qualify for the second challenge.
• Do not disclose your submissions publicly, either in this thread or elsewhere!

For this Treasure Chest set, you may not submit cards that combine certain mechanics from multiple expansions. The idea is that you could simply slot the cards into their respective sets without needing components or rules specific to another set. Specifically:

• Duration cards may only be submitted as candidates for a Seaside slot.
• Potion-cost cards may only be submitted as candidates for the Alchemy slot.
• Cards that use VP tokens or cost $7 or more may only be submitted as candidates for a Prosperity slot.
• Cards that use Coin tokens and cards that use overpay may only be submitted as candidates for the Guilds slot.
• Cards that use Ruins (Looters) and cards that use Spoils may only be submitted as candidates for a Dark Ages slot.

Many mechanics are fair game for any submission. The following is an incomplete list.

• Victory/Action and Victory/Treasure hybrid cards.
• Cards that allow you to choose an ability from a list.
• Cards with on-buy, would-gain, on-gain, and on-trash abilities.

I will be putting some constraints on the set as a whole.

• The raw number of cards (including randomizers) must not exceed 150.

Challenge #5 : Intrigue

Design a Kingdom card that would fit into the Intrigue expansion. Such a card could have one or more of the following qualities:

• Gives you choices.
• Is a Victory card (including Victory–Action and Victory–Treasure hybrids).
• Cares about Victory cards.

BUT! Intrigue has a bunch of normal cards, too. When it comes right down to it, cards that give you choices are common everywhere. So for this contest, I encourage you to design a card that isn't too complex and would fit in either the Base Set OR Intrigue, since lots of Intrigue cards would be fine in the Base Set.

I have a special request! I've been meaning to write a little blurb on each of these contests, but I'm lazy, so this it my first attempt. In this blurb, I'd like to talk about Things We Already Have: Intrigue Edition!

I see a lot of fan cards out there that are sort of a variation on Pawn/Steward/etc. Choose one/two from this list of various things that aren't really related. You know the kind of card I mean. We've got a lot of that already. If your card has a Choose-X mechanic, it should be for a good reason. Not just an expensive Pawn that chooses 3 options or gives +2 of everything instead of +1.

Likewise, if you're going to make a hybrid Victory card, it would be ideal if there is a reason it's a Victory card. Don't just take a card, raise the cost, and tack some VP on. Nobles, Harem, and especially Great Hall have filled the niche of "This is a hybrid card for the sake of being a hybrid card." Think Island: a card that's a Victory hybrid because that's the best way to pull off its mechanic.

You're free to ignore this advice, of course. I will not disqualify your mega-Pawn cards. Just some food for thought here.

The deadline for this week's challenge is Friday, October 11, 2013 at 8am CDT.

If you have any questions, please post them here or send me a private message and I will endeavor to answer them in a timely manner. Good luck!


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2013, 06:21:40 pm »

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. Reveal your hand. +1 Card and +$1 per Victory card revealed. Reveal your hand again and put all the revealed Victory cards at the bottom of your deck in any order.

Cold Iron
Types: Treasure – Attack – Victory – Reaction
Cost: $4
Worth $1. When you play this, each other player with 5 or more cards in hand draws a card then puts cards from his hand on top of his deck until he has 4 cards in hand.

Worth 1 VP. When another player plays an Attack card, you may discard this from your hand. If you do, gain a Silver, putting it into your hand, and you are not affected by the Attack.

Sphinx (A)
Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
+1 Card. +1 Action. If this is the first time you played a Sphinx this turn, each other player guesses how many Action cards you will play this turn. At the end of your Action phase, each player who guessed incorrectly gains a Curse.

Clarification: The players guess in turn order.

Sphinx (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $3
Choose one: +3 Cards and discard a card that is not a Victory cards (or reveal a hand of all Victory cards); or +$3 and cards cost $1 more this turn; or trash 3 cards from your hand and gain a card costing $0.

Types: Action – Attack – Victory
Cost: $4
+1 Action. Choose one: Each player (including you) with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card; or each player (including you) draws until he has 4 cards in hand.

Worth 1 VP for every 4 Attack cards in your deck (rounded down).

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Worth 1 VP per empty Supply pile.

Types: Action – Attack – Reaction
Cost: $4
Choose one: Each player (including you) puts a card from his hand on top of his deck; or each player puts his deck into his discard pile.

When another player shuffles, you may reveal and discard this from your hand. If you do, +2 Cards.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $3
+$2. Discard a card. Each other player with 4 or more cards in hand discards a card that shares a type with and costs more than the card you discarded (or reveal a hand with no such card).

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. Look through your discard pile. You may reveal a card from it and put it on the bottom of your deck. If it is an… Action card, +1 Action; Treasure card, +$1; Victory card, +1 Card.

Architect (A)
Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Action. +$2.

While this is in play, when an Action Card (including this) would give you any amount of $, you may draw that many cards instead.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
When you play this, +1 Card per unused action you have (Action, not Action card). +2 Actions.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal a Victory card. If you do, put it and one other revealed card into your hand. Discard the rest.

Worth 2 VP.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. Trash a card from your hand. Choose one: Gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card; or each other player gains a card costing up to the cost of the trashed card.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
You may gain a Duchy. If you didn't, gain a Silver. Each other player may gain an Estate. If he didn't, he gains a Copper.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Gain a card costing up to $6. For each $1 over $4 it costs, each other player may choose one: he trashes a card from his hand; he gains up to 2 Coppers, putting them into his hand; he discards his hand and draws 5 cards.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+$2. Reveal the top card of your deck. If you reveal a Victory card, discard it and gain an Action card costing up to $5. Otherwise, put the card back and gain an Action card costing up to $3.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
Reveal your hand. If you revealed a Treasure card, a Victory card, and an Action card (each separate cards), then +$3. Otherwise, +$1.

Worth 1 VP.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
Do this three times: Choose one: +1 Action; or discard a Victory card, and +$2 if you did.

Worth 1 VP.

Types: Action – Reaction
Cost: $4
Choose two: Look at the top card of your deck and discard it or put it back; or gain a card costing up to $3; or trash a card from your hand. (The choices must be different.)

When another player plays an Attack card, you may reveal this from your hand. If you do, you may discard any number of cards from your hand. At the start of your next turn, draw that many cards.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Put a marker on an empty District of the Overseer Mat. If you put it on the…
Residential District, +1 Card and +2 Actions
Craftsmen's District, +3 Cards
Commercial District, +1 Card, +1 Action, and +$1
Industrial District, gain a card costing up to $4
Logging District, +1 Buy and +$2
If four districts of the mat have a marker, remove all the markers.

Rules Clarification: There is one communal Overseer mat, split into the five districts.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Choose one: trash a card from your hand; or +1 Card.

Worth 2 VP.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+$2. The player to your left names a card. Reveal the top 4 cards of your deck and choose one that is not the named card. Trash it or gain a copy of it. Put the untrashed cards back in any order.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +1 Action. Discard any number of Victory cards. +$1 per card discarded.

Worth 1 VP.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
Discard any number of cards. Choose one: +$1 per card discarded; or each other player discards until he has the same number of cards in hand as you.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $5
+1 Action. Trash up to 3 cards from your hand.

Worth 1 VP per $ in the cost of the cheapest card in your deck (in Coins).

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action. Discard a card. If it is a… Victory card, +1 Card; Treasure card, +2 Cards; Action card, +3 Cards.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+1 Action. You may trash up to 2 cards from your hand. If you trashed exactly 1 card, each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand. If you trashed exactly 2 cards, each other player gains a Curse.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. Each other player discards a Victory card (or reveals a hand with no Victory cards). If any player discards a card this way, play this again.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $4
+$1. Choose one: Name a card costing up to $3 and each other player with 5 or more cards in hand discards a copy of the named card (or reveals a hand without it); or, choose an Attack card from your hand and play it twice.

Types: Action – Victory
Cost: $4
+2 Actions. Reveal cards from the top of your deck unti you reveal a Victory card. Put that card into your hand and discard the rest.

Worth 1 VP.

Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Action. Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. If you revealed a Victory card, put all the revealed cards into your hand. Otherwise, discard them.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
Trash a card from your hand. The player to your left chooses a card in the Supply costing at least $2 more than the trashed card. Gain it.

Architect (B)
Types: Action
Cost: $5
Trash a card from your hand. Choose one: gain a card costing up to $2 more than the trashed card, which you may put on top of your deck; or +2 Buys and +$ equal to the trashed card's cost in Coins.

Types: Action
Cost: $5
+1 Card. +$1. Discard a card. Choose one: set aside up to 3 cards from your discard pile, discarding them after your next reshuffle; or shuffle your discard pile and put it at the bottom of your deck.

Types: Victory
Cost: $4
At the end of the game, choose one: Trash an Estate from your deck and this is worth 1 VP per Estate in your deck; or trash 2 Curses from your deck and this is worth 2 VP; or trash 3 Coppers from your deck and this is worth 3 VP if you have no Treasures in your deck.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
The player to your left reveals his hand. Choose one of the revealed cards costing up to $6. Either gain a copy of it or each other player gains a copy of it, your choice.

Nouveau Riche
Types: Action
Cost: $4
You may discard an Estate. If you do, +3 Cards. You may discard a Duchy. If you do, +$2. You may discard a Victory card. If you do, +1 Action.

Clarification: It should be clear from the wording here, but you don't choose between these three options. You choose whether or not to do each in order.

Hidden Passage
Types: Action
Cost: $3
+1 Card. +1 Action. You may trash a card from your hand. Each other player may reveal the top 2 cards of his deck. If he does, he trashes one and discards the other.

EDIT: Added +1 Card and +1 Action.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action. +$1. Each player (including you) reveals the top 3 cards of his deck and puts one of them (your choice) in his hand, then puts the rest back on top in an order he chooses.

Secret Plot
Types: Treasure – Victory
Cost: $3
Worth $1. When you play this, each player may set aside a card face down on his Secret Plot mat. You may look at the cards on your mat at any time; reveal them and return them to your deck at the end of the game.

Worth 1 VP for each differently-named card on your mat that no other player has a copy of on his mat.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
Do the following three things in any order; you get the version in parentheses: Each player draws until he has 5 (6) cards in hand; each player discards down to 3 (3) cards in hand; each player trashes up to 1 (2) cards from his hand.

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+$2. Each other player may discard any number of cards. Choose one: Each other player gains a Curse for each card in hand over 3; or each other player trashes a card from his hand and draws until he has 3 cards in hand.

Types: Action
Cost: $4
You may reveal then discard any number of differently-named cards. For each card discarded this way, if it is an… Action card, +2 Actions; Treasure card, +$2; Victory card, +2 Cards.

Types: Action
Cost: $2
Discard a card. If it is an… Action card, +3 Actions; Treasure card, +$3; Victory card, +3 Cards.

Types: Action
Cost: $6
+1 Action. Choose two in any order: Draw until you have 6 cards in hand; play an Action card from your hand; trash a card from your hand and gain a card costing up to $2 more, putting it on top of your deck. (The choices must be different.)

Types: Action – Attack
Cost: $5
+2 Cards. +$1. Each other player with at least 5 cards in hand reveals one of them. He either discards it and gains a copy of it or he trashes it, your choice.

Visiting Dignitary
Types: Action
Cost: $4
+1 Action. Trash this. Gain a Visiting Dignitary and a Victory card costing up to $6.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 09:22:55 am by LastFootnote »


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2013, 06:21:51 pm »

First poll results:

Concertomarket squire9
Nouveau RicheAsper9
Architect (A)A Drowned Kernel8
QuartermasterGuy Srinivasan7
Secret PloteHalcyon7
Taylor-ComptonJack Rudd6
Cold Ironandwilk5
CommitteeLastFootnote (Enterprise)5
Visiting DignitarySchneau5
Sphinx (B)mail-mi4
Hidden PassageShowdown354
Sphinx (A)ray1
Architect (B)werothegreat0
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 03:41:46 pm by LastFootnote »


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2013, 07:13:05 pm »

I think having the Intrigue contest allow base-set cards also is a fine idea and I endorse it, don't get me wrong. I've just got some factual quibbles:

When it comes right down to it, cards that give you choices are common everywhere.

I guess... But Intrigue has more of them than any other set does, just like Seaside has more cards dealing with the top of the deck. In the narrowest counting, Intrigue has five 'choose one: this or that' cards; Seaside has two; Prosperity has one; Cornucopia has Trusty Steed; Hinterlands has one; Dark Ages has about four and is bigger than Intrigue. (I'm not counting "choose a card", or Spy-type effects. Just, like, "there's a bunch of separate things this card can do; you pick one". We could get the numbers higher by counting optional effects like Mining Village or Hamlet, but Intrigue still wins.)

lots of Intrigue cards would be fine in the Base Set.

I'm not sure I agree with this one either. What have we got?

Intrigue introduces "choose one"—so no Pawn, Steward, Nobles, Minion, Torturer in the base set.
Intrigue introduces other cards with different vanilla effects depending on when/how they're played: Shanty Town, Conspirator, Baron, Ironworks, Mining Village, Tribute.
Intrigue introduces mixed Victory cards: Great Hall, Harem, Nobles.
Intrigue has a bunch of minorly rule-changing cards that go beyond the simplicity of the base set: Masquerade, Wishing Well, Bridge, Coppersmith.

So Courtyard, Secret Chamber, Swindler, Scout, Duke, Saboteur, Trading Post, Upgrade—that's eight cards from Intrigue that, in my opinion, would feel more or less at home in the base set. Well, I guess that's not that few; it's almost a third of the expansion, anyway.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 07:14:29 pm by AJD »


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2013, 07:23:52 pm »

I don't think Coppersmith or Wishing Well really go beyond the base set. In fact DXV once said that if he had a Dominion time machine he'd have probably put those two into the base set in place of Chancellor and Feast.
...spin-offs are still better for all of the previously cited reasons.
But not strictly better, because the spinoff can have a different cost than the expansion.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2013, 07:38:44 pm »

I don't think Coppersmith or Wishing Well really go beyond the base set. In fact DXV once said that if he had a Dominion time machine he'd have probably put those two into the base set in place of Chancellor and Feast.

Yeah, I know he did. I respectfully disagree, especially with Coppersmith; I really think that's a little too off-the-wall to fit in the base set. I think the first expansion is the best place for both of them, broadening the range of the kinds of things Dominion cards can do.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2013, 07:48:29 pm »

I have some crazy ideas for this one too, but not particularly well developed.  :-\


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2013, 08:05:48 pm »

Alright, I've been ready to go on my Intrigue card for a while. VENGEANCE FOR RENOVATE
I have been forced to accept that lackluster play is a town tell for you.

Just a Rube

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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2013, 11:51:28 pm »

So Courtyard, Secret Chamber, Swindler, Scout, Duke, Saboteur, Trading Post, Upgrade—that's eight cards from Intrigue that, in my opinion, would feel more or less at home in the base set. Well, I guess that's not that few; it's almost a third of the expansion, anyway.
You really need to compare that with other expansions.

Taking Seaside as an example, Donald identified 5 cards as being "off-theme":
Ambassador, Warehouse, Cutpurse, Salvager, Explorer, Bazaar

Ambassador seems way too wacky for the main set, but I suspect Navigator could fit in fairly well (it's pretty similar to Chancellor in many ways). So that's 5 cards

Prosperity is harder; it has so many treasures, super-expensive cards; VP tokens, etc.
The only Prosperity cards that I see as real possibilities (and several of them are dubious) would be:
Worker's Village, Mountebank, Rabble and maybe Counting House and Vault

I'm too lazy to go through the other sets (I suspect Hinterlands in particular would probably score high) but you get the idea.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2013, 02:35:44 am »

It took me a while, but I think I have something interesting. Now just to think of a name...


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2013, 06:58:23 am »

I have some crazy ideas for this one too, but not particularly well developed.  :-\

Just make sure to put the gained ideas on top of your deck!


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2013, 07:57:43 pm »

What not to submit here : a victory-action card that gives you choice depending on victory cards
What to submit here : a basic card. (all 3 hybrid victory cards from Intrigue -Great Hall, Harem, Nobles- are pretty simple, so you can try one of them)
Chocolate is like victory points in Dominion. Both taste good but they'll hurt you if you eat too much of it instead of something else in your early days.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2013, 12:05:14 am »

I have some crazy ideas for this one too, but not particularly well developed.  :-\

Just make sure to put the gained ideas on top of your deck!

If you go this route, you need to gain two ideas, one costing exactly one more, and one costing exactly one less than your original idea.  This technique works best when there is a synergy between ideas that have a cost difference of two, or when ideas cost $7.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2013, 12:13:45 am »

I have some crazy ideas for this one too, but not particularly well developed.  :-\

Just make sure to put the gained ideas on top of your deck!

If you go this route, you need to gain two ideas, one costing exactly one more, and one costing exactly one less than your original idea.  This technique works best when there is a synergy between ideas that have a cost difference of two, or when ideas cost $7.

This joke was bad enough when it was just Mint and Mine, so can we please stop expanding this joke to include more cards? It's not making things any better.
...spin-offs are still better for all of the previously cited reasons.
But not strictly better, because the spinoff can have a different cost than the expansion.

Just a Rube

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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2013, 12:41:30 am »

I have some crazy ideas for this one too, but not particularly well developed.  :-\

Just make sure to put the gained ideas on top of your deck!

If you go this route, you need to gain two ideas, one costing exactly one more, and one costing exactly one less than your original idea.  This technique works best when there is a synergy between ideas that have a cost difference of two, or when ideas cost $7.

This joke was bad enough when it was just Mint and Mine, so can we please stop expanding this joke to include more cards? It's not making things any better.
I believe it's making the jokes up to $3 better.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2013, 09:33:11 pm »

I have some crazy ideas for this one too, but not particularly well developed.  :-\

Just make sure to put the gained ideas on top of your deck!

If you go this route, you need to gain two ideas, one costing exactly one more, and one costing exactly one less than your original idea.  This technique works best when there is a synergy between ideas that have a cost difference of two, or when ideas cost $7.

This joke was bad enough when it was just Mint and Mine, so can we please stop expanding this joke to include more cards? It's not making things any better.
I believe it's making the jokes up to $3 better.

I like how you expanded the joke beyond simple Mine/Mint.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2013, 01:26:23 am »

I have some crazy ideas for this one too, but not particularly well developed.  :-\

Just make sure to put the gained ideas on top of your deck!

If you go this route, you need to gain two ideas, one costing exactly one more, and one costing exactly one less than your original idea.  This technique works best when there is a synergy between ideas that have a cost difference of two, or when ideas cost $7.

This joke was bad enough when it was just Mint and Mine, so can we please stop expanding this joke to include more cards? It's not making things any better.
I believe it's making the jokes up to $3 better.

I like how you expanded the joke beyond simple Mine/Mint.

Sadly someone explaining the joke got more respect than me. You see, the joke was shoehorning in the word Expand. This is amusing because like the Mine/Mint joke, and the above referenced "Develop" joke, Expand is a Dominion card. In addition there were already three cards this joke was hinging on, invoking a reference to the threeness on Expand. However that was very subtle, so Just a Rube making an explicit mention of price made the joke clearer. However he did not fully explain all of the humour which we decided in that other thread makes jokes funnier, and further we also decided that long winded joke explanations were themselves a joke, making this joke both funny for explaining a previous joke, and funny for being meta.
...spin-offs are still better for all of the previously cited reasons.
But not strictly better, because the spinoff can have a different cost than the expansion.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2013, 10:56:51 am »

-Eel cultist-
Action attack, cost $5
+2 respect
Each other player reads a ruined joke.
They may play a Eel cultist from their mind.
Chocolate is like victory points in Dominion. Both taste good but they'll hurt you if you eat too much of it instead of something else in your early days.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2013, 06:45:50 pm »

So far we have 29 entries! Remember that the deadline is Friday this week, so there is still time to submit your card.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2013, 01:53:11 am »

I have some crazy ideas for this one too, but not particularly well developed.  :-\

Just make sure to put the gained ideas on top of your deck!

If you go this route, you need to gain two ideas, one costing exactly one more, and one costing exactly one less than your original idea.  This technique works best when there is a synergy between ideas that have a cost difference of two, or when ideas cost $7.

This joke was bad enough when it was just Mint and Mine, so can we please stop expanding this joke to include more cards? It's not making things any better.
I believe it's making the jokes up to $3 better.
I think you've done this joke Well. Now you get another joke, +1 time to speek and you may wish for another joke.
Nobody's perfect, but I'm only a nobody o.O

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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2013, 01:36:18 pm »

Anyone up for someone bouncing a card idea off them? I know the basic mechanic I want to use, I just have two ways of implementing it and am torn between which is better.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2013, 01:54:19 pm »

Anyone up for someone bouncing a card idea off them? I know the basic mechanic I want to use, I just have two ways of implementing it and am torn between which is better.

Lay it on me.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2013, 12:39:07 am »

Anyone up for someone bouncing a card idea off them? I know the basic mechanic I want to use, I just have two ways of implementing it and am torn between which is better.

I'd like to see


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2013, 08:04:14 am »

Aaargh deadline is 8 AM instead of 10 AM, and I posted my card 2 minutes late ! Hope it'll be validated !
Chocolate is like victory points in Dominion. Both taste good but they'll hurt you if you eat too much of it instead of something else in your early days.


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Re: Treasure Chest Design Contest — Card #5: Intrigue
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2013, 08:35:50 am »

Aaargh deadline is 8 AM instead of 10 AM, and I posted my card 2 minutes late ! Hope it'll be validated !

It's 8AM CDT, so you should be good to go anyway!
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